How to Fast for Different Goals | Dr. J’s Fasting and Time Restricted Feeding Tips

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Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, MD
In this lecture, you will learn how to successfully reset your hormonal health, get rid of fatty liv...
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and the patient how does he feel when he's doing that he feels great he has more energy now he feels good because less of his intake went into storage it's available to him now the full tank is available to him to use so the difference is he wakes up in the morning now he's going to feel so much better he's going to have so much more energy he's going to be so much more vibrant and he's not going to be hungry all the time either so we're going to talk today about fasting failures food this
type of stuff so this is a very big subject as you all know but it is something that's very dear to me because fasting to me is really really important most of you have probably seen my previous videos on fasting and and why I think it's important but now you know when you comes to a talk like this I change it a little bit I say okay well you all know about fasting okay you know about Foods well I'm going to ask you who's asking because if you're asking me that question it's probably going to
be a different answer as to what kind of fasting you're going to do and what I'm going to recommend and what kind of food restrictions you do and what and what kind of therapies you undergo versus if someone else ask me that question that Hey what how should I fast it depends on who you are who's asking the question and what is your your goal in this program what is it that you want so I'm going to run through some scenarios first because fasting impacts on so many diseases and so many different processes I go
to these talks and everybody gets up and they talk about the disease mechanisms that hey in this condition this happens these are the pathways another one gets up he says these are the pathways that I've discovered that causes these diseases and they'll all talk about that then at the end I would say is there one condition one treatment or one intervention that can interact on all these Pathways and comes down to fasting that's why I like fasting so much because it's one thing that will impact on so many so let's start with that so I'm
going to start as a cardiologist typical scenario in my office patient comes in and first patient I'm going to say is okay he 45 years old and it's a male that has been complaining of high blood pressure goes to his doctor doctor says that yeah here has a pill you're going to take this medication from now onward okay he comes over here he says well doc what's going on so I said okay you want to fast he says yes I heard about your fasting I said why do you want to fast well let's see if
you have high blood pressure what are the causes that make me think that fast is going to help you number one is going to be insulin resistance if you have insulin resistance insulin when it's very high causes nitric oxide depletion so nitric oxide is a vasod dilator so you get Vaso constriction instead so you're going to get high blood pressure so first thing I want to do is what's your insulin level in order to gauge that he may be obese or he may not be obese he may be what is called a tofi th on
the outside fat on the inside really fat nice and thin maybe he got a little bit of a stomach does this patient have insul is he obese or not does he have tofy or not so how am I going to check for that so I'm going to check his hemoglobin A1c and even even if it's not elevated if it is greater than 5.4 but less than 6.4 this patient has insulin resistance then I'm going to measure his craft test it's going to tell me whether his insulin levels are shooting up or not H after food
then I'm going to measure his waist size and see whether he's got some obesity there I'm going to get a liver ultrasound that's going to tell me whether this guy's got a fatty liver or not so if he checks on any of these say to him you need to fast because you need to restore insulin sensitivity so he may not be terribly overweight he may be he may be a tofy it doesn't matter the fact is he needs his insulin levels to come down and the only way to bring insulin levels down the most effective
way is stop eating and causing your insulins to stay up all the time like that cuz before it even gets a chance to come down the next meal comes along next meal com in between throwing a little bit of snacks all day long his insulin levels are high he's now insulin resistant that is why this man is in trouble he's going to have high blood pressure so you see how you approach that so this guy he is going to go into fasting mode how am I going to do this fasting mode I'm not going to
attt to restrict calories there's nothing to do with calorie counting this is going to be about eating only once or twice a day now I'll look at him and I'll see how strong hairs do you really want to lower your blood pressure without medications yes I do okay all right do you like breakfast eh sometimes I don't like it skip it you don't need it do you like lunch yeah I like lunch but sometimes I skip that too then skip it so you see it depends on the person so then I'll tell him skip your
lunch skip your breakfast and just have a dinner just one dinner actually you won't get a spike like that he'll actually get very little insulin why because all day his insulin L has been so low that when he did eat that meal in the evening he's going to make very little insulin cuz he's sensitive and because he made very little insulin what's going to happen insulin insulin what does insulin do gives you a fatty liver so immediately immediately because his insulin L are so low he's going to stop putting on fat here all this is
going to start going down it's fat around the pancreas all the visceral fat is going to start going out so he'll start losing all this he'll also by the way lose weight on his tongue tongue is mostly fat that's why it can wobble around so much yeah so you lose a lot of weight in your tongue the first 20 30 lbs you lose it's this disproportional weight loss on their tongue that's why sleep apnea gets better snoring gets better people immediately say oh my God I'm sleeping so much better I'm not snoring so much and
by the way snoring can also cause high blood pressure well not snoring itself but sleep apnea causes high blood pressure too so you're going to be able to fix his resist insulin resistance and he snoring at night and his blood pressure is going to come down just by doing this just by doing this one thing alone so it depends who's asking so when he does this less of his calories are going to go into storage so so wait a second how can that be less go into storage so where do the calvaries go you burn
them your metabolic rate goes up the brown the brown fat cells they spin and they burn fat they burn calories your brown fat increases and the patient how does he feel when he's doing that he feels great he has more energy now he feels good because less of his intake went into storage it's available to him now the full tank is available to him to use instead of half his tank is stored away and he doesn't so the difference is he wakes up in the morning now he's going to feel so much better he's going
to have so much more energy he's going to be so much more vibrant H and he's not going to be hungry all the time either cuz remember you get these patients get leptin resistance so what happens he never these guys who eat all the time they never feel sated they never feel that I've had in up they don't get that signal they have leptin resistance this guy now he's going to get leptin sensitivity so let's say that he did go to his mate's house on Saturday and and then it's lunch time and he says well
you know I do inative fasting I only eat one meal a day doc told me and I really love it but go ahead and have some lunch anyway this say okay you know you're my buddy I'll have lunch he'll eat that lunch but he'll only eat a little bit he'll feel full he'll get that signal he'll get the signal that I'm full I'm satisfied I'm okay that's the advantage of this guy he's going back to normal he feels full he'll only have a small meal his lunch and he's happy he's moving he's carrying on so
he's restored his leptin sensitivity and he's insulin levels have come down and then his nitric oxide levels started going up and not only did his blood pressure come down he also noticed that his erectile dysfunction got better what a side effect so why did that get because nitric oxide it's all to do with Nitric I can't tell you how many hundreds of patients we've done this on and the Ed got better it's all got to do nitric oxide all got to do nitric oxide so this guy his blood pressures are going to come down he
may or may not lose a lot of weight the tofi will lose some weight he will lose some weight but not a whole lot many people think that oh I'm going to lose about 50 lb or 40 lb no you're not no you're not you're not going to lose that much weight so with them the purpose of this fasting is to restore his hormones bring his insulin level down his craft test will normalize one year later I do the craft test which is the insulin test it becomes normal I repeat the liver ultrasound in one
year his Fat's gone his a1c's they'll probably go to less than 5.4 to come down to normal so those are that's why scenario that I see a lot that I will advise these patients to do once a day feeding I'm going to give you another example so a patient comes to me he's got severe coronary arter disease he did a calcium scool and was positive he's 45 years old he thought he was perfectly healthy felt great he's not really overweight his blood pressure is also good but his doctor told him get a calcium school because
your dad had Chon AR disease and one of your mates at work just died so here's his artery and it's got calcium buil up in it so he comes to me he says what should I be doing now Doc you're going to make me fast too because you're a fasting doctor so it depends depends let me see let me see what's going on with you let me see what's going on with you so why does he have this calcium so obviously I'll do my metabolic testing because I'm all about insulin and his insulin comes back
normal it's fine insulin great A1C normal H he's got he's got cornic calcium so then I do an ultrasound of his liver and he's got a fatty liver so I say wait a second why would you have a fatty liver so I'm going to tell you why he's got a fatty Li one reason is always insulin right but his insulin was fine so that's not the problem another one is alcohol he tells me he's not drinking he doesn't drink alcohol gosh do you take protein shakes because you just want to be right so he says
no I don't take protein shakes because Branch chain amino acids if you take two much of those you'll cause a fatty liver he doesn't have that he what's causing your fatty liver well hepatitis infections he doesn't have any I do a hepatitis panel on him everything's negative why do you have a fatty liver why would you have a fatty liver then well what drains into the the fat deliver is the portal vein what's the portal vein the portal vein is after all the nutrients from the intestines this is your your sewage Canal we all have
a sewage Canal so sometimes you know about all the nutrients that come out from the the come in into the portal vein and the next place for processing is the liver so the first place for processing of anything that comes into your body the border control is your payers patches which are in the wall of your intestine these are gastrointestinal your body's immune system lymphoid system right in your in the walls and they are very very important so when you eat something it gets in here it gets mixed with the enzymes and by the way
you only have about 18 enzymes and they digest that food break it down into pieces and then what are all these dots over here these these are food particles okay but there's something else in your gut and they are these little red dots inside your gut and those are 100 trillion bacteria so now this food comes along over here the bacteria is in here and the lymphoid system processes everything keeps everything in check here there's a nice layer of muin thick layer of muin that separates the sewage Canal from your bloodstream there's also in this
lining the cells are all joined together by enzymes so these are Gap Junctions and they are all intact so they don't allow stuff to come through they very intact they're very good okay only certain things can come in certain things cannot come in so our defense system is the muin layer the lymphoid system the Gap Junctions but what happens if there's a leak here and stuff is getting through and if stuff is getting through it gets into the portal vein and then goes to your liver and it can cause inflammation in your liver this is
called gastrointestinal permeability problems it's called leak Lecky gut some people Co liut and I never used to believe in this thing never believed it until we did all the research reading and everything else and started reading about this about 8 years ago and it's become very clear to me that bacterial wall products dead bacteria can get through if there's a leaky gut and when they get through they get inside the poral vein and they can get inh here into the liver and cause a fatty liver and what I'm seeing more and more in my practice
is that many patients have a fatty liver for which I have no real cause and when we run tests on them to look for licky gut they're going to have a lick a gut and that explains why they got this fatty liver now he's got cor kelon once's that got to do with the fatty liver so there gets a little complicated so just bear with me lipopolysaccharides that get through here get taken up by macrofagos and they also get taken up by LDL LDL your normal cholesterol particles and when they do so the LDL becomes
a small dense particle these small dense particles get taken up by the white cells as well and when they they get taken up into the corner artery here they these macrofagos get inside the wall die inside the wall liberate that small dense LDL and you get a little pool of fat in the wall of the artery and this is inflammatory and when it is inflammatory why because that's still a foreign particle so you're going to get inflammation here t- cells against it B cells against it and this is inflamed and when it's inflamed it can
break open here just like a pimple now I want to give you a concept atherosclerosis is an inflammation of the walls of the arteries I want you to think about a reverse pimple you have a pimple on the skin right one day it's growing bigger bigger bigger then suddenly it bursts open right that could be one of your pimp inside your arteries there's a difference between a calcified stable plaque as we call it and soft plaque soft plaque that is very translucent very full of fat and inflammatory cells are not so calcified they will one
day become calcified when they healed but in this stage they can be vulnerable just like a pimple break open and and a blood clot forms on it if a blood clot forms on it it can re endothelialize but if a big blood clot forms on it you can actually get conclusion of the artery and get a heart attack so in some patients who I don't find any obvious cause for the coronary calcification I ran all my test and I don't come up with it why should this guy have so much corn gal never smoked it
comes down to this and if it comes down to this which I call this metabolic endotoxemia if he has metabolic endotoxemia what else am I going to do but treat the metabolic endotoxemia and how do you treat it through diet and fasting okay because you're going to heal this through diet and fasting you see how diet and fasting has so many impacts I showed you the first case where it impacts on your hormones now I'm showing you where it impacts on your gut and I'm going to tell you how it impacts on your gut first
thing I do with this guy is I'm going to do a test to see he has food sensitivities so if he has wheat sensitivity and I'm not talking about gluten Sensi I'm talking about wheat sensitivity there are approximately 600 odd proteins in wheat of which only two of them are gluten the rest are wheat proteins wheat proteins they cause a reaction in the body and they can cause a leaky gut so that's one mechanism there are other sensitivities corn sensitivity egg sensitivity Dairy sensitivity there's so many sensitivities that we have actually identified that can cause
a leaky gut so I'll do a food sensor test we avoid those for for now next I look at this St if they've got specific GI symptoms I will order either a hydrogen methane breath test or I will order a stool test what is a hydrogen methane breath test it is a test to look for what is known as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth if you have the wrong bacteria in here you're going to get a very thin mucin layer and when your mucin layer is gone you have a hole in the wall you want lots
of nice thick mucin in here you must have good bacteria in your gut as well so if you have good bacteria you'll have nice thick muin layer as well so it's very important that we know what's going on inside the gut by making sure that we have a good bacterial population living in the gut over here so in the small bow what is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth this is it I'll turn around to this guy and I'll say hey after eating some carbs and sugars do you get really bloated and gassy yeah man I feel
terrible after eating those so I have to stay away from all bread all sugar all carbs CU if I do I get really bloaty and gassy oh you do okay so let's do a methane breath test or rather hydrogen breath test so then he blows into this little tube after drinking some sugar water and we measure his hydrogen output at 1 Hour 2 hours and 3 hours and if there's a greater than 20 parts per million increase in his um hydrogen levels where did that hydrogen come from it's the bad bacteria in his gut so
the bad bacteria consume the carbs produce the hydrogen so those bad bacteria where are they they in the small intestine are they supposed to be there no where are supposed to be the bacteria most of them supposed to be in your colon so what happens is when you don't give a good diet to the patient when you're not feeding the bacteria with the right fiber they move they first they start eating you up if you don't feed your bacteria with the right fibers polysaccharides what's fiber it's polysaccharide what is this muin it's a polysaccharide you
don't give me any fiber I'm going to eat your muin if I eat your muin you're going to get what lick your gut you see why fiber is so important that's why I tell them right you got to start eating fiber because you want these guys to be happy and eat the fiber that I'm going to give you which is soluble fiber I'm not talking about the thick stuff that gives you big bow movements I'm talking about soluble fiber soluble fibers such as inulin one that when you put it in water it becomes clear and
the kind of fiber that you all know about but you just don't know how to prepare it for example if you're going to make rice I know you love rice well why don't you cook it cool it off put it in the refrigerator and eat it the next day cuzz you'll have resistant starch cuz what you've done you changed that polysaccharide into a form that now you can't deal with it because it changed structurally by cooling heating it cooling it and then eating it the next day heating it again and you can't digest it now
but much of that soluble fiber in that rice or potatoes or sweet potato will make itself to the colon and then who's going to eat it the bacteria and the bacteria eating it is not going to eat you see it all all comes in together whole picture comes in together it's beautiful beautiful picture so I want the good bacteria to be in here so I'm going to turn around to that patient I'm going to say that look what are you eating what fiber are you eating how often are you now why is it important for
fasting how am I going to fix this guy through fasting because when you fast and you stop eating all those bad bad foods the bacteria population changes so the sio will change because remember the hydrogen is produced by the bacteria that moved because you didn't have them in the right place once you treat the sibo and these it is treatable it's a treatable condition you get rid of that small intestinal bacterial overgrowth now the patient I feel so much better and it's simple things I give them herbs and I give them uh uh special type
of yeah basically it's herbs and and essential oils and I'll also give them some probiotics to take and I'll give them prebiotics which is a good fiber afterwards but there's a whole protocol that we have to treat small intestinal bacterial overgrowth the fasting becomes part of this program because when you fast for more than 8 to 10 hours the Bad Boys die because the bad boys all need sugar the good boys they survive their keystone species survive so so fasting is an integral part of the treatment of bacterial overgrowth as well and you want to
restore the population of bacteria in your gut to the right diversity fasting is an integral part of it you must fast to restore the plus when you don't eat and you stop putting things down there all the time your gut gets a chance to heal so if you have a leaky gut the Gap Junctions will get better the energy that you're giving to your intestines will also get better so those because this is a very energy consuming process to repair your gut because your your gut lining changes over in a matter of hours it's bio
you know metabolically your intestinal lining is extremely active so look here again fasting fixes part of the problem that's why I tell my patient so this guy I'm going to be telling him to get this test done if his hydrogen test is positive we're going to treat it go to a Cardiologist and you get medicines for your stomach and for your intestine yeah yeah want to get a sample of your poop from a k office yes kardis is going to order a poop sample on you now I don't do it on every patient don't get
me wrong okay but there are patients that I do poop samples on for example the guy will come and say to me Doc I get four to five loose bow movements a day now that's not normal is that normal he's got something wrong with him right now I for him I'm do a school sample or he comes and says you know doc I only go to the bathroom once every 5 days and then sometimes I go six days and then boom I get a little bit of diarrhea well that's overflow now that kind of guy
I'll probably do a stol sample on as well now the thing is that if you do a colonoscopy on this SK what are you going to find in there you're going to find nothing but it's functionally what's going on because remember these bacteria in your gut not only do this Mischief but they also affect the the enteric nervous system of your gut what is the enteric nervous system it's a second largest brain you got the neurons the number of neurons in your brain is the highest second highest is in your gut so this is the
nervous system in the wall of your gut and hopefully if it's working properly it keeps the movement in One Direction but more importantly than that also is that these are Vagas nerve connections that go to your brain chemicals in your gut and in your wall can actually go up the vagus nerve and go into your brain it can also get into your bloodstream through your lver and then get into your brain this way so when you think something or feel something it may not be you just want you to think about this you see we
think it's all about us I'm saying that if you have mental fog or if you have depression who's depressed cuz I've seen this in my patients we fix this and they come come back very happy and I'm saying is he really happy now because because he found an answer to all this stuff is that why he's happy or is he happy because his neurotransmitters from his dysfunctional gut has now gone down and his brain is better and we know that depression also is a inflammatory condition to get rid of inflammation in the body and depression
gets better so it's all linked in together so it's just observations on patients that tell you that you know there's something more going on here than simply you know fixing the gut so treat sio treat the diet change what's going on what you're putting into your gut especially fiber you want soluble fiber in your diet now soluble fiber besides feeding these boys here it also does other things in the upper part with the hormones like that first guy I told you about right who had insulin resistance right so what's what's how's he going to benefit
from having more fiber in his diet he's going to benefit because when he eat when he takes a teaspoon of inulin or quarter teaspoon of inulin I should say in a glass of water before his dinner what happens is that it lines the dadum with this very smooth layer so that that fiber is hiding the the K cells behind the dadum so they're going to produce less hormones that going to trigger that pancreas to produce a massive rise in the insulin you're masking it so that he's not going to get a big spike in his
insulin that's why you want to eat foods with fiber in it that's you want to change your diet food must contain fiber food must be natural food must be real real food food must be masticated not drank don't drink your food you got to eat it if you want the proof of it then take your mixer and put some stuff into it whatever you want juice it and then take it and put it in a saucer and look at it then I want you to take that same food and eat it but don't swallow it
and split it out into the next saucer and you look at the two they're totally different you're not supposed to to drink your food You're supposed to chew your food because it changes the consistent you're not supposed to cut all the fiber into slithering so they become totally ineffective oh I I BR spinach lot of fiber in it they just destroyed all the fiber by putting it through the machine and there were no 11 outlets in the caves as far as I remember so it's totally unnatural totally unnatural so there you go so coming back
to this guy so in him also so what type of fasting am I going to make this guy do I'm going to make this guy do a different kind of fasting I'm going to identify all this all this but he's going to do Tim restricted feeding simple it's fasting still but he's going to probably do for this kind of guy I'll do 186 which is my favorite fasting for most people that walk if I just had to throw a dice on most people it's going to be 18 six because I just think that that's the
best results I've had with most of my patients uh here in in my office but also from the millions that are doing it out in the world it gives the gut an 18-hour break when they're only consuming water for 6 hours they're going to feed during that 6- hour window during those 6 hours I don't time to count the calories all you got to do is eat real food food that looks like real food it has to be real food no processing no artificial ingredients in it no colorings no emulsifiers but what's some emulsifier what
on Earth is an emulsifier doc I don't know what's an emulsifier I don't eat emulsifiers yes you do you all eat emulsifiers emulsifier is like is like uh Palmolive oil no Palmolive um dishwasher fancy is swallowing some of that so what it does it gets down in here and it dissolves this go is an emulsifier an emulsifier mixes oil and water so that's why you don't want emulsifiers now all processed foods have emulsifiers why do they have emulsifiers because when you otherwise your your your your cookie will just all just spread out emulsifier keeps everything
together the oil and the water together your bread has emulsifiers in it and it shouldn't right has also of ingredien bread should only have three ingredients instead most bread today has at least 12 ingredients in it most of those names you can't even pronounce when you say poly soate what is poly sobate that's an emulsifier your ice cream oh yeah I just have a little bit of ice cream every day that's an A mulier in it that's what's keeping everything together stop eating ice cream so there's a lot of whenever you read at Poly soate
or anything that looks similar to poly soate that's those are holy multipliers don't eat those things so coming back to where we were so this guy is going to do 186 he's going to drink water he's not going to put in here any estrogens or estrogen stimulators well I don't eat estrogens of course you eat estrogens CU if you're eating these days a lot of fish they going to have estrogens in them you're going to eat Plastics anything that's in Plastics or estrogen receptor stimulators and any colorings any flavorings they are all going to create
an obesogenic microbiome because they're going to affect your microbiome including all your sweetness so basically I'm going to give a diet that's going to be only Whole Food 18 six get your gut gut in order so that's this one I'm going to run on because I do have a lot more to cover here so the next guy that comes to me he weighs 380 lb and he wants to lose weight so I say to him okay what kind of what kind of fasting probam I am I going to give a 380 lb person I'm going
to run my tests on him but if I just give him a tired he's not going to go for it I got to motivate him you see everyone needs motivation that's why I'm telling you if I measure your insulin levels if I tell you you have hydrogen if I tell you that you have a bad gut if I tell you you got a fatty Delver you're far more likely to follow my diet then if I just turn around to you and say you know what you should be fasting that's it so this guy who has
380 pound I'm going to run my tests on him sure I'm going to run my tests and everything else sure I will motivate him but my diet on him is going to be far stricter because he's got a long way to go so first of all I'm going to tell him that this is what you need to do you need to cut out one meal for one week after one week you're going to cut out your second meal and you're going to start quickly going into one day one meal a day only because he's got
a long way to go he weighs 320b he needs to only weigh 200 lb so he's got 120 lb to lose one meal a day for week week maybe two weeks he'll go through some withdrawal I'll come to that in a second then he's after a few weeks then I'm going to say okay now three times a week you skip that one meal also when you skip that meal also now you're going to go to 48 hour fast you're going to do that 3 days a week rest of the time you may have one meal
only on weekends I'll let you have two meals but within 6 hours just on weekends so he gradually gets into that taper but it's going to be very very intense after a month I expect him to be ready to do a 3-day water fast you got to hit him hard and get into that three-day water fast cuz he needs to do it and needs to get into it quickly so I do one month of gradually getting him into it then after that a 3-day water fast you cannot go into a 3-day water fast right away
because you are not metabolically adapted yet why don't earth does that mean well this is what you're going to do young man you're going to go to to this drugstore and buy Ketone sticks you can actually do a finger stick too for ketones but I just tell to do a ketone stick stuff and you're going to motivate yourself by checking when you start making ketones cuz this guy really needs to lose weight so what he's going to do he's going to check his ketones so he wakes up in the morning ketones a little bit not
much but he make a lot at 12 o'clock onward and his dinner is at six o'clock in the evening at 4 o'clock he's making a lot of ketones hopefully right so the more adapted you are into now changing from glucose to ketones as your energy source H the where do the ketones come from they come from fat so those ketones came from fat they basically you're urinating out your fat so do you think he needs he needs ketogenesis of course he needs to be in ketogenesis because he needs to get rid of the fat ketones
come from fat ketones didn't came because they broke down muscle that's why I like my diet plan so much more than some of the drugs because some of the drugs you're going to lose fat and you're going to lose protein muscle mass as well when you're fasting you do lose a little bit of muscle but you're losing mostly fat if you producing ketones you start producing ketones if you adapt to it slowly I when I started eating only once a day I found that in the beginning man I'll wait till 2:00 3 in the afternoon
I'm still not making keton get really frustrated and after about a week or two now I start making ketones 3:00 then 2:00 then 1:00 then 12:00 now I start making ketones by the day 11:00 in the morning I'm already making ketones in the morning so now I know that I am metabolically flexible who doesn't want to be metabolically flexible you have to be metabolically flexible you are supposed to be metabolically flexible you're designed to be metabolically flexible this guy better start making ketones Now quickly and then he knows he's losing the fat so one month
of gradually gradually skipping meals gradually going eating only once a day this guy needs to lose 12 pound after 1 month he's going to start giving me a 3-day water fast he's got to be ready for that and I'm going to motivate him educate him pound him beat him up if I need to but three days what a fast he has to give me first day he may feel bad even when you start fasting you may go through some withdrawal of course you're going to go through withdrawal but I like I told you all before
this withdrawal has many components to it one is that you're just a pavlovian dog that you know you just think it's time to eat and now you're feeling nervous because I should be eating now right number two is that you may actually be going through addiction so now you're going through true withdrawal how would you know that it's real addiction to food addiction to carbs addiction to Sugar there are characteristics um there are about six different criteria that you go so I put that on another website basically you get Cravings it starts affecting your day-to-day
activity you cannot function you cannot because you just keep thinking about that all the time and you keep wanting to go so it makes you dysfunctional a dysfunctionality that you develop you know now you these Cravings are actual addiction you know it's bad for you but you still do it you know these sugars are bad for you and still do it you're an addict you knew it was bad for you you knew it's interfering with your life and your health you're smart enough to know that but you're still doing it you're an addict just like
an alcoholic you think he doesn't know or Gambler or any other addiction for that matter so if an alcoholic comes to me you think I'm going to say okay listen man just just have a little sip that's all no it's none no none you don't give him a little sip of alcohol and say you know you you get over it now take another sip two in the afternoon so if you think you're an addict to sugar and sugar is addictive because it gets processed in the rewards sent in the dopamine just like heroin it's real
it's a real addiction then if you think you are that then you need to take this very seriously and it's you just have to say no in the first few days you will go through sweats you will go through anxiety you will go through some tardia but you will not you will not die and you will not become hypoglycemic so the trick is to just get through it put some warm compressors on you you can't become hypoglycemic which means low sugar CU sometimes what happens they you I feel so bad I was so drem then
I had to go and eat some sugar and then I felt so good after eating the sugar well it wasn't because you are low on sugar it's just because you got your next shot so you have to just say no and to do that you need Partners around you or you or somebody that's going to help you get through this you have to have a buddy so that's why when I talk in the office I talk with my patient and I usually have their spouse with them or somebody because it it has to be a
teamwork you got to do this together or you you're going to find a buddy you're going to say you know what you're going to do this with me let's do this oh if you don't want to do it with me at least guide me and hold me back you know and and just just get me through this after 48 Hours look I put these alcoholics in the hospital and I stick them in a room don't give them alcohol 3 days later he walks out of that room he's fine until somebody feels sorry for him say
yeah have some more no so don't feel sorry don't give him back any candy don't give him back any sugar don't give him back any anything what he goes through this new stuff that's it so you're going to be very tough on addicts so that's fine 3 days water fast he's going to do and then he's going to go back to eating once a day and then he's going to repeat the 3-day water fast every two weeks so do I ever just say okay now you're not going to eat at all I do so I
had a guy who weighed 400b and he had diabetes high blood pressure dyslipidemia he was so bad he had depression he was feeling almost he was feeling suicidal cuz his life wasn't just worth living was weighed 400 lb so did the one month entry and then I said that's it that's it it's all over now you're not going to eat period in Australia but I'm going to die no you're not going to die you got at least 6 months of stored vitamins in your liver you have enough fat on your body that's going to last
you at least 9 months you're not going to die nothing will you just need water you need water you need water and you may need electrolytes depending on where you're living you know electrolytes don't have calories and you can take some electrolytes right so so he stopped and do you know how many days this guy fasted take a guess 182 days 6 months he came back here and I almost didn't recognize this guy he weighed like 210 lb his skin was perfect you know some people they lose 1 15 80 pounds and the skin is
like all over coming off right you've seen that in fact some I've seen patients who've been on drugs to make them lose weight and because they also lose muscle that beautiful sculptured face he had cuz they still have a nice face the face was gone now it was skin over bone because he actually lost his facial muscles too was horrible this guy didn't lose facial muscles he still look great and his skin wasn't flabby cuz I'm going to tell you something when he did this fasting he resorbs the skin as well cuz other other times
other people when they do it in other ways besides my fasting program the skin they come in here and they lift their arms up and it's it's there if they do it my way they don't need a tumy tuck cuz the skin also went in stomach also went in it's not that they coming in they say oh my God now look at all this doc you need to cut this out and put me back together he look so good then shortly after that had another guy and he fasted for 56 days now mind you I
do keep in touch with these people make sure that they're not doing anything wrong how well what do you mean by not anything wrong cuz if you're feeling lightheaded or dizzy you have to take your blood pressure if you have a high heart rate you need to know why are you dehydrated I did blood tests on them every two weeks I'll check the electrolytes make sure that the potassium's okay the sodium's all right that they're not U make sure that they drink lots of water lots of water why because the food contains water and now
you're not getting that water number two is when your insulin level comes down you lose electrolytes you lose sodium now that I've seen that patients should even do my regular fasting program they start getting cramps how do I know that that's the sodium problem because I've measured their sodium levels and we have a problem the sodium levels go down so why does it go down because when your insulin level is high you're holding on to salt as well sodium and when your insul levels start coming down you notice that these people who fast they pee
a lot they say you know what I'm peeing more than I did before it's because you're getting a natur resis naturis means salt block as the insulin levels come down you pee more so with those guys I always make them check the sodium levels and then I'll tell them to take a salt pill salt is not really an enemy you know I'm a cardiologist and the only time I restrict salt is in congestive heart failure patients patients who are grossly fluid overloaded because salt holds on to so more water so always hold back I tell
patients listen watch it you don't need to cut back on your salt I think we should be on at least four grams of salt minimum a day so with my large patients who live in a hot area they go to work every day and and if they on this type of fasting I will tell them to take a salt pill a day and they feel fantastic so you can even buy these sachets of electrolytes and I have no problems with you guys taking it whatsoever electrolytes so you can take electrolytes um drink lots of water
and what else did I give him um basically that's it those two things I gave them and then I gave them MCT oil just to take away hunger especially in the beginning and also if they want in the beginning I find that just to help the ketogenesis come along little I'll give them a teaspoon of of MCT oil in the middle of the day and it seems to keep them going for 6 hours more so they can fast a little bit longer why do I want them to fast a little bit longer in the day
I'll tell you why because when you then go out and exercise between 4:00 and 6:00 in a fasted State all my buddies think I'm crazy telling you to exercise on in a fasting State I should be having a meal C up and then go exercise no go exercise on an empty stomach go exercise in a fasting State you'll actually put on more muscle you make more growth hormone do you know what what boost growth hormone the most is fasting so one of the things to do is you know when you're approaching that end and you're
going to be breaking your fast at 6 and and maybe at about 3:00 you start getting some I want to go eat I want to get go into the gym or go go do some hit or do some floow exercises I love hit you know high intensity interval training I love it in fact there's modifications of that that I tell people to do if you don't have time to go to the gym I don't have any time to go to the I don't have any time to go to the J so what I do I
do very short very rapid resistance exercises very short very rapid and then rest 30 seconds 1 minute and then again very intense very rapid maybe the knee highs on really fast do about 50 of them and then just lie down completely just lie down and then get up again another 50 real fast real fast as fast as you possibly can and then relax so that's one I can also do do push-ups I can do side things I mean there's so many exercises that you can do resistance exercises so I do do those and I do
that right before I break back fast and I find that that actually gives me a lot more energy it's been shown to increase my mitochondria it's been shown to improve my overall muscle bulk positive nitrogen balance as well so with the fasting is the lifestyle it's not just fasting it's drinking water drinking alkaline water whenever possible black tea black coffee black uh um green tea some MC oil doing some hit in between that's really very helpful and that those are the tricks that are going to get you through the fasting program much much faster and
much easier so with this guy he fasted so the other guy fasted 53 days I think it was and he lost about 80 lbs it's amazing people this guy is crazy but it looks amazing and it looks diabetes gone blood pressure gone no meds fatty liver gone right so so it depends who's asking me about fasting and how extreme I'm going to go with you so there are so many scenarios of fasting for everybody everyone's going to have a different one so I just want to become metabolically more flexible then okay do do your 18
six now if you can't do 18 and six it's 12 hours enough it's still better yes now look there are other reasons why I do this today's food is full of all these chemicals and everything else well if you just cut out one meal that's onethird reduction in your intake of toxins just think about that one3 reduction in your intake of toxins you just did it you get rid of your snacks that's even more than one3 because most of the garbage is in the snacks so you're getting rid of all the snacks snacks are so
bad but yet it's so uous I mean you know I went to the hospital to make grounds over there and everyone in the elevator is eating in the elevator in the elevator eating and drinking in a hospital because we've just been then then you get into the car and then you do it in your car as well now in order to be successful in your daytime fasting you you need to sleep 7 hours at night you have to do that if you're not sleeping 7 hours and you expect your sleep your you're fasting to work
it's going to fail it's going to fail so you better start your sleep hygiene and sleep hygiene starts in the morning get out look towards the sun first thing in the morning with the Rising Sun get those red lights inside because now you're turning on the switch the switch for what that tells you it's now daytime and 12 hours later I'm going to turn the switch off so if you didn't look at the sun you're not going to get sleepy in the evening you looked out there at the sun you get sleepy in the evening
it sets that cycle got to do 15 minutes of that every day plus you're going to get all your vitamin D and and all that good stuff so it starts with that in the evenings you turn your lights off LEDs terrible for you terrible for you get rid of the LEDs in the evenings I do not have LEDs in my home I just tell you right now I have some in the kitchen but I'm out of the kitchen by the evening time right in the bathrooms yeah we got some but rest of my home I
have table lamps I keep those regular incandescent no computers after uh 7:30 8:00 I don't look at screens even the phone I keept it very far I don't sit in the you know playing with my phone for 48 hours before I I mean for 40 minutes before I go to bed you got to turn the music on you got to relax you got to get ready for bedtime I finished with eating done by 8:00 then you'll get into nice deep sleep when you're sleeping like this the way I'm telling you with the fasting that you
you do you will make growth hormone I told you already the number one Improvement in growth hormone that I've seen is through fasting the only other way you can increase growth hormone is to take shots who wants shots right or you have sex hormones there not a single patient that I've had whose testosterone level has not increased not single patient because by midnight when they do go to sleep the testosterone are going to get better and if your tea levels are higher you can do a better job with your fasting in the daytime you will
have more willpower to stick to your diet if you have sleep apnea in the beginning just go and get your mask just get it because it will make you feel better and then as you lose the weight then you can Chuck it CU you don't need it anymore CU as you lose wait your sleep apnea will be gone but in the beginning if you have sleep apnea and if you have no willower you have to get sleep AP your mask and you need to psychologically know it's just temporary it's just temporary cuz who wants a
mask forever so I motivate my patient and say no no you're going to need this but just just for 3 months CU after 3 months you're not going to need it anymore and sure enough they feel so good using the mask initially they're able to come off it so sleep apnea is really important we get rid of that multivitamins you can take your multivitamins when you are fasting so I tell patients don't worry about it you can take it you can't take multivitamins they have no calories in them anyway so I let them have that
with MCT oil fish oil you take your fish oil um the supplements that I really really like my favorite ones of course M all cardiac patients K2 vitamin K2 vitamin D3 magnesium fish oil if you have coronary artery disease I give them all nines yeah these are my favorite ones I'm just telling you about right and uh uh I give them tryptophan especially those who are going to prolong fasting I give them tryptophan that'll help you with your fast as well it help you getting into sleep as well tropine gets converted to serotonin as your
bacteria in your gut change you will start making more serotonin because who makes the serotonin is actually your gut bacteria so I give you tryptophan which is a precursor to to serotonin you get the good bacteria coming in you're going to make more serotonin when you make more serotonin you sleep better your memory is better your all around you are better with more serotonin in your body depression I have seen depression go away with fasting I've just seen it depression just gone cuz I do believe believe it's an inflammatory condition in the brain and with
those patients that are the most depressed the more ketogenic I make them with the urine the better now when I say ketogen I'm not telling you to go on a ketogenic diet ketogenic diet you're still going to eat 3 to four meals a day but you're going to be on a high fat and you're going to be on 70% fat you know it's not sustainable I'm making you ketogenic through fasting dietary ketogenesis not ketogenesis through eating four meals a day and eating mostly fatty meals you know I I don't think it's that's sustainable I've not
had a single patient that been able to do that I've done it to maybe a few patients a couple but one of them was honestly very suicidal and once he did this he did turn around actually it's the only thing that turned him around and he he went almost fully ketogenic and there was like 90% change in him he just turned around so beautifully then and then he doesn't have to St that forever we also did all the rest I fixed his gut I fixed his bacteria I look for licky gut we stay away from
the foods that he's he cannot eat and then he was okay after that then he doesn't have to stay on ketogenic diet for the rest of his life but to get him jump started we did do that so on some cases we have to do that um other tips on on how to do successful fasting yeah when you do eat you must use all the herbs and don't just so I use a lot of cilantro a lot of Rosemary a lot of uh tulsie any any her that you can find I love cumin right I
love turmeric I do all that because when you're fasting those those things they really help you they help you to to maintain your your nutrition um also you must pay attention to Advanced glycation end products when you are fasting more so than even before what does that mean that means okay I'm only having one meal a day now don't kill the meal so don't overcook it don't make it brown don't high heat it don't high dry heat it don't seal it don't Grill it don't barbecue it because the more you do that the more advanced
glycation end products are going to create in those abnormal temperatures that are so high don't fry it so therefore you're going to make less Advanced glycation end products in the food so when you eat foods that are steamed poached made in a slow cooker moist heated curries you are going to make you're going to eat foods that have less Advanced glycation and products therefore when it's inside you you're going to have less inflammation your joints start feeling better so do an experiment don't start fasting yet just do this go onto a diet where you're not
killing the food all processed food is killed because they put it in the oven at very high temperatures even milk is pasteurized high flash pasteurization high temperatures creates all these Advanced cation and products so just to give you an example all processed foods have advanced glycation and products but that's fine you blame them for doing it and giving it to you right but you're doing it yourself in the kitchen but nobody has told you about that has anyone ever told you about advanced end products at home that oh yeah I bought this organic and I
bought this chicken or I bought this this this this grass finished New Zealand lamb doc told me this is good for me and then you killed it you killed it by by blackening it and then you expect to feel good no so what do Advanced glycation end products do they create reactive oxygen species in you they stimulate nuclear Factor Kappa and that causes inflammation in your body premature aging as well so on the one hand you're trying to do fasting and on the other hand you you eating that one meal a day you you're ruining
that one meal a day so I'm saying that you got to do the whole thing if you want to be successful because if you going to kill that food and eat it you're going to feel lousy the next day you're going to have achy joints you're going to have a little bit of mental F cuz you just created inflammation from that one meal now you going to stick to your diet you want to fast well then what you do put in your mouth on the day that you're eating must not be killed food it has
to be good food Whole Food use your slow cooker eat fermented foods steam your food make it into a curry or in a pot make it at temperatures that are water water temperature 100° can't go higher than that get rid of your air fryer don't barbecue right now don't blacken your food now you when you do your fasting you're going to not only feel better getting the benefits of fasting too you can you can do your fasting so watch what you're putting inside you your Advanced glycation end products it's not just sugar that connects to
the protein it's also the fats that connect to it number two no vegetable oils so when you do eat no vegetable oils cuz they create Advanced cation and produ and the third thing is when you are fasting do not eat fruit so I had another guy the other day he was eating two meals a day and the second meal is just fruit I just sit down and get a whole plate of fruit only I said what are you doing cuz he thought it was healthy and all his neighbors thought it was healthy too no it's
not healthy fruit is overrated now if you ate a plate full of vegetables I'd be very happy but fruit is fructose and fructose causes licky gut causes fatty liver causes insulin resistance it'll make your me mental fog also worse because it causes metabolic endotoxemia you want to lose weight you want to become healthier just get rid of the fruit you can have fruit later on when you are in the perfect state of health I reintroduce a little bit of fruit into my diet only in the last couple of years but how much fruit do I
have I have about oh this other guy came and said a lot of blueberries I a lot of blueberries I said how many blueberries do you eat he said said about 20 to 30 years said you crazy how many blueberries are you supposed to eat five six one Blackberry in it and then two raspberries in a small bowl of Tif that's what I ate that's it that's all you need couple of raspberries a couple of black blackberries and just about five six maybe maybe seven blueberries in my keer and that's it I'm done so just
watch what you're eating because you'll you'll be able to fast better if you watch what you're eating yeah and also when you do this type of eating you'll not be hungry afterwards otherwise you eat the wrong stuff you're going back in the kitchen 10 hours later or you torturing yourself cuz at 10:00 you're going back to the kitchen just don't it eat right make this a real thing so eat right fast make your own Foods don't kill it don't buy readymade stuff be sure that you're getting oh minerals I forgot to mention minerals minerals are
really really important so find yourself a nice mineral supplement all of you must do it a a mineral supplement you must do it because there's not enough minerals in our food so you must buy a minerals multiple different minerals in it just get any good preparation that's good for you that you like you must take that I forgot to tell you about that earlier okay so yeah they'll have they'll have um um there's a whole bunch of different varieties but there you go well I'm going to stop because it's getting really late but um I'll
take a few questions so answer the first part the first part it depends what your goal is again you see now looking at you I mean you're not you're not obese you're not overweight if you're not trying to reverse diabetes you're not trying to uh to to you know you don't have cancer um you should be doing more prolong fasts no more than three times a year really you don't need to do more you think four times a year is even maybe excessive yeah you you you probably on the opposite and but if you're tolerating
it well there's no nutritional deficiencies in you your electrolytes all look good your blood work all looks good then I don't have a problem with it that's right now if you have uh irritable colon syndrome H you have a bad gut and you have constipation so you only go every other day or third day then I give them magnesium citrate every day because all of a sudden they get good because to get good bof Flora in your gut it needs to move it's just sitting there the bofor is bad so I want your bio your
microbiome to be healthy so it will give you some of that to get you moving and then the autophagic question is a great one okay to get into autophagy the biggest stimulation for that has to be low insulin level so you have to be fasting and you got to fast at least 24 hours for that you ketogenesis also stimulates autophagy so the best you'll notice that you go into autophagy on average between 24 and 36 hours that's when you're going to maximum know I mean it's easy to ketosis because you get the strips so there's
no strips for oropy no so surrogate for that is ketosis okay if you're if you're in heavy ketosis and and by the way I lost 45 lbs on the keto diet I completely agree with you yeah that the the reason we have the ability to go into ketosis is not so we can do the keto diet it said that we don't die if we haven't eat for three days that's right and in order not to die you got to become stronger better more resilient and what makes you stronger better more is hesis hesis we didn't
even talk about hesis hesis means a stress on your body the biggest homus you can do on yourself is putting yourself into a ketogenic state where you're metabolically flexible other things heat intense cold infrared sauna um these are all forms of hesis it's a stress on your body that you're putting putting yourself into so that's why I like infrared sauna if you guys can afford it you all should do infrared sauna it's amazing stuff so a cold emotion I don't do I can't do it myself so I don't tell anyone to yeah because 80% of
this population right now in the United States has metabolic syndrome 80% that means just think about it 3/4 of you in this room have a good chance that you got a fatty L that's terrible you should not have a fatty liver so fatty livers have become rare and worse worse the children 80 to 90% of them now have fatty level because they get up in the morning and the first thing you're going to give them is going to give them cereal and then you going say good boy now take some orange juice and then you're
going to pack him with another fruit to take to to to his school and all that we we destroying the kid and then you wored why the IQs are going lower and lower and lower excuse me so fatty Delver is terrible no it's because again everything we're doing to ourselves yes it and I think that your portions have to be nice and until you happy look nobody's going to eat that much so I I don't get into all that look if you like rice if you like potatoes I'm no problem with that because rice potatoes
have glucose they don't have fructose who's your real enemy is fructose so because it's mostly what is starch starch is just glucose but a whole string of them 100 pieces all stuck together H and you want to make them resistant starch that's the best way to go so that when you're nibbling at when your body is nibbling at them they don't have multiple places they can digest all at one time so the glycemic index becomes lower as well so that that's why I like resistance starches so I I'm not going to restrict that so if
you want a whole nice big siiz potato that's fine you want a bowl of rice that's fine with me so don't res and you'll know yourself you start eating resistance starches you'll notice you won't gain weight cuz remember what's also metabolism your body is that microbiome when you fix that microbiome by eating the resistance states of microbiome change guess what also changed your metabolic rate changed you're getting better bacteria your short chain fatty acids from your colon start going up short chain fatty acids are anti-inflammatory you also keep your weight down your obesogenic microbiome changes
the the ratios of all of them start changing so it's not just you see people are too monocular looking at oh yeah he's still eating that potato but it's a different kind of potato now you've got changes in your gut bacteria you will notice that you will actually lose weight you will actually lose weight okay so milk chocolate has too many too much sugar in okay so 85 or more is fantastic and what is cacao what is Cacao it's all soluble fiber so why is chocolate so helpful for you yes you got polyphenols and all
that but you know what it is it's got a lot of soluble fiber in it so I love chocolate I think it's fantastic but don't eat a whole piece just you know two two little blocks you're done you're done you're done two little blocks yeah and you don't have to have it after food you can actually have that even before your food you can have it when you come home yeah yeah if you're going to have anything sugary if you going to spoil yourself and you're going to have a dove or something like that have
it at the end after dinner okay that's the best time to have anything sugary is right after your dinner okay well thank you all very much and have a good Pleasant night thank you thank you if you liked this video here's one that I would recommend and if you want to see my latest video please click here the
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