Veja a íntegra da reunião entre Trump, Zelensky e Vance [Legendado]

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Brasil Paralelo
Assine a Brasil Paralelo: ___________ SEXTA-FEIRA, ÀS 20:00 - Rasta News As velhas notícias de semp...
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well thank you very much it's an honor to have President zalinski of Ukraine and we've been working very hard very close and we've actually known each other for a long time we've been dealing with each other for a long time and very well we had little negotiation spat but that worked out great I think for for both countries I think for the world actually Beyond both countries and we have something that is a very fair deal and we look forward to getting in and digging digging digging and working and getting some of the rare earth
but it means we're going to be inside and it's uh it's a big commitment from the United States and we appreciate working with you very much and uh we will continue to do that we have had some very good discussions with Russia I spoke with President Putin and we're going to try and bring this to a close it's something that you want and that he wants we have to negotiate a deal but we've started the confines of a deal de and I think something can happen uh the big thing is the uh number of soldiers
mostly at this point but soldiers being killed you're losing thousands of soldiers on both sides we're losing a lot of soldiers and we want to see it stop and we want to see the money get put to different kinds of use like rebuilding the rebuilding and we're going to be working very hard but we've had a lot of very good conversations I will say until we came along the B Administration didn't speak to Russia whatsoever they didn't speak to anybody they just allowed this to continue and uh I will say that uh I'll say in
front of you you've heard me say it a thousand times if I were president of this war would have never happened we would have had a deal negotiated for you without having to go through what you've gone through but you uh your soldiers have been unbelievably Brave we've given them great equipment but they somebody has to use the equipment they've been unbelievably Brave and we give them great credit this was supposed to be over very quickly and uh here we are three years later so I give tremendous credit to your generals and your soldiers and
yourself in the sense that uh it's been very hard fighting very tough fighting great Fighters and uh you have to be very proud of them from that standpoint but now we want to get it over with it's enough right we want to get it over with so uh it's an honor to have you here thank you very much for coming we're going to sign uh the agreement at the conference in the East room in a little while right after lunch and we'll be having lunch together we're also discussing some other things and we appreciate everybody
being here it's a somewhat of an exciting moment but the really exciting moment is where we get a when they stop the shooting and we end up with a deal and I think we're fairly close to getting that and uh an honor to have you and please you like to say something yeah thank you so much Mr President thank you for invitation and uh really I hope that this um document first document will be first step to real security guarantees for Ukraine our people our children I really count on it and of course we count
that America will not stop support really for us is very important to support and to continue it I want to discuss it with details further during our convers ation and of course the infrastructure or security guarantees because for today I understand what Europe is ready to do and of course I want to discuss with you what United States will be ready to do and uh I really count on your strong position to stop Putin and uh and you said that enough with the War I think that is very important B to say these wars to
Putin at the very beginning at the very beginning of War because he is a killer and terrorist but I hope that together we can stop him but for us it's very important to you know to save our country our values our freedom the democracy and of course uh no compromises with the killer about our territories but it will be later and of course I what I wanted you know we spoke about it by phone with you about the Dron production we have very good Dron production I think the best one in the world for today
because of the war yes and uh of course we need very much uh the air defense you have the best air defense in the world and really you help us under attacks of Russians and I want to speak how we can exchange the licenses we're open to share the licenses of all our drones with you of course with the United States and we need licenses for quick production of air defense even after the war we need our nation to be Cal that we're secured so that's why we need this air shield and of course about
this uh I want to speak about the contingence I think that France and UK already spoke to you and we know that Europe is ready but without the United States they will not be ready to be as strong as we need and the last point last not least uh about exchange about our people and children and you know that this crazy Russian that they stolen 20,000 of children Ukrainian children they changed their names they changed their you know their families relatives and uh now they in Russia we want to bring them back and really it's
a big big dream task and goal for me and and the our Warriors we by the way Mr we brought we exchange we yes released more than 4,000 Warriors from Russian prison but there are thousands more in the prison I wanted to share with you some some images how how it's just just can can can I now yeah pleas some minute one minute one minute iust you to understand what in what circumstances in what situation they are and what the attitude of Russia to our prisoners that guys just you before before and after and you
see before and after just you to understand now thousands of such guys ladies and men there and that so they don't eat they with them and they you know they do a lot of a lot of you know bad things so out out of even during the war There Are Rules everybody knows There are rules during the war these guys they don't have any rules you see that 50 60 kilogram left and and a lot of such things and I didn't want to show you what what the changes with images of children because I will
share just share with you I me it's looking tragic y it's tough stuff yeah I wanted very much to to give you and you see this is Pastor by the way they stolen pastors because it's not Russian Church they stolen pastors and move pastors to the prison we at the end of last year we we brought three pastors and we we could exchange them and this is Pastor you see yeah that's yeah so I'm in this I wanted to show you and uh yes so thank you very much we want to get that ended right
yeah yeah of course of course we will I think we will I think we will and uh we have to of course do you have any questions please Mr President um with the how much money is the US going to put into the fund is being created today and how does this provide long-term security for Ukraine well we don't know exactly how much because we're going to be putting some money in a fund uh that we're going to get from the raar earth that we're going to be taking and sharing in terms of Revenue so
it's going to be a lot of money will be made from the sale and from the use of raw Earth and as you know our country doesn't have much raw Earth we have a lot of oil and gas but we don't have a lot of the raw Earth and what we do have is protected by the environmentalists but that could be unprotected but still it's not very much uh they have F among the best in the world in terms of rora so we're going to be using that taking it using it for all of the
things we do including Ai and including weapons and the military and it's uh really going to very much satisfy our needs so was something that just worked out uh really well we have a lot of oil and we have a lot of gas we have a lot but we don't have raw Earth so uh this uh this has just about every component of the raw Earth that we need for computers for all of the things we do is puts us in great shape and longterm security I think they're going to have great long I think
once we make the agreement that's going to be 95% of it it's they're not going to go back to fighting uh I've spoken with President Putin and uh I think I mean I feel very strong I've known them for a long time and I feel very strongly that uh they're very serious about it and will'll make a deal and when the deal is made I don't think we talk about security everyone's talking about the other day all they talked about was security said let me make the deal first I have to make the deal first
I don't worry about security right now I got have to we have to have a deal cuz right now last week 2,000 soldiers died on both sides 2,000 and they're losing a th000 2,000 3,000 a week so as we sit here and we talk people are getting shot and dying on the battlefield and you know they're not American soldiers but they're Russian soldiers and they're Ukrainian soldiers and we want to be able to stop it and we want be able also to spend money on other things we don't want to this is a tremendous amount
of money and what the Biden Administration did was terrible they were giving money but he had no security on the money Europe as you know gave much less money but they had security it was in the form of a loan they get their money back and we didn't and now at least we're protected because the American taxpayer has to be protected too but uh this is an incredible agreement for Ukraine because we have a big investment in their country now and and what what they have very few people have and we're able to uh really
go forward with very very high-tech things and many other things including Weaponry Weaponry that we're going to use in many locations but that we need for our country this allows this allows us to do that will you continue will you sorry I'm sorry yes go ahead please I can just yes in the document there is one of the very important points uh if we speak about business and investment we never had LG terminals in Ukraine this document will open I mean the next documents but anyway the here presid zy do you feel like the US
is on your side that the president that President Trump is on your side at this uh at this moment what do you think he wants to know do you think that sort of a stupid question I guess I guess we wouldn't be here if I wasn't but I think that I think that the United States on our side from the very beginning of occupation and uh I think that President Trump on our side and and of course I not I'm sure that United States President will not stop support this is crucial for us it's important
for us yes and Putin president speaks about the people and the soldiers which are dying but they came to our territory they came to our land they began this war and they have to stop and uh I think all this is the question with really the most important question can president Trump I hope yes with some other allies to stop Putin withdraw these enemies our enem withdraw these troops from our land and I think that you asked about the history about the I think that if president or he will stop Putin if president Trump will
bring peace to our country I think he will be on this wall we've had very very good uh talks what about military a to ukra president M Mr President zinski just said that there' be no compromises with uh um Vladimir Putin um I just wanted to ask both of you firstly um are there compromises that you think that president zinski is going to have to make and president zilinsky is there anything that you might you think that you may be able to offer or bring to the table for example elections thank you I think you're
going to have to always make compromises you can't do any deals without compromises so certainly he's going to have to make some compromises but hopefully they won't be as big as some people think you're going to have to make that's all it's all we can do I'm here as a as an arbitrator as a mediator to a certain extent between two parties that have uh been very hostile to put it mildly they've been very hostile there has been a vicious War it's been a vicious War you know it's a very level Battlefield and uh those
bullets go out and as I've said many times we were talking about it with Pete uh many times the only thing stopping those bullets is a human body and in the case we're talking about generally young human bodies are stopping a lot of bullets it's dead level that's what why it's great Farmland it's great land it's great Farmland but there's very little protection against the bullets that are being and other things that are being shot so all I can do is see if I can get everybody at the table and get an agreement and I
think we're going to end up with an agreement otherwise I wouldn't probably be even here today Mr President I got two questions for you think ultimately your legacy will be The Peacemaker and not the president that led this country into another war and ended Foreign Wars I've got I hope it will I mean I hope I'm gonna be uh remembered as a peacemaker uh this is this would be a great thing if we could do this I'm doing this to save lives more than anything else second is to save a lot of money but I
considered that to be far less important so I hope I'm going to thank you Brian for that question it was a nice question uh I hope I'll be known and recognized as a peacemaker this this would be a great thing to solve this is a very dangerous situation you know this could lead to a third world war this is this was headed in the wrong direction if this election were lost if we didn't win this election and by way we won it by a lot that was a mandate we won every swing state we won
the popular vote by millions and millions of votes we won everything the districts you look at the areas of of red take a look at a map this was a big mandate and uh this was one of the things I said we're going to get this thing settled if we didn't win I think this would have this could have very well ended up in a third world war and that would not that would not have been a good situation what was your second question my second question for president zki do you ever why don't you
wear a suit suit highest level in this country's office and you refuse to wear suit you own suit yeah you have problems a lot of Americans have problems with you not I don't have uh I will wear costume after this war will finish okay yes maybe well maybe something like yours yes maybe some something better I I don't know we will see maybe something cheaper then yeah thank [Music] you are going to send more arms to Ukraine in case there's no peace yeah we're going to have arms to Ukraine yeah sure hopefully I won't have
to send very much because hopefully we're going to have it finished we're looking forward to finishing this quickly uh we're not looking forward to sending a lot of arms we're looking forward to getting the war finished so we can uh do other things but we very much appreciate the agreement because we needed what they had and we're treating you know our country is now treated fairly Biden didn't do that Biden did he didn't know what the hell he was doing this should have never happened this should have never started but uh you know sure the
answer is yes but hopefully we won't have to send much because I'm looking for to get it done getting it done quickly very quickly does that provide security guarantees Mr President uh I don't want to talk about security yet because I want to get the deal done you know you fall into the same trap like everybody else a million times you said over and over I want to get the deal done security is so easy that's about 2% of the problem uh I'm not worried about security I'm worried about getting the deal done uh the
security is the easy part security is very nice everybody stopped shooting and now will Europe put people there I know France is going to I know the UK is going to I know other countries are going to and they happen to be right next door we haven't committed but we could conceivably you know we have Security in a different form we'll have workers there uh digging digging digging taking the raw Earth so that we can create a lot of great product in this country uh so in that sense you have something but we haven't determined
that yet I will say uh in speaking to France and in speaking to and they we here as you know last week and just the other day uh they have committed to a lot of security I don't think you're going to need much security I think once this deal gets done it's over Russia is not going to want to go back and nobody's going to want to go back when this when this deal ends I really believe this deal is is going to be over uh question yeah please go ahead go ahead please thank you
thank you the white this past we both ofed and conviction to lead the pathway towards peace yes part of that involved though re-engaging Russia in diplomatic relations something that previous leers to what gave you the moral courage and to step forward and that well I love this guy who are you with one American News sir well that's why I like them one American News does a great job that's very I like the question I think it's a very good question it is it's a pathway to peace it's a pathway to getting something solved and I
feel that as the head of this country I have an obligation to do that plus you know we're very much involved we got involved uh it's too bad we got involved because there should have been no involvement because there should have been no war and there shouldn't have been October 7th that would have never happened as you know Iran was broke they had no money to give to Hezbollah they had no money to give to Hamas they would Stone Cold broke and then under Biden they became rich as hell they went from no money to
$300 billion doll in a period of four years and they gave a lot of that money away and you see what happened and that's a real mess also that we hope to be able to solve but uh no I I appreciate your question very much I just I feel I have an obligation to try and uh do something to stop the death if I can if I can answer yes if I can answer sorry please please and I do like your clothing though yeah really even though I have to I think he's a great guy
by the way I I don't know if you two like each other but you know what I think he's I think he's I like this guy I don't I think he's justess beautiful so I I have more I have more serious things than answer on such question I will answer on more serious question if I can yeah so please uh about security guarantees and about just CIS fire we can't just speak about CIS fire and speak and speak it will not work Justice fire will not never work because I'm like a president I have I
have this experience and not only me Ukraine before before my presidency from the 2014 Putin broken 25 times 25 times he broken he own signature 25 times he broken his fire he never broke to me he never broke no no you were the president you were the president during never to in 2016 youve been the president M Mr President you've been the president but he for he had of course not with you but he had during those period he had conversations with our side and we had Normandy for format you know the France Germany Ukraine
and Russia and he broken 25 times that's why we will never accept just C fire it will not work without security guarantees security guarantees maybe president is right about this document and other but this document is not enough strong Army is enough because his soldiers afraid soldiers afraid of our soldiers when we're strong enough if we are not strong enough if we are empty if our storage is empty we can't defend our our land today you know he knows that we have me all the world knows that we have meeting yes why he's using ballistic
Putin today using ballistic on our Hospital schools and Etc ballistic so he knows that we are here and that President Trump is really have good will to stop to stop this war and I and you you hear now the president so why he's using so he doesn't want to stop he doesn't want but I hope that we will do it really we'll do it security when we speak about security guarantees when the Europeans are ready for contingence they need USA back stop if there will will not be United States we will not never have any
conents strong contingents from the Europeans because they don't want to divide Alliance connection between the United States and the main and strongest and Europeans this is crucial this is important that what we want to speak about very much this is very important and they defense so air defense really we have big deficit with all the systems and we need to provide this we need it very much otherwise Putin will never stop and will'll go forther and for them he doesn't want he he hate us you know it's not about me he hate ukrainians he think
thinks that we are not a nation he thinks and he shared the SS I think maybe with your team also I don't know but with all the Europeans in media officially and not he always said that we there is no such country such Nation such language and such life like Ukrainian no he really doesn't respect all the ukrainians and he wants destroy us we we and you are right Mr President that's 2% this document maybe other documents it's a very good Star very good but it will not enough to stop this person Mr President may
I one more question please I I asked question this is the rule this is the rule of the war this is the rule of the war during all the centuries all the history this is the rule of the war who began those pay this is the rule Putin began this war he has has to pay all money for renovation he has to pay of course some Russian assets what we have in Europe about 300 billions we can use them we can use for inovation and buy military support from the United States also we can do
it but it's not enough it's not question that you didn't like because I wanted to know go ahead please wait one second I want I ask this question that you didn't like because I wanted to know if you want to position yourself in the middle between Russia and Ukraine or on the Ukraine side I'm in the middle I want to solve this thing I'm for I'm for both I want to get it solved and uh it's wonderful to speak badly about somebody else but I want to get it solved if we can solve it great
if we can't solve it they're going to have to fight it out and who knows what's going to happen but I want to see it get solved may I follow up one more question about us troops in Europe uh after Russian invasion of Ukraine uh your creditor sent additional troops to Eastern Europe including Poland my country yeah are you committed to keeping this troops on the Eastern flank of NATO uh in the future I'm very committed to Poland I think Poland has really stepped up and done a great job for NATO they as you know
they paid more than they had to they are one of the finest groups of people I've ever known uh I'm very committed to Poland what about Baltic Poland's in a tough neighborhood you know what about Baltic the baltics uh the baltics uh they got a lot of it's a tough neighborhood too but we're committed we're going to be very committed and we're committed to Nato but NATO has to step up and the Europeans have to step up more than they have and I want to see them equalize because they are in for far less than
we're in and they should be at least equal you understand that why is the United States we have an ocean in between why is the United States in for so much more money and other things as Europe with that being said and as you said they've also been obviously very helpful but we have put in far more than they have and I think they should equalize yeah please go ahead between the first time that secretary B gave president zinsky the agreement and today for the sign made a deal so I'm just I'm I'm a business
person we made a deal that's what changed I I didn't think we were going to make a deal and uh we ended up making the deal so that Chang yes Mr President what how do you envision a trilateral with pres I don't know but it's well they don't like each other I can tell you that okay they do not like each other this is not a love match and it's unfortunate that's why you're in this situation Mr United States should not have allowed this to happen Okay the United States run by a man that didn't
know much I'm going to be very nice run by an incompetent person very incompetent person should never have allowed this to happen I've stopped Wars I've stopped many wars my people will tell you I stopped Wars that nobody ever heard about I stop Wars before they ever started you can look at some of uh some of I could give you lot of Nations that would tell you right now they were probably going to war I could tell you right now there's a nation thinking about going to war on something that nobody in this room has
ever even heard about two smaller Nations but big still big and i' I think I've stopped it but this should have never happened Mr President about uh sorry just a second uh about any negotiations that first of all I want I want really to tell you and I think that everybody understand that Ukraine more than ukrainians nobody want to stop this war but at the future any negotiations it's understandable that two uh sides of the war not Russia and the United States because this is not the war between Russia and the United States This Is
War of Russia against Ukraine and Ukrainian people so these two sides will be at the any anyway will be at the negotiation a negotiation table then of course United States States like the strongest partner of the Ukraine and of course Europe I think Europe is very important I want to speak about it with the president yes Europe is very important for us because we really defend Europe for today all Europeans are really recognized that we are defending line and they have real life and our people are dying that's why they helped us and also it's
about the NATO yes between like the president said you have big nice ocean yes between us but if we will not stay Russia will go further to baltics and to Poland by the way but first to the baltics it's understandable for them because they've been they've been in the USSR you know they they've been one of the republics of the USSR and Putin wants to bring them back to his Empire it's a fact and when he will go there if we will not stay you will fight your American soldiers it doesn't matter do you have
Ocean or not your soldiers will fight Mr President what are you willing to visit Uka it was my question yeah I don't want to talk about Odessa now let's not talk about Odessa I want to talk about making a deal getting peace we don't have to talk about Odessa but a lot of cities have been destroyed a lot of cities that are not recognizable there's not a buing building standing and a lot of a lot of things Mr you have to come and to look no no no we have very good cities yes a lot
of things been destroyed but mostly cities alive and people work and children go to school sometimes it's very difficult sometimes closer to Front Line children have to go to underground schools or online but we live Ukraine is fighting and Ukraine lives this is very important and maybe it's putting is sh in thisinformation that he destroyed us he lost 700,000 people 700,000 soldiers he lost ever seen yes Mr presid um when did you last speak with President Putin and what did he say that a couple of days ago and what what did he tell you that
gave you the assurance that he wanted peace well that's what I do my whole life is deals I know pretty good uh and I really I've uh I've known him for a long time I've dealt with him for a long time he had to suffer through the uh Russia hoax you know Russia Russia Russia it was a hoax it was all Biden it was nothing to do with him so he had to suffer through that and he he was able to do that uh I think that uh he wants to make a deal and he
like to see it end it's all I do that's what I do my whole life that's what I do is make deals and I'm I'm in the middle of a mess because this is a real mess it's a very dangerous one if this doesn't get solved now it's not going to get solved for a long time so I hope we're g to I hope we're going to get it solved in the back please thank you Mr President uh prime minister storr claimed repeatedly that his government believes in free speech and was not engaged in censorship
uh but his country's government arrest people for memes and thought crimes and even more worrisome is pressuring uh American companies to to to censor Americans on his behalf um how can he be a reliable trustworthy partner when he says things that are be false on such an important time well we actually spoke to him about that yesterday and we thought they took it very very much too far JD was very strong on it so was I so was Marco and we've been speaking to him about it Marco would you like to say something about we
we have concerns obviously with the conduct of particularly as it impacts Americans and there's real concern that American speech which is online could fall into the hands of the British or any country's jurisdiction and so this is a point the vice president mic and and I think it's a very compelling one that what unites us with Europe as much as anything else is these shared values and one of them being free speech and so Americans are threatened by it we're going to need to take action in that regard it's a big it's actually a very
important question we we spoke about this in detail with the Prime Minister the forign secretary and others at at lunch yesterday and I know that Secretary of Commerce lutnick followed up in private meetings last night this is really important we believe americ an have the right to speak their mind even if we in this room disagree with them they have the right to speak their mind in the Public Square which is often online these days and we're going to defend that right as it pertains to American companies and American citizens vigorously if we have to
I do think that under the president's leadership we're going to find common ground with our friends in the UK on this question but it remains to be seen the principle that will guide us is we believe in free speech in this country and we'll fight for it for American citizens Mr on the deal is there other oil and gas components deal is it all a little bit we'll see on but we're not really looking for that so much we got a lot we have more than anybody in the world by far so no we're not
talking about it too much but a little bit I think it it it affects also but uh for the most part no and Sir is there any uh agreement from Ukraine to purchase uh us LG as part of the deal on the table all no Mr we don't need that Mr President I just wanted to ask you about you just that you'd spoken to Vladimir Putin a couple of days ago just to be clear that's a new call not the one that you I've spoken to him on numerous occasions okay and how was the latest
call and what did you discuss how did it go are you serious with that question I am I'd love to know it went well I think I think we're going to have a deal on the mineral of minerals are in the Ukraine notes very good question thank you so much president from those are if well we'll take a look at at the time we have a lot of area uh it's a very big area we're talking about so we'll take a look I'll study that and I'll see and who would protect those minerals if they
are us interest would that be ukra they'll be protected the agreement will protect him the agreement yeah we're signing an agreement if russes to in or Russ I just told you I don't think that's going to happen and if that were going to happen I wouldn't make a deal if I thought that was going to happen I wouldn't make a deal you know they ought to focus on CNN on Survival not asking me these ridiculous questions focus on Surviving because CNN's got such low ratings I don't think they're going to survive uh let's go please
go ahead already I already mentioned Poland uh Poland was under Russian control for decades after the second world war when I was a kid I looked at the United States not only as a most ful country richest country in the world the country that has great music great movies great muscle cars but also as a Force for good do you and now I'm talking with my friends in Poland and they they are worried that you align yourself too much with Putin what's your message for them well if I didn't align myself with both of them
you'd never have a deal you want me to say uh really terrible things about Putin and then say hi Vladimir how are we doing on the deal that doesn't work that way I'm not aligned with Putin I'm not aligned with anybody I'm aligned with the United States of America and for the good of the world I'm aligned with the world and I want to get this thing over with you see the hatred he's got for Putin it's very tough for me to make a deal with that kind of hat he's got tremendous hatred and I
understand that but I can tell you the other side isn't exactly in love with you know him either uh so it's not a question of alignment I have to I'm aligned with the world I want to get the things set i'm aligned with Europe I want to see if we can get this thing done you want me to be tough I could be tougher than any human being you've ever seen I'd be so tough but you're never going to get a deal that way so that's the way it goes all right one more question yeah
please I would respond to this so look for four years in the United States of America we had a president who stood up at press conferences and talked tough about Vladimir Putin and then Putin invaded Ukraine and destroyed a significant chunk of the country the path to peace and the path to Prosperity is maybe engaging in diplomacy we tried the pathway of Joe Biden of thumping our chest and pretending that the president of the United States's words mattered more than the president of the United States's actions what makes America a good country is America engaging
in diplomacy that's what president Trump is doing can I ask you sure yeah yeah okay so he occupied it uh our parts big parts of Ukraine part of East and Crimea uh so he occupied it on 2014 so during a lot of years I'm not speaking about just Biden but those time was Obama then President Obama then president Trump then President Biden now the president Trump and God bless now president president Trump will stop him but during 2014 nobody stopped him he just occupied and took he killed people you know what the contact 2015 2014
2014 2014 yeah so I was not here yeah but exactly right yes but during 2014 till 2022 you the what the situation the same that people are been dying on the contact line nobody stopped him you know that we had conversations with him a lot of conversation my bilateral conversation and we signed with him me like a new president in 2019 I signed with him the deal I signed with him macron and Merkel we signed ceasefire ceasefire all of them told me that he will never go we signed him gas contract gas contract yes but
after that he broken this cire he killed our people and he did didn't exchange prisoners we signed the exchange of prisoners but he didn't do it what kind of diplomacy JD you are speaking about what what do you what do you what do you mean I'm talking about the kind of diplomacy that's going to end the destruction of your country yes but if you Mr President Mr President with respect I think it's disrespectful for you to come into the oal office and try to litigate this in front of the American Media right now you guys
are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have Manpower problems you should be thanking the president for to bring it into this conf have you ever been to Ukraine that you say what problems we have I have been to I have actually I've actually watched and seen the stories and I know what happens is you bring people you bring them on a propaganda tour Mr President are do you disagree that you've had problems bringing people into your military and do you think that it's respectful to come to the Oval Office of
the United States of America and attack the administration that is trying to trying to prevent the destruction of your country a lot of questions let's start from the beginning first of all during the war everybody has problems even you but you have nice ocean and don't feel now but you will feel it in the future God bless you know God bless God bless you will not don't tell us what we're going to feel we're trying to solve a problem don't tell us what we're going to feel I'm not telling you because you're in no position
to dictate that remember this you're in no position to dictate what we're going to feel we're going to feel very good feel influence we're going to feel very good and very strong you will feel influence you're right now not in a very good position you've allowed yourself to be in a very bad position and he happens to be right about from the very beginning of the war you're not in a good position you don't have the cards right now with us you start having cards right now you don't you're playing cards Ser you're gambling with
the lives of millions of people you're gambling with World War II Ling with World War I and what you're doing is very dis disrespectful to the country this country respect far more than a lot of people said they should have have you said thank you once no in this entire you said thank you you went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the president who's trying to save your country please you think that if you will speak very loudly about the war
you can he's not speaking loudly he's not speaking loudly your country is in big trouble can I no no you've done a lot of talking your country is in big trouble I know you're not winning you're not winning this I you have a damn good chance of coming out okay because of us Mr President we are staying in our country staying strong from the very beginning of the war we've been alone and we are thankful I said thanks in this cabinet and not only in this cabin this stupid president $350 billion we gave you military
equipment and you men are brave but they had to use our military about if you didn't have our military equipment inv if you didn't have our military equipment this war would have been over in two weeks in three days I heard it from Putin in three days this is something in two weeks of course yes it's going to be a very hard thing to do business like this I tell you just say thank you I said a lot except except that there are disagreements and let's go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to fight it
out in the American Media when you're wrong we know that you're wrong but you see I think it's good for the American people to see what's going on over here I think it's very important that's why I kept this going so long you have to be thankful you don't have the cars you're buried there you're people are dying you're running low on soldiers listen you're running low on soldiers it would be damn good thing then you then you tell us I don't want to cease fire I don't want to cease fire I want to go
and I want to this look if you could get a ceasefire right now I tell you you take it so the bullets stop Flying and you meant stop getting killed course of course we want to stop the war but you're saying you don't want a ceas I said to you I want a ceas guar because you'll get a ceasefire faster than a degre ask our people about ceasefire what they think that wasn't for you that wasn't with me that was with a guy named Biden who was not a smart person that was that was with
it was your president excuse me that was with Obama who gave you sheets and I gave you javelins yes I gave you the javelins to take out all those tanks Obama gave you sheets in fact the statement is Obama gave sheets and Trump gave javelins you got to be more thankful because let me tell you you don't have the cards with us you have the cards but without us you don't have any cards one more question Mr Vice President sorry going to be a tough deal to make because the attitudes have to change what if
Russ breaks what Russ break what do do understand what are you saying she's asking what if Russia breaks the ceasefire what if they what if anything what if a bomb drops on your head right now okay what did they broke it I don't know they broke it with Biden because Biden they didn't respect him they didn't respect Obama they respect me let me tell you Putin went through a hell of a lot with me he went through a phony Witch Hunt where they used him and Russia Russia Russia Russia you ever hear of that deal
that was a phony that was a phony Hunter Biden Joe Biden scam Hillary Clinton Shifty Adam shift it was a Democrat scam and he had to go through that and he did go through it we didn't end up in a war and he went through it he was accused of all that stuff he had nothing to do with it it came out of Hunter Biden's bathroom it came out of Hunter Biden's bedroom it was disgusting and then they said oh oh the laptop from hell was made by Russia the 51 agents the whole thing was
a scam and he had to put up with that he was being accused of all that stuff all I can say is this he might have broken deals with Obama and Bush and and he might have broken him with Biden he did maybe maybe he didn't I don't know what happened but he didn't break him with me he wants to make a deal I don't know if you can make a deal the problem is I've empowered you to be a tough guy and I don't think you'd be a tough guy without the United States and
your people are very brave but you're either going to make a deal or we're out and if we're out you'll fight it out I don't think it's going to be pretty but you'll fight it out but you don't have the cards but once we sign that deal you're in a much better position but you're not acting at all thankful and that's not a nice thing I'll be honest that's not a nice thing all right uh I think we've seen enough what do you think huh this is this is going to be great television I will
say that all right we'll see what we can do about putting it together thank you thanks
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