Travel Intro Animation using Text Reveal Effect in Canva
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canva tutorial on creating a captivating Travel Intro Animation using the Text Reveal Effect in Canv...
Video Transcript:
hello everyone today I'm going to show you how to make this animated travel slide go on open video project and we are going to use this photo make the title [Music] first [Music] make the title in in the middle of the photo and uh make the Shadow and download download as [Music] PNG upload it [Music] again and delete this [Music] one go to elements and write rail plane we are going to use this one [Music] go to shapes and uh choose any color you [Music] want we I'm going to use this [Music] one and fill
this [Music] space [Music] [Music] click on the plane layers and bring to [Music] front and select all group and drag the image to the [Music] left and [Music] group group all the elements including the plane drag to the left and duplicate here you can write your text for example [Music] travel let's make timing for [Music] this and [Music] animation this [Music] [Music] light [Music] sh timing and make the timing after [Music] travel and made with the be line as [Music] well and uh go to Transitions and make match and move go to the second page
and move the plane to the [Music] right I hope you like this tutorial subscribe to the channel to learn more about [Music] canva