today I want to share with you the targeting strategy that's working right now for Facebook ads in 2024 to find your ideal customer this is the exact structure and exact strategy that we are using in our business right now to make over seven figures per month it's also the exact same targeting strategy we have used here to scale this brand from $140,000 per month to over $700,000 per month in sales last month for those of you who don't know me my name is Alex fatov and I run a portfolio of e-commerce brand generating over seven
figures per month and I'm here sharing my challenges my mistakes my learning so you guys can speed up your learning process scale up your Brands profitably before we get into it please subscribe to my channel like this video and let's get into it so what I'm about to show you is a new way of targeting on Facebook that's crushing it for us right now in 20124 and most advertisers on Facebook are still using the old way of targeting so what is the old way of targeting with Facebook the old way of targeting is using interest
lookalikes and custom audiences all right so what's wrong with interest and using interest targeting number one people get labeled with an interest after showing interest with other brand which means once customer is labeled with an interest you're competing for crms which leads you to overpaying for a premium audience so for example if you're interested in beauty product so you go to the website or you purchase that product then you are labeled with a beauty interest and once you're labeled with that beauty interest you probably will be shown 1,100 different ads for beauty products and as
an Advertiser if you target Beauty interest you are competing with all of those people for a small audience which leads to massive CPM so all of those interest that you see on a Facebook dashboard when you're trying to choose your targeting are not really accurate and they're also very very expensive now what's wrong with lookalikes number one is the size of lookalike audiences you cannot scale with such a small audience and it's usually capped at few hundred per day in ad spend also if you're utilizing lookalikes and you're optimizing your ads for purchases Facebook is
already trying to find people who are most likely to buy and we'll just use prior data from the ad account to go ahead and help you find more buyers so using lookalikes really defeats the purpose you're optimizing for conversions in buyers anyway so what's the point of using lookalike audience and what's wrong with custom audience number one is the size of these audiences and also the Privacy updates when you're using custom audiences these audiences are not what they actually are because for example if user opts out of being tracked on iOS devices those users you
won't be able to retarget you won't be able to have them in custom audiences pretty much you have lost those users from your custom audience so what is a new way of targeting is using broad targeting which means no lookalikes no custom audiences just focus on age gender and location which is the country where you are advertising your product so the broad targeting is when on the adset level you just choose the country so in this case we have United States and we can search some other countries let's say Australia so we just have countries
here then we choose the age so if we're selling the product that let's say only older people would buy then it would adjust it according other than that we would just keep it open and then when it comes to genders if you know that you'll be selling your product to men or women then you would choose it here on this level but this field here which is Advantage Detail targeting we're living open we don't put any demographics we don't put any interest any behaviors we just keep it wide open and from this targeting that we
have just chosen we have 152 to 179 million people which sounds like a lot but at the same time it gives Facebook a lot of room to optimize your ads and show your ads to the optim audience for your specific product cuz Facebook has so many data points on everyone they know exactly who to show your ads to so as long as you give it the right type of creative the right type of ad it knows exactly who to show those ads to so what are the benefits of broad targeting number one it gives you
more stability you can scale faster and you can scale more aggressively so for example in one of our ad accounts we went from $1,000 a day to $5,000 a day in ad spent on a single campaign using broad targeting it within 24 hours and if we were just to use interest targeting or if we were to use lookalike audiences we wouldn't be able to grow so fast also with broad targeting you have less creative fatigue because your ass will be shown to a broader spectrum of people Facebook will learn about their behaviors and will try
to help you scale your ass and also it helps you to simplify the account which means you'll have less assets you'll have less campaigns you'll have less overall structure in your campaigns which Facebook likes and it allows you to compete on your creative and not media buying overall as a platform Facebook goes to very Automated machine learning platform where you don't have to put many settings inside of your campaigns you probably have already seen it from Advantage Plus campaigns where you just choose several settings and then Facebook does the rest and the only thing that
you truly have to care about is your creative the visual part of your ad and your ad copy which should resonate with the customer that you are targeting now here are some of the common objections I get about broad targeting from some people number one it doesn't work for me if it doesn't work for you if broad targeting doesn't work for you it means your creative suck and you have to make them better that's as simple as that also some people say my product is too Niche for bro Facebook knows everything about everyone even if
you give it like a very Niche product it knows exactly who to show those ads to to get you the sales at acceptable cost oh I have a new ad account if you have a new account you probably don't have the budget to waste on testing interest so you definitely need to use broad targeting and for those of you who just have new accounts if you just starting with a new ad account you probably don't have a lot of budget or a lot of time to spend on testing one different interest in that case you
better stick with a broad targeting and focus all of your attention on testing new creatives and really dialing in that product Market fit for your product so why does broad targeting work in order to understand this we need to understand the algorithm how does Facebook Target buyers in the first place it's not on the campaign level it's not on the asset level it's not in any of the settings where you just choose oh I just only want to Target buyers it's actually your ad it's what you have in the creative part of your video that
shows Facebook who needs to see your ads in in order to buy your product each ad that you run will attract a different size of potential buyers for example you test four different ads so ad number one may resonate with a larger audience while ad number four will only target a smaller audience and that's why when you're testing multiple ads you'll see that some of them will spend a lot more money than others and those are the ones that Facebook tries to push so let me tell you how Facebook does that when you create an
ad Facebook takes thousands of data points like your copy your creative your creative test your image all of the things that you have about about your ad and it goes through thousands of algorithms and machine learning to analyze what your ad is about let's take a skincare cream as an example so this is one of the ads this is an image ad but when you submit the ad like this Facebook would analyze the image and so in this image you have a lady with a product in her hand this is like a skincare product and
the ad copy it says about the skin it says leaving the skin fresh and balance so there is a lot of details about the product and what it does to the Skin So based on this information if algorithm analyze this information it will show it to people interested in healthy skin because this lady seems like to have a good skin also it will show to people who are young it will show to people who are struggling with wrinkles potentially because let's say they're older but they want to look younger it also will show to people
who are likely to use skincare products because it's probably not the first skincare product that they're buying and it will also most likely try to show this ad to women because the person in the ad is actually a woman so when you start thinking about your ads like this and how it looks in the eyes of Facebook you're able to create a much better ad because if you want to show your ads to older people and if you want older people to resonate with your ad then you have to use older people in your ads
now you can think about your social media feed social media algorithms are so good at tracking what somebody is interested in so if you're interested in makeup it will show you more makeup products if you're interested in the gym it will show you gym related products if you're interested in business it will probably show you a lot of different business services and products that you can buy so how does Facebook find winning audiences initially it starts with your ad being launched and Facebook gives it initial set of Impressions let's say it's thousand Impressions then out
of those 1,000 Impressions you see some people who engage with your ad who are interested maybe they watch the video maybe they click on the link maybe they go to your website or maybe they even buy your product and there's also some people who don't like your ad those people will say hide this ad from me or will simply ignore so Facebook will take that batch of people who are interested in your ad and will try to find you more people just like that so you can maximize your results you can get more conversions you
can get more sales and you can spend more money on ads and from that next batch it will also find some people that are interested and there will be some people that are not interested so it will continuously go and explore these new buckets of audiences to share your ads to those people and scale your ad spend when you understand this process and how Facebook algorithm works this allows you to Target more of your ideal audience so the biggest question is how do you build ads that Target your ideal audiences and get them them to
buy your product and in order to craft those sets you need to understand this about your audience who they are and what are the common characteristics what do they know so far about the product what is the level of awareness about the problem that you are solving have they tried any other products before are you just the first player in the market you have a totally unsaturated product or you're competing with other people that you have to discredit their products and show why your product is the best so ask yourself who are these people are
they old are they young are they 25 are they 65 are they 85 or maybe even 95 are they single are they married are they active do they work 95 all of those details are super important because they'll help you to craft amazing ads that you can put in front of Facebook and Facebook will go ahead and find ideal customers for your product the important thing to understand here is what do they know so far about your product do they know about the problem do they already know the product that they want maybe you just
getting into the process when they're just choosing the best four vacuum cleaner and now they see your ad so they can compare it with all of the other productss they have seen or maybe your product is the first one they've ever seen they don't know nothing about the product and they just need to be convinced that your product is the best also we your potential customers have tried products before so maybe they tried a skincare cream before and it made the breakout so now you can position your product as the one that doesn't cause a
breakout all right let's look at one example here from the company called trapet MD so this ad as you can see from the first second oh this is why my cat pees all over my house as you launch this ad I'll just turn off the sound this ad here is specifically designed for cat owners right so you can see there's this little thing here which is caption and this caption is talking about cat owners right and it's talking about cats so now by analyzing this Facebook understands that they have to show it to people who
own cats because they can analyze the captions in your video they can analyze everything you're talking about they can analyze the voices if you're using cats in your videos naturally Facebook will share your ads to people who have cats this is how powerful creatives are because they literally tell Facebook who to share your ads to in order to get a sale and here's how to see who Facebook is targeting and how to see whether your audience could be potentially too small for Facebook number one you have to look at the frequency if you're not running
retargeting which will automatically increase the frequency then you should be under 2x frequency also you will see your cpms increase a lot if you're targeting very specific audience if you're targeting an audience let's say 55 plus that have a specific health condition then your cpms will be crazy so the broader you go with your ad the cheaper your cpms will become thank you so much for watching let me know if you have any questions below this video and if you want to see the full infrastructure for my e-commerce businesses doing over $1 million per month
just click the link in the description and watch it there thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video