hey one of the biggest challenges that English Learners face is not knowing how to study English not having a proper routine that will take them from the intermediate level to the advanced level not knowing how to actually study English consistently and enjoy the process have you ever experienced this challenge are you experiencing this challenge right now well my friend I have good news for you because in today's lesson I am going to give you a morning routine that you can follow and it will help you speak English fluently as You Follow the routine are you
ready well then I'm teacher Tiffany let's Jump Right In part number one the very first thing you need to do is write a five minute writing session now let me explain what this writing session is all about you see the first part is to write in your journal for five minutes you should write about something you plan to do today that's right today's schedule this is an important step why because you are warming up your brain to start operating in English in other words you are activating the English side of your brain in a relaxed
way think about it when you wake up in the morning the very first thoughts you have normally are in your mother tongue maybe it's Spanish or Portuguese or Zulu or another language but now we have to switch this to English and you do this by first starting with the five minute writing session notice that I said five minutes not 20 minutes not 30 minutes no a short period of time only five minutes and it must be about your day what are you planning to do because you already have an idea maybe you're going to work
or maybe you have to go to school or maybe you have to take care of your children it's time to write about that in English so for step one here is how you complete it all right this is the main thing you have to remember first get your notebook and Pen ready that's right have your notebook and pin ready and honestly I'd say to have your notebook and pin right next to your bed maybe you have a nightstand right next to your bed keep your Journal your English journal and your PIN right next to you
so as soon as you wake up you can go right to that journal or maybe you have devotions in the morning right after you have your devotion get your journal and have your pen ready the next thing you want to do is to set a five minute timer I use my cell phone as a timer but you can use your cell phone your watch or any other device but it's important to set a five minute timer why is this important because you're only going to write for this five minute period not longer and not shorter
so you have to write as long as the timer is going and once it stops you stop the third thing to remember is 13 third thing to remember is hit start and don't stop writing until the timer goes off I just explained that you have to keep writing for that five minute period now in the very beginning this is going to be challenging it's going to feel like a long period of time but the more you do it the more consistent you are the easier it will become trust me five minutes writing about your day
what you are going to do for that day all right now I want you to remember something very important don't worry about making mistakes don't stop and erase instead just keep writing like the movie Finding Nemo remember just keep swimming just keep swimming let's switch it just keep writing just keep writing don't stop don't worry about mistakes the main goal is to activate the English side of your brain that's why we're starting with a writing exercise it will force you to actify activate activate that side of your brain so activating the side of your brain
that uses English is very important to start off this morning routine all right five minutes now let's move to part two you've written in your journal for five minutes and now it's time to have an input session now I love this an input session so let me explain what this is all about you've done your five minute writing session now we have part two the 10 minute input session so what you're going to do is find a YouTube video or other online video about a topic that you are interested in notice I didn't say an
English lesson I said a video about a topic you're interested in making sure that they're speaking in English you can find a video about cooking a video about sports a video about technology it doesn't matter as long as they are speaking English all right as you watch the video you are going to learn new words you should write down remember you have your Journal write down the things that you don't already know as you're watching the video and enjoying it if something pops up maybe a new word or expression write it down this is an
important step why because you are now inputting new information into your brain step one we activated your brain right the English side now step two we are putting new information into your brain in other words you are increasing the English you will be able to use in real life conversations listen this morning routine is going to help you speak English fluently if you simply follow each step so how do you do this exactly let's get the steps here we go step one for this part find a YouTube video about a topic that you are interested
in right we talked about that next again get your notebook and Pen ready you have it right next to your bed still because you just finished the five minute writing session and as you watch the video again write down five to ten new Expressions words and or sentence patterns that's right in a 10 minute video where Native and English speakers are speaking about a topic that you're interested in you are going to hear a lot of new words a lot of new Expressions so I want you to write down don't look them up just write
down the words expressions or patterns that you hear as you watch the video write them down in your Journal all right now I need you to remember this don't worry about looking up the definitions of the words or Expressions the main goal of this part right here the 10 minute input session is to listen well and recognize new terms so we activate it your English side of the brain now we are inputting and improving your listing skills for part two or step two all right 10 minutes so now we have five minutes and 10 minutes
only 15 minutes so far let's jump into part number three part number three is all about research a 10 minute research session now this is very important let me explain how this works you're gonna find the definitions for all the words and expressions this is an important step why because it will help you understand why the words and expressions were used in the video you just watched the video was about a topic that you're interested in so you're already glued to it right maybe you watch the video on your phone you're laying in bed and
you're watching the video but now when you go in this part to look up the words and expressions things start making sense Ah that's why they used that word Ah that's why they used that expression in the video so in other words you will have a better understanding of the words and expressions that native English speakers use in real life this step is extremely important remember this morning routine is going to change your English fluency activating the brain to help you understand things in English in putting things into your brain to help you understand in
English now helping you actually learn the meaning so you can use them in real life so here are the steps once again here we go get your notebook and pin ready to search for the words and expressions online three write the definition and one example sentence for each word and expression this is very important you've learned the definition of each word but now you need to see how the words are used in a sentence you've heard it while watching the video on YouTube or whatever platform you found the video on and now you're seeing other
ways to use the word or expression in a real life situation all right very important I also want you to remember something as well don't worry about creating your own sentences yet once again don't worry about creating your own sentences just yet you're not going to do that yet the main goal for you is to understand how the words and expressions are used in real life we haven't gotten to the part where you will actually use them yet you're just understanding how other native English speakers use the word or expression in real life makes sense
right yeah you with me okay so we have part one again activated the English part of your brain five minutes part two we input information watching the YouTube video 10 minutes part three now we've looked up things we've researched and now we're moving on to part number four of your morning routine part four the application session that's right now it's time to apply what you've learned during this morning session so here we go first you're going to rewrite your journal entry using three to five of the words you just learned this is when it gets
exciting all right this is an important step because it will help you create triggers in your brain in other words you will find it easier to use the new words in real conversations because you already applied them to your daily life I love this step okay now I'm gonna give you the clear steps again but let me break this down think about what we've been doing so far for this morning routine we activated the English side of your brain where you wrote about your day you already started to organize your thoughts about your day then
we paused and we input new information enjoyed it about whatever topic you chose then we looked up the information we researched now it's time to connect the dots to apply what you learned in part two and part three and connect the dots by having part one and part four be connected by using part two and three follow me now you're going to rewrite what you wrote in part one in your Journal you're gonna rewrite it using the words you learned from part two and part three here we go watch this now again here are the
steps once again first get your notebook and your PIN ready review your journal entry from Step One in step one you wrote in your Journal right review it read what you wrote during that five minute period choose three to five words that relate to it now remember the words are going to come from the ones you wrote down in step two when you're watching the video and then in step three when you wrote down the definitions right of the words and expressions you are going to choose three to five of those words that relate to
what you wrote down in step one makes sense right you're following whoo you are smart then using the same context and topic rewrite your entry using the new words so let's say in Step One you decided you wanted to write about a big meeting you have at work today right you wrote it out I have a meeting at 10 A.M with my boss and my co-workers we're talking about a new project and maybe you gave a few details then you watched a video that was talking about new technology maybe you watched a video about chat
GPT or Ai and how AI is getting so popular then in step three you looked up the new words and expressions you learned that innovative the word Innovative something that's Innovative I'm gonna let you look that one up hey then you go to four and you're like wait a minute I can rewrite what I wrote In step one and say ah we're having a meeting today about Innovative technology because we want to use chat GPT in our business you're using what you learned in step two and three you're putting the pieces together this is why
this morning routine is so amazing but I want you to remember something remember this you don't have to write a longer entry step four part four again five minute application session it's only for five minutes as well the main goal is for you to understand how to use new words to talk about your daily life listen closely your daily life you want to speak English fluently part of speaking English fluently is knowing how to speak about your life using words and expressions that you hear or see people using on TV in a regular situation in
a normal situation you hear them this is what English fluency is all about and this morning routine is going to take your English fluency to the next level now I don't want to stop here you see actually I have started something brand new now I have an app the English with Tiffany app and the link is in the description if you want to practice what you've been learning in this lesson if you want to review to see if you understood everything and I know you do I want you to download the English with Tiffany app
now this is what my team and I have done in the app when you download the app again the link is in the description it will open up and you'll hit courses and you'll see weekly English fluency lessons with teacher Tiffany then you'll see the YouTube lessons that's right YouTube lessons from my channel you'll find this YouTube video and you'll be able to watch it through the app but then after watching it you can actually go back and have practice lesson that's right this is going to be for all of my YouTube videos moving forward
you can practice what you're learning and then you'll be able to know for a fact that you have really understood so again download the English with Tiffany app the link is in the description and moving forward you'll be able to practice everything that you're learning with me that's right every YouTube lesson will have practice different practice sessions different ways for you to make sure you've understood what I've taught you in the lesson so download the English for Tiffany app I hope you enjoyed this lesson I hope you follow this routine and I'll talk to you
in the next lesson you still there ah you know what time it is it's Story Time hey I said it's story time all right today's story is a funny one um it's something that always makes me smile even now when I think about it this happened well over 25 almost 30 years ago so I have always been a very studious individual I have always loved learning I love to study and I love helping other people even in the past I loved helping other people learn new things so when I was growing up the teachers always
knew that I loved learning and I loved to study now I was a very active individual I played Sports I loved hanging with my friends so I felt like I was a balanced individual I loved studying but I also enjoyed spending time with other people so anyways in class whenever our teacher would give us an assignment she knew this is a specific teacher Miss Howard she knew that I would work hard and probably finish first right myself and a few other students we'd finish first right our class was very smart so it wasn't just me
there were many of us that would finish early and we'd kind of look at each other's work just to see if we got the same answers and check each other's answers and help each other out so one day our teacher gave us all an assignment the entire class there were about 25 of us in the classroom and she said finish your assignment and then sit quietly at your desk right so we got our assignments and we were all sitting down you know working on it and maybe working on a math problem I don't remember what
subject it was we were working it out and so I finished then my other friend finished and we all started finishing the assignment again we were very smart class so we all kind of finished the assignment and my teacher was sitting in the back of the class at her desk so remember there were 25 of us I think we were in sixth grade at the time sixth or eighth grade at the time and I want you to imagine you have 10 12 15. 20 young people right all around say 11 years old 12 years old
that have finished their assignments and you've told them to be quiet but they're sitting and they're starting to get Restless we were getting restless now remember I was very studious I was a good student I was never disrespectful but we all liked to talk to fact so one person looked over at me I looked over at them somebody said a joke somebody than another person and then we all busted out laughing right we started talking and the teacher said didn't I tell you guys to be quiet we were like yes we're sorry we're sorry she
said no I'm done she said put your pencils down we're like uh oh she's mad right so we all got really quiet she went to the board and at that time years ago part of the punishment that children would get was to write lines right you had to write lines the same thing over and over and over again so for example if you were talking the teacher would say I will not talk when the teacher has told me not to talk that's the sentence and he or she depending on who your teacher was would say
write it 25 times 50 times 100 times now this day our teacher was mad so she said ah you guys have to write it 100 times now she was an English teacher she taught us many different subjects but her expertise was in the field of English so she knew how to use semicolons colons commas everything properly so she wrote on the entire board it looked like a paragraph but it was one sentence and she told us to write it 100 times so we're all sitting there in disbelief and then she puts the final period She
says now write a hundred times so there was a moment of silence and I laugh now and then and I know I was one of them we were like okay let's go y'all and she was like what so we all started writing and we were writing and writing and writing we were folks were writing and writing so then somebody got to the 25th sentence and yelled out what number are y'all on somebody was like I'm on 23. whatever you want I want 25 and everyone just started yelling out what number they were on they were
like all right let's keep going guys so we kept writing now that I'm an adult I know the thoughts that were going through her head and I can chuckle now think about this the children in the room including me at that time we were receiving a punishment to write lines but we were having a good time doing it together competing with each other encouraging each other and it got to the point we were calling out the numbers that we were on this she said just stop just stop put your pencils down she realized it was
useless and we kind of chuckled we were still riding within and she said put our pencils down we put them down and she said okay just stop just stop it's time for recess and we all went outside for recess now this story makes me laugh because we weren't bad kids right but we had to be punished at that moment because we were talking when we shouldn't have been talking but we were such a close-knit class we were all so tight we were such close friends that even in punishment we found a way to enjoy it
together so maybe you're a teacher maybe you have kids if you have a class that always kind of comes together even when they're in trouble don't stress Don't worry they will be friends for life because I am still friends with my friends back at that time and it's been about 25 or 30 years all right I hope you enjoyed this story and I'll talk to you in the next lesson