16 Hours In Paris

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Iman Gadzhi
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Video Transcript:
[Music] so that it is 4 a.m. Amsterdam thank you for having me it's time to go to Paris [Music] three hours in the first guest outbreak except for my little tinkle break on the side of history we once there Holland pastor Belgium now we are in friends well these two beautiful tree - 2 cup a pair of these physically car journey anything matter where your chelsea boots are these ones for sure you think anything of these and the journey continues for hours in four hours [Music] maybe yeah so park the car for like 24 hours
and that we have approximately 16 hours just explore so phi sin the sin we're back in the car why Steven hat one job find a place to park we're in a wrong side of town nice so it turns out we're in like middle of nowhere car park I probably should check the bit better so yeah now we paid for parking here never a pre-booked a one-day parking thing at some other place bit closer to where we want to go around and also turns out France is quite warm right now so gonna change his head a
different coat wait how many days have you stay in Amsterdam like three four I'm gonna bring fresh wait it was 28 kilos no no I had 23 I only used 17 Wow yeah and changing my shoes cuz so guys I did something not so clever which was not attach the cord from the vogue rode videomic go to my camera so I just thought I'd narrate what happened because there was no audio so we arrived in Paris from Amsterdam then we sat down and this really cool like Parisian cafe like it was generally something out of
a movie this was my first time to Paris so whatever it was just a really cool experience here's Bob having coffee in slow motion so I hope you like that took a bunch of b-roll around Paris basically it was for a video that I'm doing which you'll see after my next trip it's got to do with travel lifestyle stuff like that I'm really excited for it so yeah here's a bit of b-roll then we went to this place called launcher Co there's one in London it's one of my favorite restaurants just steak and fries that's
literally all they have amazing place yeah just Webber on Paris then we went into ended up at Zara I was really cool like white shoes got some black jeans Bob got a couple other pieces and then after that I actually put down the camera so let me just fill you in on what happened so we were in Paris for probably like 14 hours total after all of this we went to like added ass and I got some nmds which are really cool some white ones would like turquoise tint ball but I went to the signal
Voltaire I bought some stuff from there I think Bob still bought some stuff from Massimo Dutti so just an amazing amazing city for shopping it was around whatever like eight nine we had some dinner and then we headed back to Amsterdam because this whole Paris trip was actually spontaneous we just decided to screw up I know I've done all my work in Amsterdam why not to take a cool road trip to Paris so that's exactly what we did so you arrived back in episode I'm going around 12:00 and I had to leave for my flight
around 4:30 so from 12:00 to 4:30 we just like we went out clubbing just partying and actually I'm it's such a such a cool City the nightlife is pretty crazy pretty interesting not like London and we were all like we hadn't slept like 32 hours at that point or yeah they are like around 32 hours at that point so we were so tired but you know it's my last couple hours so we managed to still have fun anyways this was the end of like three videos for this entire trip is really hard to record stuff
because I have so much client work it was hard to like build a narrative around everything but I want to end off with one message I cannot tell you how proud I am for being able to travel for work for my passion for something I love doing and get paid for it a full credit goes to Bob because he pretty much arranged the shoot was bang & olufsen which was the main reason I went there he knows the you know the representatives in Holland so that was really really cool and I had a couple of
other shoots that he managed to get and I also had a couple meetings and shoots that you know I just looked up local businesses in the area and whatever just went for numbers and got some responses but the point I want to leave you with is it makes me so angry it makes me so upset people don't know their North Star they don't know what they're going for so listening to their teachers their parents this friend that person all these people and they don't go within themselves and ask themselves what do I really want and
what happens is they go through life on someone else's narrative they end up 30 35 40 and they have a broken soul because they realize I'm not living the life I actually want or I'm passionate about so I get tons of emails DMS people telling me people thinking that I'm special or different in any way trust me that's not the case the only difference between you and me probably is that I will take what's considered the risk I will have thrown in my face people telling me I'm ridiculous this that completely disagreeing with you know
the direction I want to go in my life I can live every single day with passion and you're seeing the results now and I haven't picked up the camera in two weeks and a lot has happened in two weeks a lot of big deals more clients signed on you know what maybe this doesn't work out maybe I fall flat on my ass but you know what I enjoyed the journey I loved the journey and it's very rare that when someone's really passionate about something and they have the drive in they have the motivation and the
self-discipline that they fail at what they're doing because even if they get knocked down they're gonna get re creative they're gonna work not harder but they're gonna work smarter this time and they're gonna achieve their dream lifestyle so what I'm really trying to leave you here with is that you know maybe your mom or your dad is talking to you through this hair and your teacher is talking through to you through this here and then maybe someone on YouTube is influencing you in this way all that lock yourself in a room switch off everything and
start visualizing start asking yourself what is the life you want because you know what you could be happy making 50 thousand a year but still having the ability to travel everyone thinks they were be a millionaire trust me most of you don't you you don't want the work and the stress that comes with it and you listen to your mom and you listen to your dad because they want you to be a lawyer they want you to be a banker because when you're sitting around a dinner table with some other guests they're gonna clap at
that that's probably not what you want and you know this isn't some motivational talk I'm just putting the truth out there you have two options either you listen to someone else you go through the journey you hate the journey because it's not something you enjoy and then you're 30 you're 35 years 40 and you end up a broken soul because someone has taken your life out of you and worst of all you've let them do that or you have thrown at you you have everyone telling you ridiculous where you go for what you want you
have that life that lifestyle in your head and you know maybe this person thinks you're a dumbass for it but you love what you're doing and you're gonna put hard work you're gonna find Mentors you're gonna reach out to people you're gonna network you know fall on your ass time and time again but you're gonna get up each time being smarter and you're gonna end up with that lifestyle you want I don't know along my demographic is really young so maybe hard to see that now please just spend some time around 35 to 50 year
olds notice their behavior I can see it in the eyes it's an aliveness or a deadness I can see the person who's gone for what they want in life even though they're gonna face adversary' and face challenge but they're gonna end up passion loving every single moment and the people who have just listened to everyone else and just going for the thing that everyone will clap at so decide who you want to be between those two all I've tried to do today is lay out the truth to you so guys this year I'm not playing
around the past two months have been insane and I'm telling you this is only a start that's where my personal brand I haven't picked up the camera in two weeks because there's just been so much client work there been so many meetings but trust me my number one priority is building my brand getting my message out there inspiring and motivating more people taking all the I've learned and speeding up your learning curve by bringing it to you if you want more videos if you want Instagram posts if you want me to I'm thinking of jumping
on Twitter soon start doing Instagram live like really taking this seriously there might be some really really cool projects coming soon that would everything to the next level if those don't go through then I might be investing a lot of my own money into possibly getting a cameraman to working with me a couple times a week to create the highest quality content because I care about this I care about the messages you send me and the love you guys give me every single day if you've enjoyed this video please leave a like it means the
world to me it's cute [Music]
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