In 72 Hours, Your Reality Will Shift Dramatically - Joe Dispenza Motivation

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Motivation Mastery™
Unlock the Power of Your Mind: Transform Your Reality in Just 72 Hours Are you ready to revolutioni...
Video Transcript:
72 hours that's all it takes to change your life you might be thinking that's impossible how can just 3 days make such a big difference but I'm here to tell you that it's not only possible it's something you can start doing right now think about it in 72 hours you can completely rewire your brain you can break free from old patterns and create a new reality for yourself it sounds like magic but it's actually based on science the science of neuroplasticity and the power of our thoughts every single thought you have creates a biochemical reaction
in your brain it produces a feeling in your body and those feelings are the endproduct of past experiences so when you have a thought you make a chemical and you start to feel exactly the way you were thinking and then you start thinking the way you feel and you feel the way you think it's a cycle that keeps you stuck in the same patterns day after day uh you can break that cycle you can change your thoughts and in doing so you can change your entire life and it doesn't take years of therapy or radical
life changes it can happen in just 72 hours now I know what you're thinking Joe that sounds great but how do I actually do it well I'm glad you asked it all starts with understanding the power of your mind and your ability to shape your own reality you see most people live their lives on autopilot they wake up go through their daily routines and react to the world around them in the same predictable ways there are essentially reliving the same day over and over again but that's not living that's existing real living real growth happens
when we step out of our comfort zones and challenge our existing beliefs and patterns and that's exactly what we're going to do over the next 72 hours first let's talk about the power of meditation when you meditate you're not just relaxing you're actually changing the structure of your brain you're creating new neural Pathways and breaking down old ones it's like reprogramming computer but instead of binary code you're using the power of your own thoughts so for the next 72 hours I want you to commit to meditating for at least 20 minutes each day find a
quiet place where you won't be disturbed sit comfortably close your eyes and focus on your breath as thoughts come into your mind and they will don't try to push them away instead acknowledge them and let them pass like clouds drifting across the sky this might feel strange at first especially if you're not used to sitting still with your own thoughts but stick with it because in those moments of Stillness something incredible happens you start to become aware of the thoughts and beliefs that have been running your life on autopilot and once you're aware of them
you can start to change them now let's talk about the power of visualization your brain doesn't know the difference between what's happening in your physical world and what you're vividly imagining that's why athletes use visualization techniques to improve their performance they're literally rewiring their brains for Success so for the next 72 hours I want you to spend time each day visualizing your ideal life and I don't mean just daydreaming I mean really putting yourself in that future reality what does it look like what does it feel like use all your senses if you want a
new job see yourself walking into your new office feel the excitement and confidence hear the congratulations from your colleagues the key here is to generate the emotions of your future reality because when you combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion you're sending a powerful signal to the universe you're telling it this is what I want and this is who I am now some of you might be thinking but Joe I've tried positive thinking before and nothing changed and that's because positive thinking alone isn't enough you need to combine it with action that's where the
next step comes in for the next 72 hours I want you to act as if you're already living your ideal life if you want to be more confident stand up straight make eye contact speak with conviction if you want to be healthier make choices as if you're already that healthy person choose the salad instead of the burger take the stairs instead of the elevator this might feel uncomfortable at first you might feel like you're faking it but remember your brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's vividly imagined by acting as if you're
already living your ideal life you're teaching your brain and body a new way of being now let's talk about the power of gratitude gratitude is like a magnet for miracles when you're Greatful f for what you have you open yourself up to receiving more so for the next 72 hours I want you to start and end each day by listing five things you're grateful for and don't just go through the motions really feel the Gratitude in your body this practice does two things first it shifts your focus from what's lacking in your life to what's
abundant second it puts you in a positive emotional state which is crucial for creating the life you want now I know some of you might be skeptical you might be thinking can just thinking differently change my life but here's the thing your thoughts create your reality every action you take every decision you make starts with a thought so by changing your thoughts you're literally changing the foundation of your life think about it this way your brain is like a search engine whatever you put into it it will find evidence to support if you constantly think
life is hard guess what your brain will find all the evidence to support that belief but if you start thinking life is full of opportunities your brain will start noticing all the opportunities around you this isn't just positive thinking it's rewiring your brain to work for you instead of against you and the best part it doesn't take years of practice you can start seeing changes in just 72 hours now I want to address something important some of you might be thinking but Joe you don't understand my life is really tough right now I have real
problems that can't be solved just by thinking differently and I hear you I'm not saying that positive of thinking will magically solve all your problems overnight what I'm saying is that by changing your mindset you'll be better equipped to handle whatever challenges come your way you'll approach problems with a sense of possibility rather than defeat you'll see obstacles as opportunities for growth rather than roadblock think about it like this have you ever bought a new car and suddenly you start seeing that same model everywhere it's not that there are suddenly more of those cars on
the road it's that your brain is now tuned to notice them the same thing happens when you shift your mindset when you start looking for opportunities and solutions you'll start finding them everywhere now let's talk about the power of Letting Go for the next 72 hours I want you to practice letting go of things that no longer serve you this could be negative thoughts limiting beliefs or even physical clutter in your environment because here's the truth you can't create a new future while you're holding on to your past this might be uncomfortable we often hold
on to things even negative things because they're familiar but growth happens outside of your comfort zone so for the next 72 hours every time you catch yourself in a negative thought pattern I want you to pause take a deep breath and consciously choose to Let It Go remember you are not your thoughts you are the Observer of your thoughts and as the Observer you have the power to choose which thoughts you want to entertain and which ones you want to let go now let's talk about the power of community for the next 72 hours I
want want you to surround yourself with positive supportive people share your goals and aspirations with them because when you verbalize your dreams you make them more real and when you surround yourself with supportive people you create an environment that nurtures your growth if you don't have supportive people in your immediate circle don't worry they are online communities support groups and forums filled with like-minded individuals who are on the same Journey seek them out connect with them because when you change your environment you change your life now I want to address something that might be on
your mind you might be thinking Joe this all sounds great but what if I fail what if I try all this and nothing changes and to that I say failure is not the opposite of success it's every failure is just feedback it's information that you can use to adjust your approach so for the next 72 hours I want you to reframe your relationship with failure instead of fearing it welcome it see it is a sign that you're pushing yourself that you're growing because the only real failure is not trying at all now let's talk about
the power of consistency the changes we're talking about don't happen overnight they happen through consistent daily actions it's like working out you don't get fit by going to gym once and lifting heavy weights you get fit by consistently showing up day after day even when you don't feel like it so for the next 72 hours I want you to commit to consistency meditate every day even even if it's just for a few minutes visualize your ideal future every day even if it feels silly at first act as if you're already living your ideal life even
when it feels uncomfortable practice gratitude even on days when you don't feel like you have much to be grateful for it's not about doing these things perfectly it's about doing them consistently it's about creating new habits new patterns new ways of thinking and being and that's how you create lasting change now I want to talk about something that's of overlooked in discussions about personal growth self-love for the next 72 hours I want you to practice radical self-love and acceptance because here's the truth you can't hate yourself into a version of yourself that you love so
often we approach personal growth from a place of lack we think I'm not good enough smart enough successful enough but that kind of thinking only creates more negativity and stress in your life instead I want you to approach your growth from a place of love and acceptance start by looking in the mirror each morning and saying I love and accept myself exactly as I am it might feel awkward or insincere at first do it anyway because when you start treating yourself with love and respect you set the standard for how others treat you and more
importantly you create an internal environment that's conducive to growth and positive chain now let's talk about the power of focus where your attention goes energy flows so for the next 72 hours I want you to be very intentional about where you're placing your focus are you focusing on problems or Solutions on what's wrong in your life or what's right on what you lack or what you have this doesn't mean ignoring problems or pretending everything is perfect it means approaching challenges with a solution oriented mindset it means looking for the lessons and opportunities in every situation
even the difficult ones and here's a powerful exercise to help you with this for the next 72 hours every time you catch yourself complaining or focusing on something negative I want you to immediately think of three things you're grateful for this simple practice can completely shift your energy and perspective now let's talk about the power of your words the language you use shapes your reality so for the next 72 hours I want you to be very mindful of the words you use both when talking to others and when talking to yourself instead of saying I
have to say I get to instead of saying I'm afraid say I'm excited instead of saying I can't can't say how can I these small shifts in language can create big shifts in your mindset in your life and remember this isn't about denying your feelings or pretending everything is perfect it's about empowering yourself to approach life from a place of possibility rather than limitation now I want to address something that might be coming up for some of you you might be thinking Joe this all sounds great but I've tried to change before and it didn't
work what makes this time different and to that I say the difference is you you're different you're here right now ready to make a change and that Readiness that willingness to grow and evolve is incredibly powerful remember every moment is a new opportunity to choose differently your past does not define your future unless you let it so for the next 72 hours I want you to let go of any past failures or setbacks see them for what they really really are stepping stones that led you to where you are now ready to create lasting change
in your life now let's talk about the power of your environment your environment shapes your thoughts your behaviors and ultimately your life so for the next 72 hours I want you to create an environment that supports your growth and your goals this might mean decluttering your physical space to create more room for New Opportunities it might mean changing the music you listen to or the shows you watch to align with the energy you want to cultivate it might mean putting inspiring quotes or images around your home or works face whatever it looks like for you
create an environment that reminds you of who you're becoming not who you've been because when your environment changes you change now I want to talk about something that's crucial for creating lasting change self-awareness for the next 72 hours I want you to become a keen Observer of yourself notice your thoughts your emotions your reactions don't judge them just observe them this practice of self-awareness is like shining a light into the dark corners of your mind it all allows you to see the unconscious patterns and beliefs that have been running your life and once you see
them you can choose to change them so for the next 72 hours I want you to regularly ask yourself why am I thinking this thought why am I feeling this emotion is this serving me this level of self-awareness might feel uncomfortable at first that's okay lean into the discomfort because it's in those moments of discomfort that real growth happens now let's talk about the power of decision every decision you make is shaping your future so for the next 72 hours I want you to make decisions as if you were already living your ideal life ask
yourself what would the best version of me do in this situation this might mean choosing the salad instead of the burger it might mean speaking up in a meeting when you'd usually stay quiet it might mean choosing to meditate instead of watching TV whatever it looks like for you make decisions that align with who you're becoming not who you've been and remember it's not about being perfect it's about being intentional it's about making conscious choices rather than operating on autopilot now I want to address something that might be coming up for some of you you
might be thinking Joe this all sounds great but what if I don't know what I want what if I'm not sure what my ideal life looks like and to that I say that's okay in fact that's a great place to start for the next 72 hours I want you to give yourself permission to dream to explore to try new things ask yourself what excites me what what makes me feel alive what would I do if I knew I couldn't fail don't censor yourself don't worry about being practical or realistic just allow yourself to imagine possibilities
because when you open yourself up to possibilities you open yourself up to Miracles now let's talk about the power of your breath your breath is a powerful tool for changing your state of mind and your energy so for the next 72 hours I want you to practice conscious breathing several times throughout the day take a moment to focus on your breath take deep slow breaths filling your lungs completely and then exhaling fully as you breathe in imagine you're breathing in positive energy possibility and love as you breathe out imagine you're releasing any tension stress or
negativity this simple practice can completely shift your energy and your state of mind it can bring you back to the present moment where all your power lies now I want to talk about something that's often overlooked in discussions about personal growth rest and self-care creating change requires energy so for the next 72 hours I want you to prioritize rest and self-care this might mean going to bed a little earlier it might mean taking short breaks throughout the day to recharge it might mean saying no to commitments that drain your energy whatever it looks like for
you make sure you're giving yourself the care and rest you need to fuel your transformation remember self-care isn't selfish it's necessary you can't pour from an empty cup so fill your cup first and then then you'll have more to give to others into your goals now as we're nearing the end of our time together I want to remind you of something important change is not always comfortable in fact it's often uncomfortable but that discomfort is a sign that you're growing that you're pushing beyond your current limits so for the next 72 hours I want you
to embrace discomfort when you feel the urge to retreat to your comfort zone take a deep breath and remind yourself that this discomfort is temporary but the growth you'll experience is permanent now let's talk about the power of Celebration we often Focus so much on our end goals that we forget to celebrate the small winds along the way but those small winds are crucial they build momentum they build confidence they remind us that we're making progress even when it doesn't feel like it so for the next 72 hours I want you to celebrate every small
win did you meditate for five minutes celebrated did you choose a healthy meal celebrate it did you catch yourself in a negative thought pattern and choose to shift it celebrate it these celebrations don't have to be big they can be as simple as taking a moment to acknowledge your progress or giving yourself a mental pat on the back the important thing is that you're recognizing and reinforcing your positive action now I want to address something that many people struggle with perfectionism perfectionism can be paralyzing it can keep you stuck afraid to take action unless you
can do it perfectly but here's the truth perfection is an illusion it's not attainable and chasing it will only lead to frustration disappointment so for the next 72 hours I want you to embrace imperfection give yourself permission to be a beginner to make mistakes to learn as you go because that's how real growth happens it's not about doing things perfectly it's about showing up taking action and learning from the results remember every expert was once a beginner every success story includes chapters of struggle and failure so embrace your journey imperfections and all now let's talk
about the power of your why your why is your purpose your reason for wanting to change it's what will keep you going when things get tough so for the next 72 hours I want you to connect deeply with your why ask yourself why do I want to change what will this change allow me to do be or have how will it impact my life and the lives of those around me the clearer and more compelling your why the more motivated you'll be to push through challenges and keep moving forward forward write your y down put
it somewhere you can see it every day let it be your anchor when you feel like giving up now I want to talk about something that's crucial for creating lasting change forgiveness holding on to anger resentment or guilt only keeps you stuck in the past it prevents you from fully embracing your future so for the next 72 hours I want you to practice forgiveness this includes forgiving others who may have hurt you but also and this is often the hardest part forgiving yourself forgive yourself for past mistakes for not knowing what you know now for
the times you didn't show up as your best self remember forgiveness doesn't mean condoning hurtful actions it means freeing yourself from the burden of carrying that pain it means choosing to move forward unburdened by the weight of the past now let's talk about the power of your identity the way you see yourself your identity shapes your actions your decisions and ultimately your life so for the next 72 hours I want you to start seeing yourself as the person you want to become if you want to be healthier start seeing yourself as a healthy person if
you want to be more confident start seeing yourself as a confident person this isn't about pretending or faking it it's about aligning your self-image with your goals remember you are not defined by your past actions or circumstances you are defined by the choices you make in this moment and the next moment and the next so choose to see yourself in a way that empowers you to become your best self now I want to address something that might be coming up for some of you you might be thinking Joe this all sounds great but what if
I don't have support from the people around me what if the people in my life are negative or unsupportive and to that I say you have the power to choose your influences for the next 72 hours I want you to be very intentional about who and what you allow to influence you this might mean spending less time with negative people and more time with positive supportive ones it might mean changing what you watch read or listen to remember you are the average of The Five People You spend the most time with so choose your influences
wisely surround yourself with people in content that inspire you that challenge you to grow that support your vision for your life now let's talk about the power of commitment change doesn't happen by chance it happens by choice and not just a one-time choice but a series of choices made consistently over time so for the next 72 hours I want you to fully commit to your grow this means showing up for yourself even when you don't feel like it it means doing the work even when you don't see immediate results it means trusting the process even
when doubts creep in remember commitment is not about being perfect it's about being persistent it's about getting back up every time you fall it's about choosing your growth over your comfort over and over again now I want to talk about something that's often overlooked in discussions about personal growth Joy so often we approach personal development as a serious somber task but transformation doesn't have to be all hard work and struggle in fact it can and should include Joy so for the next 72 hours I want you to infuse joy into your growth Journey find ways
to make your new habits enjoyable celebrate your progress allow yourself to feel excited about the changes you're making and the person you're becoming remember Joy is not just the destination it can be part of the journey too and when you approach your growth with joy you're more more likely to stick with it long term now as we're nearing the end of our time together I want to remind you of something important the next 72 hours are just the beginning they're a jump start a catalyst for change but the real magic happens when you continue these
practices Beyond these 72 hours when you make them a part of your daily life so I wanted to encourage you to think Beyond these 72 hours how will you continue this journey of growth and transformation how will you incorporate these practices into your daily routine how will you stay committed to your growth even when the initial excitement Fades remember lasting change doesn't happen overnight it happens through consistent daily choices it happens through small actions taken consistently over time so don't underestimate the power of these small daily actions they may seem insignificant in the moment but
over time they add up to create massive change now I want to leave you with this final thought you have within you everything you need to create the life you desire desire you have the power to shape your reality to write your own story to become the person you've always known you could be the next 72 hours are your opportunity to tap into that power to step into your greatness to begin the process of transforming your life from the inside out for the next 72 hours commit fully to your growth push past your comfort zone
question your limiting beliefs Embrace new possibilities be willing to see yourself and your life in a new way be just 72 hours hours you can set in motion changes that will Ripple out through the rest of your life you can plant seeds that will grow into the reality you've always dreamed of and the power is in your hands the time is now your new life is waiting for you all you have to do is take that first step and then the next and then the next remember every moment is a new opportunity to choose differently
to be different to create a different outcome so starting right now in this very moment choose to step into your power choose to embrace your potential choose to become the architect of your own reality the next 72 hours could be just another 3 days in your life or they could be the three days that change everything the choice is yours what will you choose
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