my love in this super short tutorial I'm going to show you how you can locate your perfect fit clients on LinkedIn so here's our plan we're going to open up five profiles of your avatar then we're going to create a bowling search together and in just a second you're going to know what that means and then we're going to run the search in sales Navigator and apply additional filters to actually get your ideal clients in the results now you might be thinking why should I listen to this girl our very first paid School member Sharon
actually closed a $155,000 client from LinkedIn organic just 10 weeks into the boot camp and Nicholas got first inbone leader on LinkedIn just 5 days into the boot camp by simply sending a gift and saying so great to connect with you Josh as you can see here no spamy sales pitches required and then Josh said I'd love to learn more about what you do as it sounds really intriguing so let me show you exactly how Sharon and Nicholas found their clients on LinkedIn so let's get back to our plan what I want you to do
right now is open up five profiles of your ideal clients on LinkedIn so there's going to be existing customers past customers or your prospects like people you would love to work with all I want you to do is open them up on LinkedIn I actually did this exercise during a l live stream and someone gave me Joey as their Avatar so we're going to stick to that and our goal right now is going to be to find more people like Joey on LinkedIn so again if Joey is your avatar you're like this is my existing
customer or my Prospect I would love to find more people like that on LinkedIn this is exactly what you would do so what you want to actually do is let's just zoom in a little bit you want to find all of the keywords that Joey uses to describe himself on LinkedIn for example he's saying former VC turned vetting when you owner so his past was being a VC though if you're trying to find more people who are wedding venue owners this is probably a right keyword to use so all you're going to do is copy
that and let's just click this and paste this back into our uh word dog here so wedding when you owner so we have that now we're going to continue reading so he says I used to work in a startup Venture Capital space great but that says past life and unless you're looking to find more startups you're not going to really use these keywords to find more people like Joey then he said after helping other people raise money de a duck start my own wife modern wedding maybe so modern wedding so we already had wedding as
a keyword but let's just take modern wedding as a potential one event wiu so here's another way Joey is describing kind of himself and what he does right so I'm going to put that in Event wiu Austin Texas uh D for a wedding result d d renovated uh vental Capital this is all his past article University beautiful beautiful invested raise money da da da golf watching footb ball so again there's a lot of from his past life and unless you're trying to find people like that you're not going to take those keywords I want to
find other keywords or ways that Joey is describing himself right now so um event I think we had the event as a keyword if not U we have event venue so that's a keyword beautiful um group owner so he calls himself an owner beautiful and I'm going to put that as a keyword so owner then we have co-founder so I'm going to take that so co-founder as a keyword now operator wedding event venue East Austin Texas founder so this is like the Venture um Venture space so in this instance yes I can take a look
at his past experiences as well but if they are not relevant to basically being a wedding venue which uh in this instance we're trying to find more wedding venues uh and event venues in the world we can take a look at the education um doesn't look like connected with weddings and then we could take a look at skills if there's anything that would say around wedding so chat GPT all these are extremely like you know Marketing sales super broad I would not really be using them cuz like every other person and their dog will be
using teamwork uh on their profile so that is not specific enough so right now I have one person I'm looking at so this is Joey so this is why you actually want to bring up at least five profiles because some profiles are going to be more complete than others so for example if Joey had spent his entire life in the wedding space there might be other keywords we could pull but right now this is pretty much it so what I would do from this point onwards is actually we're going to create a bulling search I'm
going to create it based on the information we have now again highly recommend actually doing at least looking at five profiles to get more keywords from which we can create the search so what I'm going to do right now is take these keywords to actually create a Boolean search to find more people like Joey and by the way if you have never heard of bullan searches before if you don't know these operators I'm currently using to craft it I can link a video I have a YouTube video on this a step by step one on
like how bullying operators work on Lin I'm going to link it somewhere in the comments um for you the ultimately I am creating a search that's going to help me find more people like Joey so first of all the way he called himself was co-founder and owner so if I looked at more profiles probably I would see something like founder as well so not not just necessarily co-founder but also founder or I would say CEO of a wedding venue so or you know business owner and again I'm right now I'm kind of making them up
but typically these keywords are going to come from looking at five profiles know it's going to be these are basically different ways of how one would describe that they are the owner cunder of a company right and then what I'm going to do is have an ant operator and I'm going to say okay so I want you to be a business owner and I want you to be Focus focusing on venues or like basically being running venues so now I'm going to be using wedding venue as my first keyboard uh wedding venue and I'm going
to put this in quotes because it is two words and again it's an booing operator thing I'm going to give you a video for that uh wedding venue or I would say event venue event venue and again I'm going to be making this that but I would just say like event space I actually side not uh study to studyed events management wanted to be a wedding planner so I'm kind of like doing um maybe informed guesses of how these places called themselves so wedding venue event venue event space destination I I say or destination wedding
wedding and vendy cannot spell for life so this is kind of a rough bulling search that we have created and again when you actually do this for five profiles is going to be purely based on the keywords that you see someone using to describe themselves on De so this is our search right now and what we're going to do step number three we're going to run run it in sales Navigator and apply additional filters now you might be thinking well do I need sales Navigator vendy can I not just run this in a free search
bar which is if we go to LinkedIn this is a zoom out this is the free search and let's try it so I have a sense that this is not going to work and I'm going to tell you what in a second but let's just see so here we go no results found and this is not because the search is wrong it's because LinkedIn well LinkedIn wants you to invest in sales Navigator so it does allow you to run searches but they have to be a lot shorter so for example if I wanted this to
work I might have to I'm going to paste it here I might just have to make it a lot shorter something like this um we could get away with probably okay something like this might work so now if I run this we should be getting some results again if you actually knew how to get very uh creative with buling operators you would not need sales Navigator and hence uh Ling doesn't allow you to be like honestly I could run this longest bowling searches I would never need sales nav but it doesn't let you so as
you can already see here you know we have event venue owner wedding venue consultant owner wedding venue so this is interesting right we don't have it's wedding venue consultant and owner okay uh wedding venue consultant again wedding planning app the spoke venue stylist so what is actually happening is that I think some of these people are not already Appliance so let me actually show you what I would do in this instance and then we're going to go to sales naap though ultimately what we are again right now doing is taking millions of profiles that LinkedIn
has and this is basically the biggest of LinkedIn you have access to millions of profiles your your ideal clients included in the search you need to create a crafted search that will only show your ideal clients in results so from Millions to like down to thousands and hundreds so right now let's say we have 2,600 however let just say you're like well I was looking for a venue so why am I getting someone who is not a venue back because this person Sophie is also saying that she's a weding venue consultant so these keywords right
this is why she's coming up it is bowling operators are basically scanning the entire profile to see is this person using these keywords and we did had we said wedding venue and like an owner or business owner so now what we might need to do so if I just scan here it is definitely more of a consultant so this does not look like a actual venue so then now what you want to do if you're seeing your non ideal client in results you want to you want to basically see like how are they describing themselves
like you need to understand why are they're coming back which you did cuz I'm like she uses wedding venue as well and then how can I exclude them so it looks like the word consultant might be the one we need to exclude so that I'm not getting people like that in results for example uh let's just stick to the small search so I'm going to say not consultant and that when you do a not operator is going to exclude all profiles that have consultant on them or theory in theory it should I want to say
that not operator is the most buggy on LinkedIn so sometimes it does not work so we shall see what happens if I say not consultant I'm pretty sure the girly lit she just forgot her name I think she disappeared with some other people who said they are Consultants but now you're like venue stylist I'm like that's not a venue owner so now there's two things again what I would do is say not consultant or stylist and basically I would keep on adding the knots to remove the people I don't like or I might say from
this proo what I'm learning is that maybe I have to actually impose that these three keywords have to be together so I might need so as the person had actually originally wedding venue owner must be in one place so I'm going to maybe actually change my search to be more specific like when I do quotes it imposes that those keywords must be together in that very order okay so wedding venue owner or event venue owner I'm actually curious to see what happens when we just run that okay so so 323 uh event venue owner wedding
an event venue owner certified Master wedding planner and event venue owner okay this is this is looking more legit corporate lawyer long retired now running a boutique wedding business from looks kind of interesting but I would open this up again so wedding business from this is is this in venue Ever After venue yeah wedding venue owner okay so this looks more legit so what you're basically doing is taking millions of profiles on LinkedIn and then creating a surge of only show your avatar in the results and sometimes you do have to play around with it
over and over and over again to get to the point where you're like you know what like 80% 90% of these people in the results are my avar so I want to now save the search and start connecting with that so let's run our search in sales Navigator and apply additional filters now I think you know I'm actually curious I actually want to go ahead and take this broader search and see what happens so right now I'm going to click to you guys are not going to see this so I need to move myself lower
down so I'm going to click sales Navigator right now and I am going to put the search in there so I don't need updates I'm going to click run the search and let's see so again 320 results we're being very specific now again chances are there's other ways a wedding or an event venue describes themselves so we are kind of limiting this because we haven't looked at more profiles though I much rather to at the beginning be very Niche and like targeted than like have a bra search so what we're going to do right now
is Click see all filters so right now 320 results the first filter I always apply and it's is going to be a stark difference so even though we have 320 results on LinkedIn this is the filter that in my opinion sales Navigator is worth a money for you can see who has posted on LinkedIn in the last 90 days I believe so last 90 days okay and you just saw that our search went from 300ish people to 21 so there's actually 21 event and venue wedding and venue owners that are active on LinkedIn which means
you don't want to be connecting with all the people who actually sign on LinkedIn sign into LinkedIn like once a year over Christmas you want to be connecting and reaching out to the people who are active here and as you can see that most people we not I want to give a caveat to this filter a big caveat here is that some people on LinkedIn actually many people on LinkedIn do not pose but they lurk and engage with other people unfortunately we do not have that filter available for us so I typically use this to
be like okay I know these people are for sure active and someone I would engage with because let's actually go back to our search over here so if I open up let's just open up a couple of people I open up Antonia and what you can see here is that well the profile is actually quite incomplete and there is some activity so if you see literally zero activity here like definitely do not connect with them because they do not use LinkedIn but also like this activity like a month ago congrats Shane I am like like
not convinced that Anton is actually using LinkedIn all that much so I don't want to waste my connection invite on her because if you're in sales Navigator if you're paying for it you only have 200 invites a week so I want to send my 200 invites to people who are definitely using LinkedIn not just like maybe using it so um maybe we can just open up we already know I think Joey's active um let's maybe open up this person and this person they want to show the difference so when someone is again I don't this
is not a laot but at least I can see that there is some activity so if you are not paying personal nap you can do this basically person by person so you would be going through this entire list 300 people and you would open people up one by one by one and then you will look at their activity section and see if they're actually active or not and if they are not you're not going to connect with that okay and again something like okay a week ago I don't know I kind of want more activity
uh this person has not even posted yet so we don't want to connect with lindsy because again she's not going to be in CS she has not been active for the last 90 days so you would have to open everyone up one by one to be like is this person actually actively using l d so hasn't posted yet now this is making sense because what we saw in when we run the when we applied this filter right is that it went from 300 to 20ish and again I only really want you to focus on the
people who are actually active here that's why this search is golden especially you know like in this instance yes we had DMS everywhere we had 300 people so can you manually go through them yes but chances are that your search is going to be end up being being a little larger so when you have like 1,000 people there's no way you would be checking them one by one so again that is a filter I love couple of other filters that um I personally really really enjoy company headcount so you might want to see like okay
how am I like working with someone who is self-employed or have a smaller team am I going for someone who is actually a part of like larger venues that's the person I'm going after now um company type not so much what I would go for is let's say I want them to be in Texas and let's just see should be at least one person I think Joey Joey wasn't here hm interesting no again we have like two people here so this is getting I would say t nich right though by default I always select who
is actually here what I could do right now is actually go back to my broader search okay which was the one that we were not able to run with like more keywords like event space destination wedding things like that because the free plan did not allow for it though if I copy and paste this and I run it here at the top uh sales Navigator you can pretty much run most things and also like three results people I'm G to remove Texas let's see 48 a little a little more okay from 20 something to 48
so there's that though again it's not like you get to be very targeted this is not always bad and you could find ways to like be like what other keywords have I not used to find the real cuz there's definitely thousands of venues out there um I don't want to believe they're not only in it's just like for example it depends who you're looking maybe wedding venues are smaller but like event venues like excel in London you know are massive and um like there's just there's just massive like venues in New York and things like
that for like like larger events so we would have to check those profiles out though all you would do from here is also look at what do you care about uh another interesting filter is like years in current position like maybe you care about someone who has recently joined a position or they have been in the role for like over six years and maybe they're getting tired of the role and that's why you are approaching them so there are very interesting filters I do I'm not going to go too much in depth about the sales
not filters if you want I can link that have another YouTube video like sales Navigator in particular though the main thing I want to show you this is the golden let's say you apply all the filters you run the search you're like these are my people though what do I do from now first of all you want to save the search so you're going to toggle on this little thingy we toggle that on it's save the search meaning if I launch sales Navigator again and I'm going to click to save searches over here here's or
vetting when you search so wedding venues now if I click into this I always come back to the search with all my keywords at the top it's going to have all the filters that I have already saved on and now at this point your next job is to actually click into this person and you're going to click connect and you're going to send invitation okay so every single week you're going to be connecting with your ideal clients on LinkedIn because we're not going to wait for your ideal Avatar to magically find you on LinkedIn you're
going to do your job of actually refining a search finding them yourself and connecting with them now personally I do not include a message and a connection invite because it's simply not scalable for you to do so when you're sending out 200 invites every single week and instead what I want to happen is that your profile LinkedIn is selling you for you so when someone looks at your profile they're actually like yeah like I see a reason why I should connect with this person I'm interested in what they do so this is going to be
my little Shameless plug for you to hop into our free Lan profile makeover if you want to because inside of it I do walk you through step by step how to turn your profile from a resume into a very compelling sales page so if you click into profile makeover over here you're going to see is that I'm gutting you through step by step exactly on how to create your profile so headline Banner the about section that many people get stuck on so ultimately making your profile all about your avatar and not yourself CU if you
want to get inbound leads super important that we just speak your Avatar's language okay so all that's in there for you it's absolutely free and I am working on actually introducing weekly events inside of it as well with your truly that would be me um where you can get to hang out on zoom and we do like Workshop style um sessions so again if you want it you can click on my profile like so and you're going to see uh the free community at the top there this was my experiment of creating lower production videos
so I'm really curious to hear in the comments how do you like these how do you resonate with them should we do more videos like this are way more tactical and less like flashy production things or do we want to go back to the more polished YouTube videos that I used to do in the past so let me know how are we liking this of course please do me a favor and hit that subscribe button down below we want to get to 100K subscribers somehow sooner or later and of course also this video was totally
assisted by my kitty cat who needs to be in my lap for the most part whenever I'm shooting so here we are being super cute so yeah thank you guys for being here and I shall see you in the next video bye