15 Weird Dog Behaviors Explained

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Doggy Drifts
Learn why dogs do these quirky things and how to understand your furry friend better! Hope you enjoy...
Video Transcript:
any dog owner can confirm that dogs do some very strange things amidst the everyday behaviors like digging yawning and giving kisses our furry friends sometimes do things that we just don't understand in today's video we're going to unravel the Mysteries Behind these weird dog behaviors and give you some insights into why they do what they do let's get started tail chasing it's not uncommon to see dogs chasing their tails you may even see a dog doing it over and over again in a circle sometimes when dogs are chasing their tails they're simply having fun they're
learning about their bodies and seeing what they can do but there are other reasons why your dog might be chasing its tail it could be a way to entertain themselves when they're bored or not getting enough exercise sometimes tail chasing helps dogs cope with anxiety or stress they might also do it to get your attention especially if you react strongly or Laugh In some cases tail chasing can indicate medical issues like fleas allergies or infections if you're dog's tail chasing is occasional and not disruptive it's usually nothing to worry about however if it becomes excessive
or obsessive it's important to consult your veterinarian licking your face have you ever wondered why your dog loves licking your face contrary to popular belief dogs don't usually lick other dogs faces just humans this Behavior has roots in their early puppyhood when they were puppies they licked their mother's face as a greeting and to get regurgitated food by licking your face face your dog is showing trust and affection seeing you as their caretaker additionally licking helps them gather information about you like what you've eaten using their Keen sense of smell and taste this instinctive behavior
is inherited from their ancestors as a form of survival kicking after pooping while it might look like they're trying to cover up their mess dogs kick their feet after pooping to release pheromones from their scent glands marking their territory and communicating with other dogs this Behavior is a way for them to send a message to other dogs about their presence and dominance in the area they're actually spreading their scent further to ensure it's noticed eating grass dogs eat grass for various reasons including boredom digestive Aid or simply because they like the taste sometimes eating grass
can help them induce vomiting to clear their stomach it might also be a way for them to get some extra fiber in their diet while it can seem strange this behavior is generally harmless however if your dog eats grass excessively and frequently vomits it's a good idea to consult your veterinarian sleeping on your clothes dogs sleep on their owner's clothes or bed to feel closer to them due to their scent to your dog you smell like safety comfort and love all rolled into one in moments when you're not around surrounding themselves with your scent can
help reduce their anxiety and make them feel closer to you dogs laying in your laundry is also a sign of their territorial Behavior by mixing their scent with yours they're marking their territory in the most adorable way possible digging dogs dig for various reasons including burying items cooling off nesting instincts alleviating boredom or just for fun sometimes they dig to hide their favorite toys or bones keeping them safe for later on hot days digging can help them create a cool spot to lie down pregnant dogs might dig as a nesting instinct to prepare a safe
place for their puppies often dogs dig simply to relieve boredom or because they enjoy it stretching when you return when you come home from work or school and your dog greets you with a stretch it means they are saying hello to you contrary to what most people believe your dog didn't just wake up from a short nap or decide to do some puppy yoga this stretching is their way of warming up their muscles and getting ready for the excitement of seeing you it's a sign of their happiness and anticipation for the fun and interaction that's
about to come next time your puppy greets you with a stretch it would be great to give them a little p or a greeting to Bringing gifts when your dog brings you a gift whether it's their favorite toy a shoe or even a dirty sock they're telling you something very special they love you and trust you dogs are often quite possessive of their things so if they decide to share something with you it's a clear sign of their affection and trust it may be their way of inviting you to play getting your attention or simply
showing pride in their treasure remember whatever they bring from a toy to an intimate piece of clothing they do it because they see you as an important member of their family head tilting dogs tilt their heads to better hear or see something or to show curiosity this adorable Behavior helps them make sense of sounds and facial expressions by tilting their heads dogs can adjust their ear position to pinpoint the source of a sound more accurately it also allows them to get a better view of our facial expressions helping them understand what we're communicating so when
your dog tilts their head they're trying to gather as much information as possible to understand their surroundings and your emotions better walking in circles before pooping this behavior is believed to be an instinctual way for dogs to survey the area for predators and to align themselves with the Earth's magnetic field by walking in circles dogs ensure the area is safe and clear of threats before they become vulnerable additionally aligning with the Earth's magnetic field might help them choose the best spot to do their business run around crazily it's likely you're well versed in the sudden
bursts of energy that have our dogs spinning like tornadoes and doing laps around the coffee table like it's an Olympic track known as zumies these periods usually display a sudden bursts of energy where your dog may run around in circles usually with their back end tucked in chase their tail and do laps of the house Andor Garden zumies are generally caused by a buildup of excess energy which is then released in one short burst don't worry though it's a completely natural behavior it's most common in puppies and generally occurs less Les and less as they
get older dog Zoomies commonly occur just before bed after a bath or after eating typically dog Zoomies won't last very long and will be over almost as soon as they began and your dog will plunk themselves down for a much needed rest yawning dogs yawn not just from tiredness but as a form of communication they might yawn to express anxiety signal that they are not a threat or to curb their enthusiasm yawning can also occur in response to stress or excitement like anticipating a walk so the next time you see your dog yawning remember it
might be their way of telling you how they feel or what's going on around them spinning before lying down spinning before lying down is an instinctual Behavior past down from their wild ancestors who did this to flatten the grass and create a comfortable sleeping area this ritual helps them ensure the spot is safe and comfortable before settling down so when your dog spins around before finally lying down they're just following an age-old instinct to make their resting place just right scooting scooting is often a sign of discomfort usually due to anal gland issues parasites or
irritation when dogs drag their bottoms on the floor it's their way of trying to relieve the itch or pain this behavior Can indicate that their anal glands are full or infected or that they have worms or other irritants if you notice your dog scooting frequently it's important to consult your veterinarian to address the underlying cause and provide relief for your furry friend licking other dogs ears licking other dogs ears can be a grooming Behavior a way to show affection or a method to get information about the other dog's health and Status by licking another dog's
ears they are helping to keep them clean and free from debris or infections this Behavior also strengthens their bond and shows a level of trust and Care additionally dogs can gather important information about the health and well-being of the other dog through scent and taste here at our video for today we hope you enjoyed learning about these weird and wonderful dog behaviors understanding why our furry friends do what they do helps us appreciate them even more and take better care of their needs if you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up and
subscribe to our channel for more thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
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