3 Disturbing True Instagram Horror Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
Story #1 in this video is a new addition to a video uploaded over a year ago that had to be reupload...
Video Transcript:
I'm sure most of you use Instagram this day and age whether you have a big following or none at all it's just something most of society uses apparently the app has over a billion active users which I find in scene I had about 300 followers at the time this happened I live in a rural town so I guess that's a lot for people around us we don't know a lot of people outside of our districts one night watching a movie my phone vibrated it said a girl named Holly started following me on Instagram so I
opened up Instagram to check out her profile and she was this really gorgeous blonde girl with like 5,000 followers she had about 50 pictures they were all spaced out realistically as far as the dates they were posted usually when I got followers like this I'll check to make sure they're actually legit she got like 600 likes per picture and a bunch of comments from guys I assume she didn't even know leaving hearts and drooling emojis and whatever then I kid you not as I was going through her page before I even followed her back she
deemed me she said hey I honestly don't do this a lot but I thought you're really cute to be honest and not to sound like a douche I am pretty fit and I've been told I'm pretty attractive and I have had some girls DM me in the past so I followed her back and deemed her the same saying I think you're cute too then we went on to have a pretty long conversation but it was going really well we talked about fitness and what high school is we went to and honestly was great she gave
me her number and we quickly got to setting up a meet-up for the next night which was a Friday night we agreed we'd meet at a popular bar called Lucky's for a couple drinks so Friday night as the nerves are starting to kick in I'd prepare myself for this little date never had I got on a date straight from an Instagram DM but this girl was downright gorgeous I drove down to Lucky's and sat in my car in the parking lot awaiting her call or text to let me know she was there eventually she did
text me but not to let me know she was there she said her car broke down and she needed a ride I had to reread it a couple times to be sure I was reading it correctly I tried calling her but she didn't accept the call she texted me describing her location I didn't answer just yet I took one more good look at her Instagram profile and it was definitely real she had friends tagged in her pictures commenting on her pictures so I knew I wasn't getting catfished I texted back on my way and off
I went I drove down the quiet side roads towards the location she described I made it but it was a weird spot for her car to have broken down I saw a car pulled off to the side of the road next to the woods actually there were woods on either side of this road the car had its hood open so it had to be her I tried calling but it didn't go through I looked at my phone and realized I had no bars here I parked my car on the other side of the road and
got out as I walked over to her car which was a black Nissan Altima I realized I couldn't see inside of it at all the windows were completely tinted black I lightly tapped on the window and waited no one opened the door so I walked around to the front hood just to see if she had attempted to do any work on the engine as far as I could tell she didn't I was losing patience I texted her where are you I'm about to leave as I walked back to the side of the car I noticed
the driver side window had now been cracked down I knew for a fact they were all shot a minute ago they called Holly's name knowing someone had to be in the car now I walked a little closer to get a look inside someone's fist reached out from the window and they started signaling for me to come closer with her pointer finger I felt my stomach drop realizing it was definitely a man's hand I told him in a shaky voice get lost as I ran back to my car I sped away and made the first right
turn off the street I could because of my constant glances in the rearview mirror I eventually spotted a car with its lights off trailing behind me I thought to do the same I turned off the lights on my car and started making as many turns as possible and eventually I did lose the car when I got home the profile had already blocked me but I found out at a later date that that profile was in fact real but that the girl in the pictures was hacked by some creepy dude and I wasn't even this only
guy's victim of whatever plan he had I just hope everyone else was as fortunate as me [Music] I have an Instagram account with 1,100 followers I had it set to public so anybody could come onto my page and look at my pictures like them and comment on them so often times I'd get people I didn't know liking my pictures and commenting on them but one person stood out from the rest I remember his first comment on one of my photos it was a beach picture with one of my friends so I was wearing a swimsuit
I have like 11 comments on it but one of them was from somebody I didn't know it was three flame emojis I clicked the man's profile he had three pictures eighty followers and he was following over 200 people including me all three of his pictures were of him selfies which didn't look right given that he looked like he was 40 or 50 I didn't mind though it's expected to happen to a certain extent however after that photo had started becoming a thing where the men would just comment on every new photo I posted one comment
just said hot this one was a little creepier honestly but then two days later after posting my next picture the man didn't comment this time instead he sent me a direct message it said hey I just wanted to tell you that you're beautiful even though I'm like 30 years older than you lol I responded lol Thanks which I'm surprised I did most people would have probably ignored it he got that to me with I would kill to meet a girl like you I replied 10 minutes later with thanks hoping he wouldn't say anything else but
he got back to me with maybe one day I'll meet you died lol I didn't reply to that one I found everything about the guy creepy but I didn't block him I figured why get rid of a free following likes I hadn't heard from him until I posted a new photo this one of my sister Carol and I in front of our house the man commented quickly on the photo saying you and your sister are so cute now it was becoming too much for me so I removed the comment and blocked him [Music] later in
the day Carol and I were home alone I was in the bathroom doing my nails getting ready to go out I noticed a car I didn't recognize pull up in front of the house through the window but only the front the rest of the car was covered by the bush that separates our front yard from the neighbors the headlights shut off but I didn't see anyone step out of the car I took note of this only because we're on a dead-end blog so we don't get any through traffic I shut the blind just because I
was on full display my sister was in her room on her laptop when the time came for me to leave I didn't bother saying goodbye usually we just text each other that we're going out anyway I went to my car looking at the mysterious car which revealed to be a Maxima the tinted windows mixed with the darkness of the night made it impossible to see inside of it I got in my car did a three-point turn and drove down the one sided street to the nearest main road I went to a social gathering at a
friend's house I wouldn't call it a party but a decent amount of drinking went on I cut myself off a little early since I knew I had to drive but still I'll admit and I don't condone this kind of behavior whatsoever I was pretty tipsy when I was driving home it was only a 5-minute drive though I pulled up to my house and the first thing I noticed was the maxima still parked out front I needed to know whose car was that I passed it slowly but still couldn't see inside of it I parked and
texted a few friends that I got home safe before stepping outside and walking up to my house I was eyeing that car parked out front all the way up to the front door where I dropped my keys at which point for whatever reason I was too scared to bend over and look for them instead I rang the doorbell like five times so my sister would answer quickly she never answered the door though so I was forced to get on my knees and look for the keys they actually landed right on the doormat I opened the
door and went inside pretty swiftly taking one last look at the maxima before shutting the door it was past midnight but my sister was usually still up this slid so I dizzily but quietly walked up the stairs and down the hall towards her door and oddly enough it was wide open but the lights were out maybe she went out for once I crept into the room and my heart skipped a beat as my mind tried to put together the faint noise I was hearing it took me a while to realize it was a whisper the
whisper of my sister was coming from the closet the closet was cracked open and I saw my sister peeping her eyes through the crack she was visibly shaken and appeared to be crying I knelt down next to her and open the closet all the way whispering what's going on she didn't say anything though she just kept putting her finger on her lips telling me to be quiet I tugged at her arm to pull her out of the closet and when she was out I pushed the closet shut quietly this revealed my sister's room again as
well as somebody clear as day standing direct center in my sister's room I don't know if he was facing us or not but that didn't matter because we both wailed as we ran together I felt the vibrations of the man stomping close behind us we went straight for the car I was able to lock the doors without even a second to spare before the man chasing us tried the door handle when he realized it was locked he started bashing at the window with his shoulder all while my sister was screaming and wailing making the matter
worse through the intensity of the situation I still was able to make the connection it was the same man who had been stalking me on Instagram I had to do a three-point turn but all the while I was honking the horn to get as much attention as possible from the neighbors I think it works because he got into his car which turned out to be the maxima and did a three-point turn as well at first we thought he was telling us but instead he booked it past us and down another Street to never be seen
again at that point we just turned around and went back to the house I called our parents and then the police the police were able to find out how the man broke in through an upstairs window he climbed up a ladder onto the awning and boosted himself up to the window so I told the police about how he was stalking me on Instagram and must have somehow found my address when I posted my most recent picture with my sister which included my house number I tried to help them by giving the man's Instagram account but
when I went to the blocked accounts section it was empty that meant that the man already deleted his Instagram therefore even if there is a way for Instagram to track deleted users it didn't matter because I didn't remember the man's username so I hate to say it there was nothing the police could do and I knew it I've since set my Instagram to private and really only accept follow requests from people I know now I'm also a lot more paranoid and wary of posting revealing photos I came across something recently that has been freaking me
the hell out before I get into my discovery let me just get into a little backstory that makes the discovery even more disturbing for the past few weeks or so on several occasions while either trying to sleep in my bed or doing something in my room with a light on at night I would hear a single faint yet audible tap on my window I hardly want to call it a tap because none of the sounds really resembled an intentional tap it sounded more so like something accidentally being scraped or pressed against the glass very briefly
at first I thought it was just bugs flying into the window but as the same sound kept happening at least two or three times a week I started to get freaked out by it so I told my dad and he of course told me it's nothing probably just bugs like I initially thought so nothing happened for a few nights but then I got a text from a friend well not a friend just some guy I used to have a class with who somehow co-heirs to me into giving him my number he said hey I don't
know if you remember me we used to have class together I just wanted to let you know about this I stumbled upon it by accident and if you're unaware of it that's pretty disturbing then he added a link to the bottom of the message I pressed it and it took me to an Instagram page the page was titled JP unofficial those were my initials but that wasn't the first thing I noticed the first thing I noticed was the profile picture which was me and then the 45 pictures uploaded to that account were all of me
they were in like pictures that I took though they were all candid I mean like they were pictures I never even knew were taken some were of me at the beach some were of me sitting in my car but the newer ones got even weirder some were of me in my back yard and then the worst ones were the most recent there were pictures of me in my room taken from outside my window some of me sitting on my bed doing homework or texting others of me standing with one even of me and my underwear
I felt sick I felt like crying and throwing up all of the pictures had at least two or three likes some had comments but not comments pointing out how wrong this is there were comments encouraging it saying things like go for it or hot or what I do if I could get my hands on her the captions on the photos - they were all things like the love of my wife or she went to the beach today or I just like to watch her my mouth was twitching as a tear rolled down my face I
was so disturbed I can't even describe the emotions I was feeling and then there was a sound again at the window the sound the unintentional scrape or tab and then it clicked it made sense now when I put two and two together I simply snapped I lost it and screamed louder than I'd ever screamed before my dad came rushing in with open arms to hug me and asked what's wrong I showed him the Instagram page and explained the taps of the window well explained as a stretch I was a mess and could barely speak clearly
my dad's expression went from gentle to horrified to downright angry he rushed outside screaming making a scene for the neighbors looking for the stalker he then came inside and called the police I gave the police the Instagram account and requested they track it as soon as possible law enforcement put the request into Instagram by the time it was received the account was deleted but it didn't matter because Instagram was still able to recover the info and the usage was traced to an old iPod touch unfortunately the device was untraceable it was either destroyed or it
had its Wi-Fi turned off permanently my dad saw how messed up I was and he plans on moving us out of the house within the month luckily there haven't been any new sounds but I've also made sure to keep all my blind shot 24/7 and always make sure I'm not being tailed while driving all I could think to say to everybody is keep your Instagram private and always be alert to your surroundings
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