welcome everyone Dr Mandel here I'd like to share a chia seed elixir with you for those that are looking to take the pounds off burn the fat and look the way that you've always wanted to be here is something that's going to make a big change in your life what makes this Elixir so unique is that it's going to give you that satiety feeling you're going to stay nice and full you're also going to increase your metabolic rate so your body can continue to burn that fat chia seeds delivers a massive amount of nutrients with
very few calories they are loaded with antioxidants and almost all the carbs in them are fiber chia seeds are high in quality protein and protein is the most weight loss friendly macronutrient that can drastically reduce appetite and Cravings it's the soluble fiber that absorbs large amounts of water and expands in your stomach that keeps you full and content chia seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids cinnamon also will help boost your metabolism your body uses more energy to process this spice than it does for other foods and it's the cinnamaldehyde that makes cinnamon so unique
this helps provoke thermogenesis and subsequent fat burning processes in the body cinnamon also helps in losing weight by suppressing the appetite centers as well as regulating blood sugar levels black pepper contains piperine a compound that enhances metabolic performance and prevents fat accumulation in the body this spice also increases the concentration of good cholesterol black pepper also is a thermogenic food it helps speed up the metabolic process and burns calories much quicker honey has many medicinal health benefits honey has the ability to mobilize stored fat honey has also been shown to pause relatively increase the levels
of HDL or are good cholesterol in the body which helps reduce cardiovascular problems honey is packed with 26 amino acids and a number of valuable vitamins and minerals many of which benefit the body's metabolism lemon is loaded with vitamin C it cleanses and increases the liver's function and speeds up fat metabolism lemon juice increases the function of glutathione which is the key antioxidant for fighting free radicals in our body and increasing our immunity lemon will promote fullness support hydration boost metabolism and increase weight loss so now I will share these powerful ingredients so you can
put this Elixir to use right away you're going to need one cup of room temperature water one teaspoon of chia seeds one quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon the juice of one half of women a dash or two of black pepper and one to two teaspoons of raw honey or substituted with your own natural sweetener so now I have all my ingredients my chia seed my cinnamon lemon pepper and my honey I'm going to take one teaspoon of chia seeds and I'm going to put it in the water you can use room temperature or a little
bit warmer if you like it and you're going to slowly mix it up so you're going to keep stirring a little bit you'll notice some will stay at the top some will go to the bottom then you'll put your other ingredients in there and continue to mix it periodically you'll see those chia seeds continue to get bigger and bigger and bigger over time then you're going to drink this down first thing on an empty stomach before you eat your first meal give yourself about 20 minutes 15-20 minutes before your first meal and you'll feel those
big changes you can also drink this before dinner as well the same exact way like you did before breakfast you will see those amazing benefits you'll start to feel full you'll be much more in control of what you're eating throughout the day it's so important to make sure you still exercise eat a well-balanced diet get your sleep and drink lots of water please share this video with your friends and family leave your comments below and most important make it a great day I'm Dr Alan Mandel