Call puncture vine, also very well known as Tribulus Terrestris promises us some things, between improved muscle mass gain, libido, humor . . .
And in today's video we will discuss the security level, effectiveness, which dosage should be Tribulus Terrestris. After all of accounts, is it something that works or not? "Leandro Twin, have you ever accompanied students who took Tribulus Terrestris?
"yes, and more than that. I followed the markers, the testosterone exams . .
. so i can tell you exactly what happens stay with me until the end of this video. But first, hey, Click the Like button and subscribe here channel.
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Tribulus Terrestris has been used since 70s in Europe but in culture Chinese for centuries this herbal medicine. It's no use having a Tribulus terrestris if he's low saponin. So the steroidal saponin, she is the flagship of efficiency from Tribulus.
So if you have a Tribulus with 20% and saponin and another with 50% of saponin, know that the 50% will be infinitely better. So always look for something that has a saponin percentage high steroid. Since a minimum value of 40%, below 40%, don't waste your time investing in it.
Advertising will tell us that Tribulus Terrestris is like a steroid anabolic steroid without side effects, to a lesser extent, this is not true this does not proceed and we have to explain from there: if you buy he thinking that you got along, that you will get a result . . .
not the same but "oh, okay, I'm not innocent, I know that It's not the same, but it's almost there, isn't it? " no, it's not nearly there. It is extremely far away of an anabolic steroid, so much so that has no collateral, usually not have collateral passes away from the steroid Anabolic.
"But as it increases the our testosterone? Is he testosterone? " no, he's not testosterone .
. . But in our pituitary, (which is located in the brain) there is a hormone called hormone Luteinizing.
LH is his abbreviation. This Luteinizing Hormone is as if were a fiscal, so he stays here . .
. he is here looking at the bloodstream, show, and him keep counting how many testosterone they pass there. When he sees, he says "Hey!
Testosterone is missing here, huh. Looks that the boys there gave a diminished ". He sends a warning, he takes your phone is connects there to the bottom of the shaft, and goes like this: "Testicles, we need more testosterone production because it looks like the business here is kinda .
. . "" Ah, okay then, quiet.
I'll send a bullet I'll produce testosterone ". That is: How much the more lh you have the more signage it It makes for the bottom. "When my body produces more LH?
"When your testosterone is low because it works by a mechanism called Feedback, that is, he will look and will respond accordingly with your body. "So, Leandro, that to increase my LH I zero my testosterone but then I don't seem to do sense. "But that's exactly it, that's why you realize the high LH after a cycle of anabolic steroids, because precisely testosterone is low.
That's why you watch the zero LH while using steroids anabolic because it has so much hormone male sexual intercourse he says "Then let quiet there, there's a lot there, for everything down there "and then he zeroes in. and the production of Natural testosterone clears. You do not feel no effect, because you are being induced, because you are taking testosterone out.
"And why are you talking about all this, Leandro? " Because precisely Tribulus Terrestris has an efficiency in LH so he tends to make the LH more lit and with this automatically you have bigger testosterone production. Although LH also in women has influence on progesterone, she also benefits from this increase in testosterone Therefore men and women benefit.
But don't drop the video now no, that's good for you no spend money atoa. Stay with me. Why it is very common for my students to come ask "Is it worth it take Tribulus to increase the testosterone?
"and that's where the bid is, and the answer is no because when you take two exams, before and after (in several situations to which I have already attended several students), we observe some things that I I need to share with you, okay? The first thing: when we work with the individual with low testosterone, he shows an increase yes with the Tribulus terrestris. you will get the guy there, who's with its 150 nanograms per deciliter testosterone, and normal there his age should be 500 he already has a history of coming with 300, 400 and now it looks like it has fallen radically .
. . When you put Tribulus Terrestris in this individual he usually within three months back to your testosterone normally, and usually with good conducts .
. . remembering that I already made a video here: the enemies of testosterone.
Whenever you have a question, look for: Leandro Twin + Testosterone. You go find things to improve on this . .
. If you keep up the good behavior, he sustains that level and beauty. So, used as a treatment it seems very good.
When you take an individual who has normal testosterone "Ah, so his addition is already 400 "and the normal age his is 400, and his natural normal, of his body, that age is 400. It will have a more or less increase from 400 to 430, 420, so you speak "Wow, Leandrão, beauty, it's almost 10%", So . .
. but it's 20 or 30 nanograms per deciliter, this has no aesthetic effect, even why total testosterone nor free is therefore the use of Tribulus Terrestris for aesthetic purposes is not relevant. But for libido purposes, Tribulus is very effective in men and in women because besides him doing that testosterone (in those who have low, who have relevance to sexual appetite) It also promotes vasodilation in the genital region, which produces an effect easier erection.
Although for this we have other things more efficient, Yohimbine, for example. There are other benefits that anyone who studies the plant ends by quoting, as for example: decreased arterial hypertension (where in my experience the effect was null), but it can be explained because she's slightly diuretic . .
. which is also very complicated because who usually consume Tribulus does not observe large differences in form diuresis relevant, such as green tea and things like that. Liver stimulation, regulation of glucose, there are also more things efficient, was not shown to be very impact .
. . Decreased tiredness and maintenance of cholesterol, no .
. . Fatigue will come if the person's testosterone is too low.
So really, if she's down and around to her normality she experiences this improves, but it is not the case of those who already have a good testosterone, improve your layout with Tribulus Terrestris. It is also efficient in a sperm count. So for fertility the tribulus terrestris seems pretty cool too, because he also works with FSH, the follicle hormone stimulating.
So, it's like the hormone luteinizing (which I explained from signal there) but it will control the fertility. . .
So he gives a stimulated and that's fine coming Was observed in a long term study some side effects with Tribulus Terrestris Very modest . . .
in doses large and indefinite, and precisely because of this increase in testosterone But when you go analyze this in practice even with the extended users . . .
For example, it was observed a prostatic damage . . .
So Prostatic damage you already care about. Then you say "Oh why? " Because if was bad for the prostate, if you had collateral, it's because testo went up a lot.
Yeah, it seems to make sense . . .
But that in practice when you will observe the total PSA of the person is very good, there is no absolutely no impact. So you have to be careful, because some of these studies may be induced to have these effects, to just cause that . .
. Oops, if bad, you can release that is good . .
. More or less in that sense . .
. So in practice, no I noticed no difference in gynecomastia. .
. . look, you can give gynecomastia.
Then you talk "So you deserve it . . .
I liked it . . .
because it can be bad, it's because it's good, "in that sense, but it never went anywhere near a gynecomastia, from a flavoring process, oh, that one nervousness, nothing of the kind. Nothing of the kind. But yet it is contraindicated in whom have a heart problem, who has a history of prostate problems in the family, etc.
I estimate it is a cheap hype. The dosage of Tribulus Terrestris, both for men as for women, will permeate in about 1 to 3 grams, always looking for saponins above 40%, being that as much as you you will find is around 80%. So a very high quality Tribulus Terrestris: 80% of steroidal saponins.
So the verdict is: have testo low: You can use Tribulus which improves. It has normal testus: useless. Has libido "ok": you can use Tribulus which still generates a improves even though your testo is normal but in this case with irrelevant aesthetic effect.
Works so much on men how much in women, the indication is that it is taken in cycles, but I've seen constant use without no kind of problem. In a CPT you can be a nice tool, just like Turkesterone, which can hold the libido and help a little to increase testosterone faster. But no, and definitely not, should be used as the flagship of a TPC.
I see a lot of people taking Oxandrolone and using Tribulus as a TPC, only him. There is no trust, no there is efficiency in that, it's not cool, it's interesting in most cases the use of a SERMs drug such as Tamoxifen Citrate or Clomiphene, that will be extremely . .
. But you can't even to compare! I can't even start talking with Tribulus Terrestris because they are medicines obviously with collaterals, which will generate a result much higher than the Testosterone increase.
And I am not putting them here to try convert are you thinking of take Tribulus buy a tamoxifen pack. It's not for that. I'm just saying no case of a CPT.
Now of course we have several enemies of the testosterone, isn't it? Those things that will drain our testo and when will see it's low . .
. How about, instead of thinking about regaining do not engage in these behaviors on here. So: the enemies of testosterone.
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