Sister Bragged About Stealing My Boyfriend, But I Had The Perfect Revenge

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Revenge Road
Growing up as the "lesser" sister wasn't easy, especially when your sibling takes pleasure in steali...
Video Transcript:
I always knew my sister would try to ruin my life I just didn't expect her to succeed quite so spectacularly my name is Emory and I've spent 19 years being the family disappointment not because I've done anything wrong mind you my crime was simply being born second after my perfect sister Savannah Emmy honey could you help set the table mom called from the kitchen Savannah's studying for her business exam I glanced over at my sister sprawled on the couch definitely not studying as she scrolled through Instagram she caught my eye and smirked sure Mom I
replied forcing a smile just another typical Tuesday night as I laid out the plates I could hear mom gushing to Dad about Savannah's latest accomplishment making the dean's list again never mind that I'd made it too somehow that detail had gotten lost in the excitement did you see the photos from Savannah's business leadership conference mom continued she looked so professional in that Blazer already a little CEO in the making I nearly dropped a glass remembering how mom had refused to buy me a blazer for my own presentation last semester Youk hardly use it she' said
besides Savannah needs new volleyball gear hey squirt Savannah called out finally ding to acknowledge my existence Roy texted me about this amazing party this weekend you're coming right I perked up at the mention of my boyfriend he didn't tell me about any party oh she examined her Perfect manicure must have slipped his mind you know how boys are something in her tone made my stomach clench but before I could reply mom swooped in Savannah darling tell Dad about that internship offer you got I retreated to my room after dinner pulling out the secret folder hidden
under my mattress inside was my nearly completed application for the Preston Foundation scholarship a full ride to my dream School 3,000 M away from here my phone buzzed with a text from Christa how's operation Escape Plan going I smiled typing back almost done just need Prof Mitchell to review my final essay tomorrow Christa was the only one who knew about my scholarship application well her and Professor Mitchell my faculty mentor who'd been helping me prepare for months he was the first person who'd ever looked at me and seen potential instead of just Savannah's less impressive
little sister you have a brilliant mind Emory he told me after class one day don't let anyone convince you otherwise a knock at my door made me quickly shove the folder away come in dad poked his head in hey kiddo good day I Shrugged same as usual he lingered awkwardly in the doorway listen your mother and I were talking Savannah's internship is unpaid so we might need to dip into your college fund to help her with living expenses The Familiar ache bloomed in my chest but Dad that money was for I know sweetheart but this
is a huge opportunity for your sister you understand right I forced myself to nod of course I understood I always understood after he left I pulled out my phone and opened the photo gallery there was a picture from last month me and Roy at the pier his arms around me both of us laughing I zoomed in on his face studying his warm brown eyes trying to ignore the Goring doubt in my gut my sister's words echoed in my head must have slipped his mind nothing ever just slipped with Savannah every word every action was calculated
for Maximum Impact I'd learned that lesson the hard way over the years but this time would be different in my darkest moments that scholarship application was my secret weapon proof that I wasn't who they thought I was that I could be more than just Savannah's Shadow another text from Christa lit up my screen remember you're stronger than they know don't let them dim your light I touched the folder under my mattress like a Talisman soon I told myself soon they'd all see what I was capable of and maybe just maybe that knowledge would be the
sweetest revenge of all but first I had to survive whatever game Savannah was playing with Roy because if there's one thing I knew about my sister it's that she never could resist taking what was mine just to prove that she could the truth hit me like a slap to the face on a rainy Thursday afternoon I was walking to my car after my meeting with Professor Mitchell when I saw them Roy and Savannah tucked into a corner of the campus coffee shop jop his hand was on her knee she was laughing that practiced laugh of
hers the one she used when she wanted something my feet carried me through the door before my brain could catch up the little bell chimed and they both looked up Roy jerked his hand away like he'd been burned Emory his voice cracked I thought you had class office hours with Professor Mitchell I said my voice surprisingly steady working on that project I told you about remember the one you said was a waste of time Savannah's lips curved into that familiar smirk oh Emmy we were just going to tell you tell me what but I already
knew God I'd known for weeks hadn't I I just hadn't wanted to believe it Roy and I we've been spending time together she reached for his hand he let her take it though he couldn't meet my eyes these things just happen sometimes you can't help who you fall for the coffee shop suddenly felt too small too hot how long does it matter Savannah's voice dripped with fake sympathy the point is Roy and I have a real connection don't we baby Roy shifted uncomfortably Emory I'm sorry I didn't mean for save it I turned to leave
then stopped looked back at my sister you know what's funny you don't even want him you just couldn't stand that for once someone chose me first her perfect mask slipped for just a second you don't know what I want actually I do you want what you've always wanted to prove you're better than me congratulations mission accomplished I walked out into the rain ignoring Roy calling my name my phone buzzed Christa where are you she demanded when I answered I just saw your sister's Snapchat story that absolute witch coffee shop well leaving it now now I
fumbled with my car keys hands shaking want to help me commit a murder better idea come to my house mom made tamales 20 minutes later I was on Christa's bedroom floor surrounded by comfort food and tissues I should have seen it coming I said picking at a tamale the party invitation the weird texts the way she kept finding reasons to mention him none of this is your fault Christa's dark eyes flashed with anger your sister is toxic and Roy is a coward my phone buzzed again Roy calling for the third time I declined it you
know what the worst part is I said tomorrow at dinner she'll tell some Twisted version of the story that makes her the hero and they'll believe her they always do then don't give her the satisfaction Christa sat up straighter how close are you to finishing that scholarship application almost done Professor Mitchell thinks I have a real shot then focus on that let them all think whatever they want about poor pathetic Emory while they're busy underestimating you you'll be planning your Escape I pulled out my phone and opened the draft of my application essay the words
blurred through my tears but they were there my ticket out you're right I wiped my eyes I'm not letting her win not this time my phone buzzed with a text from Mom Savannah said you made a scene at the coffee shop we need to talk when you get home Christa read it over my shoulder and snorted of course she already told them want me to come with you I shook my head no I need to handle this myself when I got home they were waiting mom dad and Savannah arranged like a tribunal in the living
room your sister is very upset mom began really I laughed and it sounded strange even to my ears Savannah's upset that's rich now Emmy Dad tried to intervene these situations are complicated no they're really not I looked directly at Savannah you wanted to hurt me mission accomplished but you know what keep him keep all of it I'm done playing your games I turned and walked upstairs ignoring mom's calls to come back in my room I pulled out my scholarship folder and started typing the words flowed easier now fueled by anger and determination my phone lit
up with a text from Professor Mitchell how's that final draft coming along I smiled through my tears and replied almost ready and Professor thank you for believing in me because that's what Savannah didn't understand she could take Roy she could take my parents attention but she couldn't take this my chance at something bigger than her games bigger than all of us the next two weeks passed in a blur of late nights and coffee fueled study sessions I threw myself into finalizing my scholarship application barely leaving my room except for classes and meetings with Professor Mitchell
this is exceptional work Emory he said reviewing my final essay draft your analysis of sustainable Urban Development is graduate level quality I straightened in my chair really he nodded making a few notes in the margin the Preston Foundation would be foolish not to select you have you told your family yet no I fiddled with my pen they're distracted as if on Q my phone buzzed with a text from Mom don't forget family dinner tonight Savannah has big news Professor Mitchell caught my expression everything all right at home just the usual family drama I forced a
smile nothing I can't handle he leaned back in his chair studying me you know Emory I've taught thousands of students over the years the ones who succeed aren't always the ones with the most support they're the ones who refuse to let others Define their worth is that your way of telling me to keep my chin up that's my way of telling you that you're stronger than you realize he handed back my essay make these final revisions and submit it then start planning what you'll pack for California walking home I ran into to Christa outside our
favorite Diner perfect timing she grabbed my arm I'm buying you lunch and you're telling me everything about the scholarship over Burgers and Fries I showed her the essay this is amazing she said flipping through the pages but what about tonight's dinner are you ready for that I stole one of her fries as ready as I'll ever be Mom's been hinting all week about Savannah's wonderful surprise 20 bucks says she's going to announce she's moving in with with Roy my stomach lurched thanks for that mental image sorry she reached across the table and squeezed my hand
want me to come over after we can watch bad movies and plot your sister's downfall can't need to finish these revisions and submit everything tonight the deadline's tomorrow back home I could hear excited voices from the kitchen as I slipped upstairs mom was teaching Savannah her secret lasagna recipe the one she'd always been too busy to teach me Emmy mom called out is that you come help us prepare for dinner can't I shouted back studying I closed my door and pulled out my laptop 3 hours until dinner 3 hours to perfect every word every comma
3 hours until whatever bomb Savannah was planning to drop my phone buzzed Roy calling again I'd blocked his number after the coffee shop but he'd started using different phones I declined the call at exactly 6 mom's voice rang through the house dinner's ready I saved my final draft and took a deep breath Showtime the dining room was decorated like Christmas had come early Mom's best tablecloth the fancy wine glasses even candles finally Savannah beam from her seat next to Roy wait Roy we've been waiting for you Mom was practically vibrating with excitement M dad looked
uncomfortable as usual what's he doing here I asked my voice Flatow Emmy mom started this is a special family dinner we have an announcement Savannah Thrust out her left hand something sparkling on her ring finger Roy proposed the room spun slightly I gripped the back of my chair isn't it wonderful mom gushed and the timing is perfect Roy's family owns that apartment complex near campus so they can live there while Savannah finishes school Roy finally spoke his voice quiet Emory I know this is sudden sudden I laughed it's been what two weeks since you were
my boyfriend Emmy mom's voice sharpened don't ruin your sister's moment of course not I sat down my laptop bag heavy against my leg heaven forbid anyone ruin Savannah's moment I know this is hard Savannah said her voice dripping honey but I hope you'll be my maid of honor after all you're my only sister the room went quiet waiting for my response I looked at my sister's triumphant smile at Roy's guilty face at Mom's pleading eyes at Dad's studied neutrality my phone buzzed a text from Professor Mitchell don't forget midnight deadline you've got this I smiled
and Savannah's expression flickered with uncertainty actually I said reaching for my laptop bag I have an announcement of my own because sometimes the best revenge isn't getting even it's showing them exactly what they underestimated an announcement Savannah's smile turned brittle Emmy we kind of in the middle of celebrating oh this won't take long I pulled out my laptop hand steady despite my racing heart I just need to submit something first first now isn't the time for homework mom SED your sister just got engaged actually I opened my email clicked send on my completed application this
is perfect timing while Savannah's been busy stealing my boyfriend I've been working on something too the confirmation email pinged instantly done no taking it back now what are you talking about Savannah's voice had lost its sugary sweetness I turned my laptop around showing them the Preston foundation's web page I've been working with Professor Mitchell for months on a scholarship application full ride to Berkeley's urban planning program The Silence was deafening dad was the first to speak Berkeley in California that's right I met his eyes 3,000 M away but Mom looked confused but what about staying
local we talked about this the community college has perfectly good programs no Mom you and Savannah talked about that I had different plans Savannah laughed but it sounded forced please like you'll actually get it do you know how competitive those scholarships are very I pulled up another email the one I'd received that morning that's why Professor Mitchell had me apply early they FastTrack my application based on my research proposal what research proposal mom demanded the one I've been working on all year the one none of you asked about I turned the screen again I got
the preliminary acceptance this morning full scholarship pending final submission which I just sent Roy spoke up surprising everyone that's that's actually amazing Emory don't encourage her Savannah snapped she's just trying to steal attention from our engagement I closed my laptop funny that sounds familiar except I didn't have to steal anyone's boyfriend to do it girls dad raised his voice that's enough you're right it is enough I stood up congratulations on your engagement I'm sure you'll be very happy together now if you'll excuse me I need to call Professor Mitchell sit down mom's voice cracked like
a whip you are not moving to California actually I am I've already accepted the preliminary offer with what money said Savannah smirked your college fund went to my internship remember I know that's why I got a full scholarship tuition housing everything I shouldered my laptop bag you can't stop me this time Savannah she stood up so fast her chair toppled backward this is ridiculous Mom tell her she can't go but Mom was staring at me like she'd never seen me before all this time you were planning this someone had to believe in me I felt
tears threatening but forced them back since it clearly wasn't going to be my family my phone buzzed Christa did you submit it tell me everything Emmy please dad started let's discuss this rationally there's nothing to discuss I'm going I headed for the stairs then turned back oh and savan about being your maid of honor hard pass I made it to my room before the shout started Savannah's shrill voice carried through the floor something about me being selfish and attention seeking mom's responses were quieter but just as heated my phone rang Professor Mitchell it's done I
said answering I submitted everything excellent I could hear the smile in his voice how did your family take the news about as well as expected there's currently a nuclear meltdown happening in my dining room give them time success is the best revenge Emory and you're going to be very successful a knock at my door dad I have to go I told Professor Mitchell thank you for everything dad didn't wait for an invitation before entering he looked tired your mother is upset he said I noticed he sat on my bed shoulders slumped why didn't you tell
us would it have mattered everything's always about Savannah that's not fair isn't it I turned to face him name one thing in the past year that was about me one time you chose me first he opened his mouth then closed it exactly I wiped away a stray tear I'm going to Berkeley dad I earned this for once in my life I did something that was just for me and neither you nor mom nor Savannah gets to take that away downstairs something shattered probably one of Mom's precious wine glasses dad winced I should go deal with
that he paused at the door for what it's worth I'm proud of you Emmy but I noticed he couldn't quite meet my eyes when he said it the next morning Mom acted like nothing had happened she was making pancakes Savannah's favorite when I came downstairs Emmy perfect timing I invited Roy's parents over for dinner tonight we need to discuss wedding plans I grabbed an apple instead dead I have plans with Christa cancel them she flipped a pancake with unnecessary Force this is important family time no it's important Savannah time there's a difference the front door
opened and Savannah breeed in already dressed for success in one of her designer outfits morning family Roy's mom is so excited about dinner she's bringing their wedding planner I bit into my Apple have fun with that actually Savannah's smile turned predatory I need you here we're discussing the bridal party and since you're being difficult about being Made of Honor still a hard pass girls mom warned not this morning my phone buzzed Professor Mitchell good news committee wants to meet you today 4 p.m. I have to go I announced grabbing my keys meeting at school with
that Professor again Savannah rolled her eyes mom don't you think it's weird how much time she spends with him what's that supposed to mean I spun around nothing she examined her Perfect manicure just saying it's convenient that he's helping you so much makes you wonder what else is going on the implication hit me like a slap you disgusting Savannah mom looked shocked that's completely inappropriate is it she suddenly gets this amazing opportunity and none of of us have even met this professor I was across the room before I realized I was moving don't you dare
don't you dare try to cheapen this just because you can't stand that I achieved something without you girls mom stepped between us that's enough Savannah apologize to your sister why should I she's the one ruining everything first my engagement dinner now the wedding planning no I cut in you don't get to play victim here not after what you did with Roy Roy chose me she was practically screaming now he chose me because I'm better I've always been better the kitchen fell silent even mom looked stunned there it is I felt oddly calm the real Savannah
ladies and gentlemen my phone buzzed again Christa outside get and loser we going shopping I'm done here I headed for the door have fun with your wedding planning Emmy wait mom called after me but I was already out the door sliding into Christa's car you look like you need coffee she said pulling away from the curb and possibly bail money just drive at our favorite coffee shop not the one where I'd caught Roy and Savannah Christa listened as I recounted the morning's events she said what about Professor Mitchell Christa's face darkened that's low even for
her she's desperate I stirred my latte she can't stand that I'm leaving that I'm doing something she can't control or overshadow speaking of which Christa grinned check your email I pulled out my phone there it was official confirmation of my meeting with the scholarship committee they fast-tracked everything after Professor Mitchell submitted his recommendation I said scanning the email they want to meet the promising young urban planning scholar in person see while your sister's planning her rushed Revenge wedding you're planning your future Christa raised her cup to my phone lit up with texts from Mom please
come home we need to talk about this your sister is upset The Wedding Planner needs your measurements I turned my phone off want to help me pick out an outfit for the committee meeting I asked Christa something that says future urban planning genius who's definitely not sleeping with her Professor girl you know I do she stood up letun make you look so professional that even Savannah can't find anything to criticize 3 hours later I had a new blazer purchased with my own money from my part-time job and it was time to meet the committee Professor
Mitchell was waiting outside the conference room ready I smooth my blazer as I'll ever be remember you earned this everything in that application is your work your ideas your talent he smiled they're going to love you I thought of Savannah at home probably trying on wedding dresses and playing the perfect daughter for once I didn't feel jealous or angry or hurt I felt free letun do this I said and opened the door to my future the scholarship committee meeting went better than I could have imagined by the time I got home clutching my official acceptance
letter the house was was full of wedding planning chaos there she is Roy's mother exclaimed as I walked in we were just talking about bridesmaid dresses I took in the scene fabric swatches everywhere wedding magazines spread across every surface mom and Savannah huddled with an elegant woman who must be the wedding planner Roy sat awkwardly on the couch looking like he'd rather be anywhere else actually I held up my letter I have news Emmy mom's voice held a warning not now yes now I stepped into the center of the room I just met with the
Preston Foundation committee I got the scholarship full ride starting next semester The Wedding Planner looked confused oh how lovely will you be able to attend classes between wedding duties I'll be in California I said clearly Berkeley specifically Roy's mother gasped Berkeley that's wonderful Roy applied there for undergrad but didn't get in Savannah's head snapped up mother we're discussing my wedding of course dear but this is exciting news a full scholarship to Berkeley it's not that impressive Savannah cut in they probably needed to fill a quota or something the room went silent even the wedding planner
looked uncomfortable actually I pulled out the committee's detailed acceptance letter they were particularly impressed by my research proposal on sustainable Urban Development in lowincome communities would you like to hear what they said Savannah she stood up face flushed this is my wedding planning session my day why do you always have to always have to what I interrupted achieve something have goals that don't revolve around you girls dad warned from his Corner no let her finish I turned to face my sister fully tell everyone how it bothers you that for once just once the spotlight isn't
on you you're just jealous because Roy chose me Savannah's voice Rose hysterically because he saw what everyone sees that you're nothing but a pale imitation of me Roy stood up Suddenly Savannah stop what she Whirled on him this is this is wrong he looked at me all of it I never should have Roy Savannah's voice turned sugary sweet darling you're upset Em's obviously trying to manipulate like you manipulated me he stepped away from her you spent months telling me how Emory was using me how she was seeing other guys how she laughed about me behind
my back but she wasn't was she that was all you The Wedding Planner began quietly Gathering her things I think Roy's mother said stiffly we should continue this another time no Savannah grabbed Roy's arm tell them you love me tell them how happy we are he gently but firmly removed her hand I don't even know who you are anymore as Roy and his mother left the silence in the room was deafening The Wedding Planner made a hasty exit leaving just our family well mom said shakily I'm sure once everyone calms down are you serious I
stared at her after what just happened that's what you have to say your sister is upset I'm upset I slammed my acceptance letter down on the coffee table I've been upset for years but nobody ever noticed because poor perfect Savannah needed all the attention that's not true dad started really I turned to him then why did my college fund go to her unpaid internship why does Mom still have the receipt for Savannah's prom dress but couldn't be bothered to come to my honors ceremony why does everything always always have to be about her Savannah had
sunk onto the couch mascara running down her face for the first time in my life she looked small I worked for this I said picking up my acceptance letter I earned this and I'm going whether you support me or not Emmy mom reached for me but I stepped back I'm going to Christa's I need some air I headed for the door then turned back oh and Savannah I hope you find whatever it is looking for because it was never about Roy was it it was about making sure I couldn't have anything that was just mine
as I walked out I heard her start to cry real tears this time not the fake ones she was so good at but for once I didn't feel guilty my phone buzzed Christa how' It Go I texted back nuclear explosion coming over bring ice cream because sometimes the truth hurts but hiding from it hurts more and I was done hiding I spent 3 days at Christa's before Mom's text became impossible to ignore please come home we need to talk walking into our house felt like entering a war zone wedding magazines still littered every surface but
they were wrinkled now some torn like someone had thrown them in Anger Emmy mom appeared from the kitchen looking exhausted thank God we've been so worried I told you I was at Christa's Savannah's locked herself in her room mom continued as if I hadn't spoken she won't eat won't talk to anyone Roy isn't answering her calls that's not my problem she's your sister is she I dropped my bag on the floor because from where I'm standing she's been more like my Tormentor dad emerged from his study Emmy please she's hurting and I wasn't when she
deliberately went after my boyfriend when she tried to ruin my scholarship by implying I was sleeping with my professor I didn't mean it we all turned Savannah stood at the top of the stairs looking nothing like her usual perfect self her hair was unwashed her eyes puffy from crying of course you meant it I said you meant everything you've ever done to hurt me she came down slowly like each step was painful I just I couldn't stand it couldn't stand what that you were leaving her voice cracked that you had this whole plan this whole
future that didn't include me that I couldn't control do you even hear yourself I stepped closer control that's what this has always been about hasn't it controlling me controlling how everyone sees me girls mom tried to intervene no let her answer I insisted why Savannah why wasn't it enough to be the favorite why did you have to take everything because I'm nothing without it she screamed then covered her mouth like she was shocked by her own words the room went silent what are you talking about dad asked quietly Savannah sank onto the bottom step everyone
loves the perfect daughter right the pretty one the successful one but what happens when it's not enough anymore when your little sister is smarter more driven more real that's ridiculous I started but she cut me off is it you got into Berkeley on your own Merit everything I have everything I am is because Mom and Dad gave it to me even Roy I only went after him because I couldn't stand that he chose you first mom made a choked sound that's messed up I said flatly I know Savannah looked up mascara streaking down her cheeks
I know it is but I don't know how to be anything else anymore more so get therapy I suggested but stop using me as your emotional punching bag Emmy mom sounded scandalized no she's right Savannah wiped her eyes I need help I've needed help for a long time Dad sat down heavily in his armchair why didn't you tell us you were feeling this way because you both made it so easy Savannah's laugh was bitter every time I acted out you enabled me every time I hurt Emmy you made excuses I could do no wrong and
it made everything worse mom started crying dad looked like someone had punched him well I picked up my bag this has been enlightening but I have apartment listings to look at for Berkeley Emmy wait Savannah stood up I know I don't deserve it but I'm sorry for everything for Roy for the professor thing for for all of it I studied her face the genuine pain there the fear the desperation you're right I said finally you don't deserve forgiveness not yet but maybe maybe someday I'll do better she whispered I promise don't promise me prove it
get help figure out who you are without comparing yourself to me and maybe when I come home for Christmas break we can talk mom stepped forward Emmy about Burk I'm going I said firmly that's not up for discussion I know she took a shaky breath I was going to say wek help you move in if you want Dad nodded we should have supported you from the start we we failed you both in different ways I looked at my family really looked at them mom's tired face dad's guilty eyes Savannah's broken expression we were all damaged
all hurting in our our own ways okay I said finally but things have to change all of us Savannah nodded wiping fresh tears they will my phone buzzed Professor Mitchell checking in about housing options I have to go I said I have a meeting about student housing as I walked out I heard Savannah ask Mom about therapy recommendations it wasn't forgiveness not yet but maybe it was a start moving day arrived with a mix of nervous energy and cautious hope my small collection of boxes looked almost pitiful next to the mountain of dorm supplies mom
had insisted on buying you don't have to help I told her as she folded another blanket Christa and I can handle it I want to she smoothed the fabric with shaking hands Emmy I've been thinking about what you said about always choosing Savannah mom we don't have to yes we do she set down the blanket I was so focused on making Savannah feel special that I forgot you needed that too I'm sorry a knock at my door interrupted us Savannah stood there looking uncertain can I come in I nodded she'd started therapy 2 weeks ago
and while it wasn't magical fix something had shifted between us I have something for you she held out a small package for your dorm room inside was was a framed photo not of our family but of me and Christa at graduation both of us laughing at something off camera I noticed you don't have many photos of yourself Savannah said quietly because I was always anyway Christa helped me find this one you look happy real thank you I managed Roy called yesterday she added he wanted to know if you'd changed your number what did you tell
him that he lost the right to know anything about you when he chose to be part of my game she Twisted her hands together I told him to leave us both alone mom looked between us Tears In Her Eyes don't cry mom I said I'm only moving to California not Mars I know I know she wiped her eyes it's just my girls are growing up a car horn honked outside Christa and dad with the rental truck ready Christa bounded up the stairs oh family moment I can come back no stay I grabbed her hand your
family too we formed a strange Convoy heading west dad and mom in their car Christ and me in the rental truck my entire life packed between us at the California state line we stopped at a rest area Professor Mitchell had texted my research Grant proposal was approved I'd be starting work as soon as classes began I'm proud of you Dad said reading the text over my shoulder I should have said that more thanks Dad Savannah called as we neared Berkeley did you get there yet almost nervous shouldn't I be asking you that she paused my
therapist thinks I should take a break from dating focus on figuring out who I am without without using other people as mirrors that sounds smart yeah another pause hey Emmy I know I don't deserve it but maybe we could video chat sometimes not a lot just I'd like to hear about your classes if you want to tell me I watch the Berkeley campus appear on the horizon maybe let's start slow my dorm room was small but bright with a view of the bay as we unpacked mom kept finding excuses to rearrange things to stay just
a little longer mom I finally said I'll be okay she pulled me into a fierce hug I know you will you always have been strong dad added like your mother Christa was the last to leave after helping me arrange my desk just right sure you don'tk want me to stay she asked I could defer for a semester no way NYU is waiting for you I hugged her tight besides Christmas break isn't that far away after everyone left I sat at my desk and opened my laptop the Preston Foundation website was still bookmarked the scholarship that
had changed everything my phone buzzed with a group text from Mom room looks beautiful call when you're settled then Savannah found my old notes from freshman year they're yours if you want them probably terrible advice though and Christa missing you already NYU won't know what hit it finally Professor Mitchell ready to change the world I looked around my new room at the photo Savannah had given me at the City Light starting to twinkle outside my window for the first time in my life I was exactly where I was supposed to be I texted back ready
because sometimes the best revenge isn't about getting even sometimes it's about getting free free to be yourself free to make mistakes free to forgive not because someone deserves it but because you deserve peace I opened my course schedule and started reading tomorrow my real life would begin and I was ready for every single page of it
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