in today's video we're going to cover how to run Facebook ads with a small budget so what is considered a small budget with Facebook ads well it's anything between $1,000 to $3,000 per month in ads spend and yes you can get great results even on a small budget running Facebook ads so let's go ahead and break down how this campaign is structured so that way you can start generating results if you're just starting out so here we are inside of our ads manager and the very first campaign we're going to set up if you're a
business that's looking to get purchases if you're an Ecom specifically we're going to choose the sales objective now most of you might think you need to choose awareness traffic engagement or another objective other than sales but if you're looking to get purchases and that's your ultimate goal you should be optimizing for sales because awareness isn't going to cover the cost of your ads it's just going to get you exactly what you ask for and that is awareness and a lot of people believe you have to quote unquote warm up the pixel or get data before
you can optimize for purchases that couldn't be further from the truth because Facebook's algorithm gets you what you ask for so you want to optimize for sales in this case and this is going to be a conversion campaign and since you're just starting out or if you have a much lower budget typically Advantage Plus shopping is not going to make sense because you don't have enough add account data when you're starting out and we want to expedite the process so that way we can start getting results so we're going to choose manual sales campaign so
that way we can be more specific with our targeting and our first audience is going to be a broad audience which will allow Facebook to choose the audience for us and optimize we're going to turn off catalog ads because we don't need our catalog setup right now and then we're going to select next and on our adset level this is where we actually create our audience we can also name this Broad and we're going to scroll down and I'm assuming you already have set up your Facebook pixel and you're going to choose your pixel and
you're going to optimize for purchases this is so that way we can ensure that you're actually optimizing for the objective that you're looking to achieve so if you want purchases meta is going to go out and try to find people to get you purchases then we're going to scroll down here and since we're working with lower budget you can start out with anywhere between $5 to $10 daily per audience that means you're only going to be spending five bucks per day on this actual adet which is only the cost of a cup of coffee then
as we scroll down you can choose your audience location and you can click on switch to original audience if you'd like so that way you can adjust your targeting further we're going to leave this audience open for now so that way we can actually build out the rest of our adsets and right now I'm just going to go ahead and delete this first ad because we're going to come back to that later and now what we're going to do is since we have our campaign we have our audience we're going to duplicate this an additional
time and now we have our second audience which is going to be an interest let's say that we're selling pet products now we can come down here and type in pets and this will be our first interest audience and our budget will be at $5 daily for this one and we can go ahead and copy this and essentially when we have a budget working within a 3,000 month Max ad spend what we want to do is build out at least five audiences at $5 daily to start you don't need to be spending any more than
that this is a good enough budget to be able to test and actually see if you get purchases within 7 days that is a time frame we're shooting for and we're going to continue to duplicate this and come back and create the ads later so the next audience we're just going to come down here and do suggestions maybe we'll choose dogs in this case and we'll come back up and paste this audience we're just going to do this multiple times until we get a few different interests that we like so that way we can go
after these individuals now once we have our five audiences we can go ahead and create our ads and the Very first thing that you want to pay attention to when you're just starting out or starting with a low budget you don't want to test creatives that you've just come up with on your own realistically you want to model other proven formats that have already converted time and time and again so you want to leverage what's already been working out there and the best way to do that is by going to a tool that I've linked
below this video and inside of this tool you can actually find ad creatives on Facebook videos and images and discover which ones are performing best based off the length of time that they brand so for example let's say that I search up pet and I want to you know find a product that we're selling in the space maybe we're selling dog beds and I could go to dog bed and just type that in at the top here and it will literally pull up a swipe file of all the ads that have been ran that have
the keyword dog beds in them and I can see exactly what creatives are performing and the way that I know if they're working is an example here here's a dog bed maybe that's similar to the product we're selling well I can hover over this and see that it ran for 69 days most people won't run Facebook ads for more than 7 14 21 days if it's on un profitable you'd have to be a really bad media buyer to just let this spend money for you know upwards of 69 days on end so if it's been
running for a good length of time you know more than 100 days 200 days 60 plus days that usually means that the ad was working to some degree and people were scaling it up so in that case we can look at this ad and say okay hey well this one works specifically in this space and it's kind of similar to the product we're selling let's go ahead and make an ad creative that looks just like this so we have the dog bed we have a dog on top and then we have the headline we have
20day Che proof so this is the benefit this is what we call a features and benefit based ad and then we have 7 in thick Orthopedic foam we have waterproof mattress we have removable washable cover and then we have ballistic fabric now one thing I would pay attention to when looking at this well this is a good creative but we could actually make the text a little bit bigger because there's so much space here that they're actually not leveraging so here we go this is the square image they have the 9x6 and then the square
version they're 9x6 could use up more space but that's okay at the end of the day the ad did run for a good length of time on these platforms and they were optimizing for shop now as their CTA and here's their ad copy so what we could do is we could go and model this kind of creative in canva I've actually linked below 100 AD templates that you can use you can get access to this and start building out all your products inside of these templates it's literally drag and drop so that way you can
follow along but we would go ahead and model this actual creative and we would build this out in our ads manager and so we come back in here we choose one of our first audience that we created and we would go ahead and select this and hit create ad this allows us to go to the ad level to create our very first ad we don't want to just create one ad we want to create multiple so what we're going to do is first save this to our swipe file we'll go ahead and put this one
under pets and we'll save this and now we have this ad saved so we can come back to it later as you can see on this side we have pets and there's our board for that actual creative so now let's find a couple more creatives because you don't want to just run one ad you want to have multiple variations so that way you can test and see what works best and when you have a lower Budget on Facebook ads you don't want to test multiple products at once you really want to focus on your bestselling
product because we already know it's a best seller and since you have a lower budget you want to put money towards something that you already know works so that way you can get a much better return on ad spin get purchases at a lower cost and be able to scale up more effectively now if you don't know what your bestselling product is you can get a Hint by going to your competitors and seeing which ads they're running products for so you'll more than likely notice that they have one or two products that they're really putting
emphasis on and that's usually an indicator that that's their bestseller and if you have a similar product you want to start there so make sure to choose an item that is your bestseller if you have the data if you don't then go find a competitor and see what they're running so that way that can give you a better idea of what's already working and once you know what your best seller is we're going to find our next additional ads so this one ran for 10 days obviously that ad didn't work very well so they didn't
run it that long this one ran for 125 so let's continue to scroll down here and see if we can find some we can even rank this by longest running here we go this one ran for 1,000 days that's pretty crazy this is a carousel ad and they have tons of different product sizes here so this is great for all sorts of different dogs and pet sizes very simple ad with creative and that ran in 20121 and stopped in 2024 pretty crazy length of time so maybe you would save that ad and model this one
next and what you would do is you would just hit save to file and then we will continue to go down here and find another one here's a video so this one's pretty good we could watch this video and that one ran for 466 days go ahead and save this to our pet folder as well and so now that we found just a few ads that we want to leverage and we've saved them we can then go to our pets folder and here it is we can start modeling some of these ads and so what
we'll do is we'll come in here and we'll build out our first one which is our dog bed then we come down and choose single image for our first image we choose manual upload single image we drop in our product page here as our URL so you'd first paste in your website URL and then you'd hit set up creative and add your image ad and then once we add in our image we have our features and benefits which is very similar to the dog bed example we go ahead and add in our primary text which
goes above the headline so this goes above and you'll see that it arrives here this is where that text is going to go your headline is what's next to your CTA headline and then your description is below your headline and as you can see that is where that text goes so you'll go ahead and fill in your product information you'll add a headline about your product you'll typee in the product description and once you're done and you've added the shop now CTA because we want people to go to your website to shop you can then
go ahead and paste your product URL and your first ad is officially done and what you can do is you'll then hit this little button here and you can say duplicate and this going to put in the same audience and we're basically going to duplicate this 3 to four five times that way we can test different ads so each ad will have a different image a different ad copy different headlines so that way we can get the maximum number of variables to test but we don't want to do too many because you don't have a
very big budget so I would stick to no more than really three you can go up to five but you would want to start smaller because you don't have a very large budget there's only so much money that can go towards each ad to test once you built out those ads you can then come here you can then copy these by pressing command C or control C depending on which device you're on go back to your ad set and you can select the rest of your ad sets and press contrl V or command V to
paste the in now we have all of our ads inside of each of our ad sets and we're officially good to publish once you publish these will go from green to White and you know that they've been published and they're now live and we'll be spending no more than 5 105 $25 per day on ads which is well within our small budget and some things to look out for you want to let this run for at least 7 days and if you get a purchase within that time frame that's a great sign you can start
to move on to the scaling and optimization phase if you don't get any purchases then you probably need to rework your ads or offer now a lot of people might be wondering what about the learning phase well learning phase means anytime that you get anywhere between 25 to 50 purchases per week you'll exit learning and your ad account becomes a little bit more stable and there's less fluctuations now before then you're more than likely not going to hit crazy numbers with purchases on a smaller budget initially so you really don't need to worry about learning
phase trying to exit it don't worry about what meta recommends because they don't have enough data on your specific ad account to really know what to do so in that case I would just avoid worrying about the learning phase and just let your ads run so that way you can see if you get purchases and get results don't worry about running any AD to cart campaigns any you know awareness campaigns just focus on purchase conversion campaigns and looking at a tool like this where you can actually model ads that have been proven to convert this
will increase your chances of having more success with your Facebook ads now if you are looking to take your ads to the next level and you are working with a smaller budget I do have my curriculum where we actually break down Facebook ads Tik Tok ads Shopify in a module where one by one we go through each strategy showing you how to set up optimize and scale your Facebook ads if you're working with a smaller budget or even if you're looking to scale up after that smaller budget and go to 5 to 10 15K per
month that program covers it all inside of my Ecommerce accelerator so definitely be sure to check that out if you want to get access because that will show you everything you really need to know to fully set up your campaigns optimize and scale them and if you're working with a small budget I hope this video was of value to you definitely start working on these set these up get them live and let me know how your results go and what problems you're running into I would love to hear more from you and once again it's
your favorite digital marketer here Chase shavel cheers and bye all