The policeman arrested a young guy for stealing in the supermarket, but when he searched...

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Stories For The Soul
Video Transcript:
Alejandro woke up to the sound of his alarm clock he immediately got out of bed and headed to the bathroom he never allowed himself to linger his years as a police officer had long accustomed him to this he quickly washed his face brushed his teeth put on his uniform and left the house Alejandro never had breakfast in the mornings at most he could afford to grab coffee and a pastry from the 24-hour Supermarket on the corner he hurried down the Sleepy Street he didn't particularly like the city he found himself in due to his job
truth be told he had grown tired of cities long ago in his mind they all blended into a single gray mass of buildings skyscrapers and identical shops over the past 15 years he had moved through a dozen cities and none had left a mark on his heart his life remained the same everywhere dull work with documents and archives interrogating criminals whose faces he forgot as soon as they left left the police station he had no friends only acquaintances some of whom he couldn't even remember by name in the evenings Alejandro would sometimes visit the same
bar not far from home there was a decent retro band playing there performing songs from his youth they momentarily distracted him helping him forget the hardships of his harsh existence there in the bar he would remember his childhood home his father and mother childhood friends the school he used to love of attending where had all that gone why had the colors of Life faded so much was he doomed to Eternal loneliness asking himself these questions he invariably remembered Mercedes the only woman he had ever loved then bitterness spread through his weary heart yes he loved
her alone and he lost her he was to blame for everything Alejandro asked for the bill left generous tips and went home carrying memories and reg with him that morning was gray and Misty he hurried through the streets of yet another unfamiliar City feeling that his soul would never warm up again at the supermarket he momentarily slowed his Pace he didn't want to eat but the warm lights beckoned him to enter and the policeman approached the sliding doors they let him in and Alejandro habitually headed down the aisles in search of his favorite pastries near
the chocolate Bar's display he saw a young man about 19 years old something about his demeanor seemed familiar for a moment the young man looked at him strangely and immediately turned away pretending to browse the products something was off Alejandro's years of experience told him that the young man was acting very suspiciously as if reading his thoughts the young man suddenly darted away and quickly headed for the exit the policeman's Instinct prompted him to follow he saw the young man bypassing the checkout counters and almost running towards the glass doors Alejandro chased after him hey
kid stop right there he shouted quickly noting that the cashiers were watching him with surprised looks maybe they think I'm crazy but I'm 100% sure that kid is up to no good thought the policeman on the Fly he caught up with the guy at the exit and roughly grabbed him by the sleeve of his jacket stop right there exclaimed Alejandro I'll let you go after a search the young man paled the man noticed that the color of the kid's eyes strangely resembled his own a rare Hazel Green shade I I didn't take anything stammered the
detained unconvincingly if you didn't take anything then prove it empty your pockets Alejandro sternly replied he couldn't stand being Li to blatantly years of service had armored his heart impervious to simp ay the kid allowed himself to be searched in one of his pockets the policeman found nothing but a hole but in another there lay a stolen chocolate bar and a small black wallet so you said you didn't take anything huh the policeman bitterly smirked how many of these juvenile thieves had he seen in his lifetime and they all looked so innocent at first glance
he trusted no one anymore the Kid cast his gaze down I'm sorry I'll pay just please don't take me to the police station my mom is very ill the policeman just shook his head why didn't you think of that before walking out with a stolen chocolate bar in your pocket why the silence the kid slumped further I I honestly don't have any money and I'm very hungry I do work really but it all goes to my Mom's medicine Alejandro skeptically eyed the kid he did look very thin even emaciated maybe this time he was telling
the truth but that didn't excuse him and do you often steal chocolate bars he asked the guilty kid nodded and lowered his head every day the policeman's face became impassive as a mask you'll have to come with me to the station the kid looked up at HIM Tears filling his eyes no please my mom won't survive this I've already said it all Alandra replied firmly you'll have to answer for your actions the kid nodded towards the wallet that the policeman still held in his hand please give it back there's no money in there anyway he
pleaded but Alejandro slipped the wallet into the pocket of his uniform I'll check its contents at the station with these words he led the kid out of the supermarket the police station was only a couple of blocks away Alejandro briskly walked along the sidewalk never taking his eyes off the boy who could barely keep up looks like he really doesn't eat enough flashed through the man's mind at the station he immediately took the thief to his office so your mother is sick you work and you have no money for food Alejandro said pulling out the
black wallet from his pocket the kid only nodded silently let's see what's in here with those words Alejandro opened the wallet and peered inside several small coins a shiny Pebble and a folded piece of yellowed paper that's all that was there it seems the guy wasn't lying Alejandro thought but his usual suspicion kept nagging at him placing the wallet on the table the man took out a scrap of paper and was about to unfold it when suddenly the young man jumped up as if stung oh no please not that it's it means a lot to
me it's a memory of he mumbled hesitantly but Alejandro shot him a stern look unfolded the paper and his heart skipped a beat his hands betraying a slight Tremor this just couldn't be Alejandro held in his hands a note he himself had written many many years ago back then he was still very young having just Gra graduated from the police academy he was assigned to a neighboring town which thrilled him to no end every weekend he could hop on a bus and go home the town Alejandro found himself in was a resort Town nestled in
a cozy little Bay during the season it was overrun by tourists and there was no shortage of work but young Alejandro was ready for the challenges he had dreamed of becoming a police officer since childhood sitting out to patrol the evening streets for the first time he felt like an invincible hero however to his dismay he didn't encounter a single disturber of the piece in a couple of hours walking along the prominade Alejandro noticed a group of young guys despite the heat they wore leather jackets and ripped jeans the guys were loudly chatting each holding
a cocktail bottle in hand drinking alcohol on the prominade is prohibited Alejandro said loudly approaching them the guys through him surprised and mocking looks and who are you asked one of them a tall red-haired guy in his 20s Sergeant Alejandro Alvarez we haven't seen you around before the lanky guy replied insolently while the others chuckled the young policeman paid no attention to the laughter insisting on his point are you going to arrest US general someone with a high-pitched voice cheekily asked only now did Alejandro notice a girl among the the guys she too was dressed
in ripped jeans and a worn leather jacket her hair was dyed a bright raspberry color and she had a piercing in her nose she was smoking a cigarette holding it delicately between her slender fingers the wrist peeking out from the wide sleeve of her jacket was also delicate and very beautiful the girl herself gave the impression of fragility Alejandro suddenly felt the desire to protect her noticing his gaze the girl stood up from the bench why are you staring at me like that do I look like a criminal she asked gruffly though her voice was
very gentle Alejandro was taking AB no but I'm obliged to check your documents senorita and she doesn't have them with her the red-haired guy answered for the girl and burst into loud laughter the others of course joined in with their buddy why wouldn't I have them the girl's melodious voice broke through the laughter I do she boldly approached Alejandro and pulled her driver's license out of her pocket Mercedes Castro he read aloud glancing briefly at the photo the girl had normal dark brown hair neatly styled yes that's me Mercedes replied challengingly Alejandro looked into her
eyes and smirked handing back the document you have a noble surname yet you behave like a commoner he casually remarked oh listen to him talk the young policeman heard the voice of the red-haired guy he clearly didn't like how Alejandro spoke about his girlfriend but Alejandro didn't look around his gaze was fixed on mercedes's eyes which were now shooting angry Sparks to the young man it felt like he was about to drown in the depths of those eyes and you're not my daddy to tell me how to behave Mercedes gritted through her teeth throwing away
her cigarette she proudly lifted her head and turned away from Alejandro let's go guys there's too much morality here with these words she grabbed her backpack and without waiting for anyone headed along the prominade the others reluctantly followed her the red-haired guy gave alandro a grim look as a parting shot but said nothing the young policeman clenched his teeth but soon his attention shifted back to the girl he watched her departing figure for a long time the next encounter took place on the road Alejandro was crossing the street at a pedestrian Crossing when suddenly a
red motorcycle came speeding around the corner it barely managed to break in front of him Alejandro in uniform raised his eyebrows sternly expecting an explanation the motorcycle driver removed his helmet and the young man breathed out in Surprise before him stood Mercedes Castro her leather jumpsuit with long sleeves tightly hugged her slender figure and and this time her hair was dyed a venomous green color mercedes's eyes looked bold and mocking oh familiar General why are you moving like a tortoise she laughed Alejandro choked on her unexpected audacity and didn't immediately find a response meanwhile Mercedes
put her helmet back on and revved the engine the next time the young policeman encountered her was in the supermarket Alejandro didn't immediately recognize the girl Mercedes was standing at the Fruit stand picking out the most beautiful apples she wore a light blue cardigan and a white floral dress and this time her hair was dyed turquoise Alejandro wanted to walk past but his legs carried him toward the girl Mercedes Castro with an unexpected encounter he said ironically today not in leather and not on a motorcycle surprising taken a back the girl shuttered and dropped an
apple from her hands it rolled across the floor Alejandro leaned down and picked it up were you following me Mercedes asked squinting quickly regaining her composure and once again assuming the guise of a playful and audacious girl no just came in here for coffee by chance Mercedes looked at him tilting her head slightly and you seem to be an apple Enthusiast Alejandro smiled Mercedes looked somewhat puzzled into the basket which already contained several apples and unexpectedly burst into tears in front of the young man this isn't for of me she managed to say through her
tears Alejandro felt embarrassed and blushed he had unwittingly upset the girl and for whom he cautiously asked the girl wiped her tears with the back of her hand for my grandmother she's sick and hospitalized I'm going to visit her Alejandro felt even more ashamed I'm sorry I didn't know it's okay Mercedes replied taking a small mirror out of her purse she looked at it anxiously you look great Alejandro sincerely said and immediately bit his tongue because Mercedes gave him a Sly look are you already giving me compliments she flutatious asked Alejandro felt himself blushing once
again within a few minutes of their conversation just stating a fact he casually replied Mercedes nodded clearly not believing him do you want me to accompany you to the hospital Alejandro unexpectedly asked himself it seemed that the girl was also a bit taken a back but the invitation clearly evoked Pleasant feelings in her are you afraid I'll be kidnapped on the way she smiled that too Alejandro replied seriously they paid for the apples and left the Supermarket the early evening was warm with a gentle floral scent in the air blending with the Salty Sea Breeze
making the inhalation of this cocktail more than Pleasant the hospital was only a few blocks away from the supermarket and Alejandro suddenly found himself thinking that he wished the road to it would never end he couldn't recall what they talked about but Mercedes laughed a lot although her eyes still remained sad the young couple stopped at the entrance of the hospital and the girl thanked Alejandro can I get your phone number the boy asked terribly afraid she might refuse but Mercedes just nodded in response on the way back Alejandro unconsciously felt Wings behind his back
he called her the next day and asked about her grandmother's health she's a bit better Mercedes replied I've already visited her today do you love her very much Alejandro asked yes the girl confessed she's my kindred spirit the only person who understands me like no one else in this world Alejandro suggested meeting up and taking a walk along the prominade and the girl agreed they wandered along the sea for a long time sat on a wooden pier and skipped Pebbles into the water then it became completely dark and the Stars lit up in the sky
Alejandro knew a bit about constellations in his childhood his grandfather told him stories about the big and Little Dippers about Orion and copia about the hair of barones and Andromeda the young man told Mercedes some of them the girl listened very attentively and tried to find these constellations in the sky you know so much it's very interesting with you she admitted shall we meet on the weekend Alejandro took her hand and shook his head I'm sorry but I'm going home for the weekend Mercedes nodded understanding ly Alejandro thought for a moment and an idea came
to his mind however summoning the courage to say it out loud was quite difficult but if you want I can take you with me the boy finally exhaled Mercedes looked at him in astonishment do you want to introduce me to your parents why not they're quite fun people and you'll see my home Alejandro said his heart pounding Mercedes silently pondered the offer for a few moments okay she said just tell me what's your parents favorite color why do you ask Alejandro wondered I'll dye my hair Mercedes left and the young man smiled in return he
felt surprisingly good the trip couldn't have gone better Mercedes appeared at the bus stop in a simple blue dress with small poka dots her hair was a natural dark reddish Hue and on her nose the Young young man no longer saw a piercing Alejandra realized it was only an imitation they sat side by side in the front seat and part of the way Mercedes dozed off on the young man's shoulder when they arrived the parents met them at the bus station Alejandro introduced them to Mercedes and by the joyful Expressions on their faces he could
tell that they really like the girl everything was perfect delicious homecooked food relaxation in the Shady Garden a stroll through the nearby fields to together with Mercedes where they lay side by side for a long time inhaling the honey scent of flowers the girl made wreaths for herself and Alejandro and the lovers resembled two children so carefree and joyous was their day overwhelmed by emotions at some point Alejandro felt that poetry was pouring out of him he pulled out a scrap of paper from his bag and an unknown pencil stub from somewhere and wrote them
down then he discreetly tucked the note into the pocket of Mercedes sleeping dress 20 some years had passed since then and right now Alejandro standing in front of the young thief in his office held that very scrap of paper in his hands please return it the boy pleaded tearfully this note belongs to my mother Alejandro looked at the boy with sightless eyes your mother he echoed yes the boy confirmed so will you give me the note back or not I'll let Alejandro carefully rolled up the scrap of paper put it back into the wallet and
handed it to the boy who promptly tucked it into his pocket for a while the policeman remained pensive and what's your mother's name he asked hesitantly at last Mercedes the boy replied Mercedes Alejandro repeated softly there was a long silence the boy looked at the policeman bewilderedly as if the sudden change in him took him by surprise there was no trace of his previous confidence and assertiveness so you say she's sick Alejandro whispered the boy nodded she's in the hospital for several months already he murmured quietly avoiding eye contact Alejandro felt his legs weaken he
pulled a chair towards himself and sat down and how long have you been living in this city the man asked hely since I was born if I'm not mistaken the boy answered raising his gaze to the policeman Alejandro sighed heavily then he stood up and paced around the room as if pondering something listen what's your name at least he asked the boy a he replied it's short but my full name is Alejandro the policeman P looking shocked at the boy that's why he seemed so familiar the same eyes the same hair ale was simply a
copy of himself in his youth Alejandro's head spun what he realized just didn't make sense to him how could this even be possible could this young Thief be his son memories carried Alejandro back 20 years when they returned from the young man's Hometown with Mercedes he took up his post the same evening the streets of the city were relatively calm a couple of Rowdy youths were trying to prove something to each other and that was all but when Alejandra walked out onto the prominade and reached the very spot where he first saw Mercedes he noticed
her former company there the guys were again sipping cocktails and talking loudly among themselves The Tall red-haired guy spotted the policeman from afar ah our dear Alvarez has arrived he shouted the whole group gathered and moved closer to the leader Alejandro sensed trouble but didn't show it they wouldn't attack a law enforcement officer he thought he approached closer and as before reminded them that drinking alcoholic beverages on the prominade was prohibited so what will you do if we continue to do it huh hero the redhead asked insolently the others surrounded Alejandro in a tight Circle
I'll have to take you to the police station the young man said calmly the redhead menacingly rolled up the sleeves of his black sweatshirt revealing a tattoo depicting a sword and a snake feel feeling brave huh he sneered through his teeth Alejandro held his gaze I wouldn't advise you to attack a police officer he warned calmly the consequences won't be pleasant the redhead spat at his feet and I wouldn't advise you to hang around Mercedes he replied roughly she's not for you we won't let you off consider your self warned with these words the tall
guy nodded grimly at the policeman and pushing one of of his own walked away the rest like loyal subjects followed him Alejandro watched them for a while what bastards he needed to warn Mercedes to be more careful Alvarez patrolled the streets all night and when he returned to the police station an unexpected piece of news awaited him Alejandro was being transferred to another city this news shocked the young man he didn't want to go so far from home and leave his beloved but orders were orders Alejandro pulled himself together and called Mercedes to tell her
everything hearing the sad news the girl burst into tears they met half an hour later at her house seeing her Beloved the girl cried even harder Alejandro hugged her tightly stroking her hair for a long time trying to comfort her but she was inconsolable perhaps it's for the best Alejandro Amed recalling the threats from his former friends towards Mercedes what do you mean the girl asked wiping away her tears Alejandro told her about the conversation that had taken place on the waterfront don't pay attention to them Mercedes waved it off I've known them all since
childhood dogs bark but they don't bite Alejandro sigh I just want you to be happy I'm not sure if being with me will be good for you A life of constant travel Mercedes looked into his eyes and said seriously I'm ready Alejandro was momentarily stunned what I said Mercedes repeated seriously that I'm ready to go with you to the ends of the Earth the young man looked at her in amazement what about your family your grandmother Mercedes shook her head decisively I'll visit her very often Alejandro couldn't believe his ears but that means we should
get married he said my family is very traditional and that's how I was raised Mercedes smiled happily so I'll become your wife if of course you agree Alejandro nodded hardly believing his luck yes I agree exclaimed Mercedes hearing these words Alejandro lifted her up and spun her around the wedding was very modest only the closest relatives from both sides were present immediately after the ceremony the newwood set off on their journey into their new life the unfamiliar town where they were going to settle welcome them with Sunshine a good sign thought Alejandro he was very
happy his beloved wife was by his side he was promised a promotion at work they were given a small but nice apartment what more could he ask for at first everything was wonderful Mercedes enjoyed living in the new town happily arranging the apartment bringing warmth and coziness to it she started attending meetings of young wives held at the local Club made new friends and didn't feel bored or lonely when Alejandro was at work they spent weekends together sometimes staying at home sometimes going somewhere or watching movies life seemed wonderful and beautiful however gradually something imperceptibly
changed Alejandro spent more and more time at work his new position required him to meet more demands moreover a secret criminal group appeared in the city causing panic and constant disruptions to the lives of ordinary citizens Alejandro became nervous slept and ate poorly constantly looked grim and focused he saw crime everywhere he was very afraid for Mercedes life and reacted sharply to any glance when they went out together eventually they stopped doing that and Alejandro forbade his wife to go out alone Mercedes accustomed to complete Freedom found these changes very difficult she became pale and
one day Alejandro heard her vomiting in the bathroom however he was in a hurry to work and didn't ask about anything and in the evening a real storm broke out Alejandro returned late he had spent the whole day on his feet and hadn't eaten anything the only thing he dreamed of was coming home and collapsing on the bed fully dressed however Mercedes met him at the threshold why did it take you so long she asked it was clear that the girl was on edge darling you know I have a lot of work I'm very tired
Alejandro replied and what about me did you ever think about me didn't you think about what it's like for me to sit at home all day waiting for you to come back Mercedes suddenly burst out you can invite a friend over Alejandra suggested he walked into the room and sat on the bed still fully closed I didn't come here for that Mercedes continued to shout I came here to be with you but you're never here with these words she started to cry Alejandro wanted to get up and hug her to comfort her but he had
no strength left come here my love he quietly called out no I won't Mercedes stubbornly replied then suddenly exclaimed I don't want to see you at all I regret ever meeting you these final words from his wife pierced Alejandro's heart painfully he ped with anger jumped off the bed and rushed towards Mercedes do you think I like this life he errupted do you think I dreamed of this she cried again you chose it yourself and you always only thought about yourself you're selfish you don't know anything around you the girl exclaimed with bitterness and then
Alejandro couldn't hold it anymore he made the biggest mistake of his life instead of embracing and comforting his wife he unconsciously raised his hand to strike her Mercedes looked at him with wide eyes then she quickly shook her head as if fighting against a vision The Tears In Her Eyes dried up instantly replaced by fear in her gaze you won't do it she said calmly Alejandro burst into loud sobs lowering his hand he covered his face with his hands and cried forgive me my love I don't know what came over me Mercedes remained silent for
a long time then she went to the bathroom and locked herself in Alejandro overwhelmed with sorrow and shame lay down on the bed and fell asleep he woke up in the morning the bed was unmade Mercedes was not there Alejandro struggled to get up and staggered into the bathroom there was nobody there either there was a note on the kitchen table forgive me but you won't see me again Mercedes had written to him Alejandro rushed to the closet and threw open the doors his wife's clothes and her suitcase were gone he leaned against the wall
and slid to the floor have I lost her a thought flashed in his mind realizing this Alejandra jumped up as if stung and rushed out of the house he ran not caring where he was going until he reached a small old Cottage where mercedes's best friend Laura lived Alejandro started banging on the door with all his might after a couple of minutes it swung open and Laura's husband Diego appeared at the threshold looking alarmed Alejandro what's wrong you look terrible he exclaimed Mercedes Alejandro panted is she here don't think about hiding her but Diego just
Shrugged sleepy Laura appeared behind him seeing the young policeman she became worried Alejandro what's wrong with Mercedes she quickly asked no I don't know he replied bewilderedly she's gone I thought she was here tears red up in the Man's eyes we had a fight yesterday he confessed I was very tired and fell asleep and in the morning she was nowhere to be found having said this Alejandro couldn't hold back and started to cry she wasn't herself blaming me for locking her in four walls but I was just concerned about her safety wait Alejandro why are
we standing here Laura's husband intervened come inside and tell us everything calmly but the policeman just shook his head no if she's really not here I have to find her I'm guilty before her and I'm terrified of losing her Alejandro attempted to break free but Diego managed to grab him by the sleeve stop we're not letting you go in this state you might do something foolish or God forbid get hit by a car come inside and calm down Alejandro gave in he allowed Laura to lead him to the kitchen and sit him down at the
table the young woman immediately rushed to brew herbal tea to somehow help her best friend's husband calm down Diego entered the room he changed into a T-shirt and jeans replacing his casual clothes all right here's the plan he said briskly drink some tea it won't hurt to calm down a bit then we'll take my car and go search for for Mercedes Alejandro just nodded Laura placed a cup of tea in front of him and he took a few sips burning his tongue all right we're off he exclaimed jumping up from the table thanks for the
tea Laura he and Diego quickly left the house and got into the car Alejandro remembered that Mercedes had two other good friends so they went to search for the police officer's wife at their places however neither of them knew anything about the girl I haven't seen Mercedes in so long she's always at home said one of the friends the other just Shrugged it was evident that both were telling the truth Alejandro was becoming desperate where else could she have gone he exclaimed Diego thought hard you know what buddy he finally said let's go to the
train station he started the engine and they set off at the station the men approached the ticket counter and seeing the familiar cashier old Hugo who had been working there since time immemorial and knew all the towns fol by face they turned to him hopefully Mercedes yes she bought a ticket early in the morning but asked not to tell anyone he calmly replied and kindly added so have you too had a falling out Alejandro grimly nodded well no worries young and foolish reassured old Hugo make up she'll be back like a little lamb but Alejandro
didn't share his confidence please Hugo Tell Us Where She Went where else home of course he simply replied apparently she missed her family Alejandro immediately bought a ticket and the next morning knocked on Mercedes parents' door they opened it and were terribly surprised to see Alejandro on the doorstep and when he told them the reason for his sudden appearance Mercedes mother clutched her heart it turned out that the girl hadn't been home Alejandro visited all of Mercedes old friends even the red-haired one but no one had seen his wife he couldn't catch her Trail are
you going to arrest me Alejandro snapped back to reality at the boy's voice the policeman startled and looked at the young man noting his resemblance to himself once again hold on you have time for prison Alejandro bitterly smiled can I visit your mom instead Alejandro's face elongated in surprise you can but why would you he asked Alejandro nodded quickly making a snap decision then let's go he said questions later Alejandro headed for the exit and the policeman grabbing the keys to the patrol car from the table followed him in the hospital they approached the registration
desk together hello I'm here for Mom said Alejandro to the administrator a woman in her 50s with a kind but slightly tired face and who's this with you a she exclaimed in Surprise your relative you look so alike Al glanced at the policeman well actually he began but Alejandro didn't let him finish yes a relative he firmly answered I'm his father ale coughed but the administrator didn't pay attention to it how wonderful that you've come now Al will feel better and Mercedes will probably be delighted too I hope so Alejandro said his heart pounding they
walked to the elevators and went up to the third floor is mom seriously ill Alejandro asked a who had been staring at him all this time but hadn't asked any questions yes the boy noted in response and the policeman sighed heavily finally they reached the right Ward and stopped in front of the door are you sure mom won't get worse when she sees you Alejandro asked quietly I hope not Alejandro repeated if you upset or hurt her you will regret it the boy said firmly the police officers just nervously nodded in response Al opened the
door and entered the room first the man followed him feeling trembling inside it seemed to him that his heartbeat could be heard throughout the room he recognized Mercedes immediately despite the passing years and she looked very pale and exhausted from illness the woman looked up at him and Silent tears rolled down her cheeks mom ale whispered taking her hand Mercedes Alejandro murmured stopping in the middle of the room hesitant to approach the woman s nled ale please stay in the corridor for a bit we need to talk she said is he really my father Al
couldn't help but ask Mercedes simply nodded in response Al walked out glancing back at Alejandro his face reflecting a mixture of emotions when the boy closed the door behind him Alejandro rushed to Mercedes fell to his knees beside the bed and buried his face in her blanket it seemed seemed to him that she was so fragile and almost transparent beneath him forgive me my love please forgive he muttered horsely as if none of these 20 years had passed as if they had argued just yesterday it's me who should ask for forgiveness darling Mercedes whispered I
was already pregnant with ale back then and couldn't control my emotions I realized it later but it was too late but why my love I wish waited for you all this time I remained alone Mercedes looked at him incredulously at first I convinced myself that I should forget you I was always so proud but when a was born everything changed I realized it wouldn't be fair to keep him hidden from you so I went back to our town but you were no longer there they transferred me Alejandro whispered the police gave me your new address
and I went to you when I approached the house with ail in my arms I saw you with another woman Mercedes barely uttered The Last Words as if it was difficult for her Alejandro was stunned but I don't know who you're talking about she had long black hair down to her waist and tan skin such a beauty and you seemed so happy with her Mercedes whispered Alejandro paused for a moment oh that that was my neighbor Anna sometimes she asked me to help her with nails or hang curtains maybe she was in love with me
but I couldn't think of anyone else but you my dear with these words Alejandro gently took mercedes's hand I searched for you I swear searched for you for a long time but you disappeared as if you never existed sometimes I thought I had gone mad and just invented you once Mercedes cried again how foolish I've been she exclaimed don't blame yourself that's all in the past now I'll always be by your side I swear to you my love Alejandro fervently declared I don't know how much time I have left Mercedes murmured through her tears is
it that serious the man grew concerned Al didn't tell me the reasons for your illness what do the doctors say Mercedes wiped her tears and looked at Alejandro they say the course of the illness depends on my will to live I didn't have it my life has long turned into a series of monotonous empty days Alejandro pressed mercedes's hand to his cheek her words struck a chord in his heart and their meaning was all too familiar to him I'll be by your side perhaps it will brighten your life even a little he said thank you
my my love Mercedes simply replied Al entered the room may I he asked Mercedes nodded Al entered and sat on a chair opposite the bed his demeanor showed he was awaiting explanations Alejandro stood up kissed mercedes's hand and approached his son you said my father died Al said softly but there was reproach in his words yes son Mercedes replied the the thing is your father and I had a misunderstanding at one point upon hearing the word misunderstanding Alejandro bitterly smiled and we parted ways for many years Mercedes finished Al looked at his father with suspicion
he abandoned us the young man clarified Mercedes shook her head no son he didn't even know about your existence IL looked incredulously at his mother well actually she confessed quietly it's my fault in everything both of us Alejandro interjected but now everything will be different however Al still frowned but just this morning you practically dragged me to the police station he grumbled Mercedes clutched her heart what oh and I didn't even ask how you two met and how Alejandro ended up here I was so upset Alejandro sat on the edge of her bed and took
her hand again calm down Mercedes Al is not in danger it was a mistake with these words he looked meaningfully at his son Al crossed his arms with a proud look all like mother the policeman thoughted contentedly well it's okay we'll make friends yet Alejandro arranged with an acquaintance to take ale to work in his business and teach him everything now thefts from supermarkets were over for good every day Alejandro visited his beloved wife in the hospital and with each visit Mercedes noticeably improved a blush appeared on her cheeks and she started to take walks
in the Cozy green Courtyard something she had never done before the nurses and doctors couldn't be happier with the improvements in the patient's condition she's glowing with joy they said to each other that's what love does once Alejandro arrived at his beloved's place in His official car and having made arrangements with her attending physician took Mercedes for a ride they headed out of town the weather was wonderful with bright Sunshine Illuminating the day Alejandro parked by the edge of a large field where yellow flowers were blooming the air was pleasantly scented with honey Mercedes took
a deep breath for the first time in a while and laughed it feels just like when we first went to visit your parents she smiled yes even the sandwiches are the same just this time it's not my mom who made them but me Alejandro replied it seemed to him as if they had magically traveled back 20 years they walked around the field for quite some time then Mercedes began to feel tired so Alejandro spread a blanket on the grass they ate sandwiches and drank coffee from a thermos and then lay down side by side for
a while I'm so happy whispered Mercedes me too Alejandro replied softly Mercedes turned to look him in the eyes you know she smiled it seems like the thirst for life has finally returned to me that means everything will be okay soon Alejandro murmured kissing his beloved dear viewers if you enjoyed the story please support the video by liking it and leaving a comment thank you very much
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A family that lost everything in a fire found a bag in the dumpster, and when they opened it and saw
A family that lost everything in a fire fo...
Stories For The Soul
10 Auditions That Will Go Down In HISTORY!
10 Auditions That Will Go Down In HISTORY!
Amazing Auditions
Ar Ukrainos užimtos Kursko teritorijos – koziris prieš taikos derybas? | DIENOS PJŪVIS
Ar Ukrainos užimtos Kursko teritorijos – k...
TV3 Televizija
Story: Truck driver saved pregnant woman’s life and when he visited her home he was shocked
Story: Truck driver saved pregnant woman’s...
Life Narrated
The young engineer helped a homeless man and gave him a job in his garage. After some time...
The young engineer helped a homeless man a...
Stories For The Soul
When the woman overheard her husband talking about the will, she pretended. But what happened next..
When the woman overheard her husband talki...
Emotional Storyteller
A Young Millionaire Married a Poor Waitress, But She Revealed Her Secret at the Wedding...
A Young Millionaire Married a Poor Waitres...
Stories For The Soul
Bank Kicks Out The Black Man, Not Realizing He's Their Boss
Bank Kicks Out The Black Man, Not Realizin...
When the girl's parents arrived, the man recognized her father as the judge who sentenced him to 10
When the girl's parents arrived, the man r...
Stories For The Soul
Setting up a baby monitor in his room, the wealthy man...
Setting up a baby monitor in his room, the...
Emotional Storyteller
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