Prince Was Right About Diddy | They K!ll Stars Before They Expose All

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Prince Was Right About Diddy | They K!ll Stars Before They Expose All Chile, I know a lot of y’all ...
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I know a lot of y'all have been wondering if there was any connection between Prince and Diddy and all the things Prince was exposing in the music industry and allegedly there actually was some sort of weird connection one because of the deal Diddy had with Warner Brothers the record label Prince was fighting for doing the same thing Diddy did for years profit off the artists without giving them a dime and blackballing them for exposing him it became such a big deal back then is ever since my third album uh I was n really taking large
advances from the recording companies I was recording the albums myself in my own studio so the way I looked at it I owned the work because I paid for it and I did all the work I created it so I felt like it should belong to me that said the um companies felt otherwise and they would always hold this contract up and say well you signed it and I say well I understand that it's not like I want to leave I just want to you know talk about this thing and see if we can't make
it more fair of course they wouldn't change because if they changed they wouldn't really exist and that's kind of the situation we're in right today they're not going to exist much longer it's not like uh we're against them or anything like that the idea is that we find better ways of working with one another um it shouldn't be a situation where they own the album or the work it's we're talking about intellectual copyright if they're going to be indeed a delivery service then that's fine but even FedEx doesn't say that they own the thing that
they ship number two Prince actually lent his house to Diddy for his parties but he never attended the parties himself because allegedly Prince had his suspicions about what Diddy was doing with the freak offs the first Diddy party I went to was at Prince's house so you want to go to Prince's house to the Diddy party where Tyrese is performing and Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher are swinging on swings that is what's happening on the other side of the wall and so the one thing that makes this party different than a a Jamie Fox party
or any other celebrity party that wrangles a bunch of young women or women or guys or whatever too is that Diddy didn't let you bring your security in the party number three Prince's estate was also involved in a lawsuit with Jay-Z who happened to be very tight with Diddy before his lawsuits and the issue was that Jay-Z was Distributing princess's music on title illegally well unfortunately it never ends well for the people who expose the likes of Jay-Z and Diddy and record labels like Warner and Prince tried to warn us get seated loves because things
are about to get even more insane with all this Diddy Madness you see the thing about Prince is that when it came to ownership of and control over his music Prince waged a career-long battle against any company that he felt stood in the way of artists rights and money and allegedly he paid the ultimate price for that death whether Warner Brothers was involved with having him unived or not is still up for debate but a lot of fans definitely think that they were involved in his death for a bit of background Prince was signed to
Warner Music in 1977 when he was just 18 years old and even though the albums he released between 1978 and 1981 did not do that well he was kept on the label as he was regarded as a musician that reflected well on Warner which at the time was a company that appeared to invest longterm in serious talent in 1982 one year after MTV launched Prince released more music and he went top 10 in the US for the first time and became part of a new breed of musicians who understood the power of the music video
as a way to Market an artist and build their own iconography and mythology at this point fans were copying his look and by 1984 with the release of Purple Rain he was arguably the biggest and certainly the most exciting pop star on the planet now since Prince was becoming a greater artist he was able to set up his own label Paisley Park Records which was part funded by Warner which also handled its distribution but he started realizing that he was getting less than he deserved and so he started fighting for his right I'm sure he
thought it would just to be as easy as telling Warner Brothers that he wanted out but that was hardly the case Warner Brothers frustrated him because that's what record labels do then in the buildup to the release of the gold experience Prince and Warner were at loggerheads over both money and his music so he decided to take the battle public by appearing with the word slave written on the side of his face his argument was that he was signed to Warner and they as a result owned and controlled his name as well as any music
released under that name he also dramatically changed his name to that of the symbol and was referred to as symbol or squiggle or the artist formerly known as Prince for some time the battle with Warner became worse and in 1999 in a paper mag interview Prince even spoke about leaving the company saying I wanted to buy my masters back from Warner Brothers they said no so I'm going to re-record them all of them now you will have two cataloges with pretty much exactly the same music except mine will be better and you can either give
your money to WB the big company or to npg you choose in addition he also spoke a lot about how the labels controlled him and other artists in many other interviews and at award shows and so on well it's not your game you didn't make the rules so everything comes hard and as long as you sign to a contract you're going to take a minority share of the winning a select few of us will do well the majority will not so as a people will be considered a minority but stop let's take a moment and
look at [Applause] yourself there's nothing about you you are a blessed people you're the most talented on Earth and you are still grateful that is why upon winning in their game you always thank God tonight I would like to ask one favor of you imagine what we'll all be like in our own game peace and love for one another Prince was so serious about standing on business that in a move to reclaim his art on the internet and in 2007 he announced he was going to take action against YouTube eBay and the Pirate Bay for
unauthorized use of his music well Prince eventually regained ownership of his name and he worked out some sort of deal with Warner but not long after that he died under very suspicious circumstances for those who recall when Prince died the story was that he died at the age of 57 after being found unresponsive at his estate in Minnesota at the time Health officials determined Prince died of an accidental fentel OD after unknowingly taking counterfeit vicadin laced with a highly potent synthetic opioid and he was found in an elevator the same elevator he called the devil
thing that you know kind of spooked me about it all was um he has a song called uh let's go crazy and it says don't let the elevator bring us down one time when I was with him privately he said you know what the elevator is right I said no what's the elevator he said well the elevator is the devil right it scared me you I don't like to talk like that but he said that and so for me it was like really haunting when I read that he was found in an elevator of course
his death never made sense to anyone because nobody could believe that the famously clean living Prince died of a painkiller OD health problems that I don't know right what I know is that um he was really healthc conscious he was a vegan he didn't alcohol I didn't know of him drugs uh he worked out you know so you know that that also really concerned me because it made me think that wow so you mean you do all these things to take care of yourself and you die so young there were also reports that Prince was
quite unwell in the weeks leading up to his death and that he even ODed before apparently Prince had been showing serious health problems within the previous weeks having canceled shows and making an emergency landing while returning home where he got a dose of anti opiate but people also said that if that was the case why wasn't he under the care of a physician after allegedly OD less than a month prior and clearly being in poor health for some time the fact that Prince was not being treated by a doctor was very odd as it seemed
to be likely that to obtain tour dates there would have to be an understanding that he would be capable of Performing to prevent unexpected cancellations especially at larger venues something else is that Prince knew they were coming for him just like the machine has been doing over the years to people who try to expose them in fact shortly before his death Prince posted a picture of himself which also contained a since deleted message just when you thought you were SA and he predicted his death not once but twice I mean during his final appearance at
a party at Paisley Park just after his reported treatment and days before his death Prince reportedly told attendees wait a few days before you waste any prayers interesting right well the general belief was that he was definitely unived and a lot of people have been saying this including celebrities like Kanye West and when it comes to Kanye we have had people say that Kanye West is like a modern-day Prince because he fights for the same things Prince fought for back in the day nobody this ain't independent is the only 100% owned independent you know uh
blackowned or whatever I don't know if be owned after this uh after this interview but uh but you get what I'm saying like when we sign we don't sign somebody we're signing someone to the bigger vendy slave ship to the bigger Universal slave shipz y'all saying oh all his tweets was crazy you know why Prince gave me the song jail cuz he liked what I did and he's like I like what you did with them contracts you said Prince G to you man he definitely guess going to jail tonight you know what I'm saying a
Gemini spirit because he was on that tip yeah just people who don't know you talking about prince prince yeah I'm talking out prince prince trying to get away from corporations disconnect Prince with the slave on hisek slave on his cheek yeah you what I'm saying Michael Jackson bro this man I mean if you took late' 7s 1980s Prince and plugged him into the social media era he would have been view the same way Kanye West is viewed La Reed even told Access Hollywood people love Kanye for sure but he's great great I mean on the
level of Prince but modern day he's hip-hop he's not the same thing he doesn't play guitar he doesn't play piano he's not that kind of performer but for hip hop he is a king okay guys as for where Diddy comes in if y'all recall Diddy and Warner group Inked a joint venture deal that gave the record company a 50% stake in Diddy's Bad Boy Records label under the deal Warner would market and handle digital and physical distribution of Bad Boys catalog releases worldwide and the labels roster of current and former artists including mace Mario wine
notorious b and P Diddy himself while speaking about the deal Diddy even said there have been a lot of Boutique record labels that come and go and we're still here this has ensured for the next couple of years that we have the right Financial backing the right Financial structure the right Partners to remain of force in the music industry the very same thing Prince had been fighting his entire life was what Diddy was doing to his artists and do we really need to go through every former bad boy artist Diddy has screwed over we already
know that this list could go on for days and allegedly this is one of the issues Prince had with did what's even worse is that just before Diddy was hit with his first lawsuit he has started giving publishing rights back to his former artists and that includes biggie who signed to Diddy's label Bad Boy Entertainment upon its launch in 1993 but his former artists were saying that Diddy had already milked everything he could and the rights he was giv back were basically worth nothing and it's funny and then you move on and you like something
that he did on Tik Tok cuz he's funny but for people that worked for six years of their life and and entered an industry where somebody made what $48 million million and we didn't even see a penny of that and we were in thongs and 5in heels for years of Our Lives on stage and not not any of it did we see and the measly amount of change that MTV paid us we don't even get to feel any benefit of that because they never brought the show back and they don't play it in rerun so
we can't even get the hype of oh hey I remember this they're cult classics let me hire her for something thing like all of them got right Jersey Shore kids are making millions of dollars in addition like I said Prince possibly knew about the Freak off did he was having and chose to stay as far away from him as possible I mean Jason Lee recently said that the first Diddy party he attended was at Prince's house and the strange thing he realized was that no one was allowed to bring their own security to the party
yeah the first Diddy party I went to was at Prince's house so you want to go to Prince's house to the Diddy party where Tyrese is performing and Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher are swinging on swings is what's happening on the other side of the wall and so the one thing that makes this party different than a a Jamie Fox party or any other celebrity party that wrangles a bunch of young women or women or guys or whatever too is that Diddy didn't let you bring your security in the party who knows maybe after the
party Diddy held at Prince's house he realized exactly what was going on and cut ties now let's touch a little bit on Diddy's former bestie Jay-Z and how he was involved with Prince allegedly when Prince was having all his problems with Warner at one point he put his trust in Jay-Z because he thought that Jay-Z had the interest of his artists at heart so he worked up a deal with tidal a streaming service substantially owned by Jay-Z's company Rock Nation but in 2016 the administration of Prince's estate authorized npg records to file a copyright lawsuit
against roag Nation for putting 15 Prince albums on title the lawsuit said that title was only given an exclusive 90-day license for a newly recorded studio album hit and run and that title had committed copyright infringement by putting 15 Prince albums up on the streaming service the thing is title said they got a license both in writing and orally to be the first streaming Outlet to distribute many of printer's albums but npg on the other hand said that the agreement between title and Prince and the equity term sheet was fabricated and backdated to appear authentic
they said that Prince certainly made to deal with title for a recorded studio album title hit and run but npg said there's no evidence that the agreement contemplated other works or that Prince was ever issued title Equity before the dispute arose and Rock Nation ignored repeated requests to provide document or evidence of any oral and implied agreement granting such rights so basically what people have been trying to say with this is that Jay-Z and Diddy are birds of a feather literally two people cut from the same cloth and they are both capable of doing the
same things according to many people when Prince was cautioning people and artists about the machine he was talking about people like Diddy and Jay-Z and just like many others before and after him he had to go but what are your thoughts about everything Prince tried to expose about the music industry do you think that's what ultimately led to his untimely death sound off in the comments section below [Music]
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