Meet The 62 Year Old Who's Aging Backwards

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Wellness Daddy
Meet David Pascoe... A 62 year old man who has the body of a 38 year old, is aging at only 0.66 yea...
Video Transcript:
would you believe me if I told you that this man was 62 years old probably not and would you believe me if I told you that this man's body was 38 years old and would you believe me if I told you that for every year that passes he only ages 66 years this is David Pasco and he's ranked in the top 10 on something called the Rejuvenation Olympics leader board and he's cracked the code on anti-aging and unlike Brian Johnson who spends $2 million a year to get these types of results they spends amazely $30,000
a year so in this video we're going to break down the most important aspects of his routine and his lifestyle that any of us can apply to live longer to live healthier and to live better and here's the best part about his longevity lifestyle he is not calorie restricted he is not a vegan he doesn't even count his calories he is not on trt or steroids he has cheap meals he goes out with his friends he has a social life and all of this makes it much more attainable for us oh and did I mention
that he also o drinks beer and eats pizza every once in a while so first things first let's start out with his mindset I'm going to read you a quote of what David says he said I consider my body to be like a prized resourse or a cherished high-end performance vehicle I will only get this one so just like any value possession I will treat it with reverence and I will invest heavily in its appearance performance fuel care and maintenance I only wish that I knew and applied everything I know now decades ago Dave is
a big believer in this idea of what does doesn't kill you makes you stronger so in his protocol you're going to see lots of examples of how he builds resilience and his approach to horis and incorporating that in his life the overarching important takeaway from his mindset is that he takes a high degree of responsibility and invest heavily into his personal health and he doesn't Outsource this responsibility to anyone else because he reminds us that no one is going to care about your health and well-being as much as you will so lesson number one is
to take radical responsibility for your health that practically looks like is reading lots of books learning about biochemistry and Pathways and how biology Works speaking with many doctors and having long sometimes painful conversations with them listening to podcasts hiring consultants and doing everything you can to get your hands on the information that's relevant for you and that you believe is the most current upto-date and accurate information when we look at Dave's exercise protocol it is made up of these different buckets so first he does P90X and he Cycles between the strength training workouts and the
cardos and then he finds a different increment during his day where he can fit in some yoga or some Pilates make sure that he's also getting that flexibility and balance in addition to that a few times a week he also does hit training and he does this on the Carol bike in random increments throughout the day when he has a little bit of downtime he's also playing with a balance board or on the bosu ball or doing some slack lining in the backyard and that way he can continue to work on his balance as he
gets get older because that's one of the first things that goes that leads to an eventual early demise is you losing your balance tripping hurting yourself and then because of injury your Mobility starts to decrease rapidly and when you stop moving that's really when lots more issues start to show up you also does daily rebounding on a mini trampoline and I do that as well and I made a video about comparing the different brands so I'll put that somewhere up here and in the description if you want to go watch that after this video the
big thing to highlight about his exercise protocol is that he's making sure to cover all of his bases between the strength the cardio the flexibility and the balance when you're training in this way you're training all these different systems and that will lead to a long life because you need all of them to function really well one of the big hacks that I picked up doing research for this video is that he leaves stuff all around his house so it makes it easier for him to do these things throughout the day it's almost like he's
tripping over the bosu ball as he's walking through the corridor where there is a pull-up bar he's stacking all of these habits and makes it really really easy for him to just get a little bit of movement in here in this way get a little bit of balance work in this way throughout the day and it's kind of happening automatically because when you see the item in plain sight it acts as a queue and a trigger for you to engage in that activity so let's talk about his food which is probably the most interesting part
Dave's core thesis is around two ideas nutritional density and nutritional diversity so he has a combination of a Mediterranean SL paleo diet so he's a lot of greens tubers a little bit of meat some fruit seeds nuts a little bit of rice when we look at the section where we go into testing you'll see that he's very focused on making sure he's meeting all of his nutritional needs as much as he can from diet and then supplementing the rest so an example of this is he'll have a green banana in the morning why a green
banana well less sugar high and resistant starch it's really good for gut health very nutrient-dense but then he'll combine that with his Chia Nut Berry Bowl so it's basically chia seeds soaked in almond milk overnight night and then he puts every nut imaginable into this mix and he puts every seed imaginable into this mix then he puts as many spices as he can into the mix then a whole bunch of superfood powders like Maca and spirulina and nutritional yeast and random health food store stuff that you have probably seen or heard of and then a
variety of frozen berries even though there's nutritional redundancy with all the different nuts and seeds he thinks that there might be a synergistic effect cuz these are all different foods and we don't really know how they interact with each other even though there's a little bit of overlap he thinks it's actually really good in addition to that he can store this in his refrigerator for a while because the spices have antimicrobial properties so it won't go moldy or bad quickly you can actually stay made for a long time and the beauty of this recipe is
that it's never the same every time it's always a different ratio of nuts and seeds and spices and so there's always a different flavor every week that way it keeps it interesting and there's always experimentation happening and this approach of making things easy number one and number two enjoyable it bleeds through everything that Dave does and eats so that the process can be very sustainable long term and then an example of a common lunch for David would be a can of oysters muscles sardines mackerel and some frozen shrimp added to a variety of fruit and
some bone broth and an avocado the thing that sticks out to me here is that I just don't know that many people that are eating muscles and oysters and all that stuff on the regular and the reason why he chooses these types of seafood is because they're lower in Mercury so from a heavy metal perspective they're much safer and they're very nutrient-rich Dave is definitely on the early dinner train and usually eats between 3: and 600 all of his meat comes from butcher box where you can get grass-fed grass finished organic pasturised like basically all
the healthy stuff that you would want when it comes to your meat you can tell that this guy is a systems thinker because of the way that he structures his nutrition he's using the insta pot he'll throw like a chuck roast in there with some vegetables and some sweet potatoes and then he'll also use this new wave infrared oven which can cook a lot of meat in a really efficient way so you'll have that insta pot concoction you'll have a big salad and then you'll have some type of starch like different varieties of rice or
different varieties of sweet potatoes I could be wrong but I got the impression after reading his blog that he is on a lower carbohydrate diet and if he does eat carbs he's probably timing it right around exercise and modulating it based on how much movement he's doing throughout the day or at least that's what he said when he goes out he'll always aim for some type of low carb option ideally something that's not fried charred or sweet and this is the part that blew my mind because most people who are in this space would never
talk about how they eat pizza or drink a a blonde beer or something anything close to that but from what I read it seems like if he has the option to hang out with people and they want to go out to dinner he's going to actually prioritize that being with people over making sure everything's perfect and in his words he says yes I eat like a horse I always order at least two meals and will generally also help finish off whatever might be left over from my companion's plates so he is not holding back at
all when he goes out to eat he eats as much as he wants and as much as he can he highlights that the big takeaway looking at his meal plan and all the component should be wow there's actually a large variety of foods that I can eat that are both health and tasty eating healthy doesn't have to be Bland restrictive and joyless something else to highlight is that he does a lot of sprouting and he also hom grows a lot of his vegetables and herbs the major Point here is that he tries to get as
close to his food as possible and he uses this raised vegetable bed system with a timer on the water so that he doesn't even have to maintain the garden really at all it kind of self- maintains back to this idea of thinking of how can we dis matize all this stuff so it doesn't take as much time and energy to maintain next let's look at his sleep as I mentioned before he's on that early dinner train somewhere between 3 and 6:00 which is ideal that means you have at least 3 to 5 hours before you
go to bed so that the body can digest all the food that it just ate and then it can sleep really really deep throughout the night this is going to help with a lymphatic system which is the waist system in your brain that clears out while you sleep he's definitely optimizing a lot for his circadian rhythm and I've talked at nauseum about that on the channel so I'll put a playlist right here for you to go watch afterwards if you're interested in that type of content but this has a lot to do with light timing
so at a certain time in the evening he's going to put his blue lockers on lights in the house are going to shift using Philips Hue to a certain color red orange to sort of Wayan him into night mode and then all of the screens in his home are also going to change color whether it's his computer or his TV he also sleeps on an eight Sleep mattress cover which I've done a review about on the channel before which I'll put up right here if you want to go check out also that's a temperature controlled
cooling mattress topper that will self-regulate based on the temperature outside and your preferences and then it will change temperature as you wake up so it's really really good for helping you fall asleep fast and then stay asleep throughout the night and get the best highest quality sleep while you're actually sleeping so once he starts getting into his routine he's going to do something that I've never really heard of anyone else doing which is he eats two kiwis so apparently kiwis are rich in serotonin which can help regulate your sleep cycle and help produce melatonin and
so by eating kiwis it might be able to help with your sleep but then he probably takes the Ketone IQ to stabilize his blood sugar after he eats those kiwis and blood sugar has a huge impact on your sleep so hence he eats this thing that spikes his blood sugar a little bit but then he neutralizes it by taking the ketones then he does his skin care routine and then he injects some peptides and then he lays on this thing called the Beamer mat which is like a magnetism thing that I honestly don't really understand
and then he prays and reviews His blessings from the day and falls asleep as he counts His blessings the big thing to highlight here is just living a life that's consistent with the Circadian rhythm and really sticking to an evening routine that works for you next let's talk about how he approaches the environment in toxins Dave filters the air in his house using an air doctor but not just one he has eight one in every room so this man is serious about having some clean air having good air quality is one of the most impactful
things that you can do to improve your health there are so many things in our air especially inside that contribute to different types of illnesses and symptoms and by filtering the air you're getting rid of basically all that stuff that can harm you if you want to learn more about the best air purifiers I did a review of the air doctor comparing it to some other brands and I'll put it right up here and down below in the description for you to watch afterwards he also filters his water using the aquatru which is a reverse
osmosis countertop water filter and I've also done a review about that and I'll put it right here and down in the description for you to go check out afterwards but obviously at this point in time I know you know how important it is to filter your water and then if you're using an RO system like aquatru then you get to remineralize it with the right types of salt and minerals he also keeps a grounding mat under his desk in his sauna and on his bed grounding has been proven to be extremely beneficial in terms of
reducing systemic inflammation and lowering cortisol and stress and promoting better sleep but again as far as the grounding mats go there's definitely conflicting evidence to support both sides of if the mat itself can actually represent the benefits that you get going to put your feet on the ground outside Dave is definitely being very proactive with limiting his exposure to environmental toxins and chemicals if you want to learn more about non-toxic products my team and I have personally vetted hundreds of products and aggregated all that data and put it into a database that's totally free so
if you want to get access to that database just click the link down in the description next let's talk about testing and supplementation so I'm not going to go through all of Dave's supplementation protocol because he takes hundreds of supplements but what I will do is highlight the biggest themes and the thinking behind why he's doing what he's doing so Dave typically Cycles off his morning and evening supplements every single weekend not only does that make his life a lot easier if he wants to travel or go somewhere for a weekend trip but he just
believes that you shouldn't be taking everything forever you should always give your body a break and therefore you won't build up any toxicity issues his philosophy around supplementation is that he doesn't need to be militant about it he can be relaxed with it because the way that he views it is that supplementation is an added bonus that's just going to enhance his nutrition his life and his longevity but it's not a necessary thing that needs to happen so if he misses it or for whatever reason he screws up he's not going to get worked up
about it because the last thing he wants is to get stressed out about his health the second big rule when it comes to supplementation for him is all around testing so he urges everyone to really get a Baseline and do some in-depth testing to know what they deficient in and then supplement and build a protocol based on the data that you get back so I'll put up the list of tests that he does right here so if you want to take a screenshot of this or drop down some notes then you can the big thing
to highlight here is that with some of these tests he's doing them monthly with some of them he's doing quarterly and with some of them he's doing yearly good part about what he's doing is that he's getting so many pieces of data that he can really build a clear picture of what's actually going on with his health whereas most people will do like one of these tests once a year and it's just really not enough data to build an informed protocol to really know also what's working and what's not working the other thing to highlight
with his testing is that he's not just looking to get into the reference range because the reference range is basically built off of a PO population of sick people so he wants to focus on getting to the high performance athlete range which would be you know the top 10% of the population the supplements that he uses Focus mostly on hormone mitochondrial and telome support with methylation and mtor inducers in the morning and amk suin and autophagy inducers in the evenings plus brain immunity and intestinal support So In addition to all the supplements and testing he's
also included some peptides in his regimen again these peptides are specific to him based on his testing his biology and what he's currently trying to work on so let's look at what Dave is utilizing from a biohacking perspective in terms of tools so he's doing hbot or hyperbaric oxygen therapy which I've also done I did a 60 session round and I'll put the link to that video right here and down in the description for you to go watch afterwards so my experience with Hyperbaric was that it was incredibly effective after doing 20 or more sessions
if I was just doing like maintenance doing a session here and there I felt good but I really felt great when I did these longer term sessions from what I read and understand it doesn't seem like he's doing hbot all that often it seems like almost like nice to have type of thing he is doing it in a hard shell two at two atmospheres inside of a clinic which based on the research and my experience tends to be more effective than the soft shell he's also using pmf which stands for pulse electromagnetic field which is
a good recovery device so he's is using the amp coil and he's also using the Beamer mat which are both pmf technology he says that the infrared sauna is one of his favorite purchases that he's ever made in terms of investing in his health and he tries to use it almost every single day he cites Ronda Patrick's data and the research has been done in Finland as it being one of the best tools that you could use for longevity and reducing your all cause risk of mortality I've done videos about infrared saunas on my channel
as well I'll put the videos up here and down in the description if you're interested in that as well is utilizing red light therapy which I love red light therapy I'm a huge fan of it and red light therapy is really good for mitochondrial Health helps with your energy helps with recovery and inflammation and I've done a lot of videos about R light therapy so I'll put that playlist right here and down in the description as well he also uses this device called the nvi where you inhale easy water and that helps with protein folding
which basically reduces cellular damage and strengthens the body's immune defense and helps with antioxidant I don't know that much about it but seems interesting the big takeaway here with the devices is most of the technology that he's using centers around these same ideas of reducing inflammation clearing out waste and toxins and improving mitochondrial function this next one might be one of the most important aspects of Dave's longevity which is his faith Dave makes a strong case for finding a purpose outside of your work and ideally forming it around something of being in service to others
and he believes that one of the best wayes to do that is inside of your spiritual Community which for him is his church as I was reading through his stuff he mentioned that in the past he was a bit of a loner in a wall flower and it wasn't until he started going to church that he was put in a position where he had to be in service to others and therefore naturally he was interacting with a lot more people which slowly but surely brought him out of his shell and before he found the church
he had this gnawing feeling that he had a godsize hole in his life and through this community his family has become much larger than it ever was in his words he said it's all been a blessing beyond my Wildest Dream because who doesn't want to love and be loved it is now and always there will be thanks to my very large community that I will remain Forever Young if not still in body then in spirit and the big takeaway here is to find meaning in a higher power and in service to others now I know
what some of you are thinking it might be like man it's too late for me like I'm not going to be able to create these types of results because I waited to too long and it's really interesting because although Dave was trying to live a healthy life his parents got sick he was working a stressful job and he was running marathons and doing P90X and the combination of all those things actually aged him really really quickly so when he was about 50 he went and did the telr test for the first time and when he
did this test he realized that he was actually I think 13 or 15 years older than his biological age that's when he started getting serious with all this anti-aging and Longevity stuff is because he realizes he needed to make a change so all the progress that he's made has really happened in the last 12 years so from 50 to 62 he reversed his biological age a lot so now he's at 38 instead of his mid-60s which is incredible so regardless of where you're at with your health right now it's never too late to start and
Dave is a shining example of what's possible with dedication some Focus some testing and getting on the right diet lifestyle and training program over a long time Horizon and just being really really consistent with that and Dave thank you so much for being an inspiration to hundreds of thousands if not millions of people out there and when you see this video please reach out to me because I've been trying to get in touch with you and I would love to make a follow-up video so thank you so much for watching and if you like this
video I know you're going to like this video right here and I'll go see you in that next video take care be well peace
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