everything I'm about to say to you has never been talked about on YouTube in this way before and it is information that passes down in my family and I will now share with you if you are someone that is tired of feeling limited if you're tired of living in fear anxiety or feeling hopeless if you're just done with this reality that's been painted around you this video will change your life I'm going to scientifically explain to you why you are the way you are not only am I going to release any limiting Bel beliefs or
blocks and stuck trauma within your mind and body this video is also going to help you navigate the world better I cannot stress how important this information is for your success and your future generations of your family if you are someone that is used to flashy animations and you have a short attention span you need to get over it and push through that because what I'm about to share with you can change your life so your brain and your body has something called Pro programs programs that are downloaded into your subconscious mind and even your
body so when you were a child you depended on your parents any authoritative figure to develop your mindset to teach you how to be in this world you were generally taught what was good what was bad you were taught what pain was things like love and heartbreak so programs is pretty much the filter that you see the world in beliefs patterns habits you've developed along your journey of life things you've learned from loved ones from Life Experiences as a child to an adolescent and to an adult now I want you to think of your mind
as a computer and within this computer we have these programs that have downloaded into our subconscious mind like software so on this journey from a child to an adult you've gone through things in life such as heartbreak maybe you gotten into your first relationship and you got cheated on you have gone through experiences such as traumatic Events maybe you got into a car accident May maybe you fell and broke a bone maybe you have gone through some kind of trauma as a child such as abuse whether that's physical or mental abuse these experiences have downloaded
into your subconscious mind and have developed your way of life there are now programs into this computer into your subconscious mind other programs can include things such as if you were a child and you grew up in scarcity if you you were not given a lot of food if you were neglected then chances are you have gone through this journey of becoming an adult living in scarcity so living in a constant state of survival mode um having to worry about when your next meal will be or living paycheck to paycheck even coming from a childhood
or experiences of scarcity you most likely have the programs and limiting beliefs that you are not worthy of riches maybe getting rich is impossible or maybe you don't even see yourself as possibly achieving any type of abundance all of these experiences have downloaded into your subconscious mind and are now this filter of how you see life so you develop these programs through life experiences and things you've been taught along the way from people or loved ones all experiences that make up your belief system today however what if I told you that the habits and belief
patterns that you have right now are not yours you can also develop these programs through something called epigenetics meaning not only can you develop these programs through your life experience you can also inherit them from your family epigenetics is basically the study of cell function and how the environment or things extern from you can trigger genes within you and turn them on or off this is very critical information because if you have someone in your family maybe your mother or your uncle or your grandfather has gone through traumatic experiences within their childhood and has not
healed these programs they have highly likely passed those traits down to you the thoughts that you have in your mind and the feelings you feel about yourself every single day might not even be yours prime example of epigenetics is have you ever met somebody that can just pick up an instrument and they're naturally good at it chances are that that person has someone down the line in their family that is musically talented or creative however it's extremely important for you to understand just how serious epigenetics can get so there was a study done at Emery
University where they had a group of rats and what they did is they took a male rat and they made the rat smell the cherry blossom and immediately once the rat smelt it they shocked it with electricity conditioning the rat to feel fear when it smells the flower they repeated this process a few times and then placed the male rat back into the cage of rats later on this male rat impregnated one of the female rats and when The Offspring of the rats were given the scent of the cherry blossom the baby rats were extremely
sensitive and traumatic to the smell this experiment shows that the trauma that the male rat experienced passed down to The Offspring and the baby rats inherited that trauma now you might be thinking well those are rats I'm going to paint the picture so clear for you guys there is this worldwide limiting belief that African-American people fear water that they cannot swim now why is that the reason is because if you go back to the time of slavery when human beings owned other human beings slave owners trained their slave to be afraid of water they physically
mentally and verbally abused their slaves to program them to fear the water to fear the ocean around them now the slaves objective was to make sure that these slaves did not Escape their slavery but that programming conditioned these African-American slaves to truly believe that the water would kill them this programming was also done with dogs dogs were used to hunt slaves to gather them to abuse them and when the time finally came for slaves to escape their slavery they were forced to cross this water the water that they were born to fear and that experience
was so traumatic for them that it is passed down from generation to generation and that is why it still exists today these programs are existing in our subconscious minds and they're affecting our everyday decisions any decisions we make is being filtered through that lens that we've developed through our childhood through our beliefs limiting beliefs and traumas that we've inherited programs can even awaken later on in life if they're triggered from external experiences there are plenty examples of children that have siblings and one of them have inherited a trait from their parent maybe their father or
mother was an alcoholic and the alcoholic Gene passed down to one of the children and not the other that child wasn't born and immediately an addict but the gene resided within that child and then gets awakened by something that goes on externally within their life something triggers the gene to activate just like when people develop epilepsy later in life I personally come from a family where each generation has experienced sexual abuse throughout their childhood or at some point within their life obviously abuse cannot be predicted but the traits of a victim can pass down if
we go back to explaining these programs as filters every human being is wearing their own customized pair of glasses but why this is so critical is because if you've gone through something like heartbreak and then you start to see a pattern in your relationships of constantly getting cheated on if you don't deal with these programs these programs turn into behaviors and these behaviors form form into personality traits these programs block our blessings it's like walking through life with a box over your head you're almost putting a cap limit on your success because these filters can
affect everything you do in life decisions the people that we make as friends who we get in relationships with how we spend our money so my job background is in the healthc care industry and there is a time where I had a male patient that was in his 60s and he was extremely emotional and every day that I spent time with this patient he would constantly remind me of a story that happened to him 6 months before he had admitted into that hospital and every day that I saw him he would take me back to
a specific fight that happened between him and his roommate constantly expressing of how much he hated that roommate enough to talk about it every single day as if he had completely forgot gotten that he told me the day before that fight scarred him so much so that he took it on as a personality trait this fight that happened months prior to me meeting him rewired his brain to keep him living in the past he developed a new lens for the world and every person that he met including me at the time thought that everyone was
out to get him him I'm not going to lie this has happened to me too I've been in a previous relationship where I was extremely manipulated and cheated on the relationship traumatized me so much so that it made me start to have panic attacks something that I had never experienced before it even caused me to develop programs that I unfortunately took into my current relationship I'm sure some of you watching this have experienced what it's like to be received and you know what it's like to constantly live in a state of fear that relationship caused
me to develop behaviors of insecurity and not wanting to allow my partner the freedom of being a human being that behavior wasn't fair to him or myself because I had gone through an experience that put a cap limit on My Success on my mental health and my own abundance if I did not do the inner work that I'm going to share with you guys today I would have most likely continued my way of life to think men ain't I know that's a very common phrase that a lot of women like to throw out there therefore
putting a cap limit on myself from my dream relationship from experiencing true love to find success we have to uninstall these programs so how do we do that first I need to explain why it's so hard to let go of emotions to let go of these beliefs so there's a three-step process and most of us get stuck in Step One Step One is thinking step two is [Music] doing and step three is being knowing what you need to do in your head practicing it with your hands and knowing it by heart every day we're thinking
new thoughts of how to change our lives or how to create new habits or do something different but nine times out of 10 we don't actually take action therefore not creating a new outcome God I'm sorry for the glare you guys so the language of the Mind are thoughts and the language of the body are emotions what happens here is that our minds get stuck in our bodies Our emotions will take over because they're more powerful than our thoughts so when we get triggered nine times out of 10 we will be emotional rather than thinking
logically if your ultimate desire is to feel successful no matter what it is you're trying to pursue if you want to feel love you want to feel happy instead of survival mode or scarcity you want to live in abundance first we have to break those thoughts those automatic assumptions those negative thoughts you jump to from these experiences to then create new ones and then teach your your body emotionally to understand what it is your mind intellectually understands if you're one of my subscribers then you know just how important your thoughts are because your thoughts create
a reality in fact everything around you right now in the room you're standing in was all created from a thought and if you've developed a lens that tells you that life is hard then you will receive what you believe science tells us that we have about 60 to 70,000 thoughts a day and 90% of those thoughts are the same thoughts that we had yesterday so if you're thinking the same thoughts and you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your life then your life will stay the same okay I need to clean off
this whiteboard cuz it's getting a little full we're not going to talk about the brain so if 90% of your thoughts are the same ones you had yesterday then the same same thoughts lead to the same choices the same choices lead to the same behaviors the same behaviors lead to the same experiences and the same experiences will produce the same feelings and emotions those very same [Music] emotions will drive the same thoughts you had yesterday and the day before and the day before now get this how you think how you act and how you feel
is your [Music] personality your personality creates your personal real real ity if you want to change your personal reality you have to change your personality which means you have to start thinking about what you've been thinking about and change it now I want you to look at these limiting beliefs these thought patterns that are keeping you anchored to the past and right here and now decide if they belong in your future so of how you think and how you feel create your state of being you have to become greater than your environment greater than your
emotions your body step number one to Break these limiting beliefs to change the filtered lens is to become conscious CEO and see become conscious become aware of the program you have to separate yourself from the emotion from the program from the thought as it's happening separate yourself from it and become the Observer of the program so an example of this have you ever gotten drunk and your friends told you how you acted that night and you completely blacked out you don't even remember how you behaved and then the next day you find out everything that
happened and that has you thinking like whoa maybe I should chill out and the next time you guys go out you don't drink as much you've learned your lesson so you observed your behavior from that lesson and modified it step two is to modify your behavior your actions to be better you have to consciously make different choices now that you've developed new thoughts you have to change you have to create a new outcome and step number three the hardest step is to repeat the hardest part is to not make the same choice you made in
the past you're going to be tested by your emotions and the chemicals in your body and your mind will slip back to those old thoughts and say this doesn't feel right what are you doing you could start again on Monday or this is too hard you can't do this your mind is going to try to trick you back into those old thoughts that are going to lead to the same behaviors experiences and repeat the cycle get ready because this process is going to be uncomfortable stepping into the unknown and making new choices and why it's
so hard for people to change is because we would rather choose to stay stuck we would rather choose to suffer because we can predict the outcome we think that pain feels good when it actually feels familiar the game is to teach your body emotionally what the future feels like ahead of time before the actual event has happened the truth is that your brain doesn't know the difference between the past present and future that's why if you've ever thought about something that happened in the past something that was emotional or made you upset and you start
to feel emotion surface your body starts to feel heated you feel your blood boiling you start to relive it because your mind doesn't understand that that happened last year it starts to feel like it's happening right now the more that you can visualize your future and stay out of the past you will rewire your brain to new thoughts your body will begin to produce new chemicals and new circuits you will rewire your nervous system leading to new choices to new Behaviors new experiences into a new reality when I fully understood this information I freed myself
from the suffering I felt from dealing with people that in all actuality are the way that they are because of the things that they've been through it made life easier because now that I understand why people are the way that they are I can communicate with them better I've developed passion for these people I understand where these people are coming from I've created abundance and I've gained so much more love and prosperity all because I released the cap limit I put on myself the box I had over my head I hope this video enlightened you
to take a look at the programs you have if you are on a mission to create success if you are someone wanting to break generational curses or even create a legacy You Now understand just how important things like programs and epigenetics are you will just make life easier for yourself I would love for you to like or comment down below because your comments and your engagement will push this video out to the world to the people that are suffering right now that need to hear this information if I can just change one life then I
will have accomplished my intention with this video if you liked this video subscribe because my YouTube channel is all about embodying the version of you you need to be to create whatever it is you want in life if you want to connect feel free to comment you can also check my links below from my family to yours wishing you more love in abundance this new year