7 Crucial Signs Someone In Your Life Is A Demon

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Pilgrimage To God
7 Signs Someone In Your Life Is A Demon Part 2 is now out "17 crucial signs someone in your life is...
Video Transcript:
blessings and peace brothers and sisters there is a person whose life this video will save many of you are living under demons that you are unaware of you now have the choice through this video we will provide you with the necessary information nevertheless it is ultimately up to you to drive out those demons and employ your judgment Guided by the Holy Spirit and utilizing wisdom knowledge and understanding now let's get started remember to subscribe to the channel and like the video if you haven't already also some parts of this video use a first-person narrative number
one demons never stop trying to incite you to Fury wrath or anger they cannot stop trying this additional energy harvesting method depletes your energy which we will discuss in more detail at number two a demon's primary objective is to make you act inconsistently because you become more likely to make regrettable decisions when you do you are now more likely to act based on feelings you know through intense emotion living out that Persona and the following day you're going to ask yourself why did I do that since that demon aroused you demons like manipulating you to
act inconsistently since this is a spiritual battle demons take great pleasure in influencing you to live against God's will as a result you may now be you know back and forth with them you're lowering yourself when you spar with the demon and you can bet the demon will eventually outsmart you due to experience since demons are their sole means of staying hidden they are accustomed to living in Demon times and being demonic however you are a child of God and the chosen one perhaps we were accustomed to it in the past but we overcame it
the Holy Spirit has given us access to everything so we no longer need trolls mockers or constant argument guides we are not allowed to do that one thing about demons is that they enjoy provoking you to make you act irrationally Furious or upset you must realize that ignoring them is the best way to deal with this demons detest being ignored since it lets them know that they need to receive your energy number two demons are energy vampires they enjoy draining you this is the primary way a demon May drain your energy by giving them your
power and how do they obtain your energy to support them by oscillating it is possible to drive you out of character incite Fury anger and rage and ultimately lead you to sin that is the primary function of a demon spiritual battle is Therefore your greatest bet when battling with these Devils put on the boots of peace and the belt of Truth and remember to never walk back and forth with the devil I strongly advise you all to ask God for the gift of the Holy Spirit and for him to increase your discernment once you have
discernment you will be able to operate and see these demons being worked through these vessels if you do not have discernment you should ask God for the gift of the Holy Spirit The Offspring of Satan are demons what is Satan's objective to murder steal and demolish demons also act in the same way as that they are carrying out their Master's orders the demons who are The Offspring of Satan are carrying out Satan's agenda while the children of God are carrying out the will of the god of Israel as you may know well the people voluntarily
or inadvertently engage in this please the person comprehend this and pay attention I feel exhausted I used to go back and forth with these monsters back then constantly and the Devils desire that they wish for you to be exhausted they want you to believe you are useless and unworthy they want you to be driven by those unpleasant feelings which can also lead to regrettable decisions and self-harming behaviors the demonic possession of self-loathing is their desired State alternatively you can violently react and end up behind bars it's possible that you did something that might result in
25 years to life in prison or 25 years to life in jail so please pay attention to it that brings us to number two the demons are vampires of energy they may they like depleting Your vitality but how do they do it by making you feel enraged one thing about these demons when you ignore them they're now going to try to spread lies and rumors to get because they see that you're not reacting to it they hate you're not reacting to the hate now they have to start spreading lies just ignore it all understand that
if the lies do guys they get promoted God will ensure that he the truth will always be exalted in due time so if the hate doesn't work they start telling lies just ignore it it takes strength it takes spiritual strength to ignore these demons number three when a person is under demonic possession we label demons with a capital S whether they are one demonic Spirit many seven or more a person under the influence of devils will attempt to destroy your bond with Jesus and God all they can do is try you know to ruin your
bond with Jesus the son of God and the highest that is a demon's ultimate objective the goal of the devil's agent is to damage destroy and keep you from the Almighty and the love of Jesus Christ that is also the primary objective and if you become a victim of it you will find yourself sinking further into your sin being more estranged from God and becoming closer to your body which is sin which is death spiritual death a demon's primary objective is to take you and cause your spiritual death after you've given into your sin you
don't want to turn from it you don't want to regain your strength you don't want to pursue God and His righteous and you don't want to have that connection with Jesus it will now show up as a physical death I'm telling you a lot of people are dead as a result of this they were removed from the situation after ruining someone's relationship with Jesus and God because of this it is crucial to remember that no one may approach God directly instead they must go via Jesus a solid foundation is essential because it will ensure that
you are built on rock and will hold strong no matter what happens when the storm and trials arrive always maintain a close relationship with Christ we want a genuine personal relationship we don't want to be overly religious not only attending church on Sundays you know God engage in spiritual prayer have a close connection with him and seek him out with all your heart soul mind and strength so please remember that when you see someone who is demon-possessed not that they aren't since devils and Dem IC Spirits may use anybody okay they'll attempt to destroy your
bond with God we could identify with this a lot this happens so frequently that some of you may be able to relate to it as well please let us know in the comments if you can number four demons are always jealous envious of your success and progress let's imagine that even if you haven't achieved success yet and you're moving forward they will still attempt to impede your growth they never seem content demons never rejoice when you succeed they constantly Harbor envy and jealousy furthermore okay they're going to try to trap you if you were moving
towards success or if you were gradually ascending you're at your lowest point regardless of what may occur let's assume that everyone has failed at some point but you begin to rise again move forward draw nearer to the highest and progress little by little baby steps you are breaking free from the bonds and getting right with the most high you are no longer in love with the world and are separated from it you are breaking free from two chains that were holding you captive the first one kept you in slavery and you broke it the second
chain was keeping you bound and you broke it all you're doing is carrying out God's will for your life doing what is right abiding by God's instructions and doing what he commands and as you may already be aware the Devils dislike any progress not just successful ones and when you have the Holy Spirit you'll see when someone is acting fake love or doesn't indeed have your best interests at heart let alone if you're successful oh man they're going to try to take you out slander campaigns hate campaigns jealousy and envy will all appear the Holy
Spirit Reveals All truth they never express joy for you however you're doing your best when someone is never glad for you even when you're in the worst situation of your life and just getting by now I understand that nobody is Flawless and that no one will be sinless but our goal is still righteousness we're doing all in our power to serve the father in spirit and truth but these people hate they're jealous hateful and never happy for you that spirit is diabolical remember this at all times the Devils always seek to Halk development because they
Envy both your achievement and your advancement a demon will also discuss your past with you there is more humili in that way the things you used to do a month ago but aren't doing now or a year two or roughly 10 years ago some bring up things that you did a decade ago said rebuke their attempt to bring up your history recall that you are a brand new creation everything ages and everything is renewed in Christ Jesus so remember that you don't even do it anymore therefore don't let no devil bring up your history you're
freed from that transgression now that you've overcome it they're attempting to bring it up again man it is an evil spirit the devil enjoys doing that number five God will use someone to warn you about them when someone utilizes their position to alert you to possible threats or harmful influences it's one indication that God is at work in your life this act of Supernatural intervention is evidence of God's watchfulness and defense over you the Bible is an entire of stories where God sent people to warn others ensure they were safe and direct them in the
right direction the tale of King David and Nathan is one of the most notable in the Old Testament God sent the prophet Nathan to approach David and warn him of the repercussions of his behavior following his serious transgressions concerning bath Sheba and Uriah 2 Samuel 12114 David's relationship with God was finally restored when Nathan's Brave warning caused him to confess his sins this anecdote demonstrates how God uses others in our immediate vicinity to impart important lessons and reroot us when we are Paul serves as an example of this in the New Testament where he cautioned
the early Christians about the risks associated with following false teachers Paul warned the Ephesian church leaders in Acts 20 2931 to exercise caution because following his departure Savage wolves would enter their midst and devour the Sheep Paul issued these cautions to keep the community safe from outside influences and preserve the purity of their religious beliefs this idea has a sense outside of the biblical setting in daily life God can send warnings through friends relatives or even strangers for example a family member may be uncomfortable with a new relationship you're starting or a friend may think
a business Arrangement is questionable these cautions which are frequently given in an urgent and caring manner may be God's method of keeping you safe from possible dangers having an open mind and being responsive to these cautions is critical the ability to discern is essential for determining if God inspires a message while not every word of caution from others is a direct word from God it is wise to pay attention to those that strike a deep cord bring Comfort or are consistent with Biblical teachings according to Proverbs 276 faithful are the wounds of a friend profuse
are the kisses of an enemy sometimes true friends led by God will tell us the painful realities out of compassion and care for our welfare spiritual mentors and leaders frequently play this role in Modern Life their discernment and understanding based on their own experiences and understanding of the Bible can provide Direction and alerts that Aid Us in navigating challenging circumstances these mentor can also assist us in deciphering the clues and messages God leaves for us in the lives of others around us in summary God's use of others as a warning system is a powerful manifestation
of his love and concern for us by listening to these cautions and using discernment we may stay in line with God's plan and steer clear of many of life's problems put your faith in these indications and have an open mind to the wisdom from the people God puts in your way number six when a demon destroys you okay they will disappear they will vanish entirely off the face of the Earth they won't be in your life again they have just disappeared and they will locate and destroy their next victim that's the nature of the devil
a devil moves on to the next victim after destroying one their purpose whatever it was that Satan gave them to kill you is what they have as their plan and aim whether it's succeeded or failed they are moving on to the next victim they already ruined you therefore they don't need anything to do with you anymore they have already decimated Your Soul and Spirit it broke your heart and caused you to suffer heartache that's the nature of the devil and once a demon achieves that they move on to the next cease all communication with you
and vanish entirely from the face of the Earth and a word concerning a devil sent individual they approach you make contact with you message you often attempt to visit you frequently and constantly ask questions like how are you doing and should we hang out but they're gone when that task is over when they pass the exam or when they destroy you they no longer hit you up bro this is spiritual combat I'm going to inform you all that this is spiritual combat demons you aim to destroy you God's children now the devils are not attempting
to exterminate other demons or Satan IC Offspring they're trying to destroy you God-fearing individuals you selected ones number seven a demon will always come with a hidden agenda it's a secret goal here agents are where I emphasize it what exactly is an agent even if someone is working for the devil voluntarily not everyone knows they are doing so some individuals are unaware that they are enslaved to Satan's realm now some individuals voluntarily work for the devil since they are aware that the devil may bless them as well yes when his offspring carry out his will
the devil may also bless them it's comparable to how God rewards his children for carrying out his will and pursuing virtue The Offspring of the devil who labors for him are also blessed if you don't change from your evil ways and repent the benefits of the devil will ultimately drive you to hell yes the devil may also bless them thus a demon is usually cunning much like a SN make and they always have a concealed purpose it's not that you shouldn't since it's just the nature of these creatures what's the covert goal now why is
this the case the primary goal is to destroy you but how exactly to achieve it is up to you and others curious about how do I detect a demon holy spirit is a must you must be in a close relationship with God the father and God the son Jesus Christ you must submit to Authority God will warn you therefore you must heed what he says you could receive dreams from God God May alert you to someone through others or you may recognize the signals that God has always provided the problem is that we need to
pay attention to the warnings why sometimes due to our lack of sobriety why occasionally due to our Disobedience despite the signals we decide to remain in the physical world we have decided to well not pay attention to the spirit instead of choosing the straight and narrow route God has for you let's pursue our paths mine and yours you will descend into a black pit as a result of it if you feel something from this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel when you finished watching it
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