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foreign group so let's go live here on YouTube as well let's go live here on IG and let's go live here on Tick Tock three two one all right what do we got here all right Facebook YouTube LinkedIn IG Tick Tock all right I believe we are live we're back in the office Scottsdale Arizona been gone for like three weeks I know you guys have missed us we're back live today with a very important training for you if you want to learn how to sell more of your products and your services right now we're going
live on different platforms so I'm going live here on this phone this is our IG phone love you guys on IG we're going live here on this phone this is our Tick Tock phone for all of our followers on Tick Tock and then we're going live on stream yard on my desktop so we're going live in our Facebook group got about 38 000 of you in there going live in the Facebook business page about a hundred thousand of you in there YouTube LinkedIn and my personal Facebook so you're going to kind of see me going
back and forth it's not because I'm ignoring you on IG or Tick Tock but I've got like 100 some other people here on my desktop and our Facebook group that's on the slide now today we're gonna go over write this down four top connecting questions to use for both inbound leads and outbound leads that actually will trigger your prospects to disarm and let their guard down and become open to even asking them questions because how many times you guys get on calls inbound or outbound leads and all of a sudden the prospect says well hey
just tell me how much this is going to cost me or I don't have much time can you just email me more information or I don't think we're interested in that now that I feel that I've thought about it and you just don't know what to do you don't know how you're triggering them to actually say that so I've got the Whiteboard today we're going to break this down and I'm actually wrote out the questions for you so you can write it out and I'm going to show you how to apply it to what you
sell now if you're brand new to our Facebook group or you're just started following me on YouTube our YouTube channel or maybe you just started following me here on Instagram we got a couple hundred thousand followers on here or maybe just started here on Tick Tock my name is Jeremy Miner I'm not that cool I do have cool hair though sometimes people tell me I'm just joking my name is Jeremy line I'm the chairman and founder of seventh level now we're a training organization a sales training organization the trained sales people exactly like you watching
me right now so we train sales professionals like you we train Executives like you we train sales leaders and management like you business owners entrepreneurs coaches regular sales people and we teach you and your teams how to transform the way you sell by learning specific skilled questions and techniques that actually work with human behavior rather than work against it now that might be important for you to actually learn now that's called neuro-emotional persuasion questions now we're going to teach you that stands for nbq now we have to teach you the right tone how are you
asking the questions are you asking a skeptical tone or a curious tone or a more empathetic tone different parts of that conversation requires different tones that helps your prospect at ease it takes out the sales pressure and it triggers the Prospect to go below the surface where they actually open up to you because you know the sail is below the surface not above the surface right now if you want to start making your first 10 grand a month in commissions with you with what you sell like this is a little bit um so I had
to mirror it so that okay it's just a little bit crooked then so if you're wanting to make your first 10 grand a month in Commissions in your industry or if you're wanting to start making 15 or 20 or your first 30 grand every single month with what you sell now or let's say you're already at 20. how do you go to 25 or 30 or 40 Grand a month in Commissions in your industry or more if you want to acquire those skills like thousands of our clients are doing day in and day out many
of them are in the same exact industry as you are if you want to learn those skills acquire them message me directly right now before I get into this training so if you're on IG or Tick Tock message me directly right now if you're in the Facebook group or LinkedIn or Facebook business page message me directly right now if you're on YouTube just post #in epq because you can't message me directly on YouTube yet now if you can't figure out how to message me directly just post hashtag nepq and somebody in my team or myself
will message you back directly all right now if you're on the live right now because I know all of you guys are on the live right now I want you to go to your phone and I want you to post hashtag live so if you're on the live right now go post hashtag live and if you're on the replay go post hashtag replay so if you're on IG Tick Tock LinkedIn YouTube wherever you're at Facebook group go post hashtag live if you're on the replay post hashtag replay I'm not going to give you this training
unless I see hundreds of hashtag lives and hundreds of hashtag replays I'm just now I'm just gonna go golf it's really nice weather it's like 80 degrees today good Lord now also go to your phone I want you to smash the heart button and I want you to smash the like button so go smash the heart button go smash the like button I better see hundreds of smashed hearts and hundreds of smash likes if you want me to give you the goods today on this subject that we're talking about all right enough about me I
know none of you care about me just selfishly only care about you when selling more I know you guys are so selfish all right so I'm going to give you four connecting questions you can use these for outbound leads now in our book and outbound lead is somebody who's responded to some type of AD they put in their name their email phone number they know somebody's calling them back they just don't know who or when that's an outbound lead I'm going to show you to use these connecting questions for outbound leads if you sell outbound
and I'm going to show you how to tweak it if you get inbound leads people that book on your calendar okay now here's one thing that we each have to understand and I'm going to put should I put this right here for them I think they can probably see it here or should I flip it for them should I flip it for them is that better for them okay can I see the board there good yes just make sure it's even because it's kind of crooked on the last language that seems kind of crooked but
okay now here's one thing that we all have to realize IG Tick Tock everybody here in the Facebook group and YouTube typically within the first 7 to 12 seconds and let me go through this first so connecting questions right here are meant to take the focus off you and actually put it on your prospect so write that down connecting questions take the focus off you and put it on the prospect all right now here's what we want to practice typically within that first 7 to 12 seconds of any sales conversation you're in or any action
interaction you're on whether you sell B to B and you're in an office or boardroom or if you sell b2c and you're on the telephone or maybe you're in a home or maybe you're on a doorstep it does not matter any type of sales interaction in the first 7 to 12 seconds your prospects just so you're aware are subconsciously picking up on social cues from you now we can't help it as a human being it's just the way our DNA it's the way our brain is wired we're picking it you're picking up on social cues
your prospects are picking up social cues from you based on your tonality and what you are saying and or asking that triggers their brain to react in one of two ways I'm just making sure this is straight because it seems really really crooked on my end is that is that straight yeah is that better all right I want to make sure the IG folks or is it a wide angle okay now if you come across aggressive in your conversations if you come across needy you know what I mean by needy you need that sale and
you come across attached it triggers and you don't understand the right questions to ask you don't understand the right Tone It triggers your prospects brains to go into what's called fight or flight mode to type in me if you've ever heard of flight or flight mode type in me in the comments like yeah I've heard of fight or flight mode now do you know what actually triggers fight or flight mode most sales people don't and that is a massive problem because we don't know what's triggering them to go into fight or flight mode how do
we stop people from going into fight or flight mode okay and that's when you get your prospects to say oh I'm not interested or oh we already have somebody for that or we don't need it or we already have that or how much money is that going to cost or just get to the point I don't have much time like how much is it going to cost me or can you just email me some information can you just send me a quote and I'll call you back and I'll call you back if I'm interested do
you did any of you ever get any of that from your outbound or inbound leads I know you do we train tens of thousands of you guys in your industry I know that's what you get all the time now once you learn nepq neuro emotional persuasion questions that we teach you in our virtual training platforms for all of our clients for your industry okay once you learn how to come across more neutral more unbiased you're not quite sure if you can even help yet you don't even know anything about their situation how could you know
how you could help them once you learn how to come across more calm more Collective and especially detached that's the key word and you understand the right questions to ask yet with the right tone which we teach you all that in our virtual training all right it triggers the prospect to become curious enough or they actually want to engage okay they actually feel comfortable and opening up to your questions because they feel like there's a very important reason why you're asking they don't feel like they're just sales questions all right so we have to learn
as sales professionals okay how to come across more detached from the expectations of making the sale and instead focus on whether or not there's a sale to be made in the first place all right because the moment the prospect feels like you're just there to sell them is the moment they do what they emotionally shut down as you know and even the very best questions you're asking they never go below the surface with you and then at the end what do they say I want to think it over I need more time I need to
do more research I need to get more quotes I need to talk with my spouse I need to talk my partners more I don't make rash decisions you're triggering those objections to happen Okay so let's figure out a way to disarm the prospect all right so let's call that disarming the prospect how do we get the prospect to let their guard down we call that the abds of selling write that down you want to practice the a b D's of selling always be disarming stop following the ABCs of closing you're triggering the prospect to throw
out objections because of the way you're coming across with your tone all right now do I mean when you get on sales calls that your goal is not to make a sale well hell no when I was in my 17-year sales career I made a bit under 33 million in straight Commissions in four different Industries in 17 years do you think I was out to get the sale possibly I didn't say at the end like well get back to me if you're interested right so we have to keep that to ourselves though okay because the
moment your prospect feels like they're being sold to as you know that's when they emotionally shut down so let's look at the four connecting questions now one thing I want you to focus on when I go through these questions it's important when you ask questions that you have what's called a verbal cue before you go into the next question here's what I don't want you to do okay and this is all taught like I said our virtual training courses for our clients I'm just giving you a little nibble today most sales people ask a good
question they'll let the prospect answer and then they set back and they say okay cool uh gotcha that's awesome awesome uh I'm curious John uh I want to ask you and it sounds scripted and the prospect emotionally shuts down so when you're asking a question in the prospects answering verbal cues means this while they're while they're talking you're saying uh-huh ah okay right but walk me back when you said see how I just used a verbal cue and then that bridged into the next question I was going to ask ah okay but help me understand
when you said see how I'm using a verbal cue then question that makes the questioning sound natural where it sounds conversational not scripted like you're an FBI agent trying to interrogate that is everybody does that make sense to everybody all right now let's go to these four connecting questions let me move these up here for you Blake well done on the handwriting I really like the handwriting way better handwriting than me Blake or videographer always writes us out because I I write like a sloppy doctor I write like a heart surgeon just scribble you know
you can't even read it it's somehow worse than mine it's way worse than blacks all right now so let's look at four connecting questions now the first I'm going to show you how to use four connecting questions okay when you're calling outbound leads and then I'm going to show you an example now I'm going to show you two different industry specific examples okay because it's not going to make sense if I don't show you at least how they work in different Industries now here's the problem we train 158 different Industries how many Industries are there
on planet Earth according to Forbes Magazine there's only 158 did you know that I thought there was like 10 000. there's only 158 core Industries and there's subsets of each of those Industries now according to them Seven Levels training in all of those at this point okay so we train in all those our virtual training teaches you how to apply all these questions then because I'm giving you just like like a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of one percent
right here but we teach you how to do all that in our virtual training courses that our clients go through I'm giving you give you a little nibble here okay so I'm going to give you two different industry specific examples one in B2B and then one in B to C one for outbound and one for inbound you're gonna have to take what I show you today because I can't stay on here for the next 36 hours and show you every industry because there's tweaks depending on your industry um you're gonna have to take what I
show you today and learn that structure to wrap it into what you do okay so let's say that somebody responded to an ad requested information let's say they saw Facebook ad I'm just going to throw something random out they've let the their name email and phone number they know that somebody's going to call them they just don't know the name of the person and when they're calling it doesn't say that okay like I said I'm going to give you a few different industry specific examples now in this first example I'm going to do this let's
say that you sell B2B and you sell to SMB you smell to you sell to like small medium-sized companies and you sell lead generation services so the problem you solve in this example is let's say that these smaller companies have a hard time generating leads and they have a hard time generating a higher quality lead which is causing their sales people to stagnate they're not as making much sales and it's caused them to lose some of their sales people so they're looking for maybe a higher quality lead now they've responded to several ads it's not
like you're the only person that sells lead generation so we have to trigger engagement we have to trigger them to open up so I'm going to show you how to do this with the right tonality make sure you pay attention to what I'm about to do okay foreign okay so let's take a look at this now I'm going to say it and then I'm going to go through here and I'm going to underline some important parts here I'm going to break it down while you're asking each question and why hi is this Mary oh hey
Mary it's just John Smith from XYZ company looks like you had responded to one of our ads yesterday about getting like a I guess a higher quality lead uh type to your sales team so that you could grow and scale the business right okay let's analyze what I just did there this is your first connecting question okay so this is your first connecting question okay now I'm going to show you this so you just introduce them this is Jess usually I'm going to put the word just there yeah this is just now just implies what
that they should already know you oh yeah it's just uncle benny or it's just Aunt Louisa or whatever the word just in the English language applies that they should already know who you are and they should because they requested you to call them back it's an outbound lead hi hi Mary this is uh just John's uh Smith XYZ company it looks like you had responded to one of Brad's yesterday about getting like a I guess a higher quality lead type to your sales team so that you could really grow and scale the business right now
why do I ask this because it reminds them of why they responded to the ad see we're not like if you sell in this industry or any industry you're not selling the thing you're sending the results of what that thing does so if you sell lead generation you're not selling them leads you're selling them what you're selling them a higher quality lead so they can grow and scale the business to make more money that's what you're selling the leads are just getting them there does that make sense while we're doing that okay now let's keep
going now the second connecting question oh yeah yeah the the prospect says yeah yeah I remember that because you reminded them why they responded okay you tie in why they responded to the end result so they could grow and scale their business if that's what you're selling now if you're selling something different like life insurance uh so you were looking at possible financial protection for the family for when you do pass away see how I'm applying whatever they they're looking for right now then the second connecting question is going to be like this and I'll
break it down on the board behind me now hey I was just um now notice here I'm gonna I want to apply something here this is very important I miss this for you you really have to slow this down if I go like this hi is this Mary uh hey Mary it's just Jeremy with XYZ company looks like you had responded to one of our ads yesterday about getting a higher quality lead to your sales teams so that you could grow the business more right so you sound like a scripted robot okay it triggers sales
resistance but if I slow down it triggers engagement okay it triggers curiosity it's just human behavior 101 you have to learn these things if you want to sell two three four times more than what you're doing these little tweaks all right hi is Mary there uh yeah hey uh Mary it's just uh John Smith with XYZ company looks like you had um responded to one of our ads on Facebook um yesterday morning about about looking at possibly getting like a higher quality lead to like your sales team so you could um like grow and scale
the business right see I'm low-key I'm relaxed I'm Collective I'm detached okay it triggers engagement all right then the second connecting question I'm gonna do yeah oh yeah they say yeah yeah I remember okay now hey I was just before I go through um you know some of the answer some of your questions when you went through the ad where you saw X and Y and Z I guess what what was it about the ad that I guess attracted your attention see I'm acting confused like it's a real question if I say okay I was
just curious when you went through the ad where you saw XYZ what was it about the ad that attracted your attention you sound like a freaking robot there triggers resistance but if I lower if I change my tonality it triggers engagement the same exact question now hey uh Mary I was just curious before I answer some of your questions you might have when you went through the ad where you saw X and Y and Z well I guess what was it about the ad that attracted your attention now why would I ask that because it
reminds them on why they responded to the ad in the first place now why would we want the prospect to remind themselves why they responded to the ad because that is the first part of persuading themselves that they want to change well the reason why I responded that because was because of X and was because of Y and because of Z whatever they say okay so they're telling themselves that is the first part of getting the prospect to sell and persuade themselves it starts from the very first few seconds okay now let's keep going we're
just getting started here I'm going to explain this a little bit deeper here on this next question this is a really important thing about to go over here with you okay we're gonna go here and then we're going to go here oh you guys are making me thirsty in here okay now well I you know I I like the part where you so you asked that question the second connecting question the prospect says well I like the part where you talked about a higher quality lead and we just kind of see wanted to see what
you guys offered that could be a typical response right now you don't want to brush it off the road and just ask some corny question oh yeah yeah I'll go through all the details on kind of what we do for our clients for sure so you just agree with it like if they say oh yeah yeah I just I like the part about you're talking about the higher quality leads and we just kind of wanted to see what you're offering we're just kind of looking around let's just say they say that oh you just agree
oh yeah yeah we'll go through all the the details on kind of the different options we have for our clients for sure I would say really the first call this first call is pretty basic it's really more for us to find out kind of like what you do right now to to generate leads like what type of quality you're getting and and really kind of the results you're getting from that type of lead lead that you're getting can compared to where you're wanting the results to be to see kind of what the Gap looks like
to see if we can actually help and then you know John towards the end of the call if if you feel that you know that it might be what you're looking for we can talk about possible next steps would that help you guys now let's break down what I just did there okay and I'm going to repeat this I'm going to do the tone again oh yeah yeah we can go through all those details for sure now if they don't say like oh I was hoping to get more price details you don't need to say
that first part okay you can just skip that and then you would just go right in here and say yeah and and really the first call I mean it's pretty basic now I'm going to circle this work why would I say this first call or the first now if you do a one call close you're going to see the first part of this call if you do a two call close or a three call close or maybe you're in B2B sales and it's more of like you know you're meeting you're selling large Enterprise accounts that
take three six months or more you would say this first call but if you're in a one call close you would save the first part of this call that's a little bit of a difference you want to do there all right so why would I say this first part of the call is pretty basic why would I do that why wouldn't I say oh this first call is really awesome okay I want to downplay it okay because the ultimate goal here is to get your prospect to what to lower their guard to get them to
relax because if we can't get them to relax and lower their guard they stay surface level with this and when we ask our very best questions they never go below the surface they give you one or two answers Word answers then at the end they say I want to think about it or I need to talk with my spouse my business partner you know my mom my financial advisor and they just make up all these excuses I want to keep looking around do more research more quotes okay so your main goal is to disarm them
you do that by downplaying that in the beginning because you have to downplay in the beginning because they have no trust with you you have no credibility in their mind they don't view you as like The Trusted Authority in the first 10 seconds right now later on in the call we can get a bit more assumptive but in the beginning we want to disarm them okay so let's go through that again this is called this is what's called that any PQ status frame okay this is called write this down it's in any PQ status frame
right a status frame allows the prospect to feel that at least in that beginning of the call that you are at least the same status as them if you start using like weird sales lingo and stuff like that okay and you're all excited and really enthusiastic I'm not saying being boring you're just be in the middle be like normal conversation but if you're over High fish and excited it triggers you to lower your status in their brain because they view you as just another pushy sales person trying to sell them something and that triggers fight
or flight mode and resistance you don't want to be in that camp okay now notice what I did how I started building the Gap here yeah the first part of this call it's it's pretty basic it's really more for us now notice what I was doing with my hands it's really more for us to kind of find so let me and I took some notes out I'll make sure I don't miss anything so notice how I started building a gap by my hands now if I'm on the phone I'm still going to do this if
even if they can't see me because when I move my arms and my hands and my body language I that affects how my tone comes out it affects my voice fluctuations okay but especially if they can see you if you're on Zoom or if you're in person or whatever you want to use your hands here to build a gap in their brain all right this is how you're doing that yeah the really the first part of this call it's pretty basic it's more for us to find out kind of you know how you generate leads
now and like the quality of the lead and volume and kind of what type of results your sales people are getting from that compared to where you're wanting it to be for us to kind of see what that Gap looks like to see if we can help notice how I just literally built a gap in their brain visually there's a reason why you have to do that if you miss that you lose sales that you could be making that our clients make every day who sell the exact same thing you are okay now notice how
I neutralize here at the end here notice how I did what instead of saying at the end because a lot of sales people will do a frame like now towards the end of the call if you feel like it's a good fit for you and we feel like you're a good fit for our company I'll show you the next steps stop saying if it's a good fit for your company your prospects quite literally do not believe you when you say uh we have to see if you're a good fit for the company they don't believe
you even if that's a thing that you have in your company most of your prospects know that you're full of BS or they believe that because they don't believe that they give you their credit card and say I want to pay they're going to be like no I'm sorry you don't qualify for our product or Services I got to turn you away Fran I can't take your credit card your prospects quite literally do not believe that so when you say that it actually causes them to trust you less you lower your status in their brain
okay because every salesperson does that you don't want to do that you still want to have like a Next Step so they know there's something coming towards the end so the way you say that now towards the end of the call John if you feel that you know that it might be what you're looking for we can talk about possible next steps would that help you now notice how I use the word might be and possible see how neutralizing those words when I say towards the end of the call if you feel like it you
know that it might be what you're looking for we can talk about possible next steps see you're never going to have somebody that comes back and says no it would not help me to talk about possible next steps because it's a neutral it's a neutral wording it doesn't trigger any sales resistance it's very important that you do this if you don't do this with the right tone you're triggering sales resistance with most of your prospects unless it's a lay down sale okay and I can assure you as the recession keeps getting worse and worse that
we're about to enter in your lay down sales are going to keep going down you're not going to have the number of lay down sales you're getting now I can assure you I went through the recession of 2008 2009 2010 lay downs were like one in a million you're not going to have them when economic contraction happens and your prospects are far more skeptical way more cautious because they don't have as much money they have more uncertainty in their financial future okay so you want to learn these skills for sure all right now let's look
at the fourth connecting questions so that's the third one okay and then I'll call I'll kind of role play with you on here so you can kind of see how it sounds the whole thing sounds because I know I'm kind of piecing it out here for you uh and towards the end of the coffee feel like that it might be what you're looking for we can talk about possible next steps would that help you yeah yeah that would help me now hey I guess what were you you know what were you hoping to get out
of the call with us today as well just so I have a I guess a better understanding okay and what were you hoping hoping see how I'm raising my status when I say what were you hoping I'm flipping the script there I'm not going to say and what were you possibly interested in today don't use the word interested it's very corny it lowers your status most salespeople use it so you sound like everybody else and and John what were you hoping to get out of the call with us today so I have a better understanding
hoping you have a higher status you're you're like Essen what are you hoping to get out of this okay because they're it's like you're giving the keys to the kingdom and like oh I'm hoping I can learn how to do this or whatever okay so let's go over that let's say the prospect says when you ask that question well we just kind of want to know what your price points are for the XYZ products because they could say that now you can't swipe that underneath the rug so you want to say something like this you
just want to agree with them oh yeah yeah we can go over all the different price points for sure now just so you're aware we don't have just like one product with like one price point it all depends on a few things that we need to understand from your side like the the lead type the lead quality the volume of the lead kind of where you're wanting it to be like kind of percentage of versions you're wanting to get to and once we understand all that I can go through all the different options we have
for our clients would that help you more if we did that everybody's like yeah that would happen now I just gave you an industry specific example if you sold leads it's going to be the same format for whatever you sell we train literally quite literally according to Inc every single industry on planet Earth at this point the only industry we do not train in is underwater basket weaving does anybody have any connections in underwater basket weaving it's the only industry we just can't crack so if you can get us into underwater basket weaving let us
know that's the only industry we don't train now okay let's take a look at what it would be for actually let me go back and role play I'm going to role play this whole thing for you okay so you can see it and then I'm going to go to the inbound leads because it's a little bit different let me show you this real quick everybody okay should I just end it right here you don't want to learn anymore anybody want me to keep training you on this okay let me go through the whole thing with
you okay you just have to look here on the back I want to I want you to hear the tonality and kind of how it rolls off my top hey is Mary there hey uh Mary's just um uh James uh Miller it looks like you had responded to one of our ads this morning on YouTube about looking at possible outside help to getting like a I guess a higher quality lead to your sales people so you can scale the business right yeah yeah that's that's right now hey I was curious before I go through any
questions that you might have um when you went through the ad where you saw like X and and Y and Z I guess what what was it about the ad that attracted your attention well I saw this and I saw that ah okay that makes sense and really I would say this first part of the call I mean it's it's pretty basic Mary it's it's really more for us to find out about kind of what you're doing right now to like generate leads like how you're bringing in New Leads and clients like what the quality
of the lead looks like and kind of what results you're getting from that compared to where what results you're wanting to have for like a higher quality lead so we can kind of see what the Gap looks like to see if we can actually help and then you know towards the end of the call if you want I can show you some different options and if you feel that you know that it might be what you're looking for we can talk about possible next steps would that help you yeah sure I guess that would help
me now what were you just so I have an understanding what were you hoping to get out of the call with us today as well well I'm hoping to understand a little bit more about your XYZ product okay so walk me through like how do you generate new leads and clients now and boom you're right into your first situation question see how that works if that's an industry specific example I can't give you 158 different industry examples right now but you're gonna have to take that format and uh plug in what you sell to that
format now if you're one of our clients we train you how to do all that in our virtual training courses and group coaching for our clients for your industry so if you want to learn that because I just gave you a little nibble message me directly right now in the Facebook group or on LinkedIn or on IG or Tick Tock and I'll DM you some options if you want that all right now let's talk about how do you actually use this for inbound needs okay because there's a few tweaks that you're going to do here
connecting questions are moved around a little bit all right now let's say in this example I'm going to give you another industry specific example okay so let's say in this example you sell b2c and let's say that you sell life insurance or final expense Insurance okay so you give Insurance to to people that when one of their spouses pass away the rest of their family their home the equities all financially protected and let's say that the book on your calendar and let's say that you have a first call Triage with them on the phone and
then you book them on for like a zoom appointment for a two-call close I'm just going to give you a different example we train thousands of people in life insurance as well okay now let me go over this and then I'm going to break it down what we do let's say that you're on Zoom with them because it's a little bit different than a phone call and they get on there hey hey can you it's always like hey can you hear me yeah I can hear you good now one thing you do not want to
do is starting like hey how are you doing today don't ask that question quite literally every single sales person that says ever tried to sell them anything ask them what question how are you doing today so you're immediately triggering sales resistance and most of your prospects because quite honestly they know that you're not generally interested in how their damn day is going let's be honest even if you are generally interested because everybody asks them that that tries to sell them anything they don't feel that you're interested so you're automatically going to trigger sales resistance with
most of your prospects okay now you don't just uh hop in there and give your pitch either that's that's as well you have to have a balance there hey can you hear me okay John okay good yeah I can hear you as well okay so it looks like I'm just looking at my notes Here uh looks like you had uh booked on the calendar uh about looking at possible like Financial Protection like different policies for like your home like your mortgage and your family when something does happen to you right they're gonna say yeah right
and then now let me show you the difference on the phone let's say if you're calling on the phone they booked on your calendar but you're calling on the phone you're not on Zoom hey is this John hey John it's uh Jane uh Taylor um calling you looks like you had booked on the calendar looks like you responded to an ad on Facebook yesterday about looking at like possible Financial Protection or like different uh policy options for like your mortgage uh payment and your family for when something does happen to you right see that's the
only difference there okay so phone calls here this would be like Zoom call okay so we're just reminding them this is the first connecting question it's very simple I already explained it in the first example all that connecting question does it just reminds them that they actually booked on your calendar okay that's it it's pretty basic now let's go to the second connecting question we don't need to spend that much time on that one everybody with me here okay good now in an inbound lead instead of asking them you know I'm just curious like what
was it about the ad that was you know attracted your attention or whatever like an outbound lead now we're going to set the frame here okay so all right let's see here first part of this call uh pretty basic that's right there okay now here's here's so if you're on Zoom it's a little bit different all right so so really the first part of the the conversation it's pretty basic it's it's really more for us to I would say find out you know what you might be eligible for and and kind of what you have
in place now like when something does happen to you compared to what you might be looking for as far as financial protection for the family um to kind of see what that Gap looks like to see how we could possibly help and then John towards the end of the call if you feel that it you know that it might be what you're looking for we can talk about uh possible next steps would that help you that's it see how basically that is now remember this is called a status frame okay now we train all these
different types of frames depending on your specific industry in our virtual training course because there's gonna be different frames you're going to use for different Industries B2B BDC there's a lot of differences that we teach in our virtual training for our clients you want access to acquire those skills message me directly right now okay that's all you do so we're basically it's the same thing the first part of this costs pretty basic we're down playing it okay to get them to relax to let them to let their guard down see what we're doing there it's
really more for us to find out kind of what you might be eligible for like what you have in place now like when see notice what I'm doing with my hands what you have in place now um for when something does happen to you not don't say if so in this type of Industry you don't say if it's just when all right for when something does happen to you compared to what you might be looking for as Financial Protection see I built that Gap just to kind of see what that Gap looks like to see
if we could actually help and then towards the end of the call if you'd like I can go through some different options that we might have for you and if you feel that it might be what you're looking for we can talk about possible next steps now notice what I did here okay at the end of the coffee you feel like this might be impossible remember we talked about that on the outbound lead as well when you set the frame you want to set the frame where they know there could be a next step if
they feel it's what they're looking for you don't say it in that words and towards the end of the call if you feel that it you know that it that it might be now notice my Cadence you don't want to say and towards the end of the call if you feel like it might be what you're looking for we can talk about possible Next Step because that means you sound like a robot you sound like a scripted robot and in John towards the end of the call if you know if you feel that that it
might be what you're looking for we can talk about possible next steps would that help you yeah that would help me very basic now let's move on to the third connecting question now this is when you're going to bring this up like the what was it about the the ad the the direct mail whatever they responded to that attracted to their attention now I I was curious like when you before I go through some of your questions you might have when you went through the ad that that you saw on Instagram what I guess what
was it about the ad that maybe attracted your attention see how I'm slowing the Cadence down okay now why do you ask this because it reminds them of why they even responded to the ad in the first place and when they start telling you why they responded it also gives you more of an overview of what might be going on with their situation plus it's them telling themselves persuading themselves why they respond it's the first part of getting that Prospect to persuade themselves now there's a lot more after that if you just did this and
go back in your same pitch you're going to get the same results you get this is just the first part of it all right now let's go to the fourth connecting question here oh and skip it here oh here it is thank you all right now then at the end of that well I was looking for X and Y and Z okay what were you I guess what were you hoping to get out of the the meeting with us today just so I have a better understanding notice I'm raising your status in the Prospect and
what were you hoping to get out of the call with us today just so I have a better understanding well you know I wanted to see what you guys if it would work for me like what the codes would be across oh and then you say oh yeah yeah we'll go through all the different options for sure I mean it all depends on like your age like your health conditions you have you know how much your mortgage payment that you owe kind of all the other expenses you know who your favorite football team is they'll
laugh at that and once we understand all those details you know I can go over all the different options uh to see if it would fit into what you're looking for would that would that help you more and they're always going to say yeah yeah that would good what do you got and then boom you go right into your first situation which now that was industry specific okay I wanted to give you some industry specific examples I gave you two so you're going to take your industry and you're going to use that same framework which
we teach you how to do all that in our virtual training courses all right hope that helped you guys today well done now what I gave you just now is quite literally a little nibble if you think about a hundred thousand piece puzzle what I just showed you there was about one piece of that hundred thousand puzzle 100 piece puzzle okay you want to start acquiring skills like our clients are who's selling the same industry as you are okay fight literature we have over ten thousand testimonials at that point more than any other sales training
company in the United States from what we've been told that's not us saying that that's other companies telling us that okay there's a reason why Inc magazine ranked us the fastest growing sales training company in 2021 and 2020 and we'll probably win that in 2022 as well there's a reason that is is because of our clients results who are in the same industry as you are in now so if you want to acquire those same skills because I gave you a little nib a little hors d'oeuvre message me directly right now okay if you want
to start making your first 10 grand a month in commissions with what you sell now I'm saying every single month not one month and then you're down the next month that doesn't matter you want to start making 15 or 20 grand a month every month in your industry let's say you want to start making 25 or 30 every single month in your industry or maybe 40 or 50 000 every single month month to month to month in your industry with what you sell now so I'm gonna put a cowboy hat on me on IG that's
funny I love you guys over there message me directly right now so if you're on Tick Tock and IG message me directly right now if you're in LinkedIn the Facebook group uh sales Revolution the Facebook business page message me directly right now okay if you're on YouTube post hashtag nepq okay now if you can't figure out how to message me directly right now because you're just an old guy like me then post hashtag in epq in the comments either myself or one of my surrogates on the team okay one of my stunt doubles will message
you back some different training options okay and you can always book on with our team members for additional questions because we have all these different training programs depending on what industry you're in that gets is going to get you a different result okay go to the right Instagram profile yeah make sure you go to the right well make sure they go well we'll have on these guys are already on my right IG profile but make sure uh if you haven't joined the Facebook group like if you're on Tick Tock or IG or in LinkedIn YouTube
and you haven't joined our Facebook group sales Revolution that's where you want to start for sure uh while you're looking at our training so go to I'm gonna have somebody in the team post uh go to salesrevolution.pro okay so if you're an IG Tick Tock LinkedIn or YouTube and you've not joined the Facebook group because I got about 37 000 some people in there the Facebook group because we go live in there about three or four times a week or different trains different Q A's we don't do as much on hygiene Tick Tock for that
so go to salesrevolution.pro I'll have somebody post that in the comment section on IG and Tick Tock salesrevolution.pro now tomorrow we'll be going live in the Facebook group we won't be going live on IG and Tick Tock we're going live in the Facebook group make sure you join and tomorrow like we do every Wednesday I break down one of our clients who makes at least 30 grand plus a month in commissions with what they sell now after becoming one of our clients we're going to break down this gentleman's sales process from start to finish I'm
going to show you specifically what questions and the tone that we taught him how to ask for his specific industry that took him for making like he was already doing well making like 10 grand a month to now he's making almost 40 000 a month in commissions and it only took him about four months to get there big difference big difference shifts and changes so we're going to break his sales process down for you tomorrow inside the Facebook group so make sure you go to sales Revolution to join that tomorrow that'll be live at 6
PM Eastern if you miss the live it will be the replay will be available in the Facebook group only okay much love I got to get out of here I got meetings to do people to people to hug I got babies to kiss and those type of things handshakes to you know to shake love you guys see you tomorrow well done
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