Curso Word #02 - 10 Dicas para Word 2016

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Curso em Vídeo
Selecionamos DEZ DICAS matadoras do Word para acelerar seu dia-a-dia utilizando o editor de textos. ...
Video Transcript:
Curso em Vídeo Presents Sponsored by Hostnet Supported by Educandus EducandusOnline ♫ ♫ Opening Music Word Course in Video Hello, little grasshopper! Welcome to another lesson of their course of Word My name is Gustavo Guanabara, and I am your teacher And this class, you will not start using Word still I will try to convince more people Because the first video was more a joke, to show absurd things people do And in this video I decided to show interesting things that generally people do not know about Word So, so, if you are of those who watched the first video and said: * Playing a grasshopper * "Wow! A course of Word.
For what he is teaching Word? " Wait! Watch this video and see if it is worth paying attention to this course of word.
In this video, I would like to show 10 Tips Word 2016, serving many of them are for older versions. But the focus of the course is Word 2016 But most of these tips you can use in any version of Word to the most current case is in the future Let's tip number 1! ♫ ♫ Musical Note The first thing I'm going to show in the World for you Is there a way for you to generate text automatically You know those situations where you need a text to test some formatting thing or something, you go .
. . your teacher probably in your class arrived in her class, she came and did it here!
Look that. * Guanabara grumbling * Fsadjl ds; flkjsd pgs; kdjf s; ALDF sldk. fj sldk.
fj fsalk f And typing will be able to generate a random text! No need that little grasshopper I will show you a cool tip In fact there are two possibilities The first is this O You put equal, rand, left parenthesis = rand ( Then you put paragraphs when you need. I do not know, I need two paragraphs Comma And how many sentences per paragraph you need?
Oh, I need three sentences per paragraph Close parenthesis, the enter, and it will generate Two paragraphs with three sentences each I'll make the first here first sentence second sentence And third sentence He saw that cool! You put "= rand" in tiny Open Parentheses "(" how many paragraphs you need And how many sentences have to have each paragraph Ai has people talking like: - "I can go on the internet and get that lorem ipsum" That standard text there designers In order to fit I tell you grasshopper, do not even go on the internet I will select all and delete here And I will enter the same "=" Instead of "rand" I'll put "lorem" Left parenthesis "(" How many paragraphs you want Four (4) with two paragraphs (2) each phrases I'm closing parenthesis ")" and give "Enter" And it generates the text for you So I have: Four (4) with two paragraphs (2) sentences each. See how simple it is!
And did you see where I selected the phrase enteira I selected all the text quickly If you have not seen my mouse stirring These are all hotkeys Shortcut keys for text editors They are very useful Because they avoid you take the hand of your keyboard And put your hand on the mouse or trackpad Anyway, on your pointing device This course it is also focused on Assist this sort of thing Make your life easier showing hotkeys So my dear, it's just you wait The lessons are coming around! With much bequeath tip and valuable What you may not know But this was only the first tip Let's go to the second The second It's something we constantly perform Which is to increase and decrease the font (Letters) Given paragraph or text And everything else For you to increase and decrease the font (Letter) There is the traditional way And in this mode you select the text "Come up here" And choose size No problem! He will do it And will run smoothly The only drawback is what I said You have to stop typing Taking the hand of the keyboard and place the mouse And go set Word now has to some shortcuts "menorisinhos" now You select a text and displays a "small window" next But I'll show you a much nicer way That is by using shortcut keys To increase or decrease the selected text You will hold the "Ctrl" + "brackets" He is that "small square" "That square brackets" You will use the brackets to the right "]" To RAISE the letter And the brackets to the left "[" To decrease the letter I held the "Ctrl" Pressed closing brackets "]" Increases, and opening brackets "[" decreases There is another way is to use "Ctrl" + "Shift" and the signs "<" and ">" also work If you press "Ctrl" + "Shift" + ">" it increases If you press "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "<" it decreases Ok over which differentiates using "[]" or "<e>"?
The basic difference is the following if you use brackets "[]" It is to look "up here" in the numbering "18, 19, 20, 21, 22 [. . .
. ]" With brackets it increases always one (1) unit With signs of "<and>" just look: Have decreased, 28, jumped to 36, jumped to 28 to 26 to 24 You realize that the sizes They have a jump 8 to 9, 10, 11 and 12 From 12 to 14 . .
. . So then If you want to skip unit in unit You use the "Ctrl" + "[" and "]" If you want to jump like this in Word, sometimes 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 Use the "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "<" and ">" In order to increase or decrease your letter And never forget, we will learn that this course: When it comes to a specific part of the text It is much better to use the pre formatting What format each For once You will learn this during the course Watch the next classes And you'll learn it all!
This brings us to third tip When I got a text And I want to clean it formatting Surely you have entered a website and copied text Hitting "Ctrl" + "C" Go to Word and press "Ctrl" + "V" And it comes with a format all messy Of course there is a way to paste without formatting, we learn But if you want to clean it Delete any text formatting It is also simple We will select the text you just copied And it came with formatting And press "Ctrl" + "Space" Automatically all formatting and links will be removed You saw how simple it is? Of course you can do with the Clear Formatting button But you already with the hand on the keyboard Already selected paragraph "Ctrl" + "Space", and it will! So it's really cool you speed up your process Another way to improve your day to day while typing It is in tip 4 (four) For example here, I'll delete the word "compound" Then you click down here and "backspace, backspace, backspace" huh ?
! Purges each letter. This takes time, and you hold sometimes the "backspace" and he goes more than necessary Even if the machine is slow But I will show you a cool tip: for the same position, instead of just "backspace", use your other hand and hold "CTRL" Oh!
My cursor is blinking stopped here after the word "compound" . . .
I will hold the "CTRL" and will press "backspace" once it turned out the whole word. You saw that are simple things you can improve in your day to day using Word? Go on my little grasshopper!
You need a course in Word! If you do not, there is always someone who needs. Tell these videos to it.
Let now the 5th (fifth) tip! And this Thursday tip I'll show a very easy way also you to optimize your time. Everyone knows that you can select a word or a phrase .
. . .
. . And gives CTRL + C and anywhere and gives CTRL + V.
The problem is that you can only do CTRL + C / CTRL + V to one thing. So for example, if I selected CTRL + C in "Inglês" and . .
. . .
. CTRL + V down here, he just put the "Inglês". He did not pasted the first word that I copied there previously.
This is because the CTRL + C and CTRL + V saves only one, correct? In Word not, it can store more. How you do it?
Come here, on the homepage Click Clipboard The Clipboard you click this little icon here Will open this window That was my last CTRL + C, then was "Inglês". I will come here, I'll copy also "Etymology" also this word that I can not read (Pellentesque) And this word here that I can not read (weorold) You see here in the corner, which I copied several things And from now I can come down here if I copied pieces, I can make collages For example, I paste "Etimology," then I want to paste "Inglês" Then I want to paste this word that I can not read (weorold) I can put together sentences or snippets of text. And another thing: also gives to paste all at once.
Here on the left are all the words that you copied since you opened the clipboard. I can click "Paste All" and it will paste all of the words, the bottom-up order. If you have used all your Copy / Paste, may "Clear All" and from now on your clipboard is completely clean.
Then you can use your copy / paste multiple times within Word. Did you know that? Another thing you might not know is that Word allows you to type things automatically also simple things as, for example, You know those little marks trademark (®) and copyright (©)?
You can make very easy . . .
And this is the sixth (6th) tip . . .
As I said earlier, there are several ways to enter text automatically One is you do, O Left parenthesis "(" a "c", closes parentheses ")" . . .
When you close the parentheses it will turn that the copy right mark. If you, in place of "c", put the "r" will create the trademark symbol. You saw how simple it is?
And there are many other tips . . .
for example, thirty-placed You have to put thirty (30) and that ball (º) on . . .
Then you're looking for on the Internet how to put the ball . . .
No way to make it easy, my dear, and I'll show you in class. And generate content automatically is very easy in Word Has a face killer tip, I'll show you that for sure you did not know And this is our seventh (7) tip Pay attention here: Place a sign "+" and press the "Tab" key. The "Tab" key is the one that is below the key "Esc" .
. . looking on the left of your keyboard the "Tab" key.
I'll put another "+" and "Tab" key . . .
another "+" and "Tab" key How many times you want Then you realize here the following, look at: He created here one . . .
two . . .
four blanks between a "+" and the other I have a space . . .
Press "Enter" It will create a table with exactly four spaces That you did not know right? You can create dynamically using text tables You do not need to take the keyboard hand on the mouse Mecher This tip was cool, right? Then prepares next eight tip (8) and certainly you have had problems creating a formula in Word.
So, for example, you have to do a math work, a physics work and you have to put a formula. Sometimes you go on the internet, looking for an image, copies that image-shaped formula paste in your text, it is totally out of line, you can not edit you can not increase the font size . .
. it is horrible Word 2016 has a terrific feature for those working with formulas Give a look here: I'll click on "Insert" and I look here on the right "Equation" and click here on "Equation Ink" it will open a window and I'll be able to mouse or my little pen if you are a tablet I will enter with the mouse, look . .
. I will make the formula Do here . .
. x equal (=) three (3) plus (+) five (5) Split (/) "A" all within the square root (√) the five here squared (5²) You saw how simple it is? It's just you go with the mouse or draw with crayon, if you find it faster and the formula is recognized.
Let's click to enter and see how it works. Clicking on "Insert" he has put the formula and it is completely editable by you you can increase, decrease, putting more components It has components up here but first you will write in hand. It has simpler thing than that?
Let's another nice feature to have in Word with the tip nine (9) You may have been in doubt about a word, or any term For example, in the middle of your text has "chlorophyll" Oh you do not know exactly how it works, which is chlorophyll, you need more informções. So, what do you do? Grab the word "chlorophyll" minimizes Word open your browser enters Google, do a search for you know what that is.
No more, why the Word has intelligent search Once connected to the Internet, of course, you select the word or term you want Click the right button on it and choose "Smart Search" A window will open and the data will be loaded with all the information about the term that you put. No more is needed to close the application, minimize or exit a window to go to another too easy. And this brings us to the tenth (10th) this video tip that people do very often: Translation I will select it here and will generate a random text in Portuguese .
. . three paragraphs with two .
. . = rand (3,2) then're there .
. . If you want the translation of any word or phrase Then we select this paragraph Stop the mouse over and wait a little and the translation will now be made here For example The video provides a powerful way "The video Provides a powerful way.
" And I'll take this tenth (10th) tip to give you another toast (11th) On this same screen gives to the Word read to you To do this, you simply press the "Run" here, the play . . .
and the paragraph is read. [Voice reading] What's up? Liked the tips?
It is worth to listen to me and watch a course of Word? So from now on we will go back to the well "iniciozinho" We will have the class to identify the interface, how it works But even these simple lessons I will show you shortcut keys, hidden features, and more. So my dear grasshopper: It will show to the people that the course of Word is being created the classes are already out If you've spent enough time for the launch of this course, certainly have enough class Go on, have a full playlist So, as always, I'm going to ask you: clicking here you subscribe to channel whenever you have a new class Database, PHP, Java .
. . what is .
. . Word you will be warned.
And clicking here you go to the playlist that shows all Word videos. So here is an exclusive playlist Word. And never forget, clicking up here we have the interactivity It has an "i" here .
. . click on it and we made a special selection of things for you to study which are free in Video Course.
Here in the middle you have our site "cursoemvideo. com" where you can find all the information about our courses available. So that's my dear I hope you understood I hope you enjoyed the ten (10) tips I gave you .
. . In fact eleven (11) .
. . and we back the next class, with more information about the Word.
A big hug and to the next . . .
★ ★ Recording Errors And this brings us to the tenth and last tip of this video . . .
[Hammering noise in the background] . . .
and . . .
[Continue to hammer] [Angry Guanabara] Cum . . .
. [Hammering and more] [Guanabara sarcastic] Cursed Hammer!
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