How to Learn to Love Yourself with Peter Crone - Genius Life Podcast

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Max Lugavere
Peter Crone is The Mind Architect—a writer, speaker, and thought leader in human potential who works...
Video Transcript:
dope it's open dean i felt like i feel like we're kind of on a date and i want to hold your hands but i'm not sure we're at that stage yet let's hold hands kind of feels like a thing to do with you i don't know i'm a very loving guy you are a loving guy yeah thanks for being here and it's not our first date so i feel like it's appropriate yeah it's not our first it's not our first time we've hung out we have um but i'm psyched to have you here dude genius
live studios welcome genius to be here thank you we've we've discussed this on and off for a little while so yes here we are and you've been doing the rounds you've been on a bunch of shows that some of my friends host and you know i mean i knew that you were a brilliant guy but my friends are like oh my god have him on the show he's like just mind blowing so just totally set me up for disappointment disappointment brilliant guy and cut that's so funny my strategy thank you i find that my strategy
in life is to over prom is to is to under promise and over deliver yeah that's the key to leaving people satisfied so you just did the exact opposite for me you mean yeah unfortunately okay sorry brilliant and let's see how we uh walk out of here all right yeah well no i i appreciate it and equally you know to whoever said those kind words about me it's it's been fun and i certainly have received a lot of love and uh acknowledgement along the way and seems to be transforming people's lives so i'll keep going
love it so you you describe yourself professionally as a mind architect is that correct that's yeah that's the monika that seems to be sticking yes i've had that for quite a while i've never seen that on a business card that's a pretty cool title yes it was sort of the mother of necessity you know when you have to invent something because i felt everything else was contaminated so i'd been called a happiness guru a spiritual teacher hitman for the ego that stuck around for a minute wow um but it's it's i just like the fact
that it didn't have any inherent meaning you know so if someone would say oh what do you do i'm a mind architect it's going to inspire some curiosity right it's not like oh he's a spiritual teacher and then you have this vision of me walking around with robes feathers and coconut oil which i do on the weekend weekends um no so it was just it was just a beautiful i i looked at obviously my main focus is what's going on between the ears for people because i assert that that's what drives all of human behavior
and consequently our results and people want to have better results so you better understand your actions and if you want to understand your actions you have to know what's driving them so mind was certainly appropriate and then architecture was really speaking to these tenant improvements that i do for people so i recognize we have these primal patterns of survival just by virtue of being human and for the most part they're sort of deleterious to the effects of what we want to achieve in life and so if we can change our programming then we get better
outcomes so i was like who doesn't want that that's amazing yeah and how did you realize that you had an aptitude for the work that you do i mean like you just you've always had like the gift of insight away with words like how did you come to be who you are today it's i mean it's been a genesis over time i would assert yes from a very young age i was i make a very powerful distinction i think it's powerful because i came up with it so of course it's because i'm brilliant of course
of course you are um i make a distinction i like to make distinctions so the difference between being vigilant and observant is one of the ones that i share with people so from a very young age i would have said i was very vigilant and the subtle difference between the two is the energy of fear so vigilance contains within it the power of observation right we're sort of looking out we're scanning our environment but from a vigilant perspective we're doing it for self-preservation reasons right we're anticipating potential threats pure observation has got a presence about
it um it's just i'm one with my environment and my surroundings and i'm aware there's no underlying agenda or sort of self-preservation um concern so when i was very young i was very vigilant because my parents passed when i was quite young so just just like anybody who has lost their care providers their caregivers there's going to be some concern for your own existence so um i was always very aware and very observant and i would assert pretty bright but now it had this sort of undercurrent of like oh am i going to be okay
so i think i learned to be very sensitive to my environment and then at some point i switched into just being observant because i realized there was nothing to fear other than what my own mind was anticipating as a potential threat which was self-generated and i realized that's pretty futile and exhausting so let me stop doing that so it was over a period of time but to answer your question yes i i had a lot of observational skills um they just you know the energy beneath them has just transmuted over time got it yeah so
what so what is it that you what is what is it specifically that you can offer listeners you know who are tuned in right now because i feel like a lot of people are living today in a state of fear especially now yeah yeah fear has definitely been heightened and i've done a couple of videos that were on my instagram feed and the first one i was talking about when this whole covert thing you know came to our awareness as i said covet isn't actually creating any fear it's just revealing the fear that it's already
there and it's a very again subtle but i think you know it's an empowering way to look at it which is there's no outside boogie monster you know which is people running around in complete terror that they're going to be attacked by this invisible virus it's almost like you know depending on where we go with this conversation it's the perfect adversary right because you can't see it so everyone is like looking out in perpetual fear like you're walking down a street and somebody sees you coming and they go to the other side of the street
this is all psychological right and people sitting in their cars with a mask by themselves i mean it just is absolutely from my perspective asinine right but it's because they've been told that there's this boogie monster to fit so what i can help people to understand is that they are generating their own experience of life right there is if we keep it very simple there are the circumstances of reality and then there's our subconscious narrative about it and there's no suffering in reality now if you really just get that that's freedom right so again there's
reality with all of the circumstances your bank account your body weight your relationship your job whatever's going on with your health and then there is what you're basically saying about it most of which is automated because of your subconscious patterns and it's in the dialogue in the narrative that all of the suffering and the emotions exist the circumstances are just what they are i'm not saying they're easy i'm not condoning some of them i'm not saying that you want them but there's actually no problem even someone right now is getting diagnosed with cancer right which
is a hefty subject my mom passed when i was seven of cancer but there's no actual problem with cancer cancer is cancer and we don't know what that means right to whatever degree whatever stage if the oncologist would have come in and say oh i'm sorry to tell you you know your tumor came back it's malignant and then you're like oh you freak out but if he was then like the next morning to come and say oh i forgot to tell you you're going to be fine in four months then you see it sort of
offsets all of the reaction which is a fear of a future that hasn't happened yet but the mind tends to default to worst case scenario so if you just start to understand that mechanism there's some freedom to be found right which is one of my quotes i say past hurt informs future fear so whether we've had failures disappointments in relationships work finance health the brain tends to predict and project so now it's trying to anticipate the opposite of whatever it is that you've had that hurt or at worst you know perpetuate it because you're just
always trying to avoid it so this is where the sort of self-fulfilling prophecies that most people live in are so abundant so that's kind of what i help people to see is not so much give solutions but recognize the way it works it's like oh i'm creating all of my own suffering and i'm not saying that their circumstances are easy but they are what they are it's like yoda you know it's like do or do not there is no try right like if there's something that you don't like handle it or don't but like just
to sit there and get upset about it doesn't do either and it just leaves you as a victim of your circumstance not realizing you're the one actually creating that experience yeah i mean to to to some people that are like maybe you know financially strapped or overweight and struggling with their health like yeah isn't a lot of what you're saying easier said than done all of it yeah i would say all of it is easier said than done but i think it's still empowering to understand the mechanism right because otherwise it's not only your life
circumstances challenging but you also don't know why you get upset right i'd much rather okay my life circumstances are challenging and now i have some insight to recognize well i'm the one actually creating all of my emotional suffering which as you know the psychological cascades into the emotional body that cascades into the physiological body so if i'm sick then invariably to me it's because if that was perpetuated over time from an emotional state of dis-ease the absence of ease that eventually your body's just going to wear down and express itself and manifest in some sort
of sickness so i'm not denying that a lot of people especially right now dealing with a lot of hardship but if we could at least remove the component of the formula that is creating suffering and hardship right yeah otherwise it's a lost loss right it's like okay well the circumstances aren't ideal and now we start to look at it a lot more objectively versus having this personified woe as me on top of hardship so you're saying that we can basically will ourselves out of perpetual fear out of perpetual stress yeah i wouldn't use the word
will we could but a lot of people will their way through life right they will themselves to the gym they will themselves to a job but i would say that is a sympathetic response to life right that's a fight or flight mechanism and a lot of people get outcomes you know like athletes corporations they will will their way into deals often at the expense of others so first of all you could look at it from a perspective of it's not very you know harmonious way to live life with others because usually you'll do it at
any expense as we're seeing right now in the world like there doesn't seem to be any actual care for society um and in terms of your your nervous system if i'm in a state of will it's sort of the energy is more forceful right so i like to look at something more from a perspective of grace and ease and harmony and flow so rather than trying to will yourself to do it i would recognize okay well what's in the way of you getting what you want or being in action in the way that you assert
you'd like to be it's um you know one of my catchphrases i say i don't solve people's problems i dissolve them because if you're trying to solve something you're actually subtly reinforcing the belief that there is a problem in the first place so that's the vicious cycle whereas i'm saying there's nothing wrong with you but allow me to show you what's in the way of you realizing that what what do you tend to find um when talking to people like what what are those what do those obstacles tend to be for people um i mean
some of the ones that everyone can relate to i mean i'm actually i've delineated what i assert at 10 you know which is what i'm going to write about in my book which i'm hoping will be sort of complete around the end of the year but let's just discuss one maybe two which are very commonplace which is the feeling of inadequacy or in lay terms i'm not enough right and that's common very common i think everyone can relate to that even some of my most successful clients you know regardless of what they've attained and achieved
externally and they may not be wanting for anything financially or in terms of their status but there's still this internal human aspect of insufficiency and inadequacy and oftentimes their success has become a compensation for that right so oftentimes the person who has garnered financial security and some sort of status in the in the in the marketplace has done that as a way of adapting to feeling inadequate and then they wonder why they have all of the trappings but they still can't sleep or they still can't find a good relationship or their kids don't relate to
them so not enoughness is i would say more of a pandemic than the current virus wow that's so interesting and do men and women experience not enoughness the same or or different that's a great question i've never actually been asked that question i would this is the way i'd phrase it they experience it the same but they they adapt to it in different ways so the fundamentals so if we look at each other as beings right without getting too esoteric so this meat suit is a way that i sort of interact it's my interface with
with society in the world right it's it's through tactility smell all my senses that i get to have an interface with the world but the being that i certainly am is i would say is the same as the being that anyone is right in terms of the inherent qualities of love and freedom and peace i i'm saying these are the the characteristics of somebody's soul boundless and then we look through this lens of limitation so from that perspective the experience for male or female is the same but women because of their sort of tendency towards
nurturance it's going to exacerbate the quality of wanting to be loved and accepted as a compensation through the qualities of people-pleasing subservience you know sexuality is where a lot of women have to put they feel their emphasis on in terms of garnering value right so for women it's sort of that bucket and including beauty right there's way more pressure on a woman as it relates to her appearance and her outfits which is why the fashion industry skews more to the feminine what does the male tend towards well you know these are primal patterns right so
if he feels inadequate then the compensation pattern is more around strength right performance and this is where we see so much competition which can show up in aggression right so the women are going to be more kind of catty and whereas the guys are going to be just more in your face but the underlying driving force is still fear that i'm in competition with somebody and now why are we in competition because the primal pattern is sort of sustaining the species and propagating my genes right that's pure survival so if the guy isn't the strongest
and the girl isn't the prettiest well now you've got the threat that you're not actually going to be part of the tribe and you're going to be left out in the wilderness to die now that all may seem pretty melodramatic but that's energetically what's actually going on at a primal level and people can sort of superimpose it on their own environments right like their their club their their company their like their church group whatever it is there's still these these sort of mini tribes that we all experience and if you get excommunicated because you don't
quite fit in or you're not good enough that's a threat to your existence as it feels now it's not actually a threat to your existence there's eight plus billion people you'll find another club don't get me don't worry about it you know so but but in terms of the energy yes the male and female it's just a horrible feeling right feeling inadequate feeling not enough and then that manifests in all sorts of ways in the body right so that to me is sickness you know or dis-ease that's why i love that word dis-ease the absence
of ease will eventually cascade into our physiology and manifest in some form of actual sickness so super interesting isn't it yeah i mean well it just to me why i love it is because as i said earlier i'm not solving people's problems i'm dissolving because by the time you get to something that is actually symptomatic this is why again i have issue with the current system it's uh you know called the healthcare system it's not a healthcare system at all now that's not to say that we don't need it but it's a sick care system
right the doctors are specialists in problems they're not specialists in health like you and i are passionate and fastidious about health optimization we have like near infrared lights in our house i have a hyperbaric chamber you know it's like we do sauna cold plunge we know sort of qualities of food and getting sunlight and ground like all of these aspects to me are what actually propagate health and inspire health if i'm in a car accident i'll be the first to say yes please take me to the er and then i'll be the first equally to
send flowers and cards to the doctors and nurses that save my life yeah but that system has got nothing to do with health right so this is why i find this work fascinating because even if you go and see a psychiatrist or a psychologist invariably the person the client the patient is looking for help with their anxiety their depression their addiction and then there's going to be the string of like fix-it solutions as it relates to whatever you think your issue is without actually getting to why do you think you have an issue in the
first place because to me the manifestation of a symptom is a byproduct of the deeper programming of your identity so if who you are using that i'm not enough is that then you have no choice but to either you buy right into it right so if i'm not enough and i actually buy into my own identity then i'm going to be drawn to habits that are like very self self-abusive because that's in keeping it's a direct extension they're sort of inextricably connected if who i am is x then i have to think that way feel
that way and behave that way and therefore the outcomes are going to be inextricably connected to how i started which is i'm not enough so then it becomes a beautiful reinforcing feedback loop conversely what a lot of people do is they think they are a certain way which is a and not something negation i'm not enough i'm not wanted and then they'll try and disprove it so it might look good that the guy who's or the girl who's going to the gym all the time and is in great shape but oftentimes that behavioral adaptation is
still in reaction to a compensation so instead of like buying into it maybe becoming an addict and homeless the same mechanism at the deep subconscious level led somebody else to a different habit that on the surface looks better and may even afford them a better life but as from my perspective in terms of spiritual evolution neither of them have gone anywhere it's like it's it's like the same it's like they're both prisons but the jail cells look different perfect yeah once one's got like beautiful like fairy lights around the bars yeah i want to talk
to you about how we can each um progress to a feeling of enoughness uh but before we get into that yeah um have you ever encountered people online like today there is this people have weaponized the term privilege um and i'm just curious if you have any thoughts on this like you were talking about the fact that we are in a place in life where we can prioritize our health right we sun ourselves regularly we exercise regularly we you know we have a significant um proportion of the real estate in our minds to be able
to dedicate to health and wellness and some some people that i've encountered online would say check your privilege you know not everybody has the ability to do that you know some people are working paycheck to paycheck or unemployed at the moment and yeah you know in the sense of like maslow's hierarchy of needs right which i'm sure you're familiar with like how is it that people are able to kind of even put their health you know to set their wellness as a priority yeah when they don't even have like safety yeah you know no it's
a beautiful question and i think it's a much bigger conversation you know like because to me you could look at my own life and i think you know that's often the best place that we have any frame of reference and you could say okay only child mom dies when he's seven of cancer dad goes to work one day when he's 17 never comes back because he dies in a boating accident and you could equally go oh wow that kid had it tough so but then if someone were to look at my life now they could
equally ascribe the word privileged to me so but i've never been given a penny i've worked my ass off to get where i am right so that's not to say that you know i haven't had fortuitous encounters along the way but then at what level is that something that karmically i've attracted based on you know in very kind of superficial ways a positive outcome you know or being nice to people so you know there's so many factors of the pie in terms of where we are today that i think it's it's naive to just point
at somebody as though you are or you're not privileged without understanding the myriad of factors that went into who you are as a human being starting with the dna of your parents how were you raised how were you spoken to were you raised by one parent who had three jobs and maybe the other parent was in jail or maybe the parent you were raised by was a crack addict or were you raised again maybe by a single parent who just had a positive disposition and gave you the impression that it doesn't matter everything's possible and
you make your own luck you know it's it's so hard to say what i would ask people to really consider is to drop the judgment because you know that energy is disharmonious it is the it is born of the illusion of separation if i have judgment of anybody then i have to be looking from the perspective of self right me and what's in it for me or how does this affect me and as long as i'm looking through the lens of separation then it doesn't matter you're disconnected from life and without sounding again too polyamorous
but it's like until we get that we are literally united and connected and all in this together i hate that expression because it's being bastardized by media now but you know to really have brotherhood and sisterhood with other human beings that kindness wins kindness has got nothing to do with privilege because even if somebody is in a position of privilege if they feel the negativity or the abuse whether it be physical verbal or otherwise from another person they're going to be less inclined to want to be philanthropic and support right and conversely if somebody in
a position of wealth is being judgmental or negative towards somebody who perhaps is in a position of struggle or poverty then they're going to feel the oppression and then the defiance back right which is what we're seeing with all of these racial commentaries so it if we can keep coming back to the default as far as i'm concerned which is love and kindness win and some of us like i'm from england right like i don't understand like why is somebody a king and a queen and a prince like you know it's like how does that
i mean like one of the wealthiest families in the world just because you were born like it doesn't even make any sense so you know then we get into a deeper conversation was it karma and you know what is this soul's particular journey that we're here to reveal whatever constraints and fears we have so that's the way i look at it is you know regardless of what you have what you don't have where you're going where you don't go you still have to face whatever your fears and constraints are and it's when you really understand
the big paradigm that we're in this dimension it's fascinating to me that you will get the circumstances that are perfectly customized for your own evolution yes so true but if that's i mean like i'm not sure i've put those words exactly in that order but if you really if people want to rewind and just listen to that again because it's so easy to default to the victim and thinking that well if only my circumstances were different i'd be okay or i'd be happy but but then you're actually denying and there's what's the opportunity there what's
the resistance see resistance to me is synonymous with suffering life is a you know one of my quotes i say life is the way it is but only always right if you just get that only always but only always yeah but then there's the dialogue that we have which is in resistance to that so yeah but i don't want that okay that's great but it is the way it is and now you have some sort of feeling of unrest because of a conversation so if i have products there freedom love peace you know um a
sense of like surrender where i'm in harmony with life it doesn't mean that everything goes perfectly for peter crone it doesn't but i'm not in resistance and i will either be in action about it or not depending on the priority or how important it is to me but that affords me a sense of peace and freedom versus thinking i'm in constant conflict with my environment which actually isn't conflict within my environment it's in conflict with my conversation about my environment which then you start to realize well that's futile so that that mechanism applies to the
wealthiest and to the poorest i'm not saying that the poor have it you know it's not that it's easy there's still things to do and you've got to manage and maybe can't afford rent and you're struggling to get food but then that could be pain but i would say it's not suffering suffering would be the conversation you have like this is not fair this is [ __ ] i don't want it that way it doesn't make it easy but you see the difference it's a subtle distinction between you know a lot of people right now
somebody's kid who hasn't eaten for a couple of days there's going to be physiological impacts that's a physical pain but the conversation in one's head that oh my gosh i'm a hopeless parent or we're never going to get food that would create a lot of suffering suffering on top of that so i guess i'm just super practical and i bring it down to the objective analysis of what's going on what can you handle what can't you handle sometimes we obviously need to be resourceful versus having resources is another way of looking at it i don't
have all the resources for things that i want to pursue right now so i have to be resourceful what does that mean you you find help you get investors you know take some loans whatever it is and that's where we have these systems in place so it's it's a we've gone a long way away from the word privilege but i think i'd like to look at it as every human being is privileged by virtue of the fact that you're human and that doesn't mean that the human journey is easy quite the contrary as i've just
explained you know i've just given two you know experiences from my childhood i've had many others that were very difficult and trying but why do i say being human is a privilege because being human is the faculty as far as i'm concerned through which the equipment of mind and body we get to self-actualize we get to self-realize we get to recognize wow i'm not this meat suit i'm not the name on my business card or the title that sits on my desk in the workplace um i i am an expression of life a unique being
that warrants as much reverence and respect as anybody else and that speaks to the eastern philosophies of like the word namaste right divine in me recognizes the divine in you and so that to me is a real privilege and if we were to go around the globe and really do an assessment of some of the wealthiest and poorest you know i wouldn't be surprised if the wealthiest actually seem less happy right so so again there's a bit of a misnomer there that that's where success real success lies and i'd say that's actually superficial material success
but it doesn't actually equate to internal success and real success to me is a human being who's at peace and that can be i'm not saying it easy that can be actualized regardless of your circumstance because there are people who live out in the middle of nowhere whether they're monks or you know these traditional swami gurus who are living in cages or caves sorry that don't have you know a austin martin in their driveway or you know the latest mac ipad or and and they're at peace so again i i'm i'm going around in different
circles here but hopefully there's something that people garner from that no i i completely agree i mean there's definitely a lot of super wealthy miserable people out there and and you know there's that famous study where beyond a certain income level like the amount of money that you have doesn't correlate to the amount of happiness that you that you embody but yeah certainly if you're in poverty you know more money you know there's got to be a threshold where having more money does correlate to you know greater happiness yeah and i think that's the distinction
between like just really as you said maslow's hierarchy of like just literally survival like shelter food and some sense of safety um yes i think and that's where it's uh it's a crying shame when we have such extremes right you know i see some of these memes that go around like oh if jeff bezos was to give up half his wealth you know he would take care of every person who's in poverty right now and you know probably get a lot of change back right so it's such a tough conversation because you know there's going
to be people who argue well no if you work your ass off and you do well and you build a business and then you deserve the trappings of that success but you know i guess that's an appropriate term too the trappings of that success the trappings indeed so yeah i don't know i just you know i try to do whatever i can to be loving to help to if it's only my words at times but sometimes it's actually physical right like you know give somebody a helping hand whether it be financially physically lifting moving whatever
it is um that's um i can only appeal to uh hoping that people will become much more loving and kind and caring generally no i love that i think and i and i also want to underscore what you said earlier that that not having not not being so quick to judge others i think is crucially crucially important i mean i i i've just been trying to wrap my head around the mindset of a commenter who so i you know obviously for people listening you know they know this but for for new listeners who are tuning
in you know i offer a wealth of free health content on my instagram account every single day right and i did a post recently where i was like these are a few things that you could do a simple prescription simple prescription for health you know do these things every day get more sun drink more water like really basic things that yeah you know you'd think that anybody would be able to mostly anybody would be able to do and one of the com some some commenter left a message like check your privilege you know just like
instant judgment just going straight for the for the jugular yeah and um yeah i'm just trying to get understand the mindset of that person well i mean they in my work what i've recognized and as a distilled down is what i would say is that person has got two predominant qualities they're hurt and they're scared and you know these are the i would say primordial energies of the ego but again it's coming from the lens of separation see now the irony is if he was looking through the lens of um you know acknowledgement and giving
you some do for like wow look what this guy's created then it's sort of the energy of all boats rise with the tide right because when we have a sense of joy for somebody else's success we experience the joy we have for somebody else's success which raises our vibratory tone which is the precursor to then actually attracting better circumstances right so but those two qualities to me again it's why it warrants so much love and compassion because you just don't know the cross that people are bearing you don't know their history yeah which for me
equally appeals to the fact that judgment is judgment is not only um you know it's deleterious to everybody because you know it's a form of oppression subtle but you know if you're you're judging somebody you're making them wrong if you're making them wrong then there's a there's a there's an oppressive energy there's a dismissal but then what's also happening is you're separating yourself from that person so you actually are now inspiring a sense of isolation and loneliness which itself is going to be a vulnerable place because now you have to protect and prove and whatever
you have to do so it's a lose-lose um is that why i get so triggered by those kinds of comments because i want to approach everybody that follows me with love and compassion but when somebody leaves a comment like that i feel compelled to not necessarily respond with i'm sorry that you're hurt and that you're afraid i tend to respond with you know like something more dismissive yeah yeah which is human too like you know in traffic when somebody gets cut off and you know the the more you could say the more authentic person is
like like this like [ __ ] you buddy you know where's the more like apparently like spiritually evolved person is like hi you know like which is really just like it's the same energy you're just trying to be smart about it you know and you're sort of that superiority complex so i get it so it's very normal for us to feel it's just primal again like when we feel attacked you're going to do whatever you have to do to protect yourself that is just survival instinct 101 right the the the the deepest sort of imperative
of every any organism is to survive so if you feel any external threat you will you know gravitate to whatever your means of protection is so when you feel that i get it it's not very nice it's but you've also got to pick your battles right like that person if you were to come back and say you know i'd love to understand more of where you're coming from so that you know perhaps i can have a better you know appreciation for what you see in me right that could be one approach but now you're in
dialogue with somebody who probably doesn't really actually want to have a conversation about it yeah you're right they they could equally be somebody who's just as privileged if we were to really break it down and do a side by side but maybe they're just having a shitty day you know and this is one of the things i help with relationships all the time especially educating men and my male buddies and my male clients and athletes is learning how to listen which is giving somebody the opportunity to have their feelings their thoughts because they're transitory and
guys are usually pretty shitty listeners as it relates to their female partners because the women are very good at just expressing feelings it's like oh god and they'll go and then the guy's like okay let me fix it and they're like well no i'm just expressing my frustration so for a guy to come back and just say you know honey god that sounds awful you know i i love you and and it just sounds like you had a really rough day and i'm sorry and you know that's like you're just getting somebody's reality now you're
not going to afford that you've got a big platform you know you're not going to be able to do that to everybody who makes a comment um what you can see is okay what is that triggering you right so one of my sort of expressions that has become relatively popular that people have shared kindly is life will present you with people and circumstances to reveal where you're not free so what does that mean going back to what i said about this dimension is a wonderful curated customized program for you to see where are your constraints
and fears so what i would look at is okay check your privilege you know what was the trigger for you is your opportunity it's less about how can you appease that person make them wrong that would still be in your fight and flight mode but it's like okay what did that that kind of hurt you know because i would assert i'm guessing you know you're giving out information you're doing it from a place of care you're trying to help and then when you feel this energy of judgment it sort of flies in the face of
your underlying intention does that make sense yeah yeah so so then you can look at okay i'm a caring guy and maybe just maybe there is something that i could look at in terms of what did that trigger in me when maybe i do have a sense of judgment of others and maybe i'm a little oblivious to what people are really dealing with so then you can look at those kind of encounters as an opportunity for your own growth as opposed to somebody's actually attacking you yeah wall said i mean i just find it like
to be ironic that i would get a comment like that and i don't want to make this any more about me than it already is but yeah when i work so hard to put and it does and it does come from a place of of care yeah caring for others i get it empathy for people i mean people know that my whole thing is about helping people not go through what it is that i had in my own family you know the sickness and the yeah disease that i that that i experienced but anyway yeah
i i digress no but it's it's it you know i love how these subtle small everyday encounters contain so much in terms of the human dynamic right it's just you know three words if that's all he actually wrote but there's so much should be unpacked in that in terms of his experience you know if we were to bring him in here right now you know and have a conversation but from a loving place and let us understand what is it about what you saw that caused that trigger you know because what i hear is as
a set he's hurt and scared and he's under a lot of pressure yeah and he's probably somebody who really looks up to you otherwise he wouldn't be following you and he really aspires to have your life but right now he feels very stuck and he's frustrated because he wants to do that because it's inspiring what you share and he knows that there's more of him available but he's in pure survival mode right now and if we could just get him to give himself some forgiveness and and soften his own approach to himself because really that's
a reflection of his own judgment of where he's at too right he wouldn't have a comment about that if he wasn't already in some sort of conflict about where he's at and who he is thousand percent yeah so that's where we go oh okay somebody's on a lot of pressure it's the the metaphor of squeezing in an orange you put an orange under stress and orange juice comes out of it you put a human being under stress and you will see their contents right and it's usually not that pretty because most people are struggling and
that's where again we come back to love and compassion especially of ourselves right yeah so if i were to sit with that guy and say i get it you know it's difficult you look at someone like that and he's probably got all sorts of narratives about who he thinks you you are that's also inaccurate that's contributing to his own feeling of inadequacy but his opportunity is to look at that part of who he is and go wow you know it's like i just feel like i'm in a shitty place and i'm frustrated yeah i think
so much of the judgment that goes on now on social media it's so ironic to me that you know we leave these hateful comments on people's profiles yeah with smartphones that were made in other countries and you know under conditions that were probably not the kindest and most empathetic of of conditions right yeah and the fact that they're using smartphones implicitly um what you know what that in what that means is that these people have access to all of the world's knowledge yeah at their fingertips 24 hours a day podcasts free podcasts where they can
listen to people like you yeah you know and i'm not cheap [Laughter] i'm sure you're not cheap i don't think i could afford you but you're out there like on people's podcasts putting all this content out there for free yeah absolutely for people so why are the judgment because as i said life will present you people and circumstances to reveal where you're not free so in this case that person is not free it's one of my favorite quotes to myself which is can or question can i be with this now if you just sit even
with what i just said like can i be with this circumstance like whatever it is like i get to my car and someone is putting a parking ticket on it and they won't stop right the natural human inclination right there is like [ __ ] you like you know it's like you're going to get upset but go okay can i be with this now what does that actually reveal for us responsibility and if you're going to have a powerful life you can only get there if you understand that you're fully responsible for it amen now
that itself is a place most people don't want to go and that's the the the sliding scale between 100 responsibility and 100 victim you know most people are sort of hovering in the middle more towards victim and that's okay that's all they know right and that's where the compassion comes in but when i got that i was 100 responsible for my life there was just such a transition in the way that i did everything because it's no longer anyone else's fault i can remember going to you saw the movie heal right the documentary or not
like i was in i might have okay but it's a shameless plug for you know not that i guess oh yeah you were in there that's how i know about it yeah the documentary here with you know dr joe and deepak and bruce lipton some very cool cats which for me was you know real talk about privilege i felt like i was in the presence of great teachers so but anyway i was on literally on the way to the premiere of heel at the lemley in santa monica which was the first theatrical kind of release
of the of the movie it's now on netflix for free um and i roll through um oh i didn't roll through i went through a green light uh just at the santa monica incline and a guy came through the red light down the incline totally t-boned me oh man now i'm on my vespa on my way because i was doing a q a panel after the movie right on a vespa yeah i ride it i mean i love it around la i'm not sure i can survive in a car i have a car but in
terms of nipping around it's it's awesome unless you get t-boned by a guy like going through red light don't recommend that so anyway thank god obviously i made it i'm here thank god but um it wasn't pleasant and i got sprayed across pch and thank god again i was wearing this leather jacket which i just treated myself to because normally i'm just in a t-shirt and like short so that would have left a mark even through the leather you know there was a lot of road rash my bike was totaled and anyway we pulled into
the club that's across there and we exchanged papers and i can remember he was like how like how are you so calm he's like like i'm really sorry i'm like i mean is what it is like let's let's i've got to go to a thing like let's just make sure we do the due diligence of whatever insurance and all of that because in my mind even though it makes no sense i at a deep soul energetic level i'm responsible for that incident now on the logistics legal side for sure his insurance company had to buy
me a new bike and you know i didn't have many medical expenses because i take care of myself even their insurance kept coming back and say like because most people jack it up like i was like three grand as opposed to they're expecting a hundred and something well you were lucky you didn't break any bones for sure but there's a lot of things i could have got a lot of you know help with anyway point is i recognized back to responsibility that in ways that i don't necessarily understand i attracted those circumstances if only to
maybe make this point in a podcast one day you know so it just gave me real power not power in a way that's associated with the ego but power in a way that i am the author of my life and that i will constantly attract the events of my life for my own growth for my own spiritual evolution and again i often say life isn't about circumstantial comfort it's about spiritual evolution so that comes around hopefully full circle to understand that until such time that we each get that we're 100 responsible for our life i'm
not saying that we want the circumstances i'm not saying the circumstances people have are easy they may be incredibly heinous you know we see some of the things recently that are happening around the world these are just horrific images and people are going through like real hardship and pain from shootings to you know having your neck nailed on and whatever yeah so but nonetheless in ways and this is the bit that's a leap for people sometimes to understand is from the perspective of your soul's progression the circumstances of your life are for your evolution and
if you really own that then you tend to actually sort of go through these steps a lot quicker versus resisting them you know when people have substances to escape fear suffering whether it be you know marijuana or alcohol sex prescribe drugs street drugs whatever it is again that's not wrong but you're not actually looking at what is it that here is my opportunity to transcend and that takes a big human to do that you know go okay why am i in the circumstance why have i attracted these these situations into my life what is the
opportunity here such that i can be fully empowered and responsible and upgrade my life how can we transcend feelings of inadequacy to circle back to you know a topic that we covered earlier yeah it's a beautiful question and again as you're probably gathering i use lots of different quotes i say the ego doesn't want to be healed it wants to be held so i would assert the inadequacy belongs to the ego or the idea of yourself it's a narrative that invariably beyond invariably always gets created in childhood or at least it gets revealed because mom
said this dad said that a high school teacher did this your first love's at that your sister did whatever and then it's like oh i feel less than but that's a conversation it's not a truth and so what actually to transcend it is actually not to get rid of it or become stronger more beautiful as a way to compensate for it but to go oh that's part of my humanity and actually when you really own it it's quite beautiful because then you see that we all have it and that's a connection point that's a that's
a unity point that's a position of relativity i can relate to even though i've done this for so long that now it's all second nature when i meet somebody who feels inadequate i'm like i'm right there with them i'm like i lived that way for 20 something years you know and i was perfect pete you know at college as a compensation do you think that had a lot of pressure that was miserable you know but so it's recognizing it having awareness of the pattern that it's human and that it's okay and just as we would
if we were a parent i'm not a parent and you you have a cat but yeah i'm a cat i'm a cat dad that's that's the extent of it i don't have any other all right but you know if you're if your cat was feeling you know you know you're like come here it's okay i love you you know so it's like it's the to the short version of how do we transcend it we love it we love it yeah we love our humanity and all of our frailties and feelings of inadequacy and that's just
like the little child you know you call it in a child work order and go wow there's a part of me that really feels like i'm less than a lot of people i know and that's a shitty feeling so it's almost like what do those feelings that we have that elicit suffering you know negativity whatever words you want to use inadequacy what does that feeling warrant as a space to be held so think you know i always like to depict it as a child because it's easier and so many people obviously have their own kid
so they like they recognize if their kid hurt themselves fell over was scared was worried that they weren't as you know good as their friend who got picked for the team that they didn't or the parent naturally knows there's a drawing to like i want to i want to hold my child i want to reassure them so it's really developing that quality of love and acceptance but for our own internal dialogue are we able to make others feel inadequate because i feel like that's that's a common complaint that i hear sometimes in relationships like you
know he doesn't appreciate me or she makes me feel like i'm not enough yeah or is that just a magazine are we talking about your girlfriend now oh we're trying to no um check your privilege asking for a friend my brother yes so to answer the first part of the question no you can't make anyone else feel inadequate which is a bold statement but i'm going to stick to it because you can only say something or do something it can only reveal the belief of inadequacy that person has already got for which reason whatever you
do or say is actually a gift again going back to my point about your life is revealing your own feelings of limitation so what it's actually showing is that it's not that you made them feel inadequate but that they feel inadequate so if it was in a relationship situation which i do hear a lot obviously and doesn't always have to be the female to the male it can be both ways but let's skew it a little bit because invariably it is the woman who feels inadequate relative to how she's being treated because men have a
lot of growth to do a lot of work but what that reveals to me is that she doesn't recognize her own value so she's attracted somebody who is the mirror for her own in sort of the the reflection of her own lack of self-care and love right so the feeling of whatever she has is a deep sense of worthlessness and that's a strong word but you know where there's an absence of self-worth has attracted a male who will mirror that or a female who will mirror that until substantially goes wait a minute i don't want
to be in a situation where i don't feel revered honored respected loved but then if she was to look at her own behaviors in the way she treated herself those qualities that she's ascribing to her partner would probably be the way she lives her life you know so that's again the beautiful interaction of relationships i think relationships are the conduit to evolution and to growth and awakening because without relativity you don't have an experience so that's why relationships are invariably the number one topic of conversation because it's through the mirror of a partner especially when
there's sort of heart strings involved like you get more em embedded with somebody then you are going to reveal these deeper hurts and pains which is the quote-unquote cosmic surgery to reveal and remove the toxicity of your own narratives the cosmic surgery to reveal the toxicity of your own narrative i've never said that before in my life i'm gonna write that down that was awesome that's a beautiful i finally hit brilliant [Laughter] genius the fact that you can repeat that back was genius too yeah i mean you know the cosmic surgery the cosmic surgery revealing
the toxicity of your own narrative put that in a book that was that was really good thank you yeah so i'm gonna that that's copyrighted by the way [Laughter] that was a really beautiful beautiful sequence of words thank you i just have to commend you thank you so so if you're a woman say in this example and you're in a relationship and you don't feel you feel inadequate that's because there's inner work that you perhaps need to do does that mean that so you suggested that in that state of inadequacy she attracted or she was
attracted to yeah the male or the female that she's with yeah does that mean that that relationship is no good no it means it's great but it might not mean that it lasts right it's great in as much as it's revealing what you need to see or the opportunity for growth and again as i said earlier sometimes people will ignore those opportunities and go into some form of escape because they're not ready to process so they may justify rationalize oh he only does this periodically or whatever it might be instead of actually looking no this
doesn't feel good and also she may not have learned that through her role models you know of her archetypes of male and female mom and dad where there was some sort of dismissal of the feminine and so the the daughter has recognized well that's normal that's an expression of love so she's mirroring what she learned i mean if you grow up in madrid you learn spanish right if you grow up in a family where the parents aren't very affectionate and they're often bickering at each other then invariably the the offspring are going to learn that
as a form of like that's what a relationship looks like so there are many moving parts again for that person's evolution they may and this is why it's great to have podcasts and read books and watch youtube videos about love and sex and intimacy and relationships because you get to see other examples of what it could look like so it's great to go back to a question because she's getting to have a look at okay well who do i say i am that attracts somebody that treats me that way this comes back to i'm 100
responsible versus i'm a victim of how that guy is treating me it's like well no at some level perhaps not conscious because of the way that i view myself hold an energy of myself this is a perfect mirror for where i'm at right now as she transcends and this is what i do every day with people obviously as i uplevel their view of themselves so that they have a heightened vibration a much more loving compassionate accepting caring view of themselves then every area of their life can't help but equally come to match that yeah right
so it's like i say you can't create the life of someone you don't yet believe yourself to be again it's one of my quotes so it's like if who she believes herself to be is somehow less than and not that pretty and blah blah blah well then she can't create the life of maybe this sort of quintessential princess that she'd like to be treated by or like right so the relationship and again this may sort of jar a few people i'm less concerned about the physical form of a relationship like i always say form's gonna
come and go but what are you getting in terms of how can you learn and grow from one another which actually is the beauty of relationship and really relating to somebody going wow this is really revealing something for my opportunity to become a bigger more expanded version of myself which then in turn is going to benefit the partner whether they stay with you or not you know the form may change but the essence is always there and the essence to me is always love because even in that encounter the male using these stereotypes we're using
is also not recognizing the power he has to bring security to bring value to bring reverence to the feminine which is certainly what we need now in society as it relates to women but also planet earth right mother nature is being abused by the traumatized male if we look at corporations you know there's not going to be a woman ceo i doubt who's going to be tearing down the rainforest for the sake of like you know growing more freaking corn for cows or whatever's going on you know because they don't have that predisposition so so
this dynamic of the oppressive male over the sort of more suppressive female which is now creating defiance metoo and everything that's coming to the surface it's hot it's hard to look at it's difficult to go through but it's very necessary so the form has to change but the underlying essence is for human evolution and for us to grow and i think even with everything that's going on right now with covert it's brought how much [ __ ] to the surface in terms of you know corporate corruption all the lies the healthcare system that's not a
healthcare system it's a sick care system and it's amazing for what it does which is you know triage and trauma and emergencies but it's got nothing to do with health great uh all of the [ __ ] that's going on in sex trafficking and that's all coming to the surface it's always been there all the stuff obviously with racism as will smith said racism is not getting worse it's getting filmed right so to me covet is the great revealer is what i'm saying it's not pretty but it's bringing [ __ ] to the surface that
honestly needs to be addressed as far as i'm concerned and you know and and we're trying to figure it out together but um it's it's it's an opportunity for us to basically up level what it means to be human in all regards 2020 is like a big bad pimple you know everything's just sort of come to the surface formed a head yeah you know all these issues i think it might have bought it's that big that it's still everywhere i hope it's popped oh it's a series of pimples yeah imagine if imagine if it hasn't
popped um yeah what's what's a daily practice that my listeners can um apply in their own lives that's going to help them achieve a greater sense of self love enoughness like what is uh you know just a daily practice for them that they can start doing today um that's a great question i want to list everything that you put in the post to see if i get the check your privilege comment get some sun hydrate move your body um so no as it relates to the emotional state it's a great question so it's you've got
to have the ability to self-reflect right and the only way you're going to self-reflect is if you pull yourself out of survival for a minute what does that look like literally sit down for 5-10 minutes quietly you could call it a meditation you could call it journaling but something that allows you to just take an internal sort of inventory of what is it that i'm worried about so you could just list very simply what are my concerns one through three one through ten however many concerns you have and then whatever those concerns are sit with
them because first of all getting them out as opposed to a feeling sort of creates a little bit of space right so it's much easier if a friend comes to me with that particular concern i'm on it i love them it's okay it'll work out but if it's my concern inside of me it's like i'm doomed right but if you can get it out and go okay what do those concerns call for right so i can remember i was at a workshop and someone asked me a question and this will tie into this and she
asked her concern was loneliness so how do i deal with loneliness now a strategy which is how most people look at their lives right like you have a problem and then you come up with a solution well you know what you should do max is go and join like a local sports club you'd like to play tennis right go and play tennis or go to your local community church or go to a yoga studio you know and meet people right so that's a strategy but you actually haven't dealt with the underlying energy because as long
as you have some superficial sort of compensation or band-aid the energy's still there and now you've just got some sort of distraction right so i said to her which ties into the list what does loneliness want and it took her a while to get but i'll ask you so what what would you assert loneliness wants um loneliness wants love yeah so that's one way of saying it and if someone is alone what would you say they want if if being alone is an issue yeah uh company they want perfect right so i said to her
loneliness is asking for companionship which you've perfectly described as the combination of love and company right hopefully depending on the company yeah so i said rather than looking for some exogenous external strategy to overcome your loneliness what if you could be with your loneliness because that is companionship to the experience of loneliness and she had this tear in her eye almost immediately because she just got it it's like wow she's not being with her own experience of loneliness she's trying to get away from her loneliness which is making the loneliness exacerbated because like the kid
who's by himself and it's like no i don't want to be with him so i know it sort of seems maybe a little weird because she's talking about herself but it's actually not it's an internal feeling that is asking to be held why i said the ego wants to be held not healed so when you write down your concerns if you can sit with them and sometimes it helps to put them to one side and then come back so you've got a slightly different perspective and then ask what do each of these concerns crave right
so loneliness is craving companionship okay well then what's companionship look like i'm gonna sit with my loneliness and just really get it like yeah that's tough like i can i understand that's it's okay and invariably you're going to find that the answer to all of them is some form of being with presenting your own love your own compassion your own acceptance of the feeling the feeling is just asking to be heard like i said the male who doesn't listen to the female as a general stereotype is not getting that she just wants her feelings to
be heard and held and so we get the opportunity to do that for ourselves and so that would be the exercise write down your concerns because as soon as you go into the concern the mind wants to go to a solution and now you haven't actually dealt with anything so sit with what is the concern and what is the primordial feeling emotion that is asking to come in to cradle hold and basically love and accept that feeling for what it is i i gave a metaphor once i said you know if you have a dinner
party and you have to invite all of your emotions and you're going through the guest list can't wait for fun to be there he's awesome happiness just always like everyone loves happiness positivity joy you know humor and um then you start to get to the sort of more quote quote nate you know oh do i have to invite anger i mean something shit's gonna go down you know like misery it's like everybody leaves like down or after listening to him and like frustration and anxiety no one can eat because everyone's worried around anxiety right and
it's like you start to realize that we are this holistic like palette of comprehensive feelings across the spectrum the question is rather than trying to push the pendulum in one direction can you be a big enough human being that you make space for all of them all my feelings are welcome at the dinner table and what's beautiful about that is as soon as we allow them all the quote-unquote heavier more negative ones tend to like a baby fall asleep because it feels comfortable and then i get to enjoy some more of the others like oh
i'm free and i'm happy and it's not that everything's perfect but there's again peace you know so peace is no the absence of resistance to my own human experience of whatever feelings are arising but that takes a big human being to make space for it as opposed to trying to block some out or deny them or pretend that we don't have them oh my god beautiful i love that well this has been so fun we're we're about out of time okay can i bring depression to the table you can bring it because i'm so sad
that this you've got fun i'm like i'm gonna bring some anger no i want to talk more i love that metaphor i was thinking like oh grump grumpy max moody max coming to the party yeah god i think you came to my house like that one i'm kidding moody you don't want to be around moody max i'm not i'm not you're a sweetheart and i uh i love this you know i'm sure we can talk for hours but thanks man um yeah hopefully everyone got a little some something from that like you know we're all
doing the best we can more love more care more compassion and hold your inner child with a little love with a lot of love um i've got one last question for you please uh but before we get to that where can listeners find you on social media and uh connect with you if they have follow-up questions if they wanna you know all the spaces if they want to stand you i think that's what the young kids are saying the kids are saying yeah like for super fanning you know oh i think that's the term okay
yeah um i'll i'll take some stands um so easiest place is just peter crone official on the gram and then is my website nice and you said you haven't you're working on a book working on a book and then um actually you know whilst we're here a lot of people have been asking about my course free your mind which was out and it's been closed because we got some very cool upgrades that i just did with even more content where i got to address some of the community questions that people had so it's
sort of more robust so that'll come out i'm guessing middle of october so i don't know when this comes out but um that should probably be close to when this airs dope and we're going to have you back on because i know that you're also an ayurvedic teacher practitioner practitioner yeah that would be cool yeah i really want to do a deep dive into ayurveda because i've been sort of interested in it in that topic for a while yeah and so i think we already have your reappearance on the books on the calendar blender so
yeah the sequel yeah and it's not something i do sort of drip feed it here and there you know because people find it fascinating and i keep getting more questions about it so i've yet to do a full podcast dedicated to it so i think that would be certainly more practically helpful for people in terms of diet lifestyle and so excited why they have their different imbalances can't wait well the last question that gets asked to everybody on this show peter crone what does it mean to you to live a genius life what does living
a genius life mean to you wow um i should have watched some of your shows i was prepared for that question yeah you should have no i i've heard it before i love your shows um for me it what does it mean it is my main commitment is to love you know and that is all embracing it's not in the romantic context but it is of self of other of life and that's my greatest you know that's my genius life is the more that i come from love then the more i know that i'm in
harmony with my true nature beautiful yeah what was it what was the line from earlier the cosmic surgery surgery oh so good yes and performing cosmic surgery to help people discover more love for themselves too you know because love really speaks to unity versus you know fear really speaks to the the illusion of separate illusions of separation do you see all the matrix movies there's this french guy in the second one i think i just love the way it says it's an illusion the illusion of separation it is an illusion yes so more love um
and uh that that's just all boats rise with the tide as i said there is an embrace there's an acceptance there's a harmony and um that that's our true nature as far as i'm concerned love that yeah such a pleasure to have you here can we end by holding hands again because that's how we started stuart i like this it's not it's like but by the way touch is so important yeah that was a little too long but think okay so go so going back to my not that i'm bitter about it but like simple
things that people can do no matter where they're nose breathing breathe through your nose more yeah you know i mean not everybody is going to some people have deviated septums and the like but i'm just saying yeah anyway no but but no it's true but there's so like i'm learning right i'm learning so much constantly and i'm just a perpetual student you know i did human biology exercise physiology that's pretty deep i did a masters i became an ayurvedic practitioner i became a yoga teacher i became a bloody instructor so cool like i'm a perpetual
and there's still so much for me to learn so again it goes back to you know we only know as much as we know and to have a sense of compassion for ourselves and and hopefully you know if people are interested in discovering and exploring what it means to be human we get to learn some of these things along the way and i think the the nature of life today with podcast internet youtube blah blah blah there is a wealth of information out there there's really in this day of information there's sort of no more
excuse for ignorance we could say yes right thousand percent yeah and and there's still the compassion that a lot of people even in that distinction and understanding are literally just trying to survive and maybe they don't have the same amount of time you know if they've got three jobs where they start at four in the morning and they end at ten o'clock at night you know okay we could say well let's like like optimize and listen to a podcast on the bus or you know there's ways to do it but people are literally just sometimes
as you said living wrench to rent checks yeah but i think it's important to acknowledge that the i mean the world is not perfect none of us are saying that it is not right like nobody is saying that um but we are living in the best times yeah um i think without a doubt for the for the sheer fact that you know information has become largely democratized and you know if you are on social media and youtube and you're leaving those hateful judgeful comments yeah judging comments then that's not constructive that's a waste of your
time you should be listening to podcasts you should be doing your own research you should be you know building a little digital business for yourself or what have you i mean there's the point is that there are options yeah there are and there are for sure and i would just say a slightly bigger picture is to have compassion that everybody is doing the best they can within the limits of their current awareness and that just is a much deeper cut at love and acceptance where the person who wrote whatever they wrote whether he was having
a bad day whether he's feeling a lot of pressure whether he feels like inadequate relative to you he's operating now in a week in a month he may discover something and he may be writing a comment that is completely the antithesis of that because he's changed you know so you read a book and then you read it a year later you watch a film you watch it a year later it's different but it's the same book and same film what happened is you've got different eyes that you're looking through which that's really my you know
fundamental product is i give people new eyes to look through so that everything else looks different so it's going back to the judgment thing just allowing people to be where they are we're doing the best we can to not bring wrong making or judgment to others and um that would certainly make for a better world i love that i don't want to let you go see it's because i got so much self-love now you want to love me yes i do love it i do love you i love everyone um thanks for being here yes
to all you guys out there on podcastland thank you so much for tuning in text me to let me know what you thought about this episode of the show 310-299-9401 share this episode with your friends and loves loved ones tag peter tag myself would really appreciate that yeah and uh i will catch you on the next episode peace [Music]
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