5 TRUE Disturbing Home Alone Horror Stories

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In today's episode, we will share a few true creepy Home Alone horror stories. A Female and her ex-...
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[Music] [Music] several years ago I used to live with my ex-boyfriend we had just moved into a two-bedroom house and started making it feel like home we turned the back bedroom into an office since the house had only one bathroom and you could only get to it by going through that bedroom and we often had friends crashing on our sofa and we didn't like the idea of them needing to walk into our bedroom to get to the bathroom at night it felt awkward and a bit too personal so we'd been living in the house for
about a month when this incident happened my ex was out with his work friends leaving me home alone for the evening the house was quiet and I was settling in for a typical night by myself I spent the early evening watching TV and eating takeout occasionally I heard odd sounds such as creeks and bumps but whenever I tried to focus on them to figure out what they were the sounds would stop as it got later I decided to go upstairs to use the computer for a bit before going going to bed at the time our
phone line still wasn't set up and I was using a pay as you go phone that had run out of credit so I couldn't call anyone or get in touch with anyone while I was alone in the house that night I was sitting in the back bedroom with only a small table lamp on that cast a faint glow making the room quite dim I was focused on typing away on my laptop when I suddenly heard those strange noises again at first I heard a faint rattling noise that was so soft I had to really concentrate
to tell if I was hearing it for real or if it was just my imagination so I turned off my music to listen more carefully and tried to figure out what it was then I went into our bedroom and looked out the front door but there was no one outside I then went back to the back bedroom and peered out the the window but the view was too dark to see anything clearly we had a small yard with a high brick wall and a solid wooden gate and there was no light back there from what
little I could see there was nothing outside I sat back down and turned the music on again about 10 minutes later I heard a creepy screeching sound like metal rubbing on metal it was very faint as if whatever was making it was trying hard to to be quiet now I was feeling pretty scared at this point so I went into our bedroom to grab a heavy iron Rod we had previously found in the back of the closet I didn't turn on any lights as I wasn't sure what was going on and didn't want to alert
any possible Intruder to my location inside the house I carefully went back into the office bedroom closed the door quietly and locked it I also put a chair under the door handle to make sure it stayed shut for about 20 minutes nothing else happened I started to feel a bit silly for getting so worked up thinking it was just because it was my first night alone in the house but this time I didn't turn the music back on it was a good thing I didn't turn the music back on as I started hearing whispers like
two people talking Softly and both voices were male they didn't seem to be coming from inside the house I had left the office bedroom window slightly open and it sounded like The Whispers were coming from outside I went into the bathroom to see if I could get a better view of the alley behind the house the office bedroom and the bathroom made an l-shape around the yard with the bathroom room sticking out farther I climbed up onto the ledge and carefully opened the bathroom window to try and see into the alley I couldn't see anything
but the whispering grew louder and seemed to be coming from right behind my gate I couldn't hear entire sentences but I caught enough to Guess that these men had seen us move in and noticed we had a lot of valuable stuff like guitars computers my DSLR camera and TV I figured they knew somehow that I was alone and were waiting for me to fall asleep so they could break into the house I stayed in that position for what felt like forever until a huge thud echoed up to me now they had stopped trying to be
quiet and were now banging on my gate trying to break it down I saw the gate shutter and shake with each hit and I could only imagine how strong these men must be now I'm a small female and I was terrified watching my gate struggle under the pressure I sat there holding the iron Rod trying to think of a place where I could hide from them suddenly a bright light Blinded Me I panicked and hid thinking they were shining a flashlight at the back of the house but then I heard barking and shouting when I
looked at out again I saw that the house across the alley from us had turned on a flood light I heard grumbling and cursing and then I heard two sets of footsteps running down the alley I stayed locked in that back bedroom until my ex-boyfriend came stumbling in around 4:00 a.m. I didn't sleep at all that night and when I went into the yard in the morning I saw that my gate was hanging by just one hinge making it easy to get through from the alley when I looked at the back of the gate I
saw that the keyhole was scratched up as if someone had tried to force it open if the house across the alley hadn't turned on their light I shudder to think what might have [Music] happened this took place more than 20 years ago but I still remember it clearly my son was born early at 32 weeks we were fortunate because he didn't have many problems and we were able to bring him home a month later he needed oxygen and caffeine for his slow heartbeat but after we got home strange things started happening our cat wouldn't go
into his room even though before he was born I was always taking the cat out of there our dog would sit at the bottom of the stairs and tilt his head like he was listening to something sometimes while I was changing my son's diaper I would start talking thinking his dad had come into the room but when I turned around I realized I was alone A friend gave my son a peek-a-boo Big Bird toy that would say peekaboo when you covered and uncovered its eyes the toy would go off by itself all the time even
after I put it in a box in the closet I often felt like I wasn't alone in the house my parents had given us a baby monitor called Angel care as a gift now the monitor had a pad that we put under the mattress and it would set off an alarm if it didn't feel any movement after a certain time since our son was very small only 5 lbs when he came home now the alarm would often go off and I would wake up go into his room to turn off the alarm and check on
him he was always fine I never thought the alarm was going off for any reason other than my son being so tiny that the pad couldn't detect his breathing during this time I often had dreams about a woman in his room I never saw her clearly just the shadow of a woman with long hair standing and reaching into his crib I don't remember exactly how long my son had been home but it was at least a month he was still on oxygen and taking caffeine in our bedroom our bed was to the left of the
door then one night I was asleep and woke up because someone was shaking me roughly on the side of the bed near the door I woke up and look at my husband asking him why he was shaking me only to realize was completely asleep and on the wrong side of the bed to have done it I quickly got up and ran to my son's room I turned on the light something I had never done before and heard a gasp coming from the crib sometimes when babies suddenly stop breathing you just need to startle them to
make them start again I really believe that my son had stopped breathing and turning on the light made him breathe again after that the strange dreams like the pets acting weird and the toy going off by itself kept happening until my son no longer needed oxygen and caffeine and then it stopped the pets stopped acting weird and the Big Bird toy never went off by itself again I truly believe that someone came home with him to keep him safe from my dreams I felt it was a young woman maybe in her 20s and Indigenous since
I'm Canadian I'll always be grateful for her watching over him and shaking me awake that night so I could startle my son into breathing [Music] again I didn't realize how serious this was until I got older my mom left me and my brother Home Alone one afternoon my brother was around 12 or 13 and I was 9 years old I was watching him play Xbox in our living room he had his headset on and was talking to his friends then there was a knock on the door in our carport I ran to answer the door
without checking first it was a grown man I had never seen before the only thing between us was the screen door which wasn't locked he asked are your parents home I felt scared right away it was strange that he was knocking on the carport door strangers usually knock on the front door plus our carport was empty and we only had one car and my mom had taken it so this man already knew that my parents weren't home I felt afraid though I didn't know why my brother who was in the other room came to my
mind right away I've never had a father figure but my brother has always been the one who made me feel safe the strongest person in the whole world someone who could protect me no matter what with wide eyes I managed to stutter no but my uh big brother is here without missing a beat the man reached for the screen door and started to open it but just then as if by some miracle an arm reached out from behind me over my shoulder and grabbed the door my brother pushed past me holding the door and forcing
the man back with his presence he stepped out into the carport and closed the door behind him then the man told my brother he was interested in buying an old swing set we had in our front yard my brother said he was not interested in selling it then he came back inside without saying a word to me put his headset back on and continued playing I sat down and kept watching him the memory mostly faded away but as I got older I realized it was one of the scariest things that ever happened to me it's
creepy not because of what actually happened but because of what could have happened it's unsettling to think about how unaware we were I like to imagine the man was just planning to lock me in a room Rob the house and [Music] leave this weird incident took place last year when my friend and I had just started working on our film project and we were looking for places to shoot the film so we drove to a swinging bridge about an hour away from our hometown it was a typical old bridge not very stable about 400 ft
long and 60 ft above the water this bridge was only for walking no running or biking allowed it was next to another Bridge meant for cars my friend and I took a few pictures of the bridge before we walked to the other side where there were train tracks and a neighborhood about halfway across the bridge we heard shouting coming from the car Bridge we look over and saw a woman standing there waving her arms as if she was trying to get our attention she called out a name but neither of those names was ours so
we told her we're not them thinking that would be the end of it but the woman didn't move or respond she just kept staring at us looking more and more concerned we tried to ignore it but then the woman started running full speed across the bridge in the same direction we were going it was strange but we just laughed and kept going when we reached the other side of the bridge we started filming near the train tracks I know it's unsafe but it was a usual crossing point for the Bridge Trail while we were filming
a scene I heard a familiar voice yelling from behind me it was the same woman shouting the same thing she was standing on top of a hill in the neighborhood across the tracks again we yelled back that we didn't know her and weren't who she thought we were but this time the woman started running towards us now we were scared because we didn't understand why she needed to get to us so badly my friend and I quickly grabbed our stuff and headed back to The Swinging Bridge even though we knew we weren't supposed to run
we walked as fast as we could making the bridge sway it felt like our instinct to either fight or run was taking over by the time we were halfway across the bridge the woman had caught up to the start of it she was still yelling but now her voice was angry I turned around to see how far away she was and I saw she had stopped at the start of the bridge I also noticed she was holding something behind her back even though she had stopped running after us we kept running across the bridge when
we reached the other side we looked back and saw the woman still standing there messing with something in her hands my friend pulled out her phone and started recording her as soon as the woman saw this she turned around and walked away we never found out why she chased us or what she was holding in her hand sometimes I wonder if she needed help it's strange that even after we told her several times we weren't the people she was looking for she still followed us about a week after this happened I had trouble sleeping because
I couldn't stop thinking about what she might have wanted to do with us [Music] this took place a couple of years ago when I was living with my brother in an apartment we were renting together it was February and the rent was due by the 5th we didn't want to risk being late so my brother and I went to the bank to withdraw the money the winter air was Crisp And as we walked home I couldn't help but notice how empty the neighborhood felt that day then when we got home I left the apartment and
went down to the rental office to pay I got the receipt and everything but as I was leaving and heading back to my apartment that's when the trouble started as I was heading back I look across the street and saw a tall skinny man with his pants hanging low on his waist he was walking ahead I just glanced at him like how you might look at someone when you're walking and see them across the street however as soon as the guy saw me glance at him he started screaming at me angrily hey nobody's talking to
you nobody's thinking about you man I was really surprised and shocked not wanting to give him attention I pretended I didn't hear him and kept walking not looking in his direction as I kept walking back to my apartment the man started shouting more and seemed really angry then he began to cross the street toward where I was heading instead of coming straight at me he crossed the street and sat down on the steps of an apartment building that was up ahead on my path I could see him watching me from there which made me feel
even more uneasy he did this so I would have to walk past him to get to my apartment he just sat there waiting for me to pass by he was completely silent but it felt like he might start yelling or attacking at any moment which made me very nervous my heart was racing and I couldn't stop thinking about what might happen would he try to attack me when I walk past him or would he follow me into my apartment then I remember the back entrance so I decided to go around to the back of the
building and use that entrance to get to my apartment then I told my brother what happened and we both agreed we should call the police right away so that's what we did we called the police and it took about 7 minutes for them to arrive while we were waiting I looked out the window from my top floor and saw the guy walking around the area he looked very suspicious and kept looking back to see if anyone was watching him eventually the police showed up I told them what happened and gave them a description of the
guy the police agreed to do a quick check of the area but they couldn't find the guy they said they would keep an eye out but nothing happened after that now I don't know who the man was but all I know is that if my apartment didn't have a back entrance things could have turned out much worse [Music]
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