Horrifying Things Encountered Using Randonautica

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Mr. Nightmare
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Video Transcript:
randonautica is an app that uses a random number generator and location settings to create coordinates for users to explore in their local areas the app was released in February 2020 and became especially popular during the covid lockdowns people would often document their findings through video and post them online sometimes people find downright creepy things or places or even find themselves at the scene of a crime a viewer named David sent me this first story and footage it was August of 201 20 the weather had been good and so he and a friend decided to use
randonautica out of boredom they generated four anomalies in total since the first three were in someone's backyard or inaccessible locations in the app anomalies are points that can be either attractors or voids attractors are clusters of random points that are very dense while voids are clusters with a very low density the fourth anomaly looked promising and so the two friends drove there you can see on the screen the street they drove down followed by the small path they went down after parking the anomaly had a radius of 470 M so it was a fairly big
area but they didn't have to look around for long before making a bizarre and honestly creepy Discovery this is a photograph of the path they walked down and as they walked down they stumbled across a note stuck through a stick on the outside of it it read write down your cell phone number when folded open it read I can give you a cell phone number or even an email address give me your mail add address and I will send you it with what it is referring to remaining unclear so you can see first of all
it says uh write on your cell phone number when you fold it open uh send this he send this you so it says somewhere along the lines I can give you a cell phone number or even an email address uh give me an email address and I'll send it to you so yeah that was just hanging on this tree here on this uh Branch this piece of paper I'm going to put it back he ended up writing his number on the Node and putting it back on the stick right next to the Noe were a
bunch of bras lined up on a fallen tree branch with no explanation so yeah that's a bunch of BR in total one two three three four behind there five six there there are more uh these items couldn't have been left there for more than a few days as they were discovered on the 6th of August and the last rainfall was 3 days earlier yet the piece of paper showed no signs of ever having gotten wet among some of the other things that the friends found at the scene were two packages of condoms and a pot
that was seemingly used for a fire the friends returned the next day on the 7th and the note where he wrote down his number was gone a few days later he got a text from an unknown number just saying hi he answered saying hi who is this the number then replied his address and at this point he blocked the number whatever or whoever this little scene was meant for remains a mystery this following footage posted online by Taylor Vasquez documents her disturbing findings when also using ronautica she downloaded the app and generated a location not
far from her house the location turns out to be an abandoned Creek looking area so I keep seeing that Rand donut thing all over Tik Tok and I really want to try it out so I just downloaded the app and I found a location that's like a mile and a half by my house so I'm going to go check it out and see if I can see nothing seems out of the ordinary at first and it seems like a typical random location the app could lead somebody to until she finds a series of disturbing drawings
seemingly done by a child pretty creepy I'll go see what that is okay so I just opened up one of the photos and it's whatever the that is then we have these random three this one's it's your birthday with the Snowman with I don't know and these two I just put together it's like play with me all right I think it was just my imagination I think I'm just hearing as she's analyzing the drawings she suddenly hears an unsettling sound play with with me it sounds like the voice of a young child but the video
Cuts here on a later date Taylor returns to the creek but this time there are new drawings that weren't there last time according to her these ones being even creepier than the previous series of drawings with one of the drawings being a Sigil of bamet as she's distracted by the drawings the voice of a child can once again be heard in the background if they have messages on them cuz then like those look like symbols At first she doesn't seem to hear it but once she does she makes a dash for it and the video
Cuts I don't really see anything else after uploading the video to Tik Tok a viewer pointed out what appears to be the face of a young child peering from behind a tree no one was with me and tell me if you guys think that looks like a ghost child because I don't know Taylor uploads another video analyzing a journal she picked up from the creek with each page revealing another unsettling message Taylor returns to the creek one last time and finds not only a Ouija board made out of a piece of cardboard but also a
large knife sitting next to it this was the last time Taylor dared to return to the creek and so whatever was going on here will remain a mystery as with many things posted on the internet there's no 100% proof that this whole series of videos were't staged however there were certain aspects of the videos that viewers feel make them feel more realistic mainly the weathered looking pieces of paper that contain the drawings along with the disturbing image of the child's face in the video whether or not this was genuine is really up to the viewer
to decide this story was sent by viewer Davey S one night as she was scrolling through Tik Tock she came across a story about a few teenagers who were using randonautica and after following the set of coordinates they were given reached a secluded beach area where they saw a suitcase washed up that contained something disturbing but I'll talk more about that in a bit Davey and her roommate Ash saw this and were determined to make their own unsettling discovery on the app they invited two other friends to join them and when they all got together
they gathered in Davey's room and figured out how to use the app they set a radius around their current location 29 km or around 18 to 19 Mi after hitting the button to get the location a screen popped up telling them to set their intentions for what they want to learn and experience during the outing the word they inputed was spooky the location the app gave was eily close to her house Davey and her friends live in a rural part of Alabama and Lookout Mountain and at the bottom of the mountain is an abandoned steel
plant among a few other abandoned buildings and a lower inome neighborhood the location that gave the group of friends was three streets away from them the location was on a very long road that led on for miles and miles without any other intersecting streets the friends gathered into Davey's car with her friend Misa in the passenger seat and her friends Ash and be sitting in the back seat it didn't take long for the girls to get to the street and as Davey was about to turn left she looked at the street sign owl's Hollow Road
Davey's friends went from loud and excited to instantly quiet as she said we're here Davey continued driving down this dark Road surrounded by trees and no Street lamps it was Pitch Black at around 1:00 a.m. so the group was definitely feeling the creepiness Factor kicking it as they approached the destination Davey pulled to the side of the road at this point all three of Davey's friends were becoming apprehensive about the whole thing as they saw a very dark trail that led into the woods the four friends sat in the car for a few minutes and
laughed nervously about whether they should go through with this or not but they all felt uneasy the group started to agree that it felt like they were being watched despite being in a locked car they felt vulnerable being alone with just a dying phone and a switchblade so they all agreed to leave and they pulled off further down the road they kept driving exploring this narrow road and there was nothing but tree and the occasional Street Lamp Davey was getting tired and decided to just do a three-point turn on the very narrow road and go
back home there was a sense of relief until the group realized they had to pass the trail again as they passed it Davey looked in a rearview mirror and saw what seemed to be a hooded male figure standing in front of the trail she pressed the gas even harder but she didn't tell her friends what she saw because she didn't want to scare them the friends briefly talked about that night before going to sleep around 2:00 a.m. the the next morning Beck went home and Davey took Ash to work Misa decided to hang out with
Davey for a little longer before she had to be home in a few hours they discussed going back to the trail since it was Daylight and they felt a bit more comfortable they made their way back to the trail and got out of the car this time with keys and phone in one hand and pocket knife in the other as they walked up the trail they realized it led uphill something they didn't notice the night before because it was so dark they started to feel like something was off like they were being watched again they
made it to the top of the trail which led to a clearing almost like a dump site as she described it there were tires fast food garbage household items Etc the two started looking around some more and came across a bunch of mattresses scattered throughout the clearing the disturbing part was the mattresses were made beds pillows blankets sheets all that you'd expect on a made bed the sight was so unsettling that the two friends agreed to leave they hurried back downhill towards the car and about halfway Misa stopped in front of Davey and pointed into
the woods and said what is that as she spotted a red cooler in a small ditch something they hadn't seen on the way uphill they stepped down into the ditch to examine it and as they walked over to it all the two friends could smell was the stench of something rotting upon looking around the surrounding area she spotted a dead cat carcass lying a few meters away of avoiding getting too close to the dead carcass she grabbed a big stick and tilted the cooler upright which had a bit of weight to it making it difficult
something could be heard slashing around inside of it like it was full of ice she shoved the stick into the top of it and opened it slightly and when it opened a gust of hot moist putrid air hit Davey in the face bugs and maggots immediately started coming out of the cooler along with a horrid smell of decaying overpowering the smell of the cat upon opening it a little more what she saw was a wad of wet matted black hair Davey ran back to Misa and yelled to get in the car the two sped down
the road as Misa frantically asked Davey what was in the cooler but she couldn't open her mouth in fear of puking after driving a little ways up the road hoping to find a driveway to assist in turning around Davey eventually gave up and did another really tight three-point turn on the narrow road but the two would have to pass the trail one more time as they did Davey noticed some pieces of wood in the road that had not been there before she looked around around and saw the same hooded male figure for the night before
standing in the woods she drove her car over the pieces of wood damaging the bottom of her front bumper and then sped off back home she and her friend returned to the trail one more time since this incident to record the trail which was the footage you've been seeing Davey has deleted the randonautica app and not used it since earlier I had mentioned that there was a video that inspired Davey and her friends to try the app themselves that video was filmed by a couple Tik Tok users who who each posted their own angles of
the video guys we found that go I'll hold your stuff I don't know wait open it like going to find open it to sleep it stinks y'all it washed oh dude okay so she okay so she's calling the police so we can see if it's actually a dead body or it's just food what found a suitcase on in ALA Beach y here's the crime scene so we just found this suitcase and we're going to get it okay so they're like opening it up with the sticks cuz we don't want to was guys there's a bag
there's a b like a black bag in there the randonautica app generated a location that led them to a rock break wall below a jetty at the shore of alai beach in West Seattle when they found a mysterious black suitcase washed up on a bunch of Rocks Under the Bridge as they approached the suitcase they realized there was a foul odor emitting from the suitcase and the contents of the suitcase may be more disturbing than they had initially thought the teens called the police but with Seattle Police response times being notoriously slow the police took
three to 4 hours to show up and by that time the tide had risen enough to where the suitcase had washed away it took a scuba team to retrieve the suitcase and its contents the contents were indeed quite disturbing the remains of a couple Jessica Lewis who was 35 and Austin wenner who was 27 were found inside of the black garbage bag inside the suitcase their murderer was their landlord Michael Dudley who the pair had previously argued with regarding their rent payments it was reported by neighbors that on the night of the pair's murder a
male voice could be heard screaming please don't do this just let me leave before gunshots were fired and this was reportedly 10 days before the suitcase was found the videos had eventually been taken down by the teens with so many people using an app that's designed to send you to randomly generated places it's inevitable that sometimes people are going to run into some horrific things that they were not supposed to find so if you do use the app or anything like it it's best to just stay alert to your surroundings
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