The Bible Warned Us About This: They Speak Like Angels But Live Like Devils

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Lion of Judah
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in these last days we must be vigilant against living double lives too often there are those who speak like angels yet live like Devils they have mastered the art of appearing holy knowing exactly what to say and when to say it to present themselves as righteous before others their words may drip with eloquence quoting scripture praying fervently and speaking in the most Pious tones they know all the right phrases the correct expressions of faith and how to paint a picture of themselves as followers of Christ but underneath the surface their lives tell a different story
Jesus himself warned about this kind of hypocrisy in Matthew 2327 he said woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees you Hypocrites you are like whitewashed tombs which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean this is the reality of those who speak like Angels but live like Devils on the outside they are beautiful full of light and Holiness but inwardly they are consumed by sin living as if they belong to the kingdom of darkness these individuals love their sin more than they
love the truth though they may speak with the tongues of angels though they may know the scriptures well and though they may present themselves as beacons of righteousness their hearts remain far from God they are not truly living for Christ and their love for sin reveals where their true Allegiance lies in the privacy of their lives they embrace the very thing they preach against the sins they publicly condemn are the same ones they privately indulge in it is a double life a life that will one day be exposed the Bible tells us that nothing hidden
will remain hidden forever everything done in darkness will be brought to light we cannot serve two masters we cannot speak like Angels while living like Devils for God sees through the facade he is not fooled by eloquence or external appearances he sees the heart and the Heart cannot be divided between God and sin as Believers we are called to live in the light as Christ is in the light we must forsake our sins not embrace them we must not just speak of Holiness but live holy lives we must walk in Integrity rejecting the temptation to
maintain a double life the call of God on our lives is not just to say the right things but to be transformed From the Inside Out living as New Creations in Christ let us not be those who merely talk about righteousness but those who pursue it wholeheartedly the world may be impressed by outward appearances but God desires truth in the inmost parts let our lives both seen and unseen reflect the holiness of the God we serve Matthew 7: 21 not everyone that Seth onto me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he that
doth the will of My Father which is in heaven Matthew 7:21 is such a powerful verse trap Bible commentary when analyzing this verse states that this warning of Jesus applies to people who say Lord Lord and yet their spiritual life has nothing to do with their daily life they go to church perhaps fulfill some daily religious duties yet sin against God and man just as any other might there are those that speak like Angels Live Like Devils that have Jacob's smooth Tong tongue but Esau's rough hands Matthew 7:21 is a warning to those that speak
like angels and yet live like Devils their relationship with Jesus is nothing more than a confession their lives are lived completely contrary to the word of God how can I ensure that I am not one of these people that speak like angels and yet live life like Devils the answer is in these two verses John 15:4 and 5 abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can ye except ye abide in me I am the Vine ye are the branches he
that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing I can translate these two verses to Simply one statement and that statement is you need [Music] Jesus seven words for without me ye can do nothing this is a reality for each and every person we need God more than we know more than we can even understand this very moment my heart is beating not because I'm intentionally making it beat but it is just beating without my control blood is causing through my veins and that
is not my own doing that is God everything I do and everything you do is because of him you are alive this very second because of him all of the joy happiness love we experience is because of him everything that exists is because of him seven words for without me you can do nothing what Jesus was saying here goes beyond the normal achievement we have here on Earth it goes beyond the successes we celebrate here on Earth what Jesus was saying transcends this world we live in this one statement goes beyond this world and enters
into the very depths of Eternity what Jesus was saying here is that you cannot get eternal life without him there is no life outside of Jesus all life comes from him life flows from him he is the living one for in him we live and move and have our being he is the way to the father he is the way to heaven he is the way to eternal life he is the one that holds the key to death hell and the grave that means without Jesus one cannot get eternal life do you understand that you
are not going to heaven because you are a good person you are not going to heaven because you live a moral life if the truth be told there are people out there that live a better moral life than you by accident and they are still not going to heaven you are not going to heaven because of your giving to the poor or your good works you are going to heaven because of Jesus Christ and what he did for you on the cross without Jesus you cannot bear any good fruit John 14:6 Jesus sayth unto him
I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me he is the way he is the truth and the only one who gives life you cannot bear good fruit without him you need to abide in him when we talk about abiding in Christ it is not about going to church or sleeping in the church if you say you are abiding in Christ but not obeying Christ you are not abiding in him if you say you are abiding in Christ but not obeying Christ you are speaking like an
angel but living like a devil abiding in Christ means following the orders of Christ it means following the footsteps of Christ abiding in Christ means diligently following Christ you cannot say that you are abiding in Christ and yet you are living a life full of sin and no repentance first first John 2:6 he that se he abideth in him art himself also so to walk even as he walked don't say you are abiding in Christ with your mouth only abiding in Christ is not professing him with your mouth alone but it is living a life
that has been ordered by his word a life of obedience to his word when no one is watching you when no one is around do you still obey Christ or do you follow your flesh I encourage you to follow his steps let the Holy Spirit lead you let the fruit of the spirit manifest in your life they are the nature of Christ let him be pleased with you if you claim to abide in Christ but you do not follow him you are deceiving yourself Galatians 6:7 and 8 be not deceived God is Not mocked for
whatsoever a man Seth that shall he also reap for he that Seth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that Seth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life Everlasting Matthew 7:21 not everyone that sayth unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven abide in me and I in you Jesus emphasized a mutual relationship it isn't only that the disciple abides in the master the master also abides in the disciple we often underestimate what a
it means to abide in Christ when we abide in Christ our thoughts our minds our actions are aligned with Christ when we abide in Christ we already have a purpose when we abide in Christ we develop a relationship with him abide in me and I in you Jesus emphasized a mutual relationship it isn't only that the disciple abides in the master the master also abides in the disciple abiding in Christ is having a relationship with him allowing Christ to move in your life and take over every aspect of your life not withholding any area of
your life when you abide in Christ he makes you the light of the world and your purpose is to Shine the Light When you abide in Christ you become the salt of the world abiding in Christ gives you purpose in this life
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