Every Superman in Multiverse Arrives to Save Dying Superman from Darkseid's Wrath

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NASA Astronauts encounter a deadly meteorite, crashing into Space Shuttle 911 killing entire crew an...
Video Transcript:
it all begins with an attempt to abduct the mayor by The intergang Who are armed with apocalypse technology they're confronted by the Metropolis Police Department unfortunately the police officers with their regular weapons are no match to the intergang with all their apocalypse technology the intergang members toy with the officers in their cars for fun the chief of police arrives with his second in command the thugs just flip their car over and laugh at them when the police chief shoots again at them the interg leader Manheim orders his associate to kill the chief and his assistant
just then the Man of Steel Superman arrives at the ongoing crime scene all the plans made by the intergang are foiled by Superman he just takes them down one by one as if they are just toys made for a toddler he gets hold of Manheim at last and throws him onto a building Superman rips his suit apart and scares the living daylight out of him the mayor is grateful towards Superman and so he should be Superman's great fan bibo Bowski greets him and takes a picture for his new barbecue joint afterwards Superman calls in Flash
to help with the cleanup much to the dismay of flash later cyborg arrives as well he inspects the motherboard and other Tech by intergang and decides to dive deep into it Superman and the Justice League send the recovered devices from the crime scene to STAR labs for analysis meanwhile wherever the Man of Steel goes he receives huge appreciation and cheers from the crowd Superman is adored like a hero much more than your ordinary celebrity soon after in an interview with the daily planet's number one reporter Lois Lane Superman presents the rocket that brought him to
Earth from Krypton and its birthing Matrix containing Kryptonian DNA technology to the world Superman shows the Kryptonian generations and even his parents through a hologram message he then takes Lois Lane to her office at the Daily Planet in His Arms by flying over the Metropolis much to the Delight of Miss Lane Lois is in a relationship with fellow reporter Clark Kent who unknowingly to her is Superman's Alter Ego although she denies any involvement with Clark to her friends he reluctance to reveal his past makes Lois reconsider their relationship Silas Stone and Dr John Henry irons
father of cyborg determine intergang's devices contain both apocalyptan and Earth elements leaving only one Suspect with the means to synthesize these Technologies Lex Luther Silas stone is Overjoyed to meet his hero Superman personally at the lab an enraged Superman confronts Lex Luther who is confined to house arrest and Lex Luther thoroughly denies any involvement Superman leaves after issuing a strong warning on Luther Lois Lane is chatting with her coworker and news anchor and she brings the topic about Clark Kent the tall shy handsome some young man she warns about Clerk's defensive attitude and Lois is
concerned meanwhile Superman admirer Captain Hank Henshaw leads a team of astronauts aboard the space shuttle Excalibur Captain is partnered by his beloved wife and an experienced crew when a boom tube sends a meteorite hurdling towards the shuttle they hurry back into the shuttle and try to boost away for safety at the same time Lex Luther returns to Lex Corp from a secret night out and reaches his research lab to observe the commotion at the Space Shuttle unfortunately the shuttle is hit by the debris and the asteroid and as Henshaw waits for Superman's rescue the shuttle
is destroyed leaving henshaw's body unaccounted for and killing his fellow astronauts hey what are you it's okay Terry you can always count on Superman the meteorite crashes to the Atlantic ocean floor monitored by Luther's underground research facility meanwhile Wonder Woman is battling several villains including the cheetah and Superman shows up to help her much to his annoyance Wonder Woman calls him Clark as he calls her Diana they defeat the enemies as it is revealed to be their training center she reminds him that hiding his true self from Lois Lane will not do any good to
their relationship just like their relationship once was Lex Luther sends a deepsea exploration team to the crash site the head operator of the diving submarine is somewhat of a Harry Potter lookalike nice or creepy well it's all up to you soon they encounter the atlantans and both groups are Disturbed when they hear a thundering noise coming deep within the seabed the atlanteans inspected first and all of them are devoured in a bloody massacre soon after the Lex Corp submarine and all of its technicians are destroyed by a monstrous humanoid that emerges from the wreckage although
the monster destroys his submarine Luthor is amused at the thought of destroying Superman once and for all with the use of this new alien creature the Justice League is discussing their annual budget in funds with Batman stepping up to cover the budget arrogantly with the Wayne Foundation as always flash makes a joke at Batman going for a PTA meeting and later regrets it flash then announces that he is getting married and somehow this strikes Superman a massive blood everyone gathers around the flash to discuss the celebrations while Superman sits alone thinking long and hard about
Lois Lane his true love Lois Lane meets with Clark's parents for the first time and they tell her a number of stories from his past this makes Clark really uncomfortable and Lois enjoys the moment thoroughly soon she decides to take a walk to her place since she is feeling distant from Clark with all his mysteriousness aquam man and his guards discover the bodies of their fallen friends Aquaman follows the trail of the monster and reaches the coastline he informs cyborg about the new information as well out in the wilderness a grizzly bear is devouring a
campsite a boy is hiding behind a tree with a knife and the girl is hiding in the tent just when the bear tries getting inside the tent it is pulled away and Torn to Pieces by the monster who then kills the girl as well Lois Lane runs into a nervous Clark Kent who invites her for lunch much to her surprise he is contacted by Diana who informs him about the chaos at the coastline and He suggests calling him only if the league really needs him seems like a big lunch for the Superman guys the monster
has arrived at the nearby coastal town and running a rampage killing police officers and civilians fortunately the Justice League arrives at the scene with hawman attacking the monster sending it hurling down the monster stands back and knocks the Hawkman out only to be saved by the Lantern Green Lantern is pissed and attacks the monster with his power ring with success at first but is taken down quickly and saved by flash seconds before being crushed by the monster flash is brutally injured and then comes Batman's Turn The Dark Knight makes sure the monster is running around
chasing him at every corner and manages to break his armor as the monster heads for Metropolis Batman notes that their last hope is the Man of Steel meanwhile Clark and Lois meet for lunch at a restaurant owned by Superman fan bibo Bowski where Clark finally reveals himself as Superman to a shocked Lois Lane she laughs at Clark at first but soon comes to her senses and works everything out the two resolve their differences and Clark receives the Justice League distress call as Lois Lane runs out of the restaurant she sees her boyfriend flying to save
the people from a monster every girl's dream right cyborg is ripped apart Aquaman gets hurled away and somehow Martian manhunter's telepathy reveals the creature to be a living weapon designed to annihilate entire civilizations he gets thrown onto the petrol pumps and gets burned bad only Batman is standing still but not for long it seems Diana the Wonder Woman is ready once again to engage the monstrosity she jumps onto its path and challenges the Mindless creature but even Hera her sword is not able to penetrate the creature and she is nearly killed Superman arrives just in
time to save Wonder Woman from the rampaging creature Diana makes Superman promise her that he will end the monster once and for all go like the wind Superman go like a thousand lightning bolts our hero Lois Lane reporting live by a helicopter with her cameraman Jimmy Olsen dubs the monster as doomsday all over the country people are watching the live telecast and Superman's good friend bibo leads the cheers for him meanwhile Lex Luther is getting ready for something special on his own the fight takes on to the bridge among all the civilians Superman tries his
best to evade any more damage but doomsday is only about destruction Superman binds the monster onto the iron poles of the bridge but it breaks them away as Superman shifts his Focus to save a little boy from The collapsing Bridge Lois and Jimmy are worried and even Clark's parents cannot watch the fight anymore doomsday throws Superman onto the chopper and it starts swirling out of control luckily the Man of Steel once again comes to her rescue at the very last minute and Lois is grateful for it doomsday is not done yet with Superman as it
hunts him down once again Superman kicks it into space and chases after after it Superman is unable to withstand the Ferocious attack by the monster and is hit hard while plummeting to Earth a battles suit clad Luther joins the fight against doomsday aiming to become metropolis' true savior but he's incapacitated and saved by Superman at the end much to his annoyance finally the monster knocks out Superman with his bare hands realizing the toll the battle has taken on Superman Lois attempts to sacrifice herself to Doomsday to force Clark into using lethal Force as the Beast
prepares to kill Lois Superman hurls himself at doomsday he breaks the villain's neck but is fatally stabbed at that moment and dies in Lois's arms surrounded by his friends not like this Superman not like this Jimmy broadcast Superman's death across the globe as the world Mourns they hold aate Funeral For the Fallen Man of Steel Green Lantern ignites the lamp and enlightens the golden statue of Superman after everything the Kent welcome Lois into their family with open arms and saddened Hearts Superman's dear friend bibo prays for his lost friend and cries alone at the harbor
later on Lois is consoled by her friend at the office out of the blue Jimmy runs in with some unbelievable news Jimmy brings Lois to Super man's Mausoleum where they find his coffin open and witness a figure resembling Superman staring at the golden statue and flying away at Star Labs an exonerated Luther tries to gain custody of Doomsday's corpse for project Cadmus before Superman's rocket self starts and flies off to their utter surprise at the very end after everything is at an end we are given hope as numerous failed Superman clones are destroyed at Cadmus
the Soul surviving prototype Escapes in his Workshop Dr irons forges Superman's symbol onto a suit of armor a superman-like figure watches as Superman's rocket buries itself under the North Pole and terraforms into the Fortress of Solitude lastly high above the earth a cyborg resembling Superman arrives so the real question is did Superman really die let us see what really happened 6 months following Superman's death after defeating doomsday and saving the Earth along with the members of the Justice League four new versions of the hero appear Super Boy steel The Eradicator and Cyborg Superman meanwhile in
a daily planet interview Gordon Godfrey condemns the action of the new Superman and calls for the citizens to stand up for themselves Lois Lane still reeling from Clark's death breaks down seeing the pictures in the last note from him fortunately Clark's parents visit to check on her they share their loss with each other Lois Lane decides to meet up with Diana to share her saddened thoughts Lois and Diana become good friends and they even share an ice cream and enjoy each other's company Lex Luther holds a press conference at Lex Corp introducing Super Boy as
the true Superman Lois attends the conference along with Dr iron and sneaks inside one of the labs inside Lex Corp she flirts with the head scientist Donovan and learns that super boy is a clone of Superman suddenly the conference is attacked by The Eradicator who seeks to eradicate luor super boy fights with a Eradicator and tries to stop him still another Superman tries to stop him only to be defeated by the timely arrival of the Cyborg Superman who fights and drives away The Eradicator after a fierce battle many see him as the real Superman which
angers Lex Luther meanwhile at the North Pole in the Fortress of Solitude the real Superman is being treated by aliens with ion radiation while they observe everything happening around the world Lois writes an exposed article revealing Superboy to be a clone and asking if all of the Superman are fakes this leads to a meeting between her and Cyborg Superman telling him she knows he isn't the Superman she knew and loved but Cyborg Superman gets honest with her and tells her about their plan to keep Law and Order throughout the world thereafter the papers show the
heroics by all the Supermen apart from Superboy who does only the showoff and no real work Lex Luther now Angry that super boy wasn't declared as the true Superman forces Superboy to be the security detail for the president of the United States Super Boy soon buttheads with the Justice League to provide special security to the president as they arrive to launch the new Justice League Watchtower all of a sudden a boom tube opens in the sky and a number of parad demons appear to terrorize the event Justice League goes to defend against the new enemy
while super boy tries to fight the demons on his own the super boy is defeated easily but the Justice League hold their own while Cyborg Superman saves the president and the first lady the boom tube collapses and Falls onto the Justice League appearing to have killed all of them much to the great dismay of the citizens with Cyborg Superman declared the real Superman Luther angrily reveals Superboy to be a clone of both Superman and Luther himself on second thought deciding against destroying the only viable Superman clone Luther instead unleashes the remaining failed clones to kill
Donovan his main scientist while Cyborg Superman visits the grave of Terry Henshaw he gets a sudden message from Dark Side to begin their plans Lois Lane learns about the visit from the gatekeeper she then meets with steel also known as Dr iron who is surprised at first to know he has been discovered by Lois both of them come to the conclusion that it has to be Hank Henshaw the missing astronaut from Excalibur to be the Cyborg Superman in his felicitation ceremony Cyborg Superman announces to the world his plans for creating the Cyber core composed of
regular people that he grants superpowers volunteers come forth and soon experience new power like never before Lois recognizes the technology as apocalyptan and suspects Luther's involvement as he has stolen the technology before steel confronts intergang Luther's buyers of the tech only to discover that they have been attacked by The Eradicator steel follows the weapon signal to the Fortress of Solitude while Lois breaks into Luther's Penthouse and meets Super Boy Who reveals he knew Luther had previously intended to kill him which is shaken his allegiance to his so-called father in The Fortress of Solitude steel and
The Eradicator fight while Lois and super boy and later Luther get a video call from the fight accidentally dialed by Steel Lois discovers The Eradicator is technology that protects kryptonians and realizes that the real Superman is inside the Fortress somehow the real Superman is revived and stops the fight at the same time Lois and Luther see a broadcast from inside cyborg Superman's mind revealing dark side and his plans to invade and that he orchestrated the deaths of both Superman and the Justice League in response to the failure of his previous attempt Lois and Luther form
a plan just as Superman steel and super boy head to Metropolis to save the city and its people Cyborg Superman Begins The Invasion at the order of dark side using the Cyber core to open a giant boom tube over Metropolis Lois Lane heads inside the Watchtower and reveals to Cyborg Superman that she knows who he really is the Cyborg Superman who is really the astronaut Hank Henshaw threatens Lois Lane and proceeds to murder her for Revenge at that very moment Watchtower reveals the real Superman heading towards them enraged by his presence Henshaw betrays dark side
and closes the boom tube stopping the invasion so he can personally kill Superman he orders the drones to attack Metropolis just as Superman arrives in his spaceship crushing the cyborg Lois and Clark finally reunite and share in Emotion moment the Cyborg Superman attacks Clark again and he locks up Lois in order to deal with her later the battle is one-sided as Superman's not yet at full strength and Cyborg Superman reveals he blames Superman for not being there to save him and his wife from the Excalibur space shuttle disaster Luther uses the mother box to free
the Justice League who were actually imprisoned in another dimension to help steel and super boy defeat the Drone Cyborg Superman launches the Watchtower into orbit to prevent the league from aiding Lois and Superman with Superman nearly defeated a bruised and battered Lois opens the Watchtower window shutters so the sun's yellow Rays shine on Superman bringing him back to full power Superman defeats Henshaw with help from his Wild Card The Eradicator in the form of one of the fortress's crystals which injects The Eradicator program into henshaw's brain and destroys him from within with Cyborg Superman dead
the battle ends when the drones are deactivated although all of the people who were turned into drones die in the process the real Superman shares an emotional kiss with his lover Lois Lane Weeks Later Clark Kent is revealed to be alive and the real Superman donning a new suit is welcomed back to the world with open arms Clark and Lois go on their unfinished date and have a moment for themselves when he is summoned to the Justice League just like the last time finally the league meet up at the Watchtower and agree to end the
war with dark side by going to apocalypse Luther enters the Watchtower inviting himself to the fight thank you for watching second look like comment share and subscribe for more awesome videos have a nice day [Music] he
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