there are secret entities and organizations that have formed with the sole aim of influencing the masses and controlling the masses and they do it in very very evil and pernicious ways and keep us our children our families enslaved in their program so they can take advantage of you for their benefit in today's video I share with you how they do this but also how to actually get yourself to wake up from the influence of these external entities and organizations we are programmed in two ways internal programming and external programming internal programming consists of let me
start with external external programming consists of what we see in our environment so when we grow up we have certain experiences then we internalize those experiences in a particular way so for example if you had an abusive childhood where your parents were very very strict you had very high standards set on you you could internalize that in a way that could either make you successful in life or it could make you an utter failure or you know maybe you got bullied as a kid I got bullied as a kid when I was growing up and
I always perceived that to be a good thing I was internalized that to be a good thing in one particular way and because of that when I've gone into different environments I happen to travel a lot you know by the time I was 16 I lived in four different continents and every single time I went to a different School a new life it was really difficult because I was always the odd one out I was different I had the weird accent I looked weird I dressed weird because I wasn't accustomed to the lingo and how
things were at that new place and so as I've started to travel more and more I've become more like a chameleon and I've started to become very good at blending in so I have collected that experience of bullying and I've always said oh this is actually making me better it's making me more flexible more adaptable but someone else could look at that bullying and they could internalize it differently and say oh you know I get bullied because I'm not pretty enough I'm not lovable enough I'm not worthy and deserving of love and because of that
people always mock me and ridicule me and so you hold that chip on your shoulder for the rest of your life a lot of people who get bullied they perceive it really well to the point where it makes them really successful like Elon Musk he got buied to the point where he got his face beaten and he was programmed by that experience of bullying to become someone who is wildly successful to do what it takes and he has immense confidence in himself and he's not afraid of Confrontation that is how we get programmed externally we
have certain experiences but then we hold on to these experiences in accordance with our propensity for how we've been brought up on the other hand there is an internal programming that happens that's not up to us it's not within our control and this is where nature versus nurture or I should say nature and nurture comes into play so most people think it's either nature or nurture but it's not it's both our nature how we are is how we've been programmed karmically every single person and the yogis knew this we have this type of karma called
the paraba karma it's the allotment of karma that gets activated in this lifetime and so the reason certain children certain babies are more you know crazy and and you know hyperactive and just very energetic and have a very wild personality you can tell a child how they will be growing up when you look at their personality as a baby right before any kind of personalities have been programmed into them so we have a natural tendency to adopt a certain set of behaviors and a certain type of personality and even attract a certain set of experiences
into into our lives based on our paraba Karma so this paraba Karma gets activated in this lifetime which surprisingly also makes us the soul inhabit this particular body right be born in this womb at this particular time because it believes that this is the perfect time perfect circumstance perfect womb to be born in so that it can fulfill its ultimate Destiny which is to burn this Karma so all Karma wants to be worked out according to the yogis and so that's how we get programmed internally we have a nature that then gets nurtured and just
because you have been born a particular way doesn't mean you can't change it because you still collect Karma throughout your life okay you build karma in society there's always going to be entities that form spontaneously to try and program you these entities are called pendulums and a pendulum is simply a group people who resonate at one particular frequency so think religious group think sports teams when crowds come together sometimes they just get into a riot and something happens to trigger a mass event of violence it just happens and sometimes after the event when you ask
the people why they engage in this kind of behavior they don't know why they did that you know they just got drunk In the Heat of the Moment that's when their Consciousness was hijacked by the pendulums when you fall asleep the pendulum takes your energy and makes you do what it wants you to do and so just like that within our society everything around us is tailored to making us more and more comfortable and more and more unconscious because when we're unconscious these Elites or the pendulums they can extract our attention and monetize them for
their profit there was a quote by John Rockefeller who said I don't want a nation of thinkers I want a nation of doers and that's why the schooling system is the way that it is where it trains kids to children to grow up and become really good doers and really bad thinkers right so how many times have you seen kids go to college and still not know what they want in their lives they're not sure about what it is they want to pursue we all feel lost no one teaches us how to get clear on
what we want they always spoon feed us and keep us enslaved to their programs just do what your teacher tells you just do what your college professor tells you just do what your boss tells you until one day you just get to the age of 60 65 your bones are ACH you're like I don't know what the I want to do with my life like I don't know what I've done I don't know where the past 60 years have gone this is how the pendulum hijacks you and gives you this false sense of security to
keep you stuck in that toxic that poison drip you know you keep getting it but it's like it's too uncomfortable to break free of because you don't know the uncertainty is too uncomfortable we're more afraid of the unknown even though the unknown contains possible Bliss in Paradise because we know that this 9 to5 is just going to keep us safe so just stay safe just stay alive just keep swimming just keep swimming and then one day you'll just drop dead and live a miserable existence it takes a special kind of person during a special time
to wake up become conscious and take matters into their own hands and say you know what I'm sick and tired of living this comfortable existence of following the rules and doing what was expected of me by my parents by my Society I want to follow my own path the thing that I've always wanted to do but I've always put it on the back burner and that's when when you step into to the uncertainty and you feel every single day you don't know what's going to come tomorrow if you are feeling this way right now it
means you're free from the influence of pendulums the influence of pendulums makes you feel like oh I'm taking care of it's okay but then you have this underlying feeling of anxiety anyways it's these feelings of anxiety fear Pride ego that keep you stuck in the pendulum's influence when you gain courage when you get to the level of courage so there's different Consciousness levels and David AR Hawkins did a great job at outlining the map of Consciousness I'll put one up here in it there's a neutral level of 200 that is courage but then there's levels
slightly below that the level of fear the level of Shame the level of guilt the level of Pride at these levels at anger fear and pride we have the optimal amount of energy that the pendulums can begin to control us when you look at the news it keeps you in fear or when you look at the news about what's happening it keeps you in Anger it keeps you in pride pride to fight for your country all of these things the pendulums use to mobilize us but surprisingly though when you get to the level of Shame
and guilt and apathy you don't have enough energy to move you don't have energy to be moved into action so the pendulums actually don't want you at apathy that just happens as a byproduct of you getting to lower and lower levels of consciousness but then once you increase your level of Consciousness and you're able to reach the neutral point of Courage all of a sudden you can break free of the pendulum's influence and walk your own path and so that is the goal for every single individual to break free from the pendulum's influence what really
needs to happen is consciousness you must become conscious and aware of what you're doing and where you are at all times and just get into the mode of observing and watching rather than mindlessly scrolling social media mindlessly watching television or trying to escape the feeling that's arising within you a lot of the times what we do is we have this feeling of anxiety and fear and like just something uncomfortable arising within us instead of being with it we're trying to run away from it in food in online adult material in television in scrolling Instagram or
social media we're trying to run away from something that's waking up within us instead of running through it to the other side because it's just too painful to be dealt with and when we run away from it and it Fest is underneath that's when the pendulums can come in and hook onto that and influence you unfortunately there are people out there who do know what they're doing exactly what they're doing Elite societies and you know this has been the case since the dawn of mankind Emperors used to do this with their Messengers with people in
court who would just get up and deliver this message and get people all riled up and excited for the country since the dawn of mankind there has been tribes Empires Kings who have sought to deceive the masses just to keep them safe just to make the Sheep stay docile and this happened during slavery too during the days of slavery you know nowadays if you know the concept of soul food I recently learned this soul food is made with high carb and high fat content and what they would do back in the day is feed the
slaves at the end of the day at the end of the hard work day they would feed the slaves food that is high in carbohydrates and high in fat because it would get you bloated and it would just make you very doile you would be very lethargic after eating that so you wouldn't have energy to revolt and that is what all kingdoms have wanted to do and they've done it in many different ways if you look at the food we're being fed right now if you look at the content we're being shown on television if
you look at Tik Tok in China is like versus what Tik Tok in America is like they're showing educational content on Tik Tok to to Chinese children as opposed to in America we're having these mindless Dance videos that people keep hooked people stay hooked on for ages these are the subtle ways in which the pendulums influence us and they keep us enslaved to their programs and it takes a special kind of person it is difficult takes a special kind of person to say no I refuse this quick hit of dopamine I'm creating something much greater
in my life it's like being stuck in The Matrix once you hear about Freedom our highest being our highest selves have been designed to thirst for the infinite and so the finite will never be enough so when you buy a house you still want to Big a house when you make money you still want to make more money you want to go from 1 million to 2 million to 3 million within us there's always a thirst for the infinite but unfortunately we seek it in finite things right so our soul longs to be one with
God or the source that it came from but we seek it in drugs we seek it in money we seek it in women we or men or whatever it is whatever your addiction is we don't look within we always look outside and so it's just an error to focus on something that will never fully fulfill you instead what we're really longing for is to look within to become one with Divine and that's why the Buddha said rare it is to be born as a human rarer it is to have heard of Enlightenment and once you
hear about Enlightenment and if you're watching this video you probably have heard about Enlightenment very very few people have even heard about this concept of Enlightenment and rarer still is it to be in pursuit of the highest of Enlightenment and so they say when you become enlightened when you truly become one with Divine then all of this the illusion drops you no longer seek it in the outside you have unending Bliss and pleasure within you have become one with the true source of life so if you'd like to learn how to truly break free from
The Matrix to create your own reality one concept you have to understand is how to wake up have you ever woken up in a dream and you realize that you could control it that is lucid dreaming in your dream you wake up and you realize you're dreaming what would happen if you woke up in physical reality to realize that this too is a dream this isn't the highest level I'm Dreaming so when you have that reference point that is above reality just as waking up in a dream is the reference point above dreaming what is
the reference point of waking up above reality that is when you learn to Center your attention so I made a comprehensive video teaching you how to center your attention all you need to do is Click right here to learn the three-step exercise to Center your attention and to wake up in physical reality