The Battle of the mind 1 | Billy Graham Sermon #BillyGraham #Gospel #Jesus #Christ

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[Music] tonight I want to talk about the battle for the mind [Music] there's a great giant battle going on in the world today between the forces of God and the forces of Satan for the minds of young people as well as older people and Jesus was summing up the Ten Commandments of Moses and in the bottom line he said that we're to love the Lord Our God with all our hearts and all our souls now three nights ago I spoke on the battle for your heart tonight it's the battle for your mind in Monday Syracuse
Post-Standard we read of the possibility of scientists transplanting a healthy brain into the head of someone with a malfunctioning mind I'd like to be in on that the older I get I'm beginning to believe my mind is malfunctioning because I can't remember certain things that I ought to be remembering not too many yet [Applause] but I want you to turn with me to the 10th chapter of second Corinthians the 10th chapter of second Corinthians and these words beginning with the third verse for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the Flesh
in other words we are engaged in a Warfare if you're a Christian you are engaged in a Warfare not a playground not a basketball court not a football stadium but you're engaged in a Battlefield for the weapons of our Warfare are not fleshly they're not carnal but they are Mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds the Apostle Paul said I'm going to use some weapons that will be new to you but they're going to pull down the devil's strongholds and these are spiritual weapons the word of God in prayer and the power of
the Holy Spirit then he said we're casting down imaginations in every High thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to The Obedience of Christ a person who is living in the spirit every thought that he has should be in obedience to the person of the Lord Jesus Christ I have seen in Paris that great stature that rodine built it's called The Thinker now back of all inventions and all wars and all books is the power of thought that's what this University is all about it's not only a
place where you produce great sporting of teams but it's a place where people are taught to think and they're taught the academic side of the university is the primary part of the University now thoughts are powerful to harm us and Powerful to help us the Bible says as a person thinketh so is it how do you think what goes through your mind what do you think about when you're alone someone has said plain living in high thinking are no more one of the most important things in our lives is who's going to control our minds
Proverbs 16 32 says he that ruleth his mind is greater than he that taketh the city means to rule the thought of your mind you spend a great deal of time alone many of you do so your mind is your only companion what do you think about what do you talk to your mind about that's your only companion is your mind for many of you Isaiah the prophet said thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee do you keep your mind on Christ and if you get your mind off Christ
and you get it on some things you shouldn't be thinking about do you pray Lord forgive me and help me to get my mind back on Christ I do many times now the Bible says first of all that the mind your mind is at enmity against God your mind does not want to do anything about God to start with in Romans 8 7 it says the carnal mind of the fleshly mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be the Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossians
in the first chapter and said that until they had come to the world come to Christ they were alienated and enemies in their mind enemies of God alienated from God separated from God in your mind and your mind was a part of that decision such a mind will not obey the law of God it commit it submits to sin it Minds the things of the flesh the Bible warns against having that kind of carnal fleshly mind that mind that is dominated by the devil or by selfishness and then the mind is not on the enmity
against God but it's also a blinded mind second Corinthians 4 3 says in whom the God of this world that's the devil hath blinded the minds of them which believed not he has power he has Supernatural power to Blind your mind and you let him you have to let him and if you let him he can blind your minds I cannot account for their parent Veil that hangs over the hearts of some people many people very close to the kingdom of God many people surrounded by a believing family I know a young man right now
surrounded by a believing family reared in the church read for God he heard the blessing said that at the table at every meal and today he's way out in left field on drugs sex all the rest of it blinded by the God of this world they're LED captive to the will of Satan and many people tell me I don't understand I've heard this all my life I've tried to believe but I cannot they're blinded and the only person that can open your eyes to the truth is the Holy Spirit and you must ask him to
come and open your eyes supernaturally which he will do tonight before you leave here if you will allow him yes your mind is at enmity with God your mind is blinded but then there's the doubtful mind the Bible talks about in Luke 12 Jesus said neither be ye of doubtful mind the Bible warns against the double-minded person James says a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways and this cares with it the idea of a person who wishes to secure Both Worlds you want one foot in heaven and one foot in the pleasures of
this light and you cannot you've got to go one way or the other so there are many of you that are torn between your sinful pleasures and appetites and your desire for heaven and you know that you can't have both and you've got to make a choice Jesus said there are two roads in life there's the broad road that leads to destruction there's the narrow road that leads to eternal life and there's a narrow gate and that gate is the cross yes we have Minds that are at enmity against God we have Minds that are
blinded by the devil we have doubtful minds and then there's the defiled mind Paul wrote to Titus of a certain people who are always lies whose minds are defiled and unbelieving we have mind altering drugs today and medicines and alcohol all sorts of things that change our minds our minds become defiled we can live so long with our imaginations and our fantasies that are wrong and against the teachings of scripture that our minds become defiled and evil thoughts are the suicide of the Soul now you cannot help bad thoughts coming from your mind I I
don't want to give you the wrong impression you cannot help bad thoughts coming from your going into your mind it's like birds you can't keep them from flying over but you don't have to let them nest in your hair and some of us let evil thoughts nest in our minds thoughts of jealousy thoughts that lead to anger thoughts that lead to the wrong kind of Passions when Jesus cast the demons out this man was in his right mind so we have Minds in the Bible that are at enmity with God they're blinded by the devil
they're doubtful minds and their defiled minds but you can also have a renewed mind the Bible says in Romans 12 2 and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind you can be transformed tonight you can be changed tonight you can have all of your sins forgiven tonight because Christ died on the cross and shed his blood for you and it's wonderful to go home tonight and know that every sin is Forgiven not only forgiven but you're Justified just as though you had never sinned and God raised
him from the dead and he's alive ready to transform your mind tonight and transform your body and transform everything about you your whole lifestyle will have to change but the holy spirit will be there to help you change it it doesn't mean that you'll never sin again it means that if you do sin you'll immediately be convicted by the holy spirit in you confess your sin and ask God to forgive you and he will forgive you yes there's the renewed mind Ephesians 4 23 says and be renewed in the spirit of your mind have you
had your mind renewed and transformed by repenting and receiving Christ well you'll say well Billy you know I I've been baptized I've been confirmed I belong to the church that's wonderful I'm asking you tonight to reconfirm your confirmation vows I'm asking you to reconfirm those that baptized you in the words that were said when you were baptized and say oh God I want to follow you the way it was promised that I would follow you in Philippians 2 5 it says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus we're to have
the mind of Christ by the transforming and renewing of your mind you can change your mind and Christ will transform it that's what repentance really means the word repentance means change of mind it means that you're going to change lifestyle change the direction that you're going you're going to say to God I'm sorry I've sinned I want to be made a new person Paul asked the Corinthians who hath known the mind of the Lord and he answered it himself he said we have the mind of Christ when you have the mind of Christ you have
the mind of the law we who know Christ have the mind of Christ we who have been saved by his grace have the mind of Christ all of you that have said yes to his call have the mind of Christ not a perfect mind but a mind that's now controlled by Christ rather than by Satan and your own sinful Nation nature then the Bible talks about the spiritually minded people in Romans 8 6 to be spiritually minded is life and peace in second Peter 3 1 says he will stir up your pure mind wouldn't you
like to have a pure mind a spiritually a spiritual mind a transformed mind now when I say mine that means your whole life because your mind in a sense controls your life along with your heart you have a body living inside your body as your spirit your soul that's the part of you that will live forever your body will go to the Grave but you the real you is going to live forever and it's all going to be decided on what you do about Christ have you repented of your sins are you sure of it
you can do it tonight by simply saying Lord I've sinned and I'm sorry and I'm willing to change my way of living I want you to transform my mind I want you to renew my mind and my whole life I want to be spiritually minded I want you to stir up some Purity in my mind I'm going to ask you to do that tonight we've seen hundreds and even thousands of people this week do something I'm going to ask you to do I think last night there was something like thirteen hundred and the night before
it was 1400 and that's the way it's been night after night I'm going to ask you to get up out of your seat and come and stand in front of the platform and say by coming I open my heart to Christ I open my mind to Christ I want him to have me I'm willing to change my lifestyle whatever it cost I'm willing to pay it in order to know that I belong to Christ
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