The Loudest Man in the Room

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Dry Creek Wrangler School
There are some very dangerous trends in the world today, especially in the world of advising and hel...
Video Transcript:
good morning Dwayne here Dry Creek Wrangler School it's a Sunday morning and we got new batcha students coming in this afternoon for class and it's nice and cool and overcast today for a change it rained last night so I'm gonna take the opportunity and make a video now this is a video I don't want to make this is something that's been on my mind for several weeks now and I just this is not my comfort zone I don't do this and I but I need to all right um I started this because I have a
heart for young people and a heart to help young people and to counsel them and point out traps and that they might be fixing to step into or point out ways to get out of traps that they've already stepped into and you know that was my heart from the beginning I didn't get on here to uh push my way of doing things I didn't get on here to attack anybody nothing like that but I feel like there's something that I need to point out in uh that's going on today that's affecting a lot of people
all right especially young people but I'm gonna tell you a story first I'm gonna set up the background on this all right uh several years ago we my wife and I were we lived in Alaska and I had a friend out there I liked him and I very much respected him all right I'm gonna start out with that we had acquired 10 acres of land out of town Keating a remote from from him and his wife uh you parked you drove as far as you could and you parked and then you hiked or rode snow
machines or four wheelers in the rest of the way that's where it was we were getting ready to build a cabin on that property so now my wife and I were down in on the Kenai Peninsula getting everything ready to move out there and start building and I got a text from him one morning and they said I killed three grizzly bears this morning now star and grasp the full weight of that I killed three grizzly bears this morning and so I called him and I'm like dude what the heck now he lived in a
cabin that was down on the uh the Matsu River and he had his wife and he had they had two children of their own and they had several uh foster children about five foster children I think at that time and they were I don't know a quarter mile half a mile through the woods not that far quarter mile through the woods from where our cabin site was and they were in the cabin one night and then about three o'clock when the five y'all don't worry about the Flies it's just a relative ranch life all right
about three or four o'clock in the morning I I think if I remember right um the dog started barking now you have dogs we had dogs and dogs bark that's what they do especially in Alaska if you're living out in the bush Critters come through and and but there's a bark and then there's a bear bark and it don't take long it don't take long to tell the difference and this was the bear bark so he got up got his clothes on picked up his lever action Marlin 1895 45-70 and stepped out the door now
this is Alaska in the summertime so there's light it's not like here uh it's like he can see and so the dog is tied up right out in front of the cabin door there so he goes out there with his rifle and he's standing there by the dog checking to see what's going on and all of a sudden out of the Bush right straight in front of him about less than 40 yards away two grizzly bears come charging out at full charge um shot shoulder to shoulder he dirts his rifle up shoots the one it
peels off drops rifle works 11 and that point in the second one is so close he has to fire from the hip it peels off the other way um so like I said he's got a house full of kids and stuff and he can't have two wounded grizzly bears just out there around so he calls his wife Al gives her a 12 gauge shotgun with slugs in it and puts her on a tall stump and with a cell phone and uh and then he goes off in the bush looking for these grizzly bears ah so
he goes off the first one he shot and he finds it over and it's dead he drilled at Plum Center um and so he comes back around where the other one had peeled off and he looks around and digs it and he finds that one and it's dead so he calls up there in Alaska if you kill a grizzly bear that you know you're not hunting you don't have a tag or license for you got to call Fish and Wildlife and they got to come out and investigate whether it's a DLP it's a defense of
life and property where there was a legitimate shoot or not so he calls um he calls Fish and Wildlife um fishing game and uh and the other thing is if you kill one even if it is a DLP you have to skin the bear out and you have to deliver the bare skin the skull and the claws all the claws to the nearest office okay the nearest Wildlife office so he had a mini excavator there and one of these Bears was over eight foot all right it was big so he drags these bears in up
to the cabin fishing while I've told him start skinning them out anyhow so he was doing that and while the excavator so he died chain and picked part of it up so he can get to it and skin it out excavators idling he's down there and he said the hair is on the back of his neck just stood up and he turned around and about seven Paces away was another grizzly bear stalking like a cat coming up behind him so he yelled jumped over grabbed his rifle which he had lean against a cabin spun around
and shot that bear Fish Wildlife said they figured it was during breeding season and they figured that they had been fighting all night mating the last Berry shot was a younger smaller bear and the two boars it was a Sal and two boars the two boars have been fighting for the right to to mate the sound and the little one had finally been driven off and the other two were just all fired up from mating and fighting and everything and they heard the dog barks so they come in to get the dog uh and then
the little one smelled the blood after the first two were dead so he thought maybe here was his chance so he came in and uh but they didn't reckon with Dennis now let me tell you about Dennis was raised in Mennonite now he had left the Mennonite church at that point and he was just a Christian Dennis wasn't a real big fella he wasn't a little fella he just average size um he was quiet and soft-spoken never heard him raise his voice never saw him get angry um he had no tattoos he didn't drink a
drop of alcohol he didn't use any type of tobacco never heard him use a swear word uh he loved his wife and he loved his kids and he was could do he's one of those guys that could do about anything you could imagine with his hands it seemed like he could take a chainsaw and a draw knife and build a cabin he did it while I was there uh the best man with a chainsaw I've ever worked with in my life huh if I was about to go into the situation that was going to get
hairy I would want to stand shoulder to shoulder with Dennis I would not stand shoulder to the shoulder with Andrew Tate now I'm not going to talk about his charges I'm not going to talk about him going to jail I don't think he did this I don't think he did that stuff I don't think um he held anybody against your will or kidnapped anybody or did any of that that don't matter you know what the dangerous type of lie in the universe is the most dangerous type of lie in the universe is one that has
the most truth in it the most dangerous people out there are people who take a lie and wrap it all up in truth and deceive you Andrew Tate likes to call himself the most dangerous man the most dangerous man in the world but he cannot be the most dangerous man in the world because he's currently the loudest man in the world and the dangerous man is never the loudest man do you hear what I'm saying I'm saying that you need to be careful about who you follow in my experience I don't care how big a
fella is I don't care how tough he is in a ring or there's rules and there's referees looking out for Stuff I don't care how much he works out I don't care how much he walks around without a shirt on I don't care how big his tattoos are the louder he is the more insecure he is inside and when I see Andrew Tate I see an extremely extremely crippling insecure man now you say Dwayne he he puts off such extremely secure Vibes I know but a secure man don't have to put all vibes a tough
man is not going to always tell you how tough he is he's not going to get online and keep showing you clip after clip after clip of him hitting a punching bag of him uh winning in fights and knocking people down he you're into drinking games I'm not but some people are look here's a drinking game okay get you a bottle of whatever you drink set it in front of you every time that man says Bugatti take a drink see how far you get through the video why does he constantly have to bring up his
money why does he constantly have to point out his supercars and his women and then his money why does he have to stand there with his shirt off showing you his muscles all the time why what is he so insecure about when it comes time for the stuff to hit the fan and it's going to hit the fan you want a quiet secure man that knows what he's doing when it when I see him when I see people talk about how he's helped young men all I see is all I see the only um examples
I see given by him and I haven't watched all this stuff there could be others okay uh is how much money they're making I help them make money he's all about money of course he leaves out the fact that he started making money by being a pimp I don't think he's a pimp now I think he's changed a lot of stuff he's saying a lot of but how much of that is image Rehabilitation and how much is that real sincere mature and growing it's not fully mature and growing because if it was he would get
on there and he would publicly say I did wrong now maybe he has I haven't seen that okay a real man would say look this is what I did this is how I got my star I own all these he talks about his Investments and he talks about the money he's making and the property owns but I got my star by pimping women on the internet so it's a poison whale but young men they don't need help the core problem today is not a lack of money now money's helpful money's good but I've watched him
I've watched him on two or three different occasions say if you're not rich you're either a fool or you're lazy only a fool would say that Andrew Tate is a fool my dad wasn't a fool and my dad dang sure wasn't lazy but he wasn't rich either because he didn't live his life for himself and he did not extort people and use people he did not get on the back side of internet somewhere with women and take people for their money he served people so he died poor so any jack wagon that gets on the
internet with his shirt off and calls men like my dad and men like you have probably known your whole life either lazy or fools because they're not crooked and degenerate like Andrew Tate is because they're not rich man's a fool and why in the world would you follow a fool allowed arrogant fool now you say he's rich Hollister's a lot of Thieves out there that are rich all right now Tate can do his own thing and I'm not going to address this subject again and I'm not going to get into some kind of something with
him on the internet I'm just talking to you and I'm just pointing out to you the reality of mankind the reality of the world and the reality of Truth is that the most dangerous man in the room is never ever ever the loudest man in the room the loudest man in the room is the most insecure man in the room and that's why they put off so much flashing and vibe so you do what you want take can do what he wants I'm gonna do what I want but I'm just pointing out that's a trap
and then you do you do what you got to do okay I got no beef against him personally all right but I would I just point out the truth that's what I do all right and uh so I'm gonna stop there that's more than I wanted to do um but uh we what don't let my cigar go out now my lighter's kind of sputtering on me but what I got here today is um on Charter Oak Connecticut shade my early morning breakfast cigar uh from cigar that's where I got these from people ask me
all the time Dwayne if I want to start out with an inexpensive but quality hand rolled cigar that's not too strong and too rich I'm pulling into these Charter Oaks all right they have the Habano they have the Maduro and they have the Connecticut shade but the Connecticut shade is just mild and smooth and affordable all right the other thing is I want to remind you guys that in December mom and I are going to be in Vegas at the Cowboy Christmas we're going to be setting up uh we're going to be there at the
booth of rand's custom Hatters um and we're going to spend about three days there so if you're in the area come by and see us and and the last thing is we I mentioned on the last video we are going to be putting out t-shirts soon and so I've got a guy helping me get the internet side of that up and so we're going to have that up anytime now shortly and I'll let you know in case it's something you'll be interested in all right so until then be wise be wise study study all right
uh don't just take anything at the surface uh me don't just take me at the service all right check it out think critically uh listen and and think for yourself and there's a lot of deceivers out there there's a lot of deceivers and if a man wants to help you listen to this if a man wants to help you if you're a young man boy these flies I'm telling you if you're a young man trying to find your way and you're struggling and somebody says I will help you it's going to cost you this much
and the man already has seven super cars and who knows how many houses and how many millions of dollars and he takes a young man 21 years old 20 years old 17 years old struggling life trying to get there and he says I want to be your Messiah that'll cost you this much a month that's a bad heart that is a bad heart so be wise all right be logical be reasonable be safe and have fun we'll catch you guys next time
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