antioxidants they basically mop up the free radicals antioxidants are essential for maintaining a healthy body antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radicals unstable molecules that can harm your cells in this video we will focus specifically on the vitamins and minerals crucial for Liver Health because a healthy liver detoxifies the body eliminates unwanted waste and protects against cancer you see cancer cannot get a hold on the body if the liver's working in Optimum performance the liver is the largest in internal organ in the body and the liver is the only organ in the body that has
the ability to regrow so environmental poison coming into the body everything goes straight to the liver and if it's toxic the liver says Whoa nasty guy wrap him up in fat and store him and if the liver looks at it and says no we can break that down to a state that can be easily released that is what it will do what does the body need to support the liver to cope with this toxic metabolite it needs antioxidants antioxidants they basically mop up the free radicals these free radicals so what are the most potent antioxidants
in this video we will discuss five essential vitamins for The Liver Health along with how to sufficiently intake the necessary minerals so when we discuss the essential antioxidants do we refer to pills no when Barbara was asked if she takes any supplements here is her answer I take nothing I take only food but as much as possible organic I eat dark green leafies every single day I have fresh fruit at breakfast I like to do what heoc said let food be your medicine and Medicine be your food in this video we will discuss five essential
vitamins for The Liver Health along with how to sufficiently intake the necessary minerals first is betacarotene beta carotene is a red orange pigment and antioxidant found in colorful fruits and vegetables which the body converts into Vitamin A essential for vision immune function and skin health beta carotene beta carotene is found in your all your orange and your green colored vegetables have you noticed that every juice we give you is either green or orange or red so we're supplying High beta carotenes to you foods that contain high levels of beta keratin include sweet potatoes carrots butternut
squash cantaloupe and Roman lettuce to say a few so it is not surprising that the main juice at Barbara's Health Retreat contains mostly carrots the main juice is 80% carrot 10% Apple 10% celery next is Vitamin C also probably the most famous antioxidant is vitamin C vitamin C is not ascorbic acid ascorbic acid I think it's Dr Robert Thompson in his book The calcium Li he explains this the scoic acid is just the envelope have you got ever got an envelope in the M with nothing in it in other words useless but when you buy
vitamin C make sure it has bioflavonoids with it that's how you find it in nature that's called the whole sea in nature ascorbic acid is found with bioflavonoids in fact in Australia they did some testing of foods in a supermarket and they tested the oranges they tested all the fruits they tested the vegetables and they found that the food that was the highest in vitamin C in the supermarket was cabbage and unfortunately a lot of the oranges were quite low for oranges to be high they have to be picked early in the morning with a
tree that is received Peak nourishment because of the microbes in the soil so buying fresh local and organic produce is important to maximize the nutrition next essential vitamin for the liver health is vitamin E also vitamin E vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin so you're getting your vitamin E in your protein drinks so in your protein drinks I think we either make it with either organic soy or almond milk and put a little bit of coconut milk in there with your P protein powder so you're getting your vitamin E there let's discuss about Vitamin
B and vitamin B why is my urine bright yellow I said it's the B vitamins you're not losing your B vitamins it's just a reaction that it has in the body can you see that we are nutritionally supporting your liver to effectively detoxify you specifically vitamin B12 well in his book pro positive Dr Neil nedley he shows there that you can be getting vitamin B12 from when you eat organically grown um root vegetables it's on an Apple that you pick off the tree and eat because um vitamin B12 is a airborne bacteria and if your
gut is working well and your stomach is producing enough intrinsic factor um you will not have a B12 deficiency foods with the highest levels of vitamin B are Seafoods such as clams octopus oysters muscles and also fish like marel tuna salmon and trout also red meat such as liver kidney are good source of Vitamin B however Barbara is a vegetarian and believes that with good digestion plant-based only diets can provide sufficient level of all the essential nutrients so for vegetarians foods like legumes and nuts such as almond along with leafy greens like spinach and kale
provide substantial amounts of B vitamins garlic and potatoes can also be good sources now let's talk about vitamin D which helps our body absorb calcium one of the main building blocks for strong bones calcium cannot get into the body by itself it needs vitamin D so vitamin D is also important for strong healthy bones so where do we get vitamin D it's the sunshine vitamin ultraviolet rays from the Sun hit the skin and they convert a form of cholesterol just under the skin to vitamin D vitamin D is essential for the assimilation of calcium in
the body now why am I mentioning calcium by itself calcium is called the king and because it's called the the king it's been misunderstood it's called The King because when calcium gets into the body under the action of Vitamin D it pulls all the other minerals on the back with it it does not strengthen the bones to take calcium supplements you are now putting a mineral in that that can cause an imbalance in the body and it's usually calcium in a way that is not able to be absorbed properly by the body so it can
contribute to the buildup of uh kidney stones uh gall stones so it's better to take calcium the way God meant us to take calcium is in balance with all the other minerals which you will find in your vegetables especially your dark green leafy vegetables you see vegetables are high in fiber high in minerals and low in sugars whereas fruit does have some minerals but not as much fruit is high in fiber high in sugars and low in minerals and that's why God me us to eat a variety I like to have my fruit at breakfast
I have fruit with uh usually a grain maybe a legume and nuts and seeds and I have vegetables at lunchtime fruit and vegetables in the stomach can cause a little bit of a war because fruit is so high in sugars and the minerals are low in sugars so ideally as a rule we try and keep the fruit at one meal and the vegetables at another so vitamin D how do we ensure that we're getting adequate amounts of vitamin D the ultraviolet rays from the Sun so let's look at how this happens from the Sun and
particularly the UVB rays so the sun's uvbr Rays hit the skin so there's a couple of things that have to be present here we have to have exposure to the sun especially the UVB rays glass stops the UVB rays and sun screens stop the UVB rays so those UVB rays have to touch the skin okay so that's one of the requirements and just under the skin there's a form of cholesterol and this form of cholesterol is what the body uses to convert to vitamin D calcium now we have discuss on vitamin D let's talk further
on calcium if anyone's on calcium supplements don't take them let me show you why bones are not made of calcium they're made of 12 minerals which is boron calcium chromium iron magnesium manganese potassium phosphorus selenium sulfur silica zinc there's your 12 minerals that's what your bones are made up of and 64 trace minerals when you take calcium supplements into your body you get an overload of calcium the body goes W and it shuts down the adrenal glands to hold on to magnesium to try and get the balance and the effect of that is to cause
the kidneys to release pottassium and sodium you get this huge imbalance what is the best way to strengthen your bones take the minerals that your bones are made up of how do we find that where do you find it in the most perfect proportion sea water all you need to do is take the two salts that have the minerals in their right balance which is Celtic salt and Himalayan salt seawater has n 2 minerals the exact same mineral in proportion and balance as is found in the body and the closest to Sea waterer is Celtic
salt Celtic salt has 82 minerals Dr Robert Thompson says if you put a little Crystal of Celtic salt on your tongue before every glass of water he says all you're doing is replacing the minerals you lost yesterday in your urine in your perspiration in your bowel movements so how big is the crystal of Celtic salt probably about the size of a of a sesame seed if someone's not used to salt I think I'd advise even less than that to get their body used to it I usually put it in my mouth have a bit of
a crunch then drink my Water by then you know some of the minerals have absorbed I always cook with Celtic Sea salt we have heard from Barbara on The Essential vitamins and minerals for the healthy liver and how to get these nutrients naturally remember remember the liver is a recoverable organ and you if you give it the right condition itions it can begin to recover