have you ever wondered where wealth comes from is there some secret wealth formula that only a handful of enlightened people get to discover is there some mystical code that must be cracked in order for you to attain this seemingly ever so elusive wealth that you've been chasing after is there some scientific formula that you have to have an IQ high enough to understand its meaning is it some version of E equals M2 MC square well I don't think it is I think wealth is available to almost everyone and I don't think it's wealth that's been
avoiding you I think it's awareness of your access to the wealth that already exists I'm going to give you in a sentence maybe the best sentence I've ever heard about income generation because because when you first start out it's so interesting like on your wealth Journey you first start out Desiring to make a lot of money in income so I'm going to I'm going to show you in this video how to go from $0 to a million dollar not from Z to just from Z to a million dollars that's that'd be great because you can
do that all you got to do is make 25,000 a year and work for 40 years right okay so that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about how to go from zero dollar you're not making a million dollars a year or wherever you are between zero and a million from there to a million dollars a year I'm going to show you I'm going to give you what I believe to be the most some of the most important principles that will help you get there step by step and it anyway so let's let's get into
that so here's here's here's the sentence I got this sentence from one of my favorite authors one of my favorite speakers one of my I I I like most kindred spirit communicators none other than Daniel Priestley himself and here's what Daniel Priestley said income follows Assets Now if you look at your income and you're not pleased with the income that you have don't evaluate the income evaluate the assets what are the assets that you have that that income is following now some of you you are your only asset so I'm going to I'm going to
give you a I'm going to give you a framework that I believe to be true God is the source of what everything you are the resource now why do I say God's The Source because God creat created everything out of nothing right so in fact the word Abracadabra if you spell it in Hebrew Abarra it literally spells God creates as God speaks that's what the word Abracadabra actually means it I mean that's and and and what's really fascinating is Abracadabra is Abracadabra in most languages in the world like if you're an American you say abracadabra
if you're a Brit you say Abra Abracadabra if you're a German you say okay anyway I can't sorry that's what so God is the source he's like people say you can speak things into existence no you can't you cannot speak things into existence if you could speak things into existence you would have already spoken something different into existence and what you got in existence right now because you're not the source only the source can speak things into existence bar AB bar means to create out of nothing in the Bible the only person who creates is
God out of nothing the only one who creates out of nothing is God now God is the source but we are the resource what does that mean that means we get to create stuff out of the stuff God has already created so I'm the resource I take the source what the source has created and then I repurpose it and then use it to produce a result that hasn't been produced before now have you ever thought about this it's a rant H don't do it baby don't do it I'm going to do it in Genesis chapter
1 it says and God made the greater light to Rule the Day and the Lesser light to rule the night what if you went through life just looking for analogies that show you God because here's what the scripture says and I know this is not a Bible study I mean I talk about the Bible when I'm teaching business because that's where I got all my great business stuff from okay but the scripture says wisdom crith in the streets so so you think you're looking for the answers but God says the answers are looking for you
now here's the question why can't they find you is that a good question seems like one right so the greater light I believe symbolizes God the which is the greater light is the what what's the greater light the sun what's the luster light the Moon the Moon represents us where does the moon get its light it reflects from the son what's our job to reflect God in our life are y'all tracking okay but if the greater light rules the day maybe day is a picture of Heaven if the Lesser light rules the night the the
Heavenly realm that the Lesser light rules the night that's a picture of the Earthly realm potentially I'm not saying this is what that means but this is this is something that thinking about that made me aware of so in order for me in order for the moon to properly reflect the light it has to have the properties that can reflect light it also has to be in the proximity of the light and then in order for me as a human being to benefit from that in order for the people who you were sent to serve
to benefit from the light that you reflect they have to be in a place where the light is not blocked so if I'm in this building and the Moon's out I can't see the moon not because it's not there but because I'm not in a place where I can see it so stop going through life thinking that because you are in a place where other people don't recognize the reflection that you're reflecting that that means you're not reflecting it stop thinking that you're not the you're not good enough you're not enough enough because other people
don't recognize it in you it's there whether they can see it or not if it's there but then the question then becomes are you reflecting the light okay you get it so income so here's why I went into that whole rant God's The Source you're the resource the asset is the thing that you produce that income can follow but the asset is something that you produce for other people so I'm going to give you the definition that chat GPT gave me for an asset an asset is anything of value or resource that an individual business
or organization owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide future economic benefit assets can take various forms and are typically categorized into different types based on their na nature and usability notice an asset is anything of value do you understand that life will pay you when I say life other people let me say it that way other people will pay you in direct proportion to the value that you deliver to them but you they W if the value is under underdeveloped by you the pay will be underd delivered to you but you can
only develop value that you've discovered that's why trans all transformation begins with with awareness you're what you're lacking is not access what you're lacking is awareness of the access you have okay so so now I'm going to get into I'm going to get into how do I create assets that income can follow well I created this I didn't create I can't say I created I didn't create I discovered this formula here it is mindset plus skill set Plus tool set equals assets and income follows assets so if I don't have the assets that I desire
to have it's because I don't have the mindset or the skill set or the tool set now it's so fascinating because I was thinking about this I was thinking about I was thinking about Austin from Boston the physicist started getting chills thinking about how all principles are microcosms of each other right and like how how everything that is is a picture of everything that is and so it like so we don't miss it God just keeps repeating himself in nature and we still miss it we're like yeah I get I I heard you but what
about this right so I'm going to show you on the board this is this is so if I say mindset plus skill set Plus tool set if I add these together it equals assets well guess what do you know what this is do you get it do you see it do you all see it oh we can put assets down here too we might as well put assets down here okay you ready B do what and see our problem is we're so obsessed with this we're obsessed with having you know why because we don't understand
that being speaks to our identity and regardless of anything else like what you're what you're you are seeking to discover and develop and deploy your identity into the market Place into the world so that it has an impact okay doing speaks to my activity and then having speaks to my property and so we want to have the property but we want to skip the identity and Activity part you can't skip it you can't like I mean you can skip it but you're going to find yourself frustrated how many on tracking and so when I was
thinking about okay why do people even like people that you know people that you love people that you care about people that like who are even like familiar familiarly like a f family person member friends why do people who you see have so much potential potential the difference between who we are and who we could be the difference between what we're doing and what we could do the difference between what we have and what we could have like why do so many people that you love and you're close to have so much so much unrealized
potential mindset they don't know who they are so what happens is as the moon in our experience of life based on the analogy I just gave you instead of reflecting the light that is the source we attempt to reflect what we perceive other people perceive as light so we get our identity from the people around us instead of bringing our identity to the people around us so their lives can change is what I'm saying making any sense I I don't I don't mean to be like off in the weeds of the Ethereal but like mindset
has to change we our desire is our desire is for what we have to change I want to have a nicer house and a nicer car and a bigger bank account and then when you get those things you realize they're just those things I'm not saying there's anything wrong with those things I like a nice car better than old hoopie it's like it's better like I've had cars that break down on the side of the road in the middle the winter time and you wonder if you're going to live not an exaggeration I've had those
cars I've had I've lived in roach infested houses I know what that's like I know what it's like to buy all of my clothes for years from Amway good vet I mean Amway from Amway from what's it called Goodwill Amvets and the Salvation Army all my shoes all my clothes know it's like to buy a car for $50 from the junkyard put a couple of Parts on it and drive it across the country so I get the desire to have more right so an asset is something of value how can I provide you with value
if I don't know what you value how's that possible how's it possible for me to deliver value to you if I don't know what you value here's what most people do they go through life delivering what they value to other people and wanting other people to pay them for it and the other people don't even value it but you don't understand I work really hard digging this hole in the forest I know but I don't need a hole in the forest if the thing you created and just because you worked hard to create it doesn't
mean other people owe you for it the you are can I say this without sounding mean cuz I don't mean to be mean cuz I really do love y'all on YouTube and in this room I really do but but you are already being paid in direct proportion to the value that you are delivering to the people you're delivering it to if you desire to get more money get paid more money don't just deliver more of the same value figure out how you can deliver a higher level of value to a larger group of people in
a shorter period of time Tada Okay so mindset so when I say mindset what am I talking about because I could go into a rant for the next six hours on just these nine words on the board fascinating that there's nine words oh there's 10 that's fascinating too okay but I'm not going to go there I'm not going to chase rabbits right now what mindset is essential if you want to go from zero to millionaire that's a good question right what's the mindset I need to go from zero to millionaire discipline millionaire okay watch this
in order for me to make more money than I'm making my attitudinal beliefs about wealth must change okay so what do I change into what change from what so a lot of people have attitudinal beliefs about wealth that wealth is morally wrong let's don't pretend that people don't have that belief how many youall know somebody with that belief right how many of you at least used to have that belief like you make too much money something you got to be doing something wrong you must be doing something illegal right so we like we have this
belief that but if you have that belief you will never work to become something you despise right so you have an internal conflict and you don't even realize that the reason wealth creation is not working for you is because you are out of alignment with your own desires why because you believe you believe wealth is morally wrong I was thinking about people who say like I've heard many people say MLM is a scam right okay multi-level marketing is a scam that's what I heard people say now I don't personally believe that I don't believe that
at all I believe the reason people who believe multi-level marketing is a scam believe multi-level marketing is I don't believe it's the best business opportunity in the world either so let's don't get it twisted okay um but I believe the reason people believe it's a scam is because they believe that the most important and most valuable thing that you get from working is money and I submit to you that the least valuable thing you will get from working is money what else do you get like when I say that how many in your mind at
least a little bit you like well if it's not money what is it anybody thinking that right okay do you understand that's one of the ways they keep people poor by making them think that money is the primary benefit of work it's not even it's not even it's way down on the list it's a it's like the gravy on the I was going to say the gravy on the cake the gravy on the mashed potatoes it's like the it's like the icing on the cake like the money is just the money and I'm not saying
the money is not important it is important it's just not even close to the most important things so here's what I get out of working I get to develop a new skill when I work in a business I get to develop a whole lot of new skills so the skills that I learn while I'm building the business even if the business never makes me a lot of money the lessons that I learn and the skills that I develop are worth more than the money I make oh watch this the relationships that I buildt do you
know I have friends that I met through multi-level marketing 35 5 years ago that are still some of my closest friends today even though they don't do multi-level marketing anymore and I don't do multi-level marketing anymore but because I was in multi marketing and they were're in multi-level marketing we learn skills that didn't produce as much for us in multi-level marketing as they did in other Arenas but see one of the reasons multi-level marketing can be so beneficial and I'm not I'm not saying go do multi-level marketing that's not my point but my point is
to go find something that mimics multi-level marketing which is what apprenticeship and mentorship because when I think about some of the wealthy like I the first wealthy people I ever met were multi-level marketing people and I learn things from them that I not from things they said because more is caught than taught but from things I watched them do is what I'm saying making sense so but you've got to get rid of this idea that wealth is somehow inherently evil and um you got to your attitude and beliefs about wealth have to change so wealth
is not inherently evil you're not going to become a p worse person if you make more money unless you're already a terrible person then you will become a worse person if you make more money but if you're a decent human being more money is not going to make you a terrible human being okay y'all with me so you have to change your attitude and beliefs about money so if I have money it gives me options it gives me options about who I can help it gives me options about where to live what kind of car
I drive if I have more money I can buy a safer car for my family to live in I mean Drive in safer car for my family to drive in I can buy a nicer house for my family to live in there's nothing wrong with that that's perfectly normal okay if you don't understand what I'm talking about like go watch my video on the money be principle right how to like on it's something to be something to do with money bee where I teach about perturbation and how people don't like bees and bees don't like
people generally but bees are essential for people to stay alive do you realize like the work that you do produces so much byproduct that makes other people's lives better when I was poor my me just living my life doing stuff for me didn't make a whole lot of other people's lives better but guess what now that I make a lot of money oh I don't just buy raggedy cars from the junkyard anymore I buy nice cars and I take them to I have a car wash membership on all my cars except for my Rolls-Royce which
I pay somebody to come and wash it by hand and they charge me about $130 a week to wash my car so their life is better and all the people they buy stuff from their lives are better so there's a there's a butterfly effect when you make more money that impacts more people's lives than the lives than just the Charities that you give to and there's nothing wrong with giving to Charities I give to Charities so that's not the point you you you you have to understand that the more money you make the better the
world becomes whether intentionally or unintentionally because of you are y'all tracking okay so attitude and beliefs about wealth have to change awareness of the building blocks of wealth have to increase you have to become more aware of how wealth is created now here's what I recommend I recommend do a study do a wealth study do a study on how poor people think how rich people think and what's the difference do a study on what poor people do to make money and what rich people do to make money and do a study do a study on
um like what poor people accumulate and what rich people accumulate do a study like poor people accumulate televisions I'm not I'm I'm not trying to be funny I'm serious rich people accumulate books poor people entertain themselves rich people educate themselves are yall tracking is what I'm saying making sense okay by the way I don't read books to learn how to do something so I can make more money I read books so I can understand the way life works better because when I do that then I can work life better Okay cool so and then the
application of the business principles of well so all business principles don't produce wealth there are some businesses that struggle why because they don't understand the business principles that can produce wealth if you understood the if you own a business doesn't it make more sense if you're going to do business by the way building a business is way harder than just working a job and I don't me say just working a job like working a job is not important but like just because you're good at a job doesn't mean you'd be good at running that business
okay so you have to learn like your mindset about business has to change your mindset about making money for the purpose of spending it has to change like the make what if what if you stopped thinking that the purpose primary purpose of money was buying something and you started believing that the primary purpose of money is to turn it into more money you you You' you'd make it faster hold on to it longer and spend it slower if you like think about what I just said you'd make it faster hold on to it longer and
while you're holding on to it longer pre ideally multiply it and then spend it slower H there's a there's a concept okay so when your mindset changes and then you start perceiving wealth as an opportunity for you to do more good for the people that you love the most and the causes that you care about the most by the wait watch this now and yourself let's stop pretending that we only want to make more money for other people because here's the reality none of us like other people that much now let think about it like
if there's one parking space and there's two cars who do you want to get it you or the other guy now you're saying well I'll let them that's not my question who would you like to have it and see what we got to realize is we have to realize that self-interest is not always selfish okay I stopped riding a motorcycle when my children were small you know why because I was a motorcycle idiot say what's a motorcycle idiot one of those idiots who can't ride a motorcycle slow I couldn't ride it slow and if I
wasn't going 100 I wasn't on it right I I just and and then and I was thinking about me fastening my children in car seats when they were little kids I'm thinking to myself why am I fastening them in car seats I'm riding around on this motorcycle like an imbecile they need me more than I need them me staying alive is an imperative for their lives I said when if the Lord lets me make it home safe on this thing I ain't going to ride a 100 100 and I'm never getting on one again why
because I got these little beautiful goldens that are depending on me for their life yeah golden nuggets yeah so so I I've got to apply I've got to have the mindset that creating wealth through business here can I tell you something about business it's harder than having a job and and but one of the you know what remember if you start a business you know one of the most valuable things you'll get out of starting a business you will finally learn how to stop working for money what does that mean like you will work to
build something that doesn't pay you over a long period of time that book boss moose this book right here I wrote this book took me about a year and a half to write this book you know how much money I made while I was writing it off of this book none now this book this book is this book is an asset that income follows how much income follows I don't know about half a million dollars a year from this book these pieces of paper with these words on and these words came out my head are
y'all tracking what I'm saying this isn't this is I'm the re God's The Source I'm the resource this is the asset that I created okay yard tracking okay so we got mindset now skill set the most important skill set that you can skill sets that you can develop in order for you to create wealth number one is you must develop the skill set of how to discover value this is what I mean when I say stop trying to be more interesting be more interested see when we meet people you can tell whether you're interested or
interesting by whether or not you're making statements or asking questions if you're making statements you're attempting to be interesting but people who are seeking to be interesting are boring CU they just want to talk about themselves oh and then I did this and then I shut up but what if they said well what about this what about that so how's this how's that how's your family hey hey how's life treating you and like but not just asking as a series of questions you can check what if you actually cared about their answer like you actually
cared about their answer like it mattered one of the biggest problems a lot of entrepreneurs have is they don't have enough empathy you don't you don't have enough others care you don't care about what you like you you see people as a stepping stone discover value so now if I'm going to talk about value discover value okay what is value where does value come from like I hate it when somebody says something and it's not clear or it's only semi clear and then I spend the rest of my day like they said that but when
so so is it okay if I show share with y'all really quickly where value comes from like not where like where how I can discover what you value like how you can discover what I value or other people value so that you can deliver that value and they'll pay you for it y'all ready here we go value comes from past perceived um past perceived voids create present perceived values what does that mean things that you feel like we missing in the past are things that you seek in the present oh so what do you feel
like you've been missing your whole life go out and ask people so what do you feel like is missing in your life well the three the big three right health wealth relationships right either either i' like to be healthier than I am I'd like to be wealthier than I am or I'd like to have more or better relationships than I have right so so but then start asking people questions about like why they don't have like why those things are missing like so what why do you feel like it's so hard for you to have
um make more money well because there no jobs okay so is it possible that maybe there's another way to make money other than having a job is that possible sure well what would that way be do you see what I'm saying so you ask you have to ask questions and care about the answers enough to be able to develop value you can't develop for Val you can't de deliver value to someone until you discover what's valuable to that someone so past perceived voids create present pursued values past perceived violations create present pursued virtues what does
that mean like if somebody has done something intentionally bad to you in the past it causes you to Value the protection that keeps that from happening to you again in the present amen can I get a witness so what we have to do is we have to understand there are do you understand the thing that you went through or the things that you went through you went through so that you could help the millions of people that you were created to serve in the first place and if you hadn't gone through that you wouldn't be
able to help them because you don't even know what you don't even know how they feel it blows my mind people who have never invested in themselves to learn a new skill go out and create an offer so-called and then they wonder why nobody wants to buy it from them because you can't even feel what that person feels like when they buy something because you've never bought something to make your life better so you don't you can't even address how they feel if they say yes while they're contemplating saying yeah you can't even talk to
that why because you've never done it right and you hate salespeople why because most of the sales people that you've encountered in your life were terrible and they didn't know how to sell so you don't like salespeople why because you believe that selling is convincing somebody to do something you don't want to do to buy something they don't want to buy for more money than they can afford and they don't care about the thing anyway but that's not selling that's convincing convincing is when I attempt to get you to do something I desire you to
do for my reasons persuasion or selling is when I help you make a decision you already desire to make for your own reasons guess what I don't care what you sell as long as it's something that creates value for another human being there are already thousands maybe tens of thousands maybe hundreds of thousands maybe millions of people in the world who would already love to buy what you'd already love to sell if they only knew you existed but they don't know you exist because I'm going to get to that and by the way some of
you saying I wish you get to the point already right that's your problem you don't know the answer and you think you know how somebody who knows the answer should deliver the answer but if it if the answer made sense to you you'd already be doing it you wouldn't be watching this video in the first place okay I'm none of this is I'm not I don't have any filler here by the way this is the most important part okay so so values people people's values come from past perceived voids create Pres pursued values past perceiv
violations create present pursued values so things like if you've been done wrong in the past you will work hard to protect yourself and others from that happening to them in the future okay number three present perceived virtues create present perceived values in other words things that you perceive are good right now are things that you seek right now does that make sense so if I like for me I'm 63 and so to me like being physically strong is important to me like physic strong why because I know that as we get older if we get
weaker it increases the rate at which death shows up at our door what does that mean did you know there's a direct correlation between grip strength was it you that told me about walking speed yes and walking speed to longevity of Life why because when people get old they can't hold hold anything anymore if they fall they can't catch themselves like we need like strength flexibility Mobility endurance all those things are important to me so guess what I do I work on them every day and I measure them every day why because I want to
make sure that I move my body I just I want to make sure I move my I don't want to look I don't want to be strong so I can look strong I want to be strong so I can be strong if I happen to look strong that's a bonus are y'all tracking okay so that's something I value which is why like I've invested all of this money and time and effort and energy into this stuff that makes me stronger okay you are tracking um it's why I eat one meal a day because it makes
me stronger my body's not spending all day digesting food it just has like a little six-h hour window maybe I think might even be a 5 hour five or six hour window like the glucose spike is only going to go up for five or six hours and after that it's a wrap okay so you have to De pre why because that's one of my present perceived virtues now lastly this is why you are watching right now this is why you are here right now because future perceived Visions create present pursued values so there's something I
can see for myself and the people I love in the future so I am willing to work very hard for that right now even if it takes a long time to get here do you understand let's say let's say it takes you 10 years to go from where you are to Millionaire right yall ready for the new slash 10 years is going to go by anyway whether you become a millionaire or not so I might as well do it if that's an objective of you if it's not an objective as yours it could be something
else because a millionaire is just somebody else's arbitrary standard millionaire billionaire like and I don't y'all have heard me say this before but I'll say it again I don't set goals I think it's a very good way to frustrate yourself I have objectives that I'm working towards but when I make it a goal then it has to be done by this time and I don't get to control the times and the seasons I just to get to control how faithful I am in the process and the times and the seasons take care of themselves because
everything's beautiful in his time not mine okay so I discover value I find out what y'all value then I go create something develop something I'll write a book or I'll create an invent an invention or I'll develop a coaching program or whatever the thing is that I do it's so amazing how everything works in Cycles like when electric cars came out they were all the rage now there are people like I don't want an electric car right I don't the inconvenience of charging my car for people who drive long distances for people who live in
town like I could do fine in an electric car I could do fine cuz I don't I don't go anywhere like my one of my cars is like a 2018 it has like 20 1,000 miles on it another car is like a two 2021 it's got like 27,000 miles I don't go anywhere in a car s around Tampa feels like it's way far like Tampa's an hour from Tampa sometimes right okay so so so you you until you discover what people value you can't deliver value to them I mean you can't develop value for them
so I discover what's valuable then I develop something valuable and then I deliver that value now here's what's really cool you can develop a transformational solution for people that you sell for $20 why $20 well because if it's only $20 it's easy to create and if it's only $20 it's easy to sell or it could be $200 again easy to create easy to sell or it could be $2,000 a little more challenging to create but not hard not as hard as some of the stuff you're already doing right and so so what happens is I
need to develop some kind of transformational mechanism for other people that helps them get from where they are to where they desire to be now when I just when I develop that transformational mechanism I have to make sure I give it a name that they understand not a name that I understand that makes them think I'm smart and they're dumb that's why it's so important not to say things like well I help people overcome past trauma what well there's there's that's not clear if the transformation is not clear then the trans action won't happen it
won't happen there's nothing wrong with helping people overcome trauma there's just a better way to say it what kind of trauma was I in a car accident did I like what kind of trauma like I I help people with their mental health what does that mean that's not so let me can I give youall some components of how to describe the value you create in a way that makes it desirable by other people is that okay say that's okay okay here it is number one it must be measured meble what does measurable mean there's a
clear before and a clear after before the transformation it was this but after the transformation it'll be this what does that mean I help people like if it's in the arena of Health I help people go from weak and sickly to strong and vital right oh okay I know what that means right if if if it's in their area of relationships I show people who feel unattractive how to feel more attractive so people perceive them as attractive so they can develop the relationships they desire to have right so I'm I'm I'm talking in plain English
third to fifth grade language not a bunch of promeal gated esoteric conuts okay so if I'm talking about wealth I show people who are making six figures how to make seven and seven how to make eight I show people how to how to how to how to leave the nine to-5 Rat Race and create a financial life that they love do you see what I'm saying you got to learn how to talk in ways that don't impress people but impact people okay y with me okay so um so number one it needs to be measurable
number two it needs to be desirable by the way not something you desire them to have something they desire to have talk to people about results they desire so no you don't understand I'm the greatest like mind ET coach I help you with your mindset okay what does that mean it's not that's not measurable right now it may be desirable if I'm already thinking that but what I want to do when I'm talking to you about a transformation I can help you have it's I want to join the conversation you already got going on in
your Noggin I don't want you to join the conversation I got going on in mine because then I got to teach you a whole new language a whole new way of think okay cool so it needs to be desirable number three it needs to be believable they need to believe that you have the ability to help them get that transformation by the way why does it need to be measurable because what the what they're going to pay you with is money and money is always measurable you count the money if you can count the money
and you can't if you can't count the transformation you can count on the fact that a transfer that a transaction will not happen are youall tracking okay so measurable desirable means they desire it it needs to be believable which means you need to be congruent remember I said earlier you can lie with your words but your energy always tells the truth you have to believe in the transformation you're proclaiming because if you don't they will be able to tell and you have to believe that you can get it not just for you but you have
to believe that you can get it for them otherwise they can tell and then you got to make sure you look the part you got to make sure that as my brother Jeff said to me a long time ago probably 30 something years ago he said May I'm going to tell you something everything about you says to your client either buy from me or don't buy from me you can't afford to have anything say don't buy from me like okay got it right and then lastly it needs to be statable in a sound bite you
need to be able to say it in a way that's succinct like people aren't going to listen to you give them a word salad or a drunk AOG like well um what I do is I help people get in touch with their inner being and nope they check out they don't tell you to but one of the reasons if if you're not clear one of the reasons people check out is because they don't want you to know they feel stupid when you say something they don't understand they're not going to say well I don't understand
what you mean because that'll make them feel stupid so what they say instead is no I don't need that right now and what they're doing is protecting their own selfworth and their own mind now so he talked about assets we talked about I'm sorry we talked about assets a little bit we talked about mindset we talked about uh skill sets by the way what are some of the skill sets I'm talking about in business they are they are lead generation creating a core product core product offer by the way did you know you don't have
to create a product there's this thing called affiliate marketing you can literally like go find an offer that somebody else has created offer their offer and get paid as much as 50 to 70% of the money you get paid for making the sale my top affiliate makes between 8,000 and $ 35 $36,000 a month that's how much money he makes selling my stuff to people he knows what so I know I I make an extra seven figures a year selling other people's offers parttime so I'm not giving you Theory I'm once I get done with
all this I'm going to give you the math and then I'm going to be like pharaoh and let God people go okay so I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm do I have time to do this I'm going to make time to do it okay so the first thing you got to do if you want people if you want to if you want to be able to sell you have to have somebody to sell to if you have an offer let's say you found an offer somewhere out there in the world maybe you're an affiliate for
me or you're an affiliate for Russell Brunson or you're affiliate for um ClickBank it doesn't matter you have to have somebody to sell to it doesn't you have an offer and you don't have an audience it doesn't matter so how do you create an a like where do you get these people you have to create content what does that mean 7114 D um Daniel Priestley again Robin dun Daniel Priestley said Robin Dunbar he said people only have the ability to focus on so many things at a time you only have the ability to focus on
so many people at a time we got the people in our family our family Circle then we have our friend Circle right we got our family Circle we got our friend Circle and then our acquaintance Circle and then after that we're like I'm I'm out of bandwidth but then he talked about this thing called um um I forgot what he called it social something where we believe like we know people because we've seen them on television or we've seen them in magazines so we feel like we know them right and so uh we feel like
we have this relationship based on people that we've seen even though we never talked to them we never heard I mean we heard them we know what they look like so if we see oh there the go so and so hey how you doing so and so can I take a picture we have do that because we've consumed their content over a period of time so Watch What Happens Robin Dunbar said 7114 people need to spend 7 hours with you have 11 interactions on four different platforms and then they feel like they know you like
you and trust you then they'll buy from you so here's what he said he said this is what you want to do you want to make sure that you have a deep enough pool of content for people to wait around in not wait around in weade around in this pool of content before they meet you so that when they meet you there's less resistance so let me ask you a question is there if I if let's say I got the day off today I've got the day off or any one of these other people in
this room have the day off do you have seeven and I want to binge watch you like people binge watch Netflix do you have seven hours of content on the internet that I could watch today right because if you don't like you are the hurdle right but I don't like how I look on camera okay keep judging yourself or you can just put out contents that's helpful to people and then they won't care how you look one of the most remarkable humans I've ever met is a guy named GWT have have youall ever heard of
Glen W Turner anybody in here ever heard of Glen W Turner okay Glenn W Turner had a p CL pallet and he ha like n this guy was one of the most successful motivational speakers in the 70s built a $68 million a year seminar business and he talk like because he want show self-conscience about what people thought him about how he thought mindblowing dude I'm like this joke ain't playing and if you watch like if you go home and look up I'm I'm saying he's remarkable because he overcame something that was apparent to everyone and
because he didn't care they didn't care you're so caught up on like my head's too big you think your head's too big my nickname is bige head my brothers call me bige head to this day they call they say what's up big head no bige head don't even do like literally why cuz my head was this size when I was in first grade like my head like I see pictures of me when I was a little kid and I say oh that's why they called me big heads like I had this little bitty body and
this like Sherman people I can stand on my head without using any arms no I couldn't really but that's that's how it felt right and so so you got to stop worrying about how you think other people are going to receive you and just create content that's valuable by the way when you first start creating content it's going to be terrible but guess what when you first started to learn how to walk all you did was fall down what would you do well you know this walking thing ain't working I think I'll just let my
Mama carry me for the rest of the month no okay you got to create content number two um you have to attract an audience and that's what creating content does it attracts an audience you you must attract your audience do you understand that because you're you because you're not Tony Robbins because you're not myON Goldman because you're not Russell Brunson because you're not some you're not because you're not Robert Green there are people who will be able to relate to you better than any other person in the world and they're waiting for you to show
up but you're hiding because there's things about you that you think you don't like because you thought other people didn't like it you're still going around believing that you aren't who your third grade teacher told you you aren't or who your guidance C counselor told you you aren't you're so familiar with your identity you can't recognize your identity okay y'all get it so you attract your audience okay why you can't attract your audience if you don't publish you don't make what you know who you are and how you can help public that's what polish means
right okay so create an create content attract an audience build a brand and not just a brand a personal brand I love the idea of a personal brand I would tell you the story but I'll just tell you in a sentence when I learned how to sell I thought selling was the master key and I thought people who talked about marketing talked about marketing because they didn't know how to sell and then I learned how to do marketing and I thought oh marketing is the actual ma master key and then I heard people talk about
branding I'm like Branch man people were talking about branding because they're not good at sales and they don't know how to do marketing and then I accidentally built a brand without even trying and then I realized oh building a brand is the bees knees it's the cats me out it's Theo like it's the game so here's what I mean when I say build a brand okay did did you know the number one reason people say yes or no to an offer is not the price not the product the number one reason people say yes or
no to an offer is be based on who brought it to them what yeah it's the number one reason hi my name is joeo from COK I'm looking to hav start a mentorship program and we're looking for 12 people that click I don't know Jo Mo from cook don't know phone rings you answer your phone hello yeah yeah this is Damon John hey this is Kevin o from Shark Tank yeah um we're looking to build a uh a mentorship program we're looking for 12 entrepreneurs your business came across our radar would you like to be
considered as one of those yes not how much is it not how long will it take not where do I have to go not what do I have to do not what do I have to stop doing it's just yes why because of who brought it to you so if that's the case this is what building a personal brand means here's what it means yall ready everybody say I'm ready okay here we go here's what building personal brand means it means that you are becoming the person that people are willing to say yes to before
they know what the offer is okay so lastly is offering your offers now here's what happens when you offer your offers I'm going to do it really really quickly if your offer like mine was used to be a long time ago is a $20 book I'm going to get the $20 book I wrote this book I wrote this book from the trash man to the Cashman I wrote this book what is this 2025 2006 I wrote This Book 19 years years ago so I want you to think about what I'm saying now I want you
really let it settle in when I while I was writing the book I didn't get paid at all now I wrote this book in two in about two days three days I wrote this book in three days had it published within 45 days had to get the book cover designed all that so I had it published within 45 days while I was writing the book I didn't make any money can you work on something for 45 days without getting paid can you work on something for a year without getting paid to build a system I
wrote this book why did I write from the trash man to the cash man cuz I was a trash man I drove a garbage truck for $625 an hour that's what I did during the day guess what I did at night I went out at night and had appointments to sell Financial Services insurance and Investments mutual funds life insurance okay this book that I wrote 19 years ago makes me $8 to 12,000 a month 19 years later I have not it's probably been a good 17 years since I've read it but it doesn't matter this
is an asset that income can follow this now we've sold about 175,000 copies of this book okay cool watch this to make a million dollars all you have to do is make 50,000 sales of a product that makes you $20 profit now I'm going I I'll do that part of the math for you in a minute just so you know I'm I'm not trying to hide anything from you okay if you multiplying two numbers that end in zero 5 * 2 is 10 okay that we're okay and then you count the zeros 1 2 3
4 5 1 2 3 4 5 oh boom Tada I sold 50,000 books now you say Mar how do you how do you sell 50,000 books write the book you got to get started somewhere write the book but while you're writing the book start building the platform see the book this book you know what this book is this book is a path this this this is my journey that I'm taking you on this is not my journey this is the journey that I'm taking you on you know why I called it from the trash man
to the cash man this is not my story here's why here's why I called from the trash man to the cash man because you believe you're smarter than a trash man so if the trash man became the cash man you know you're going to get rich that's the implication are y'all tracking okay so wrote this book now watch this I found out that oh by the way you you're some of you probably thinking yeah but if you sell the book for $20 you don't make $20 on it I actually make about $24 on it even
though I only sell it for 20 how's that possible well cost me about let's let's do the math okay so you know I'm not keeping anything from cost me about $3 to print this book right and it cost me about $3 to ship it okay that's six we charge $10 $9.99 to ship it for shipping and handling because I got to pay somebody to ship it out so if I subtract 3 plus three is six If I subtract six that's $4 if I add $4 to the purchase price which is 20 every time I sell
a $20 book I make $24 profit okay just wanted to make like I'm not I'm not I'm not hyperbolizing anything you I don't want to pay you $299.99 Cent to have it Shi in hand don't buy the book or buy it on Amazon it's only $9.99 for the ebook and you can read the ebook I just don't like reading ebooks but other people do so I made one okay so like there's all the transparency okay so watch what happens if I'm multiplying two numbers that end in zero I multiply two numbers 10 I count the
zeros but guess what happens if I move this zero off the back of that number and put it on the back of that number the answer stays the same if I create a $200 product maybe it's an audio program and I sell it for $200 y'all remember um Simon Schuster audio um but what's that other place um n Nightingale conut from back in the day they used to sell cassette tapes okay cool $200 I only have to sell 5,000 that's one tenth of the work to make the same amount of money what but what if
I move another zero I have a $2,000 home study course it's got manuals it's got work workbooks it's got videos it's got audios I sell it for 2,000 I only have to do one/ 100th of the original work and I make the same this is why it's easier to make a lot of money in a short period of time they just make a little money over a long period of time because if I sell $500 of a $2,000 offer that's a million dollar 500 is 10 a week for 50 weeks out of a 52- we
year 10 a week is two a day five days a week you can have weekends off and have a two- week vacation and still make a million dollar a year but what if I take another zero and I move that and I'm have a $20,000 Mastermind I only need to make 50 sales a year that's one a week we have a $27,000 Mastermind that has about 180 people in it we have $55,000 Mastermind that averages between 80 and 100 people a year I have a $350,000 Mastermind that averages about 12 to 18 people a year
I have a million-dollar Mastermind last year we had three people in that million dollar Mastermind say what are you saying I'm saying that if I can sell something for a million dollars you can sell something for 20 or 200 maybe even 2,000 and maybe you're not comfortable enough past 2,000 okay get on the journey you say Mar I don't have an offer guess what I do this thing called the make more offers challenge right and I'm and I'm I'm I'm landing the plane now but watch this I do this thing called the make more offers
challenge the tickets for that for the general admission are $97 I'm not going to write that no okay the the general Miss Mission tickets for that are $97 the VIP tickets are $297 the the VIP Platinum tickets are $797 the ma we max out at 40 of these now here's what happens if you become an affiliate and you sell either one of these we sell these nobody else sells those but us so if you sell either one of these if you sell that you get half the money if you sell that you get half the
money as an affiliate all you got to do is get sign up as an affiliate it's free doesn't cost anything people who believe in it have taken it they become an affiliate they send emails to their to the audience they're building and it doesn't need to be my offer it could be somebody else's if you think I'm just trying to get Affiliates we have thousands of Affiliates I like if I never get another one would be okay I pay out between 20 and $60,000 a month in affiliate commissions to the people who sell my offers
for me like I'm not I'm not trying to recruit you to sell my stuff I'm just telling you this is how this is how the game works it works better than selling your time for money this is how to go like you want you want to do like what's step by step if you don't have an offer become an affiliate for somebody with an offer build an audience through the content that you create and then constantly refer those people now here's the here's the caveat when you're creating content make sure that you do 10 pieces
this is this is you can do less than 10 you can do five but Ian at least 10 pieces of content that just serves people which I call Community Service content where you're not selling anything and then one for every one promotion you do of an offer I'm telling you if you will do this it will change the game for you and you too can discover how to create wealth for your family hope this was helpful stay blessed by the best and we'll see you on the next video bye for now