How a Single Webinar Outperformed 6 Months of Paid Ads!

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Russell Brunson
How would you like to get 90% of people to show up to your challenges or webinars? It may sound craz...
Video Transcript:
how would you like to get 90% of people to show up to your challenges or your webinars I know it may sound kind of crazy but I'm going walk you through six steps to actually make that happen the secret behind this is instead of just creating a challenge or a webinar you actually craft an engineer What's called the dramatic demonstration in fact I'm going to show you behind the scenes today a dramatic demonstration that we did where we literally got more people who join a continuity program in 15 minutes than we had in 6 months
prior through paid ads this year's funnel hacking live one of our speak name is Tim Shields and Tim is in the photography industry and and it's interesting to me because he does all of his business through webinars he doesn't do boring webinars he creates these dramatic demonstration so for example what he does instead of being in his house and his office like hey welcome to my webinar today he literally went to the side of the Grand Canyon set up starlink and did an entire webinar teach people how to do landscape photography again not from his
home but at this amazing location right then he took them to ban for one of the most beautiful places on the earth same thing set the cameras brought starlink in and did his webinar from there and so while he was on stage hiking like talked about this the key with the dramatic demonstration is like you got to take your audience somewhere they would want to go but they don't have access to and he look directly at me he said Russell for your audience you should take them to Dan Kennedy's basement and for me that was
interesting cuz Dan Kennedy's basement when I first got into the marketing world I heard rumors of people who had paid Dan Kenedy for private console day and as a young entrepreneur I was like someday I want to pay Dan to go to base I want to do that and last year I actually had the very first chance to do I paid him for a consult day and I went to his basement and did the the one-day consult and it changed my life it was one of the most amazing cool experiences I've ever had and so
when Tim said that from stage said Russell you should take people to an Cy's basement I was like oh my gosh that's brilliant and then the wheel started spinning my head because he took people to side of Grand Canyon and had to bring starlink in because there's no internet and the most fascinating thing about Dan Kenny if you know who he is he is the greatest marketing Legend of all time but he doesn't have internet in his home we still have to fax Dan Kennedy and so that how cool would that be if we went
to Dan Kennedy's basement and we brought starlink there and streamed the internet so the first time in the history of all time we could stream from Dan Kenny's basement I started planning and I thought I should probably ask Dan kenned if he's okay with me bringing the internet to his basement I wrote up a a letter I faxed it to him asking him if he'd be willing to allow me to do a dramatic demonstration in his basement and luckily for me a few days later when the facts came back it said yes all right so
with that set up I'm going walk you through the six steps that we did to actually execute on this dramatic demonstration these are the same six steps you should model as you're creating and crafting yours so the first step is we needed a hook the hook is what drives the entire dramatic demonstration right be saying I'm going to go get a console day from n K is a good hook but a better Hook is hey I bought a one-day console with Dan Kennedy I'm flying to his basement the internet's never been there in the history
of all time I'm bringing Starling we're going to be streaming from his basement those hooks are both similar but that one's so much stronger so it's creating a hook that causes Intrigue and excitement and then number two is I had to have a story behind it what was the story like why was I going to Dan Kennedy's basement now the reality is um Dan had actually fax me saying that we should do a consultation about the continuity program about our membership site and how to increase stick rates and things like that I needed to embellish
the story and make it better so what what I did is I jumped online and actually bought a fax machine and then we took the fax that Dan had actually sent me and then we refax it to myself so I could actually get the facts on the video so it's all about finding a really good hook telling a good story so that's step number one all right step number two now is we need to create a landing page based on this hook so that way when I do start promoting this people can register to be
part of the event it's a very simple like onepage site that just gets somebody intrigued enough they're going to give us their contact information to register for the dramatic demonstration and one of the keys on a registration page is if you tell everybody exactly what's going to happen they may register but the show up rate will be very very low the number one thing you have on a landing page to increase conversions of people registering and actually showing up is curiosity the more curiosity you give them the more likely they are to show up all
right step number three now is you need to create little many dramatic demonstrations to get people to actually register for the big dramatic demonstration I need to create a bunch of fun and Buzz and excitement around the actual advertising campaign so first thing we did is we took that fax machine we bought and we film a whole bunch of ads with me and the fax machine he literally really faxes me things because this is his version of email we created ads for YouTube for social horizontal ads vertical ads swipe up ads all type ads possible
after created a whole bunch of ads based on the hook around the fax machine I thought what other Hooks could we use to get people excited about coming to this dramatic demonstration so number two was we have the mascot of Bruno the bull who's Dan Kennedy's mascot and so we got the big bull head and made a whole bunch of videos and he stuff is going to grab their attention right just long enough I can tell them the story about Dan Kennedy to get them to register for the main dramatic demonstration step number four after
we've created all these different ads now we need to promote these ads the very first thing we do to promote is we focus on our best traffic which is our own list right so we send emails out Dan Kennedy's list number two the second best thing now is taking all these ad creatives and post them on your social for free everywhere we have a presence everywhere we have a following posting these fun viral ads now we're going to go start buying ads we asked other people who love Dan Kennedy to also promote this dramatic demonstration
and we're lucky we had a whole handful of really good Affiliates who also promote as well now by following these four steps to get traffic we end up getting 10,237 people to register now step number five this is where I have to actually perform the dramatic demonstration I packed my bags and I raced the airport but before I did I swung by the office really quick grabbed up my phone I started doing a bunch of Facebook lives Instagram lives telling people I was about to go see The Wizard of Oz I'm about to go see
Dan Kenny's house what's up everybody this is Russell and right now I'm about to jump on a plane to fly to Cleveland Ohio to go to Dan Kennedy's house if you haven't registered yet you got one last chance if you have registered like get ready cuz tomorrow morning we're going live when I woke up early next morning and we drove to Dan Kenny's house and we had to go set up Starling and once again the internet has never been in the basement this was the very first time Dan Kennedy who's written like 40 best-selling books
has never been on the internet is in Dan Kenny's basement for the first time ever then we started letting everybody know this is about 15 to 20 minutes before the dramatic demonstration happened we started messaging everyone on email everyone who's registered hey we're going live Dan Cy's basement on Facebook on Instagram everywhere we're going like we're going live we're going live we're going live and from that we normally about 20 to 25% people that show up for a webinar we had over 70% people who showed up and stayed on for the entire ire event
uh he showed us everything and people had a chance to actually see where Dan candy were people in the comments were freaking out because they've heard Legends of Dan candy they heard Legends of this basement that's why people showed up they showed up because they wanted this experience they couldn't get any other time any other spot step number six now one dramatic demonstration leads to another so what happens after we did the tour of Dan's house and they had a chance to see everything and we sat down and we did a 45-minute training with Dan
Kennedy how's it going everybody uh welcome to today's live presentation right now as you can see we're in the basement of Dan Kennedy the goal of this training was to have Dan keny teach two of the most powerful strategies if you're running a membership site or continuity program number one was how to get new members coming in and number two was how to get people to stick okay so he taught for 45 minutes on those topics focusing primarily on the what like what do you actually do when the 45 minutes was up then basically told
everybody who was on the live stream said okay this has been amazing hope you guys enjoyed it hope you enjoyed seeing Dan's house hope you got some really good value from the content Dan shared so far but for all you guys who are active members of the membership site in 15 minutes at the top of the hour we're going to be going live we're going to film for about 3 hours talking through first off how to go deep into the actual tactics of the first two strategies Dan shared on top that we're going to share
three more ways to get no members and three more ways to get members to stick it's going to be amazing but only if you're an active member so if you're an active Member log in the membership site right now there's a link inside there go and create your account and jump on live train it's going to be starting in 15 minutes and if you're not a member yet now is the time you got to be a member so if you're not a member yet this is the time to come and jump in here and then
we ended the live stream and we sat there for a minute and during that time we started watching the sales coming in it was crazy we end up getting over, members to sign up during that little 15minute window of time uh to get on the live stream for the second dramatic demonstration will be happening which was a three-hour master class with Dan Kennedy we're going live with Dan to go deeper in this conversation to go through a lot more stuff for a couple hours what's crazy about that to me for us to get a th000
members into a membership site um traditionally if we were buying ads every single day it would have cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars first off to do that but number two it would Tak us probably 6 to 8 months to get that many members to join the membership site instead we did it with one dramatic demonstration just 15 short minutes which is crazy now if you guys want to see a replay of the first dramatic demonstration in Dan's basement you want to see the tour of everything uh we will throw a link down in
the description down below where you can go check it out plus you get some really powerful stuff to show you exactly how to get more people to join your membership sites and get them to stick longer so I hope that helps you guys thanks so much and click link down below to check out that video [Music]
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