There is no past, and the future doesn't exist. The past is just memories that you imagine in the now moment, and the future is just mostly faulty predictions of your mind, based on the biased past memories that you think you remember correctly and objectively. This took me ten years to understand.
What I am about to tell you now, I know that it might not sound like much, but I am not that old, so all I have is about ten years' worth of wisdom and life experience to give you. But hold on, as what you might hear here may not sit right with what you have been told. I am expecting this video to branch out of my regular audience and seep into an audience who is completely or mostly unfamiliar with what I share on my channel.
Here it goes: Time doesn't exist; entropy does, because we are spiritual beings playing a temporary role-playing game of humanity. You are eternal, but you have forgotten this. Reality is not an actual reality based on what are called natural laws; it is a perceived reality—a reality that is being projected out of the collective consciousness of mankind.
What you perceive, and how you perceive it, alters your future. Now hold on; don't turn off the video yet. What I am sharing with you is my experience, as I am far more in control of my life—or rather my mind—since I have come to know these unusual things.
What I am sharing here has directly improved my life drastically. This reality is a perceived reality, meaning it is observer-dependent. Now modern alternative YouTubers and researchers are even calling it a simulation simply because of the fact that a normal natural world wouldn't be observer-dependent and should be completely independent and somewhat arbitrary.
That is, there are no real control mechanisms attached to it, and it shouldn't adhere to our mental projections at all. But that is not the case. There is something called the Law of Assumption, taught by the 19th-century mystic Neville Goddard, that I talk about extensively on my channel, simply because it is the single most important discovery of my life.
It states that an assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact. Now, this is an introductory video in which I am laying out all that I have discovered in the last ten or so years. I can't possibly go in-depth, so just absorb what I am sharing, and whatever sticks, find more videos about it on my channel.
So, what you assume to the point of conviction or no doubt tends to appear in your world; what you expect from life, life will give it to you. Now, I am not talking about wishful thinking, dreaming, and hoping. I am talking about convictions or core beliefs of a person.
If you are a person who thinks that they always attract deadbeats or bad people, and you expect to have more of it deep inside, you will keep on repeating the cycle. Reality acts like a mirror; it reflects back at you your innermost, deep self-concept that you have accepted to be true for you. Something along the lines of: "I can never pay my bills," "I can never seem to have enough money to live a good life," "I have always been sick; that is just who I am," "I am just a weak person," "I am just a tiny human in a hostile world.
" Now examine yourself earnestly and honestly. Sit down and be honest with yourself, and see what you discover. What you discover, tally it with your life, and you will be astonished at the accuracy with which your life reflects what you truly believe in.
If you give an external God power over your life, you will see unpredictability in the acceptance of your prayers, because that is what you are expecting: you are expecting an external judgment or grant. But just like I shared the Law of Assumption, there is one more tenet of my channel that I extensively talk about, which is the Hermetic philosophy, which states that the All—a term for God—is mind; the universe is mental. The reason I am particularly fond of this interpretation is because it exactly sums up who we are, where we are, and what we are doing.
I assure you, every single esoteric teaching rabbit hole that you will dive into, and even from a scientific vantage point, you will come across the same truth: there is a self-organizing and aware mind out of which all that is comes forth. The ancients called it a mind that is dreaming. The word "dream" is important because dreams are malleable, not factual and concrete.
Our night dreams alter in the blink of an eye, but this dream is being dreamed by the one superconsciousness, out of which all that exists is borrowing its life. And the All is dreaming infinite dreams, said the Hermetic sage, because the All is infinite, so its creation or dreams are infinite. This is why this Hermetic teaching has a legitimate explanation of parallel realities as well.
Bear in mind one of the oldest teachings of the world—the Vedic teachings regarded this world as Maya, roughly translated as an illusion or dream stuff. This place is a dream; only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief—Rumi.
So, the All is dreaming, and its dreams appear to be much more solid than our night dreams, as God is eternal with perfect focus. But if you apply the Law of Assumption in your life with dedication for a mere month, I am convinced that every single one of you will see at least one manifestation in your life that will be so out of the. .
. Ordinary that you will begin to see the dream for what it is. Your life will break out of its usual pattern if you are curious to learn more about the Law of Assumption; just study the author Neville Goddard.
Moving on, what you assume will happen in your personal reality and what the collective is duped into believing about this reality becomes real here in this dream. This is why the news is mostly fake and the propaganda is so real and so vast. Now you know why they lie so blatantly, but you—you are a veteran.
This is not your first life; you have done this before. As this is a game, the goal of this game is to wake up to your real self, which, if you have not yet guessed, is the essence of the All, or God in you. Your consciousness is one with the one superconsciousness of the All; there is no separation.
Realizing this makes it easy to believe in miracles and extreme shifts in your reality because you, on your own, do nothing. It is an illusion of the ego; all work is done by the infinite within you, but you direct it via your assumptions—what it should manifest in your life as you have been blessed with the Law of Freedom of Choice. And remember, I said that time is an illusion; past and future are imaginary.
All that exists is the now moment, so waste no time in the regret of the past and fear not your future, as what you assume right now is the only thing that matters. If you assume or affirm that you are earning a lavish, steady, dependable income doing something you love with ease, if you repeat these words every morning and night for the rest of your life, you will begin to brainwash yourself, and it will seep into your subconscious mind, and it will become your reality. Why do you think you are bombarded with so much advertising and everybody is trying to capture your attention?
They know the value of repetition. This is why the politicians so shamelessly repeat their lies, because if repeated enough, the unsuspecting populace begins to believe it, and it becomes part of this reality. But don't worry about politics and this world; it is all a stage play to make this dream more engaging and immersive.
If you are one of those people who believes in saving this world, perish the thought; you will only lose yourself in this drama. This dream is built this way to get you to lose yourself. If you play video games, you already know the best games are the ones that are the most immersive—that get you on the edge.
Well, it's the same thing, only 5,000 times more immersive and real. Death is a transition; it is not the end, as most religions have you brainwashed into believing. As I told you, this is not your first time here, especially if you are watching this video.
Most people will be turned off immediately by what I am saying. Anyway, the goal of this game is to realize that you are dreaming, that this is a game, and that you are eternal and one with the source of everything, and you have great power in this world. Once you realize this, you have finished this game.
I do not know what will be next, but you won't be coming back here if you do not wish to. Religions are one of the methods this dream uses to capture souls in this plane so that people do not realize that God lives within each and every one of us. Politics, race, creed, greed, legacy, nationalism, sex, identity are all methods of keeping you here.
But don't be mistaken; this is not a punishment. Do you play video games as punishment? You play games to enjoy a thrill you cannot have in real life.
Well, it is the same. I do not believe in the soul trap or this being a prison planet, as the All is infinite and unconditional love; it simply cannot be otherwise, because this world is utterly beautiful and we enjoy too much freedom in so many ways, which would be impossible as a malevolent Creator would not allow it. Satan, or true opposition to God, doesn't exist.
The seeming opposition is being allowed to make the dream interesting and challenging. There can only be one Creator. Satan is a convenient invention of the religionist to capture your attention and build their empires and for humanity to offload its own wickedness onto a malevolent being.
Furthermore, if you have not noticed yet, religion is a big business here. But this reality is perception-based. If someone believes in Satan, he may encounter him.
If enough people worship or believe in a being, it will have an impact on their lives. I have studied countless near-death experiences and I have noticed a pattern: if you believe in Jesus, he will come to greet you at the moment of death. Likewise, Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna, and so on.
If you are really fearful of the demons, hell, and the likes of Satan, he will come to shock you. But the hell experience is temporary to shock you out of your beliefs. This is why in this reality, whatever religion or ideology you believe in, you will see more proof of it.
Everything here is designed to capture your attention and lock you in so that you are distracted away from the main quest: realizing who you really are and what is going on. The demon hunter finds demons; the Christian finds Christ signs everywhere; the Muslim sees Muhammad in his dreams; the superstitious man sees a black cat and encounters an unfortunate event during the day and blames it on the cat. The Buddhist gets healed on the temple at the top of the.
. . Mountain and calls it the Miracles of Buddha, and on and on it goes ad infinitum.
This reality is a perception-based reality, and Dr Joseph Murphy highlights it in his book, The Power of the Subconscious Mind. A Muslim gets healing from his Imam or holy place, a Christian gets healed from the holy water, a Hindu gets healed by visiting the shrine of Krishna. But the question is: Who is really doing the healing, as all of them believe in a different deity?
The answer is their belief or assumption and the notion that they will be healed the moment they go to their certain holy place. Their belief is doing the healing, as it all makes true whatever you truly believe in. In your world, do you see?
It is all mental. The universe is mental; your experience is mental, and you are infinitely powerful. Time is irrelevant to the being that you really are, but to this human experience, time has some relevance.
However, we give way too much power to the past and future, and we discount the only moment that is real: the now moment. We let the world color our perception, and we live an unwanted life that is being fed to us. The government is irrelevant; Trump or Cala won't save you.
You will save yourself; you have the infinite within you. You do not need these actors or anybody else. The outer world, for the most part, is irrelevant.
It becomes relevant when you participate in it and pin all your hopes and dreams on it. If you start making moves based on what you see in the world rather than what your intuition or inner being says, then you will be a slave to the forever-changing cloud show of this world. Choose your experience by refining your assumptions.
Do your own thinking by deciding what is best for you, and assume that you have it. Allow no one to tell you that you can't have it. Better yet, do not share your goals with anyone, and what you are doing within yourself.
Define your chief goals, write them down on a piece of paper, read them frequently, and see the magic happen. Most of all, let go of fear. The nightmare that you feel to be so real is of your own creation.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you, and hell is not a place but a state of mind.