Things Are Not As They Seem! Saturn Direct in Pisces & The Next 8 Months

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Heart and Soul Centered Astrology
In depth analysis of the essence of this Saturn stationing direct and the core Saturn transits till ...
Video Transcript:
hello everyone this week Saturn stations Direct in Pisces it's a very powerful stationing once Saturn begins to pick up speed it's going to share its second and then its third square with Jupiter it's going to move to join the North Node in Pisces and then join Neptune in Aries for the first conjunction of three before satn and Neptune both go retrograde back into Pisces this is a very very engaging active versatile interesting Saturn direct Journey you can always appreciate that when a planet moves direct we're not just interpreting the direct archetype we're we're interpreting that
stationing relative to where it's going to go basically from now until July of 2025 Saturn is going to be moving Direct picking up speed and then slowing down until it actually goes retrograde again at one degrees Aries so this entire phase of this Saturn journey is from right now at 12 Pisces to one degrees Aries and you can say that's sort of like this particular season in the Saturn Saga that we're currently watching experiencing and living there will be more seasons and within this season there are several quite fascinating and interesting chapters so I'm going
to highlight these different chapters these different phases for you looking at the more nuanced phases of Saturn moving through Pisces it's quite interesting and Mercury is very involved for the first month and a half of this as well before I do that let's speak to you what is Saturn stationing Direct in Pisces all about so that's where I'm going to start and then we'll go into more of the details first a couple of announcements my Planet Square in the nodes class series is now in its second week enrollment is open so you can join any
time we've done Mars squaring the node and we've done Pluto next week will be on Neptune you can enroll in the entire series or just jump in individual classes as always I'm available for personal readings I do this work for individuals as well as couples and long-term Soul to- Soul companionship sessions which is a way of deepening in your soul work and working with me discounted for longterm for a bulk series of sessions check out as well my various classes class series and my full year training program also available as a self-study lastly I often
write articles in tandem to these videos I send these articles about twice or three times a month if you would like to receive my newsletters where I have these articles my recent videos and my updates you can subscribe to that everything in the description below okay Saturn stationing Direct in Pisces let's remember that Saturn always corresponds to the structural realities of our life on the most basic level we all are living in some country in some Nation Within in which there are various rules and there are various forms of governments and to participate in your
Society you pay taxes you stop at a red light you go at a green light There are rules and regulations and Customs that you all follow unless we condition ourselves to operate and manifest appropriately and responsibly within the world culture Society Nation government that we are a part of on a more internal level Saturn will correspond to how our own Consciousness is conditioned by way of the habits that we repeat over time so my physical habit thoughts what I think about my real everything that I put out there and that I repeat becomes a habit
that then conditions within my own internal Consciousness um a sort of structural reality that becomes grounded so the gravity of what we resort to our habits our sort of bottom line in terms of how we're habitually um conditioned to experience this human life is also a very important Saturn Dimension if we want to change habits or become healthier or change our diet or work on parts of our s you know practice being on time for things or change our money SP spending habits all of that stuff require some level of self-awareness and introspection and then
the commitment to discipline new patterns and behaviors and the discipline process with Saturn says two things one it's our responsibility to make these choices and to commit to a practice and two it takes time like the way the whole mechanism of conditioning works is conditioning needs conditioning conditioning requires consistency and effort you can't just do something once and expect it to stick you don't just train the dog once and then not continue to practice you don't do anything and expect it to become a habit so we learn how to discipline oursel which which means the
core of Saturn is really grounding in our own self Authority what kind of Life do I want to live relative to how is it going now what do I need to change what hard work do I need to put in to move in the direction that I want to so involved with Saturn is always some lesson around boundaries boundaries always say we're learning to structure and consciously mold our time space experience with some level of agency we need bound we need to say at this time I'm doing this these are the things that I'm not
going to do with my thoughts or not going to do with my body or not going to do with my eating habits I am going to work out for these many minutes I'm going to meditate for these many minutes or do these things I'm going to study for this test and if we don't honor boundaries we don't get anywhere and we can have an issue with Saturn where we're you know trying to succeed like jump somewhere trying to get ahead but with without doing the hard work it's like cheating on a test right or you
know finding your way to to work your way through things without having actually put forth the effort but you use some sort of unethical means you know to to succeed or get your Social Status but you didn't really cultivate or discipline yourself you learned how to cheat the system it's kind of like a child learning how to cheat their parents and make it look like they ate their food but they just really pushed the food underneath the table or they fed the dog you're not actually growing you're not maturing you're just creating the appearance of
success which short term might give you the sticker because you ate your meal but you didn't actually eat the meal so you're not actually going to experience the growth of nutrition or the protein that your parents want you to eat because you're cheating that's Saturn core Saturn lessons now Saturn stationing direct of course on a basic level puts emphasis gives a lot of focus attention on the responsibilities that we are to embrace in our own life to cultivate our own life Direction who do I want to be where do I want to go it is
within our domain of self- responsibility now this happening in Pisces and in the context of these really strong transits that are coalescing and happening later next year and also in 2026 with Neptune and Saturn here's what I want to say about this while Saturn is responsibility ground structure Authority and discipline something we all have to claim and cultivate for ourselves you know our parents can't do it for us Society can't do it for us and no one's going to congratulate us and and validate we have to validate ourselves and look within and become our own
boss so to speak while that's what Saturn's about Pisces is about the illusion of this world Saturn Pisces is about none of this has any inherent meaning right anything that has to do with Pisces can speak to on the one hand the sense of emptiness and void like what am I what am I waking up for what am I what am I getting up at 4:00 a.m. for my job and working like what what's it for life can feel empty and meaningless and void right and in the same sense Pisces also corresponds to Ultimate meaning
and the existential struggle with Pisces is where we might be looking for ultimate meaning somewhere and then we're disillusioned when that which we've given meaning is kind of revealed to have no inherent meaning right or we can be in this emptiness of just really lacking any sense of Holiness or purpose in life itself when we put Saturn stationing Direct in Pisces it's really giving a very strong attention it's putting the pulse on are we doing the work to ground in our human time space existence a higher purpose and meaning meaning Beyond this world meaning beyond
the mere appearance of success so on the one hand this can be emphasizing in our personal lives a deep depression the things that we're doing even if on the outside it's like oh this looks great it's successful does it feel like it's just a form without meaningful content something that looks nice but there's emptiness there's nothing on the inside not the good kind of emptiness the sort of void of meaning emptiness that can be really hard to deal with like how do I deal with the structural reality of the life that everyone says oh it's
great you're so successful you got four cars you're the CEO but feeling completely empty on the inside so on that level there might be an invitation to really become introspective and ask the Pisces question what's truly meaningful and we I need to dissolve and let go as much as Saturn is conditioning it's also decondition conditioning CU you have to also become adequately self-aware of how you've gotten to where you are right now to begin to unravel it and do it and create a new pathway a new structural reality maybe at a certain point you valued
what is valueless maybe getting all of the likes and being the icon or becoming the doctor that your parents wanted you to become or having the relationship that you thought you were supposed to that would make you a valuable member of society or making the money that you thought you should have all these external measures of success and importance maybe it's meaningless sometimes we have to succeed in an illusion only to realize it's an illusion and sometimes that's the quickest way we just got to play it out so that's one expression the other is the
total opposite there can be a sense of I'm not getting anywhere I'm not succeeding you know the ocean of life is so much bigger than me everyone else is succeeding and getting far and I feel so small and meaningless and I I just don't feel strong enough Saturn is strength and really a Saturn Transit especially Saturn stationing direct wants us to get stronger wants us to feel like we actually have the ability to cultivate conscious choices and practice and discipline in our own life Saturn stationing Direct in Pisces can be highlighting a deep sense of
vulnerability and weakness I don't have what it takes I'm just so small and I don't know how to actualize my dreams and our dreams can feel great I want to become a famous musician or I want to focus on my art I want to train and practice astrology and become an astrologer I want to get involved in Pol but we actually have to put forth effort the disillusioning teaching of Saturn and Pisces is heaven isn't going to come down and just make it work for you the the navity and the disillusionment with Saturn in Pisces
can often be like a child just expecting that their parents are going to make it work and often that is the case you can make all kinds of mistakes or just not take care of things but the parental role will jump in and they're going to guide and shape your life like they're going to they're going to wake you up they're going to feed you they're going to get you dressed they're going to take you to school like we can surrender Pisces to the structural reality that we can trust in as an adult you can't
just do that in a in a misdirected way and Pisces can sort of do a thing called level confusion where we misapply spiritual ideas so we surrender there's an authority and a power greater than ourselves but when that surrender becomes a point of losing and missing out and denying our own agency to actually train and practice we don't get anywhere it's like sitting in an illusion and asking truth to go and correct our illusion for us but not putting any any effort so if we wake up and we're just scrolling on social media not tending
to our thoughts or eating our habits our routines not disciplining anything with time with respect to our goals we're just simply not going to get there the surrender here is actually a co-creative element where we put forward effort and then we allow the ocean to take us the way to understand Saturn and Pisces relative to right effort is build a boat learn how to swim learn how to paddle the boat become masterful at navigating the Waters of all that is but with agency you are responsible we are each responsible to determine for ourselves what the
meaning of our life is from the point of view of we are the one that gives it all the meaning that we give it we can designate all kinds of meaning in our own life we can say the meaning of my life is fill in the blink you know becoming socially important getting strong um winning the approval of my parents we choose meaning and so it's our choice to First recognize I'm giving my life and the circumstances of My reality all the meaning that I want to give it the higher teaching of Saturn and Pisces
is to really reflect upon deep within what is truly meaningful what does I care most about because without orienting from that place we're actually going to find ourselves missing out on some of our deep points of inspiration the things that we really want to achieve in life our deepest dreams and Visions we won't be able to make manifest any of these things in a truly meaningful way because we're going to be stuck on just waiting and expecting and hoping that they're just going to work out so we recognize that this life this time and space
reality is malleable like time and space doesn't go and be like here I'm holy I'm sacred because it's neutral we have to give it meaning that's where it's like God and Truth and Love it's here but the whole co-creative element of Pisces is choosing to accept it and work it and live it in our own lives so this can be very disillusioning for many of us when we simply realize that we are not right now where we hoped we would be and yet the maturation the spiritual maturation is get started you know start working on
it whatever beautiful ideals and dreams and hopes you have for your life this might be a very hard but important lesson in boundaries discernment and you know there can be the sort of Saturn and Pisces ethic I want to I don't want to use boundaries to create separation I don't want to say no to these people I want to be open and accepting of the flow and be available to what happens that's again a point of confusion where at the core of that is we don't want to further separation there can be a sort of
distaste of boundaries right because it can feel like boundaries and structure and division um you know and time is like antithetical to the fluidity and the Infinity of spirit and love but actually our boundaries are ways that we designate this life which can be anything for love without Discerning our own boundaries literally we're just going to waste our time that's a big teaching here let's look into the transits a little more deeply right now so what's really interesting um about this let's look right now Saturn is at 12 degrees Pisces notice this Mercury and this
Jupiter as Mercury's going to go retrograde and it's going to be this whole retrograde direct process all the while squaring Saturn all the while Saturn and Jupiter moving through their first Square let's just look at this for the next several weeks so Mercury's goes retrograde at the very end of November Saturn and Jupiter Square each other in the end of December at 14 or 13 degrees Saturn's picking up speed and you know really up until the very first week of January we can see that Saturn maintains this Square so we have a good solid six
or so weeks of this mutable tsquare between Mercury and Jupiter which are in mutual reception Mercury retrograde then direct Jupiter retrograde stationing direct really soon and Saturn recently Direct in Pisces that's a lot of really strong potent powerful mutable energy here's what I want to say about this this is like the first phase of Saturn stationing direct I would qualify it as nothing is as it seems to be you want to talk about deception and even Beyond deception judging appearances and thinking you know what's going on nothing is as it seems to be we can
interpret political stuff and give our own opinion or perspective on all of that but we can also take it in a personal realm you think you know where your life is going or you have your judgment or your ideas or your moralistic constructs um around what's happening and how things are unfolding there's a whole lot of synchronicity here perspectives ideas possibilities people to talk to places to go and information you're just not aware of that will further expand your own insight and awareness of the larger story that Jupiter Mercury is like you're writing a book
but you don't even know what the ending is and don't try to precipitously conclude it relative to Saturn it does emphasize take the next step focus on the work that you need to do really cultivate that ground of self authority self- responsibility it can feel like there's an overwhelming amount amount of information or contradictory ideas and again people can be very politically charged there can be a lot of adversity here especially with Pluto and Mars involved in all of this stuff as well a lot of strong intellectual stimulation and debates and right and Wrongs and
moralities and judgments and great political commentaries it's really important that we are tending to our thoughts you I I go to the gym and then I'll go to the locker room and people are be talking about politics and having their conversations and a lot of times when people talk they're not really constructive with their speech they're actually just wanting to gossip or replay some ideas or almost like this intellectual Joy of just hearing their own thought and hearing other people agree with them and it's a distraction this wants to you know eliminate the temptation of
distraction get on track I think the positive potential is because there's a lot of energy here if we look inside we might connect with ah here's the project or the work or the thing that I really want to be focusing on let me put all of my fish in that basket instead of distracting in all these other areas let me really go there so that I'm not getting tempted by the Allure of mental distractions in that discipline and that choice to be more grounded and purposeful with what we're doing how we're tending our mind I
think we're going to have a lot of insight a lot of deep spiritual realizations perhaps seeing the truth more clearly if you think you know what's about to happen you don't none of us know where things are going the Contours the flow the change the shifts there's so much unfolding this really says live your ethics live your morality tend your thoughts continue to practice becoming the person that you want to be because there's so much more that we just can't understand right now but do your work that you can control okay so moving beyond that
phase it's really meaningful to note that once Jupiter stations direct at the very beginning of uh end of end of January beginning of Fe February it stays in a pretty tight square with Jupiter with Saturn right then Saturn moves towards the North Node towards the first few months of the year and then Saturn will cross the North Node in April and then join with Neptune in June and July and again this is where Saturn finally stations retrograde in July of this year so again this whole phase is happening until July can say that movement of
Saturn towards the North Node is going to be highlighting these Saturn lessons that I've described in a significant way it says this is where the Collective Evolution is being channeled and thus Neptune also being very close to the North Node I think the themes of disillusionment and relative to its SC Jupiter just the storyline going directions and places we didn't quite anticipate there's of course a lot more to say about that but I think it's very clear that you know come February March we enter into a very powerful phase of this Saturn just after this
very mutable tsquare that we'll have with Jupiter and Mercury so we're in for quite a ride and once again I want to ground all of this from the light of this light this this life is designed for our own Evolution and the Redemptive and forgiving truth about time is that it's actually not harsh it's not here to punish us it's just sort of neutral on its own and we get to use it and cultivate a relationship to it that serves our own growth or not that's sort of what's neutral about time and if we can
understand that there's something beautiful because we realize my relationship to my life and my time and what I'm doing with my time and where I'm directing my thought and my energy is really very fluid and malleable and it comes back to fundamentally who do I want to be and what do I believe is possible if I believe it's possible to grow and to evolve and to become the person I want to be or to bring my dreams into this physical reality if I believe it's possible then it must mean I can make the choices in
congruency with consistency relative to what I believe is possible that is the beautiful and Redemptive and healing invitation of the Saturn moving Direct in Pisces we are where we're meant to be at the right time at the right place and it's a very interesting fascinating perhaps hard and disillusioning journey as well in front of us as always thank you so much for listening
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