[Music] okay today we have the new $550 GeForce RTX 5070 the GPU that Nvidia Jensen told us during their CES keynote would be delivering RTX 4090 performance and that's the previous generation Flagship that they charged at least $1600 us for hang on B you're at CS did did they actually yeah yeah he said that th this is meant to be equal to a 49 yeah all right this is all right hang on a second I'll just you know what I don't think this is actually going to do it for this review um okay come with
me come on okay so after the announcement our social media accounts were blowing up they were flooded with users celebrating just how exciting this next generation was going to be 490 performance for $550 us that sounds pretty amazing to me today's video is brought to you by the AOC q27 G3 xmn a fantastic bang for buuck 1440p True HDR gaming monitor the q27 g3xn regularly features in our best 1440p monitor roundups due to its mini LED local dimming providing an outstanding contrast ratio and great image quality for HDR gaming it also has a 180 HZ
refresh rate over 1,000 nits of peak brightness and a great budget friendly price point we highly recommend the AOC q27 g3xn and it's now available not just in North America but other locations worldwide including Australia so to learn more and upgrade your gaming setup to HDR today check the link in the description below of course the excitement was quickly squashed after it became clear Nvidia was using multiframe generation to make these extremely misleading claims we were quick to point this out in our CES coverage but still many came away from the Nvidia announcement expecting great
things from the RTX 5070 and now we finally have it and boy is it super underwhelming the RTX 5070 is just so boring underwhelming it really just point so I'm going to shorten I review I have conducted extensive testing but I'm not going to go over all of the individual game data it becomes highly repetitive and none of it is particularly exciting but firstly what I want to deal with is nvidia's big old lie the one that I just mentioned where they proudly claimed that the RTX 5070 would deliver 4090 performance obviously this is a
massive lie and it's a damaging one that hurts features like frame Generation by weaponizing it to mislead gaming is in a nutshell multiframe generation is just a more advanced version of single frame generation instead of generating one frame it can generate up to three frames which increases smoothness provided your monitor has a high enough refresh rate to show those frames what it doesn't do is increase performance that's because unlike rendering more normal frames creating generated frames doesn't lower latency in fact if anything the overhead of creating the generated frames makes worse latency so no reduction
in latency and no performance increase the game won't feel or play any faster but it will look smoother with some artifacts thrown in so in a nutshell it's just frame smoothing not a genuine performance boost so again generating frames does not boost performance and therefore no matter how many frames you generate the RTX 5070 cannot become faster than an RTX 490 those kinds of comparisons have to be made prior to an aing frame generation so let's quickly do that now so in reality the RTX 490 is actually on average 63% faster than the RTX 5070
across our 16 game sample at 1440p but the LIE gets even worse when we turn on rate racing as here we find examples where the RTX 5070 doesn't work at all due to the much more limited 12 GB vram buffer one such example would be Indiana Jones and the great Circle a game Tim strongly recommended that I go and add it to my RT testing Suite as the game uses path tracing and looks really great when doing so resulting in a truly transformative experience so I went about adding it to this latest round of GPU
testing but the only problem at least for the RTX 5070 is that it can't actually run the game under these conditions rendering just 13 FPS on average while the old 4070 TI super was good for 47 FPS and this is due to the fact that the new RTX 5070 a $550 GPU being released in the year 2025 only comes with a measly 12 GB vram buffer and this is the kind of memory capacity we would have hoped by now was reserved only for entry-level products and that an RTX 5070 would at minimum include 16 GB
unfortunately that's not the case as a result in this example the RTX 490 is 462 faster and frame generation can't even fake enough frames to win here for the RTX 5070 in fact if you were to enable frame generation I imagine the RTX 5070 would be even worse because frame generation requires more vram so that's going to be a big problem and also be aware this isn't even at Native 1440p we are enabling dlss quality upscaling to try and boost the performance and I should note you can't even load the game at 4K using these
quality settings and IM immediately crashes to desktop so already things are looking pretty bad for the RTX 5070 and while you could certainly argue the gForce 50 Series has been a flop so far whatever you think of the 90 80 and 5070 TI I can tell you all three of those products are much better than the 5070 and for those who aren't up to speed with what the 5070 is let's quickly go over the specs for $550 you're getting a Blackwell GPU with $ 6,14 four cicor 192 texture mapping units and probably 80 RS so
that's 31% fewer cores than the 5070 TI and just 4% more than the original RTX 4070 released 2 years ago now interestingly it's also 14% fewer cores than the updated RTX 4070 super and the core clock speed is much the same but making up for the lack of cores is potentially a 33% increase in memory bandwidth as the RTX 5070 uses 28 gbits per second gddr 7 memory on a 192bit wide memory bus for a bandwidth of 672 GB per so 14% fewer course than the 470 super but 33% more memory bandwidth and an 8%
discount to the MSRP but as I've already noted a critical attribute that goes unchanged is memory capacity like the original RTX 470 as well as the update dated 4070 super the RTX 570 only features a 12 GB vram buffer so while the vram is certainly faster the capacity Remains the Same and no speed SL bandwidth can't compensate for capacity it just doesn't work that way so then it's sounding very much like the 5070 is really just a 470 super with $50 knocked off the MSRP but of course I've tested a lot of games to confirm
this so let's take a look at some of of them and then we'll go over the graphs breaking down the full performance starting with Marvel Rivals at 1440p we see the RTX 570 is a mere 3% faster than the 4070 super and just 15% faster than the 2-year-old RTX 470 I haven't had a chance to update my 7900 gr data just yet but when compared to the 7800 XT the 5070 is 16% faster and then 6% slower than the 7900 XT then moving up to 4K we set the 570 and 470 super in neck and
neck delivering virtually identical performance with just 44 FPS on average next up we have stalker 2 and here the 5070 actually manages to be slower than the 4070 super coming in 9% slower at 1440p this meant it was also just 11% faster than the 7800 XT and 12% slower than the 7900 XT the 4K data is slightly better but even so it best you could say the 5070 managed to match the 470 super here with just 33 FPS on average so it all seems a bit pointless moving on to Counter Strike 2 we're looking at
very similar results once again the RTX 5070 is essentially an RTX 470 super as both delivered near enough to identical performance at 1440p the 5070 did pull slightly ahead of 4K but even so that saw it offering a mere 6% performance uplift the Punk 2077 results at 1440p saw the 5070 com in slightly behind the 4070 super though we're talking about just a 2 FPS deficit when comparing the average frame rate still that meant the new 5070 was just 7% faster than the 7800 XT in this example again the 5070 does perform a little bit
better relative to the 4070 super at 4K pulling ahead by a 6% margin here with 51 FPS on average and this is without any RT effects enabled and in fact we're using the second highest rasterization preset Hogwarts Legacy is a very bandwidth sensitive game so this does help the RTX 570 out a bit and at 1440 P it did end up beating the 470 super by an impressive 21% margin so under the right conditions there are some nice gains to be had though I should also note that this did only see the 5070 match the
7800 XT now oddly the margin did come down quite substantially at 4K and as the 55070 is only 8% faster than the 470 super along with the 7800 XT with 66 FPS on average The Last of Us Part One has more typical results for us and that is to say that at 1440p the RTX 570 is a 4070 super both delivering around 90 FPS making the 5070 just 2% faster than the 7800 XT the 5070 performs a little bit better at 4K though the average frame frame rate was just 4% greater than that of the
4070 super so very disappointing performance overall the last game I'm going to bother looking at the results for is Starfield and this is yet another example where the 4070 super is able to outperform the new 5070 at 1440p granted performance is much the same but it's still very disappointing to see the 5070 coming in 3% slower even at 4K the 5070 ends up 6% slower than the 47 super with just 45 FPS on average so again very disappointing results now 1440p across the 16 games tested the RTX 570 was on average 1% faster than the
470 super so I guess that settles it really the 5070 is basically a 4070 super which means realistically for this to be a next Generation GPU it should really be called the 5060 but we've been down this path already with the 50 70 TI the 80 and to a certain extent the 5090 which really should have been called a 4090 TI and it's much the same story at 4K here the RTX 5070 was on average just 5% faster than the 470 super delivering 3090 light performance so maybe Jensen meant that the 5070 was going to
deliver 3090 performance not 490 performance so maybe he just misspoke or something like that yeah that has to be it surely now I'm not going to dive into the power consumption stuff too much here as power usage is boring at the best of times and I know you won't believe it but the 5070 is also a 470 super when it comes to power usage consuming roughly the same level of power across the games that we bothered to check now for the r tracing benchmarks we'll start with Metro Exodus where the 5070 match the 470 super
at 1440p well it was 4% faster which is quickly starting to feel like a good win for the new GeForce GPU it was also 8% faster at 4K rendering 53 FPS on average which I'd say is an embarrassing level of performance for a $550 us gForce GPU released in 2025 but of course the radon gpus are even worse though none of them were released this year so I guess that's some sort of takeaway for Radon gpus next up we have the Allen wake 2 performance and the 5070 sucks at 1440p with upscaling only matching the
original 4070 making it 15% slower than the 4070 super so that's a bit of a disaster and we're only looking at 39 FPS on average increase in the resolution to 4K with quality upscaling enbl did allow the 5070 to match the 470 super but now we're looking at just 22 FPS on average so it's not really a win then is it moving on to cyberpunk 2077 the RTX 570 continues its run of extremely underwhelming rage racing performance this time coming in 12% slower than the 470 super with 58 FPS on average oddly once again we
see the 5070 is only able to match the 4070 super once we reach the 4K resolution or rather 4K with quality upscaling but we're now looking at just 31 FPS on average so hardly acceptable performance the Spider-Man remaster results at 1440p are CPU limited but even so the 5070 wound up 14% faster than the 470 super and like we saw in Hogwarts Legacy this is another game that's very bandwidth sensitive so that explains why the 5070 does so much better here that said there is some other limitation at 4K as here the 5070 is knocked
down to 470 super light performance which is still great performance overall with 91 FPS but it's also very unimpressive when compared to previous generation Parts the RTX 5070 was able to just nudge ahead of the 4070 super In Dying Light 2 though only by a 5% margin we're also looking at similar margins at 4K here the 5070 was a mere 7% faster with 44 FPS on average so certainly nothing to get excited about the RTX 570 is back to being an RTX 470 super in black myth Wukong just 46 FPS at 1440p with upscaling but
at least it's not a radon GPU I guess then at 4K with upscaling enabled the RT X 570 is completely useless only matching the RTX 470 super with 25 FPS then we have Indiana Jones in the great circle which was a late addition to this review but I'm glad Tim suggested I include it to show off the RT performance of these new GeForce gpus because doesn't it just paint a lovely picture for the 12 GB RTX 5070 just 13 FPS on average at 1440p with upscaling of course you can dial down the quality settings to
avoid filling up the memory buffer but these are the r tracing settings that Tim recommends you'll want to use for a truly transformative experience in this title naturally then 4K is out of the question and it's really out of the question as the game will crash and then refuse to relaunch on a 12 GB GPU without using the safe mode and then refuse to relaunch on a 12 GB GPU with full RT enabled you will have to load back in using the safe mode option and then lower the settings so how f future proof is
the RT performance of the RTX 5070 and maybe just performance in general with these new 12 GB gpus in 2025 I'd say not vary by the looks of things now because the RTX 5070 completely crapped out in Indiana Jones in the great circle with full RT enabled I've removed that game from the average as we calculate using a geom mean and that's left us with just six titles this still saw the 5070 come in just behind the RTX 470 super though it's fair to say performance overall was identical then at 4K it's slightly faster than
the 4070 super though again performance overall really was near enough to call identical and even with the help of upscaling frame rates were generally very poor now in a perfect world where the MSRP actually meant something the RTX 5070 would actually be a decent value product dare I say it and that's of course if you look past the obvious vram limitations this product which will no doubt become a much larger issue over the coming years but ignoring that real issue I guess the 5070 at $550 us looks pretty good certainly not amazing but yeah we'll
go with good it's 8% better value than the 570 TI and 20% better value than the RTX 580 though of course both of those products do come with more vram and while it might only be the minimum amount of vrm we want to see on these mid-range to high-end products s but at least those products do meet what we consider to be the minimum it's also 133% better value than the RTX 470 super so again not an amazing gen on- gen uplift there but if available at the MSRP it Stacks up pretty well in an
MSRP World however the RTX 470 super did see some small discounts applied in 2024 so if you're bought back then the RTX 5070 only ends up being 10% better value and I think I'd rather give up 10% for 6 to 12 months of use making an RTX 47 new super purchase about a year ago uh the preferable choice in my opinion now the RTX 570 will have to contend with the radon RX 970 so I think chances are we will see it hit that $550 us MSRP sooner rather than later that said here in Australia
the RTX 570 is expected to cost at least ,250 Australian dollar which is a very poor price point as that makes it 8% more expensive in terms of cost per frame when compared to the RTX 4070 super which you could buy recently for $1,100 it also makes the RTX 5070 worse value than Parts such as the radon RX 7900 XTX 7900 XT and significantly worse than the 7800 XT in fact the cost per frame R compared to the 7800 XT is is 31% higher that's for a card with less vrm so that's obviously very bad
now before we wrap this review up just quickly here's how nvidia's found aition version of the RTX 5070 compared to the Asus Prime and gigaby Eagle Under full load the Fe model hit a peak GPU temperature of 72° whereas the eagle was much cooler at just 63° and then just 62° for the prime it was a similar story when it comes to memory temps the Fe model ran at 76° whereas the eagle peaked it to 64° and the prime at 68° now quite oddly the Fe model was reporting a fan speed of 2,350 RPM though
it didn't seem loud enough to be operating at that speed given the operating volume was 39 DB typically with this kind of fan speed we expect the noise to be comfortably over 40 DB still the eagle and Prime were much quieter at 35 and 34 DB respectively now the eagle did consume 20 WTS less than the Fe model which saw a clock almost 2% lower at 2,760 MHz so it's a bit odd that this is the OC version of the eagle and yet it clocks lower than nvidia's reference model we also saw a similar thing
with the prime though and although power consumption was reported to be higher we still saw a slightly lower core clock frequency okay so if you can't tell I'm personally not a fan of the GeForce RTX 50 7 it's a compromised product that will struggle to Leverage The RTX feature set due to its limited 12 GB vram buffer and although that might not be a significant issue right now I expect will be within the realistic lifespan of this product as for the general performance it's nothing special the RTX 5070 is basically a refreshed RTX 470 super
with $50 knocked off the MSRP for whatever that's worth it can rub shoulders with the RTX 47 super at times but again with just 12 GB of vram it's not a favorable comparison overall realistically you would have just been better off buying an RTX 470 Super 6 to 12 months ago if you wanted this level of performance from a GeForce GPU 6 months ago it was just $585 us readily available and if you want to go back 12 months it was available for $600 so waiting 12 months to maybe save $50 for a 5% performance
boost hardly seems worth it which is why the RTX 5070 is so extremely underwhelming but for those of you looking at spending around $550 us right now on a GPU there really isn't a better option well that is until the 970 series is released tomorrow from AMD the RX 970 is said to cost $550 us and AMD are confident they can deliver models at that price the RX 970 could end up being faster it certainly offers more vram so with our detailed analysis along with a dedicated look at FSR 4 coming up on the channel
very shortly I imagine it'll pay to wait just a little bit to see which $550 GPU is really worth your money though I suspect spending the extra $50 on the 9070 XT is going to be the real answer so make sure you're subscribed for those upcoming videos and that is going to do it for this one in a nutshell the 5070 has impress us if you can't tell in fact it's very underwhelming though you've probably got that as well anyway we're going to have to wait and see what AMD has for us before making any
recommendations at this price point that said we have heard that the RTX 5070 availability is virtually non-existent so reviews aside if you want to buy a GPU right now you might have to buy a 9070 series product anyway of course we will have to review that one for you tomorrow so you can purchase with all the necessary information you don't have to just guess there or do any crazy pre-order stuff the reviews are just around the corner in the meantime please like this video if you found it useful you can subscribe because as I said
we have more videos coming up and then we have the join button and patreon but other than that I am done with this highly disappointing review of well the hopefully the review wasn't disappointing the 5070 was anyway it's getting pretty Breezy pretty cold up here so I'm going to go get off the roof now and go back to my nice warm cozy studio I'll catch you next time [Music] [Music]