Cheating Wife Begs Me To Open Marriage, & Let Her Go On A Date w/ He Co-worker. I Filed For Divorce.

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#redditstories #redditrelationship #aita Cheating Wife Begs Me To Open Marriage, & Let Her Go On A...
Video Transcript:
[Music] hey there amazing people I hope you're having a fantastic day once the story wraps up I'd love to hear what you think so don't be shy drop a comment and let me know where in the world you're watching from now let's Jump Right In the Night everything fell apart was an ordinary Wednesday my comfortable predictable life suddenly felt like a carefully crafted lie I'd gotten home earlier than usual and the sound of Mar's footsteps echoed from our bedroom heading upstairs to say hello I caught her voice through the slightly open door as I approached
her words came into Focus yeah babe today was incredible I loved every moment I stopped short Marge never talked like that about work the door stood a jar and Instinct pushed me to glance inside she was mid change phone still pressed to her ear as her skirt hit the floor I caught sight of black lace underwear ones I'd never seen before I almost stepped in but her next words nailed me to the spot okay I should go heun be home soon talk tomorrow handsome she ended the call slipped off her blouse and stood there in
a matching lace bra as she peeled away the last layer and headed for the shower she paused in front of the mirror of course she'd check her Reflection from Where I Stood The View was clear what I saw stopped me cold a bruise on her left bosom one I didn't put there her eyes widened as she spotted it damn she muttered got to cover this up unbelievable the shower sputtered to life but I couldn't move I stood there trembling the floor suddenly unsteady beneath me my name is David Atkinson Marge and I have been married
for 23 years we have two kids Julia 19 and Tom 18 she works part-time at an Air National Guard base while I'm a chemical engineer until that night I believed our life was solid even enviable clearly I'd been fooling myself once I gathered my wits I stepped into the bedroom and grabbed grabbed her phone hoping to check the last call locked we'd never used passcodes before I realized it had been months since I'd last touched her phone her blouse lay on the bed it carried a faint trace of shaving cream not mine that was the
breaking point I marched to the kitchen grabbed a DVR sealed her underwear in a Ziploc bag and stashed everything in the garage I set the DVR to record hiding it beneath one of my ties nearly invisible downstairs her laptop screen glowed perfect I tried accessing her email but it too was password protected another red flag neither of us had ever bothered locking our devices before conflicted I left the house without proof confronting her would get me nowhere I dialed her number knowing she was still in the shower hey babe I said keeping my voice calm
Works a mess I'll grab dinner out after securing the evidence I headed to a dive bar nearby the place was run down but quiet perfect for thinking a new bartender Mary served my Jin and tonic she was friendly easy to talk to and casually mentioned being a single mom trying to make ends meet the conversation offered a brief welcome distraction I got home around 11: the house was silent as I slipped into my robe Marge stirred you're late yeah I replied long day I'll make it up to you if you're feeling neglected she sighed and
turned away too tired maybe in a couple of days deal sleep well night she uttered already drifting off I retrieved the DVR and watched the footage after her shower she'd gone straight to the mirror examining the bruise then she'd pulled on flannel pajamas strange since she usually slept without clothes I saved the video wiped the camera and raised the thermostat 4° let's see how long she'd keep those flannels on Thursday morning I left early avoiding conversation I called in late to work and rang my friend George he'd been through hell during his divorce after catching
his wife cheating now it was my turn George I said when he picked up I think Marge is cheating I need advice Jesus Dave I'm sorry come over we'll figure this out an hour later I left his place with a plan and five digital recorders the same ones George had used to uncover the truth back home I planted four recorders around the house and reserved one for her car while combing through her closet I found clothes I'd never seen before Bolder flashier definitely not work attire in the back of a drawer I uncovered ripped lingerie
not worn out torn like someone had yanked it in a hurry the sight alone made my stomach churn later that day I called her voicemail hey babe stuck at work home late tonight that evening I slipped the final recorder into her car and waited until she was asleep to review the recordings nothing yet but patience was my only option by Sunday morning after breakfast with the kids I disconnected the Wi-Fi and left a note breakfast's in the microwave back cleaning the yard 2 hours later she stormed outside frustrated David the Wi-Fi's down inside I pretended
to troubleshoot while she hovered visibly anxious once she stepped away I installed a key logger to monitor her emails passwords and screenshots when everything was set I reconnected the Wi-Fi fixed I said showing her the browser but your hard drive sluggish hit this button tonight and it'll run a cleanup her smile returned thanks big guy how can I make it up to you I grinned wash my car her expression fell definitely not the answer she expected I kissed her cheek and walked away reminding myself to stay cool she couldn't suspect a thing until I had
Rock Solid proof that night we watched movies with the kids Marge was unusually affectionate snuggling close and flirting it was clear she was in the mood halfway through I excused myself grabbed a drink and one of her sleeping pills it had knocked me out in 45 minutes 15 minutes later she she nudged me hey don't fall asleep I stretched and yawned exhausted I'm calling it a night her disappointment was obvious especially when the kids asked for another movie I slipped into bed and passed out cold unaware of what the next day would bring Sunday was
meant to be my day to sleep in but I found myself wide awake at 5:00 a.m. restless and uneasy the thought of facing Marge was unbearable morning closeness was practically routine and I couldn't fake affection quietly I switched off her alarm slipped out of bed and headed downstairs I powered up my laptop knowing I had to tread carefully avoiding her completely would raise suspicion while the key logger booted up I secured my computer with a password buried in a hidden folder were over 500 emails two from 6 months back caught my eye both from someone
named will Perez his email address was tied to a private domain and the messages seemed work related at first glance a colleague perhaps or the other man I filtered the inbox by sender and found an email from four months ago titled hey beautiful it wasn't explicit but definitely flirtatious a quick domain search turned up nothing just a registration with no active website sorting by date I discovered six messages from Old Willie all sent the previous day no wonder she guarded her laptop so fiercely I opened the most recent thread Marge had complained about the bruises
he'd left and how hard it was to hide them from me his cold reply stung it happens get over it screw your husband 14 minutes later she'd responded I know you don't love your wife but I love my husband I never wanted to hurt him it's bad enough I barely let him touch me lately I'm not meeting you Wednesday her so-called love didn't soften the Betrayal the following emails revealed him backtracking apologies promises to be gentler even suggesting a getaway he sounded like a Lovick Teenager her final message hit hard glad you understand I only
travel with my husband no Wednesday the Mark should fade in a week and then I'll focus on making it up to David making it up to me as if that would undo the damage they'd been meeting at a motel for at least 2 months one email even revealed the location room 187 long-term rented by Will's company it was right across from the bar I'd been to recently then another email popped in Marge had just sent it I can't stand a week without you let's meet Wednesday at 1: p.m. just be more careful this time his
reply was instant and nauseatingly enthusiastic you're incredible I'll make it perfect that was it I needed backup I forwarded the damning emails to George and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast around 9:30 Marge strolled downstairs stretching with a satisfied smile thanks for letting me sleep in she said kissing my cheek fair is fair I replied forcing a smile I did crash pretty early last night she hugged me from behind her lips brushing my ear don't work too hard today babe babe I'll need you working hard tonight I Shrugged off the innuendo almost done outside
as I turned to leave I caught a flicker of concern in her expression quickly masked once she saw me watching while tidying the garage George called got a minute yeah I said stepping into the driveway what's up I read the emails man I'm really sorry at least now I know I muttered but it won't hold up in court true George agreed photos of her entering the motel would help not enough I snapped I want undeniable proof something they can't talk their way out of George sighed I know the motel owner if I tell him it's
for an investigation he'll let us in perfect can we set up surveillance like you did with your ex absolutely motion and soundt triggered cameras the footage will stream to a nearby receiver you can access it right from your car do it I said without hesitation and dig up everything you can on perezz I want the full picture on it we can have everything set up by Monday or Tuesday for the first time in days I felt a sliver of control the rest of Sunday passed quietly ironically I found myself looking forward to closeness that night
why not I thought bitterly Perez might have tainted it but I could reclaim it on my terms later As We Lay Tangled in the sheets Marge nestled into my chest and whispered David I love you you're the only man I'll ever need I kissed her forehead swallowing my Fury how dare dare she say that going to rinse off I murmured slipping out of bed in the bathroom anger bubbled up hot and sharp her words weren't careless they were calculated when I returned she was fast asleep I climbed into bed silent and seething Monday morning I
slipped out before sunrise and headed straight to George's place got news he said waving me inside Perez isn't just cheating with Marge he's a Serial player brings different women to that same room thinks he's slick but using the same location repeatedly idiotic my jaw tightened anything else the motel manager can't stand the guy says Perez maltreats the staff works from the room a couple of days each week but never before 11:00 a.m. George grinned Let's make our move we loaded up the surveillance gear and headed to the motel George introduced me as part of the
investigation the manager Kevin didn't hesitate I hate dirt bags like Perez Kevin muttered tossing us a room key he treats everyone here like dirt mind if we stash a receiver nearby George asked eyeing a nearby service room Kevin nodded I'll get you a key that room's hardly used a quick call to Perez's room went unanswered perfect we headed upstairs knocked twice then unlocked the door the room was empty I froze staring at the rumpled bed where my wife had betrayed me my stomach turned but I forced myself to move 2 hours later cameras and Recorders
were discreetly installed as we packed up something on the desk caught my eye a docking station look at this George I said he must use his laptop here George leaned in if he leaves it while grabbing lunch I can slip in and install spyware I'll camp out here every day if I have to I muttered but first GPS on his car no surprises letun not rush George cautioned wek get him no mistakes agreed I sigh letun grab lunch M treat how about across the street George suggested decent food bartender friendly works for me the bar
was nearly empty Mary the bartender smiled as we walked in but when she spotted George her expression shifted from warmth to shock dropping her bar towel she hurried around the counter ignoring me entirely George she cried throwing her arms around him I can't believe it's you he hugged her back grinning Mary looks like you're back on your feet glad to see it not fully she admitted laughing but I'm getting there thanks for everything George I cleared my throat wrote uh Mary meet my friend George they both chuckled Mary squeezed my arm I liked you from
the start knowing you're George's friend even better I smiled HEK a pain but mostly harmless she laughed maybe that's just a guy thing as she tended to other customers she kept drifting back to chat I learned more about her she was saving for medical school planning to start in 5 months her determination was impressive by 2 p.m. the bar had emptied leaving just the three of us Mary glanced around and Shrugged daytime's always slow she said no tips but at least I get some study time chatting with you guys is a nice break we kept
the conversation light for another hour until Mary's expression turned serious she glanced at George and quietly said I'll tell him George gave a solemn nod and Mary shifted her gaze to me her face tightening with emotion if we're really going to be friends you deserve the truth maybe you'll walk away after hearing in it and I had get that but I'd rather you hear it from me than someone else her eyes brimmed with tears as she gripped George's hand I Met George the day he arrested me he threw me into a filthy holding cell I
fell apart when I spotted the camera in the corner but he didn't care just locked the door and left then something changed he came back saw me sobbing and paused her voice cracked he started yelling told me I was throwing my life away called me an idiot no one had ever talked to me like that but it hit home I collapsed onto that disgusting mattress and cried like a kid George just sat down next to me and asked one word why Mary glanced at George her voice softening for the first time in my life I
told someone everything I didn't hold back I don't even know how long I talked but he didn't interrupt once when I finally ran out of words he squeezed my shoulder locked the door again and left me there for 14 hours her lips quivered the next morning he took me to court my lawyer didn't say much just went through the motions the judge was ready to send me away when George stood up full uniform calm confident he told the court that prison wouldn't fix me rehab might Mary gave a bitter laugh everyone froze I was a
repeat offender guilty as hell but here was this Tough Cop vouching for me the judge hesitated but eventually gave me a choice 90 days in rehab or four years behind bars if I messed up I didn't even blink I took rehab turning to George she whispered I've been clean ever since she stepped back and added quietly I'm not on the streets anymore but I'm still working it's the only way I can save for school and take care of my daughter if that changes how you see me I get it before she could say more George
and I embraced her as long as you keep fighting I'm here for you George said firmly I nodded I'm glad we met Mary You've Got a Friend in Me She clung to us silent tears trailing down her cheeks that evening Marge came home carrying Chinese takeout she leaned in for a kiss but I sidestepped and grabbed the bags instead great I said we're starving her smile flickered uncertainty creeping into her expression I kept my tone light why don't you change while I set the table her face paled she hesitated but nodded and quietly headed to
the bathroom dinner was tense the kids picked up on the mood but stayed silent Marge barely touched her food throwing out awkward conversation starters I mostly ignored then it hit me I was playing it wrong Sunday night had been special for her and my coldness now would only make her suspicious I forced a smile sorry work's been getting to me letun hit reset how was your day relief flooded her features and she launched into a casual rundown of errands and office gossip I nodded smiled pretended like everything was fine later once she'd gone to bed
I checked the recorders nothing new I turned up the thermostat got ready for bed and slid under the covers keeping my back to her good night sweetheart she murmured without turning I asked why the flannel sweater it's not cold silence then quietly I've just been feeling chilly at night I rolled over and pulled her close her skin was damp with sweat you feeling all right I asked pretending concern not really she whispered my hand brushed over her chest grazing the spot where the bruise had been I can think of a few ways to warm you
up she froze David sorry I'm just exhausted I released her okay Marge nestled into my side last night was amazing but today wipe me out I've got a light day Wednesday let's make it special okay sure I replied voice flat Tuesday morning I left Before Sunrise midm morning George called trackers live he said SLA a GPS on Perez's car last night here's the login I checked immediately Perez's car was parked across town I told my boss I had to step out and drove home to check the recorders the First Recording hit like a gut punch
Marge was on the phone with her friend Ashley ash I had the best sex this weekend she gushed Ashley chuckled with Will no Marge side dreamily with David Sunday night it was incredible like nothing we've had in years what changed Ashley asked sounding genuinely curious I don't know Marge admitted we didn't do anything new it just clicked his touch the way he held me it was perfect better than will Ashley teased Marge didn't hesitate oh absolutely David makes love to me I feel safe with him will he's just Z Fun sure but I'd never want
David to treat me like that Ashley laughed it's the thrill the wildness of it that's why I started seeing Brian Sears last year Marge confessed Brian Sears another man my head spun and Ashley she was a cheater too for a moment I wondered if I should tell her husband Mike would it destroy him like this was destroying me but hadn't I just judged him assuming he knew about Will and stayed silent he deserved the truth just like I had I decided Mike would get the recording but only after I finished dealing with Perez Ashley's next
call early Tuesday had a different tone hey Ash Marge answered quietly you sound off Ashley noted everything okay David noticed the flannel pajamas and the closed bathroom door Marge muttered he asked about it last night I lied said I was cold but the room was like a sauna and I was sweating all night I don't think he believed me did he push Ashley asked voice softening he tried Marge admitted but I couldn't let him see the bruise I promised we'd have a special night Wednesday he didn't seem convinced we just lay there afterward like strangers
her sigh was heavy and the worst part the whole time I kept thinking about Will not David that was it I saved the recording shut the laptop and headed straight to the motel Perez's car was parked outside it was lunchtime I crossed the street to the bar but Mary wasn't working peeking through the window I spotted Perez alone in a corner Booth flipping through the menu this was my moment I walked up to Perez's motel room knocked twice and slid the key into the lock the room was empty ignoring the disheveled bed I headed straight
for the desk his laptop sat open QuickBooks filling the screen plugging in my flash drive I installed a key logger skipping the screenshot feature and focusing solely on email activity web history and stored files especially his accounting records if Perez was involved in anything illegal I'd find it once the key logger was active I enabled remote desktop access and slipped in a lightweight control program disguised under his domain name it would look like he'd installed it himself from the motel's network after hiding the program icon and returning the screen to QuickBooks I quietly exited the
room back at the office I tackled my usual tasks surprisingly calm the power of control was obsessive that evening I returned home in High Spirits helping the kids with homework and chatting with Marge like everything was perfectly normal At first she looked uncertain like she was bracing for conflict but as I kept up the ACT her nerves settled around 10 p.m. she stretched and gave a soft smile I'm heading to bed she murmured all right I said pretending to focus on my laptop I've got a little work to finish see you in the morning sure
rest up I thought bitterly got to be ready for your lover tomorrow there was still hours worth of data to sift through recordings spyware logs intercepted calls but not tonight instead I focused on the footage from marg's dash cam quietly downloading it before returning the recorder to her car by the time I climbed into bed she was either fast asleep or Faking It I settled on the edge of the mattress mind already racing about what the next day would bring Wednesday morning Marge was up before me which worked to my advantage the thought of her
heading off to cheat again made my stomach churn knowing I'd soon see the proof only made it worse downstairs she was already plating breakfast when I walked into the kitchen dressed sharply for work she flashed a bright smile perfect timing love good morning she chirped I grunted in response pouring coffee her smile faltered you're usually in a better mood now you know how I feel most mornings I replied cooly she blinked caught off guard then forced to laugh the kids wandered in and she quickly slipped into mom mode chattering about school and errands I stayed
quiet watching her steal worried glances my way when she set my plate down she hesitated eyes narrowing David is something wrong I Shrugged hard to say without warning I pulled her into a tight hug she melted into the embrace her body relaxing as she sighed against my chest I love you I murmured can't imagine life without you there's no woman I'd Rather Make Love to her heart raced of course David I love you too she whispered tears Welling I'll prove it tonight I'm going to wear you out I stepped back abruptly and walked out the
door without another word I drove straight to the motel downloaded the surveillance footage and headed home around 9:00 a.m. thoughts swirling how was I supposed to act like everything was fine knowing what I'd soon uncover while the recordings transferred I paced the house restless and bitter facing Marge that night seemed unbearable I started with Perez's emails within hours I had a clear picture of the man he operated three companies each selling overpriced Goods to military bases Fortune 500 companies and government agencies he was also juggling affairs with five women Marge among them I copied his
QuickBooks files and captured login credal itial through the key logger six corporate credit cards stood out each with complete account numbers listed in the expense reports then I turned to his phone calls one stood out immediately a conversation with a Bas employee complaining about duplicate serial numbers on shipments Perez's irritation was obvious fix it he snapped the new audit systems a nightmare another call revealed his corrupt side A desperate supplier pleaded for a contract Perez finally cut him off 5 grand gets you 100 Grand in sales just bump your prices 2% to cover it the
supplier hesitated how do I get you the money I'll tell you where to meet Perez replied coolly 2 days and your proposal gets approved but the call that hit hardest involved someone from the B's Purchasing Office feeding Perez confidential bid prices insider trading plain and simple and of course there were the personal calls marg's voice drifted through one recording sounding far too intimate even after everything hearing it still hurt I organized everything into folders one for Marge one for Perez video audio documents backups for each it was time to Loop in George when George answered
I laid it all out he listened quietly then sighed David this won't hold up in court but it makes my job easier we've been tracking procurement issues at the base for months missing inventory duplicate cereals substandard materials you need to see this for for yourself I said can you come to my office no my place 3:00 we'll go over everything then drown our sorrows over dinner George's tone hardened I'm driving you're drinking deal the plan was simple get wasted with George and avoid Marge until morning then reality hit it was nearly 1: p.m. her meeting
time with will I called her phone straight to voicemail of course she wouldn't want to talk now I left a brief message heading to George's back late with time to spare I reviewed more footage Monday morning Perez greeted another woman with a kiss they barely made it past the door before hitting the bed I saved the clip Tuesday he slept with two different Maids morning and afternoon I copied those too at 3:00 George picked me up we poured over the evidence drinking until time blurred that's the last thing I remember Thursday morning I woke around
9:00 my head pounding the house was silent on the kitchen table sat a note since you were too drunk to set your alarm don't expect me to be your wakeup call figure it out yourself I chuckled perfect an angry Marge was easier to avoid calling in sick I drove to the motel to retrieve the surveillance footage the one I'd been dreading on the way home George called his voice tight the investigation's moving quickly he said the supplier who paid the bribe agreed to wear a wire we've pieced together how Perez and his team pull off
their thefts a preliminary reports already on the base Commander's desk he paused military police will search Perez's office motel room and home soon make sure your key loggers are wiped already handled I assured him good the search will happen in about 10 days can you hold off confronting Marge until then I was about to agree when George dropped a bombshell the leak feeding Perez inside info it's coming from purchasing Marge is now on the list of Persons of Interest I almost laughed that's insane Marge doesn't steal but then I froze hadn't I once believed she'd
never cheat swallowing my rage I promised to check in tomorrow back home I wasted no time downloading the surveillance footage from the motel hours of nothing passed until the time stamp hit 12:30 p.m. my heart pounded as I pressed play Perez appeared first swinging the door open a moment later Marge stepped inside without hesitation they embraced kissing like teenagers take it easy this time she murmured against his lips clothes hit the floor they tumbled onto the bed my Vision blurred as tears welled up Thursday night passed in strained silence the kids were out and Marge
and I moved around each other like strangers once the house settled and everyone was asleep I retrieved the recorder from her car and combed through the fresh audio sure enough there it was Ashley's voice so how'd it go Ashley asked eagerly will was fine Marge sigh a little rough but you know how much he enjoys our time together and David nothing he got hammered with George stumbled in wreaking of Jinn and passed out without saying a word Ashley chuckled bad timing maybe no Marge muttered I practically invited him last night even told him in the
morning that I'd wear him out he didn't bite just left for work without a kiss you think he suspects anything how could he Marge scoffed I only meet will when David's at work if anything heun sulking because we've barely been intimate lately this is his way of punishing me I saved the recording shaking my head let her think what she wanted the longer she felt secure the better that night she brushed against me more than once lingering in her touches I stayed cold when I finally climbed into bed around 2 a.m. she was already snoring
softly sorry Ashley wrong guess Friday morning I skipped breakfast grabbed my organic detection kit after work and swung by the motel to collect the latest footage back home I transferred everything to an encrypted drive and ran the test positive no shock there reviewing the videos was like pouring salt into an open wound One Clip froze me in place Mary my bartender friend entering Perez's room he handed her a watt of cash and they headed straight for the bed Mary I sat there stunned two other recordings stood out one caught Marge in a playful phone call
with Perez flirty teasing followed by her agreeing to meet up the other was more brutal Marge arriving at his room kissing him eagerly before sinking to her knees no cuddling no lingering just transaction like efficiency I saved everything into organized folders and immediately called George urgent I said we need to talk come to my place he offered too risky Marge could be home any minute meet me at your office 10 minutes later I handed George a flash drive three key files the first one's the hardest to watch I'll wait in the car an hour passed
before George slid into the passenger seat face tight bar now I need answers from Mary Mary was already behind the counter when we arrived Her Smile flickered as she spotted us wordlessly she ordered two Jin and tonics hugged George and squeezed my hand hey guys she greeted the brightness in her tone clearly forced George didn't dance around it Mary what's going on her face crumpled you were right George I caught something that's why I'm quitting the bar I can't risk passing it along my stomach dropped Mary's voice turned bitter so much for nursing school that
dream's dead now it's just about surviving like hell it is George and I said almost in unison Mary blinked surprised you've worked too damn hard for this George said gripping her hand since the day I arrested you you've been fighting to rebuild your life we're not letting you throw it away I nodded we'll figure something out school's not off the table tears welled in her eyes as she glanced between us I don't deserve friends like you but I can't let you bail me out I smiled you don't get a choice we're doing this for the
first time that night she laughed a soft broken sound but genuine the tension eased but we all knew the storm hadn't passed close to midnight I finally dragged myself to bed before parting ways George had promised to pull some strings and see if he could get Mary a job in the bases purchasing department word was several openings were about to pop up Saturday crawled by Marge and I barely spoke during our usual movie night she deliberately sat between the kids instead of next to me her smug expression said it all she thought she was winning
she retreated to bed early leaving me free to check the latest recordings most were uneventful until I stumbled across one new email from Perez thanks for Friday can't wait for Wednesday Sunday dragged just as slowly that night I noticed Marge still changed into pajamas in the bathroom clearly avoiding being seen undressing she knew the foundation of our marriage had cracked Beyond repair she climbed into bed with deliberate roughness as if to make sure I was awake I didn't Flinch eventually she sighed and turned her back to me Monday afternoon George called with an update everything's
set he said the raid goes down next Monday can you hold off confronting Marge until then we can't risk Perez getting spooked yeah I agreed I'll tell her I'm heading out of town for work Wednesday to Sunday smart move play it cool without hesitation I booked a room directly above Perez's for five nights that evening at dinner I mentioned my trip offhandedly flying out Wednesday morning I said said back Sunday night Julia frowned another trip you were gone last month too yeah dad Tom added do you have to go I Shrugged Works work if I
had a choice I'd stay home Marge barely reacted no surprise no disappointment just nothing Tuesday crawled by in awkward silence I packed a small bag and waited until everyone was asleep to check the recorders one conversation stood out Marge's Morning Call with Ashley uh Ashley Marge snapped David's ruining everything will or David Ashley asked confused David Marge growled we've been arguing or ignoring each other for days now he's leaving again Wednesday through Sunday how the hell am I supposed to juggle both men in one day damn Ashley muttered Marge forget the fantasy for a minute
fix things with David before you wreck everything Marge sighed heavily I know but if he'd stop being such an a I'd blow his mind why does this have to be so complicated unbelievable I was the problem classic still I saved the recording Wednesday morning I left the house as if heading to work but checked into the motel by noon two laptops one for live feeds one for storage buzzed to life on the desk at 1: p.m. sharp Marge pulled into the lot she grabbed her laptop from the passenger seat and headed straight for Perez's room
switching to the live feed I watched her knock Perez opened the door with a grin and they kissed before she stepped inside hang on Marge said heading straight for the desk let me check my email first they worked quietly for 10 minutes before she closed the laptop and smiled all done Perez didn't waste time good now for the real reason you're here clothes Hit the Floor fast I muted the audio stomach churning and turned to my second laptop remotely accessing both their devices while they were distracted by 5:00 p.m. they began to stir giving me
nearly 4 hours of uninterrupted access as they shuffled awake I quickly logged out but kept the live feed running Marge blinked at the clock then shook Perez's shoulder will it's past 5 we dozed off he groaned rubbing his eyes damn I told my wife we'd have dinner tonight Marge smacked his arm playfully G don't bring her up I already hear enough about your family don't act like you're not part of my life he teased pulling her closer her expression softened sorry I love my family but sometimes I can't help feeling jealous Perez ran his fingers
through her hair I like pretending you're mine Marge gave a faint smile I chose to be here with you but I do love my husband and I can't risk losing him I need to make things right at home Perez nodded same here my family's everything as he stood he winced damn my shoulders are on fire Marge gasped oh no will I scratched you I didn't mean to Perez cursed under his breath inspecting his back in the mirror damn it Marge you really tore me up Tears welled In Her Eyes I'm sorry we just lose control
apparently he grumbled tugging on his shirt let's get dressed I need to head out they dressed quickly Perez kissed her cheek squeezed her waist and whispered see you soon beautiful Marge kissed him back then left the room from my vantage point I watched her trudge to her car to the world she looked like someone leaving a long work day but I knew better and she'd pay for it Thursday and Friday blurred together as I balance my job with my side projects each moment bringing me closer to the inevitable Fallout Thursday afternoon I intercepted a call
from Marge to Perez will she began voice strained this has been fun but I can't keep doing this I'm ending it what Perez snapped why now it's getting too complicated Marge said firmly David's distant and I won't risk my marriage for this we're done they argued for a few minutes before Perez sigh and defeat fine talk soon no Marge murmured goodbye will she hung up without another word late Friday night I finalized everything I transferred files wiped logs and disabled the key loggers before signing out I accessed marg's computer through Perez's making sure the login
traced back to the motel's IP address as a final nail in the coffin I forwarded all of Perez's active bid proposals to marg's work email from an investigator's perspective it would look like she'd been leaking sensitive information Sunday afternoon I returned to an empty house I collected the voice recorders wiped them clean and packed them alongside the one from marg's car for George after unpacking I poured myself a stiff drink trying to settle my nerves not long after Julia and Marge returned from grocery shopping Tom joined us to help unpack and the evening passed quietly
no one mentioned my supposed business trip Monday morning I struggled to concentrate at work until an 11:00 a.m. call from our family doctor's office shattered my focus Mr Atkinson the receptionist said sounding unusually serious Dr Benson needs to see you immediately my stomach nodded why what's wrong she hesitated he'll explain everything can you come in today fine I'll head over now Dr Benson's expression was Grim when I entered his office David I need to run some tests this is important tests for what I demanded just tell me Doc he sighed removing his glasses your wife
came in this morning complaining of feeling unwell the test showed she has three sexually transmitted infections I froze she insisted you were her only partner he continued so we assumed you were the source my voice sounded foreign detached test me now the staff avoided eye contact as they prepped the lab a nurse drew blood with a needle that felt unnecessarily large an hour later Dr Benson returned shaking his head David you're completely clean I owe you an apology your wife clearly wasn't truthful I exhaled slowly anger simmering beneath the surface thanks Doc we haven't been
intimate for weeks now I know why he handed me my results just as my phone buzzed Julia doctor excuse me I said answering quickly Julia what's wrong her voice broke with tears dad mom told us you cheated and gave her an STD how could you my grip tightened on the phone Julia I'm standing in the doctor's office I'm clean here talk to Dr Benson without hesitation Benson took the phone Julia this is Dr Benson your father tested negative for everything he didn't infect your mother a moment later Julia's muffled sobs came through the line Dad
I'm so sorry she sounded so sure we believed her it's okay sweetheart I soothed tell Tom the truth but don't say anything to your mom I'll be home soon at the front desk the reception silently handed me my test results then almost as an afterthought she slid another envelope across the counter and I must have made a mistake looks like I accidentally included your wife's results too she said with a faint smile I nodded understanding her intent immediately Marge wouldn't find a sympathetic ear when she returned for treatment pulling into the driveway I spotted extra
cars marg's parents perfect inside the air was thick with tension my father-in-law's booming voice cut through the chaos you fool He barked you cheated on my daughter and gave her a disease I'll break you he was tall Broad and still powerful from his ears and the minds I had seconds before he swung I stepped closer locking eyes with him if what you think is true you'd be right to hit me but it's not his brows furrowed he hesitated explain fast wordlessly I handed him my test results he read them once then again and again his
anger drained into disbelief as Marge's sobs grew louder in the background finally he looked up you're clean my daughter has an STD someone else gave it to her she lied she cheated exactly I said quietly we haven't slept together in weeks that's why I'm clean he clenched the papers in his fists veins bulging David I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions thanks for listening I muttered my marriage might be over but at least you know the truth he nodded shoulders slumping we need to talk I grabbed his shirt slamming him against the table no this conversation
happens on my terms she's your daughter but she's my wife and she dragged you and the kids into this mess Julia called me in tears I don't even know what Tom thinks I released him stepping back you're only here because Marge involved you but this is my family stay out of it got it his jaw tightened then relaxed into relu an respect yeah David got it we stepped into the living room together the moment Marge saw me she erupted her voice clashing with her mother's frantic shouts in the corner Tom sat slumped forward tears silently
falling down his cheeks Julia darted around her grandfather rushing straight into my arms dad I love you she whispered Tom hesitated for a heartbeat then stood and joined us they clung to me as Marge sobbed and her mother hurled insults Julia's hand brushed against the papers I held is this the proof I nodded jaw tight without hesitation she took the reports and pulled Tom closer together they scanned the damning words David Atkinson and negative Marge Atkinson positive for three STDs their eyes met and they squeezed me tighter Julia turned Fury hardening her face mom she
snapped how can you still yell at dad he didn't betray us you did marg's knees buckled and she collapsed lapsed onto the couch sobbing uncontrollably Julia spun to face her grandmother thrusting the reports into her Trembling Hands the older woman's eyes widened as she read and her shoulders sagged under the weight of realization Marge glanced up wild-eyed and defensive why is everyone treating me like the villain here this isn't fair Julia stepped forward slowly holding the papers High you lied to us mom you cheated on Dad you betrayed our family Marge gasped her face twisting
with rage she lunged hand raised to slap Julia but Julia was faster she caught her mother's wrist with ease her gaze sharp and cold don't you dare she hissed you lost the right to discipline me the moment you tried to destroy our family the room froze Julia stood tall voice steady despite the tremble beneath it Youk always be my mother and I'll always love you she continued but you turned us against dad with lies I'll never forgive you for that with without waiting for a response she turned and hugged me tightly Tom followed his silence
more powerful than words across the room Marge sat Frozen wide-eyed and desperate kids please Marge pleaded her voice cracking your dad infected me weeks ago he probably got treated in secret I begged him for closeness and he kept pushing me away her desperation Rose I never cheated he's lying to make me look bad I've been faithful since the day we met silence followed heavy and suffocating my father-in-law's face darkened fists tightening it was time to end this I stepped toward Marge ignoring everyone else this is your last chance tell the truth or I'll show them
the proof for a moment her lip quivered then like a cornered animal she lashed out how dare you she screamed you have nothing because I did nothing show this so-called proof I didn't blink fine I walked to the cabinet retrieving my laptop Marge's bravado flickered as I connected it to the TV while Marge had been with Perez I'd used one of his company credit cards to register a domain and set up a website it was time to reveal it looking her dead in the eyes I asked you ended things with will last Thursday right her
sneer returned you're insane there's never been anyone but you I opened an email and projected it on the TV recognize this man will Perez the color drained from her face no he sent me a link to his site I said calmly you're featured front and center turning to Julia and Tom I added you two should head up stairs Julia crossed her arms defiant no she dragged us into this we're staying Tom glanced at the screen Dad if you send us away I'll find the site myself in 5 seconds I sighed defeated he was right he'd
caught the URL already all right I muttered clicking the link the screen flickered to life revealing a deep blue background a cold male voice spoke welcome to the lovers of will Perez Marge gasped as a slideshow of women appeared each photo fully clothed but un mistaka intimate The Voice continued here are the married women I've seduced every encounter is recorded like what you see message for highdef footage none of the women know they're being filmed the fourth image froze everyone in place it was Marge she wore a gray business pants suit one of her regular
work outfits the cursor hovered over her picture as the voice announced meet Marge mid-50s curvy plenty of footage available click here for previews of Marge and action full videos upon request the room plunged into silence Marge stood like a statue face pale hands trembling her mouth opened and closed but no words came out staring at the screen she whimpered no this can't be real I clicked her image eight video thumbnails appeared each labeled with dates and brief descriptions marg's eyes widened she recognized the settings the positions the undeniable truth her legs gave out and she
collapsed onto the couch sobbing her mother rushed to her side while her father stood rigid as though he'd been punched in the gut tomk fists clenched Julia's face Twisted with Fury I think we've seen enough I muttered stepping back not enough Julia snapped eyes blazing videos can be faked I want the truth before I could stop her she snatched the mouse and clicked the first video the screen flickered buffered then played the room filled with harsh breathing and whispered promises Julia recoiled hand flying to her mouth oh my God this is disgusting how could you
Tom stood silent his entire body trembling Marge sobbed into her mother's shoulder the reality crashing down determined Julia clicked the next video marg's cries grew louder the weight of her lies crushing her Julia reached for the third thumbnail but I caught her hand enough she froze then nodded tears streaking down her face without another word she threw her arms around me Tom joined us silent and Furious Marge's parents stood helpless while Marge herself clung to her mother broken Beyond repair after a long moment I broke the silence why Marge choked on her sobs I I
don't know I'm so sorry David God I'm so sorry I exhaled slowly and handed Tom the car keys kids get out for a bit dinner's on me need cash Tom shook his head we're good we'll be back later Julia wiped her face just grabbing my purse once they left I turned to Marge and her parents I'll be back in 30 minutes Marge we need to talk you two I nodded at her parents stay she's going to need you I wandered the streets aimlessly the crisp air failing to calm my nerves but sharpening my thoughts by
the time I returned home the house was eerily silent everyone sat around the kitchen table their faces Hollow and drained Marge stood the moment I stepped inside David she murmured eyes red and swollen thank you for coming back I nodded and gestured for her to sit down we've got a bigger problem her face blanched I leaned over the table Perez was arrested this afternoon I stated flatly her breath hitched George's investigation exposed the whole scheme fraud blackmail Kickbacks the entire operation unraveled silence stretched across the room Marge blinked rapidly tears Welling again her parents sat
rigid Expressions carved from Stone his office his companies even the motel room raided two more arrests followed one guy from Logistics another from procurement I stood eyes locked on hers and there's more George uncovered emails from your account messages leaking contract details and competitive bids straight to Perez her head jerked up wild-eyed that's a lie I never did that her mother's voice cracked how can we believe you now Mar's sobs grew louder I exhaled heavily exhausted beyond words you're not in custody because you're my wife George bent the rules to buy you time if you're
not in his office tomorrow morning they'll issue a warrant I leaned closer if you're guilty you're looking at federal charges her scream ripped through the room I didn't do it David I know I lied I cheated I don't deserve forgiveness maybe prison would be fair for everything else but I never leaked classified information I studied her face searching for deception was this another lie Marge I asked quietly did you ever bring your laptop to his motel room her face crumpled yes sometimes I worked there while pretending to take personal days I'm so sorry David I
clenched my jaw personal days to cheat she flinched but nodded did you ever leave the laptop unattended open connected to the bass network while you showered or napped her breath hitched yes oh my God I never thought how could I be so stupid without another word I grabbed her laptop powered it on and immediately cut off the Wi-Fi I had to move fast one of my final acts while accessing her computer remotely had been scheduling an automatic email blast designed to make it look like Perez had sent out confidential files with the internet disabled the
emails hadn't been sent fainting confusion at the login screen I asked what's your password her face Twisted with shame Perez she whispered I let the weight of her betrayal hang in the air before responding Marge he installed remote access software he could see everything control everything her head snapped up horror etched into every line of her face he set me up looks like he wanted more than just your body I leaned over the laptop pretending to search good thing I broke the internet I muttered there's a scheduled task here set to blast emails to your
entire contact list family friends co-workers Marge collapsed into her chair burying her face in her hands oh my God he's punishing me for cutting things off her mother wrapped an arm around her Whispering useless reassurances I sighed this might be enough to clear you three heads snapped up Mar's father who' once been ready to knock me flat now looked more confused than angry this proves Perez had remote access I explained it's possible he sent the leaks himself if you're innocent the logs will show his IP address during the Transmissions Marge wiped her face nodding mutely
a flicker of Hope sparked in her exhausted eyes but I wasn't done one more thing I added while I had access to Perez's system I installed surveillance software I copied all his personal videos onto his hard drive as far as the authorities can tell he recorded everything himself her father inhaled sharply wait you mean the videos of are now admissible evidence I finished Perez won't just face fraud and embezzlement charges he'll be hit with illegal surveillance extortion and invasion of privacy I leaned back letting it sink in I also uploaded recordings of his blackmail threats
George already has them it's game over months later Perez stood convicted on multiple counts fraud extortion racketeering the IRS launched an audit into his Undeclared earnings and his wife filed for divorce just two days into his sentence a week after the conviction George and I found ourselves at the bar where Mary used to work she'd landed a job in Bas procurement allowing her to finally start night classes for medical school I nursed a Jin and tonic swirling the glass idly still owe you for the bar surveillance gear I joked George waved it off forget it
besides we blew 1500 each at the casino yesterday that's punishment enough I chuckled taking a sip this gin's not as good as Mary's but it'll do at that moment Mike walked in he looked wrecked Hollow eyes slumped shoulders the Gate of a man who hadn't slept in days I told him where to find me sooner or later the truth always drove people here without a word he sank into the seat across from me I slid a flash drive across the table everything you need I said quietly recordings emails videos the whole mess Marge Ashley it's
all there Mike stared at the drive for a long moment then downed half his drink in one gulp turning to George his voice wavered despite his steady tone George he muttered I need to rent some surveillance gear George sigh rubbing his temples and so the cycle began again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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