Google is dying a slow painful death for the last 20 years the company has dominated the search engine role but now this golden age is coming to end and the way to do SEO is going to take dramatically as a result so today I'm going to break down exactly how and why Google is dying what it's decline means for the future of SEO and how you can adapt your SEO strategies to not get left behind but for you to understand all of this we need to First uncover how Google Rose to its traditional prowess as
a search it before the year 2000 search engines like altav Vista Ash CH looksmart and Yahoo rued the web back then if you had a question you'd go to Ash CHS or if you wanted something speciic you may check out looksmart or alav Vista these search engines were good at different things and none of them were perfect at search so you had to use multiple platforms and even when you use them you got mediocre responses so even if luar and alav Vista were similar you would have to use both of them for the same search
query to really get the result the answer that you are looking for but the real value for these search engines where they would end up helping you find the answers to any of your questions or find what you were looking for in a world where all the information was distorted in different places in 1998 two college students in Meno Park California created something that would revolutionize the internet Google was founded with one simple Mission organize the world's information and all in one place and when you organize the world's information all in one place you can
serve up results better based on what people are looking for because you've crawled the whole web and Google was better than all the other searches not only with results but they were more popular than Alternatives like Yahoo because of their ease of look instead of having tons of banner ads everywhere and useless information that you didn't want it was just a simple search it was a white page with a search box and a logo you type in a query you click search you then get 10 results with the top result usually being the best result
that would provide you with the most accurate answer to your search query with the user experience that no other searching could even come close to touching the name Google gole over time became synonymous with search Google's growth in market share kept increasing in popularity and scale as time went on from 2000 to the modern day and Google's popularity has grown so much it's considered a monopoly by the United States government especially because they own Google YouTube Chrome think about that Android software running on that phone that you may be using they're pretty much everywhere and
they're the default search engine for most platforms fast forward to today with over 45 billion internet searches happening every single day only about 8 billion of those are with Google and although that may seem like a lot it means that Google only claims 18% market share on the world of search and SEO a far cry from its former glory if you look at Instagram 6.5 billion searches a day you look at chat GPT a billion searches a day even Pinterest has over 2 billion searches a day Amazon 3.5 billion searches a day and the people
searching on Amazon are looking to buy something right now Google has compet ition from everywhere these days when someone's looking for a handbag a lot of times they turn to Instagram and Tik Tok and search for handbag instead of going to Google so how did this happen well there are three main reasons reason one is shifts in user behavior when it comes to using search engines people these days have a lot of different ways they search for example some people want conversational based searches like you would get with Chad GPT some people want short concise
responses like you can get from Google some people even want to type in one word and see inspiration out there to give them ideas on what they may be interested in and now people are using voice search heck the younger generation uses voice search before they use text based searching see when we all grew up we search based on typing young kids these days learn to search through devices like Alexa before they even learn how to type and then there became Alternatives that copied Google like beam easy to use search engine with a similar look
without tons of clutter reason two is Google's failure to innovate quickly and better than their competitors you search on Instagram you quickly see a collage of images that describes what you want or even videos you ask chat GPT a question it just gives you an answer instead of having to go through 10 results to find your answer you go on Amazon you quickly can see all the products related to your search the reviews their ratings and which product is most likely best for you based on your past purchasing history Google has continually tried to adapt
they've copied chat GPT but the results haven't been as good they' copied Amazon and their look when it comes to searching for a product but again people still go to Amazon cuz it's just a better experience overall and the third reason is Google's heavy Reliance on ads the way Google makes money is by displaying ads every time you search you see ads at the top and sometimes in between but you pretty much see ads heck even if you look at their shopping section you search for a product they show you all the ones that are
paying at the top and Google's Reliance on ads creates a worse user experience and this shifts preferences to Solutions like chat gbt if you have a question you just want to type it in get your answer not see tons of results and not see any ads now my prediction is Google is dying but it's slowly dying it's not just going to disappear tomorrow and with the decline of a searching giant like Google SEO is dramatically changing with it as well now even though Google is dying it's dying really in market share it's still extremely popular
more and more people are using Google each year it's just that there's more and more competition for example people claim that Facebook is dying but yet Facebook still generates tens of billions of dollars in year in revenue for meta it's just that people use multiple social networks Tik Tok did not kill Instagram Instagram did not kill Facebook and SEO isn't dying it's just changing where you shouldn't just optimize for Google you now need to optimize for Google Chat GPT Instagram Amazon Tik Tok and the list goes on and on if someone is searching for product
like a handbag they should be able to find you on Google they should be able to find you on Instagram they should be able to get recommended your company your handbag should be able to get recommended when people ask chat GPT a question about handbags you should be everywhere that's the new form of SEO the way you adapt your strategy is through things like building a brand the more you build a brand the more likely are to get mention on all these platforms the second thing you need to do is look for engagement if a
user comes to your website or sees your content and they engage that shows these platforms that you have better content better sites than your competition and they should show you first in addition to that you want to get mentioned all over the web think of brand mentions as like votes the more people mentioning your company name or your product name the more more it tells these platforms that hey people actually like this product or service or business and it should be recommended more than others the same goes with reviews and ratings the more reviews and
ratings you have the more likely you are to get recommended especially if those reviews and ratings are 4 and 1 half out of five stars if not higher search engine optimization in essence is now search everywhere optimization the best part about all these changes is it gives you more opportunity to get customers from multiple platforms and grow faster you now know longer have to be relying on one platform like Google and if you found this video useful check out my other video on how to get rich with AI in 2025