e e see your hands lay down on the ground on the ground now stay right there stay on the ground keep your hands where they're at come secure this guy hey get this guy right here hands up see your hands lay down on the ground on the ground now stay right there stay on the ground keep your hands where they're at come secure this guy hey get this guy right here hands up hands up now with him right there with him I'm cuff him cuff him you shots fired you see anything is he moving at
all his eyes are open shot no shot shot you're here hey get your hands out of the car yes we got one's in custody one's in custody right now the other 's in the car yep hands straight up up you get your hands up out of the car get your hands up hands up hands up we're going to get you help you got to get your hands up yeah get out of the car and we'll get you help we can't do that until you get out we see that you don't have your gun anymore go
we need to see you out we need to get you help 57 get Rescue staged PR's already been paced suspect's still in the back seat of the vehicle he can't see the gun he is speaking with us saying his arms broke hands off in the air no on hisp it's on his lap in the air you have eyes your hands up I've got his face that's it your hands up you have eyes on him yes all right you are taking lead got when you see your hands man one Cy and then we got one in
the car that's been shot we're trying to get we want to get some help to you but we got to see your hands you got to get out of this vehicle so we can help you out of the vehicle you have to do it you have to do it you some help we will help you roll yourself out of the vehicle on your belly right now drop ever in your hands right now I'm telling you man come on Roll yourself out on the ground and we will help you you roll your out of the vehicle
onto the ground now we can't help you unless you do that okay command units are headed north all of them if you sit there you will bleed out and die if you roll out give you medical help right now down not dyoll yourself out we can help you okay come on like we want to help you we want to help [Music] you roll yourself out that's all you can do right now then roll out we'll help you this is not the way to go this is not the way to go R yourself out on the
ground we'll help you do it now do it now this is it you got to do this now only one choice up will help you we'll get you medical help we got an ambulance right here come on roll out drop drop that in your head drop now drop it back with traffic and I have aose your handic come on man one choice come out and lay down the ground and drop us your hand that's it come on you to surv this we going help you come on drop the gun the gun down drop it yes
now got gun in hand you see the gun G in here I can see his left hand I can't see his right hand but I think he has his hand right now I don't know for sure but I think so drop it down now guns on the ground let's go we need to see your hands you need to get your hands up it's on the ground it's on the ground it's on the ground yes I see do not move do not move can't see his right hand what I can't see his right hand with the
go to the ground do not move do not move or you will get shot you will get shot my hands empty my hand my hand empty hand is heeding kick it kick oh my arm my arm all right send medical where's he bleeding from everywhere yeah ah oh my God got one leg wound there's a bullet right there fell out of his shirt I stopped bullet you need gloves I'm going to get my shot at I can't tell I mean a bullet bullet fell blood anywhere hey man's a little bit back here where's medical they
were staging everybody inside ow please not that harm okay I'm trying I got to check your wounds