The 100 Year Journey to Proxima Centauri B (Sci-Fi Documentary)

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This is a sci-fi documentary, looking at the 100 years it will take a nuclear fusion spacecraft to t...
Video Transcript:
this is a nuclear fusion spacecraft and it will travel 4. 24% the speed of light on its 100-year journey to Proxima centory B mankind was born on Earth it was never meant to die here in which direction will the spaceship travel and how will it generate artificial gravity will the population grow on board the spaceship the helianthus over the next 100 years what happens to bacteria in a closed loop system and what will the time dilation be once they arrive at the new planet and what happens on board the helianthus spaceship for the last 30 years of the journey to make sure that the passengers are adapted to the different living conditions on Proxima centu B such as the higher gravity and the red light coming from the new Sun but why is the spaceship going to this specific Planet Proxima centor B because it is the closest habitable planet to Earth At only 4. 24 light years away and with its nuclear fusion engines the helianthus will reach Proxima centu B in 100 years there are 1,800 passengers on board and the journey Starts Now the spacecraft launches from high Earth orbit firing up its nuclear fusion drive it takes 15 days to accelerate under 1G to reach the cruising speed of 4.
24% the speed of light and then comes the big spin the helianthus has passed Mars and is on its way to the asteroid belt next using its nuclear fusion engine it took under 2 hours to pass the moon and 14 days to pass the orbit of Mars it is heading downwards 21° below the ecliptic plane of the solar system earth and other planets go around the Sun almost like a flat disc the star system of Proxima centor B is below this disc that is why the spacecraft is on a downward flight path 15 days have passed since launching from Earth the engines have turned off the spacecraft is now cruising at 4. 24% the speed of light and will do so for the next 99 years now Begins the spin maneuver thrusters on the outside of the helianthus fire up with a diameter of 750 m 24 60 ft about double the length of an aircraft carrier the outer ring rotates and Spins to generate 1 G of artificial gravity it needs to spin 1. 9 rotations per minute after reaching 1G the same as on Earth the spin thrusters turn off and the helianthus habitat ring will keep spinning for the rest of the trip this is due to the conservation of angular momentum in Space the helianthus Command Deck now brings the main living facilities online from the schools and virtual reality theaters to the medical facilities birth centers and Gardens there are also multi-level aeroponic vertical Farms within the spinning habitat ring as well as DNA data and crop seed storage vaults inside the bedrooms the passengers reattached the living modules from the now walls down to the floor when the spacecraft was accelerating the g-forces were pushing down towards the engine now with no more acceleration the spinning is used to generate artificial gravity pushing outwards so the floor changes to the inside sides of the ring with any Windows designed Into the Now floor the habitat ring rotates around the hollow core of the helianthus this hollow core which has no gravity because it is not spinning is used for cargo storage including space shuttles that will be used by the future generations of passengers in 100 years time to land on the new [Music] planet 4 days after the the big spin the helianthus is now approaching the asteroid belt this is not like the movies the asteroid belt is not dense the asteroids are not close together they are far apart the average distance between asteroids and the asteroid belt is almost 1 million km 600,000 Mi this is over two times the distance between the Earth and the moon even though the helianthus is traveling 2.
1 de below the ecliptic plane the majority of asteroids are within about 10 to 30° so the spacecraft still passes through the asteroid belt a path is plotted to avoid the asteroids in any case the helianthus has been designed with protection against asteroids and the future elements that it will face the front of the helianthus has been built with reinforced layers since Interstellar dust and gas clouds will vaporize and erode around a millimeter of depth every four light years tracking sensors and lasers are used to deflect larger micr meteorites changing their trajectory away from the oncoming ship and clearing a path the helianthus is out in the vast darkness of interstellar space the region between the stars filled with dust clouds of gas cosmic rays and rogue planets the spacecraft left Earth's solar system over 1 month after launching on its Journey passing by the orbital distances of Jupiter the rings of Saturn Haley's Comet the Kyper belt with Pluto and crossing the heliopath it is now in interstellar space heading for Proxima centu B The Command Deck keeps close tabs on passenger population numbers when the helianthus left Earth there were 1,800 people on board this number will grow to under 4,500 during the 100-year journey to Proxima centu B on board the ship there are 1,300 adults 300 of these adults are the parents of the 300 children already on board about half of the children turn into adults after 10 years and about 33% of the adults become Elders every 10 years there is an average lifespan of 80 years and 33% of the elders aged 50 to 80 who bring wisdom and experience to the population pass away every 10 years the onboard biologists keep track of the evolution of bacteria on board the spacecraft to prevent the collapse of the ship's biosphere this is because all of the bacteria on the ship is evolving in a closed loop system much faster than the humans bacteria reproduce much faster so there will be thousands or tens of thousands of new generations per year depending on the type of bacteria and there are possible mutations as they evolve becoming incompatible with human life resulting in bacteria that once had a neutral effect evolving to become pathogenic disease-causing or the bacteria that once aided in human digestion evolves to no longer provide that benefit the first year on the helianthus brings the firstborn child marking the beginning of the new space generation born onto the spacecraft the first baby is named after the ship helianthus derived from the Greek words Helios meaning sun and anthos meaning flower 32 more babies have been born during this first year of the journey each New Birth is a sacred moment marked by sending a tiny Pebble brought from Earth out into space creating a symbolic Bridge back to Earth a the helianthus is 0. 424 light years from Earth over 4 trillion kilm 2. 4 trillion miles the communications delay back to Earth has grown to 5 months and one day to send a message one way and there is already time dilation 10 years have passed on the spacecraft but on Earth 10 years and 3 days have passed and this difference will only get larger as the spacecraft keeps traveling at at 4.
24% the speed of light for the next 90 years here is an explanation of the relativistic effect of time dilation imagine time as a river flowing steadily if you are sitting on a boat not rowing you and the river flow at the same speed but if you start rowing your boat really fast looking at the river it's as if the water slows down around you and appears to be moving backwards but not for the people on the shore you and the river still reach the same destination but you exper exp erience less River flow compared to those on the shore you age a bit less because your piece of the river flowed more slowly for you how many extra days will pass on Earth when the spacecraft arrives at Proxima centu B the first deaths have occurred on the spacecraft during the first 10 years of the journey their bodies sent into space a shipwide moment of silence takes place each time a passenger passes on followed by a reading talking about their future Planet Proxima centu B and how the passenger has completed their Duty and their memory will live on forever on the new planet the 20th year on board the helianthus marks the beginning of the second new generation born onto the spacecraft the population is growing so genetic diversity is crucial in order for there to be a well balanced population during the 100-year journey and Beyond this means having rules on board the helianthus there are strict reproduction guidelines There are rules regarding family size to ensure each family has the same genetic influence on future generations and to avoid reducing genetic diversity each set of parents will have a similar number of Offspring this number is set at a minimum of two and a maximum of three babies this is needed to maintain the replacement rate of the parents and at the same time avoid High population growth that will strain onboard resources there is also generational staggering parents are to reproduce at different intervals to prevent age clusters of children large groups of children with the same age all of these rules have been put into place to avoid the collapse of the passenger population even where a family lives on the spacecraft is monitored The Command Deck allocates living quarters to different parts of the ship creating a rotation system making sure that individuals from different family units are more likely to interact this ensures a regular mixing of the gene pool and when it does come time to reproduce couples undergo genetic counseling their genomes are sequenced to determine genetic compatibility and to understand any potential risks if there are any issues there are alternative options available on board such as the artificial womb lab or using cryogenically frozen spermatozoa and egg samples brought from Earth all of these guidelines are especially important for the initial generations of passengers having a highly genetically diverse population to start with makes it easy iier to maintain that diversity over the 100-year journey and Beyond the helianthus is 1. 27 light years away from Earth and 2. 97 light years away from Proxima centor B the communications delay with Earth is 1.
27 years to send a message one way the first generation of children born onto the ship have now reached mature adulthood soon they will transition to Junior leadership roles and advanced operational duties the 1000 thth baby is born it has also been given the ship's name helianthus other common names on the ship include elesium Helios suria Apollo terara joro and centor even this far away from Earth earth-based mythology continues to live on there is talk on board the spacecraft of changing the planet name Proxima centu B to something more human or even more spiritual in nature the helianthus is entering the 50th year of its Journey the halfway mark looking out of the windows the passengers start to see a distinct but faint star this is their new host son proximus sori from this point forward in the journey the star gets brighter and brighter with each passing year the passengers have changed the name of the star they have given their new son the name Helios it is a red dwarf star and its brightness is much lower than that of Earth's sun at 65% the brightness future Generations on proximus and Tory B will be living with a lower light level of early evening on Earth but the planet orbits its star much closer than Earth orbits the sun 1 year is only 11 days their sun will appear larger in the sky and the light will have a reddish color the helianthus ship will make changes to help the future passengers adapt to the new light and gravity the helianthus is now now 2. 54 light years away from Earth with a Communications delay of 2. 54 years to send a message one way there is a time dilation of 60 years passing on the spacecraft while 60 years and 19 days have passed on Earth the passengers have renamed their destination Planet Proxima centu B the name has evolved over the years and has now been replaced by the new official name elisia a paradise where Heroes and the righteous go to ensure the continuation of Humanity at this point 60 years into the journey The Command Deck initiates the gravity Evolution spin sequence since the gravity on elisia is slightly higher than on Earth the spin thrusters will be periodically fired up over the next 30 Years to slowly increase the spin of the habitat ring increasing the gravity on the spacecraft so that for the last 10 years of the journey the passengers the new generations of humans will be used to living under the heavier gravity that they will soon face on their new home planet plan it the expected gravity on Alysia is set to be around 1.
026 times that of Earth making it just slightly stronger a person who weighs 50 kg 110 lb on Earth will feel as if they weigh 51. 4 kg 113 lb on Alysia this slight added gravity means increased stress on the heart and cardiovascular system the bones and muscles also undergo changes becoming denser to support the higher Gravity the body's fluids redistribute slightly leading to increased blood pressure in the lower Limbs and over time the human species will become shorter on average with a more compact body shape to be more energy efficient in the higher gravity environment as the gravity slowly increases on board the helianthus over the next 30 Years the lighting will also be adjusted the lights on the spacecraft will slowly turn red and less bright to match the dark red light seen from the new Sun Helios when living on the new planet in a world with less light and a red Hue human eyes will adapt and evolve in several ways the iris could turn a shade of Amber or gold to optimize for the red light pupils could be larger to allow more light in making the eyes look darker overall the white part of the eye the Scalera would also become more pigmented to reduce glare and improve Vision in the dim light so while Earth humans have a variety of eye colors and a white Scalera these future elisian humans could have a darker Scara and golden irises there have been onboard rumors of hidden cryolab and hibernation pods where wealthy individuals from the Earth planet have paid to be Frozen and taken along on the journey to be woken up at the new planet the more creative passenger types conjure up other folklore that these Frozen beings plan to colonize and rule over the inhabitants when they reach their new home planet the new home Sun Helios is prominently visible to the passengers on board the helianthus and is getting brighter as they approach their final destination three generations on board the spacecraft will make it to the new planet with the elders also looking to reach Alisia before the end of their [Music] lives the helianthus is now entering the final year of its journey and will soon be preparing for its deceleration here are the current onboard population numbers the helianthus has been cruising for 99 years and 350 days at 4. 24% the speed of light a continuous spin has been generating artificial gravity for those on board but soon 15 days before arrival the spin thrusters will fire up again this time in the opposite direction for spin desaturation to stop the spin then the helianthus will perform a flip maneuver so that the engines are pointing towards Alysia for forly Proxima centor B when the engines fire up this will be the deceleration burn to reduce velocity over the course of 15 days at 1G decelerating the spacecraft slowing it down to enter the orbit of the new planet elisia elia's gravity has captured the helianthus and settled the spacecraft into a stable orbit around the new world the passengers have arrived at their new planet because Earth's sun is much brighter the passengers on board the helianthus are still able to see the star in the sky while people on Earth cannot see the passenger Sun their red star Helios the spin thrusters are fired up again to generate artificial gravity as the passengers live on board orbiting their new planet a new ceremony is held paying homage to the ancestors of the ship 2,924 passengers have passed away and 5,7 700 babies have been born during the 100-year journey there have been seven generations who have lived on board the helianthus ship and while 100 years have passed on the spacecraft 100 years and 33 days have passed on earth a message is sent from the helianthus to Earth announcing their arrival this message will take 4.
24 years to reach Earth and another 4. 24 years for the spacecraft to receive a reply a total of 8.
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