This Big Development Could Set The World Up for Mark of the Beast

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is there something biblical happening in this country Sweden a country located on the Scandinavian peninsula in Northern Europe captured the attention of many biblical Scholars and believers who were interested in biblical end time prophecy when headlines like this broke out a few years ago yes that is correct there are people in Sweden who have started having microchips inserted into their hands but why is this capturing the interest of Christians all over the world well because of what the Bible says in Revelation 13: 16-17 it also forced all people Great and Small rich and poor free
and slave to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark which is the name of the Beast or the number of its name the Bible here is talking of a time when the Antichrist is in power and forces people to take some type type of Mark which will then enable them to buy or sell now obviously the Antichrist has not yet been revealed but Christians deem this news coming from Sweden to be significant because if people are having microchips in
their hands this means the technology required for the Antichrist to fulfill what Revelation 13 says is already available now here's what's alarming the chips that have been implanted in people are reportedly designed to speed up users daily rou routines and make their lives more convenient accessing their homes offices and gyms is as easy as swiping their hands against digital readers they also can be used to store emergency contact details social media profiles or E tickets for events and rail journeys within Sweden now let's explore why this is so significant the most widely accepted Theory by
Christians is that the mark of the beast will be a physical chip implanted Under the Skin the reason that this is plausible is because if you think about it the Antichrist will be in power of a globally linked economy one where he will be a one world dictator that controls the means of Commerce and for people to pledge allegiance to him he forces people to take a mark because without this you cannot buy or sell so it very well could be that there will come a day when you will have to make a choice the
mark which may be an implanted chip or face extreme persecution at the hands of the Antichrist now I came across a very powerful and well-written message by Dr Ray Pritchard who serves as president of keep believing Ministries here's what he said when we come to the Antichrist there are some things we know and some things we don't know we know that there will be an antichrist we don't know his identity we know he rises from the revived Roman Empire we don't know which part he comes from we know he will work closely with the false
prophet we don't know the false prophet's identity we know he will apparently die and come back to life we don't know how that will happen no shortage of good candidates we know he will control the world economy we don't know how he obtains that power we know he requires his followers to wear his Mark we don't know the precise nature of the Mark we know the number of his name is 666 we don't know exactly what that means the Antichrist has given various titles in scripture he is the little Horn of Daniel 7 the prince
who is to come in Daniel 9 the man of lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians 2 the Antichrist in 1 John 2 the beast from the sea in Revelation 13 now let me just say this we have no time for casual Christianity you cannot be a comfortable lukewarm fence sitting Christian in this day and age you need to be fully devoted to God you need to be wholly living for Jesus Christ you need to get right with God eventually the entire world will need to make a decision they will have to make a choice and that choice
is Jesus Christ or the Antichrist the Antichrist is one of the principal characters in The Book of Revelation he is evil not just a symbol of evil he is the personification of evil let me Begin by sharing a brief overview of this evil world's leader spoken of by Daniel John Jesus and Paul the Antichrist will be a man who is dwelt in by Satan his objective is to destroy all that God loves the Antichrist will Fain humility at least at first but is is exceedingly proud the Bible refers to him as the man of sin
he will be able to manifest seemingly miraculous signs and wonders he will even claim Divinity but he is not Divine like Dr Jackal and Mr Hyde he will at first hide his true nature he will not be what he appears to be like the nefarious Superman villain Lex Luther he will be crafty and cunning but also malevolent and merciless Hitler ma Stalin genas Khan Nero cagula Herod these men were bad and had a thirst for blood but the Antichrist he will make them look like Mary Poppins he will be the foremost villain in all of
history his hatred of of God's plan and people and the scope of the pain and suffering he will inflict on the world will be unprecedented in Daniel chapter 2 we read that the prophet had a vision of the statue made of different elements gold silver and bronze Daniel was given to understand that each part of the statue referen to Future Kingdom the feat of the statue specifically the statue's 10 toes reference the 10p part Kingdom of the last days the kingdom the Antichrist will rule Daniel 7 Notes that the Antichrist will rise from 10 Kings
some believe he will assume control of 10 regions or nations some believe the Antichrist will oversee A 10-nation Confederacy that is based in Europe it will be a form of a revived Roman Empire others believe he will build on the works of 10 notorious leaders Through the Ages individuals such as Alexander the Great or Nebuchadnezzar Sirius or Caesar prophecy notes that as the Antichrist Rises to power three nations or Three Kings or three components of the system that he controls will Rebel but according to the Prophet Daniel that Rebellion will be crushed and a powerful
New World Government will rise with the Antichrist emerging as the absolute ruler of the world though there are questions regarding the interpretation of the text what is clear is that in time the Antichrist will not just control a nation or a continent he will control all major Global Systems religion the economy government military everything the Antichrist will be attractive charismatic politically Savvy and wise through backro deals and Stellar diplomacy he will Garner support and be thrust into Power yes leaders of the world will encourage him to step into Power he will appear to be a
man of Peace but while he makes Grand promises he will be planning to kill Millions many believe Daniel chapter 9 indicates that the Antichrist will come to power at the beginning of the prophet's 70 weeks prophecy this can be a little difficult to follow but in prophetic language one week equals 7 years this means the Antichrist rise to power coincides with the last or 70th week in Daniel's prophecy and coincides with the seven years of tribulation profiled in the Book of Revelation most Bible scholars believe that the Antichrist will step into the world's stage after
leading and brokering a peace agreement with Israel and the Nations at war with her we read of this in Daniel 9 this means the 7-year tribulation period does not begin with a war or the Rapture it begins with an Israeli focused peace agreement brokered by the Antichrist that peace agreement will promise peace and security perhaps it will even Grant Israel the right to rebuild the Third Temple but the peace will not last at first the Antichrist will be hailed by the world as a wonderful and wise leader he will introduce ideas that appear to solve
many Global issues many believe the world will be in chaos when he steps on the scene perhaps he will come in the aftermath of a war a new pandemic a financial crash or the Rapture of the church amid the chaos he will step into the spotlight with plans and Promises to save the world his lies and Promises will be attractive and convincing the weary World searching for Hope and answers will follow him give me control and I will bring peace and order to the world he will say trust in me for I know the way
he will lie he will mask his true agenda and desperate Nations will surrender control to this self-proclaimed man of Peace in time he will dominate all major world systems and lead a One World Government The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Pro filed in Revelation 6 provides an overview of what will happen during the tribulation period and what role the Antichrist will play as tribulation events unfold but before moving on I think it's important to make an important clarification Daniel 6 7 8 and 9 Matthew 24 1 Thessalonians 5 2 Thessalonians 2 and re Revelations 6
and 11 reference the Antichrist that is one particular man Scholars today refer to him with a capital A a proper noun a title unique to one person but the Apostle John who was inspired to write the Book of Revelation also wrote three Epistles and in first and 2 John he uses the term Antichrist with no capital A in 1 John 2:8 and also in 1 John 4:3 for example John defines an antichrist small a as one who opposes the will of God John noted that in his day there were many antichrists small a many who
opposed the will of God and that in the last days there would be many more so no scripture assigns two definitions to the term Antichrist the word Antichrist small a refers to humans who intentionally work to oppose the will of God the term Antichrist capital A refers to one particular human who will be indwelt by Satan himself and rise to power during the tribulation period let me share with you what the Bible says about that person the Antichrist capital A referenced in the Book of Revelation the Antichrist will be indwelt by Satan and be able
to manifest Supernatural signs and wonders deceiving the masses with demonic power he will by the midpoint of the tribulation period claim to be divine but Daniel 7 verse 24-2 indicates that the Antichrist will be a man Philippians chapter 2 indicates that Jesus was 100% human and yet at the same time 100% Divine he was both man and God at the same time this unique Fusion of divinity and humanity is sometimes referred to as the hypostatic union Jesus was the first and last to have this dual nature the Antichrist will claim div and demand to be
worshiped as God Revelation 13 indicates he will suffer an apparent fatal wound to the head and then appear to come back to life again a kind of black and white version of the full color resurrection of Jesus but despite his claims the Antichrist will be human he is a human indwelt by Satan Satan is not the Creator he does not create he destroys and he mimics in the Book of Revelation we see Satan mimicking the Trinity via the dragon that's Satan the beast that's the human Antichrist and the false prophet another human who supports the
work of the Beast the Antichrist will be a man albeit an extraordinary man in Daniel 8 we read that his countenance will be fierce he will be proud hoty full of hubris and will be able to intimidate many to acquest to his wishes he will say he is a humble man of Peace but there will be an unmatched ferocity and viciousness about him he will not hesitate to attempt to destroy all that stands in the way of his rise to absolute power the Bible notes that he will be accompanied by a Wonder workking partner whom
I've mentioned as the false prophet the false prophet Will Champion the Antichrist rise to power and will likely become the leader of the new Global religion of the last days he will be the chief supporter of whom Jesus called the abomination of desolation Daniel 8:25 notes that the Antichrist will cause craft to prosper the key Hebrew word in that passage means deceiver or one who leads in fraud falsehood Gile and treachery clearly the character traits I have listed thus far are not positive but most would say they are not unique the Antichrist will be a
liar he will be a deceiver he will hate God that seems to describe many today he will be a killer he will be treacherous he will be proud he will have psychopat followers he will claim to be God he will manifest demonic power Scholars argue that even these features are not unique more than a hundred men are known to have claimed to be God or claimed to have Supernatural Powers but these negative qualities have been witnessed before they are not new what will be new is the scope and impact these Amplified qualities will have on
the earth Revelation 6:8 indicates that 1/4th of humanity will die in the first four seal judgments which will take place in the first half of the tribulation period tribulations will come and people will die because they have been deceived by Satan his representative during the tribulation period will be the Antichrist truly if all turned to Christ and rejected Satan there would not be a tribulation period therefore the Antichrist will have the blood of billions of people on his hands but that just takes us to the midpoint of the tribulation period at that point the persecution
of people of faith will [Music] intensify about this time the Antichrist will suffer what appears to be a fatal wound to the head there is some conjecture on this point but most believe the Antichrist a man will die but several days later Satan will somehow take possession of the body and it will appear that the man resurrected from the dead the Antichrist will claim that he resurrected himself this is another vain attempt to copy the ministry of Jesus whom the Bible says laid his life down and raised it to life again many will be deceived
many will proclaim the Antichrist to be divine at this point the Antichrist will have almost absolute control over the world systems consolidating them into one world government religion and economy prophecy notes that a new third Jewish temple will be rebuilt before the midpoint of the tribulation the Antichrist will enter this Temple defile it and there Proclaim himself to be God and demand the world worship him with the help of the false prophet the Antichrist will usher in a new system to identify who is and who is not a loyal follower to prove one's allegiance to
the Antichrist one will have to receive a mark of loyalty on their hand or their forehead this Mark is known as the mark of the beast with cruel Ingenuity this Mark will be tied to one's ability to buy or sell the Mark will likely be some kind of digital device that will track your movements and store your personal and financial information without the mark it will not be possible to buy or sell and it will likely not be possible to have a traditional job attend a school run a business or receive Medical Care in a
best case scenario those who refuse to take the Mark will suffer profound economic hardship many will let loose their homes and their business families will suffer many will starve or die for lack of medical care but remember that's the best case scenario those who refuse the Mark will be named as enemies of the state and hunted down like criminals in Revelation 13 scripture Associates The Mark with a number that number is [Music] 666 note the Bible does not say all people who take the Mark will somehow be branded with the number 666 but rather the
number 6 66 is associated with the Beast the [Music] Antichrist though it is not crystal clear the number 666 likely has great symbolic value and there will be many layers of interpretation for example the number six in Hebrew culture is associated with man just as the number seven is associated with God and the Divine also in Hebrew culture to say something three times is the epitome of whatever you state that's why often in scripture we do not read that God is Holy we read that God is Holy Holy Holy the word holy repeated three times
indicates that God is the ultimate or highest expression of Holiness so the number 666 could emphasize the human and imperfect nature of the Antichrist which is particular ly important because at that point in history he will be claiming to be God and demand to be worshiped though there may be some debate or dispute about what the actual number of the mark indicates there is no debate about what taking the mark means receiving the mark of the beast indicates one's loyalty and allegiance to the Antichrist people who refuse the Mark will be arrested and placed into
modern-day concentration camps imagine the horror some may ask what is so bad about taking the mark Advocates of taking the Mark will probably say that it's just a way to regulate or improve the economy or a way to ensure the effective coordination of government services such as Medical Care take the mark take care of your family they will say view it as an economic decision a way to keep your job and buy groceries they will say but though taking the mark does have an economic component taking the Mark is not an economic decision it is
a spiritual decision those who take the mark are declaring their loyalty to the Antichrist they are declaring that they believe he is divine that he rose from the dead and is is God yes they will be coerced under threat many will feel forced to take the mark Revelation 13:1 15 states the false prophet and his followers will cause those who do not worship the image of the Antichrist to be killed but those who take the Mark will have to pay a terrible spiritual price God warns in Revelation 14 :9 to1 if anyone worships the Beast
and His Image and receives the mark on his forehead or on his hand he will also drink the wine of the wrath of God which is mixed in full strength in the cup of his anger and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the lamb and the smoke of their torment goes up for forever and ever they have no rest day and night those who worship the Beast and His Image and whoever receives the mark of his name those who take the Mark
will not be able to go to heaven it is as simple and as terrible as that the last half of the 3 and 1/2 years of the tribulation is known as the Great Tribulation during this time God will implore people to resist the Beast and turn to him increasingly severe judgments known as the vile or buold judgments will befall the Earth during this time those who have taken the Mark will contract painful festering sores the oceans will turn poisonous and all life in the Seas will die shipping will cease oxygen production will be impacted fresh
water will turn to blood Aquatic Life will die the light from the sun will be reduced ecosystems will be negatively impacted a great Darkness will come over the Earth so great and heavy will the darkness be that the scripture States Wicked Will gnaw their tongues in agony still the followers of antichrist will not turn from their Wicked Ways the Waters of the great Euphrates river will dry up a huge Army from the East will seize the opportunity to March West and will ultimately share in the final battle of Armageddon the Earth will be rocked by
an unprecedented earthquake the Calamity will be accompanied by flashes of lightning and hailstones as large as 100 lb falling to Earth it is the willful Disobedience of the Antichrist that provokes these final judgments so terrible will this time be that scripture says that were it not for God's intervention no life would survive filled with rage the Antichrist will coordinate a series of battle against Israel and followers of Christ who have gathered in Jerusalem the last battle will be fought in a Great Plain commonly known as armagedon the word comes from the Hebrew word har Megadon
which means mount megiddo a small raised area in the vast plain where many noble battles throughout history have been fought Antichrist will lead a huge Army toward Jerusalem outnumbering the followers of Christ many times over with his soldiers and weapons at that last moment when Jerusalem is surrounded Christ will come from Heaven riding a glorious white horse followed by those who were raptured or died as Martyrs during the tribulation the followers of the Antichrist will be consumed with just a word from Jesus Christ the very word of God will conclude the battle of Armageddon but
the Antichrist and the false prophet will not perish with their followers they will be captured by a mighty Angel bound judged and cast alive into the Lake of Fire [Music] after Jesus rules the Earth during what is known as the millennial reign of Christ the Antichrist and all followers of Satan will be judged once and for all in what is known as the great white Throne judgment referenced in Revelation 20 followers of Satan will be cast into hell forever the Antichrist will wield incredible power but the ultimate victory belongs to Christ Jesus will have the
ultimate and final Victory and those who believe in him and are committed to live for him can share in his victory in 1 Corinthians 15: 57 we read thanks be to God who gives us Victory through Jesus Christ yes turbulent times are coming the Antichrist is coming but help is available his name is Jesus our only hope is to align with Jesus and seek safety strength and salvation in him God promises help and rescue to those who put their faith in Jesus those who walk with the Lord will be raptured 1 Corinthians 15: 51-53 states
that in a moment in a twinkling of an eye followers of Christ will be caught up and rescued from this world saved from the tribulations and persecutions of the Antichrist that is to come those who believe in Jesus confess their sins to Jesus and follow Jesus will be raptured by Jesus and will not suffer the oppressive rule of the Antichrist don't be left behind put your faith and trust in Jesus today
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