this is the story of how cholera changed my village tiny germs of cholera too small to see spread through the river so small yet so dangerous without realizing women carried cholera home in the water flies carried cholera on their feet unwashed hands spread it too we swallowed cholera germs in our water on our food and on our fingers it happened so fast by morning my father was very sick he had diarrhea that looked like rainwater and poured out of him I was so scared I went for help I never rode so fast one look at
my father and the nurse knew it was cholera we had to work fast to save him we made a special drink to help him first we made the water safe we filtered it through cloth and boiled it for one minute then we mixed half a teaspoon of salt and six teaspoons of sugar in one litre of this safe water he tasted like tears not too salty I worried my father would die before my eyes but he soon felt a little stronger the nurse explained to me that not everyone who swallows cholera germs get sick like
my father but they can still spread the disease now I needed to take safe water to my village and teach them how to protect themselves from cholera I saw a girl carrying water I told her she could make the water safe by adding chlorine drops and waiting half an hour there was a man about to eat with unclean hands I told him to always wash his hands with soap and safe water after going to the toilet only with clean hands could eat safely I saw villagers spreading cholera into a river I told them we needed
to dig latrines far from the river at least 30 meters away this was important to keep our village clean I found the mother preparing unsafe food I told her first we must wash our hands with safe water then we had to wash and peel the food cook it and always eat it hot and protect it from flies I spread the word throughout my village and ran to find my father I was so happy to see he was better our village became healthy now we filter and boil our water to make sure it is safe we
always use that Trine's and always wash our hands after food is safe from flies washed and peeled and cooked and we always wash our hands before cooking and eating we made our village safe from cholera spread the word your village can be safe too