under the light of the eclipse a devastated land is revealed a screaming larva prepares to attack the protagonist with his determination shouts back at the Lara he stabs it inside its mouth hitting vital points with his dagger it doesn't give up while devouring him and keeps trying to bite him his strength almost gives out from holding the Lara for so long but it was enough for it to finally die allowing him to rest his arms panting while wiping his face from the creature's blood relieved to finally use his power a colleague calls out to him
powerful giant creatures and brave warriors face off on this terrible Battlefield waiting for the meager strength we saw before the two complain that the protagonist is not doing his job as a baggage carrier he apologizes to them for being distracted trying to survive they just ignore him leaving him alone to collect the remains of the corpses he left alone with his empty feelings this world changed after the abyss was discovered an abyss that is another dimension where the monsters that once lived only in human fantasy live in reality after the discovery of the Void humans
started Awakening powers and with these Powers they kill these new creatures and explore the abyss the notorious standard of judging a person is no longer their personality or effort but their Awakening rank the strongest face horrible creatures while the weakest work is slaves to the strongest however the protagonist is not one of these powerful Awakenings but a simple unawakened carrier who carries luggage he calls for the others after finishing collecting all the loot but his astonishment upon turning back leaves him speechless everyone else in this desolate land had died while he was the only Survivor
the awakened ones gave no signs of Life lying on the ground he didn't even have a chance to finish his question a single voice declares that he is the last remaining a giant being appears behind him looking at him with disdain this Infamous being is asmodus the rank SS Monster In A desperate attack he tries to strike with his weapon in response asmodus simply raises his hands towards him exerting a bit of force to make his arm explode he falls to the ground in pain from his torn arm yet despite all this pain he tries
to get up again but the creature uses its energy on his head at the same moment not understanding anything anymore the protagonist only has questions about how he died his memories Flash before his eyes seeing his dead parents the things he received at school and his life being ignored as a nobody as the Monster's energy invades his body he just curses his life for ending as a mere damn loser in his last moments he just wanted to awaken his powers these last moments of cosmic energy declare that the conditions for his Awakening were met a
completely white being emerges from the cosmos looking down at the protagonist he questions what's happening a cosmic being does not respond and only observes he turns to look certain he had died moments ago he sees himself and asmodus Frozen in Time the cosmic being finally speaks questioning if he had no questions about how time had stopped the protagonist asks who he is the only response he gets is that others call him King but is not important to know his name the king says he will grant him his authority meanwhile a protagonist is too immersed and
doubts to fully comprehend the situation the king says it's not good to be so distrustful he chose him because he admired his tenacity and will he aims his hand to deliver his powers he says that if the protagonist Waits patiently for an hour the answers to his questions will appear but until then he will know nothing an absurd mass of power power falls on the protagonist and the vision of the place becomes obscured as he slowly opens his eyes other voices speak to him the first sight upon opening his eyes is of a guy slapping
him he is stunned by what he sees the bullies prepared to hit him again they laugh while the protagonist is slapped several times in the face but his mind is elsewhere or rather it was definitely in the abyss moments before opening his eyes he doesn't care about the slaps he receives and just focuses on trying to understand the situation when the word Authority comes to his mind that's when he starts seeing strange things in his vision an attribute window appears he observes that his age is marked as 19 years meaning he went back 16 years
in time he starts laughing with joy even while being slapped non-stop his loud laughter makes the bully stop hitting him until he is dropped to the ground thinking he had gone mad the bully yells but doesn't notice the Punch Coming his way the blow even makes blood come out of his mouth the colleagues are surprised by their friend being sent flying with just one hit meanwhile the protagonist laughed more as he realized he had acquired the power he so longed for the Awakening on the School rooftop the situation was unyielding he cleaned his wounds as
he prepared for the worst the two used their powers in charge of the protagonist named Kim Tayan he dodged the attack and prepared with a clenched fist a left hook was thrown at the opponent's chin in an instant the other boy received a kick to the stomach Kim T had done everything possible in his previous life from physical training to researching all available information about the abyss and abilities therefore there was no way two teenagers like his bullies could have the slightest chance of defeating him in a fight with just one punch and two kicks
it was enough to knock them to the ground again but even perfect technique needs the perfect physique to keep up with its movements the first bully who fell to the ground got up and used his powers his body filled with a stone skin an ability that strengthens the body with stones that emerge from it he sent his Stone fist forward but Kim Tan ducked dodging the blow another Swift punch was sent to his right narrowly avoided the bully jumped high with both hands ready to hit hard the whole ground was broken raising a cloud of
dust he thought he had finished the fight but coming from behind was Kim Tan he reacted when he sensed his presence but it wasn't enough to avoid getting punched in the face blood splattered again when the punch landed but the blood wasn't from the bully since he had protected himself with his stones and the blood came from the fist that hit him when Kim Tan realized he HT his own hand another Stone punch was used giving little time to react he barely defended himself and sent flying by the force of the impact he crashed into
the building stopping him from being thrown off the rooftop he was badly injured and surrounded by debride the bully calmly walked towards him he talked about knowing his own limits and asked if he was going to run as he did earlier but even a day before such a situ ation he felt no fear and recalled the information he knew all abilities have their own rankings starting from f the lowest to S the domain of those called Monsters the only ability he had was an unknown ability that no one had ever heard of and it was
still ranked F the bully was surprised to see Kim TM getting up he stood accompanied by a crimson Aura and even though his opponent's ability was Stronger he didn't feel like he would lose this fight the aura began to radiate fiercely throughout his body it was stunned to see his Target had awakened an immense power Kim Tan felt his magic move according to his will and saw that the aura came from the power of predation the bully strengthened more with his Stone skin and charged at him he just raised his hand quickly with his Aura
still active at the moment of collision he activated his predation ability the bully didn't know what was happening while he increased the intensity of his power more and more in the motion of closing his hands the power was nullified and the stone sprang from his body the students acted normally without noticing anything but suddenly an explosion of force formed behind them the dust gradually settled Kim ton stood while the other teenager fell unconscious to the ground he found himself in a position above the Fallen opponent a voice in his head said that the predation was
complete and as a result his power Rose from rank F to rank e Kim Tan's hands began to petrify showing that a new ability had been registered the stone skin was taken by him and his entire fist became a solid rock when suddenly the scene changed to the school infirmary the nurse was open Mount seeing three injured youths being carried by another Kim Tan greeted the nurse trying disguise himself she shoted in confusion at the situation the three boys were on the infirmary beds the nurse used her healing abilities to treat their wounds she tried
to question how they all got injured any alive saying they fell down the stairs after healing in the infirmary he left the school and walked the path home immersed in thoughts after today's battle his Daydreams were about his predation ability in the past life he trained all his life to increase the rank of the ability but today in just one fight he managed to increase its rank an f-rank ability that can surpass the strength of C Rank and also steal other abilities from defeated opponents he was filled with questions about why that King gave him
this ability and why he returned to the Past even with countless unknowns he thought there was only one thing to do now and that was to learn more about predation finally he arrived at his house he looked nostalgically at his home as it had been years in his memories since he last returned he remembered that when his parents died he started living with his uncles a smile appeared on his face he entered the house thinking if he should look for more information before his uncle arrived later he reached the living room and saw three unfamiliar
men and his cousin he asked why he wasn't at school but then his eyes widened as he realized something the box his cousin was opening was full of money and memories of his past life returned he remembered how his cousin wanted to be with the delinquents and stole all the money from home causing a huge mess the bullies questioned who he was Juan JM replied that he was his cousin the blonde bully threatened Kim Tan not to meddle in their problems he put his hand on his head as a way to show superiority but he
didn't show any sign of weakness on the contrary he was excited to have the chance to test his powers the blonde didn't even have time to react to the punch he was about to receive with one punch he was knocked to the ground by Kim Tan almost losing Consciousness from the impact on the ground hang Jang and the others were shaken by the situation he raised his hand and preparing to activate his powers the blonde put his arms in front to protect himself he was scared expecting some Firepower to come out of his hand Kim
Tan was also excited but the voice in his mind said that the ability to steal skills was currently inaccessible the blong looked wondering why no power came to him while he was surprised that predation hadn't been activated a blow came his way while he was distracted he had been punched by the guy who was holding he was thrown to the ground by the force of that punch the blonde ordered the other two to attack him one shot his Bing power while the other blew a poisonous breath and the blonde used his Thorn ability the three
attacks came towards him Kim ton was surprised by the speed of the attacks a pressure erupted from the second floor of the house they watched the purple smoke of the poison the blonde taunted Kim Tan with his words thinking they had won but then he noticed something in the middle of the smoke again the Crimson Ora shown standing out in the smoke the presence of a hungry Predator was forming in him tan he complained about his ability coming and going when it wanted instead of when he commanded the three delinquents were still shaken by the
sight they were having he shot forward with his fist covered in stones and hit the blond's face he reveled in the oppressive power of His strong ability a few moments after winning the fight he looked content at the unconscious bodies of the delinquents on the ground he discovered that the attribute window was only visible to him it detailed his abilities but not everything was informed the information not mentioned were the activation conditions of the predation ability besides that the passive effect of nullifying other abilities was also not mentioned in the attribute window he continued thinking
and pondering other ideas in his mind but he put those ideas aside for the moment he saw his cousin kneeling on the ground apologizing juang Jay Young said he was reflecting on his Reckless actions after seeing an impressive side of him he also said he would be his subordinate and follow any order he gave while the young man spoke Kim tahim thought about what to do with the other incident that happened today he said he forgave his cousin and he stood up like a fox but in exchange for forgiveness he had to follow him to
do something had an an abandoned train station warning signs were placed in front of the main gate the three agents looked stunned at something ahead a portal was about to suffer a break portal break is a phenomenon where monsters from the abyss open a path to reality and if left unchecked it can lead to something worse than a natural disaster the agent said the last portal break happened 10 years ago and that the monsters from this portal were spreading too quickly the assistant asked if they should start evacuating the neighborhood but receive a negative response
from the supervisor whose ability was called barrier and his rank was B by their measurement standards this portal was ranked C so the strongest monster from this portal was also C while the agent boasted about his superpower the monsters forced their way through the barrier and managed to break it the leader quickly reacted to the monsters behind him with a kick he cut off the head of a cyclops monster he says that as rank be awakeners they are more than enough to face the danger of that portal juang Jang runs after his cousin questioning if
the group of Agents mentioned earlier would be okay since they are quite strong he continues emphasizing what's already been said as they run to the train station Kim tum responds that although the initial man of the portal is rank C and the control Personnel are rank B they will have no problems with rank C opponents Juan Jang complains that this is exactly what he was talking about but Kim tun says that this would be true if the portal was really rank SE surprising his cousin the area around the portal was full of dead Monsters the
group leader analyzed the bodies wondering how those rank C monsters broke his rank B barrier he turns to face the gate again realizing that the Mana flowing from the portal is stronger than he estimated then they see more creatures com coming out of the portal the creatures touched the barrier already crack it the three looked at the scene without words the monsters break the barrier and disorient the three with a display of power they easily exit the portal entrance towards the people and the huge monster that accomplished this feat was a giant ogre of rank
the leader stuned that the portal is not rank C but Ranka and a huge explosion is triggered throughout the station Juan Jang asks his cousin how he knew such information Kim ton had no way to explain it to him so he responds that it came from his intuition in front of the two a crowd of M people was fleeing from the monsters chasing them the woman at the front of the crowd said to run because it was a portal break Juan j young looked perplexed as his cousin had told the truth and Kim Tan told
him to do what he had asked him to do earlier he asked his cousin what he would do in that situation he only responds that he will take care of the monsters himself and then meet them later the city scene at night is illuminated by the building lights a man reports on the portal break situation and says it won't be possible to provide reinforcements due to the member's unavailability he also adds that the only solution to this crisis was be a Ranka awakener so he turns to see the man behind him a Ranka awakener and
asks for his help Hees nicknamed lunatic blade on hensu who told everyone not to worry because he the hero was arriving his greatest specialty was the eighth grade syndrome Kim tagon crushes a monster's head another he strikes in the jaw and the third he hits in the chest all the monsters fall with his combinations of attacks he activates the predation power and all the monsters near him are thrown by the wave of power Kim tayen looks at the situation satisfied to have discovered something new he discovers that the reason for the failure to activate his
ability is due to fatigue if the value exceeds 70% he can no longer use it most abilities use Mana as fuel but that's not all he has to worry about fatigue is just as important as Mana it increases if he uses abilities or performs physical activities and the higher it is the more the power of the ability decreases and his physique becomes heavy while Kim Tan uses predation on the dead monsters he discovers that he can recover his Mana without spending it besides recovering his strength it also increases the ranking of his abilities he discovers
that the more he uses predation the more it can grow he dreams of reaching the high ranks of rank s SS or maybe becoming the first SSS he finishes eliminating the monsters in the area he looks back sensing someone's presence he sees another awakener killing monsters near him shouting that he will avenge the souls that monster killed he declares himself a warrior of Justice on hensu Kim Tan didn't understand that man's actions with his light sword he counterattacks the ogre charging at him in an instant his sword radiates and several Quick Cuts made on that
monster Kim ton is astonished seeing the Display of Power soon he realizes that that man must be the awakener who resolve the portal break before the regression he stands admiring and the other boasts reinforcing the image Kim T even had of him he begins to question why he was there since in the regression the other was fighting in another city so he begins to pray for the dead souls he found along the way before understanding anything the attribute window informs the presence of ability he is startled by the vision he had someone comes from behind
and stabs his heart he spits blood without seeing the man behind him and the Assassin laughs for eliminating his Target the city seemed destroyed by the monster commotion and the atmosphere seems silent in a clothing store Juan Jam observes the nurse lying down she appeared to be in a deep sleep he prepares his mind and heart in front of the nurse while remembering Kim Tan's words he hears that many people will die that night and one of those people is the nurse surprising him she was apparently doing relaxing activities instead of evacuating resulting in her
death with the Sleep ability he could put the nurse to rest and take her to a safe place Kim Tan promised he would take care of the rest he wonders how his cousin knew all this then the pieces connect in his mind he questions it but all the evidence points to this he believes that Kim Tan awakened an ability to foresee the future he can't help but exclaim how amazing this is in his head he was sure that nothing would go wrong according to his cousin's prediction he looks nervously at the scene before him it
seems that the other managed to escape the grasp of the invisible assassin pressing the wound to stop the bleeding he questions who attacked him the Assassin is surprised that he survived even after hitting a vital point which is to be expected from Aran H Sango gets excited by The Challenge people call awakened ones who commit crimes villains and the one in front of them was aank be awakened he was also a known Maniac who went around killing people during the portal break but Kim tum is sure these two never met in the past life he
wonders if it was because of him that things were different after the regression an hamu exclaimed angrily at the villain in front of him he activates his light sword and charges forward but the ground makes a strange noise below them there was still a monster that had not been eliminated the monster uses abilities to attack all three near him roaring in frustration from anger and pain the two are surprised by the over's Regeneration ability as they back away the creature charges its fist with a lot of power it launches it causing great destruction around the
villain decides to let the monster deal with an hensu he looks back to see the other prey he says he didn't expect to have a spectator there he gets excited and points his daggers at him Kim ton is surprised by the villain's speed the dagger was inches from his body before the dagger Capers his skin he defends with his ability Kim Tan then kicks the villain away the villain is surprised to realize that the boy is an awakened one Kim ton reveals that he knows him calling him a lunatic for killing people with his stealth
ability he says he's happy to finally found him the two cross attacks exchanging Fierce blows Kim ton swings his arm to hit the villain's head but he backs away and blocks with his Stone Arms with each impact the villain's dagger is damaged more once again the two strike simultaneously the villain compliments Kim Tan's combat skills and says his ability is quite effective for defense while they argue hansu is still fighting the giant ogre he calls Kim Tan's attention announcing that he will use his ability in an instant the villain disappears from the battlefield Kim tum
stays alert aware of the opponent's stealth he quickly turns to defend against an attack from behind but hits only air then the villain appears again and at the last second Kim Tan manages to defend with his arm but is still cut the attack surprisingly cuts through his Stone layer H Sango the villain says he has killed many people with similar abilities he moves so fast that he leaves residual images around and attacks from all directions the ridiculous number of attacks makes Kim ton retreat in the last powerful attack H Sango violently pierces Kim Tan gasping
covered in wounds Kim ton realizes a weakness in his ability that he hadn't recognized before a very strong shock would crush the stone and the crush part would be replaced by another of inferior durability Han Sno had counted on this weakness from the beginning despite this Kim Tan doesn't lose hope of winning he loudly wonders if he should end the test he was doing Han Sango thinks Kim ton has gone crazy after being hit so many times Kim ton asks the villain if he knows why he wanted so much to find him confusing him the
same Crimson Aura as always appears Kim tagon reveals that he wanted to steal Hans sango's ability the heavy atmosphere slightly scares the villain but he isn't afraid H Sango uses the same tactic of creating after images around Kim Tan Kim Tan says he found the weakness in the villain's stealth he realized this after encountering various monsters many monsters escaped his vision but his ability always caught them no matter where they hide or where they flee predation always reaches them the Crimson Aura pursues heno even when invisible and tears him to pieces the dawn appears once
again on hensu is lying on the ground completely exhausted from the encounter with the villain he realizes that even a hero of Justice like him cannot escape death the giant ogre is still standing in front of him the monster delivers a powerful punch forward aiming to hit the ground where on hensu is the obra waits for the dust to settle to see the blood but finds nothing he expected Kim ton is surprised to see how worn out the ogre is he'd save on hensu from death death at the last second later that same day the
couple opens the door and is surprised they see their son and nephew returning home tears of joy Fill Their Eyes they were very worried that monsters had killed them but their son says nothing happened then he says the house was a mess as if someone had turned everything upside down and again Juan JL nervously says nothing happened on the cell phone the latest news channel was on alerting that the portal break was completely resolved that morning but considering a possible subsequent break schools would be closed for a week the news of survivors increase using the
public the cleanup team sent to take care of the portal was in the hospital being treated a school nurse said she suddenly woke up in another place after sleeping and in the interview with the only awakened present at the scene he only said that the hero who saved those people was not him but another unknown person however the corpse of the giant ogre was not found and the identity of the villain who attacked the city has not yet been discovered people realize that the preventive security measures were not enough while watching the news Kim ton
is glad his name was not mentioned he stops walking after reaching his final destination of the walk now he gave three abilities the most recent being Stealth at his current level is very difficult to use all three because he doesn't have enough mana and if he uses too much you will end up getting tired quickly then he remembers that the only solution for this is potions potions are Elixir created for various purposes such as recovering mana and fatigue but potions are very expensive which is why he was walking in this abandoned area he planed to
hunt but to hunt he needed a legal license to use his abilities in public if he couldn't use his abilities in public then he could only explore undiscovered dungeons like the one he he was in after crossing the narrow Corridor he encounters huge arthropod creatures and giant spiders the humanoid creatures showed enough intelligence to speak and mock him he realizes that the power of these creatures was comparable to rank B but having a few of them was not enough for him to level up the Spider Sisters perceive the insult directed at them and begin to
attack they all fill their mouths with Venom and then fire at him in a combined attack they already sank Victory after the combined attack but the pration ability nullifies the effects of the Venom leaving him practically unharmed the three are surprised because For the First time a human resisted their venom the screams in that abandoned Railway were intense the attribute window showed success in stealing the ability to paralyze opponents the Korean Players Association building was a huge skyscraper a meeting room was properly guarded by two guards three people were sitting waiting in that room the
one sitting in the middle was a new HR manager of the association gowok and the other two were the best players in all of Korea player is the word to Define and awaken legally allowed to use their abilities for exploring cleaning Dungeons and so on currently there are only five top players in the newly created Players Association among all the guilds created the four best guilds were the indivisible Fighters The Alchemist Artisans the wizard Sorcerers and the informant Wanderers and the agency that controls these four guilds and all other players was the Players Association in
front of gotay wwor the Guild Master Of The Wanderers uon and the president of the Players Association Chief chinu both are rank as players the president asked yon if she discovered anything about the evil Guild the evil Guild is a a criminal organization formed by the most ruthless criminals among the villains the recognized members of the evil Guild always wear golden rings with three skulls embedded in them she hands over some papers with the recent movements of the evil Guild and a list of their targets then she says she knows that wasn't the only reason
she was called and the president immediately asks for her opinion on this case she confused doesn't understand his question he questions when she took the player test and is told that she did it at the age of 19 then she understands the meaning of the question the president Smiles in contemplation at her astuteness in noticing that he expected a high school student face a rank a monster in the spider cave No Monsters were left alive only Kim Tan sitting on a pile of corpses then he calls one of the four major guilds the Alchemists he
asks if he can buy potions while surrounded by magical crystals from all the monsters in the cave the school closure order ended and the students returned to classes during the week Kim tahan did various activities from physical training to exploring other undiscovered Dungeons and even going to the alchemist's guild headquarters at the headquarters he exchanged all the Mana stones for potions and was treated like a VIP client additionally he increased all of his attributes and fortified his abilities to rank C he rested his face in his hand while the other students watched from a distance
everyone heard rumors of him beating the bullies and Awakening his powers one of the students thought Kim Ton's Awakening was the smallest of all and a group of students walked towards the classroom where he was Kim tya noticed their arrival the chairs were thrown to the floor creating space the newcomers grouped in front of him and their leader put his feet on the table his name is Lee Jung and he was rank s activated his Aura of intimidating power Lee junga was the son of the CEO of the Tassa grou conglomerate the group that sponsors
the school he was the chief of all bullies abusing his authority and the main culprit for picking on Kim Tayon Kim ton asked him why he called himself a friend and retaliated by showing his Aura of power one of the bullies behind questioned his disrespect but Lee jamb punched him the bully was punished for interrupting the conversation Kim tayen did not react to the violence in front of him then the leader began to release his superpower to intimidate him for disrespect Kim t was impressed with the level of magic from a rank as awakener discreetly
he prepared his hand in his pocket wondering how he would react to his predation but the two were interrupted before they could face off Lim Aon ended the discussion and extinguished Lee jum's fire with her ice abilities merely warning Kim ton not to continue the fight Lim Aang had nicknames like class president miss from a rich family half sister of U Aang rank EST awakener among many others and she might earn more in the future her only problem was her inflexible personality faced with this she confronted Le Jung he asked what she meant by stop
claiming he was just talking to his friend she asked why he punched his Fallen Friend in the face which infuriated him and he told her to shut up so she retorted telling him to leave or she would use Force while Kim Tan mentally begged them to stop because their Intrigue could cause confusion in the class the two star at each other one last time then Lee Jung they decided to leave first but he activated his powers and prepared to fire of flame blasted her however the school bell rang and everyone stopped to listen to the
announcement the broadcasting Club announced that the Players Association would hold a special lecture all students should gather immediately in the hall and the announcement was repeated leaving Le J young the surprised by The Players Association at the school he seized his powers and looked at Liang and Kim Tayan she was prepared to react and he just sat there saying nothing Lee jumby smiled with excitement and left the room saying how lucky they were and waited until the door closed to let his guard down she turned to look at Kim Tagan but did not find him
sitting in the chair as he was at the door leaving the room and asked if she did not hear the announcement she turned again confused by losing sight of his movements and wondered in her mind if he had always been this way before everyone gathered in the main hall and wondered what the lecture would be about the microphone turned on and the voice of Vice manager of the association's HR spoke he said they were there for two reasons the first is the association's lack of response to the portal break and to provide safety training the
second reason was to inform the changes in player tests for students who are the future of South Korea's new Players Association Lee Jung silently cursed Kim Tayan limang longed to talk to Kim later and he just yawned with sleep in his seat everyone wondered about the relationship between the player tests and those who had not yet turned 19 goatee W revealed a secret due to the portal break and the increasing number of monsters and dungeons the association was short on staff so they would be tested even during High School this Revelation shocked everyone the selected
students from each school would be chosen based on grades academic records and behavior but Kim Teo knew that was a lie the selection process had already begun goatee wook had an ability called observer's eye this ability could quantify the total sum of the target's abilities and allowed him to see the attribute window when focusing on the target he marveled at the numbers of everyone in the hall he believed the numbers were much better than in other places he had visited and among these candidates some stood out in his mind Lee Jung with 1924 and Lim
Aang with 2335 he recalled that The Wanderers had sent a list of recommendations but couldn't believe there were so many untrained awakeners a smile spread across his face Lee Jung raised his hand drawing everyone's attention he was curious about his action Le Jung asked if unfit candidates would have to take the test this pequ the vice manager's curiosity he explained that player tests were meant to evaluate those suitable to be players among the awakened and you believe that mere sleepers who hadn't awakened had no right to hear this lecture clearly referring to Kim Tayan to
become a player a complex member of abilities should be evaluated Lee Jung continued his eloquent speech his goal was clearly to humiliate Kim tayen and he managed to elicit laughs from the other students Kim ton realized that Lee Jon was very determined to confirm if he had awakened or not and he stared back waiting for proof limang disagreed with his actions but she remembered Kim Tan's lack of manners for a moment this made her hesitate to help him then goe wuk said it depended on the student to decide whether to participate or not he continued
provoking Kim tayen he knew Leia was right and that he couldn't take the player test if he didn't prove to be awakened however he knew the observer's eye could be used on him to get a recommendation without doing anything from AAR go watched the students he evaluated Lee J's Behavior as pathetic for tormenting others then his eyes turned to Kim Tan the observer's eye couldn't verify his information this realization surprised him greatly then Kim Tan began to challenge Le Jang this confused everyone who witnessed the situation Kim Tan then said he would leave the lecture
and show the middle finger to Le Jung this bold action made Le jonga Furious go wooks still couldn't accept that his ability didn't work even with the association's president and The Wanderer Guild Master this kind of error had never occurred with his ability Kim T left the hall and go could magnify why his ability didn't work on a child like him a few steps before the door he stopped he tried incessantly to use his ability to see him but never succeeded Kim Tan turned and allowed his ability to be checked go was instantly surprised a
terrifying Aura surrounded him and the power above his head was measured at over 5,000 sometime later that same day Kim ton was reading numerous books in the library searching for clues about the king but was interrupted by the group of bullies he had defeated before they said leee junga was looking for him and that he should get up and you bolded challenged them refusing to follow their orders they were momentarily silent but mentioned his aunt's restroom this shook him a bit he took his eyes off the books and raised his head and they said the
leader sent them to say that they insulted Kim tayen calling him a pathetic orphan who only caused trouble for his uncles the bully with clothes eyes didn't see the attack coming his way and the library exploded with the pressure of the blow all the bookshelves were destroyed the bully was held by the neck with his mouth bleeding the other two were easily knocked out then Kim tahon simply asked where Le J was so he could find him in the same main hall after the lecture ended there was no one in that place Lee Jan and
his bodyguard waited for Kim tangan to arrive The Bodyguard was slightly surprised since Kim ton arrived he had continuously cast negative status abilities before the oppressive Aura none of the abilities had an effect as he suspected Kim Tan had awakened and was called for a conversation but he didn't respond he continued saying he didn't want to threaten him but to recruit him he revealed he planned to create a guild as soon as he graduated but Kim Tan still didn't give any response he said he wanted to recruit other Geniuses to work for him he pointed
to Kim tahan as if expressing recognition of his talent he ordered him to forget his past grudges and promised to bring fortune and honor to his family and lift them out of the mud Kim Tan finally responded saying how much nonsense he was talking he activated his ability preparing for combat with his Stone skin fully formed he was ready to punch his face Lee junga was momentarily disoriented he quickly recovered inside he remembered that dogs must be trained to obey their superiors and then activated his fire powers The Bodyguard placed his hand on the ground
and form a magic circle he used an ability to create a room that envelops a space in Magic preventing Outsiders from detecting Magic from within the entire floor walls and ceiling were coated with magic he said that now no one would interrupt the fight the two youths had already started fighting since the room was formed Kim Tan with his Stone arm pulled back prepared to punch Le junga coated his fist with flames their blows collided generating an explosion of energy the Flames were stronger than the stone shattering it into pieces he felt pain throughout his
arm he was already preparing to deliver a kick with flames his kick set Kim Tan flying crashing against the wall the explosion from the impact and the Heat of the Flames caused him several internal injuries Lee Jung enjoyed showing his superiority The Bodyguard just watched the fireworks he felt pity for the young man facing his young Master Kim Tagan emerged from the flames and charged forward but the attack was blocked and he immediately prepared to counter he raised his fire loaded hand towards Kim Tayan he Unleashed an explosion of fire in his face The Bodyguard
continued to observe calmly until he discovered something unprecedented after the Flaming blow the Flames ceased quickly Kim ton recovered and retaliated with another Stone blow he began to overpower Li junga the two struck at the same time but Kim Tan's fist hit his face first with the force of the blow it sent him flying The Bodyguard couldn't believe that the young master was overpowered with brute strength Le Jong they showed difficulty getting up he pressed on what Kim ton had done to his body that wouldn't move The Bodyguard was surprised to hear that his body
wouldn't move he discovered that physical strengthening wasn't Kim Tan's only ability he was thrilled that his paralysis ability worked the paralysis ability can easily Pierce through rank as resistances stealth is immediately nullified against long range fire attacks and predation as a last resort shouldn't be used lightly so the goal was to accumulate paralysis through physical combat he discovered that the status effect of abilities has a greater effect when used in direct attacks rather than at a distance therefore the last damage caused by several attacks containing paralysis could penetrate under the opponent's high rank as resistance
The Bodyguard was speechless at the sight of the young Master losing he claimed in his mind that Kim tum was a genius but the fight wasn't over yet Le jumia was lying on the ground suffering from paralysis he admitted to underestimating too much then he pulled a purple Crystal from his pocket he crushed the crystal between his fingers the fire giant form in front of Kim Tan Le Jung announced that he would fight seriously with the flames on his body increasing in heat he propelled himself forward with his Flames the fire Titan threw a powerful
punch but missed its Target by a hair he let a shout love the Titan's height with his arms entirely covered in stone as he prepared to punch but the Titan retaliated with a Breath of Fire their attacks collided in the middle of the room the Flames slowly consumed the rockster ability the stone protection was destroyed and Kim tum was thrown by the explosions Force crashing hard to the ground the bodyguards still watched the battle unfold he recognized that the Titan was the true form of the young Master's heart of fire ability the purple Crystal used
earlier was a Mana amplification Stone created after refining stones found inside monsters thanks to the amplifying stone Le junga could use the full power of his ability The Bodyguard worried about other things beyond the use of that stone he shouted for the young Master to stop or he would end up killing Kim Tan he also warned that it was too much power for him to handle and that his blood vessels could explode from the Mana surge a fire shot was aimed at The Bodyguard exploding where he stood almost hitting him he was angry at his
subordinate for giving him orders he said he wouldn't let a piece of humiliating like that Kim tahan had barely recovered from the last attack and was immediately struck by the fury of the fire Titan he laughed hysterically at the death of Kim Tayan he ran to stop the young master from going too far and help Kim Tayan he extended a hand into the hole to help him up but received a punch in the face sending him far away spitting blood Kim Tan asked what he was saying after he personally started this fight he drank several
restoration potions preparing to take the combat seriously with his predatory Aura in the building of the Korean Players Association the vice manager reported in the president's office he was shocked by the exorbitantly high numbers of of 1900 and 2300 for the students Lee Jung and Lim Aang respectively the vice manager claimed that without a doubt these two students were ranks awakeners the other agents couldn't believe there was an untrained rank s with potential comparable to Japan's Saint the saint is one of Japan's top players whose power exceeded 2500 since the first inspection at the age
of 19 in this case she barely exceeded 2500 thece manager couldn't help but be astonished when he remembered Kim Tan's value of 96 he wondered if it was an evaluation eror or an error in his ability he left the president's office with other agents and set out to find Kim Tan again to confirm his doubts firsthand the bodygard had a disbelieving look doubting if what his eyes saw was correct the predatory ability was suppressing the powerful fire Titan he tried to break free and un understanding how kimim was doing this he couldn't believe he was
being overpowered by someone he considered weaker he shouted that he was in hair in a powerful rank s Kim Tan asked what it mattered if he was in hair or what his rank was exerting a bit more power in his ability the king's power took shape above the decaying Scarlet Vines they devoured Le jum's Titan form and the entire court was destroyed in reaction to the power the entire Jun was destroyed Le J was unconscious on the ground The Bodyguard trembled intensely Kim ton watched ahead with surprise The Bodyguard had protected the young Master by
throwing himself in front at the last moment to pull him from the attack during the predation fortunately he acquired the ability in time he asked what he planned to do and how he would handle the consequences Kim Tan questioned how he could act brazenly after getting involved in the fight he stated he wasn't the type of man who would flee from such a threat he denied having a plan to kill Lee Jung but insisted that he deserve Fair compensation for his life the bodyb bar's face turned pale upon hearing Kim Tan suggesting that 1 billion
one would be enough to keep the hair Le junga alive outside the gym several students gathered around the explosion while everyone wondered if they were villains Lim Aang recognized whose Flames those were she fered her brows with Lee Jung's name in mind then the scene of Kim tahan being bully flashed through her mind the nurse tried to calm all the students but Lim Aang ran ahead of everyone towards the gym the nurse was surprised to see her running she was a few meters from the door regretting having just watched those two in the gym without
doing anything she entered without fear running through the Flames she wished in her mind that Kim Tan hadn't died in the explosion then she saw the previous scene unfold completely differently in her mind she had no reaction while he talked to her she questioned him about what he did to defeat Lee Jung but Kim tayun not wanting to explain live saying he fell down the stairs the LI could couldn't be more obvious and Kim Tan asked her to handle it alone without telling others what she saw he hurriedly left the place and Lim aam ordered
him to tell what really happened but when she turned towards him he was no longer there she didn't understand how he could have disappeared so quickly Kim tedan reappeared far from the GI he said limay Yang would handle the situation for him and that the tasen group had already taken part in his reward he turned to look at his status a new ability and a new attribute were added to his window the charm attribute with five points and the ability Monarch's heart capable of strengthening his group members he felt slightly irritated to have acquired an
attribute from celebrities like Lee Jung but was happy to gain the ability he remembered that abilities that strengthened the group were rare for someone like him who uses various abilities the Monarch's heart was very useful as it combined with any other ability while rejoicing in his achievements a group of black cars appeared in front of him the figure who got out of the car said he was pleased to meet him the vice manager said he had many questions for him Kim ton wondered how he had ended up where he was at that exact moment at
Lee jum's father's mansion He was informed that his first and only son was in the hospital and that the aggressor was demanding 1 billion one for his son's life his hunting dogs barked fiercely The Bodyguard trembled with fear in front of his boss he apologized and said he had nothing to say about it the boss told him to do whatever Kim Tayan asked surprising his subordinate mockingly he said that Kim tayam was a brave kid he raised his right hand from the armrest of the chair he snapped his fingers signaling for his other subordinates to
enter The Bodyguard recognized the people who entered he shouted to his boss to remember that the opponent was still a child and that he was being too cruel the boss told him to shut up and said he wouldn't tolerate a dog barking Le jangu smiled cruy at his subordinates in front of him at the moment when the vice manager asked what he did in the gym Kim ton wondered which of the two events he was referring to he pondered about the chances of the manager getting involved in the problem he had with Lee Jung with
few options he tried to rely on luck and asked if he was talking about the explosion the vice manager was surprised by the question about the explosion then he looked back and said he would take care of that another time Kim Tan confirmed that the vice manager didn't know about his involvement in the gym explosion a smile appeared on his face and he asked if they didn't already know what he did after leaving him confused Kim ton said he knew he came there to invite him to take the player test trying not to make it
clear which theory he based this on then Kim Tan revealed his Aura the number 5214 appeared above his head he replied that it was because of this great number displayed on him the vice manager was astonished unable to believe what his eyes were seeing after seeing the numbers on his head increase he was sure that Kim Tan's strength was real then he asked Kim tun another question asking what happened to his clothes Kim Tan finally noticed the damage to his clothes at Kim Tan's house his cousin was shouting very loudly Juan Jang asked to confirm
if he was really going to take the player test which Kim Tan confirmed with his cousin's confirmation his jaw dropped then he knelt before the great Kim Tayan he said the tasin group would solve the gym problem and that he could just focus on training for the player test in a month his phone rang on the table outside his house two people were waiting these two were were wondering why the association was protecting the house of a mere student the masked man had just defeated the association agent while the black MK One watched the house
these two were a two-person assassination unit the black and white brothers the Elder used the code name black and his abilities were stealth and physical enhancement the younger used the Cod man white and his ability was only stealth the black MK One laughed on the roof planning the death of the mere student he turned to look at his brother but was left speechless when he saw him being beaten he quickly drew his hidden blade asking who was hitting his brother Kim t again let go of the white masked villain the black mask one had no
time to react he received a full me strike from the one who was supposed to be his Target a few hours earlier in the gym The Bodyguard said he couldn't make the decision to keep the event quiet and to hand over one billion one alone Kim tun said he wasn't evil enough to throw that Duty on the minions and asked him to get a good deal with his boss then he conjured a contract in the palm of his hand the promise of the awakened a contract created by Magic and breaking it would result in a
random permanent penalty the first condition of the contract was besides providing one billion one he also had to fix the gym incident live on the news it was reported that the cause of the gym incident at the school was a gas leak fulfilling the first part of the agreement the second condition was to inform him in advance of any Revenge actions against him the black mask one quickly launched an attack with his blade something that was easily dodged by Kim Tayan he prepared his left hand and delivered a powerful punch forward the black mask one
dodged upwards and prepared to Counterattack he attacked from behind but couldn't hit his Target he couldn't believe he missed that attack from behind him Kim he un mocked the weakness of the Assassins sent to kill him saying they were nothing but their stealth abilities on the street a big black car was giving a ride to uon she called the president asking about the player test she asked the president who will be observing her participation if it's Shin yunbok from buzen or ranas on the other end of the phone line the president denies uang speculations he
said that Shin yanak is a good candidate but he is more interested in her sister limma she says she doesn't appreciate the president's jokes then the president asks her who she is interested in you says it was Shin yanak but another candidate caught her attention she replies that their Vice manager goat tayw personally cornered a rank s Kim ton had already exterminated the two black and white masked assassins then he looks at his hand and realizes once again that he's having trouble using his predation power the attribute window says that he is unable to use
predation due to his physical incapacity on the streets in front of Kim Tan's house the black and white MK assassins were Exposed on the street agents of the vice manager goat Taya complain about the horrible conduct of attacking high school children by the Assassins go thanks Kim Tan and asks if he knows who paid them to assassinate him surprised by the question he decides not to tell saying he doesn't know anything wonders if the participant list was leaked Kim Tan thinks it could be a problem if the tasin group knows too much about him but
he thinks they are the least of his problems now he tries to exert control over his ability but unfortunately his physical capacity is insufficient to use it he starts walking back home while thinking about how to increase his status to be able to use predation again prating mon monsters or awakened ones are flawed methods because they require using the ability after pondering for a few moments he realizes there's only one way the next day at blackhead Academy the personal trainer Euro welcomes the new visitors to the academy the training center of South Korea's new Association
after introducing herself she notices that the two are children she starts to say that this place is not for children but Kim Tan pulls out a black and gold card Yura stares at the VIP card in his hand she recognizes it as a card from The alchemist's Guild she wonders about the identity of this boy who came to her today worried about causing a problem if something goes wrong a muscular figure appears to save Ura the muscular man says that money is not enough to get in this man was the Iron Man not officially a
player but an awakened rank B juang J young confused by the situation asks what they were going to do now meanwhile a small group of bodybuilders watched the situation the Iron Man Killer of rookies had found his new prey the muscular man continued posing Kim ton couldn't understand anything he was saying and commented that he was barking like a dog this comment his attention Juan JM and Euro were shocked at how rude he was being he asked Kim Tan if he was calling him weak he responds by asking if he wants to settle it with
a bet the loser pays for a year of the Winner's membership he laughs complacently at the challenge he imposed and accepts immediately both are teleported to a virtual game field everyone in the academy watched the unfolding scene excitedly hang Jang asks what that game simulating The Abyss was your responds that it is a game program called the virtual portal in the virtual portal there is an exact replica of the Abyss and that is where the competition Begins the objective was to reach the Finish Line carrying the most weight in the shortest time possible while eliminating
rank B monsters along the way this game was the most common way to establish a hierarchy in this Academy the Iron Man starts bravely advancing he charges at various creatures his muscle enhancement ability gave him immense advantage in combat against the creatures and also improved his mobility and allowed him to carry a large amount of weight within the virtual world suddenly he sees a light shining beside him there was Kim Tan's Advance overtaking him in an instant Three Monsters appear to intercept him but his mere Advance was enough to pass through them he prepares a
powerful kick and the Monsters can't react they can only watch him easily eliminate them he kicks upwards and easily eliminates a group of monsters along the way in his descent he eliminates those he passed by the virtual monsters can only see him arrive before they die he sees the massive amount of points Kim Tan is scoring ahead of him he is extremely shocked by this site everyone else in the academy is also shocked only H JM is cheering for him he turns his gaze to the Iron Man and thanks him for paying for a Year's
membership for him time passes and today is the day the player tests begin everyone was anxiously waiting for this opportunity journalist observed from a helicopter looking at all the candidates the ones people were most eager to see where Iron Fist hung jumuk the drule gillson the god of Thunders shin yunbok and the next St Lim Aon besides these many of her talents were expected to participate this time many others were also interested in watching the show a g reporter was exhausted from the distance she had to travel she was saddened because if she didn't cover
the story she would be fired after seeing the immense number of people who came to see this exam she didn't think she would be able to interview any of the awakened who would take the test while she lamented lying on the ground Kim ton approached from behind the crowd he wondered why there were so many people and his voice caught the attention of reporter Kim gija she quickly assumed Kim Tan might be a candidate she sneaked behind him asking if he would let her do an interview A View from Above showed the entire stadium in
the waiting room Kim Tan was called minutes before the test began almost late due to the interview he gave he entered the closed room and found hundreds of people inside everyone was waiting for the test to begin the closed walls made it hard to know the time some people's attention was drawn in One Direction Lim Aang noticed a recognized person from afar Kim Tan realized that she was also here for the test the two greeted each other and his increase in height didn't go unnoticed she asked what he did with his body and he replied
it was just training she stared at him again wondering how he had changed so much in a month before she could ask what he did in the gym with Lee Jung her voice was interrupted St many screens turned on showing Silhouettes in the same person the host said that the first test would begin and that he would give the rules the first rule is that everyone has a plate on their chest with a number on it the objective of the first test is to collect five plates and if you don't protect your own plate you
will be disqualified he said the time limit is only 1 hour the entire White Room began to move and reshape he finally finished by saying that all means and accessories could be used except for murder then he announced the start of the first test everyone was in random places in the completely random shaped room everyone charged at limma Ya because she was rank s she charged for powers in her Palm all the evaluators saw the great Glacier she created they were impressed with the talent of the next saint but didn't forget to praise the High
Caliber of the other participants among all one evaluator said he was particularly interested in one candidate on the screen beside shinbach the rank s hadn't let anyone approach him from the start most evaluators wonder how the clash between these two rank as Powers would be while go teok watched a specific candidate alone he understood the interest to rank s but he knew the real star of today and was confident that Kim ton would stand out a lot he looked energetically at his screen but he saw him fighting only one candidate in a balanced way gotay
couldn't believe his eyes he couldn't help but exclaim loudly his irritation the awakened ranga Hong Jung wuk received a punch to his Ironclad face Kim TM received back the blow he gave with his Stone skin believing he had misjudged his abilities Goa could only watch and disbelief through the screen that he realized he hadn't dodg any attack Kim Tan and Hong junguk Advanced towards each other to continue their duel he deliberately threw himself in front of the Iron Fist the force of the blow easily broke his rocks Hong jungwook shouted at Kim Tan thinking he
was underestimating him he said that Kim Tan's ability was completely inferior to his own and that he hadn't even bothered to dodge then a terrifying Aura filled the air Kim Tan felt his stats increasing during the duel he charged forward with inhuman speed he continued to receive external stimula to tone his body for him fighting to the Limit was just training and he kept giving and taking blows he put all the strength of his arm into one punch in the Collision of the attacks Kim tahan emerged Victorious breaking the opponent's iron skin he looked very
pleased with his results Hong Jang could only faint in the face of the powerful opponent's strength he fell on his back to the ground without the slightest reserve of strength Kim ton stood looking over him who was watching The Duel couldn't help but be happy with his victory he shoted alone in the room while the other evaluators looked at him strangely but he worries that he might use too much stamina employing this method throughout the entire test he starts to think that the best tactic would be to conserve his energy by targeting the weaker ones
first then a shot catches him off guard when he sees on the screen all the other evaluators see a rank SE awaken acting irresponsibly obviously they were talking about Kim Tan who was walking towards Shin yunbok after having eliminated dozens of people they comment on his body covered in plates saying he might be considered the strongest in the test Kim tun starts to count how many plates he has with him but he stops because as long as he has more than five plates it's enough an electric Aura erupts from a powerful competitive throughout the arena
the already immense Aura further increased the release of his power Kim Tan Dodges an electric discharge Shin yanak is delighted to see his enemy speed from the beginning of the test he thought everyone was too weak to entertain him with the only exception being Lim Aang who was of the same rank as him Shin Yan Bach concentrates his discharges once again to attack all three attacks were skillfully avoided by Kim Tan he prepares with his Stone skin on his foot he's going to kick towards Shin yunbok the kick is immediately defended by electricity even Kim
t y was surprised by his defensive power but Shin yanak Praises him for being so fast that he couldn't seize attacks the power erupts for him again sending Kim tagon away from him he's perplexed by how treacherous the God of Thunder Is possessing an ability capable of controlling lightning and a massive defense that allows him to stand still while attacking both at a distance and a close his destructive power is not something to be underestimated by anyone Kim Tan focuses on thinking of a plan that doesn't use predation which is currently unavailable to break through
his impenetrable defense Shum box sees that he isn't coming to him so he asks if he wants him to advance as well he's astonished to see him running so fast towards him he charges an enormous amount of lightning into his hand for the attack he narrowly Dodges by turning his neck to the right then a Charged kick is delivered but is also successfully avoided hands charge with energy head towards him again numerous successive attacks from Shin yunbok were made even destroying the arena he was having a lot of fun with the excitement of that battle
then he grabs Kim Tan's hands and discharges all his lightning into him he's paralyzed by the immense energy running through his body Shin yunbok shouts that he should be running if he wanted to withstand fighting him Kim Tan grits his teeth and ignores the pain of the electric current passing through his body he puts everything into making his Stone arm grow but the electric power breaks all the stones immediately at the same time it produces a blinding light Kim tun raises his arms to cover his eyes but Shin yanak jumps to deliver his next electrifying
attack with full force on him his hand descends and a massive lightning bolt quickly strikes Kim T in the attack completely destroys the surrounding area he could barely withstand the discharge of thousands of volts Shin yunbok Praises him for withstanding even this amount of energy release he thinks in his mind that he is very happy to see a new toy so fun in this test in Shin yach's moment of distraction a rock comes flying towards him hitting his forehead and snapping his headback he is stunned by the Blow To The Head quickly Kim ton runs
to his back and throws another rock at him this time hitting his chest with force and precision making even Shin yunb cough up blood Stone skin is not comparable to the god of Thunder's ability even at its best performance it would end up Shattered by his blows but the test field is different it is built of a material that can withstand the power of a first class awakened so it won't lose its shape even if it ends up cracking so Kim Tan's plan was to use the broken Stones small or large he found along the
way to attack Shin yanak until he can overcome his enemy Supreme defense then he uses the large Stone to strike with all his strength he is built from a material capable of withstanding the power of a first class awakened so it won't lose its shape even if it ends up cracking thus Kim Tan's plan was to use small or large broken Stones he found along the way to attack Shin yamach until he could overcome his enemy Supreme defense then he uses the large Stone to strike with all his strength with this act he destroys a
good portion of the arena with the boy's defeat the audience wonders how rank as could lose to a rank C and who Kim Tan might be having defeated the boy he collects the last pieces needed for the tournament and now he only has to wait for the test to end while distracted he is hit by a surprise ice attack looking in the direction the spell was cast he notices another spell of the same type only larger directly above him at this moment a girl named Lim Aang appears right in front of him seeing the girl
so close he feels confused and wonders why she was there and how long she had been watching them fight however as she approaches the protagonist the girl says she believes that great power comes with great responsibility for power without responsibility is merely violence and she comments that Kim is very strong but never imagined he would defeat Shin yunbok in that manner and that he probably defeated Lee jungi in the same way soon after the girl exudes a chilling aura her eyes glowing with a pale color as she uses her powers to cause massive destruction aim
at the protagonist in response the protagonist remarks that the girl's Snow resembled a bomb making stealth or anything of the sort entirely useless the girl then manages to strike him with an excellent blow at that moment she says that back in the gym she believed in him and that she thought he was different from other kids like Le juner that he wouldn't act recklessly trien solely by his self-interest but after seeing him fight she realized that in the end it was all his fault she then continuously strikes him with extremely powerful blows leaving the protagonist
in a tough situation afterward she states that the unauthorized use of abilities is a crime and that those two boys are still in the hospital however after everything he went through she decides not to report him but he must withdraw from the player tests she declares that he doesn't deserve to be a player in turn the protagonist gets up and asks her who she thinks she is to say all that because she wasn't even able to put an end to Lee Jon G's tyrany and even after saying all of that all she really wants is
to eliminate him he then says he would have preferred her to use Sur vial in the test as an excuse instead of being so pathetic those words make the girl's facial expression change completely she in turn declares that in that case she won't go easy on him anymore next she uses her power to create a massive ice staff and says she will eliminate him with it at this moment the protagonist realizes that after being shattered thousands of times his Stone skin has lost its functionality even if he uses stealth he'll be detected by her area
attacks and the attribute boost granted by the Monarch's heart is already active but isn't enough to turn the tide however predation is still sealed and to make matters worse he has no stamina to paralyze her as he did with Le Junger so in the end he only has one chance left to win the battle between the two continues causing massive destruction in the arena amid the brilliant light emanating from the arena the entire audience wonders what is happening as they can't see anything at all however as the Arena's light begins to dim everyone is shocked
by the scene they witness the scene they see is the protagonist and the girl on the ground locked in a kiss but it wasn't just a kiss in reality it was a paralysis ability status effect abilities that cause abnormal conditions at close range instead of long distance and whether directly or indirectly they have an extremely high chance of success the protagonist infused paralysis into his blood and made her swallow it but considering that a rank s possesses monstrous resistance this was just a provocation nonetheless the girl couldn't resist and became completely paralyzed then the protagonist
system notifies him that he caused immense psychological shock to his opponent as a result his charm increases by three at this moment the announcer declares that the first round of the tests has finally ended and that the medical team will move everyone to a safe place so they ask all participants to remain in their positions after the first round of tests was completed all injured participants were promptly attended to by the medical team however even though Lim Aang was paralyzed she's still possessed her test plaqu and was competent in combat thus passing the first round
as for the protagonist despite only managing to collect seven plaques he unexpectedly defeated shinbach and Lim Aon this made him the center of attention in the tests at that moment thus all the participants who saw him began to wonder about his rank those he defeated and even the tricks he might have used moments later he analyzed his healed body thinking that the healing abilities were great since he couldn't even walk in his previous state shortly after Shin yanak arrived eager for a rematch against the protagonist he told the protagonist that this time he wouldn't be
able to use the same tricks used inside the arena as the rematch began the young man released a massive amount of Aura as the fight started several other players began watching with one commenting that Shin yanak was trying to get revenge for the previous fight meanwhile another young man said he didn't care if Shin eliminated a candidate but he should go all out and crush the protagonist however Shin became extremely irritated with them and told them they had nothing to do with this battle and should stay silent then Shin yamach declared he would show him
that he was nothing without cheap tricks and a clean and fair fight however before the fight could start everyone present including the two of them began to be pressed to the ground due to gravity magic the man who cast his power started to approach and as he did he asked if the boys weren't going to let others rest he added that they acted as if they didn't know their place this man was the s-rank player Park sunjin one of the best players in the new Korea Association and a future SS ranked player at this moment
the protagonist attempted to stand up despite the gravity which left the man impressed as someone was still standing however he intensified his gravity magic ensuring the protagonist couldn't rise under such pressure the protagonist then thought he had heard that the abilities of an s-ranked awakened and an s-ranked player were on entirely different levels but he hadn't expected it to be this different meanwhile player Park asked if he was withstanding all that pressure noting that even veteran players couldn't endure so much before he could increase the pressure further he was interrupted by the doctors responsible for
the players one of the doctors demanded to know what the hell he was doing to the kids who had just been treated and whether he was trying to eliminate them all before the second round began however Park claimed he wasn't trying to eliminate them but rather to control the situation the doctor then accused him of lying stating he knew Park did this every year to test the player's abilities meanwhile unlike the other players who were completely unconscious due to Park's pressure the protagonist managed to stand leaving the man astonished impressed with the protagonist Park asked
for his name to which he responded that he was kiman Park then thought to himself that Kim must be a c ranked player who defeated shin yunbok and Lim and noted it had been a long time since someone had Peak his interest this much placing his hands on the protagonist's shoulder he said it was clear he aimed to become an s-rank player and asked if that was correct he added that he would be waiting for him and then left the area however the doctors began chasing after him asking where he thought he was going after
causing such a scene moments later the players who advanced to the second round all found themselves in a forest where the s-rank player Park was also present he asked if everyone was ready after a brief rest and then announced that they would begin the second round of the player license test the final test was behind the portal they were about to enter this portal led to a dranked dungeon and he announced that every five participants who reached the dungeon through the portal will be allowed to explore it with him as their supervisor they would be
evaluated on all their actions during the dungeon exploration any necessary items such as weapons supplies would be provided by the Association the protagonist thought to himself that the second round being a dungeon made sense especially for an inexperienced amateur there shouldn't be any problems as it's a ranky dungeon besides active players will be with them unless it's a double dungeon called apocalypse inside a ranky dungeon at the player testing site the world's first double dungeon was discovered this led thousands of people to shake hands with God including the first group to discover it this triggered
dungeon breaks in countless undiscovered dungeons so he thinks it would be great if he could stop this with a simple warning however no one would believe his words without any proof and even if they did it might end up suspecting him that would be embarrassing but he'll have to deal with his own problems as long as he's not part of the first discovery group he can find various ways to survive upon entering the dungeon he realizes that he's now part of the exact group he didn't want to be in then the protagonist group supervisor asks
if everyone is Ray the supervisor for the second round of tests is an A- rank player met do hack the first person to discover the apocalypse double dungeon with a serious expression the protagonist thinks he's is in deep trouble as they explore the Dungeon they encounter monsters but manag to defeat them with ease the group's inspector applauds them for showing remarkable combat intuition even though it's their first real battle he says they definitely have what it takes to become players at this moment a girl in the group says it was nothing as it was all
possible thanks to his instructions as a player while observing them the protagonist wonders why out of all the teams he ended up with the first discovery team and he has no doubts about it the ring medo hack is wearing is the only item the first discover of the double dungeon was using that is the Sage's ring a unique rank item that increases strength stamina speed and Mana by 10-fold at this moment he thinks that the apocalypse dungeon is definitely rank s and if he falls into it he won't have a chance to survive in his
current state with predation sealed but it doesn't matter he must ensure his group doesn't find the apocalypse while walking through the dungeon they end up in a place with two different paths one of the group members asks the inspector what they should do in this situation the inspector explains that this happens often in dungeons so they should first consider a majority vote however the protagonist sub runs in one of the directions terrified the inspector yells at him to come back saying running like that in a dungeon is extremely dangerous while running Kim says it's fine
and that they should follow that path he then thinks about why he would let them decide this on their own clearly he wasn't going to let that happen because he would make them take a path different from the one chosen in his regression something better than letting them find the apocalypse his plan is working his entire group is following him however a portal of purple and pink Hues appears right in front of him since they are inside a dungeon the boy wonders how another portal portal could exist the protagonist realizes that he has stumbled upon
the double dungeon portal all this effort to keep his group from reaching it was completely in vain to make matters worse a member suggests they check what's inside the other portal however the protagonist commands everyone to stop right there and asks if they can't tell just by looking after all another portal different from the dungeon entrance is strange no matter how you look at it he insists they need to report this unusual incident before doing anything else and asked mohak if he agrees mohak replies that it's indeed his first time seeing something like like this
and that by the rules reporting it to HQ would be the right thing to do however He suggests they try it just this once he says he understands what the protagonist means but the Mana he feels inside the portal unlike its appearance doesn't seem dangerous besides it's just a rankd dungeon even if something happens he as an A- rank player is present he concludes that either the association prepared this portal or it's an extremely rare occurrence therefore exploring this dungeon will earn them good points in the test at this moment the protagonist asks if Med
dohack has lost his mind as he is acting according to the rules however Mill hack questions whether someone who doesn't even know how to work as a team should be saying that hearing these words from their inspector the entire group turns against the protagonist's idea after all just moments ago he was running Carefree through the dungeon ignoring all the danger one of the boys in the group said that even if the protagonist was a little skilled he shouldn't forbid his place another boy remarked that he couldn't believe the protagonist was talking back to an active
player calling him arrogant since most of them decided to side with the inspector they chose to enter this other portal in an attempt to stop the from entering the protagonist said he needed to speak to the inspector however with a snap of his fingers the inspector filled the entire area with light upon entering the dungeon the group noticed something strange and suspected that this was actually an s-ranked dungeon at the end of the corridor they spotted a giant terrifying statue holding an enormous sword the group began questioning the inspector asking what was going on and
whether he was sure this was a d ranked dungeon at that moment the protagonist told everyone to be silent and instructed them to only look ahead hearing this one of the group members commented that the protagonist was still being rude however the protagonist replied that something was coming as soon as he said that two statues appeared in the area A ranked death kns this left the group wondering how they ended up in such a place and the frightened inspector told everyone to prepare for battle the inspector and the two statues that engaged in an intense
fight using his power the inspector seemed to be holding his own against the two statues at that point the entire group joined the battle alongside the inspector they strategized to block the monster's Vision Shield the front lines and keep attacking without giving the enemy any space after managing to defeat the monsters a girl in the group said they were safe now and admitted she hadn't expected them to be able to defeat a ranked monsters one of the boys celebrated prematurely claiming it wasn't a big deal and that he could do it again but as he
gloated more statues began to appear behind him not just two but four this time with the appearance of these additional statues the group became extremely frightened meanwhile the protagonist analyzed the statues bodies and realized something was very wrong with this place moments later the fight continued but the number of statues had increased significantly the inspector then noticed that every time they defeated one Statue dozens more would appear furthermore all the group members were already at their limits and at this rate it would all meet their end Kim then informed the inspector that something very strange
was happening in this dungeon looking at the protagonist the inspector wondered who he truly was even after all the fighting the protagonist showed no signs of fatigue and had been the first to sense the Portal's danger if not for the boosted attributes from the protagonist's ability the Monarch's heart it wouldn't have stood a chance the inspector questioned whether the protagonist was really just a c ranked awakened in shock he asked Kim what he meant by something being wrong the protagonist replied that it was just a hunch but those monsters weren't death Knights these words filled
the group with despair leaving them to wonder what they had been fighting all this time in the dungeon at that moment the protagonist picked up a sword one of the monsters had been carrying and declared that he would find out right then he then charged toward the statues with full force however he ignored all the smaller statues and headed straight for the largest one his attempt was successful and he quickly destroyed the large G statue upon its destruction the entire dungeon's scenery changed completely the protagonist then revealed that it had all been an illusionary trap
it was a tactic designed to drain the energy of intruders by showing them a false environment and imaginary enemies one group member frustrated exclaimed if all their hard work had been for a mere illusion a girl also asked if this meant worse monsters were about to appear the inspector still perplexed asked how the protagonist had known it was all a trap after all he couldn't have ever fought a death knight either the protagonist replied that even though he didn't know much about about it there was no way the enemies could have been that weak these
words left the inspector completely unsettled however the protagonist said they should keep moving before they ended up becoming a memory even after the illusion disappeared things didn't improve following the manifestation of the Apocalypse the dungeon's space was completely transformed the wounds sustained during the illusionary battle worsened gradually but they couldn't afford to wait for help st's only hope is to find the exit of this dungeon after walking for a while they finally come across a portal despite finding the portal the mass boy asks if it might be dangerous facing him the inspector responds that it
could be but if it don't open it they'll just die there anyway so he ends up opening the portal only to be confronted by a death knight seeing the monster the boy laughs at the sight of just one enemy however as the room becomes more illuminated more of these monsters appear filling the space this leaves the group utterly terrified prompting one of the members to ask if all these monsters are death Knights at that moment the dungeon leader appears laughing and declaring that inferior humans have managed to reach this place he then orders them to
start fighting this monster is the Lord of the death kns and his rank s at this moment the statues in the room begin moving toward the group though they don't attack immediately analyzing the monsters the protagonist deduces that they seem to want one-on-one duels terrified one of the boys says he can't fight anymore since he has no Mana left in turn the protagonist tells everyone to calm down because their goal is not to fight but to escape after saying this the group starts fleeing in desperation except for Mido Haack and the girl who remains unconscious
on the protagonist's shoulders as they run the boys exclaim that they'd rather go back to where they first appeared and that they don't want to die here but at that moment a statue swings its sword hitting all three of those trying to flee witnessing this dangerous attack the protagonist declares that he'll buy them time that M dohack should find a way to escape however M dohack pushes the protagonist and the girl behind him using his power to create a wall to protect them at this moment Kim asks what he's doing but mad dohack orders him
to stay silent he calls Kim a useless non awaken and says he should know his place and stop acting so full of himself he then mentions that when he was younger he wanted to become an s-rank player but no matter how much he trained and improved his abilities he was always far from achieving that level growing more distant from his goal with each passing day this was his chance if he could handle this particular situation maybe he'd start being treated like an srank but in the end this is how it turned out at that instant
a statue charges at him but mego hack easily handles it after defeating the statue he says that Kim is different and that infuriates him but he also admits that Kim has the talent for it that's why Kim should take the injured and flee as far as possible as their supervisor fighting the statues is his duty however when the protagonist looks at the injur he realizes they are no longer alive moments later the wall created by mohak is completely destroyed and mohak is utterly defeated losing his life in the process the statue that took mid doak's
life raises its sword toward the protagonist challenging him to a duel cornered in this situation he looks down in spots the ring mohak was wearing at that instant the statue attacks him but he manages to dodge and grabs the man's ring as he runs he places the ring on his finger thinking this is his only chance to make it out alive he then commands the ring to awaken causing a small explosion of energy that destroys the statues attempting to kill him at this moment the dungeon boss is shocked wondering what kind of power this could
be by putting on the ring all the conditions for its use were fulfilled unsealing predation additionally all his attributes increase by 10 each the protagonist then unleashes a significant amount of Destruction with his Mana hurling his enemies away however while fighting he realizes that predation takes an average of 10 seconds to fully devour so he knows he can't rely solely on this ility he decides to use all the attributes he's accumulated and all the skills he's gathered so far only then will he be able to escape this dungeon alive at this moment he notices a
massive spear radiating energy and wonders what it might be but with a single gesture from the dungeon boss all the statues hurl Spears at the protagonist with great effort he manages to dodge all the Spears and the statues attacking him he then finds himself face to face with the dungeon boss and of course attempts to do something however the boss uses an ability to launch the protagonist far away he then says that while the protagonist was quite strong that was his limit with that the protagonist was completely overpowered by his strength with his sword and
feet pressing down on the protagonist the boss said there was still one last thing he wanted to ask if that ask who had given the protagonist this power but the protagonist began screaming in agony and pain at that moment his player system informed him that a mysterious power was resisting the Roar of the night King and part of this resistance had succeeded the dungeon boss then mentioned that he already knew the protagonist unlike M humans could understand his language he asked again about the nature of this power at this moment the scene changed slightly and
in front of the protagonist appeared a massive figure of a monster with long horns and forearms looking to his side the protagonist noticed the bodies of his Fallen group members behind him stood the dungeon boss meanwhile he thought that nothing looked the same as before he began to wonder what exactly this ability called predation was and how he a mere human started to understand the languages of monsters he realized he had been entirely ignorant of everything only gaining this power and a chance and yet nothing seemed to have changed for him at that moment the
boss launched a dangerous fatal attack even faced with such danger Kim wondered why the king had given him this power he that Heard a Voice saying that the reason had already been told to him a man without clothes appeared under a light and said it was simply because he had been moved by Kim's determination and tenacity the man also told him that he didn't mean to change but simply moved forward apparently all of this was a dream however when Kim opened his eyes they were rened and he bore an expression of anger the dungeon boss
seeing this commented that the protagonist seem to have no strength left answer him he then called Kim a pathetic human and declared this would be his end preparing to deliver the final blow but before the attack landed the protagonist managed to react using a strange power that destroyed several statues in an instant seeing the protagonist's response the boss became excited and asked if Kim was trying to go into a frenzy with this ability in his current condition at that moment Kim began increasing his Mana by one completely thrilled by the fight the boss declared it
was excellent to see Kim's final effort and that he would entertain him until the very end the boss then charged the protagonist with a strike making his sword exude Mana with tremendous Force thinking he had struck the protagonist the boss realized the powerful attack had no effect as Kim easily stopped it Kim then asked if the boss was curious about the true nature of his power as the boss expressed his desire to know more the protagonist told him to find out for himself as his strength and power increased Kim's system notified him that he had
just Advanced to rank B Kim then delivered such a powerful blow that the boss was sent flying afterward Kim continued defeating the other statues with overwhelming strength realizing he was was to defeat the boss questioned how an inferior human like Kim dared to achieve all this the boss attempted to use an ability to trap the protagonist but it failed entirely at this moment the protagonist declared that his power was not that of a human it was the power of a king finally Kim launched a crushing attack that the boss likely would not survive with this
Victory his system notified him again that he had acquired a new ability the registered ability was called the spirit of the night King moments later several Hunters gathered in front of the portal to analyze it player Park then asked a woman with a magical reading of the portal portal was she responded that it was an s-rank portal she added that an evacuation order had already been issued but the Distortion inside the dungeon was causing delays in the withdrawal as a result she wasn't sure if the support Squad would arrive before the dungeon break occurred player
Park thought to himself that at this rate everyone inside the dungeon would be doomed thus he decided he would have to intervene alone to ensure their survival the portal in began emanating an even greater energy leading them to believe the dungeon break was already happening for safety player Park told everyone to prepare for the worst case scenario however from inside the portal only the protagonist emerged Kim said it was close but he had managed to return from the dungeon thanks to the protagonist the dungeon incident was resolved and the test participants were able to evacuate
without significant issues the results of this round were decided based on the evaluations from before the second round of the exam Additionally the corpses were recovered and returned intact to the families of the deceased it was decided not to reveal who cleared the apocalypse dungeon moments later the director speaks with two Hunters one being Park and the other unidentified mentioning that they had to endure retaliation from the corporation however if they told the truth it was obvious the protagonists would become a target of the press and villains with those words the two players understand the
situation and the director thanks them for their comprehension he then asks what they thought about the protagonist who cleared the s-rank apocalypse dungeon in response player Park states that if the protagonist managed to clear an s-rank apocalypse dungeon alone he must at least be on the level of an s-rank player however the other player says that since his current rank is lower than s-rank it's difficult to estimate his true power hearing this the director asks what they mean by those words and the two players begin to exchange glances at that moment one of them replies
that there's a high chance he is at the level of national power back to the protagonist he finds himself in a place with a completely Red Sky surrounded by several extremely powerful monsters seeing this scene he wonders how he ended up in the abyss moments later the king appears in the sky above upon his appearance the monsters attempt to attack him but with a single motion he reduces them all to dust the king then declares that he will be waiting for the protagonist in the deepest corners of the Abyss after that the protagonist wakes up
in a hospital bed where he was admitted due to all the injuries he sustained in the s-rank dungeon upon waking he wonders if it was a dream but realizes it couldn't have been as it felt too real to be just a dream he also reflects on what the king meant by waiting for him he notices his predation ability a skill even s-rank monsters are aware of as well as his understanding of the monster language this leaves him with even more questions he concludes that becoming stronger and going to the abyss is the only way forward
after this he checks his player statistics and finds them exactly as he suspected he had a feeling while facing the lord of the death Knights but he truly has advanced to rank B and with these attributes he can rival an s-rank player and the spirit of the night king after all he is certain that predation is the skill that once crushed him with overwhelming Force at this pace of growth it won't take long before he reaches the level of national power through the doors of his hospital room it seems someone is trying to enter however
the guards refuse to let them through prompting the visitor to complain that it's outrageous they won't let her visit a sick person person even as the president of the association she calls this Behavior truly Wicked she bursts through the door asking the protagonist if he doesn't agree with her looking down he notices that everyone who tried to stop her from entering is completely unconscious after asking the protagonist if he agrees with her she surprisingly calls him deer moments later inside a car a young man suggests to The Guild Master that it would be better if
he drove instead however the woman replies that it won't be necessary since the protagonist is her guest and she should handle it the protagonist then asks what the Guild Master Of The Wanderers will one of the four Great guilds might want with him the one responds that she's just taking him home after his Hospital discharge while also checking out the one who survived the apocalypse at this Kim sarcastically remarks that if her reason was that trivial she should have at least come up with a more plausible lie the woman laughs and admits he's quite clever
she then asks if he knows what will happen in the third round in the player tests the third round will be a survival game similar to the first round at this time Outsiders will be able to watch as part of the audience because of this his abilities will be fully exposed to the public all the gills will undoubtedly start vying for the low ranked awaken who managed to clear an s-ranked dungeon she asks to make him an offer he cannot refuse before that happens whether it's money or fame she's willing to give him anything he
desires to join The Wanderer Guild after that request the car fell into complete silence creating a hostile atmosphere after thinking over the offer the protagonist simply declined despite being a great opportunity the one hadn't expected this response and was left in shock moments later in the protagonist along with the other two The Guild Master and another young man stopped in an alley the protagonist thanked them for the ride but said he would walk the rest of the way the Guild Master in turn asked why he had refused the offer and whether he had even listened
to her proposal after all whether it was money or anything else he desired she was willing to make it happen for him she then asked if he had declined because he had received an offer from another guild or if he had misunderstood something by mistake himim responded saying she shouldn't take the wrong way as he had no specific reason for declining he had no other guild or conditions and then asked if the wanderer's guilt was really that special in the end he said he refused simply because he didn't want to too and with that he
announced he was leaving but as he descended the steps of the alley before he could react the woman grabbed him from behind and covered his mouth with an intimidating Aura she asked what his deal was she pointed out that he was just starting as a player and geared to reject one of the four major guilds without any specific reason which didn't make sense to her she then removed her hand from his mouth and said she would forgive him for refusing the offer moreover she admitted to having a certain interest in him at that moment the
young man accompanying them said that the protagonist was still in testing so he questioned what she was doing with he also told Kim not to reject the guild Master's offer without reason and insisted that he should accept it after all Kim would have to join a guild sooner or later the protagonist then noticed the woman's stubbornness was exactly the same as expected after all it made sense considering she was the sister of limma yan the woman was shocked and asked how he knew about her relationship with the person mentioned Kim simply replied that he knew
a lot of things including her stolen name realizing that the protagonist knew about this she released a massive amount of Mana so strong to reach the sky at this moment her assistant thought the situ ation was Dire The Guild Master Yu aon's real name was Lim Aang and the CEO of the yokon group Lim changyong had raised her an illegitimate child as in hair however when another daughter was born within the family her name was taken from her and she was reduced to an outsider the fact that she had changed her surname upon becoming a
player was something only a few people should have known with her hands around the protagonist's neck she asked how he dared to spout such nonsense in her presence and if he was missing a few screws the protagonist replied that she was the one who had started it at that moment his system notified him that a mysterious Force had successfully resisted the spirit of the Amazon Kim then grabbed her arm and used his energy once again his system informed him that he had successfully countered using the spirit of the night King with just his energy he
flung The Woman backward stun she wondered what kind of power he was displaying Kim thought to himself that as if resisting the powers of an s-rank player wasn't enough he had also reversed them he then climbed the steps toward her pinning her against the wall staring at her he warned her not to cross that line and for a moment the woman blushed slightly her assistant feeling awkward wondered of Kim had actually said those words days later during the third round the presenter announced to the public that the third phase of the tests would take place
in the Coliseum ancient Rome unlike the first and second rounds which had not been revealed to the public the third round would allow Spectators people from the industry participants families and even civilians were present in the arena as the audience for the tests among the civilians was yuam disguised as a regular citizen to watch the tests still blushing because of the protagonist among them was also the protagonist's father who said that thanks to Kim it could EXP experienced something like this his mother however asked if everything would be okay as she had heard that player
tests were extremely challenging at that moment a young man told her not to worry about it because Kim was incredibly strong he added that Kim could defeat all the players with a single strike this young man fully confident in the protagonist's abilities is Quang Jang his cousin and also the president of the protagonist fan club shortly after a woman who overheard them in the stands thinks she needs to land a headline this time her name is Kim gah a rookie reporter working for ssy economics and she's on the verge of being f fired for a
moment she recalls her last interview which was discarded because it was with the low ranking awakened she also considers the possibility that the protagonist might have been disqualified from the tests and with tears in her eyes she knows she could lose her job if she doesn't land a good interview at that moment another young man the stands asks a woman if the atmosphere doesn't seem a bit strange hearing the man's words the journalist notices that countless high ranking awakened veterans and even Lee Gilson a promising A- ranked candidate for the player test are all staring
at one person this makes her wonder if they're all planning to team up to take down the protagonist for Target and also just how strong the protagonist could be shortly after the beginning of the third round of the player test is announced the audience is cautioned to be careful of impacts while watching then the host declares the start of the test the group begins preparing their enchantments they charge toward the boy saying they must get rid of him immediately they claim he alone has defeated two s-ranks since the first round because of this if they
go and eliminate him first he'll probably defeat them all soon after the young man appears in the midst of the attacks Landing a punch on each of them an explosion occurs and several people fall unconscious the protagonist in turn observes everything in silence shortly after he notices something strange as a spell hits him confused the boy asks what that was an unknown man comments that while he may have defeated two sranks letting his guard down was a mistake for this reason he would be the winner of the test however within seconds the protagonist defeats Lee
as a consequence he suffers significant damage coldly the boy asks for the next person to attack him the entire group begins targeting the boy believing that sustained attacks will Tire him out eventually shortly after Kim points his finger at the group and summons the spirit of the night King an intense light appears and a giant monster materializes above the boy the monster observes everyone around as some of them begin to collapse the other groups seeing this situation become extremely desperate the people in the stands watch everything in silence a boy comments that he shouldn't have
used that ability in the center the scene shifts upward showing several bodies on the ground kidum in turn feels reliev as he has finally ended it now there's only one thing left to do shortly after a girl with blue hair appears on the scene she seems injured from the previous boy's attacks Kim asks what Lynn intends to do as it doesn't matter to him if she withdraws from the test at this point she could still choose to repeat the first round Lynn then begins casting her ice magic forming a giant sphere around the arena as
a result she traps the protagonist inside it Lynn comments that Kim should worry about himself because this time what happened before won't happen again with a cold stare Kim asks if she's really sure about that sometime passes during the battle and the girl is ultimately defeated collapsing unconscious to the ground the protagonist remarks that it was expected of her because despite her demeanor she was still the most challenging opponent the host that announces that with this the player tests have concluded and a protagonist is the highest qualifier of the tests sometime later the scene shifts
to the president presenting the rewards to the boy he congratulates him on becoming an srank player furthermore he didn't expect him to end the third round single-handedly Kim says that all of it was just luck hearing this a man remains silent he then calls the boy again asking if he would like to join the South Korean player association Kim hearing this is very surp surprised the man asks him again what he wants Kim reflects on how much has changed as a sleeper like him became an s-rank and even the highest qualifier in the test he
even received an offer not just from a leader but from one of the greatest guilds which is also the largest Association in new Korea for this reason the more he thinks he understands this world the less he knows what might happen next however there was still something he wished to do as a result he ended up refusing the offer believing that instead of being a member of the four major Guilds of the association it was better to work alone for that reason he wanted to apologized for not being of help to the man hearing what
the protagonist said the man was surprised he began laughing hardly saying he had never imagined that Kim would claim to be better off alone rather than with the great guilds or the association this showed that the young man truly had a high level of confidence because of this the man suggested he should try something else instead of joining the association he asked if Kim might be interested in participating in the Asian exhibition games sometime later the scene shifted to the protagonist inside a dungeon surrounded by numerous monsters however they were all defeated easily Kim felt
relieved that another dungeon had been cleared he then recalled what the man had said about the Asian exhibition games there was a festival where associations or guilds from each Asian country selected five Representatives each Representatives would hunt monsters and compete against one another however to be chosen one needed a track record of achievements that showed the monsters they had defeated a flashback appeared showing the man saying that given the protagonist's pace he believed it would be a great option for him Kim thought that talking was easy because he had only just become a player to
reach the level of Merit that others had taken years to build you would need to hunt monsters in much stronger dungeons yet despite clearing all the dungeons that had appeared in Korea over the past month not only did he fail to accumulate significant Merit but he also didn't grow as he had hoped as expected it was all extremely dangerous even so there was no other choice but to go to that place the scene then shifted to a mansion where a glass seemed to be falling in slow motion at the same time a man appeared to
be strangled by someone the man begged the president to calm down the enraged man shouted that the Herod deasa was still in the hospital and while the culprit had done that he was walking free at that moment he asked how he was supposed to calm down under such circumstances moments later the man collapsed unconscious to the floor at that instant a girl appeared saying there was a visitor from the malicious Guild the man questioned why they still hadn't dealt with a protagonist after all the money he had given them he declared that he would handle
it himself but he was startled when an intimidating Aura surrounded the door an unknown man appeared apologizing for his son but insisting it was better to calm down he asked if Tessa's goal was really to waste time on that kid introduc ing himself a man said he was the vice Master of the malicious Guild he was known as Shadow the scene then shifted to a portal in another location meanwhile someone seemed to be coming out of it shortly after a man called out to him as he stood in front of a door the man addressed
him as a ranked player and said the Alchemists were ready to assist with the auction he introduced himself as Park and said it was an honor to meet him he asked if he could possibly get the protagonist autograph as his performance in the third test had been Sensational Park explained that this was Asia's most prestigious auction District it held the largest and most magnificent auctions in Asia offering unparalleled quality items the district even supported features like automatic translation abilities among its many qualities East points stood out for numerous reasons however what truly caught everyone's attention
and was considered its Pinnacle was its security bodyguards such as those present at the auctions always played a crucial role however the teleportation points constantly changed and it was impossible to reach the area without authorization because of this there had been no security issues for decades observing the situation the protagonists thought the tile of the best security system was well observed however on that very day a terrorist attack by an s-rank villain would occur there sometime later an announcer proclaimed that the moment it finally arrived the auction's most coveted prize was about to be awarded
it was a potion that with just one sip could increase one's Health by 20 points meanwhile who was observing everything from above it was the protagonist thinking that all he needed now was to wait for the terrorist killing an s-ranked villain would allow him to accumulate more Merit however the lack of information was still a significant issue all he knew before returning was that East Point had suffered brutal losses and that the head of the terrorist attack was an s-ranked villain named arendra for this reason he wanted to know who had stopped that man at
that moment the security guard appeared Kim in turn asks who was in charge of security at that location the security guard questions why he wants to know and the protagonist responds that it's just out of curiosity at that moment the announcer starts speaking again he mentions that several s-rank players are present at the location and they appear to be heading toward a specific area where they end up encountering the protagonist an unknown man asks if by any chance his name is Kim the security guard says the man is an s-rank player from Japan and the
chief responsible for security at that location for this reason Kim should be extremely cautious around him the guard explains that he is known as the demon among players notorious for betraying even his own Partners when it suits him greeting the boy the man says he heard that Kim is an unprecedented genius from new Korea for this reason he never expected to meet the boy at that location observing the situation Kim is surprised because the man is greeting him with his left hand immediately after Kim Returns the hand Shake in the same manner however he feels
something unusual when their hands touch it seems like he receives an electric shock the man is surprised and says he can't believe Kim endured that for this reason Kim must truly be an s-rank player at that instant something strange happens the people around them begin collapsing to the ground Kim thinks that if they fought there civilians could end up getting involved the man comments that it seems he went a bit too hard on the rookie who just became an s-rank shortly after he releases the protagonist hand and steps closer to him he says not all
sranks are the same in that while he doesn't know why Kim is there he should stop any nonsense and stay in his place as he walks away he tells the boy to enjoy the rest of the auction watching everything Kim remains silent thinking this situation is more complicated than he expected the scene then cuts to another building a group of people appears to be heading toward another group someone asks who these people are and how they manage to get inside an older man replies that doesn't matter how they got in since there's only one portal
control room in the building and if they've reached that area their targets to be eliminated he adds that the task should be left to him because an A- rank player can handle it easy easily time passes the scene shifts to a monster defeating several people the older man seems to have been defeated as well and an unknown man observes him with a menacing gaze soon after more people arrive and a man comments that there was a setback at the auction he mentions that the s-rank player from Korea is present at the location and asks what
should be done nuro wonders if that man really thinks he can do whatever he wants even with him there for this reason no one will escape his Divine judgment the scene then Cuts back to another location at that moment the building explodes apparently the auction inside it is also engulfed in flames it's revealed that the protagonist is also at the location and the explosion seems to have hit him in a matter of seconds all the buildings appear to be on fire returning to the security guard he asks if the protagonist is okay he says they
need to evacuate immediately Kim thinks that it doesn't make sense because he knew there would be an attack but he didn't expect explosions everywhere because of this he wonders how the villains infiltrated and how the bombs were planted however he decides to set that aside as there's something more important looking ahead he notices a man holding aapon we and taking people hostage the man threatens that anyone who resists will get a Bullet to the Head in seconds the man is easily defeated by the protagonist the security guard observing this is astonished Kim instructs the guard
to notify the association about the situation and request reinforcements because he's going to personally go after whoever is responsible for this chaos the scene then shifts back to the other location a man says that these are auction items not for thieves like them shortly after the unknown man orders everyone to be defeated a battle ensues with several people already dead the man eventually opens a chest apparently he finds what he was looking for it turns out to be item from the earlier auction the man thinks he understands why Nero went to such lengths for that
potion even risking his life just by looking one could sense the immense power and for that reason he was contemplating the case if he used it at that very moment another explosion occurred one of his companions was thrown back the man on the other hand had no idea what was happening one of his subordinates mentioned that an enemy was nearby another subordinate remarked that the enemy's appearance seemed familiar however in the next instant that subordinate Was Defeated then the other two in front of him at the same Fate The Man surprised thought that the ability
must be stealth yet within seconds he too was attacked even so it wasn't enough to take him down as a result he activated his chain ability successfully trapping the protagonist within it calling the boy and idiot he asked if he thought he could just turn invisible and act freely for that he would die right then and there the protagonist surprise remarked that the ability could even track invisible enemies because of this he thought it might be worth devouring it the scene then shifted to another location the hostages in that place were terrified an incredible number
of monsters were in the area watching them this was the teleportation portals control room above them all Nero declared that everything was going as planned and with this everyone would fear the existence of that God even more all that remained now was the Phoenix potion and at that moment a subordinate appeared he reported news of the group that had gone after the potion for this reason there was still an issue to resolve a subordinate handed over a communication device on the other end someone asked if the person he was speaking to was Nero Nero on
the other side of the line asked who was speaking the protagonist responded that he was the one who had stolen Nero's belongings he added that if Nero wanted them back he'd have to come get them in person calling Nero a piece of trash terrorist he left the man completely enraged Kim then drank the potion and as a result his strength and Magic increased significantly at that moment he mentioned hearing that the potion was of unique rank something truly extraordinary his attributes had skyrocketed in the blink of an eye something he had never experienced in a
dungeon before and by drinking the potion he no longer needed to worry about it falling into enemy hands moments later a group of individuals arrived at a location where several players had already been defeated one of them mentioned that another man was supposed to be there according to his last signal so he wondered if he might have fled the head of security however laughed and asked what they were talking about noting that the man they were searching for was right in front of them he then told the protagonist to stop hiding and reveal himself the
protagonist appeared remarking that it was strange since his invisibility was supposed to be Flawless the man then asked why someone of Kim's S rank would be in that place Kim turn asked if the man was at the head of security and whether he shouldn't be trying to stop the terrorists laughing again the head of security replied that he was after a special item hering this K laughed and said he had suspected something was off after all despite the heavy security presence no one had found the bombs he also noted that they had infiltrated in the
East Point a place impossible to enter without authorization for this reason he had suspected a traitor but hadn't expected it to be ah head of security himself the head of security replied that he had warned the protagonist to stay out of it then lunged at him however the protagonist easily defended against his attack during the fight the man demanded that Kim hand over the item Kim replied that if he was truly a villain you should try to take it by force the battle intensified with debris flying everywhere frightened by the fight one of The Observers
told the group that this was a battle between two sranks so they shouldn't even think about interfering moreover real high the head of security was known as the demon and if they were careless it'd end up dead during the fight the protagonist noticed that unlike himself who relied on sound and intuition the man could see him even with his techniques eventually despite his invisibility Kim was struck by a fatal blow he reflected on the immense Gap in their abilities but it was still not the time to resort to the devouring technique then he uses an
ability that lifts all his enemies into the air as if using gravity magic when they reach a considerable height he slams them back down with immense gravitational force causing devastating damage to them after throwing everyone to the ground the protagonist searches for the whereabouts of the head of security however he doesn't find the man among the others a voice from the Shadows comments that it was a good decision but invisibility Is Us against area attacks he adds that if he wanted to find him he should have also protected his own head at that moment the
head of security charges at the protagonist with overwhelming force and a radiant Aura the impact he creates makes it seem like he has defeated the protagonist however as he stands over the protagonist he realizes that chains are wrapped not only around the protagonist but also his sword the protagonist coldly remarks that in the end the man truly is a fool this unur the head of security making him realize that the protagonist's previous ability wasn't meant to find him but to prevent him from escaping his reach while using his chain Powers the protagonist asks where he
thinks he's going he hurles his chains at him pulling him back and striking him with an incredibly powerful punch with this the head of security and his henchmen are completely captured by the protagonist shortly after Kim demands an explanation for why an s-ranked player would become a criminal for money the head of security angrily tells him to shut up saying that if it weren't for Kim's interference he'd probably be enjoying his success right now the protagonist interrupts him with an extremely powerful kick to the face telling him that his tongue is too loose for a
petty criminal the kick is so forceful that it sends the head of security flying Kim then instructs him to deliver a message to narra Nero he must tell him that requests for support must already be flooding the associations of every country Kim then asks if he's aware that with the reinforcements arriving both he and Narendra neru are going to meet their downfall the head of security utterly defeated begins to laugh he says that as expected the protagonist is nothing more than a rookie who knows absolutely nothing these words leave the protagonist momentarily stunned the scene
shifts to an older man with white hair and a short beard running toward a room upon arriving he asks how the reinforcements for the Eastern wing of the building are progressing this man is C sik The Guild Master of the Alchemists one of the four major s-rank guilds he also mentions that besides the auction items belonging to his Guild there are numerous VIPs from new Korea and at this rate everyone will end up in the hands of the terrorists one of the people in the room tells C sanguk to calm down he explains that as
soon as they heard about the terrorist attack they organized a support team Park Sunan is leading the team and he emphasizes that it is an Elite Squad Su Sanuk then asks why they haven't departed yet and says that if it's an issue of personnel or materials is Gil can handle it however the man explains that the problem isn't resources but the lack of a way to reach the location at this sjuk asks what he means and the man explains that the terrorists have taken control of the portal room in the Eastern Wing this means they've
locked all access portals but he reassures that the situation is under control after all there are two s-rank players on site Kim Tan who just became an s-rank and on the terrorist's side only nendra neru until the portal is reestablished the two players should be able to handle the situation and might even defeat nendra neru at that moment a woman enters the room upon hearing these words she responds that such confidence might be valid if the opponent were any ordinary as rank this woman is none other than uang a renowned player back to the protagonist
the terrorist asks if he's ever heard of the skill demons packed Kim however seems to have no idea what this ability is the terrorist explains that it's nendra nur's most terrifying skill it allows him to sacrifice offering and depending on their quality summon demons of equivalent strength curious the protagonist wonders what kind of offerings these might be thus the terrorist asks what else Kim would sacrifice if not people meanwhile you and the others were discussing nendra nur's abilities upon learning about his abilities the men in the room were completely shocked the man mentioned that at
least hundreds of hostages were in nendra Nero's hands an elder added that Nero was known as one of the most powerful among s-rank players if he used hundreds of people as sacrifices to summon demons it would be a massive disaster at the same time the protagonist was beating up the head of security taking blows from the protagonist the man began to laugh saying that Kim might have been lucky so far but against nendra neru he wouldn't stand a chance he then asked if the protagonist would kneel and beg for his life while watching the hostages
be sacrificed or if he would face a fight with no chance of Victory and meet his end in the room with the hostages and other terrorists a subordinate informed neru that isak AR Rio High along with the protagonist who defeated RI and took the Phoenix potion and disappeared Without a Trace neru asked what they should do in such circumstances he then stated that as it would be impossible to confront them directly the protagonist was likely waiting for support from the association at that moment Mary used his power to sacrifice two hostages declaring that if Kim
didn't show up they would simply need to drag him out he also announced that the festival in the name of the Gods should begin but before he could harm the hostages further the room suddenly became pitch black his subordinates questioned why this was happening now even though the bomb had detonated some time ago even in total darkness neru noticed that the captur hostages had van in the blink of an eye which could mean only one thing shortly after the protagonist appeared behind nuu with his magical chains using his chains Kim landed a hit on neru
believing he had won Kim celebrated prematurely thinking he had captured him but from the folds of neeru's head several snakes appeared to Counterattack these snakes imbued with fire abilities caused a massive explosion to protect their Master despite the explosion the protagonist managed to evade it observing the situation Kim wondered what kind of Madness it was to hide Monsters Inside one's own head near the hostage ages one of them asked if he was player Kim and if he had come to save them terrified the hostages begged for help saying that these monsters had appeared out of
nowhere another hostage promised a reward if the protagonists saved them however Kim told them they were getting in the way and used his chains to fling them to safety immediately after several of the villains monsters charg at Kim they seemed to land a powerful hit but Kim emerged unscathed using his previously cast magic Kim attempted to press the monsters to the ground but had no effect on them even with his abilities the monsters managed to move and counter attack leaving Kim shocked as the monster swarmed toward the protagonist Nero laughed and called him Nave he
explained that the creatures born from his demonic pact were entirely different from the monsters Kim had faced so far thanks to his pack with the demon nuro had total control over all the monsters he created his power made them much more resistant and far stronger than ordinary creatures he also remarked that just because Kim had defeated the head of security he shouldn't think he could challenge the gods meanwhile the hostages noticed that the protagonist was being completely overwhelmed one hostage remarked that Kim had ignored their cries for help done whatever he wanted and still couldn't
defeat a single Monster hearing this another hostage defended Kim telling them to pay closer attention pointing to the fight he explained that because of the protagonist the monsters weren't even looking at them despite being under immense pressure Kim had run away and he hadn't allowed any of the monsters to approach the hostages even the hostages who had been flung into the air had been evacuated to a safe location far from the fight with tears streaming down his face an elderly man declared that from the beginning the protagonist had been trying to saved their lives and
they hadn't realized it moved by his words all the hostages began to shed tears and started cheering for the protagonist the protagonist begins using his chains to fend off the monsters angrily he says that enough is enough they should all shut up and stop bothering him hearing this everyone in the room is outraged by what they just heard the protagonist then comments that the hostages are only getting in the way and that these monsters seem endless he adds that it's so disgusting he can barely stand it hearing these words from the protagonist the hostages appear
angry at his remarks meanwhile Nar bird into laughter and asks if the protagonist has already admitted defeat at that moment the protagonist calls out for player partk Gian W who has again appeared to end this mess shortly after Jam won enters the room prompting the terrorist leader to question his identity and how long he has been there entering the room Gan W apologizes to the protagonist for the delay and declares that the real fight is about to begin moments earlier after Kim defeated the traitors he told Jan Wong that the escort Squad was actually aligned
with the terrorists Jan Wong asked if all of this had happened while he was outside Kim replied that his current concerns lay elsewhere he explained that the portal control room was likely infested with monsters if it were just the monsters it wouldn't be too problematic but the monsters wouldn't just stand by idly more importantly the hostages might get caught up in the fight that's why he needed J's portal manipulation ability Gian Wong hesitated saying he'd like to help but couldn't locate the exact point which made accessing the association impossible hearing this the protagonist assured him
it wasn't a problem all he needed was one thing to get rid of all the monsters in the room back in the Pres jamong opens portals in the room sucking the monsters into them watching this scene Nero becomes visibly stressed and demands to know what's going on jamong reflects on how insane this plan sounded when he first heard it but now he can't believe Kim made it work with the plan succeeding Jan Wong realizes only the terrorists remain and thinks Victory is Within Reach however Kim shouts his name telling him his role here is done
he should take the hostages and leave the area hearing this johnw appears reluctant saying he wants to stay and fight alongside him but the protagonist insists explaining that his opponent is now an s-rank player from here on out he won't be able to protect anyone during the fight while judong evacuates the hostages the protagonist and meu prepare for their final battle the battle begins with miru using explosive snakes to attack however Kim manages to evade the explosions dodging the attacks neru starts using the rocks in the area to strike at the protagonist as he relentlessly
attacks Kim Nuru asks if he really thinks he's an s-rank he mocks Kim questioning whether a kid like him could possibly stop him Nero then lands a fire-based snake attack on the protagonist sending him crashing to the ground afterward Naro declares that it doesn't matter how many monsters Kim defeats or how many hostages he saves if he can't defeat Nero all of his efforts will have been in vain while Kim lies on the ground Nero calls him a filthy heretic as punishment for defiling God's name Nero says Kim must pay with his life and orders
his remaining monsters to attack him just as the attack is about to hit the protagonist starts laughing and asks what all the shouting is about still lying down Kim tells Nuru that he's the one who's about to meet God at that moment the protagonist unleashes all all the energy he had been suppressing during the fight this leaves neru completely stunned wondering if Kim had been hiding all this power the entire time laughing at the protagonist neru admits that Kim might actually be a First Rate sacrifice but he adds that Kim isn't the only one with
tricks of his sleeve Kim hears coughing noises and looks around noticing three of Nero's henchmen in bad shape one by one the three begin to disintegrate Nero recites the words to complete a ritual sacrifice using the lives of his henchmen as a result an s-ranked skeletal dragon with a green aura materializes meanwhile while Gian Wong is battling other henchmen to keep the hostages alive one henchmen asks what's up with these people while another suggests they must have escaped from an upper floor thus the man said that since they had escaped from above there would be
no problem in taking their lives but before they could do anything to harm the hostages their lives were taken as sacrifices for neru still fighting Kim continued to be increasingly pressured by the dragon riding on the back of the monster neru told Kim that dragons Remain the strongest desperate to survive Kim attached a chain to the ceiling to pull himself to the next floor the building and Escape at that moment he wondered where that monster had come from however with little time to think the monster appeared before him once again before Kim could react the
dragon struck in with its tail sending him flying meanwhile Naru shouted frantically at the protagonist to die momentarily Kim tried to use a power against the dragon but it had no effect on the creature with this failed attempt the dragon Unleashed its green Flames completely obliterating the area observing this n remarked that was unexpected that despite receiving such a powerful attack kman still managed to survive at the same time time the protagonist clung to the walls with his chains but he was in a devastated State completely battered at that moment Kim thought that the monster
was absurdly strong he couldn't believe he had barely managed to withstand its attack even using the full power of predation this made him question if it was truly srank but considering how much force it was exerting there was no way its ofid oral ability could come out unscathed even in this condition the protagonist realized that Nuru was nearing his limit with that if Kim persisted a little longer he might be able to survive immediately after nuro starts laughing calls him a filthy unbeliever he says he can see what he was thinking since a direct confrontation
didn't work you must be thinking of stalling for time in his words that wouldn't be a bad strategy however nuro tells him he must know that his Petty tricks won't work against him next nuro moves with his Dragon toward the hostages to destroy them all in a single blow he strikes the building causing massive destruction immediately afterward reinforcements manage to establish a full connection with the emergency portal to send them to the coordinates of the Eastern point of the building at that moment a woman says that her country and new Korea are the only countries
connected and even for a player like him she thinks entering the portal now could be very dangerous hearing this the player says that's nonsense and he also tells her to think about how much danger the boy must be in at this very moment this leaves the woman a little fful and the man says they will enter the Eastern Point right now and that they will take out some terrorists and rescue their companions on the other side of the portal the hostages attacked by the dragon are miraculously still alive and right in front of them is
the protagonist fighting to protect them laughing Muro says he already expected the protagonist to make the choice to protect them and in that case he tells him he should burn to ashes seeing the protagonist in Dire Straits the man tells him not to worry about them and asks what good it would do if he ended up losing his life hearing the man's words the protagonist thinks he's right since he cannot win in a direct confrontation the only way to defeat Nero is to push him to his limit but even so he still cannot give up
with this in mind he thinks about how he could save all the hostages while pondering away to save all the hostages he suddenly hears a voice in the background saying they couldn't bear to watch this any longer hearing these words the protagonist looks behind him in astonishment but sees no one other than his Fallen companion on the ground then something strange happens to his power as the rank of his protection is being temporarily adjusted his power rank increases to a then his powers surpass their limits and his body can no longer handle the predation power
this leaves the protagonist confused wondering what was happening to him since all his powers were temporarily increasing and his predation had already reached rank s though it was recently rank a with so much energy being released by this power explosion the entire scene becomes ominous making Mir wonder what was going on as the protagonist power continues to grow his player system notifies him that predation cannot be deactivated while seemingly agonizing in pain he wonders if the predation has spiraled out of control thinking about the voice he heard moments ago he wonders if the king had
given him these Powers as his body disintegrates he thinks this is ridiculous and questions if he will really die this way a meaningless death to him after everything he has done to get to where he is for him no matter the cost he cannot die this way even wanting to fight as his body disintegrates he falls to to the ground unable to move anymore observing this nuro wonders if he forced himself to lose control of his own ability however a devastating energy begins emanating in the area making him question what kind of ridiculous amount of
energy this is for Nero the hardest thing to understand is that the protagonist couldn't handle the power of the ability and pass out yet he wonders why the ability hasn't stopped even though the protagonist is unconscious Nero then asks how a mere filthy unbeliever dares to do this and says that if he intends to kill himself to oppose a God then Nero will kill the protagonist with his own hands he then advances with his Dragon toward the young man but a blast of power is launched against him and his Dragon loses one of its legs
Nero is confused and wonders what's happening soon after the old man realizes that the protagonist is still standing and that around the building are several enormous Furious monsters Kim ton laughs as he remembers the man calling himself a god frightened Nero questions who that person is as that is no longer the protagonist the young man in turn says the old man shouldn't worry about it because he was already dead then he uses his new ability striking Nero is Dragon directly momentarily the protagonist finds himself in his subconscious after that he is bound by chains he
questions whether it was Stone skin or paralysis a demonic entity appears above the boy while in agony Kim Tan says those R's abilities the demon laughs upon hearing that mocking the fact that the power never belonged to the protagonist and that he must pay the price for what he consumes the creature then advances toward the boy however the protagonist falls out of his bed and wonders if it was all just a dream he then notices he has no injuries and that his right arm arm which had collapsed due to consumption is also fine shortly after
son Jin enters the room while they eat lunch the man says that the house was prepared for the boy by the Association and by the Alchemists as a response to the terrorist incident he then mentions that Rio High had been arrested and that considering the scale of the terror many people had survived and that the boy's relatives had visited him son Jen then comments that the medical results showed no health issues for the young man and that he stayed because he was concerned about the miners the protagonist remains silent and says he clearly lost Consciousness
while fighting the golden Alid he then asked the man what it happened after defeating Nero one of the civilians asks what that entity had done to the protagonist Kim Tan uses his ability and the man begins coughing up blood shortly after the demon smiles and says it will Retreat for now and then the boy faints after some time son Jen and his men arrive at the scene confirming that there were survivors a woman mentions that everyone seemed to have lost Consciousness without any life-threatening issues however the miners and the golden opit are missing while holding
the protagonist the man wonders what happened there afterward son Jinn says the survivors only remember the boy trying to stop the golden opid but couldn't recall the details as if something was interfering with their minds the man stands up and says he believes it to be the work of those miners as he leaves the room s Jin tells the protagonist to take care of himself and that if more information came in he would contact him Kim Tan then thinks about how his arm had regenerated even after collapsing due to excessive consumption and that perhaps the
golden op bid was also affected by the consumption after that sunen reappears saying the boy had another visit her and then Lim Aang enters the room holding a basket of fruit placing it on top of the boy's food she then asks if the protagonist is okay because she heard he was injured and that he had saved many people during this recent terrorist attack facing two of his rank opponents the girl gets irritated and crushes an apple saying the protagonists should be arrogant Kim ton asks what the young woman is doing there Limon gets nervous and
replies that she was there to visit a sick person then she wonders what that incredible Aura around the boy was and then someone knocks on the door the protagonist wonders who that person might be afterward SS appears Lim Aang asks what she was doing in the protagonist's house and how she knew his House's password the woman responds that the password was provided by the Association shortly after CIS grabs the protagonist limam questions what the woman is doing and says it's a crime because the boy is still a minor Kim Tan frees himself from the woman
and asks what she is doing there sis replies that she is just visiting a sick person and says she brought a gift the Warner then asks if he was aiming for the Asia friendly games and that despite his achievements in the Eastern Point he was still in 30th Place in public Merit needing a significant score to qualify for the top five CIS then said she will give him the double dungeon in a mysterious location a man asks about the whereabouts of the golden upad but his subordinate responds that they still had no confirmation and questions
whether they should report it to the boss however the man says there is no need because they had already achieved their purpose and he was merely a Hired Gun a massive ship Corners a small boat the captain says they must lay down their weapons and surrender immediately however the ship is quickly sunk by the mysterious man who in turn says the protagonist is very intriguing at the headquarters of the gidan M Walker people become excited to see that Kim Tan is participating in the raid s comments that even if they Grant the boy raid rights
the item distribution and team composition will still be decided by them the protagonist is surprised to realize that the gift he received was the unlocking of the fire temple this Temple was the entrance to the scorching Flame the country's second double dungeon discovered before the regression the night walker Guild succeeded in their raid but suffered near total devastation considering the risk of significant increase in growth and public Merit is guaranteed but the protagonist thinks that with all that support a double dungeon raid like that shouldn't have any failures approximately 300 members were assigned to the
mission however only the boy and CIS would go on the mission Kim ton asks why only they are going and the woman replies that this is a date upon entering the portal the girl is amazed because in front of them is a massive crater she comments that the vibe in this place feels different from a regular dungeon she then asks the protagonist if double dungeons are always like this Kim Tan responds that at least the apocalyptic dungeon he was in was like this he warns her to be cautious as there are likely traps or Monsters
right after a tentacle emerges from the crater and drives youu a young inside the boy rushes to help her because he knew such things could happen in this world however upon entering the pit the woman has already defeated the creature that pulled her in yet at the bottom of the crater there are still other monsters but yuang is unfazed and charges at them she easily kills the creatures using her powers seeing all that power the protagonist is impressed as she defeats those rank of monsters with just one blow he thinks to himself that he hadn't
expected her to be so skilled he then decides to put in more effort as well after defeating all the creatures the girl breathes a sigh of relief that they succeeded Kim Tan reflects on how high the monster's levels were but they weren't enough to pose a problem for Yu Aon right after the W hands the warriors's ring to the protagonist saying that by doing so her Guild also benefits she adds that she could give him many more items if he joined her Guild the boy questions why she didn't give him the item before they faced
the monsters in then says that from this point onward they'll me to be careful because they've reached the domain of this place before them stands a giant egg Kim Tan says he's certain that inside that egg is the dungeon boss he then suggests to the girl that they should gather information but without hesitation the woman rushes forward and breaks the egg after the explosion the protagonist asks if she's okay uon turns with a Sinister look but then she smiles and says she's fine she remarks that judging by its strength the monster appeared to be lower
rank s though she hadn't expected to break it with just one blow right after a glow emerges from the egg the monster inside speaks saying it has interesting guests then a phoenix appears a monster with regenerative abilities and such immense resilience that it could be mistaken for an immortal being chimon is startled to realize the dungeon boss is a phoenix he then asks youu Aang to be careful because the creature has mind control capabilities however the woman charges at the boy as she's already under the Phoenix control the boy Dodges her attacks and uses his
demonic powers to counter her urging her to come to her senses after this the woman throws an energy sphere at the protagonist the Phoenix observes the situation from afar laughing as it remarks how humans are always such fools magical chains suddenly appear Bing the woman the protagonist declares that he now knows who is responsible for the annihilation of the night walker Guild Squad he then uses a physical attack on the woman causing you Aon to faint Kim ton says she needs to recover her senses by the time she wakes up but perhaps that won't matter
as long as he eliminates the Phoenix the creature laughs and asks if the human enjoyed its game the protagonist becomes enraged and says he will make it meet their creator he ties you a young to his back and tries to escape the Phoenix however the Phoenix attempts to stop them and asks what the boy is trying to do the protagonist tries to throw his dagger at the creature but the weapon passes through the Phoenix the creature explains that this happened because it is fire itself it then says that in the end a mere human like
him could never defeat it and the Phoenix begins destroying the cavern Kon says that even as a phoenix that level of regenerative capability was different he adds that it also had gigantification so there was no way that creature could be normal he begins to suspect it might be a great Phoenix mutant organisms that possess Powers beyond the class of regular monsters and to distinguish them they earn the title great Kim TM thinks that if he's correct it means he wouldn't stand a chance against the monster unless he used his ability predation however there was a
chance something like the last time could happen so he couldn't use it unless it was the decisive blow but the boy knows he wouldn't stand a chance of winning without predation shortly after yoa wakes up from her fainting and asks what is happening the protagonist tells her stop moving then they begin to argue and the girl says she won't fall into the Phoenix control again shortly after the creature tries to attack them and asks how they dar to be distracted in its presence after that the protagonist unti the woman from the chain so they can
fight together he Mourns her not to fall under the Phoenix's control this time and yo aong thanks him for his concern the creature becomes irritated saying they didn't understand that they stood no chance against it Kim Tan takes the lead and the party memb stats increase yoang says it's time and decides to use her ability causing damage to the Phoenix the protagonist is completely surprised to see that the girl then used her Amazon Spirit transformation there's a concept of going berserk triggering the reverse flow of Mana for all abilities most people avoid using it because
it can cause permanent damage to the body but she can control this power even for a short period of time she then throws her spear at the Phoenix managing to wound the creature before it can regenerate uang charges at it Landing a punch followed by a kick after this sequence of attacks the Phoenix falls to the ground shortly after the girl collapses from exhaustion seeing the situation the Phoenix says it will take advantage of the girl's vulnerability to kill her however the magical chains reappear restraining the creature Kim Tan says he can't believe the girl
used a destructive power far beyond to crush its regenerative abilities while carrying uo in his arms he says he'll hurt her Pride by Landing the final blow on the monster outside the portal people are worried because the pair is taking too long to return they are also concerned because every time their Guild Master enters a battle she always does reckless things shortly after the protagonist emerges from the portal carrying the girl in his arms and announcing they had cleared the Temple of fire on the the internet rumors Start Spreading that U Aang is getting the
protagonist the girl becomes embarrassed and wonders what that meant she questions how the news had leaked since it was a PRI grade one of the men gets nervous and says it was hard to keep it secret another guy adds that he only told a few close friends hearing that the girl smiles in a frightening way and says they were all going to die together a while later her boss enters the room saying he heard rumors that she used her berserk ability however the girl and already destroyed the entire room along with the guys shortly after
while walking uong says she had trained to control her berserk state so using it for just 1 minute was easy the man asks if she had already figured out Kim Tan's capabilities the girl replies that after She fainted the protagonist fought against the great Phoenix and that says it all she adds that apparently he's already heading toward the Abyssal deaths hearing that the man is surprised by his rapid growth U Aang comments that she doesn't understand because everyone has the desire to advance but after going a certain way it's easy to feel satisfied however Kim
Tan shows no signs of stopping using all methods available to go further then the girl questions what might be driving him to desperately try to become stronger the man in turn says he believes it's because the protagonist loves his country since monsters are everywhere he desires his country to advance with prosperity but uang says that's impossible somewhere in the Abyssal depths two people are sitting on Thrones surrounded by corpses the man seated says to the other that they are now connected that man is the arch shuk of the Abyss the kneeling person thanks their lord
and says that now they will be the strongest of all the protagonist enters the Abyssal portal saying it is his first time returning to the abyss after regressing a person appears welcoming the boy and introducing himself as a member of the world Association of players and the manager of the Abyssal depths District Paulo Becker he then says that according to the records this is the boy's first time in the abyss and the protagonist confirms the man explains that the boy needs to hire some players to act as guides or mercenaries the world Association of players
has created player zones which service camps and safe areas to Aid in exploring each district of the Abyss however the depths are dangerous as they could be ambushed by monsters thus the protagonist needs to hire some players to accompany him but he says is unnecessary soon after a worm emerges from the ground behind the boy but Kim tan quickly eliminates it and reassures Paulo that there's no need to worry since he is just taking the small stroll he then breathes a sigh of relief seeing no one else around after defeating the great Phoenix in the
fire temple the protagonist fulfilled the requirement of 200 magical powers needed to activate the Demonic contract however this ability has changed instead of controlling monsters it can now create portals the boy wonders if this is also an effect of predation he thinks it would be better to have a powerful creature than to carry around dozens of monsters so he decides to use the amplifying stone temporarily enhancing his powers the Demonic contract is activated initiating the creation of the gate Kim ton crosses the gate and finds a massive castle in the other side seeing this he
reflects that he has never heard of this place in the abyss and wonders exactly where he is three demons then appear behind him attacking and causing a massive explosion that the boy remains standing upon seeing the protagonist dagger the demons remark that it is a dangerous weapon Kim ton realizes these creatures are suubi suubi are monsters that drain men's energy through mental attacks like Illusions or brainwashing Kim Tan charges at the demons intending to defeat them if they are targets of the contract however the suu easily Dodges attacks they remark that taming him will be
difficult deciding to use one of their abilities on the protagonist the boy remains still and one of the succu says no man can resist her ability but Kim ton grabs the creature and slams her head into the ground the other demons look at this in shock the protagonist then points at them and commands them to Bow their heads the suubi are forced to lower their heads to the boy one of the Demons asks how a human could resist her mind control Kim Tan responds that being interested in Monsters is abnormal he then says they should
make a contract to form a monster Summoning contract one of two conditions must be met giving the monster what it desires or forcibly seducing the creature the protagonist thinks this will allow him to command some monsters however he discovers this is not the goal of his contract upon learning this the boy is surprised suddenly several a CU appear behind him saying he will make a great gift for the queen inside the castle several bodies are hanging from thorny Vines one of the Queen's Maids notifies her that a human has invaded the castle the queen laughs
and says she'll have some entertainment inside the castle an explosion occurs several suu are chasing the protagonist they intercept him seemingly trying to seduce the boy but at that moment he invokes his ability successfully countering his spell and defeating them all observing the situation he concludes that if the suubi are not the contract Target there is only one possibility a monster capable of controlling all those creatures must exist likely the Queen the boy then encounters a maid who asks if he is an intruder and says he should proceed because the queen is expecting him a
while later Kim is already in that room the queen welcomes the protagonist to her Palace and introduces herself as the mother of all suaki named Rosaria the spirit reveals that she is the target of the Demonic contract and that he can now form the summoning pact once again the woman States her name is Rosaria at that moment the protagonist is surprised by what he heard because that was a monster speaking the human language Rosaria says there is no reason to be so shocked she states that she was once human and for that reason understands his
language observing the woman's manner of speaking the protagonist is astonished as she spoke differently from a monster shortly after Rosaria asks the reason for his visit to her castle and if by any chance he had come there to satisfy his lust however Kim replies that it was none of those reasons instead he wanted to form his summoning pact hearing what the boy said she bursts out laughing she claims he would never be able to achieve such a thing but that he should keep his delusions within limits shortly after the succubus seems to start attacking the
protagonist who then says it was just as he had F in the same instant he invokes his ability managing to defend against the attack saying he would have to handle it with his own power once again the succubus tries to attack the boy who then manages to dodge all her attacks and even counterattacks her at that moment he leaves forward attacking the queen once again but suddenly his chains are broken leaving him very surprised by what he saw the Warner begins to lack saying it was very amusing shortly after she snaps her fingers and something
extremely strange starts happening the protagonist feels like he is falling into a bottomless Abyss at the same time a view of some buildings appears above him surprised Kim wonders what it is as he can't apply his abilities to his equipment and moreover the central space seemed to have shifted observing the situation Kim thinks it must be an illusion however he wants to know when exactly he fell into it meanwhile the queen is observing everything coldly she says he has been hypnotized from the beginning and for that reason has always been in her grassp meanwhile Kim
is still hallucinating in the middle of that water thinking he really needs to escape from it at that moment he notices something as the scene changes suddenly looking around the protagonist wonders what it is looking ahead he finds himself face to face with his younger self who appears to be excited about something saying he also wants to awaken his parents watching this are very happy however his mother says the most important thing is that he has a happy and healthy life as he observes these memories the protagonist thinks it was just like that after all
his father and mother were always like that instead of wanting him to achieve a high rank or someday support their poor family they always wish for his happy happiness as he watches this the protagonist seems happy but in the next instant things change because the car suddenly appears in flames and his family is destroyed the boy meanwhile can only watch everything in silence several scenes from his horrifying past flash through his mind these memories have always haunted the boy he thinks he wasn't awakened because he wasn't strong enough and he couldn't bear to stand against
the misfortunes that occurred daily on his path however there was something much harder to endure than that the fact that he didn't help others instead he dragged those who helped him into his misfortunes his parents truly wish for his happiness but to be happy he needed more strength the scene then shifts back to the present and the system alerts him that an ability has been detected as a result the Queen's hypnosis is confirmed and he attempts to resist using that mysterious power however the attempt fails as a consequence his Stacks are reduced thus he is
unable to use his chain ability and the rest of his abilities are blocked as well however there is one ability he can use predation at that moment Kim uses it and all those horrible memories start to disappear observing the situation the queen says it's very surprising because he still intends to survive even after facing all that however there are some things that don't seem right in some memories he appears older than he is now additionally there are memories with outcomes that are opposite to the current timeline for that reason the boy probably has many secrets
and so she wants to know what he has to say as she observes the woman begins to laugh but suddenly she becomes surprised and a light begins to envelop the area with an unknown person appearing seeing them mqueen assumes that must be the king however everything is shattered in a matter of seconds the prot IST standing behind the woman says she was spying on someone else's memories and for that reason she had a very stressful hobby he States once again that she should accept his summon packed with him observing the situation the queen is very
surprised because he managed to escape her illusion yet she thinks he's still as foolish as ever then the queen asks if he thinks he can kill her with just that toy Kim responds that he'll have to try to find out if he can the queen says he's probably bluffing and in the same instant grabs the protagonist declaring she will accept The Pact she then bites the protagonist's neck with this the system notifies him that he has fulfilled the conditions of The Pact and thus it has been established Additionally the rank of his skill has been
adjusted and a new hypnosis ability has been registered shortly after Kin Falls unconscious and the queen wishes him a good night's sleep saying she has chosen him time passes and Kim wakes up to someone calling him the other man asks if he's okay and expresses relief that the boy is safe Kim asks where he is and Paulo replies that the player Zone and then he found him unconscious during his Patrol observing the situation Kim assumes Rosaria brought him to this place looking at at his status he notices the hypnosis ability and begins analyzing all his
statistics he confirms it was as he suspected it wasn't a dream additionally he has a new ability hypnosis and with the succubus's summoning he could even face opponents at the level of an entire nation's strength however he still wishes to know what suddenly changed her mind furthermore she told him to sleep well in her last moment together revealing that she also knows about the king shortly after Paulo calls for the protagonist asking what he plans to do now suggesting he might hire a player to act as his guide Kim thanks him for his concern but
says everything is fine as he has finished his business for now for this reason he will rest and return home and the scene shifts to a hospital a girl seems to be leaving the hospital soon after someone congratulates her on leaving the hospital asking if she's feeling better the girl says not only is she fine but she is also beaten up a few people the man responds that something more important has come up saying he has news that might interest her because the protagonist has returned from the Abyssal depths the woman is surprised noting that
he returned very quickly the man explains that the place is called the tomb of rank s for a reason but his return Isn't the primary concern about that place the issue is that he encountered that person from before the leader of one of the four Great guilds whose name is k a scene then cuts to the protagonist meeting that man the man asks if his name is Kim and if so says he should duel him looking at the man the protagonist recognizes him confirming he is the leader of one of the four Great guilds and
is known as the best tank in new Korea he is also an extremely strong and prestigious individual shortly after the man charges at the protagonist then a woman runs toward the situation asking what the man thinks he's doing because if he continues he could be banned from this place she says he'll need to find a way to apologize for what happened afterward the girl introduces herself saying she is the Secretary of that man she acknowledges The Guild Master's reputation citing his forced non-humanitarian recruitment methods but they're there to officially recruit the protagonist so if he
expresses an intent to join them there's no need for a duel Kim asks if they're trying to force him into it the secretary admits it's true but says it's not a bad offer for him because as far as she knows he will be participating in the Asian exhibition games and among the four Great guilds hers specializes in Abyssal exploration for this reason they can provide support for him this way he could earn enough Merit points to compensate for any that were lacking hearing that offer Kim remains silent shortly after Kang says that it's already enough
because if he were influenced by words alone he would have accepted the offer a long time ago however Kim replies that it's not true because he had indeed changed his mind Kang then asks if by any chance he's planning to join his group but the protagonist questions what kind of nonsense he's talking about he says they would truly do things his way and for that reason K would have to defeat him if he really wanted him to join the group hearing what the boy said Kang becomes very excited the scene then cuts to an arena
where several people are trying to interview the protagonist they ask why he accepted the duel with Kang hearing all those questions Kim stays silent thinking how irritating it all is shortly after an unfamiliar girl appears she says she needs to talk to the boy Kim then takes the woman by the hand he says it's been a long time since he last saw her assuming they must have met during the player's tests the woman says that's true and for that reason it's been a while since they've met observing the situation the girl is very surprised because
the protagonist actually remembers her letting go of her hand Kim says any questions she has will be answered later because as she knows due to his plans with Kang he doesn't have time to answer anything now for that reason he says goodbye and meanwhile begins climbing some stairs looking ahead he comes face to face with his opponent it's revealed that Kang is already in front of him Kim is pleased because his battle is about to begin the announcer starts talking about the match he states that the victory condition is to make your opponent kneel as
he prepares Kang says he will test the boy's abilities and the order is given for the battle to begin at that moment Kim activates his ability he thinks that now with all the power of the spirit of the Knight K he could take down even an S-Class monster with a single strike and even someone like Kang wouldn't be able to move so quickly observing the attack Kang says it's not bad but still not enough to defeat him shortly after he appears behind the protagonist and lands a blow on him however Kim manages to dodge but
without giving him a moment to breathe Kang advances again Landing another punch again the protagonist manages to defend the attack but it's still not enough because K doesn't give him a moment to catch his breath he advances again delivering another kick to the boy's face watching this Kang is very pleased stating that Kim is very good at running so he will improve that skill he asks how Kim plans to win that way Kim replies that unless Kang has a hidden Beast it won't be easy to make him meal Kang says that for someone cornered Kim
sure knows how to talk a lot for that reason he's truly testing his patience observing the scene The Crowd Goes Wild because K's to unleash his final move that attack is extremely powerful and almost no one has ever resisted it meanwhile the girl is watching everything from above she says she's happy to have witnessed the fight the man next to her says that if the protagonist loses they'll have to join Kang's group the girl agrees saying he's right however she adds that she should have stopped the duel from happening because Kang's ability is the blessing
of animals the man explains that it mimics the strength of various animals and it showcases an incredible amount of power in combat even for the protagonist winning a fight against him seemed highly unlikely however the girl says it's not like that because from what she's seen of the protagonist he has power comparable to Kang's meanwhile Kang's attack is still heading toward the boy the entire crowd is anticipating the Collision of their attacks but within seconds something unexpected happens K is simply defeated the crowd watching is stunned because the man who had never knelt is finally
beaten however the audience demands another fight claiming that the result doesn't count for that reason they argue the fight is probably invalid meanwhile Kang is deep in thought about his defeat the protagonist thinks he's happy with the ability he used because it worked perfectly observing the situation Kang is extremely frustrated because he truly lost Additionally the protagonist using mind control ability and for that reason he never saw it coming right after K demands everyone to shut up stating that he didn't know what ability that was but losing was his failure and thus the result was
what it was for that reason they should calmly accept the outcome of that fight and if anyone is dissatisfied they should face him observing the situation another girl comments that losing to the protagonist really irritated her and that for Kane to kneel like that the protagonist must have an incredible ability for that reason the boy never ceases to amaze her shortly after the man appears in front of the protagonist Kim extends his hand and says it was a good match the man then says he wants to ask something questioning if Kim had planned to win
that way from the beginning Kim responds that under certain circumstances yes hearing this the man becomes very irritated but still shakes the protagonist's hand saying that promis is a promise asking if he wants money or even a unique item Kim says that wouldn't be bad but it's not what he desires the man asks again what he wants the protagonist replies that he wants the minotaur's Labyrinth leaving the man very surprised by his request sometime later the scene shifts to another location a man asks that they are talking about the minotaur's Labyrinth and another confirms saying
it's the entrance to an Abyssal dungeon it's filled with traps and complex spaces so they'll need someone with detection abilities even though is at the Abyssal entrance many rank as guilds and players have taken on the challenge and failed the guild currently holds the raid rights and is about to attempt it again in secret the man surprised asks how Kim could know about that place and if he's okay the other responds that he couldn't say he isn't stressed but you can never predict what will happen in the abyss all they can do is trust those
who take on the challenge to be honest if he were younger he would also participate he reflects that his current concern isn't the difficulty of the dungeon but rather the people involved and he hopes his worries won't come true at the same time a group begins contacting the president apologizing for bothering him they State it's an urgent matter they mentioned that the Japanese Hunter Association has reached out to them another boy surprised asked what they are talking about as the issue should already be resolved shortly after a girl mentions that the saint has sent an
invitation to a player named Kim sometime later the scene shifts to the control room of the great Association gate a countdown begins amid it all the protagonist observes everything in silence shortly after the order is given and the entire group heads toward the portal the scene then cuts to inside the portal where a battle is underway Kim is defeating the monsters soon after a man appears saying Kim's abilities are impressive and asking if he likes the weapon he was given Kim replies that it's not bad but mentions he had to send his weapon for repairs
anyway the man explains that he planned to tell him that if he joined the guild because having the protagonist on the raid team benefits them and it didn't seem fair to use it as a reward for that bet Kim thanks him then asks if he's sure about the minotaur's Labyrinth raid everyone has failed to defeat the Minotaur in the last 30 years and without special measures it won't be easy shortly after a girl appears asking him not to worry because everyone participating in the raid is at least a rank B player they've already been defeating
monsters steadily without rushing addition Additionally the Gill's vice leader has been detecting and removing all the traps in The Labyrinth furthermore they found some clues about the Labyrinth raid a few months ago hearing this explanation Kim states that this only means one thing the man explains they discovered the corpse of a monster apparently from the labyrinth in the Abyssal depths a giant minatures corpse with the same tattoos and patterns found throughout the Labyrinth additionally when they touch the corpse all of it except for the horn turned to dust because of this if a monster truly
comes from the Labyrinth they could use tracking skills to follow its Trail sometime later the scene shifts again the protagonist group seems to be heading toward a specific location shortly after they arrive at their destination the end of a labyrinth before them the statue of a giant Minotaur was observing them the other man confused asks where the boss is and the man replies that it seems they need to complete the Horn of that statue shortly after the secretary appears with a horn from earlier meanwhile Kim is silently observing everything thinking that so far everything was
unfolding exactly as it had in his previous regression for that reason he needed to see what would happen next then that man takes the horn and places it on the Statue the group is thrilled because they were finally able to complete the Labyrinth after 30 years at that moment the man seems to notice something because something unusual is happening with the statue in a matter of seconds it transforms into a skeleton the group looking around is very confused because they are now in a completely different place from before the scene then cuts to another location
and the protagonist thinks this is exactly as expected the group surprised wonders what had happened shortly after the scene cuts to a man reading a book he says he has noticed something he assum assumes the protagonist has joined the Labyrinth team the man then States they could stop the operation immediately however the young man asks not to stop because this was actually a perfect opportunity ranked villains had infiltrated Hyde's team including 20 rank of villains in total no matter how skilled the protagonist was everything had its limits so he wondered how they would deal with
the hidden villains while working in The Labyrinth and for that reason it was all very amusing the scene then cuts to the inside of the labyrinth a person suggests they should introduce themselves first and a girl introduces herself she says her name is Miranda and she's a rank B player immediately after Kim acts quickly for some reason in that instant he kicks the girl saying she's a villain Kim is the youngest rank as individual in existence people were always curious to know what kind of person he was supposedly he was a hero like a Guild
Master always acting as a reliable shield on the front lines or gave even a saint as the rumors suggested he sacrificed himself to save the citizens of the Eastern Point which was very unlike someone like him there was no doubt that the protagonist was an incredible person the boy observing the scene is surprised because he's witnessing the prot IST assaulting the woman the young man confused asks what Kim had done K responded that the girl is a villain so he shouldn't worry about it drawing his weapon the man says that's a lie he then fires
the weapon at the protagonist dodging the bullets Kim says it's the truth however the man refuses to listen thinking Miranda was a precious comrade who had been hunting monsters and exploring with them for a long time for that reason there was no possibility she was a villain it was completely impossible approaching the girl the man asks her to wake up at that moment the girl punches the man telling him not to touch her immediately Ely after a group of adventurers appears behind the protagonist however that wasn't enough Kim easily Dodges the attack he wonders who
would think there would be three villains in total and for that reason he decides to take them all out at once then the girl seems to prepare for battle saying it's very strange because even among the individual's comrades who had been with them for years no one had been noticed asking how Kim knew all this the boy tells her not to worry because it wasn't a matter of her actions the truth is that Kim had come from the future hearing the explanation the girl says she doesn't care and immediately charges at Kim she manages to
deliver an attack which Kim Marly avoids shortly after another comrade interferes in the battle another also charges at the protagonist however Kim marily evades the attacks at that moment a chain is invoked successfully binding two members of the group however the girl is still in the battle Kim notices this and successfully anticipates her attack surprised the girl wonders what happened she states she didn't know kin was that strong her ability causes vomiting paralysis and hallucinations when her nails make contact even an S-class player couldn't escape her magic and she had definitely scratched the protagonist's face
at the start even so he hadn't suffered any effects so far at that moment Kim ended up apologizing for something then he invoked his ability stating that this type of poison did not affect him the girl in turn became very frightened by the power before her at the same instant the attack hit her time passed the scene then cut to that crazy guy again surprised he was observing something ahead he realized that the protagonist was standing before the girl who apparently Was Defeated irritated she began to insult the protagonist at that moment Kim grabbed the
Girl by the head apologizing he said he didn't have time to play with her and for that reason they were going to do something fun at the same instant Kim activated his hypnosis ability he began asking several questions about her group The girlin started to fall under hypnosis revealing that there were 20 infiltrators including rank as members and their objective was to sabotage the Labyrinth raid the scene then shifted to another location where several flowers were stained with someone's ketchup a secretary observing what was in front of her looked very surprised they were apparently trying
to kill that man from earlier the scene shifted back to the protagonist who was with the woman who seemed unconscious SE thought there were five ranz villains and was sure there had only been three before he returned to his world there had also been an incident involving a gate breach the future was changing little by little he supposed this might have happened because of his return Kim said that in any case they now knew their goal and for that reason they should join the other group so the two began walking toward that group meanwhile the
other guy was still in disbelief that Miranda was really a villain he wondered if the protagonist had known all of this from the beginning Kim then said that the way out of there was simpler than he had imagined that place seemed completely different from before but was still part of a labyrinth therefore there should be a passage connecting to another space somewhere else and since it connected to various spaces it might not reach it all at once however they kept passing through doors it would eventually find that group at that moment the boy began to
speak saying he had a question he questioned why Kim hadn't told the others about this because if he had told Master ilda about the villain's infiltration from the beginning none of this would have happened after that the two started staring at each other the prot protagonist then responded that it was foolish to think that way because it didn't depend on him moreover that other man already knew all about it the scene then cut to another location where that guy seemed to be fighting a group of people he asked what they were doing as this joke
was going too far then the secretary had to intervene in the situation but within seconds another Adventurer appeared to intercept the girl the man noticed this and immediately protected her from the attack he then remarked that this was like being in Hell the secretary worried asked if he was okay however the man asked her to just stay back because he would handle everything at that moment he activated his ability and a battle began to unfold the secretary said there was no need to protect her because she could fly as well however the leader said she
shouldn't do that because she couldn't handle those people shortly after the other man said the girl was right because he didn't have the luxury of protecting others in that situation since all this time they hadn't been hiding their powers shortly after that guy's Lantern broke from within it an unknown creature emerged the man then remarked that everyone there was at least rank a with four of them being rank s and they had all done this to kill a man the man surprised that they had made many preparations and thought he had a good eye for
people the other man then told him not to worry too much about it because the evil Guild had been working on this plan for years therefore there was no way someone as foolish as him could have uncovered it the man irritated supposed the protagonist was really right about this because he had said earlier that a group of villains was planning to assassinate him at first he thought it was all a lie but then he realized it was true the man surprised wondered who knew all about this plan however there was something more important he asked
why he hadn't done anything about it thus thus the man says that a true man never doubts his companions and as the master of all he should not doubt them the group then starts laughing at the man saying they knew he was stupid from the very beginning wondering how many years they had worked with that kind of idiot the secretary then gets very irritated because he hadn't even verified the information about those people at the same moment that skull from before ends up being activated delivering an attack toward the man who barely manages to dodge
the other man then says he had done a good job thanking him for making the stupidity of keeping them in his team and mat for this reason he could now die the man replies that he had said he didn't want to doubt them at the same moment he ends up invoking his skill striking the other man from before who was easily defeated affirming that it was actually him who was the idiot the scene then cuts to another location with that other boy asking if he was saying how dagda already knew about all of that he
replies that if he knew that he shouldn't ask stupid questions the scene Cuts again to another location where the protagonist is now in front of Kang asking if he will still leave him lying in the same state as before Kang then gets up asking if he didn't think he had seen all his power affir that he shouldn't worry because he already believed in the protagonist however he never said he would leave it that way now it's just the way he wanted it is revealed that the group had already been brutally defeated the other boy observing
this is surprised Kim then ends up entering that portal thus he comes across that other man from before the man asks if Kim hadn't seen the other group and the boy replies that he hadn't and given the situation he only noticed the path ahead ignoring the rest of the group asking what the man was planning to do at that moment the man remained silent saying it was frustrating but he would have to retreat for a moment because there could still be more villains and even if they reached the end of the Labyrinth the boss had
not yet appeared and as frustrating as it was the only option left was to find an escape before suffering more damage for this reason he wanted to apologize to the protagonist because that wouldn't have happened if he weren't so stubborn shortly after Kim says that as long as he knows that it's enough the man irritated says he went out of his way to apologize and yet the protagonist was treating him like that observing the situation Kim thinks he had wasted time and hadn't gained any Merit points but that was the right choice at that moment
because he even shared other information about the villains to help with the Labyrinth raid then the secretary appears saying they should gather to leave the Labyrinth Kim thinks he only had information about the Labyrinth raid and then if the future changed further he might not have control over everything for this reason this time the man was giving up the secretary then asks if there were any monsters or traps in the other spaces hearing this Kim is very surprised the other man says they passed through many spaces but fortunately didn't see any traps so they believed
they could leave safely observing the situation Kim wonders why there were no traps or Monsters because the space they were transferred to is filled with those traps along with monsters however the places they passed through were just different areas and didn't particularly threaten the players for this reason he needed to know why because if there were no monsters and traps there was no way the group could have reached the Labyrinth Master before his regression at the same moment Kim seems to realize something that the whole group starts looking to the side apparently surprised by something
the other man asks what was in front of them because a fearsome creature was staring at them it is then revealed that the Labyrinth boss was in that place who immediately begins swinging his axe hitting the group squarely and with the impact they are all thrown into the air Additionally the regression door was destroyed shortly after the other man tries to grab the protagonist to help him Kim in turn says he's aware of the situation and starts running away at the same moment that other man begins activating his skill and consequently our boy does the
same starting to engage in close combat toward the Minotaur and shortly after the three attacks end up colliding at that moment the minur attempted to attack again however they managed to dodge within seconds his forehead began to GL and out of nowhere a skeletal monster appeared the other man said that it was a rank ass monster looking back Kim saw even more monsters the secretary wondered what was happening as monsters were suddenly appearing soon after a voice began speaking about those wandering through the Labyrinth and those disturbing its rests stating that for that reason they
shouldn't worry and should proceive forward it said everything would be resolved all at once then the group of monsters started advancing on the other two who desperate were merely awaiting their death however their leader appeared managing to defeat some of the Minotaur while the protagonist also assisted him together they managed to restrain some of them next the protagonist gave a signal the man began casting some sort of magic firing it toward the monsters which were then defeated the man remarked that it was impressive but in the same moment he was surprised by what he saw
even though the monsters were severely damaged they were still alive with threatening gazes they began observing the group at that moment they seemed to be preparing some sort of attack firing it toward the other man who barely dodged and counterattacked with a punch however it didn't seem to have much effect observing the situation the man realized that the Minotaur had regenerative abilities at that moment more monsters appeared the man concluded that he would need to defeat the boss to eliminate all of them at once but he still didn't know how to achieve that he could
potentially land a blow but the opponent was not someone he could fight while protecting both the secretary and the protagonist however if they could strike simultaneously there might be a chance even so he kept wondering what to do because the choice he made would Define his path then a flashback showed a man asking him to make a choice the man said that no matter how strong someone was if they pushed themselves into a dual the association would have to act and if he were to accept someone as a comrade he needed to consider not only
their skills but also what kind of person they were before making a decision afterward the man stated that unlike a reasonable person he wasn't the type to live doubting everything the elders said that might suit him better but sometimes he needed to doubt people more because he had seen many things during his time as a player and a small mistake could cost everything sometimes he would have to give up something precious to protect something more important for that reason strength didn't solve everything he mentioned that recognizing one limits and choosing what was most important to
achieve goals was the priority additionally those were the true qualities of an excellent player listening to the explanation the man fell silent he asked if the Elder was only saying that because he was weak at that moment the scene returned to the present the man said it was his fault for not taking the Elder's words seriously he declared that if he killed his enemies his comrades would die as a consequence but even if he defeated the enemies another way they would die regardless for that reason it didn't matter what choice he made the outcome would
always be the same however he could not accept those circumstances in that moment he charged at the Minotaur easily defeating it afterward the man called out to the protagonist he said he would find a way to protect his comrades and crushed those monsters so they would regret it for that reason he would make his own choice Kim in turn said he didn't know what the man was talking about there was still a way to defeat those minotaurs shortly after an explosion occurred the Minotaur declared had made its decision for that reason it was a Pity
it said this was the worst Choice he could have made but even so it wouldn't make a difference because the outcome would be the same in the end immediately after the of monsters began advancing toward the two Kang started preparing an attack he aimed at the group The Minotaur said it didn't matter how many times he did that it would make a difference at that moment the protagonist appeared amidst the Flames Kim then began using his mysterious ability Kang remarked that it was now the protagonist's turn Kim in a matter of seconds ends up using
his skill against the Minotaur thus a barrier seemingly had been broken and the monster appeared to have been successfully hit moments before that Kang asks what the way to defeat that monster was Kim responded that he was just assuming but just like the spaces they're also connected through portals and the Gap where the Minotaur was likely connected to a completely different space and the Monsters were only being revived or even regenerated by the queen after reaching that space again therefore if she didn't have another space those monsters would immediately disappear Kang then starts laughing saying
that if he were wrong everyone would die however Kim responds that the situation wouldn't be different if he did the opposite meanwhile the secretary along with that other crazy guy was observing everything in silence because they were witnessing a gigantic IC battle right in front of them again the scene cuts the present with Kim managing to hit the Minotaur where it apparently caused some damage and at the same moment the protagonist is surprised then K charges toward the Minotaur where he also delivers an attack even so the monster Still Remains standing within seconds the creature
ends up disappearing meanwhile Kim is crying on the ground looking down he is surprised to see K completely injured missing an arm at the same moment something unknown appears because through that smoke the Minotaur emerges again and with that the determined group tries to attack one more however the Minotaur merely throws the skeletal debris in front of it while laughing the creature says they were very incredible humans and it never thought he would do something like that using a space he had created however there was more to it as until now it hadn't used its
power over the previous laws and for this reason it was much stronger than before at the same moment the protagonist tries to charge at the creature again but within seconds he ends up being struck once more those observing are very surprised thinking they couldn't believe the power gap between them was so vast therefore if he didn't use that skill he would probably be killed but even with all that he still wasn't sure if he could defeat that creature and if he didn't destroy it in one blow the predation would definitely enter burer mode thus many
unexpected things could end up happening even so under those circumstances that was the only choice he had left shortly after a flashback of a child appears saying that the way to do it was through application saying he didn't know why he was suddenly asking about how to use skills because their descriptions were in the stats window and the way to manipulate one in reality could change its form in various ways contrary to what was written in the stats window for example the boy used Spirit magic which could be applied to strengthen his body where he
was even capable of creating powerful bullets and in the current battle he sometimes mixed skills and usually only applied force to his ring therefore if there was a skill he wasn't good at controlling he should try coding it with his own skill because he was definitely capable of doing that then the scene Cuts back to the present with the protagonist striking the Minotaur again as a result of that attack the minotaur's axe ended up being damaged even so the monster tries to attack Kim again with a threatening gaze Kim was observing his prey then he
appears to be charging up a skill unleashing it against the monster thus their weapons end up being broken shortly after Kim ends up summoning his chain managing to bind it to the monster then he uses his skill again affirming that it was just as he thought before because he really was able to do it he had vaguely felt it before because his skill changed form according to his will which meant he could probably apply it to his other skills but even so he didn't know much about that mysterious power however it didn't matter what the
true nature of his skill was shortly after the boy seemingly managed to defeat the Minotaur saying he intended to make full use of that skill after using his skill the Minotaur starts to completely disintegrate and is utterly defeated subsequently while all the players are inside the room wondering what had happened the protagonist appears before them with Quan kanguk on his back completely injured seeing the two of them everyone feels relieve and rushes to embrace the protagonist after the queen of the great Minotaur was defeated the raid team discovered numerous gold and silver Treasures hidden in
The Labyrinth among them the most valuable was an Elixir capable of signific ific anly increasing a player's stats just by drinking it this was a unique great Elixir called the Fountain of the Tata however there wasn't enough Elixir for everyone so it was given to the protagonist and also to Quan who contributed the most to the raid however in Quan's case he would lose more stats due to the loss of his right arm that he would gain from The Elixir the villains who infiltrated the raid were identified and arrested then the players who participated in
the raid focused on recovering and resting and so the chaotic Minotaur Labyrinth raid came to an end during an interview a reporter asked Quan if the rumors about the raid rru he also asked if it was true that Quan was planning to retire as a player however Quan Kang yek responded that he wasn't retiring instead he said he was just taking a short break and a bit annoyed he called everyone idiots with a furious look he asked if they didn't understand the meaning of rest in the background a girl from his Guild told Quan to
be more careful with his words then another reporter asked if it was because of his right arm while another mentioned the Asian exhibition games when another reporter attempted to ask Quan a question Quan interrupted him Quan then replied that the reason was indeed red arm but he said they should only focus on the Asian exhibition games he added that someone capable of replacing him had appeared and told the protagonist to speak for himself at that very moment the reporters then asked if that wasn't Kim Tan the rookie player another reporter mentioned that following the Labyrinth
raid the protagonist ranked fifth in contribution making him perfectly qualified for the team at this moment they noted that in addition there was a rumor that with the Fountain of the Tata he had obtained he had likely reached an international level position hearing this a woman responded that it was ridic ridiculous and asked if the boy truly understood what the national strength rank meant she explained that National strength rank was for Monsters on a completely different level even among rank players the rank was established because they couldn't be classified under other ranks but before she
could say more the protagonists stepped onto the stage he introduced himself and said that he would be one of the representatives in the exhibition games he mentioned that many of them might be concerned about the replacement of player Quan kyuk he understood that and no matter how much he had achieved he was still just a rookie compared to the other players also admitted he couldn't guarantee he would perform exceptionally at that moment a mysterious man appeared watching the protagonist laughing he wondered if this would be the new rank as of new Korea meanwhile a woman
also observing the protagonist said there was currently no way to confirm the rumors about his National strength rank in a restaurant a young man asked His companion whether the protagonist was confident or not however the other man replied that it was obvious he wasn't and asked if he thought anyone could achieve the national strength rank adding that he had known this would happen from the beginning so the video ends here if you don't want to miss the next part activate the notification Bell and see you next time on tob's Channel