Lord, Strengthen Me to Stand, Endure, and Overcome Every Battle in Every Season | Morning Prayer

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Grace Oasis
"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagl...
Video Transcript:
before we begin our prayer let me share a brief message with you after which we will pray together there isn't a single day that goes by when you don't need the strength of God in your life life brings challenges trials and moments where you feel weak but God's strength is always available to you no matter what season you are in whether facing uncertainty battling weariness or standing against opposition his power is sufficient and there are three important reasons why you should seek his strength every single day the first reason is to stand firm when the
enemy tries to shake you there will be moments when life feels unsteady when the ground beneath you seems to shift and when circumstances threaten to push you down the enemy's attacks are often subtle creeping in as doubt discouragement or fear other times they come like a storm sudden and Relentless aiming to overwhelm you but God calls you to stand not in your own strength but in his to stand means to refuse to be moved by fear to refuse to be intimidated by the lies of the enemy and to hold your ground in faith Ephesians 6:13
says therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand when you stand in faith you are making a declaration no matter how Fierce the battle no matter how heavy the burden you trust that God is with you his word promises in Isaiah 59:1 19 that when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him that means God himself Rises up to defend you surrounding you with his power so that the
attacks of the enemy cannot prevail secondly you need God's strength to endure when the enemy's attacks don't pass quickly some battles last longer than expected some Seasons stretch beyond what you thought you could bear you may be facing a long-term illness waiting for a breakthrough in your finances or walking through deep emotional pain endurance is more than just surviving it's the ability to keep pressing forward even when the road is hard it's choosing to trust God's promises when nothing seems to be changing it's believing that even when you don't see the way he is making
one James 1:12 reminds you blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him God doesn't ask you to endure on your own he strengthens those who trust in him he gives Grace for every struggle hope for every hardship and peace for every storm even when you feel like you have nothing left to give he fills you with his sustaining power Isaiah 41:10 assures youo not fear for I am with you do not be dismayed
for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand you are never alone in your struggles and when you hold on to him you will not be shaken and finally you need strength from the Lord to overcome and walk in Victory God does not just want you to endure he wants you to Triumph he calls you to be more than a conqueror through Christ Romans 8:37 that means he has already made a way for you to rise above every challenge walking in Victory doesn't mean
you'll never face struggles but it does mean that no no battle will ever defeat you when you trust in him it means that every hardship you go through can become a testimony of his faithfulness it means that even when the enemy tries to steal kill and destroy Jesus has already declared that he has come to give you life Abundant Life John 10:10 his strength empowers you to fight not with your own might but with the authority of his word you don't have to bow to fear you don't have to give into despair you don't have
to let the weight of Life Crush you instead you can rise knowing that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is alive in you so When Trials come when fear tries to creep in don't retreat stand firm in God's promises put on the full armor of God declare his word with boldness speak the truth over your life remind yourself of 1 John 4:4 which says greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world and hold on to Romans 8:31 which declares if God is for us who can be
against us you are not fighting for victory you are fighting from Victory because Jesus has already overcome you don't have to rely on your own strength if you try to push through life's Battles by yourself you might last for a little while but eventually human strength Fades but when you lean on Jesus when you draw from his power that's where true strength is found Isaiah 40: 29-31 reminds you that God gives strength to the weary and those who put their hope in him will renew their strength they will soore like eagles run and not grow
weary walk and not faint Exodus 15 verse two declares the Lord is my strength and my defense he has become my salvation that means he is not only your source of power but also the one who goes before you the one who fights on your behalf and the one who guarantees your Victory no matter what today holds no matter what tomorrow brings you can stand firm endure with faith and walk in Victory because the strength of the Lord is with you and his power will never fail now let's take a moment to pray together dear
Lord Jesus I lift my hands to you in surrender knowing that apart from you I can do nothing you are the rock on which I stand the anchor that holds me Steady when the storms of life rage around me when my strength fails when my heart is weary when my mind is burdened with fear and uncertainty I Look to You The Almighty one my Everlasting help you are my stronghold my Fortress and my deliverer and I put my trust in you Lord Jesus help me to lean on you for strength help me to fix my
eyes on you alone as the source of my power my endurance and my hope I know that human strength fades that my own abilities fall short but you oh Lord never grow weary you never fail you are the same yesterday today and forever so I choose today to rely on you completely I place my confidence in you for you are my everpresent help in times of trouble you hold the whole universe together with the power of your word and I I know that you will hold me together too I will not be shaken for you
Lord Are My Strength father when my situation looks dim and Bleak when the mountain ahead of me looks too great to climb when I feel surrounded on all sides by struggles and trials I take comfort in your word your word gives life your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path and your word reminds me in Joshua 1:9 have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be afraid do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go this promise strengthens my heart
it lifts my spirit it reminds me that no matter how dark the night no matter how Fe Fierce the battle you are with me I will be strong and courageous not because of my own ability but because you Lord Jesus Are My Strength you go before me you stand beside me and you cover me with your Mighty hand you will give me the strength to stand to endure and to overcome the enemy may come against me but he cannot Prevail because you oh Lord are my Defender no weapon formed against me shall prosper because your
power is greater than any force that comes against me the battle is not mine but yours Lord and I know that Victory is already assured in you you are my protector you are my shield and because of you I will not fear so today I speak and declare the strength and might of Jesus Christ to begin operating in my life I reject fear I reject doubt and I reject every lie of the enemy that tells me I am too weak to stand I say with boldness that the power of the holy spirit is alive and
active within me I declare that I am strengthened by the Lord that I will rise up and walk in the authority given to me by Jesus Christ Nehemiah 8:10 says the joy of the Lord is my strength so I will rejoice even in the midst of challenges I will praise even in the middle of the storm I will stand firm not because I have all the answers but because I have eternal hope in Jesus Christ no matter how things appear regardless of whether I can see the outcome I have the assurance that my savior is
with me he is my Foundation my rock and my Deliverance Lord grant me Divine strength in every season of my life when I encounter difficulties give me the strength to overcome when I feel the weight of Temptation when my flesh is weak when my heart is troubled strengthen me to endure when exhaustion tries to settle in when my spirit feels depleted lift me up with Renewed Energy and divine perseverance fill me with your presence Lord fill me with the strength to press forward the strength to hold on the strength to keep moving in faith knowing
that you are my guide and my sustainer I I come before you almighty God because I know that you alone hold all power in heaven and on Earth nothing is too difficult for you nothing is beyond your reach no battle is too great no obstacle too high no enemy too strong because you are the Victorious One you are my shield my refuge and my deliverer and I take shelter in your presence I pray that your light would shine through my life Lord let it be a light that cannot be overcome by the darkness of this
world let it be a light that dispels fear a light that carries hope a light that reveals the power of the Living God I am so thankful that you are on my side that you fight my battles that you never leave me nor forsake me thank you Lord for your unfailing love thank you for the assurance that nothing can separate me from you no trial no Struggle No attack of the enemy can remove me from the depths of your love I am secure in you I am safe in you and I am so grateful Lord
for the care you have for me I pray that you would strengthen me in my time of need Lord strengthen me when I feel weak strengthen me when I am afraid strengthen me when I don't know what to do be my help in my day of trouble be my shelter in the storm be my strength when my heart is overwhelmed I give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise in the mighty powerful and Victorious name of Jesus Christ I pray amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen as
a sign of faith I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and if you need a special prayer feel free to let us know in the comments we would be honored to pray for you May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always
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