The Man Who Can Predict How Long You Have Left To Live (To The Nearest Month): Gary Brecka | E225

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The Diary Of A CEO
Gary Brecka is one of the world’s foremost experts on how breath work can transform your life, and h...
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if you want to strip that off your body there is nothing no type of cardiovascular or weight training that comes anywhere close to spend 20 years working in life insurance predicting when people were going to die to the nearest month and now he's on a mission to extend your life most people if they're walking around right now at about 55 of their true state of normal there is an element missing from their body that would make the difference between them being an average person and being a superhuman how everything that we put into our bodies
gets converted into the usable form if you cannot make this conversion you have a deficiency and it is this deficiency that leads to these conditions they have accepted something as either a consequence of Aging stress or their environment this is not a consequence of any of those things I'm going to tell you exactly how to find out what it is that's missing so you could thrive in a way that you probably never thought possible let's use Dana White as an example so LabCorp calls us so it says hey we have a life-threatening alert on a
patient he had all of these conditions I've been talking to doctors none of them could fix any of my problems I said I'm surprised you can even sleep through the night without choking gagging he's like slammed his hand down how did you know that and I said if you don't do what we're going to ask you to do if you have a life expectancy at 10.4 years and in 10 weeks he has such a material change and he was like I had no idea I could feel this good and his life expectancy almost tripled someone
who's just heard that at home where do they start so I just want to start this episode with a message of thanks a thank you to everybody that Tunes in to listen to this podcast by doing so you've enabled me to live out my dream but also for many members of our team to live out their dreams too it's one of the greatest privileges I could never have dreamed of or imagined in my life to get to do this to get to learn from these people to get to have these conversations to get to interrogate
them from a very selfish perspective trying to solve problems I have in my life so I feel like I owe you a huge thank you for being here and for listening to these episodes and for making this platform what it is can I ask you a favor I can't tell you how much you can change the course of this podcast the the course of the guests we're able to invite to the show and to the course of everything that we do here just by doing one simple thing and that simple thing is hitting that subscribe
button helps this channel more than I could ever explain the guests on this platform are incredible because so many of you have hit that button and I know when we think about what we want to do together over the next year on this show a lot of it is going to be fueled by the amount of you that are subscribed in that tune in to this show every week so thank you let's keep doing this and I can't wait to see what this year brings for this show for us as a community and for this
platform foreign [Music] yes I this is the first time I've started this podcast in this particular way but I was but this is where I wanted to start it it's with a slightly curious question which is there's people that have just clicked onto this podcast to listen now right YouTube Spotify Apple wherever they're listening um why should they stay and listen to the message that you have committed your life to spreading because everybody wants to be better right I mean everybody wants to improve their health and most people especially young people probably don't realize that
they're walking around right now at about 55 maybe 60 percent of their true state of normal there is a nutrient an amino acid a substrate a compound an element missing from their body that if they knew what it was would make the difference between them being an average person and being a superhuman they have accepted something as either a consequence of Aging or a consequence of stress or a consequence of their environment something like brain fog or repeated poor sleep or weight gain or water retention or not the healthiest response to exercise or brain fog
or poor short-term recall or any number of things that they've accepted as consequence of Life of Aging of stress or what have you that's not a consequence of any of those things it's a consequence of missing raw material and I'm going to describe that in detail and tell you exactly how to put that raw material back into your body and how to find out what it is that's missing so you could thrive in a way that you've probably never thought possible who are you um I'm a human biologist um and a researcher biohacker my background
is in of all things mortality science you know my undergraduate degrees were in biology my postgraduate degrees are in human biology I'm fascinated by the human body it's form it's function how we can improve its performance and I'm a researcher you know I spent 22 years um as a mortality expert in the insurance industry which meant that if we got five years of demographic data on you and five years of medical records we could tell the insurance company how long you had to live to the month to the month to the month and I get
a lot of flack about that people say oh if you can predict death to the month you'd win a Nobel Prize or you know only God can tell you when you're going to die I mean and that's very true I mean obviously if we do a mortality prediction on it doesn't mean December 12th you know 2065 you're going to drop that on that day but it is very accurate science you know if you think of the most successful financial institutions on the planet as a category are insurance companies if you look at the failures during
the 2008-2009 financial crisis which was a global crisis you know in the U.S we had 364 Banks fail you didn't have a single life insurance company fail no other financial institution no other investment Enterprise hedge fund angel investor um Venture Capital firm would ever put tens of millions of dollars at risk on any kind of investment on one single variable yet every time a life insurance company bets on your life or or issues an annuity or a reverse mortgage or any number of other Financial Services instruments that are based on mortality they're only betting on
one factor they don't care where you are on a mortality curve they want to know how many more months does this person have left on Earth and it is some of the most accurate science on the planet and they have perfected this and the good news is that the science is very accurate and I'm going to share a lot of the details of that today but the downside of this industry and the reason why I left it was that during my tenure in this career I was not allowed to have any contact with the patient
or any contact with the treating physician now I'm not licensed to practice medicine I'm a human biologist but if I was reading a medical record and saw a life-threatening drug interaction I could not contact the patient and this database where this information is drawn from if this database could see the light of day I believe it would permanently change the face of humanity it would upend modern medicine in a way that would be completely catastrophic because you see they have information that no other database has no other research study no other financial institution no other
university has and that is that they know the day the date the time the location and the cause of death for hundreds of millions of people that they have all of these records on you know if I'm a cardiologist and you come in to see me and I put a heart stent in your heart when you leave my office I don't know what happens to you two months later two years later 12 years later I don't know if you died as a consequence of something that went wrong with the procedure I did or if you
died of something completely different I don't know exactly what kind of impact on your life that procedure had or didn't have unless it's contained in a very short-term clinical study and not that I want to go into the whole science of mortality but if you had access to this database you would realize that the most common ailments that we suffer from are not diseases and pathology that are happening to us they are things that are happening within us you know I always say that if I was to boil my entire career down to a single
sentence it would be that the presence of oxygen is the absence of disease and nothing is more impactful than that statement the presence of oxygen is the absence of disease I have yet defined a single disease ideological pathway something that's happening in in the human body causing pathology causing disease dysfunction that doesn't have its roots in a lack of blood oxygen or its roots is not aggravated by something called hypoxia lack of oxygen in fact all human beings die of the same thing we all leave this earth the same way right we all die of
hypoxia lack of oxygen to the brain that's the definition of death Only We tend to think of it as an event right a gunshot wound a bus car a stroke heart attack but the truth is we are on a hypoxic curve meaning we are accelerating quickly or accelerating slowly towards the grave and the second thing that we discovered in this voluminous data-driven industry was that when you deplete certain raw materials in the human body you get the expression of that deficiency so what I mean is you know we've all heard that um uh disease you
know travels in families or you might have genetically inherited hypertension or genetically inherited hypothyroid genetically inherited drug and alcohol addiction diabetes um depression anxiety these things tend to run in families so we've accepted the myth in most cases that these are genetically inherited diseases but think about this the next time one of your listeners gets told that oh you have genetically inherited hypertension what we call uh idiopathic hypertension or genetically inherited hypothyroid or if you have this genetically inherited disease or that genetically inherited disease stop your physician and say well wait a minute we've mapped
the entire human genome um so we know every Gene in the human body can you tell me what disease I inherited from my ancestor that's actually causing this condition and watch their face go blank because in the majority of cases we have accepted that disease travels in families when it's actually not the disease being passed from generation to generation it is the inability for their body to refine a certain raw material which causes a deficiency which leads to that disease so in other words there's not a single compound known to mankind not one no mineral
vitamin amino acid protein carbohydrate no nutrient of any kind no element known to man that enters the human body and is used in the format that we put it in everything that we put into our bodies gets taken in by the body and converted into the usable form you cannot make this conversion you have a deficiency and it is this deficiency that leads to these conditions and so if you go hunting for that deficiency and you supplement not for the sake of supplementing but you supplement for the sake of deficiency magic things happen in human
beings there is a superhuman inside of every person listening to this podcast and if they actually were able to test themselves to a genetic test and look at what's called their methylation how their body refines raw materials and they were able to replace the deficiency that is holding their body back from creating adequate levels of neurotransmitter and achieving normal mood moving contents through the gut and achieving normal gut function elevating emotional state deepening their sleep quieting their mind all of these conditions that Society has labeled different pathologies and disease then they would begin to thrive
in a way that they just never thought possible it so blatantly clear how passionate you are about this subject matter which begs the question you know I remember when I was reading through your story I I uncovered that you'd read hundreds of peer-reviewed papers I think the quote was something along the lines of um if there's a peer-reviewed paper on the subject matter of biohacking and um disease and Longevity and those kinds of things you've basically read it so this begs the question to me like why is one individual so unbelievably passionate about this subject
matter and I would like you to take me as early as you possibly can to answer that question in your own life where did your obsession passion where was it fostered fostered and nurtured so that you've spent and committed your life to this subject matter where did that begin so it actually began I I grew up on a very large tobacco farm my father was a Navy captain my mom was a flight attendant she worked for the airlines but we had a a farm that we leased out to other farmers and surrounding this 300 acre
tobacco farm were all kinds of Animal Farms or cattle Farms or chicken farms there was horse farms and I was an only child my nearest neighbor was Miles Away in fact from my home you couldn't even see another house from my parents house until I was in my early 20s and so for me to to play with another child I had to get on a bike and spend half an afternoon biking to their house so I got very familiar with the farm and I was always just fascinated by the veterinarians that would come onto these
farms and fix horses and fix cattle and fix sheep and fix chickens and I always thought it was so cool that these animals could be laying on the ground seemingly about to die and the veterinarian would come come on board and do a bunch of stuff and the next thing you know this horse was up and a few days later it was Galloping back in the field or you had all kinds of strange things that would happen on this farm and there was always someone arriving to just fix it and I started to get fascinated
with medicine I guess in that way I always found it as a way to take something that was sick and helpless and sort of help it get back to normal function and I found out in the eighth grade sometime during my eighth grade year that I was clinically photographic so I have a clinical level photographic recall which is different than just having a visual memory I'm clinically photographic so I have a voluminous capacity to recall things that I read even if I don't understand them which is why I never read for pleasure I'm very cautious
about what I read I'm very cautious about what I look at because I record everything so I can't be flying on American Airlines and take the seat back magazine out and read the CPAC magazine because three months later I'll tell you where the sales Center is for a condo project in Buenos Aires you know so I can I can fill my brain with senseless things like that and record it and regurgitate it or I can fill it full of things that that fascinate me and so I naturally gravitated towards science is that what they call
a photograph photographic memory photographic memory is usually someone that can remember seven numbers in sequence they have extremely good recall for things that they visualize clinically photographic is being able to regurgitate voluminous amounts of information with Incredible accuracy so I still remember you know section 15 2 so paragraph B of my first Employment contract that I signed 28 years ago really um really yeah I remember I remember that it was actually with the trading firm um that I signed it with so you know when I read peer-reviewed papers um in scientific journals uh it doesn't
make me more intelligent than someone because very often I can recall information that I don't understand so I can regurgitate luminous amounts of information so subjects that rely on rote memorization like chemistry biology neurobiology microbiology a lot of these Sciences don't actually make sense right that you just have to memorize how they operate chemistry in a lot of ways doesn't make sense right you just have to remember what happens when you put these two elements together they create this or you know when you pull a carbon Bond or you double a carbon Bond here or
hydrogen bond there that you that the molecule shifts in this way and so I gravitated towards science I got my undergraduate degree in biology how did you do um I did very well I actually found it quite the breeze um my you know when I was an undergrad my you know biology chemistry were considered the toughest majors and I went to Branch campus University of Maryland a lot of my roommates were political science not investing on political science majors at all or philosophy or psychology and they got to party all the time and you know
I had really intense classes you know morphology of phthalophytes and chemistry and and you know biomechanics and and Science and and a lot of plant biology courses and human biology courses but I was able to have the same kind of social life that they were because I would you know record a lecture and then I would regurgitate the lecture when I needed it during during a test is it a gift or a cuss because with all things in life that appear to be gifts there's often some kind of hidden curse well the curse is that
I can't I rarely read for pleasure um it's very difficult to read for pleasure because I record all of that information so when I'm going in to read a book you know a lot of people read a book that they didn't really like it doesn't stay with them um or they read a fiction novel doesn't really give them any benefit it's not doesn't doesn't feed them but they do it to relax or they do it for entertainment for me it would take up storage I know I I would record that information so there's no need
for me to have that information in my possession I I find other ways to to relax and and and meditate and unwind but reading for pleasure just just not one of them so I guess that could be a curse but you know then I went to grad school for human biology I went to another four years of school for human biology so I had eight years of Science and then I was um either going to go into Chiropractic or into orthopedic medicine I really like the idea of Orthopedics because again an orthopedic surgeon was somebody
that fixed people and you know an internist was somebody that just managed disease you know they took up obese hypertensive diabetic uh patient and they just kind of managed their case throughout their lifetime but I felt like an orthopedic was somebody that you know you came in and you had a broken leg and they you know fixed your broken leg and and you were back to normal I like the idea of fixing things and then kind of returning function back to people and I took some time off you know after I got my human biology
degree and I ended up going into a rare area of science um this mortality science um for life insurance and secondary Life Insurance where you would take medical records and demographic data and you would use this in what's called a probabilistic model to predict life expectancy and I was fascinated by it because I love the Big Data nature of it and for years I actually subscribed to the fact that this was just data and that I had no influence on this person's outcome I didn't put them in his position nor am I responsible for getting
them out of this position but eventually I think as both my faith grew and my awareness of the fact that there were human beings on the other side of these spreadsheets I finally made a conscious decision to say what am I doing I'm going to spend the rest of my life just predicting death um for the monetary gain of an investor versus taking this information and helping people live healthier happier longer more fulfilling lives because by studying medical records and you know hybrid you know eight to ten hours a day six days a week thousands
and thousands and thousands of medical records and extracted from those how it would impact somebody's outcome of their life you know how how it would impact the length of or the shortness of the duration of their life their health span or their lifespan and once you realize there's human beings on the other side of the spreadsheet you start to feel like you're sitting behind a thick glass wall just watching blind people walk into traffic and towards the tail end I used to artificially kind of manipulate the record I would say well what if I what
if I artificially fixed this person's D3 deficiency what if I cured the anemia what if I actually um noticed that they had a gene mutation called MTHFR instead of trying to fix them with folic acid I fixed them with methylfolate and you would just see the life expectancy jump in the model in the model yeah right and this model was based on very large data so it was very likely to have a real life impact and when I say we predicted death to the month it was based on that patient's current position and it doesn't
mean that they couldn't walk out the the next day and and get hit by a bus or die in a commercial airline you know disaster or something like that but there's there were standard deviations that would account for those kinds of risks what insurance company wanted to quantify or the annuity company the reverse mortgage company wanted to quantify was based on this person's everything that we know about this person right now the function of their liver the slightly hypoxic anemic profile that they have the deficiencies that they have in vitamin D3 they suppressed immune system
um you know the elevated visceral fat the body mass index the bone mineral density based on all of these things when do these things all meet and actually cause a catastrophic event catastrophic event and there were things called mortality debits and comorbidity debits and we put all these together and I really like the data of it but realizing that there were human beings on the other side of the spreadsheet just woke me up and I said you know I have this Chasm of knowledge even though I'm not a physician I have a fundamental understanding of
human physiology I'm fascinated by human physiology and ways that we can improve lifespan and health span and so why wouldn't I take this gift and get into an industry like wellness or functional medicine where I could actually make a difference where instead of predicting death we could extend life and in doing so help people if healthier happier longer lives more fulfilling lives get rid of a lot of the ailments that people suffer from I mean when you when you start to peel back the way that modern medicine defines a lot of conditions that we have
you know take um depression or anxiety or add or ADHD because a lot of your listeners are probably entrepreneurs and a lot of entrepreneurs have very active minds and they've been told they have attention deficit disorder right or temperature in deficit hyperactivity disorder well an intention deficit disorder is not an attention deficit at all um we misdefined these things it's an attention overload disorder because you see in the human brain we don't just create thought we also dismantle thought it is just as important for you to be able to create a new thought or feeling
as it is to dismantle it right and if you don't degrade thought called catecholamines if you don't degrade them then there's a gene that governs this catecholomethyl transferase if you create thought at a faster rate than you degrade thought then the mind gets very clouded and so attention deficit disorder is attention overload disorder it's too many windows open at the same time so modern medicine says well if the mind's racing let's put an amphetamine into the body race the central nervous system to match the pace of the mind and this is a very poor choice
right because eventually this will burn you out it can actually change the neuroplasticity of the brain rather than put the right amino acids back into the body the right B complex blend the right methylated folates so that the mind can actually begin to quiet what would you say to someone that says that ADHD is also in some ways a result of some early trauma well you know trauma was always fascinating to me trauma can trigger methylation trauma can interrupt the methylation cycle right but the the idea in modern medicine that you have some kind of
trauma you have a disrupted relationship with your mother for example and that somehow we're going to go and put neuroplasticity altering chemicals into the brain it's going to fix this 30-year broken relationship you have with your mother to me it doesn't yeah make any sense right and so it's not at all to poo poo trauma to to put trauma down depression really exists anxiety really exists but but if you actually look at how we Define these conditions take depression for example we Define depression at least in America we Define oppression as an inadequate supply of
Serotonin right so if you are low in serotonin you're by definition depressed so then you would think that the solution would be to raise serotonin right if we Define depression as low serotonin you think the solution will be an erased serotonin but that's not what we do we take people that are depressed and we put them on ssris selective serotonin reuptake Inhibitors and what these do is they ration what little serotonin these people have so by definition it never raises serotonin so by definition it never ends depression I mean I've I've clients come in to
see me all the time and and and on our clinical team and then I'll say well how long have you been on antidepressants say 15 years 18 years and my first question is when did you think it was going to kick in right so if we understand that serotonin is actually methylated in the gut this process that I'm talking about is called methylation we actually make serotonin from an amino acid called tryptophan the one that's famous for making you sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner I know you guys don't have Thanksgiving in the UK but um from
America but um so because we eat a lot of turkey on Thanksgiving and turkey has a lot of tryptophan so when you take um tryptophan methylated into the neurotransmitter serotonin of which 90 resides in your gut methylate is basically process yeah the processing it's like the refining process crude oil gets refined into gasoline amino acids get methylated into neurotransmitters and so this process of methylation when it's broken and and it can be relatively easy to fix when it's broken it means that we have an impaired ability to create we have an impaired ability to um
refine a raw material and it leads to this deficit well serotonin for example 90 of it resides in your gut so if you don't have it here you can't have it here so depression rarely begins in the outside environment it usually begins in the gut now it may be trauma that led to the deficiency but the fix is not in a chemical or synthetic or pharmaceutical blocking the brain's capacity to uptake these neurotransmitters the fix is in restoring adequate levels to the body so we can naturopathically make its way back up the vagus nerve and
and arrive to the brain similar things are true with anxiety I mean if you actually have ever suffered from or know somebody who suffered from anxiety if you ask them three questions you can find out very quickly that their anxiety is not coming from a cluster of symptoms it's not coming from their outside environment it is coming from within them it's coming from their physiology right I mean if you know someone who's suffered from anxiety and you say well have you had anxiety on and off throughout your lifetime the most of the time they'll say
yes and then if you say can you point to the specific trigger that causes it very often they'll say no I mean yes I know some of my triggers but I could be sitting in a podcast just like this in a very calm environment there's no threats around it all of a sudden I get overwhelmed by anxiety I can be driving home from work on an otherwise innocuous day and I can be overwhelmed by anxiety well that is not coming from your outside environment right this is coming from a process called methylation and it is
caused from excess catecholamines entering the brain and an inability to down regulate these so the body's entering this mild fight-or-flight response without the presence of a fear so you remember that as sophisticated as we like to think our brains are it's really not our brain is very Primal you know what the brain cares about the brain cares about survival and so doesn't care how fat or skinny you are how pretty or ugly you are it doesn't care about your skin your hair cares about survival and so when we understand that the brain does not know
the difference between perception and reality we start to understand how we can play tricks on us so I always use the example that let's say you drove home tonight and you got out of your car when you got home you got out of your car and somebody was standing in front of you with a knife it's a very real threat right you'd have a fight or flight response your pupils would dilate your heart rate would increase your extremities would flood with blood your hearing would get very acute your brain would flood with catecholamines you are
getting ready to fight or flight but you could also be laying on the 30th floor of a Condo building in bed and start thinking about getting eaten by a shark there is zero chance of a shark getting out of the ocean going up a 30th floor elevator right coming into your condo and biting you in that bed but you can have the exact same response if you're watching a movie or something you exactly so one is entirely real one is entirely perceived the physiologic response is identical once we understand this now we begin to understand
how I can feel the presence of a fear which is what anxiety is it's a fear of something happening in the future usually it's not going to happen usually hasn't happened in the past and is not likely to happen but it's it's this fear starts to build up you start to get very anxious it can actually change your heart rate um to the point where you can panic attacks can land you in a hospital or it can be mild enough that it just causes you anxiousness and Mild anxiety but there's no presence of a fear
and so you start trying to correlate it to your outside environment starts to drive you crazy because you go well I don't get it I'm on vacation with my wife or my spouse and my kids and I'm in the resort of a lifetime I've been here a thousand times I love this place there's no reason I should feel like this but all of a sudden you have this feeling of anxiousness anxiety so these are these are lack of raw material in the human body my mission is to try to help people by taking a genetic
test um once in their lifetime find out where is methylation broken and then stop supplementing just for the sake of supplementing and start supplementing for this deficiency so your body can thrive in the case of people that are listening to this now and they can pinpoint the moments where they've gotten anxiety so say they've I remember I had one guest on the podcast maybe two years ago and after he became famous he developed social anxiety so he whenever he would be with around a lot of people he would feel that sense of anxiety and then
from that sort of catalystic moment then when he's at home he'd get the same Rush of anxiety but he would point to that catalystic moment of becoming famous and then some things had happened in his life and then he'd get anxiety at home when nothing was going on right in that situation what's the news so there you go so so now you've you've you've interrupted methylation because there's one where there is the presence of fear and there's one where there isn't there's the absence of a fear so to be very specific anxiety true anxiety does
exist but you can point to the specific trigger that causes it so for example if you if you have a fear of heights and you walk to the edge of a 30th floor balcony and look over you're gonna feel anxiety yeah if you're claustrophobic and you step on a really crowded elevator you're going to feel anxiety but if you're claustrophobic and you're sitting at home and you start to become overwhelmed with anxiety yeah this is actually not coming from that trigger this is coming from your physiology and the way that we deal with stress right
and like cortisol when you measure cortisol levels cortisol is not really a measure of how much stress is in your life it's a measure of your body's reaction to stress so why are some people more resilient to stress and don't have anxiety attacks and why are other people not as resistant again this is not to say that if you didn't have a violent attack in your life or or a terrible car accident that sometimes when you've had a you know a vehicle accident you approach an intersection the the the memory of having been T-boned you
know recently and badly injured is going to give you anxiety but the majority of people are not suffering from that type of hyperspecific situational anxiety they're suffering from something called generalized anxiety or idiopathic anxiety which means of Unknown Origin so for somebody who's very famous and gets into a a crowd and doesn't know who's coming at them that's a very I wouldn't even Define that as anxiety that's a very Primal instinctual reaction to a real fear right just like walking to the edge of a 30th floor balcony what's not a primal reaction to a real
fear is when there is no presence of a fear especially if that incident has never happened and you aren't even sure what you are afraid of or why you are anxious or why you have anxiety Then this is coming from your physiology so how would you treat that you look at the different uh there are five major actionable genes that I like to look at in there what's it called their sub-alleals and when you find out what they're deficient in you start to supplement with things like Sam e s adenosol methionine methylated forms of vitamins
LMA thionine the the proper balance of B complex methylated forms of folic acid or folate called methylfolate and what happens is now the body has the capacity to degrade these neurotransmitters that are causing this fight or flight this group of neurotransmitters called catecholamines and the anxiousness that follows and you'll find that the majority of people that suffer from idiopathic anxiety or generalized anxiety because of low serotonin they also have gut issues um you show me a person that's truly depressed and I'll show you somebody that's also suffering from severe gut issues either gas or bloating
or diarrhea constipation irritability cramping because the same neurotransmitters that affect these emotional states also are responsible for the motility of the gut the speed of the gut this is the most overlooked thing in all of bariatric medicine because people that believe that they have all of these allergies well I'm allergic to wheat soy corn Dairy blueberries bananas you know gluten yes sometimes those individual allergies do exist but the majority of time even if you talk to somebody who says yeah I I get bloated or I deal with gas or cramping or diarrhea or constipation or
irritability I deal with all of these gut issues irritable bowel syndrome uh Crohn's disease ulcerative colitis all these names that we give to conditions of the gut when you ask them well what are you allergic to and they give you this laundry list of things and then you ask them another question and say well if you're really allergic to corn is there ever a time that you can eat corn and not have a reaction the majority of time people will say yes okay well right there you know you don't have an allergy allergies are not
transient allergies are consistent right you don't wake up Monday morning and being allergic to milk and then you're unallergic on Wednesday afternoon and then re-allergic on Saturday morning but what happens when people have gut issues that they can't explain is they always correlate it to what they last ate and it's hard to make this connection they're like wait a second I ate the same thing Monday and I was fine and I ate the identical food on Wednesday and I blew up like a tick so this is not analogy this has to do with the motility
of the gut so if you don't know what gene mutation you have that is causing a deficiency then you don't know what to supplement with to restore gut motility but once you do the gut goes back to its normal Pace what's gut motility it's the pace of the gut so if you remember Henry Ford was actually not made famous for the automobile he was made famous for something called the assembly line so the assembly line was just a glorified conveyor belt right and when you walked into his Factory they put a part on it at
one end and about every six feet somebody stood and tinkered with that part so it went to me I tinkered with it and moved to the guy to my right he did something to it moved to the guy to his right and by the time it reached the end of that conveyor belt it's fully assembled this is very analogous to how the human intestinal tract works it's 30 feet long it's a giant conveyor belt you put parts on it at one end as they exit the stomach in a very acidic environment and it moves slowly
towards the rectum and before it exits the rectum it's in a relatively alkaline environment so instead of having people standing along a conveyor belt you have bacteria that are graded by pH the sequence is very important so imagine what would happen if Henry Ford walked into his Factory one day and doubled the speed of the conveyor belt the entire assembly line would break down not because there's anything wrong with the parts the contents not because there's anything wrong with the people that are working there the bacteria but because you change the speed what if he
went in there one day and reversed the conveyor belt what if he just ran it in the opposite direction it would screw the whole thing up right so by changing the pace of the gut the speed of the gut the conveyor belt I've I've ruined this sequence of events and I spend a lifetime trying to figure out what's wrong with the parts what's wrong with the workers what's wrong with the conveyor belt itself nothing it's how quickly or slowly it's running because the motility this peristaltic activity is affected and once you supplement for this deficiency
and you return that activity to normal you find that all of a sudden these strange allergies eviscerate and all of this gas and blowing and diarrhea and constipation and irritability and all of this inability to equate things that I'm eating back to what is going on in my gut seem to go away it's true with all kinds of conditions you know we we have subscribed in this world to the fact that we are so affected by disease and pathology and once I get you to to subscribe to the fact that you have a disease and
it can get you to subscribe to a lifetime of medication you know this is true in hypertension you know it's another huge you know we think genetically inherited disease and a lot of families have you know grandfather had high blood pressure um Dad had high blood pressure now the sun has high blood pressure so they go up it's genetic it's genetically inherited high blood pressure okay well What gene is being passed down from these generations to cause this well they don't know okay well that we know all of the genes so if we don't know
what Gene it is then let's look at the methylation genes let's look at the genes in the human body that refine raw materials because if you have a certain deficiency for example in hypertension very often not always but very often it's it's caused by elevated levels of an amino acid called homocysteine you have in your bloodstream right now I have it in my bloodstream every listener to this podcast has homocysteine in their blood because we in in the process of normally refining this amino acid into something called methionine we we keep this level at a
reasonable level but when you can't break homocysteine down it rises when homocysteine Rises it's very irritating to What's called the endothelial lining of the blood vessel it in it irritates the lining of the blood vessel when you irritate a blood vessel it clamps down well if you make the pipes smaller in a fixed system pressure goes up you have 63 000 miles of blood vessel in your body it doesn't take much narrowing to drive pressure up and so these people end up with hypertension high blood pressure and they go to the doctor and the doctor
does an EKG it's normal I need EG it's normal stress EKG it's normal cardiac cath normal heart and lung sounds normal dye contrast study normal the entire cardiac workout's normal and then they still start pounding on the heart with medication because they can't figure out why the blood pressure is up but they never actually looked at what raw material was missing in their body not allowing them to bring homocysteine down and allowing the vascular system to relax as the vascular system relaxes pressure returns to normal you spent 22 years at that insurance company yeah looking
at the database that you describe um and as you as you're saying that you know much of the sort of medical profession and I think most of society yeah and I don't want to attack the medical person I really you know I mean no play I am a huge lover and believer in modern medicine it's saved people very close to me and trust me if I hit a windshield at 20 miles an hour I want a surgeon I want painkillers I'm going to the ER there's been this kind of this it's not a preventative approach
to disease that we've taken over the last couple of decades it really is you know to put a Band-Aid on something that's that's emerged and as you said at the start of this conversation these predicaments these um diseases emerged decades before we even see the symptoms oftentimes um at the end of your 22 years at the insurance company you started to look at these things which you call modifiable risk factors yes what is a modifiable risk factor and what are the most common modifiable risk factors in your view well I mean one of the most
common ones saw was a modifiable risk factor is it's a risk factor that you have and if you changed it it would have modified it it would have a demonstrative impact on the trajectory of your life so for example anemia right low low hemoglobin low red blood cell count low oxygen transport in the blood will exacerbate just about any condition that you have right so if you are hypertensive and anemic if you are diabetic and anemic if you are morbidly obese and anemic meaning you have low blood oxygen because you have low red blood cells
low hemoglobin what if you could modify the anemia well if you could modify the anemia carry more oxygen in the blood you'd be much more resilient to all of these conditions right so the same thing is true with dementia and Alzheimer's and and cognitive function as you impair cognitive function you increase the incidence of all cause mortality so a modifiable risk factor would be something like um looking at the levels of vitamin D3 in the blood blood in the body so it's estimated that roughly 50 percent of the world's population is clinically deficient in vitamin
D3 why is that important um well vitamin D3 is the only vitamin that a human being can make on our own there's hundreds of vitamins in your bloodstream right now you're only capable of making one and it's vitamin D3 Cola calciferol we make it from sunlight and cholesterol you don't even need to eat to make this vitamin there is not a single cell in the entire human body that does not have a receptor site for this vitamin it also acts like a hormone it's calcium transport molecule it's enormously impactful in your immune system clinical deficiency
in vitamin D3 was at one time the second leading cause of morbidity in covet you know when they said covid disproportionately affected minorities if you ever heard that it's true so how did covet dish proportionately affect the minorities it wasn't like the virus didn't start going after certain minority populations well it actually did but it wasn't because they were not minorities that had to do with the pigment of their skin the darker the pigmentation of your skin the lower the vitamin D3 the lower the vitamin D3 the more compromised the immune system the more compromised
the immune system the more susceptible you are to attack that suggests that if you have darker skin like I do that you should spend more time in the sunlight yes it does it absolutely does I mean you and I just based on our skin tone if you and I in a pair of board shorts went out and spent 30 minutes in sunlight I would manufacture about 25 1000 IU's international units of vitamin D3 you would manufacture about 3 500. it's not fair we can run but you also you also look better older and you don't
age you don't get wrinkles as much if there's some trade-offs so so when you look at you know African-American populations Latino populations Middle Eastern populations there the percentage of vitamin D3 deficiency approaches 85 percent right the truth is most of us are not getting enough sun it's not that we're getting too much so let's talk about the depletion of this one nutrient can I just ask them before we move on to the depletion of that nutrient because I want to understand why that is my guess was that because people with darker skins have grown up
in sunlight correct we spent more time in in the sunlight I'm guessing which meant that we adjusted our production of vitamin D3 to suit the environment we lived in yeah you actually have a better barrier right you are um less susceptible to skin down damage from sunlight than someone with lighter skin right and so if you actually look because it used to be a population mortality expert um you know the hot the longest life expectancies um were centered right around the equator of the earth if you look at most of the blue zones they're going
to be sort of closer to the Equator of the earth they're going to be closer to places where the sun shines longer periods of time throughout the year the blue zones the blue zones are sorry the blue zones are areas of the world where people live um extraordinarily long life expectancies right Mediterranean diets so the longest life expectancies are centered around the the Equator so for every 20 degrees um latitude because it's just longitude every 20 degrees latitude there's a precipitous drop in life expectancy until you get to the poles where when I started in
this industry a um the lowest the shortest life expectancy on earth existed so when I was born in 1970 a true Eskimo had a 56-year life expectancy 56 years had 56. true Eskimo so these are these are at the polls now why because they would go months without seeing the Sun and when they did see the sun they were layered up so they had brittle bone disease they had autoimmune disease they had immunocompromised conditions all kinds of conditions that go with severe depletion and vitamin D3 and so I would see this in the medical record
all the time right I would see medical record after medical records you know patient has been had a decade or longer of clinical deficiency in vitamin D3 well when you deplete this nutrient and you don't supplement for it by the way vitamin D3 is so easy to supplement for everybody should be taking vitamin D3 unless you're getting adequate sunlight 5000 IUS of D3 with 80 micrograms of K2 and you know you you deplete this nutrient eventually you will develop rheumatoid r arthritis-like symptoms now you don't have rheumatoid arthritis but you have you have the same
identical symptoms when you're depleted in vitamin D3 you start waking up sore and achy like you had a workout the night before when you haven't soles your feet and your ankles are tender when you get out of bed in the morning to walk to the bathroom take your first pee um your your knees and hips and ankles start to stiffen up then it goes to cross the shoulders and eventually it's hard to make a really tight fist well if you go to the wrong physician Family Medicine practitioner that's seeing a lot of high volume of
patients you start to give them that description they go you know what you got you've got rheumatoid arthritis I'm going to hit you with something called corticosteroids I'm going to put you on some prednisone first and then we're going to transition you to a corticosteroid look at Methotrexate or one of these and and you're gonna be fine you know you know it's going to push this off into the future well we knew that if you started corticosteroids that at first they had an anti-inflammatory effect but you had roughly six years in one day until you're
having a joint replacement because first they're anti-inflammatory but then they eat the joint like a termite and so it was so accurate that if you were a 60 year old female and you were misdiagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis because you had a vitamin D3 deficiency I would artificially Advance your age six years I would schedule a joint replacement that wasn't required by the way I'll schedule the joint replacement and then I would begin to reduce what's called your ambulatory profile how well you ambulate how well you move and we know now that sitting is the new
smoking right sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of all-cause mortality and so as I start to reduce your ambulatory profile I bring in all of the diseases that exacerbate with reduced motility so if I back this up you're diagnosed with a condition that you didn't have because you had a deficiency in a very simple nutrient so then you're put on a medication that wasn't required this caused you to have surgery that you didn't need because to replace a joint that wasn't initially going to be defective this reduced your mobility and it brought diseases forward that
you never would have caught and you died early from a condition you never would have had because you had deficiency in a nutrient that was misdiagnosed mistreated and led to your early demise and I could give you hundreds of examples like this and this is why if you look at the 2016 Harvard study the 2019 Johns Hopkins study medical error is the third leading cause of death medical error medical error is that misdiagnosis misdiagnosis and medical error the average American over 50 52 is on five prescription medications these are synthetic chemical Pharmaceuticals right and in
a lot of cases we don't know the long-term side effects of these in a lot of these cases we actually don't even know the mechanism by which they work if you actually open the PDR that comes the the disclaimer that comes with a lot of these medications you'll see that they say mechanism of action unknown well it's a sleep medication how does it make me sleep I don't know just makes you sleep right in fact most people that are suffering from from sleep issues are suffering some sleep issues not because they can't sleep not because
they're not tired because their mind is keeping them awake right if you have a gene mutation called comt catecholomethyl transferase then what happens to you is you lay down to go to sleep and there's nothing more frustrating than one spouse having this G mutation and one knot oh my God I think you're talking about me and my partner I'm the one yeah that I need some like sound or something to go to sleep because yeah she's just out like a light there you go see and nothing's more frustrating because so annoying I sometimes sleep in
another room okay so the reason why you're not falling asleep is because when your environment quiets your mind wakes up and if you actually hone in on the kind of things you're thinking about you're thinking about the most innocuous little nonsense right I mean it's like did I get everything on my grocery list uh did my belt match my shoes today um did I return that email it's nothing that couldn't wait till the next day 100 yeah and so and sometimes you can even catch yourself going what am I doing thinking about the color of
dishes I'm gonna have if I threw a party which I'm probably not going to throw it's just like how did I get down this rabbit hole right and um this is because you know the you are not quieting the mind at the pace that you are exciting the mind so in other words when you lay down and go to sleep and your environment quiets your mind starts to wake up so you need to be distracted so that your mind doesn't continue to run but if you just put the right amino acid balance in fact I
would bet my career you have this gene mutation I will pay for your test if you don't it's 599 dollars it's a cheek swab you do once in your lifetime and it will tell you if you have this gene mutation comt and if you do I'll tell you exactly what supplement to take and it will become a permanent thing of your past you take methyl folate and depending on where the gene break is and how severe it is you add you may add something called Sam e s a dinosaur methionine and these sound like fancy
names they're just fancy names for vitamins and amino acids there you all of these are in your bloodstream right now so when you look at the sequence of breaks that somebody has then you can tell them exactly what supplement to take when they take the supplement their body is no longer deficient right deficiencies over time Express themselves as all kinds of things you know there's a lot of people that can't reach elevated emotional states for any prolonged period of time this is because mood and emotional states are recipes just like a you know a chef
makes a recipe but if you went to a bakery chef and you said you can bake whatever you want you just can't use butter okay it doesn't sound like a big deal it's just one ingredient but think of the number of cookies pastries pies brownies you know then it would affect it would affect so many different recipes just by removing one ingredient this is the same thing that happens in human beings if you couldn't use serotonin to assemble mood okay now any emotional state that requires that neurotransmitter as a part of its structure you can
Assemble and as I release that mutation you when you people hear the term mutation they think of it as being something that's happened in me and I'm maybe you know one of a few that have that mutation mutation sounds like a yeah it does sound just doesn't sound like an aliens yeah it sounds like you know my sister won't have it and it's just me okay so a gene mutation means that you know we get a copy of our genes from each parent right and then these the the copy of these genes is passed down
to us and we know you know most of us are familiar with basic genetics eye color skin color detached to your lobes um but there's nothing you can do with that information so beyond your ancestry you know whether you've got Irish heritage or Native American Indian or what have you I mean those are if you did a 23 and me you'd be able to find your ancestry which is also your genetic history that's not actionable information when you look at the genes of methylation right and there are several of them I look at five majors
and a few minors when you look at the genes of methylation these are the genes that code for how materials are taken into the body are refined into the usable form and these are not mutations that you're going to suffer from what they do is they they cause deficiencies to arise in the body and it's this deficiency that leads to the expression of these conditions and so when you can't adequately methylate neurotransmitters you have a deficiency in a certain neurotransmitter any mood any emotional state that requires that neurotransmitter you can't assemble if you have a
deficiency in the ability to quiet the mind then you have excess neurotransmitters in the brain which cause it to stay in awakened state so that Gene that is responsible for my loud mind when I go to sleep do you have any idea the amount of people that have that particular Gene well 44 of the world's population has a gene mutation called MTHFR methylene tetrahydrofolate ductase this is a genetic mutation that impairs the ability to convert folate into methylfolate or folic acid into methylpholate and that might not sound like a big deal but folic acid is
one of the most prevalent nutrients in the human diet and the thing about folic acid is that folic acid is an entirely man-made chemical folic acid is not found anywhere on the surface of the Earth you can't find folic acid anywhere naturally in nature and yet we give folic acid to pregnant women when they get pregnant because we tell pregnant women that folic acid prevents neural tube defects well that's patently false folic acid doesn't prevent anything folic acid has to be converted first into tetralog folate then dihydrofolate but eventually it becomes something called methopholate and
that prevents a neural tube defect well what if like 44 of the population and 44 of women this woman has this gene mutation and you give her folic acid the man-made version of folate and she can't convert it into methylfolate this is where postpartum depression develops and you know I have not seen a single peer-reviewed published clinical study linking elevated levels of of uh hormones in female pregnancy to postpartum depression but if you give a woman that can't methylate folic acid fourteen hundred percent of the daily allowance of folic acid and she can't break it
down then she goes nuts and then eventually the pregnancy ends the depression goes away and so she blames it on the pregnancy not on the vitamin and you know we do this over and over and over again you know we have in in the modern industrial world we try to synthesize what occurs naturally in nature in a laboratory you know there's three types of B12 right the dinosaur cobellum and hydroxycobalamin methylcobalamin these forms of B12 occur naturally in nature there's one that we make synthetically in a laboratory it's called cyanocobalamin we make it from hydrogen
cyanide it is useless in the human body the human body actually has to take it and convert it into the active form of B12 called hydroxycobalamin and so a lot of times the supplements that we're taking us are causing more harm than good and we're taking them because a doctor said well I'm pregnant my OB GYN told me to take this synthetic chemical called folic acid which it's always Beyond me why anyone would think that something that we make in a laboratory that's entirely synthetic that isn't natural that isn't found anywhere on the surface the
Earth could ever be required for Optimal Health I mean just in it's on its surface that sounds strange to me but you know yet we do and we don't understand this process of methylation so if you once you understand where your genetic mutations are where the genetic inability to refine raw materials is you can go about supplementing targeted supplementing for that deficiency so you would recommend people take a genetic test to find out these answers right I'd recommend everyone take that test once in their lifetime you know I I I'm in the camp that we're
as humans we're not broken like we totally agree with you you know what I mean and so whenever there's something going on in my body or you know a way that I am or a habit I have that I'm like why do I do that I'm always trying to figure out the sort of I guess the ancestral reason why that might have helped me to survive or what's going on so when I hear mutation it sounds a little bit like broken to me yeah yeah so I shouldn't use it I mean we use the term
mutation but basically you know in our ancestry right we pass on our entire genetic code which a lot of that is hair color eye color skin color um you know our Our Heritage but we also pass on how our body refines certain raw materials and it's not to say that it's good or poor or bad or or broken or fixed but there are certain um families and human beings that have an inability to refine certain raw materials and if we could be aware of this it is astounding what happened happens to human beings when you
just give their body the raw material to do its job you know lots of people that have attention deficit disorder have trouble sleeping will are also have a trouble with prioritization they just don't know it they'll say things like I work really well under pressure right most entrepreneurs say I work really well under pressure do you say that oh my God okay so I only work when there is pressure okay so I was that kid in school that would only do the test when you know there was an hour left to go or you know
the homework or whatever yeah so many entrepreneurs are that way and and when you say you work really well under pressure physiologically what you're saying is I lack the ability to set priorities internally so I use external pressure to set my priorities and why is that it's because when you don't have the right methylated nutrients in the body you lend equal weight to every thought that comes into your mind all right so you could be working on uh you know the deal the joint venture business closing of a Lifetime right and you got the contract
and you have of 45 minutes to get it back to your lawyer you know the deal is permanently going to go away this is a life-changing deal you've waited for this your entire life it's a very meaningful event you're working your way through this legal document and you look over at your phone and there's an Instagram and you're like oh that's my neighbor's cousin's kid fishing in a lake you know I wonder if he catches a fish so you start looking at it and you like see still casting oh he didn't catch it that time
now meanwhile this has gone from 45 minutes to 35 minutes and now it's down to 25 minutes and all of a sudden you go oh you know grab you turn the phone off which didn't mean anything anyway and you focus all of your attention and because you're very intelligent and you and you execute and you can hyper Focus you hyper focus on this and you warm your way through it and one minute before the deadline you hit the send button lawyer gets it the deal goes through and you go I work really well under pressure
what's that called that process you described there is many people describe it as procrastination it's procrastination but it's procrastination because you give equal weight to all of these different variants that come into your and that come into your your field so you can actually give equal priority to very disequal events but also you know sometimes if I'm looking at that contract the contract clause is a little bit difficult and my attempt to maybe just Escape discomfort would be I'd go do the dishes right and so I had an erail on the podcast he wrote a
book called indestructible and he says we're creatures that we're not pleasure seeking creatures we're creatures that are avoiding discomfort essentially I think that aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort could not agree with you more let's use Dana White as an example okay because you know the reason why I came across your work is because of a clip that you know involved Dana White and I'm sure you I know you get this a lot because I've seen you um be asked about this in interviews but for context for anybody listening I don't know where I
was or ah now I know what happened my friend sent into a WhatsApp group a clip of Dana White talking about you and that's the clip that made me go down the rabbit hole oh I watched that clip I then did some research I then watched a series of videos of you online talking about health and I watched you asking audience members to stand up and name the pr you know the health issue they were suffering and you on the spot told them what was missing from their their life their diet whatever it might have
been you kind of diagnosed them in a way of um and then I reached out to you on Instagram and that's why you're here but if we go back to the start of that it was that story that Dana White told that had me so compelled to reach out to you for anybody that doesn't know and there will be some people that don't know Dana White is the president of the UFC which is the the the big fighting tournament where everybody kicks each other's heads in so what's your take on the Dana White story so
Dana White is a an example I mean he's just a celebrity example but he is a shining example of the vast number of people you know men and women in his age category that that have given up on the capacity to thrive they've accepted that they have hypothyroid hypertension they wake up sore and achy in the mornings that they don't have a response to exercise they have a little bit of spare tire their brain foggy they're on three or four medications in his case he was on seven medications at the time three of which were
for blood pressure um he was on you know I think a thyroid medication was also on he's been very public about this by the way and and again I have to say I'm not licensed to practice medicine so it was my clinical team that came up with a diagnosis and I communicated it to Dana um I do train Physicians to read blood work and genetic testing but I can't practice medicine but the the point is that when I met Dana all he wanted to do was for me to predict his life expectancy and I hadn't
done that in almost seven years I left out in industry for a reason I don't do it anymore the test that I do does not predict life expectancy the genetic test and the blood work that I do will not tell you how long you're going to live I have no interest in predicting death anymore I only have an interest in extending life and you know when when Dana was only interested in me predicting his death so I said okay for Dana White I'll come out I'll meet with you I'll do a blood test on you
a gene test on you I'll pull all your medical records and I'll give you your life expectancy but what I did was went out and got his blood work in his Gene test and um I was actually in bed at 1 30 in the morning when the lab was running his blood work and I've had seven life-threatening alert calls um in the middle of the night because when you drop blood work off at the lab the lab runs it through the night if they find a life-threatening alert they call the account holder right so I
own the company I was on the account so LabCorp calls us at one o'clock 1 30 in the morning says hey we have a life-threatening alert on a patient I was like whoa um what's the patient's name they said last name is white I said Dana White and they said yeah Nick wow what's the life-threatening alert they said triglycerides are almost 800. now triglycerides a measure of blood fat okay it shouldn't be above 149. at 200 or 300 this is a cataclysmic level in the blood especially in a fasted State okay we pull this blood
in a fasted State they weren't 400 they weren't 500 they weren't 600 they weren't 700 they were like 768. so they were I mean this is an enormous number and so I said okay uh I need to get the blood work over to the you know to the doctor when they sent the um the blood work into the portal I then saw that he was insulin resistant he was hyperinsulinemic he was pre-diabetic he had skyrocketing levels of cholesterol he had he was hyper triglyceridemic he was hyper um homocystinemic this homocysteine that I told you elevates
and causes the blood vessels to constrict um I mean he had all of these conditions I literally at that moment booked a flight for 7 30 or 8 30 in the morning to head out and see him and um because I said I need to go see him in person and I remember I think his assistant called me and I was at the airport and she said hey Dina wants to know if he's life expectancy is in I go well I'm on my way to see him you know um and she goes oh God is
it like that I said yeah it's like that and so I flew out to see him and I sat down with Dana and when we talked about the blood work I didn't even explain the levels I explained the symptom um I did not know that he was on a CPAP machine but I said I am surprised that you can actually sleep through the night because he was so hypoxic um red blood cell count hemoglobin levels I'm surprised he could even sleep through the night without like just waking up choking gagging he's like dude I'm a
CPAP machine I wake up every night I throw up in the middle of the night I throw up so much I'm losing my voice um and I said this level of claudication triglycerides in the bloodstream I'm surprised you can't even bend down entire shoes that it's not painful to tie your shoes not that it's not restrictive to tie your shoes it's not painful like it doesn't feel like the Skin's going to peel off your legs and he went what the [ __ ] slammed his hand down he was like how did you you know how
did you know that and I said Dana your level of brain fog and fatigue right now has got to be at a crushing level of fatigue I don't know how the only thing getting you through the day is your own stubborn willpower and I'm surprised you can remember anything from one minute to the next and his whole staff was like dude he's so forgetful he passes out in meetings he's sleeping in the planes he's gagging snoring um these were not things I necessarily knew about him so I began to describe all the outcomes of these
kinds of conditions and I said look um if if you don't do what we're going to ask you to do for the next 10 weeks you know based on this blood work and the medical records that we pulled for the previous 10 years and the demographic data we pulled for 10 years you have a life expectancy at 10.4 years um you know for a 52 year old man to realize that he's not going to make it out of his 60s a big realization and he flicked a switch a level of discipline that you know I
haven't seen in a patient a long time he goes dude I'll do whatever you tell me to do so we wrote a prescription ketogenic diet I I'm a fan of the keto diet I don't think everybody needs to be on the keto diet but um by prescription ketogenic diet we wrote a keto diet right down to the grocery list keto reset diet and I said if it's literally if it's not on here you can't eat it Dana this is your grocery list you go to the store you buy this you send your Chef to the
store to buy this you make this if it's not this recipe if it's not on here you literally can't eat it your only leeway is water and the supplements and um and we started a process of balancing hormones controlling his glycemic index of using amino acids to bring down his level of homocysteine to actually try to fix the insulin resistance to reduce this triglycerides and in 10 weeks he had a such a material change in his blood work I forget how much weight he lost I think he had lost almost 28 or 30 pounds at
times he's over 40 pounds now um by the end of the fifth month he was completely off of every prescription medication he was on he's down 44 pounds he lost you know he's no longer using the CPAP machine he no longer is pre-diabetic he no longer has insulin resistance he no longer has life-threatening levels of triglyceride in fact they're normal his kidney function improved his liver function improved his immune system strengthened he feels like a 35 year old man again his skin tone all improved um blood pressure returned to normal he's not on any blood
pressure medication so his blood pressure returns normal and he was like Jude I had no idea I could feel this good I feel freaking amazing and his life expectancy almost tripled almost triples tripled just under 30 years when I heard the story about Dana White and I saw he had gone from respectfully being a man that had a little bit of weight to having this these six pack abs on Instagram of course the six-pack isn't the the outcome is as you've said it's the stuff going on inside here that's really the transformation it left me
with the question like okay I heard the keto a bit but what can someone who's just heard that at home where do they start with getting extending their life by triple and getting the so you know he also started something called the Superhuman protocol and superhuman protocols using magnetism oxygen and light right so the only things that we really get from Mother Nature the the big benefit we get from Mother Nature is we get magnetism from the earth we get oxygen from the air we get light from the sun the truth is most of us
are not contacting the surface of the Earth that much anymore so he bought a hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth of equipment a pmf mat an oxygen what's called a hypermax oxygen to do exercise with oxygen therapy and a red light therapy bed and I had him use that equipment every single day seven days a week but if your listeners want to do it for free you can take off your shoes and contact the surface of the Earth and I'm talking about bare feet on soil dirt grass sand because earthing and grounding is a very
real thing we actually discharge into the Earth we actually human beings build up a charge do you know that pH the acid alkaline scale pH stands for potential hydrogen it's a charge it's a complete fallacy that you can get alkaline by drinking alkaline water that's the biggest marketing myth ever sold to the public but you can get alkaline by contacting the surface of the Earth so if you don't have 150 Grand which I don't expect anybody listening to this podcast to spend 150 Grand but he did I said you need a magn you need a
pmf mat so you can be alkaline you need to spend 10 minutes a day breathing um 95 O2 under mild exercise and you need to lay in a red light therapy bed so in the absence of the Superhuman protocol you can become superhuman by contacting the Earth and by learning to do breath work let's talk about breath work I spend eight minutes every day doing a very specific series of breath work and I'll teach it to you now you said your wife has certified him yeah my partner she's a she's a breath Butler um I've
done breath work with I've done breath work with a few people but no one's ever had the profound impact on me through breath work that she has I've never shouted her out before so I probably should her Instagram is at m-e-l-o-ai for anybody that's interested in breath work people do not realize the power of something that is so accessible so free and so easy to do right they they want things to be more complicated but it's not and when I said the presence of oxygen is the absence of disease it's absolutely true remember that every
elevated emotional state that a human being can experience actually has in its molecular structure oxygen is a component of that emotion so if you look at the difference between passion Elation Joy arousal libido and anger for example it's usually only one neurotransmitter and the presence of oxygen the reason why no human being has ever woken up laughing is because you don't have the oxidative state to experience laughter right out of deep sleep but can you wake up angry yes because anger doesn't require oxygen so every morning contact the surface of the Earth and then spend
eight minutes doing I do a Wim Hof style breath work I give credit where credit's due he's the father of breath work as far as I'm concerned so I do three rounds of 30 deep breaths like obnoxiously deep breaths and I start by trying to take my belly button and pull my belly button out towards the wall imagine there's a string pulling your belly button towards the wall and then you you fill from the lobes of the lung to the apex of the lung and then you exhale and just relax God knows what they think
we're doing out there outside this podcast they're like a bunch of freak I knew it was a cult um I knew he was a cult leader but um so you do three rounds of 30 breasts on the 30th breath you exhale and you hold allow the carbohydrate receptor to reset when you don't feel you can hold anymore you take a deep breath in you hold again and you let it out slope and you start again I would suggest that you start with three rounds of five press then work to 10 15 20 25 and 30.
if you get lightheaded this is a good sign that the oxygen tension is changing in your brain if your fingers and toes get tingly this is a good sign that you're changing the oxygen tension if you feel some kind of heat uh temperature change in your neck these are all Great Signs you will get to the point where you can actually hold your breath for two or three minutes sometimes four minutes between rounds of breath work um and then the last thing is to expose yourself to natural sunlight first thing in the morning the first
45 minutes of the day God gives us a very very special type of light it's called First Light there's no UVA there's no UVB rays in this light um so that's not the damaging race from the Sun it still generates vitamin D3 it has a positive effect on cortisol on vitamin D3 first light is the best way to reset your circadian rhythm so by contacting the surface of the Earth doing breath work and getting first light you can get to the same place that Dana White did with 150 Grand in equipment what about oxygen masks
because I I'll be honest when I read when I read um about the Dana story I went on Amazon soon after and I was like I'm just gonna buy an oxygen canister good idea bad idea um so what you want to do is um you know you get an oxygen concentrator which takes 21 oxygen from which is what the concentration at sea level it turns it into 95 O2 and it fills this bag and it can refill this bag over and over and over again okay I use one called the hypermax you see it on
my Instagram and um you turn you plug it in you turn it on it fills this bag and then you go in you put an oxygen mask on and you exercise for 10 minutes only 10 minutes cycle for three minutes uh Sprint for 30 seconds cycle for three minutes print for 30 seconds cycle three minutes Sprint 30 seconds and you're done and what this does is it raises something called the partial pressure of the storage of oxygen in your blood the only two time two-time Noble Laureate Prize winner in Medicine Dr Otto Warburg won both
of his Nobel prizes for his work and exercise with oxygen therapy you want to be a superhuman do mild exercise every day while breathing 95 O2 it's important that you're exercising and then after that you move into a red light therapy bed photo biomodulation um so you know if you don't have access to a hypermax oxygen machine just do the breath work get the breath in you know exchange the oxygen tension and the tissues and expose yourself to First Light what about cold cold water cleansing so I'm a huge fan of cold water punching but
probably not for the reasons why you think you know um I also sit on the board of the NFL um Alumni Association athletica as a health services director you know there was a time when we used to think that putting athletes in cold water after exercise was good because of its anti-inflammatory effects we know now that that's only about 15 of the benefit the majority of the benefit comes from something called a cold shock protein if you really want to be fascinated Google cold shock proteins these are reserved proteins that are in your liver they're
dumped into the bloodstream in effort to save your life when you put yourself in cold water they scour the body of free radical oxidation they increase the rate of protein synthesis muscle repair they are free you get them when you put yourself in cold water I don't know what the Celsius conversion is but I use 50 degrees for three minutes minimum six minutes maximum cold yes it's it's actually not that cold I mean you know I see people getting in 37 38 degree water there's no evidence that I've read that shows that colder is better
you get a peripheral vasoconstriction so it forces all the oxygen into the core and up to the brain um and you ask you get an activation of something called Brown fat Right thermogenesis comes from Brown fat and for the women that are listening for some reason I seem to ensnare the women when I say this remember that the definition of a calorie is a measure of heat right I mean the definition of a calorie is the amount of energy it takes to raise one cubic centimeter of water one degree Centigrade so if if a calorie
is a measure of heat then this means that when Heat's leaving your body calories are leaving your body so if there is nothing nothing no amount of exercise hits cardio no type of cardiovascular or weight training that comes anywhere close to immersing yourself in cold water in terms of what will strip fat off your body fast if you want to strip that off your body getting cold water three to six minutes a day that's fascinating because because the oxygen rushes to my head that's why it has a really profound impact on mood that's why it
has a very profound impact on mood because if you think about it what's the reason why we need deep sleep what happens in deep Sleep that's so special there's a secondary oxygen transfer we transfer oxygen from the periphery from the extremities to the brain remember the brain's a non-metabolic organ so in other words it's unlike a muscle if I pick up a weight and start to work out my muscle on my arm my body will send more blood more amino acids more oxygen to that muscle because it's working well if I'm sitting at my computer
and I'm watching reruns of The Simpsons or I'm sitting in my computer and I'm solving the most complex joint venture agreement partnership agreement with all kinds of mathematical equations my brain gets the same amount of nutrients same amount of blood flow same amount of oxygen so it eats the same meal whether or not it's in a dead Sprint or whether or not it's just chilling on the couch except in deep sleep and when you're in cold water because it's forcing the oxygen up to the brain you said earlier about um about Comfort yes I I
was speaking to someone yesterday about this thing called he referred to it as the Comfort crisis and how you know as we've become more Civ I would say civilized but I don't know if that's the right terminology as we've become more advanced technologically as humans we can make our lives increasingly more comfortable correct sounds like a good thing terrible it's accelerates Aging in every form I mean aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort we have got to stop telling Grandma not to go outside it's too hot not to go outside it's too cold just to
lay down just to relax to eat at the very first Pang of hunger this is collapsing all of our own natural defense mechanisms you know if we don't load our bones they don't strengthen if you don't tear a muscle it doesn't grow if you don't challenge the immune system it weakens and so stress is very often very good for the body thermal stress um you know weight-bearing exercise breath work these things put stressors into the body that are very they have a very positive effect that's strengthening you we want to regulate everything now we regulate
our temperature we go from a you know uh temperature controlled office to a temperature controlled car to a temperature controlled home um you know we don't we don't thermal regulate anymore I mean you know usually when you when I ask people to start taking cold showers they take their first cold shower they never do it again why because they don't want to be uncomfortable and so when you learn to deal and become comfortable with being uncomfortable this is like a metaphor for life it's almost like yoga if you've ever done really intense yoga and you're
holding a yoga pose and you're you're trying to remain calm and focus on your breath while your body's in intense pain now you're not in any risk but your ass feels like it's going to peel off your legs and your hamstrings are firing and you're sweating and you're shaking and you're doing this thing that's called the Candlestick but it's really painful and if you can mean maintain calm and and and breathe through a situation like that what happens four hours later when you get a nasty Instagram message nothing doesn't shift your mood and if we
don't learn to control our emotional state we will never control our future you know MIT did an incredible clinical study that showed that the amygdala of the brain which is where we experience emotion is the soul gateway to an area of the brain called the hippocampus which is where we hold our memories so just imagine that the emotional center of the brain is the soul gateway to the memory of the brain this is why if you've ever had an argument with your spouse you can always recall with Incredible accuracy every other time they've made you
feel this way you know you did this on September 21st you did this when we were on the boat with my boys you did this and um you know our Christmas holiday party for Christmases ago because because that emotion is linked to that memory so you can recall that memory very accurately well our memory our hippocampus is what projects into the prefrontal cortex it determines our future it's our conscience so this means if emotion is the only gateway to memory and memory projects to our conscience with our which is our future this means that your
current emotional state determines your future that's a biophysiologic fact so like for example if you had an argument with your spouse on the way to work and you get out of the car and you slam the door and you walk into the office when you break the plane of the door of that office the only memories you can recall about the office at that moment are negative you're gonna walk through the door of the office you'll be like they don't respect me around here I'm going to have a Stern talking to management today you know
my office better you know you know nobody better be my desk and you know what Mary better not run into me today because she doesn't respect me you can just start going through all the negative things about the office office that do anything to you how do I change your mind you learn to control your emotion how well first you start by putting the right nutrients into the body that allows you to achieve elevated emotional states learn to do things like when you feel like you are beginning to lose control of your emotional state you
you you actually break that cycle I usually do it with breath work um and so um you know first it begins by having the right raw materials but this is just taking you back to the coal plunge if you can start your day in an elevated emotional state if anybody listening to this has ever really done a cold plunge tell me if you were ever in a bad mood getting out of a cold punch just try to be in a bad mood getting out of a co-punch they say if you want to cure depression push
somebody in cold water you know um and it's so true you're in such an elevated emotional state you're like wow now you go cruising into the day and get a little negative you know Instagram message and your you know spouse calls you and tells you she forgot what you wanted to get at the grocery store and you get to work and you got a little problem at the office these things roll off your back instead of Shifting your stay which now shifts your memory which now changes the trajectory of your prefrontal cortex which affects your
future I do a lot of traveling Gary I travel all over the world all the time awesome my favorites yeah you travel a lot tons you've got a bit of a system for traveling because when I travel I feel like [ __ ] oh I feel amazing when I travel when I post all about it on my Instagram you know all I do is teach on Instagram but you know I went Miami Atlanta New York London stodd Switzerland to buy to buy Miami Miami Vegas I got I I got up at four o'clock this morning
to come here I mean I landed here at I think 7 15 this morning and you're flying out of here I'm flying out of here now in five minutes I'm finally out here in five minutes and I'm going on a red eye back to Miami and you feel good when you travel and I feel like [ __ ] what do you think we're doing differently if you were to guess okay so there's three things that that you can do when you travel and first and foremost and I don't know why anybody talks about this is
that you know everybody talks about waking with the sun which I'm a big believer in um or forcing yourself to stay up to try to get onto a new time zone when you change time zones the single most important thing that you can do is preserve your sleeping window do not eat during your normal sleeping window let me tell you what I mean let's say that you're on the East Coast you live in New York um and you go to bed at 10 and you get up at 6 A.M okay you would have been at
10 p.m get up at 6 a.m most people go to bed at midnight get up at 6 a.m so let's say you go to bed Ten you get up 6 a.m and now you go to London okay so now London is depending on the time of the year six hours ahead if you eat during 10 P.M to 6 a.m New York time there is zero chance you will adjust to that time zone we are more tied to our digestion in terms of our circadian rhythm than we are to the sleep wake cycle of the Sun
so in other words if I fly to London and I start eating when it's 3 30 in the morning my time my body goes what the heck are you doing we're having steak and eggs and a champagne it's 3 30 in the morning right your circadian rhythm is screwed up so shift your sleeping window and preserve that sleeping window in your new time zone and do not eat during those times so in other words in London that would be um 6 a.m to noon so between 6 a.m and noon I'm not going to eat I'll
have coffee or I'll have water or fluids but I will not start to eat until noon and for how long do I preserve that well depending on how long you're going to be there usually I'm only if you're there a week or less preserve your sleeping window the entire week with your hair when you're there for more than seven to ten days then you need to really adjust to that time zone what happens physiologically if I don't if you don't you will you will irrevocably mess up your circadian rhythm I mean just leave just just
just imagine it so let's say you lived in New York and you didn't travel you go to bed at 10 and you wake up at 6 a.m try for three nights sitting for 3 30 in the morning get up need a big breakfast at 3 30 and try to go back to bed and watch what happens to your sleep cycle right you'll destroy it so we don't we preserve our sleeping window the other thing is I fast on domestic flights I don't care what time or where I'm going if I fly anywhere in the continental
United States I fast on airplanes so I I allow myself um you know water I hydrate and I have black coffee on international flights I just came back from Dubai it was 16 hours I ate on that plane um and then for flights that are more than an hour every hour on the hour I get up out of my seat I don't care how weird it looks I go to the back of the plane I do 25 air squats I go either into the bathroom or in the back of the plane I do 25 deep
breaths on a 10 hour flight I'll do 250 depressing 250 air squats over the course of a 10 hour um flight you feel amazing and then I eat fats and proteins on flights carbohydrates at altitude are terrible for you and it's usually where all the salt hides remember that you know there's there are essential fatty acids meaning they're essential for life there's two of them um if you don't get these fatty acids you'll die there's nine essential amino acids they're proteins they're essential for life if you don't get these nine essential amino acids you'll die
there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate why why are Cobbs so bad in their um carbs are bad in the air because as soon as you divert blood from your brain to digestion let's not forget it's a 30 foot long tube the higher the the consumption of carbohydrate the more blood floods to your gut so you're going to feel like crying so now you're seated and your gut is flooded with blood it's all come from your brain so now you're tired you're not focused you're exhausted and you're seated so you're this isn't a
good place to be tired because you're not going to get good sleep right so I said a huge priority on energy energy is a huge priority to me so when I look at food I look at it two ways it's going to serve me it's going to steal from me when I'm flying first class back to Miami tonight it's a red eye I'm gonna actually use that time to sleep I'm not going to waste it on eating because I know that I'm first of all I'm past my feeding window now because I preserve my East
Coast time feeding window and this is what keeps your the train running on time what is energy you said energy there what is it energy energy is oxygen in your blood everything that you perceive about energy is nothing more than oxygen in your blood if you told me Gary I had a lot of energy today physiologically what you're saying is I had a lot of oxygen in my blood today oxygen equals energy at the start of this conversation I asked you a question I said why should people listen to your message we're now at the
end of the conversation what have I missed that is pertinent important to your message that we haven't discussed you know I feel like I could talk about this forever yeah like to me I feel like the podcast is just getting going um you know I I I I believe in human beings and and and the ability of the body to heal itself I believe in the power of the mind and frequency and the power of this to heal this um I guess my my message would be and I don't think that you've missed anything my
message would be that Optimal Health is found in the basics not in the complicated fancy neurotropics or some rare root that's buried deep in the Amazon jungle it's found in the basics the further we get away from the basics magnetism oxygen light Whole Foods the more unhealthy we become and you know my message what I try to teach on Instagram and what the message that I get to the world is you know not that you need a lot of fancy equipment sure if you can afford it you can have it but if you get back
to the basics of Mother Nature and back to the basics with you know our foods good rule of thumb is if your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize it don't eat it um then you'll find a state of Optimal Health that's beyond anything that you thought imaginable there's a superhuman inside of everybody listening to this podcast Gary we have a closing tradition on this podcast where the last guest asks a question for the next guest not knowing who they're asking it for the question that's been left for you is what is the unobvious thing that you struggle with
hmm what is the unobvious thing that I struggle with you know I I believe that I'm so committed to my craft and I'm so committed to being authentic that I struggle sometimes like everyone else when I I have an extra burden of guilt whenever I want to just to have any kind of marginal enjoyment right like if I just want to have a cocktail or I want to eat some birthday cake um which I know is not going to hurt me and it's not um you know it's not going to throw me off but I
I really struggle with that I feel like I'm letting the whole world down when I do that um and I know that it's not and it's ridiculous and you shouldn't be that you know being that discipline actually music you know it's not sustainable over over a longer period of time um I think that like a lot of people listening to this podcast I I'm I'm very hard on myself on My Own Worst Enemy sometimes and I have an insatiable appetite to do what I'm doing and I think kind of I just wasn't so hard on
myself I probably would find it a lot easier thank you so much everybody listening to this you go check out 10x Health um much of the information you've discussed here lives within that ecosystem and your Instagram and your website and those channels which I've explored you know in in depth are incredible resources to understand how to start your journey to living a more healthy life and that's that's everything that you you espouse you're incredible Gary thank you so much it's very very rare that I find someone online I then DM them and I nag join
DM for a couple of months to get you here but but I think everybody listening to this can understand why um you're doing incredible work an incredibly important work an incredibly important time to shift a narrative and as I said to you I think before we start recording or in an interval I realize that this is literally just the start for you in the journey in the mission that you're on yeah it's so clear to me um thank you I feel the same way [Music] I've now been a huel drinker for about four years roughly
so much so that I ended up investing in the company and I play a role on the board of the company but they also very kindly sponsored this podcast and to be honest I've never said this before but he all believed in this podcast before anybody else the CEO Julian um told me before we even launched the podcast how successful it would be and that heal would back it and I absolutely have a huge amount of gratitude for them for that support but an even greater sense of gratitude for the fact that they've helped me
stay nutritionally complete throughout the chaos and hecticness of my tremendously busy business schedule so if you haven't tried out here which I hope most of you have at least given it a go by now try it out it's an unbelievable way to try and stay nutritionally on course if you have a hectic busy schedule and let me know what you think send me a tweet and a DM tag me let me know what you think [Music] oh [Music]
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