🌟Chosen Ones🌟 You are shifting from ‘wanting’ to ‘having’… here’s how it works.

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Awakening Wisdom
🌟Chosen Ones🌟 You are shifting from ‘wanting’ to ‘having’… here’s how it works #InnerWisdom #Highe...
Video Transcript:
chosen ones what I'm about to share may surprise you even shock you if you're watching this video right now it's not by coincidence God has led you here because something powerful is happening in your life you are shifting from wanting to having Yes you heard me right the very things you have been praying for hoping for and waiting for are no longer just desires on the horizon they are already moving into your reality this is more than just a mindset shift it's a spiritual and energetic transformation as a chosen one you're going to start seeing
things fall into place at a rate that will leave you speechless but you must understand how this works so you can align with this powerful shift and walk fully into the manifestation of your desires before we dive into this life-changing message take a moment to pause this video and do three things hit that like button subscribe to help us reach 20,000 subscribers and leave a comment with the number 11 this number will send a powerful signal to the universe amplifying the energy of this video and remember if you are truly a chosen one you'll watch
this video Until the End Because deep down your spirit already knows that this is for you if you're not ready to receive this truth you might not make it to the end but for those who do your life will never be the same now let's get into it you are shifting from wanting to having chosen ones let's delve into what it truly means to desire when we discuss desire we're recognizing a significant Gap a space between between where you are now and where you aspire to be this Gap transcends mere thoughts or feelings it is
a profound spiritual experience desire embodies the essence of knowing that you were created for something greater that your life is a beautiful unfolding story with boundless potential just waiting to be realized however acknowledging this Gap often stirs within us a sense of longing a feeling that something vital is absent from our lives this sensation can lead to frustration impatience and even anxiety whether you are seeking love Financial stability success or inner peace the state of wanting can feel like a heavy weight a persistent reminder of what eludes you you may find yourself longing for something
that always seems just Out Of Reach perpetually a step ahead of your grasp yet chosen ones let me remind you desire is an incredible force it is the spark that ignites the flame of creation without desire there is little motivation to pursue growth or initiate change your desires be they whispered prayers or deeply held dreams are seeds planted in the fertile soil of the universe the moment you yearn for something you have already set the wheels in motion for its manifestation however the challenge arises when individuals become ens snared in the cycle of wanting praying
and hoping but never progressing beyond that initial stage many remain stuck in the phase of wanting trapped in a loop of Desire that does not evolve why does this happen it's because wanting often keeps you in a state of lack every time you declare I want this or I need that you are energetically affirming that it is not yet yours this mindset reinforces the idea that there is a significant gap between you and your desires consequently the universe mirrors this energy of lack perpetuating a cycle of waiting and longing as chosen ones you are not
meant to dwell in this cycle you have been called to rise above it to transcend the limitations of wanting you possess the innate power to shift your energy from Longing To possessing understanding that desire is merely the beginning of the manifestation process allows you to reclaim your role as a co-creator with the Divine when you are stuck in the phase of wanting you become a passive Observer waiting for change to occur but when you embrace your role as a co-creator you align your energy with the belief that what you desire is already on root to
you this transition is pivotal by shifting your focus from what you lack to embodying the energy of already having your desires you create a dynamic energetic shift in your life you begin to think act and feel as though your dreams are already fulfilled this powerful shift collapses the gap between desire and manifestation allowing your dreams to materialize more swiftly faith is the Cornerstone of this transformational journey it's essential to understand that the power of faith lies not in Wishing but in knowing when you Embrace Faith you trust that your desires are not just possible they
are already manifesting in the spiritual realm this unwavering belief allows you to hold on to the energy of having even when the physical evidence is yet to materialize when entrenched in the mindset of wanting it's easy for doubt to creep in however by adopting a mindset of having you build an unshakable Foundation of Faith you firmly believe that your desire are already yours regardless of your current circumstances this level of certainty acts as a magnet drawing your desires closer to you moreover Faith requires more than just passive waiting it calls for inspired action this could
mean stepping outside your comfort zone or following your intuition even when it defies logic faith without action is merely wishful thinking when you align your actions with your beliefs you signal to the universe that you are prepared to receive what you have been longing for now that we understand the significance of faith in manifestation let's explore another crucial element Divine timing one of the greatest challenges in this journey is relinquishing the desire to control the timing of your manifestations you may have heard the phrase trust the process though it might sound cliche it embodies profound
truth the universe operates on a timeline that transcends our human expectations when you shift into the mindset of having it's vital to understand that your desires are already yours they are simply awaiting the right moment to materialize in your life this can be particularly challenging in a society that craves instant gratification when things don't happen as quickly as you'd like feelings of doubt and frustration may arise pulling you back into the cycle of lack however chosen ones by trusting in Divine timing you allow the universe to work its magic in aligning your desires with the
perfect circumstances under understanding that delays are not denials is crucial just because something hasn't manifested yet doesn't mean it won't sometimes the universe is preparing something even better for you when faced with delays view them as opportunities to deepen your faith and trust in the unfolding process continue to celebrate the small victories and remain aligned with the vibration of gratitude the more you trust the timing of the universe the faster your desires will come to fruition gratitude serves as a powerful Catalyst in your manifestation journey by focusing on what you are grateful for you affirm
the abundance that already exists in your life this shift in perspective can drastically alter your energy helping you align more closely with the vibrations of having rather than fixating on what you lack Channel your energy into recognizing the blessings that surround you gratitude not only elevates your emotional state but also enhances your overall vibrational frequency as you express appreciation for what you already possess you send a clear message to the universe that you are ready to receive even more this energetic shift is vital for accelerating the manifestation process when you inhabit the frequency of gratitude
you invite New Opportunities and experiences to flow into your life additionally integrating daily gratitude practices can profoundly impact your mindset take a few moments each day to reflect on the aspects of your life that fill you with joy whether it's relationships experiences or simple moments of Peace acknowledging these blessings will help you maintain a state of abundance the more you cultivate gratitude the more you will attract what you desire amplifying your manifestation Journey visualization is another key tool in your manifestation Arsenal by vividly picturing yourself living in the reality you desire you train your subconscious
mind to accept this Vision as your new truth spend time each day engaging in this practice visualize yourself enjoying the life you have been dreaming of feel the joy contentment and fulfillment as though it is already yours this powerful exercise Taps into the creative forces of the universe as you immerse yourself in these positive emotions you align your energy with your desires your subconscious mind which does not distinguish between reality and Imagination begins to believe in the truth of your vision once this alignment occurs the universe responds in kind mind bringing forth opportunities and experiences
that mirror your inner reality moreover consider creating a vision board as a tangible representation of your desires collect images quotes and symbols that resonate with your dreams and display them prominently in your space this constant reminder of what you are manifesting serves as an ongoing source of inspiration and motivation keeping you aligned with your goals and reinforcing the energy of having another crucial aspect of shifting from wanting to having is embodying the energy of your desired reality this means adopting the mindset and behaviors of the person you aspire to be how would you act if
you already possess the financial abundance you seek how would you carry yourself if you were in the loving relationship you desire start to embody that energy now and watch as your reality begins to shift this practice is not about pretending or living beyond your means instead it's about aligning your actions and mindset with the frequency of abundance and fulfillment for instance if you aspire to be financially secure consider how someone in that position would make decisions manage their time and approach challenges emulate those behaviors now and the universe will align opportunities to help you achieve
your desires when you act as if you already have what you seek you send a powerful signal to the universe you demonstrate that you are ready to receive thereby opening The Floodgate for your manifestations to flow in the more you Embrace this energy the faster you will attract what you desire moving from a state of wanting to a state of having to truly embrace the transition from wanting to having you must confront and release limiting beliefs that may be holding you back these beliefs often stem from past experiences societal conditioning or fears that cloud your
judgment identifying these beliefs is the first step toward transformation are there narratives you tell yourself that reinforce feelings of lack or unworthiness challenge these beliefs headon replace negative self-talk with empowering affirmations that align with your desired reality for example instead of saying I can't afford this try affirming I am open to receiving Financial abundance by consciously shifting your internal dialogue you will rewire your mindset and align your energy with having rather than wanting additionally consider seeking support through journaling therapy or Community discussions sharing your thoughts and experiences can help illuminate the beliefs that no longer
serve you as you work through these limitations you will cultivate a more profound sense of empowerment and self-worth Paving the way for your desires to manifest effortlessly change is an inevitable part of the manifestation journey and as chosen ones you must be prepared to embrace it often the universe will present you with opportunities that require you to step outside your comfort zone whether it's a new job a move to a different city or a shift in your Social Circle these changes are not coincidences they are Divine nudges guiding you toward your desires however embracing change
can be daunting it's natural to feel resistance or fear when faced with the unknown but remember growth often requires discomfort when you lean into change and approach it with an open heart and mind you allow the universe to guide you toward your highest good this is where the magic happens when you take that leap of faith the universe aligns to support your journey as you navigate through changes maintain a mindset of gratitude and curiosity celebrate the new experiences no matter how small and trust that each step is leading you closer to your desires by embracing
change you'll find that you are not just a passive Observer of your life but an active participant in its unfolding co-creating a reality that reflects your TR true Essence in this fast-paced world patience can feel like a rare commodity however cultivating patience is a crucial component of the manifestation process when you shift your focus from immediate results to trusting in the journey you allow space for your desires to unfold naturally remember the universe operates on its timeline which may differ from your own patience does not mean complacency rather it's about understanding that good things take
time while you may not see instant results trust that your manifestations are in progress behind the scenes use this time to continue aligning your energy with gratitude and abundance each day reaffirm your belief that your desires are on their way to you and stay committed to the practices that support your journey moreover practice self-compassion during this process understand that it's okay to feel frustrated at times it's part of Being Human acknowledge those feelings but don't let them dictate your reality instead return to your Center reaffirm your faith and remind yourself that you are on the
right path patience will serve you well as you navigate the twists and turns of your manifestation Journey the energy you surround yourself with can significantly impact your manifestation Journey as chosen ones it's essential to cultivate an environment that uplifts and inspires you this includes the people you interact with the media you consume and the spaces you inhabit seek out relationships that resonate with your desires and support your growth engaging with like-minded individuals who share your vision can create a powerful Synergy amplifying your Collective energy surrounding yourself with positivity will reinforce your beliefs and motivate you
to stay aligned with your goals if you find yourself in toxic environments or relationships that drain your energy it may be time to reassess those connections in addition to your Social Circles be mindful of the media you consume curate your feed to include uplifting content that inspires and empowers you books podcasts and videos that resonate with your desires can serve as reminders of what you are manifesting by consciously choosing positivity you create a nurturing space that Fosters growth and attracts abundance into your life while belief and energy play crucial roles in manifestation taking inspired action
is equally important it's essential to remain open to Opportunities and act upon them when they are rise inspired action differs from Forced action it comes from a place of alignment and intuition when you feel a spark of inspiration trust it and take that leap this could manifest in various ways such as pursuing a new job starting a project or connecting with someone who could help you achieve your desires pay attention to your intuition often it will guide you toward the next steps you need to take remember the universe rewards those who are willing to take
action in alignment with their intentions moreover document your progress and reflect on your actions journaling can be a powerful tool for tracking your journey and recognizing patterns by reviewing your steps you can identify what aligns with your desires and what may need to shift this practice not only keeps you accountable but also deepens your understanding of how inspired action plays a vital role in your manifestation process self-love is foundational to the manifestation process to to attract what you desire you must first cultivate a loving relationship with yourself recognizing your worth and treating yourself with compassion
creates a powerful energetic Foundation that aligns with abundance self-love isn't selfish it's essential for your overall well-being and success Begin by practicing self-care regularly this can include activities that nourish Your Body Mind and Spirit whether it's engaging in a hobby taking time for relaxation or setting boundaries that honor your needs when you prioritize your own well-being you raise your vibrational frequency which aligns you more closely with the energy of having additionally challenge any negative selft talk that may arise replace it with affirmations of self-worth and love remind yourself that you deserve all the good the
universe has to offer by nurturing self-love you create a magnetic energy that attracts your desires effortlessly propelling you further along your manifestation Journey as you embark on this transformative Journey remain vigilant for signs and synchronicities that the Universe presents to you these occurrences Are Not Mere coincidences they are powerful messages guiding you toward your desires pay attention to repeating numbers intuitive nudges or seemingly serendipitous encounters they all serve as reminders that you are aligned with your path when you notice these signs take a moment to reflect on their meanings they often signify that you are
on the on the right track or that the universe is aligning circumstances to support your manifestation Journey acknowledging these signs reinforces your faith and helps you remain in a state of gratitude and anticipation furthermore keep a journal to document these occurrences recording your experiences not only reinforces your awareness of the universe's messages but also serves as a source of encouragement during moments of Doubt As You observe the patterns and signs you'll find that the universe is always always communicating with you providing guidance and support along your path finally trusting your inner guidance is essential for
successfully transitioning from wanting to having your intuition serves as a compass directing you toward your desires learning to listen to your inner voice can significantly impact your manifestation Journey when you trust yourself and your instincts you open up to Opportunities and experiences that align with your true Essence to strengthen your connection with your intu ition set aside time for self-reflection and quiet contemplation this could involve meditation journaling or simply spending time in nature by quieting your mind you create space for your inner guidance to emerge trust the messages you receive even if they seem unconventional
or illogical at times as you practice this trust you'll find that your intuition will become more pronounced leading you toward choices and actions that align with your desires each step taken in accordance with your inner guidance brings you closer to the reality you seek reinforcing your role as a co-creator in your manifestation Journey embracing an abundance mindset is a profound shift that opens the doors to Limitless possibilities in your life this mindset is not merely about financial wealth it's about recognizing the infinite opportunities available to you when you adopt an abundance mentality you begin to
see the world through a lens of possibility rather than limitation this shift invites you to believe that there is more than enough for everyone including yourself and that your desires can coexist with the successes of others think about it when you're rooted in an abundance mindset you naturally attract more of what you desire you shift from a mentality of competition to one of collaboration and support for instance if you're pursuing a career in a competitive field instead of feeling threatened by others success you can celebrate it there a achievements become a testament to what is
possible for you this Collective energy creates a harmonious environment where everyone thrives including you to cultivate this mindset practice gratitude daily acknowledge the abundance already present in your life whether it's supportive relationships personal talents or the beauty of nature keep a gratitude Journal noting down at least three things each day that fill you with appreciation over time this practice reprograms your brain to focus on on abundance rather than lack laying the foundation for greater manifestations to flow into your life lastly be mindful of your language replace phrases like I can't or there's not enough with
affirmations like I have everything I need and opportunities are everywhere your words hold power and by consciously shifting your language you will further align with the energy of abundance attracting even more of what you seek surrender is often misunderstood stood as giving up but in reality it is a powerful practice of Letting Go and trusting the process as chosen ones you are invited to surrender your need for control over how and when your desires Manifest this art of surrender opens you up to the flow of the universe allowing it to work on your behalf in
ways you might not even imagine when you release the need to micromanage every aspect of your journey you create space for divine intervention consider a river flowing towards the ocean it doesn't struggle or resist the current it simply flows trusting that it will reach its destination you too must adopt this mindset when you find yourself feeling anxious about the timeline of your desires take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are on a path that is unfolding perfectly the universe is always working behind the scenes aligning opportunities and circumstances just for you surrendering doesn't
mean being passive it means being open and receptive it involves acknowledging your desires while remaining flexible about how they will come to fruition trust that the Universe knows the best path for you this attitude not only alleviates stress but also enhances your ability to recognize and seize opportunities as they arise guiding you closer to your goals as you practice surrender engage in activities that Foster a sense of peace and trust this could be through meditation yoga or spending time in nature by nurturing your Spirit you reinforce the belief that you are supported and guided enabling
you to let go of fear and embrace the beautiful unfolding of your life gratitude is one of the most potent tools you have at your disposal for manifesting your desires it acts as a powerful magnet attracting positive energy and abundance into your life when you Express gratitude you shift your focus away from what you lack and onto what you already have creating a fertile ground for further manifestations this shift in perspective not only elevates your mood but also enhances your vibrational frequency aligning you with the energy of abundance practicing gratitude doesn't have to be a
grand gesture it can be as simple as acknowledging the small joys in your daily life each morning take a moment to reflect on three things for which you are grateful this could be anything from a warm cup of coffee to a compliment from a friend by starting your day with gratitude you set a positive tone that attracts even more blessing throughout the day moreover gratitude helps you cultivate resilience in moments of Doubt or frustration reflecting on what you appreciate in your life can remind you of your strength and resourcefulness this practice enables you to maintain
a high vibration even in challenging times reinforcing your belief that your desires are indeed on their way finally consider expressing your gratitude publicly share your blessings with others or write thank you notes to those who have made a positive impact on your life by doing so you not only amplify your gratitude but also Inspire others to adopt the same practice this creates a ripple effect of positivity reinforcing a collective energy that attracts even more abundance into your community setting clear intentions is a powerful Catalyst for manifesting your desires unlike mere wishes intentions are Focus Declarations
of what you wish to create in your life when you set an intention you Channel your energy and focus Focus toward a specific outcome signaling to the universe that you are serious about what you want this Clarity not only aligns your actions but also heightens your awareness of the opportunities that resonate with your goals start by writing down your intentions be as specific as possible about what you want to manifest whether it's a fulfilling career loving relationships or personal growth by articulating your desires you create a road map that guides your actions and decisions for
instance if your intention is to attract a supportive Community consider the places you can go or the groups you can join that align with that goal once your intentions are set engage in regular visualization practices spend a few moments each day visualizing yourself already living your intentions imagine the feelings experiences and Sensations associated with achieving your desires this practice not only reinforces your commitment but also helps align your subconscious mind with your conscious goals making it easier for the universe to deliver what you seek lastly revisit your intentions periodically as you grow and evolve so
too may your desires stay open to adjusting your intentions based on your current experiences and insights this fluidity allows you to remain aligned with your true self and the everchanging landscape of your journey empowering you to manifest a life that is authentic and fulfilling in closing chosen ones remember that the shift from wanting to having is a powerful Journey one that involves understanding your desires embracing faith and aligning your energy with the universe as you navigate this transformative path take the time to cultivate patience gratitude and self-love recognize the signs and trust your inner guidance
for they will lead you to your highest good your journey is unique and sacred and the universe is eagerly waiting to respond to your energetic vibration embrace your role as a co-c Creator and know that all you seek is already on its way to you by embodying the energy of having you will not only transform your life but also Inspire those around you to do the same so step boldly into your power chosen ones and manifest the reality you desire the universe is ready to support you and your transformation begins now
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