Hey, what's up? Today I brought a recipe for you who will love, is a detox juice that will help you unbutton, decrease the belly, lose measurements if you get more swollen, sometimes with cellulite, fat located. Swollen or bloated, because the men get bloated sometimes, too.
If you have trouble evacuating, prison That juice will help you with all this. beyond all that, he is a delight, the taste is very good, so it's super easy for you to incorporate into your routine. Stay with me until the end, that you won't want miss First of all, if you're new, welcome to join the channel and activate the Little bell, here's new video every day and you're not going want to lose.
If you know someone who is in the struggle to lose weight to fat-reducing swelling located, cellulite. Share this video and let's expand our well, that's what I want most here with channel. I promised the juice was wonderful, delicious, all the best so let's go start by talking about the ingredient more delicious pineapple I'll put it here, the pineapple over there if it's super rich in vitamins C, in fiber, have bromelin too.
Then he'll help a lot in intestinal transit and goes also help in the production of collagen and elastin in your body, has a video in channel talking about collagen and elastin, I'm gonna leave it down here if you want to know more on that. Second ingredient is flaxseed. I I'm using the golden linseed here you can use any flaxseed you have on your home without a problem.
Always remembering that the linseed is super rich in fiber, super rich in omega 3 precursors then it really is a very interesting to improve the good intestinal function, doing with that you expel the feces that sometimes they stand still, leaving the belly more protruding the proper functioning and those omega-3 precursors make it easier to you stay in one phase of your system, fat burning plus optimized, because the type of fat that the people consume, it will make us get more or less inflamed favoring the loss, the burning of fat and omega-3 helps in this regard I got the ginger here too, the ginger and if you don't like it too precise put all that on, because I love ginger, I think it goes super well with pineapple and it's also a powerful anti inflammatory too, source of fiber a great addition. The ginger is also on my food list more thermogenic that helps speed up the metabolism, make you burn more calories at rest. I'm gonna leave that link below in the description plus several others that I have here talking about slimming, diet, metabolism and recipes you're sure to love.
Still on that line to unbutton enough I have the parsley, the parsley really is a powerful agent to help you to eliminate the excess sodium, eliminate the excess liquid and with it we decreases the appearance of cellulite, that orange-peel appearance, then no stop putting the parsley. And here I have the cabbage. Are you realizing that my cabbage was frozen.
He usually bought the cabbage and sanitized it, cut and put into packages and freezing in the freezer because that makes it easier to people have access at all times because sometimes sanitizing takes a while, so it makes everyday life easier. If you want to replace the cabbage, I also have a video here talk about main interesting ingredients for a juice detox that I put back down here if you want to use as an alternative but cabbage doesn't twist its nose, it doesn't get ugly face because the cabbage doesn't taste like and you won't leave the bad taste in your juice mainly because it has pineapple, it has ginger and it's gonna get super hot let's put the water in here to beat that juice, if you don't have this one of mine juice blender, vitamin, it's okay, it does in yours what you have right at home and let's go ready people the smell stays dazzlingly good indeed does in your house, no need to sweeten, many people ask me Patricia Do I need to put brown sugar, demerara sugar, xylitol that I put in? I have here on the channel a video talking more about the different types of sugars and sweeteners for you to choose according to your philosophy, I particularly think you don't have to sweeten it because the pineapple is already super ripe, super sweet, but if it's highly indispensable to you, watch the videos to choose from now you're ahead of the brown sugar, demerara, they all have calories too okay?
Then they'll add more carbohydrate and more calories to your juice if you want to add a form of sweetening your juice without adding calorie you can leave for stervia, for xylitol, for erythritol, some other source of non-caloric sweetener. Tell me here below then if you're going to do exactly so if you're gonna sweeten, if you're gonna use some substitutes for those I told you I'm finally gonna love reading your comment here. If you know someone who needs this Juice, share this video, let's go together to extend this chain of good is that's what I really want most here with channel, also enjoy the video this me helps a lot.
Sign up for the active channel little bell we have new video here everybody the days, with those wonderful recipes, super nutritious, cheap, healthy and also with several legal nutrition tips, health and fitness, you won't want lose. See you next time. Bye!