When God Wants You With Someone, This Will Happen | C.S Lewis Sermons

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C.S. Lewis Sermons
C.S. Lewis Inspired: When God Wants You With Someone, This Will Happen | C.S Lewis Sermons C.S. Le...
Video Transcript:
Children of the almighty God picture a stream flowing effortlessly through a valley its path clear and its purpose undeniable when God orchestrates a relationship it feels much like that stream natural purposeful and lifegiving yet have you ever wondered how to discern whether a connection is truly Guided by his hand the Bible reminds us in Proverbs 35-6 trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He Shall direct thy paths this assurance invites us to seek his wisdom and peace as markers of relationships
that glorify him God often speaks through prayers signs and the gentle alignment of lives offering Clarity to those who trust him CS Lewis wisely observed that when we lose one blessing another is often most unexpectedly given in its place as we journey together let us uncover the ways God Reveals His will for relationships ensuring they align with his purpose and bring Harmony to our lives picture two horses hitched to a carriage if one horse pulls forward with strength and purpose while the other lags behind or veers to the side the carriage sways struggles or halts
altogether in the same way relationships Thrive when both individuals move in harmony Guided by a shared faith and purpose have you pondered how alignment in values and spirituality strengthens the Journey of life together the Bible emphasizes this principle in 2 Corinthians 6:14 be ye not unequally yolked together with unbelievers for what Fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with Darkness a relationship where faith and values are misaligned is like a divided team it struggles to find direction and unity shared faith is not merely a preference it is the foundation upon which trust
mutual respect and spiritual growth are built being equally yolked goes beyond attending church or identifying with a faith label it means pursuing Christ together together in daily life aligning your actions prayers and decisions with his word CS Lewis wisely noted that to love you as I should I must worship God as Creator this profound truth reminds us that our ability to love others flows from our shared Devotion to him when faith is at the center of a relationship decisions are made with Clarity and peace imagine imagine two Riders on the same path their Reigns Guided
by the same Master they encourage each other to stay on course avoiding distractions or detours without this Unity One Rider May stray leaving the other to choose between following the wrong path or abandoning the partnership this principle applies not only to romantic relationships but also to friendships and Partnerships surrounding yourself with those who share your values creates an environment of accountability and encouragement Proverbs 27:17 beautifully illustrates this iron sharpeneth iron so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend walking with like-minded Believers strengthens your faith and refines your character it is important to remember that
being equally yolked does not mean finding someone perfect none of us have fully arrived in our spiritual journey but a shared commitment to grow in Christ provides the stability needed for lasting relationships how might aligning your life with someone who shares your faith change the way you face challenges together when relationships lack this Foundation they often lead to strain confusion and a divided purpose living in Christ requires surrendering not only our desires but also our relationships to his wisdom Romans 12 2 reminds us be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind relationships built on his truth transform our hearts and Inspire those around us to seek him as well reflecting on the necessity of shared Faith brings us to another essential component of Godly relationships the willing to sacrifice personal desires for the sake of love and spiritual growth true love is like a flame it requires fuel to burn brightly and that fuel often comes in the form of sacrifice in relationships grounded in faith sacrifice is not loss but an act of love that deepens the bond and glorifies God have you ever considered how
the sacrifices you make in relationships ref ref Christ's love for us the Bible sets the ultimate example of sacrifice through Christ's work on the cross John 15:13 reminds us greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends While most relationships don't demand such an extreme act they do require the daily laying down of selfish desires bad habits or influences that hinder growth and unity sacrifice becomes a reflection of divine Love In Action sacrifice in relationships often means prioritizing the needs of others over personal Comfort CS Lewis insightfully
noted that love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained this perspective shifts our Focus from short-term gratification to long-term spiritual growth both for ourselves and those we care about letting go of harmful influences is one of the most significant sacrifices a person can make for a Godly relationship whether it's distancing from toxic friendships relinquishing unhealthy habits or changing unhelpful behaviors these sacrifices serve as a testament to the value placed on the relationship Hebrews 121 encourages us let us lay aside every
weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us sacrifices also create room for Mutual growth and Harmony imagine a gardener pruning a tree carefully removing what hinders its growth to allow sunlight to reach its core similarly removing personal preferences or distractions that conflict with your partners or friends well-being can lead to Str stronger healthier connections how might this pruning process strengthen your relationships and your faith however it is crucial to balance sacrifice with discernment sacrifice does not mean losing your identity or
enduring harm for the sake of a relationship instead it means offering what strengthens both individuals while honoring God's purpose Philippians 23:4 advises let nothing be done through Strife or vain Glory but in loneliness of Mind Let each esteem other better than themselves look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others sacrificial love often involves patience and forgiveness particularly During trials when faced with misunderstandings or conflict choosing to extend Grace rather than holding on to resentment reflects Christ's example Colossians 3:13 calls us to forgive one another If any
man have a quarrel against any even as Christ forgave you so also do ye these moments of sacrifice allow God's love to shine through our actions as we reflect on the sacrifices required for Godly relationships we are reminded that Love's strength is often tested during trials it is in facing challenges together that we see the depth of commitment and the presence of God's guidance which leads us to explore the importance of uniting in prayer and perseverance during difficult times a relationship's strength is revealed not in moments of ease but in the storms it endures much
like two Travelers on a challenging Journey those bound together together in faith find resilience and hope by leaning on one another and trusting God's guidance have you reflected on how trials can serve as opportunities to deepen bonds and glorify God the Bible often highlights the power of unity in overcoming challenges Ecclesiastes 4:12 reminds us and if one Prevail against him two shall withstand him and a three-fold cord is not quickly broken when God is the Center of relationship he becomes the unifying thread that holds it together even When Trials threaten to pull it apart uniting
in prayer and fasting is a powerful way to face difficulties prayer invites God's presence into the relationship offering Clarity and peace amid uncertainty fasting on the other hand demonstrates humility and dependence on him strengthening the spiritual bond between individuals CS Lewis reflected that relying on God has to begin all over again every day reminding us that perseverance in faith is a daily Choice especially during hardships trials often expose the depth of a relationship's commitment when two people face Financial struggles illness or external conflicts their ability to support and encourage one another reflects the sincerity of
their love Romans 1212 encourages us to be rejoicing in Hope patient in Tribulation continuing instant in prayer patience and perseverance become acts of faith reminding us that God is working even when the outcome is uncertain facing trials together also teaches Mutual Reliance and empathy imagine two people carrying a heavy load across a rocky path their strength lies not in their individual abilities but in their willingness to share the burden Galatians 6 2 calls us to Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ this shared effort Fosters trust and unity allowing the
relationship to grow stronger with each challenge it is during trials that spiritual growth often accelerates difficulties these strip away distractions forcing individuals to rely on God's strength and wisdom when a relationship honors this process it becomes a testimony of faith and resilience inspiring others to seek God in their own challenges how might your relationships reflect this testimony of trust and perseverance however trials also test boundaries and priorities a relationship grounded in faith will navigate challenges with Grace while one lacking a firm foundation May falter Jesus emphasized this in Matthew 7:24 to2 saying therefore whosoever heareth
these sayings of mine and doeth them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock as we consider the resilience required to face trials together it becomes clear that actions speak louder than words in demonstrating true commitment this naturally leads us to explore how consistency and intentionality reveal the sincerity of love and dedication in relationships words can be as fleeting as the wind
easily spoken but often without weight in Rel relationships it is not what is said but what is done that reveals true commitment and love like seeds planted in fertile soil actions must be consistent and intentional to Bear the fruit of trust and mutual growth have you reflected on how actions demonstrate sincerity more than promises ever could Jesus highlighted this principle in Matthew 7:16 ye shall know them by their fruits do men gather Grapes of thorns or figs of thistles a person's actions are the clearest indicator of their character and intentions in relationships these fruits manifest
as acts of kindness patience and support that align with God's design for love CS Lewis observed that Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching true love and commitment reveal themselves not in grand gestures or words spoken for recognition but in the quiet steady acts that prioritize another's well-being whether it's showing up during difficult times listening with empathy or making sacrifices for the good of the relationship these actions speak volumes consistency is key in evaluating sincerity one- time gestures no matter how Grand cannot replace the steady rhythm of faithful actions over
time imagine a bridge built with weak beams it may hold for a moment but will collapse under the weight of sustained pressure similarly relationships built on words alone cannot endure trials James 21:17 reminds us even so faith if it hath not works is dead being alone intentionality also plays a vital role actions should reflect not just effort but a desire to align with God's principles and the needs of the other person for example serving one another in small but meaningful ways such as offering encouragement or helping in Practical tasks demonstrates love rooted in Christ Galatians
5:13 exorts by love serve one another these acts build a foundation of trust and mutual respect actions also reveal priorities a person who invests time energy and Care into the relationship demonstrates its importance in their life conversely patterns of neglect or inconsistency May indicate a lack of commitment how might your own actions reflect your values and priorities in relationships boundaries help distinguish genuine efforts from empty gestures when actions consistently align with words Trust flourishes however when words and actions conflict it is wise to discern the true motives Proverbs 2011 observes even a child is known
by his doings whether his work be pure and whether it be right this wisdom encourages us to evaluate not just intentions but the fruit of those intentions as we reflect on the weight of actions over words it becomes clear that a relationship built on intention ity and consistency naturally glorifies God this leads us to consider how shared spiritual goals provide the ultimate foundation for lasting connections imagine a lighthouse guiding two ships safely to shore its unwavering beam provides Clarity and Direction ensuring both vessels stay on course in relationships shared spiritual goals function as this Lighthouse
illuminate the path toward God's purpose and strengthening the bond between individuals have you considered how aligning your spiritual focus with someone else can deepen your connection and glorify God the Bible consistently emphasizes the importance of unity in faith and purpose Amos 33 asks can two walk together except they be agreed this question challenges us to reflect on whether our relationships are built on shared values and a mutual commitment to seek God's will without this alignment relationships risk drifting into confusion or conflict like ships without a compass shared spiritual goals provide a foundation for Mutual growth
these goals might include regular prayer Bible study serving others or cultivating a heart of gratitude as individuals strive together toward these goals they not only grow closer to God but also to one another CS Lewis noted that when I've learned to love God better than my Earthly dearest I shall love my Earthly dearest better than I do now loving God first enhances our capacity to love others fully and selflessly when both individuals prioritize glorifying God their relationship becomes a testimony to his love and grace acts of kindness patience and forgiveness flow naturally from a heart
aligned with his word Colossians 3:17 encourages and whatsoever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God and the father by him this mindset transforms even the simplest actions into acts of worship shared spiritual goals also create resilience in the face of challenges When Trials arise couples or friends United in faith can turn to prayer scripture and fasting for strength and guidance Philippians 4:13 reminds us I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me together they rely not on their own strength but on gods
navigating difficulties with Grace and perseverance these goals extend beyond individual growth to impact the broader Community relationships grounded in faith Inspire others reflecting God's love through service encouragement and integrity how might your relationship or friendship serve as a Beacon of Hope for those around you however shared spiritual goals require intentionality without regular reflection and commitment it is easy to become distracted by worldly priorities Hebrews 10:24 to2 exhorts us to consider one another to provoke and to love into good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together actively pursuing these goals ensures that the relationship remains
focused on God's purpose as we reflect on the power of shared spiritual goals we are reminded that God often provides confirmation and guidance in relationships through signs prayers and intuition this invites us to explore how he communicates his will and assures us of his presence in our connections when seeking guidance in relationships prayer is like tuning a radio to the right frequency allowing us to hear God's voice amidst the noise of our own desires God often answers these prayers not with audible words but through signs dreams or requir Assurance in our spirit have you experienced
moments when his guidance felt unmistakably clear the Bible assures us that God listens when we seek him with sincere Hearts Jeremiah 29 12-13 promises then shall ye call upon me and ye shall go and pray unto me and I will hearken unto you and ye shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart this invitation to prayer reminds us that discernment in relationships begins with a heart fully submitted to him CS Lewis wisely observed that God Whispers to us in our Pleasures speaks in our conscience but shouts in
our pains often God's guidance becomes most apparent during moments of discomfort or uncertainty prompting us to trust his plan rather than our own understanding whether through a lingering unease or a persistent peace he nudges us toward decisions aligned with his will dreams and intuitions are another way God communicates his guidance while these must be tested against scripture they can serve as confirmations of what he is already revealing in prayer for instance Joseph in the Old Testament received Divine direction through dreams which ultimately shaped his relationships and life's purpose how might God be using subtle signs
to steer your path today God's guidance often aligns with his word providing Clarity amidst confusion scripture serves as a lamp for our feet as stated in Psalm 119 105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light un my path when valuating a relationship turning to the Bible ensures that our decisions reflect his principles rather than fleeting emotions or worldly standards it is important to remain patient and open to his timing God's answers may not come as quickly as we desire but they are always purposeful Isaiah 4031 reassures us but they that wait
upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint waiting on him refines our faith and prepares us for the blessings he has planned prayers for guidance are not one-sided they invite us to act with faith and obedience if God reveals signs of caution or affirmation responding with trust demonstrates our Reliance on him proverbs 35-6 advises trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge Him and
He Shall direct thy paths faith in action solidifies our partnership with him in navigating relationships as we consider the role of prayer and signs in Discerning God's will we are reminded of how his guidance often leads to a sense of Harmony and integration this brings us to reflect on how a relationship rooted in his will naturally fits into the rhythms of daily life and long-term purpose a relationship aligned with God's will is like a puzzle piece falling perfectly into place it doesn't disrupt the picture but completes it naturally fitting into the rhythms of daily life
and aligning with long-term purpose have you ever noticed how some connections feel seamless as though they were divinely woven into your story The Bible emphasizes Harmony as a marker of Godly relationships Colossians 3:15 encourages and let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which also ye are called in one body and be ye thankful when a relationship is from God it brings a sense of peace that confirms its rightful place in your life this peace is not the absence of challenges but a calm assurance that it aligns with his purpose integration into
life goes beyond compatibility it reflects a shared vision for the future a Godly relationship doesn't demand that you forsake your calling or values but instead enhances them CS Lewis insightfully wrote when first things are put first second things are not suppressed but increased a relationship rooted in Christ amplifi I your ability to live out his calling while supporting the other person in theirs when God brings two people together their goals routines and dreams naturally align this doesn't mean there won't be adjustments but these adjustments Foster growth rather than tension imagine a symphony where each instrument
contributes to the melody without overpowering the others this harmony is a reflection of mutual respect and spiritual Unity practical integration also involves how a relationship fits into the broader fabric of family friends and Community relationships that honor God often strengthen these connections rather than weaken them Proverbs 2717 affirms iron sharpeneth iron so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend a Godly partnership encourage is growth not only for the individuals involved but for those around them integration also reveals itself in how a relationship aligns with life's daily demands from shared responsibilities to supporting each other
through challenges a relationship led by God doesn't feel like a constant struggle but a partnership that lightens the load Ecclesiastes 49-10 highlights this beautifully two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor for if they fall the one will lift up his fellow when a relationship integrates seamlessly into your life it also becomes a source of spiritual encouragement regular prayer worship and study of scripture together reflect a shared commitment to honor God in all things these practices build a foundation of Faith preparing the relationship to withstand trials and fulfill its
Divine Purpose as we reflect on the natural integration of Godly relationships we see how they exemplify his love and Design This understanding calls us to a deeper awareness of his presence in every aspect of Our Lives inviting us to respond with gratitude and Trust as we reflect on God's guidance in relationships one truth becomes evident his will is always marked by peace purpose and alignment with his word recognizing these signs requires patience discernment and a heart open to his leading have you considered how trusting his wisdom could transform the way you approach relationships the Bible
assures Us in Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the thoughts that I think toward you sayith the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end trusting that his plans are for our good allows us to release control and embrace his perfect timing relationships that align with his will not only bring joy but also glorify him becoming testimonies of his faithfulness if this message has touched your heart take a moment to declare in Faith Lord I trust your guidance share your thoughts in the comments and let's continue walking together in his
wisdom and love encourage others by sharing this message and let the light of his truth shine through your life
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