How To Escape Wage Slavery (Entrepreneurship Is Modern Survival)

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Dan Koe
A year ago, I watched this video: - since then, my mind has been opened...
Video Transcript:
if you clicked on this video without getting offended by the title then good job if you got offended by the title then you're you probably won't get anything from this video your mind is already made up on the subject and I won't be able to change it if you're in between where you're like hmm what does he mean by that then I feel like he'll get a lot out of this video on how to escape wage slavery and how entrepreneurship is Modern Survival now I've talked about this multiple times in the past I'm not anti-nine
to five I'm not anti-working a job I think it's very useful I think it's an absolutely incredible path to go down if you want to climb up the ranks and get a high-paying job and you love that job I don't see anything wrong with that at all right and I have the argument that I'm going to present I also worked a nine to five for a good amount of my life just putting that out here I'm providing a perspective that is rather polarizing on how to escape wage slavery and it always splits people into two
camps and you don't have to fall within either of those camps you can agree with both sides so let's just dive in you are a slave and I'm a slave and slaves don't know that they're slaves if everyone else is too because just because the slavery that everyone knows and hates of the past isn't a thing anymore doesn't mean that slavery doesn't still exist I'm talking about mental and financial slavery here slave noun a person who is forced to work for and Obey another and is considered to be their property the key word in that
definition is force and force can have many different definitions and contexts so for the sake of this video we are going to use this one force noun strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement in other words there is something that is pushing you to do one thing over another thing and the stronger that something is that is forcing you in the other direction the more of a slave you are because a slave of the past they could if they knew they were slaves it was just normal then they didn't really maybe
they were labeled as a slave but it was just thing but they could if they wanted to run away but they would be forced back because of death they would run out of shelter they would run out of food they would run out of water they were slaves not only because they were Chained and held there by force but they were also forced because it their survival depended on it so with that said survival plays a huge role in modern slavery and as we've discussed earlier human survival is not only physical the physical survival that
we experienced in the past is mostly like automated now it's a lot easier we're much more comfortable in many parts of the world but human survival is mostly conceptual humans survive form self ego or Identity or however you want to label a distinction within Consciousness so let's go over some examples the first is political ideologies if you identify as a Republican or a Democrat and your beliefs are challenged then you will feel a physical threat response because of that your survival feels threatened because you consider that idea or belief system political belief system as a
part of who you are your concept of self it's a psychic body it is not your physical body it is an idea the next example is sports teams have you ever noticed that some people get visibly angry when their sports team loses or someone says that their sports team sucks especially if they have money on the line because that's also tied to their survival and your team spirit for that team makes you feel like you are a part of something greater than yourself it is your spirituality that is a very good thing but it does
not have to hurt your mental health you can detach from it the next example is your identity are you a coffee snob are you a health expert are you just a productive person that studied like productivity tips and tricks if someone tells you to stop drinking coffee how do you feel if someone tells you that the keto diet is the best diet how do you feel do you want to educate them on what you know is best or that you have experience with the ideology that you have attached to your identity and feel the need
to survive even when you know that blanket statements don't reply to every single person on Earth across different cultures with different resources and if you're a productive person and you move to a new location how do you feel your routine just got destroyed out of nowhere you were surviving the form that is your routine through effort energy and habit you need a week or two to acclimate to the new location yeah and this is where I'm often a slave is to my routines or getting into a structure or a flow in life and then something
threatening that and me feeling not very good because of it and I sometimes choose to stay inside and do my own thing rather than go and experience something that I know would be good for me so the last example here is just religious ideologies because even if people say that they don't want to convert you to their belief system they are still going to do it unconsciously because they're conditioned to reproduce their identity reproduction is a part of survival and if we survive on the conceptual level then any form of communication is trying to reproduce
who we are with the ideas that form our concept of self that's how you create other human beings your parents did not only birth you physically but they created you mentally with the ideas that they shared and communicated to you do you start to see why I am so big on the Creator economy and understanding that is because you're creating selves you're creating selves around the world and that changes human behavior and what people do with their lives and that's what leads to evolution in a positive direction this is also why I'm very big on
education self-education skill acquisition all this it goes much much much deeper than just oh you can make ten thousand dollars a month and this is also why there are bad parts of the crater economy because mental phone slaves often end up unsuccessful because all of the ideas that they're consumed assuming creates who they are so if they're watching all of this degenerate information and memes that tell them they hate their lives and they can only afford certain foods or that oh like it's so funny I have 10 cents in my bank account I can't afford
chicken nuggets and so they think they that's the standard that they set for themselves in their in their mind for who they are because they program themselves to be that way rather than surrounding themselves with the digital people that they want to become like so with that we now need to understand how Society is a pyramid scheme of attention so if something is not given attention it does not exist and if it does not exist it must be given attention and should be able to be given attention in order to not only come to life
but to survive so if you stop paying attention to who you are and feeding those thoughts then you'd experience death ego death that's what you hear if you're familiar with spiritual teachings and meditation that's what they're saying stop giving life to the negative aspects of what you don't want to pay attention to and so this brings two realizations the first is that you are contributing to unconscious destruction because how do Mega corporations grow and Thrive they start small and they form a power hierarchy over time fewer people with more power at the top and more
people with less power at the bottom the top tier of the hierarchy which is the company itself and the executives and the board and all of that stuff they can only do what they do because a plethora of people are giving attention to the tasks visions and values from the bottom up there is a pyramid of attention going on here that allows the people at the top to not have to do or pay attention to any of the things under at least from like the detail the technical details they can pay attention to the big
picture and help manage it but at the end of the day like they're not in there doing the work and so these Mega corporations would not be able to survive if the attention that's the root of it right you could say oh they're just workers what what do you have to do first in order to work it's pay attention attention is the root of all of it so the company would collapse if there was no attention to build that company or Focus get my book Thor to focus when it comes out end of September and
so often people aren't paying attention to what they're actually paying attention to they don't see the depth behind their actions because at the bottom of the pyramid it's low skill grunt work like a cash here at McDonald's and by Nature it is impossible for every single person that is at the bottom to rise up to higher and higher levels simply because there's less people you there has to be the attention Filled from under and so this is why I see many nine to five jobs as a stepping stone to doing what you want or even
job hopping until you get to where you want and so the problem is that the people at the bottom are unconscious of what they're actually contributing to like how McDonald's workers probably don't understand or care that they are poisoning millions of people across across the country because the cashiers they probably aren't giving attention to the nutrition knowledge to educate themselves on what it actually takes to be a healthy individual and if they did have that education or health knowledge then they probably wouldn't be working at the McDonald's there they would be doing their own thing
working as a nutrition coach or working under a nutrition coach or whatever other jobs fall within the Health and Fitness domain they could go after that with the knowledge that they have because they paid attention to the things that gave them that knowledge another example is how military programmers write the code that kills millions of people on the other side of the planet or even a web designer that creates websites for a person that scams people and of course there's a quote for this where it's just forgive them for they know not what they do
so that was the first point is that you are contributing to unconscious destruction the second point is that you can bring a conscious Vision into reality the only way to escape is to build your own thing but this is increasingly difficult because most people are more than just wage slaves they're slaves to many different things in their lives whether it be addictions their phone and other things like that it's taken you 20 30 and even 40 years to dig yourself into where you are now it's going to take some time to dig you back out
so the way out is to become a value Creator which I've talked about before in the value Creator video because True Value is creative and creativity allows for change in emergence it allows for new levels of the hierarchy to be created and for you to create your own hierarchy to advance within if you don't understand this whole hierarchy thing that I'm talking about go and watch niching down is terrible advice for smart people and so if the only value that you have to provide is physical and not creative then you will get stuck in manual
labor jobs if you are not creating anything with your mind that is because that's what all the people at the top are doing they're creative and they're using the power of their mind to create things that are valuable and distribute that to other people so as we always talk about you have to push the boundaries of the unknown learn and discover new potentials along the way acquire the skills necessary to build a purposeful product solve your own problems so you create a solution of True Value and start a business as a vessel to actualize your
vision for the future I talk about this a lot in the one-person business model series so with this whole slavery thing I'm tired of both sides of the argument one side is like all nine to five workers are slaves and then the other side is like no no it's okay you're not a slave don't worry you're perfect the way you are both are wrong and both are right in some cases because when people say this online both are trying to maximize the engagement they get they don't zoom out and think if people are actually slaves
and most people don't want to face that reality a published idea without depth is a disservice to humanity so the fact of the matter is that 95 percent of nine to five workers are slaves and your feelings do not matter here if you do feel threatened by someone talking to you through a screen then maybe there is some truth to what I'm saying you would only feel threatened if your survival were at stake so look inward to see what you're hiding from because most workers are the literal definition of a slave if you cannot stop
showing up to work for your survival and have no skills to open other options immediately and you are the property or employee of a certain company that's a slave now this doesn't mean that you can't be happy everyone is a slave in one way or another and we all have waves of happiness in our life if happiness is the feeling we get when our attention is distracted from the vast unhappiness in the world then slavery may make some people happier than non-slaves because you can be happy at points in your life while being unconscious of
the problems in your life that would make you unhappy until you have to develop the skill to fix those problems to become happy again and so again I'm not here to demonize nine to five jobs I see them as a stepping stone I also see beginner level business models as a stepping stone like freelance work agents you work coaching businesses and sometimes digital products they're all a stepping stone in your life's work and they can easily enslave you not all people that do this are slaves but the people that don't pivot and evolve Beyond them
start to become slaves to them and so with this a personal brand however like a Creator the the topic of that the umbrella in my eyes is not a business model it is it is how you display your character in the digital world so that you can distribute your value through that character as if you were in the physical world your personal brand is you and you can get enslaved by the business model that you choose to operate from with that personal brand so now with that covered we need to talk about how entrepreneurship is
Modern Survival so let's take a look at this graphic and you can see here there are a few things on the top there's the unknown which is where you get good dopamine which is uncomfortable on the bottom there's the known which is just a site cycle of cheap dopamine and comfort and in the middle is where meaning and fulfillment is found that's at the edge of the known or the edge of the unknown and so the white line is represents employment the dotted line represents entrepreneurship and so you can see that with employment you get
that initial good dopamine because you're making progress but then the work starts to become more and more repetitive you know what you're doing you probably won't get promoted you don't Advance up the ladder and things just remain the same for the rest of your life and you quickly go into the known and just a cycle of cheap dopamine you become a monkey in a cubicle but with entrepreneurship you go up and down and up and down and you have much more control over the balance in your life the good dopamine to cheap dopamine and the
skill required to stay at the edge and Find meaning and fulfillment because your psyche is wired to hunt imagine our ancestors walking by a bare Bush every day it doesn't serve their future at time but one day it grows new berries somebody walks by it they notice and that novelty causes excitement they either gather the berries or remember them later so they can survive longer and so when you get stuck in a nine to five or freelance work or agency work or any of the new digital nine to fives you start to live in the
Eternal known you can't make new discoveries in the known you can't hunt you get bored depressed and see life as meaningless because the only dopamine you get is from superficial sources you never take risks push into the unknown and discover new knowledge tools and potentials that raise dopamine levels in your brain you must evolve entrepreneurship is the path of uncertainty like slashing your way through the jungle you are required to learn skills that aren't taught in schools you are required to be okay with failure rejection and slow progress you're required to learn from your mistakes
show up again tomorrow and push until you strike gold as an entrepreneur you hunt for your Survival by gathering knowledge creating a valuable product and putting it in front of people that could benefit from it and as I've discussed my path for doing this is to start a personal brand as the foundation solve your own problems in the real world which revolve around health wealth and relationships distribute your findings opinions and beliefs via writing start with a freelance or coaching service and get results sell a physical or digital product that requires less time invested once
your audience grows make a hefty income in two to four years with persistence and iteration and then finally expand your vision for the future and build whatever you want to get there which could be software spaceships whatever you want and this is the entire process that I give with templates and education inside of digital economics so now we have to talk about the balance of skill and opportunity because I'm a slave to many things in my life but I would like to believe that I've escaped wage slavery because if my business got wiped from the
face of the earth I could still create a product or service that someone else needs call email advertise and spread internet content to drive traffic to that offer make 5 to 10K a month and improve that the data I've gathered so why can I do this but most people can't it's because over the past 10 years I've learned graphic design web development digital art Photoshop illustrator copywriting psychology Marketing sales video editing audience building advertising product design course creation idea generation lifestyle design bodybuilding nutrition social media and more that most people struggle with with zero dollars
to my name I could create a product or service and sell it to someone else that I know that needs it for example I could create a service that teaches people how to build landing pages that sell so I could charge a thousand to twenty five hundred for a four called boot camp depending on how I want to structure that offer I would Target new businesses that have a full website because that isn't even close to an optimal way to sell a product or service or I would Target students who want to learn a profitable
skill outside of employment or I would Target creators that want the first step in monetizing their brand outside of platform Revenue I would spend three hours in the morning dming people and writing marketing content online and the thing is that people will read this and try to replicate it which I recommend you do but you have to understand that at this point me starting over again I have 10 years of experience I know the little nuances of all of this stuff so when you go to school your mind is narrowed on the select few skills
that will make you employable or replaceable and with every skill that I learned outside of school I can spot multiple opportunities that allow me to make an income outside of a job and this effect compounds with the skills I've developed I can create 50 different products that I know will be profitable within the first six months of my effort simply because I've invested my attention in myself so if you want to do this yourself let's go over the steps for how you're going to do that step one is drown in new information to program your
mind because most people are drowning in information that has nothing to do with their goals they don't have a vision goal or problem to interpret situations through because the chances are is that you've already read life-changing information but it didn't register in your awareness because you didn't have a goal to apply it to you could have read a book that was absolutely life-changing to another person but then you go and read it and you're like it was kind of a good book it wasn't that good and so with the goal of escaping wage slavery at
the top of your mind you can schedule a minimum of 20 minutes dedicated to consuming information that will help with that goal you can buy books use your audible credits save podcasts follow new social accounts and add new videos to your watch later on YouTube you can get out of your house have a Notes app open on your phone and write down your discoveries as you immerse yourself in the information you will feel the dopamine in your brain on the hunt for a better life now the second thing you can do is study purposeful businesses
that you aspire to build so now that you have a consumption habit of gathering good information you need a more practical goal to apply the information that you're learning so what business do you build to escape wage slavery you take mental note of the apps and activities you incorporate in your life on a daily basis you look at who you follow in the businesses they've built you buy a book or course on a specific business model that interests you you must discover a business model that you feel pulled to build one that you can become
obsessed with it doesn't really matter which one it is an emulation is what helped me build my first successful business it helped me identify blind spots before I even got to them get in the habit of studying people you want to be like downloading and purchasing everything they have to offer and making a mind map of everything they have online social media profiles websites landing pages email sequences products Services lead magnets books everything reverse engineer what allows them to be successful if you don't know what to do after that I do not know what to
tell you and step number three is to become your own dopamine dealer my friend and I were having a discussion the other day and I'll paraphrase what he said you know it's wild I remember asking you why none of your friends take action or follow in your footsteps I get it now people are dopamine junkies even businessmen the people that don't take action don't know how to replace the dopamine they are getting from their current habits with business so they either don't start or quit after a week because they couldn't get their hit and this
made me think back to realize what actually worked for me I was constantly chasing the good old dopamine but in the right direction so here's my advice hold a loose idea of what you want in life money success peace fulfillment start building something anything that will make that a reality I would of course recommend a one-person business because it is long term learn what you want to learn the most to help build it skills courses websites logos whatever so you get your dopamine hit don't be afraid to change what you're doing if you get bored
I attribute my unique success to shiny object syndrome I failed at seven different businesses and learned even more skills along the way just because they sounded interesting to me and what most don't see is that I wouldn't be here without those failures I had to become a modern renaissance man in order to make this business model work the skills I learned with each failure compounded into better opportunities my tweets wouldn't be the same without copywriting my web pages wouldn't be be the same without web design my profile picture and branding wouldn't be the same without
Photoshop art the list goes on replace the habits that keep you enslaved with habits that will break you free it won't happen immediately be okay with that if you can stay on the path you win that's it for this video I appreciate you watching digital economics if you want to productize yourself to our writer if you want to learn a valuable skill in the modern Marketplace you can find links to both of those in the description along with free tools newsletters Etc that's all I got have a good one peace
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