How To Create MASSIVE Urgency in Sales (Full Masterclass)

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Jeremy Miner
This is how you create MASSIVE urgency in sales... In today's video I go over the TOP 5 consequence ...
Video Transcript:
how many prospects do you feel you lose every single week every single month because you just have a hard time really building urgency in the sale and they just keep procrastinating well if that's you come over the vibe board and what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you five what are called inq consequence questions and then how to use them I'm going to show you some generic versions and then I'm going to show you some industry specific versions so you can tie in your industry to build far more urgency than what you
know how to do now so you can more you can close more come to the vibe board I'm going to show you how this works all right so these are called neq consequence questions and they do three main things first of all they see doubt okay so we have to see doubt so they see doubt that they might be making a mistake without the prospect getting defensive because how many times do you tell the prospect they're making a mistake by not going with you or uh they're making a mistake because they're choosing this product or
service over a more expensive one that you have and then the prospect gets defensive and their guard goes up a lot of that so I'm going to show you how to use any PQ consequence questions where the prospect feels that you're concerned for them and they don't get defensive that's a big difference now the second thing that npq consequence questions do is most importantly they get the prospect to defend themselves let me repeat that defend themselves on why they feel they need to change their situation now if you're a salesperson is it good for you
to get the prospect to defend themselves on why they need what you're selling probably yeah for sure now I can't ask consequence questions at the beginning of a conversation because I don't have much trust or credibility this is further on in the conversation probably three fours of the way through when I built a gap from where they are to where they now see they can be now the third thing they do is they also get the prospect to question their way of thinking of why theyve allowed the problems to stay the same why haven't they
changed their situation yet what's holding them back okay now in full disclosure I just got out of the hospital okay I had a huge leg operation I've still got an iv in my arm because there was a staff infection that I got at the hospital so you guys are just going to have to deal with it I'm just wearing shorts today my doctor said I'm not even supposed to be walking but I came in here in the office just for you guys because I love you that much all right now I'm going to show you
these questions now I'm also going to show you I'm show you generic versions of these and then I picked out about eight or nine different Industries and I'm going to show you how to tie in your industry with consequence questions I'm going to show you the format to do that so make sure you pay attention here this is very important for you right here about what I'm going to show you okay so let me show you the generic versions first and then I'm going to show you more industry specific versions all right okay generic versions
what if you don't do anything about this problem and the situation gets even even worse okay now this is generic you're never going to say what if you don't do anything about this problem okay you're going to repeat the actual problem that they told you okay you want to make it specific to that Prospect you don't want to use vague terms like problems situations and solution those are abstract vague terms all right you have to plug in the actual problem and plug in what their real situation is like I said this is generic I'm showing
you the generic structure so you can plug that in for your industry or this one right here have you thought about what would happen if you don't do anything about this what happens if you don't do anything about this and this gets worse see that's kind of a concern tone it's also kind of a challenging concern tone that I'm using there I'll show you why I'm using that tone here in a second how about this one have you considered the possible ramifications that the company doesn't change this concern tone now why would I use a
concern tone there because a concerned tone tone is a tone that shows empathy it shows that I'm concerned for their situation their problems not getting solved that builds massive trust because they generally feel I'm concerned if I don't use a concerned have you considered the possible ramifications if you don't do anything about this see that monotone voice you will never get the prospect to emotionally open up because you sound like a scripted robot what happens if this doesn't change for you guys that's a concern tone okay a tone that gets them to open up emotionally
because there's more trust there they feel like you're generally concerned for them okay now those are three generic neq consequence questions now what I'm also going to do like I said I picked about eight or nine different Industries and I'm going to show you how to break down and how to TI in your industry to those consequence questions okay very important so pay attention all right even if these industries are different than yours now we train 161 different Industries including yours watching me here on this video but I can't show you on this video training
160 different one Industries for consequence questions who've be on here for about 17 years okay so I'm just going to show you a few okay let's say if you sold SAS I'll give you an example for there that's a huge industry retrain I want to say it's about the seventh or eighth largest industry retrain in the world out of 161 Industries Big Industry Force okay now let's say in this example the prospect has a manual process of how they're actually inputting their data for their award ceremonies this is let's say it's a big Enterprise company
it's got thousands of employees the judges get pissed off this person's job is to make sure the data is right for the contest and they're having to manually do it a couple of hours a day your pro your SAS your software does it automatically which eliminates those hours a day that the employees have to do it so what if you don't now here's what I want to show you one thing you're going to start start off with a challenging tone and then you're going to end with a concern tone okay it's very important that you
understand the differences here so I'm going to start off challenging pay attention to my tonality right here very important for you okay what if you don't get an automated system put in place and you keep losing two hours a day having to do it manually then the judges get pissed off I mean what would happen to your job at that point now the reason why I want to use a challenging tone at the beginning of a consequence question is because my very last question right before that which we call solution run questions gets them to
see what the future looks like once the new found problems are solved so they're on emotional High I want to keep that High by asking this in a challenging tone and at the very end I'm going to lower my voice into more of a softer concern tone a tone that shows empathy so what if you don't get this automated system in place and you keep having to spend two hours a day having to do it all manually then the judges get fed up I mean what would happen to your job at that point concern toone
okay see the difference in that now let's say if you sold uh index universal life like iuls that's a huge industry retrain as well let me show you the differences here now you're going to notice that the formula the format is the same so I want you to take a pen and a piece of paper watching me here right now take a pen and a piece of paper and start plugging in your industry specifics to the same formula okay so John I mean what's your retirement going to look like if you just stick with a
mayor prize's strategy and you keep having all these ups and downs in the market I mean how are you going to be able to retire by the time you're 63 if that's what he said he wanted to retire by 63 now I just threw in a financial investment firm called a mar price because that's actually who I use and a mar priz you're not one of our clients yet so I'm going to have to use you in these videos if you don't become a client a maror priz what you doing here so what are what's
your retirement going to look like if you just stick with the mayor prizes strategy and you keep having all these ups and downs in the market I mean how are you going to be able to retire by the time you're 63 see start off with a challenging tone to keep the emotion high and I end with the concern tone okay now let's say they come back because you got to know what they're going to say oh no I I definitely need to do something well for you though why why look at doing this now I
mean why not push it down the road and just hope and pray that the market somehow can stays consistent every year now see what I did this is a question here that gets them to admit that that can never happen so if I sold iuls we all know the market doesn't stay consistent every year for a hundred years there's always ups and downs and iuls that product there causes it to stay not the market to stay consistent but it protects your principle so even if the market goes way down to negative 10% you just didn't
make anything but if the market goes up 40% maybe only make 12% so it's a consistent income okay retirement income but for you I mean why look at doing this now see why look at doing this now like why not push it down the road and just hope and pray that somehow the markets just stay consistent every year Well the reason why I need to do this now is and now they start to defend themselves on why they need to change their situation now see the important word here is now okay but for you why
look at doing this now why not push it down the road like a lot of people do and just hope and pray that the Market's just going to somehow stay consistent every year when they start telling you why they need to do it now they're also telling who themselves see how they're defending themselves on why they need to change now that builds massive urgency in the sale for them to buy now not keep pushing it down the road but I could never do that if I didn't know how to ask those type of questions and
especially how to use my tone all right does that make sense now in the chats or in the comments type in me if that makes sense to you what I just did there now let me show you a few more Industries here completely different ones but I'm going to show you the formulas the same let's say if you sold dental implants it's a big industry for us as well we train one of the biggest companies in the United States up in Salt Lake City Utah that do D imp plants they do hundreds of millions a
year in sales but what happens if you don't do anything about this and you keep losing the bone density in your jaw and now you can't even get implants at that point oh well see challenging to concern tone now let's say they come back because they could come back and say well I don't know I guess I'll just hope and pray that something works out okay or they give you something well I don't know I just have to figure something out well I mean do you do you want to have to keep living with all
that pain in your mouth if you I mean if you didn't have to do you want to have to keep living with all that pain in your mouth if you I mean if you didn't have to well no if I didn't have to well whose choice is it see see how I'm doing that now if you're looking for npq consequence questions for your industry uh first thing for you to do go a And subscribe to this channel I will tell you let me give you let me give you a word of advice so just some
caution do not share if you subscribe to this channel do not share this with your competitors okay so if you have a friend that sells the same thing you do that you compete with don't share the YouTube video with them because you don't want them to know what I'm showing you here on this Vibe board because you're competing against them so if you're going to subscribe to the channel make sure you only share it with salespeople that are outside of your industry so you don't have to compete with them all right take my advice on
that I promise you on that let's go to another industry specific example let's say if you sell solar now this is I want to say the fifth or sixth largest industry in the world we train huge industry Force say same thing remember I'm going to start off with a challenging tone and then in with a concern tone what happens if you don't do anything about this Edison keeps raising your rates every year like they have but now you know 25 years later you're 75 80 years old and you're St to pay the bill every month
but where's the bill going to be in 25 years yeah like three or four times higher but now you're on a retirement income and the bill is four times higher I mean how would you guys pay for it at that point challenging tone to concern tone now what are these little periods here these are verbal pauses so anytime you ask a question that is a long question you have to learn how to have verbal pauses in there and how to Pace out the question so it doesn't go too fast because the one of the biggest
reasons why your prospects give you vague generalized surface level answers is because you ask your questions so fast and when you ask questions so fast you give them no time to think deeper and internalize what you just asked because you ask it too fast so you get vague reaction answers and they don't go below the surface that's why you get a lot of objections at the end okay let's go to a completely different industry let's say if you sold employee benefits huge industry retraining as well same formula and let's say that they're losing some of
their top Executives to a competitor that's offering them better benefits and you can solve that okay but on the flip side I mean what happens to you if you guys just stay on this plan and your top people keep going over to XYZ competitor because they get better benefits I mean what are the consequences for the company at that point challenging tone start off the question to a concern tone a tone that shows empathy you see with me on there oh I don't know we'd have to figure something I mean do you want to have
to keep going through all that if you I mean if you didn't have to this you don't have to use every time it just depends on how they answer this question right here sometimes I'll answer that seven different ways uh if you're looking for every single way to answer based off their answer you'll probably want to get in our virtual training courses because we train you all that in there this is just a a basic training here that I'm doing for you okay you'd want to get in a client training that has all the answers
in there okay let's say if you sold cars okay big indust we training as well and let's say that the car they have now keeps breaking down when they go to work they're late they feel like their boss is going to fire them if it happens again okay so what happens if you just keep your car and it keeps breaking down on your way to work I mean what would happen to your job at that point concern tone challenging tone to concern tone okay okay oh they like oh I I definitely have to get a
different okay so it's important for you to do something then okay uh it just depends I could say this as well I mean you want to keep putting yourself in that situation if you I mean if you didn't have to now I have to ask that in a concern tone right because if I ask it in like a defensive tone like well do you want to keep putting yourself in this situation if you didn't have to the prospect's going to get what defensive but if I use a concern tone with my hand on my chest
I mean you want to have to put yourself in that situation if you you know if you didn't have to concern tone they don't get defensive because they feel like I'm genuinely concerned for the consequence if they don't change you with me on that okay let me show you a few more here real quick you want me to show you a few more or just shut it all down right now should I just shut it all down show you a few more what do you want me to do okay let's say if you sold cyber
security this is another Big Industry we trained one of the top 30 Industries so if you continue to use XYZ vendor what are the consequences if you don't do anything about your false positive rates and you guys just continually keep rejecting a lot of good customers let's say if I'm selling to a bank okay so if they don't do anything about changing their false positive rates because they don't have the right Security in there okay they rejecting all these good customers the bottom line of the bank suffers because of that okay if they give me
a negative response like oh I don't know we have to figure something I mean do you want to have to have that keep happening to your bank if you I mean if you guys didn't have to okay see what I'm doing there okay let me go through another one or two here okay let's say you're a marriage therapist I'm I'm showing you all different niches today different industries that have nothing to do with each other but what are you noticing about each industry I'm showing that what the for formula is the exact same there's no
difference here see what I'm doing here what if you don't do anything about this and you keep having these issues with Bob where you're just arguing and you just keep feeling all this resentment and that keeps going on like I don't know another three six or 12 months I mean what's going to happen to your marriage at that point now they think deeper internalize what is going to happen if they keep arguing and resenting each other for another 6 to 12 months the marriage is over okay or what about this I could lean in sometimes
with a consequence question and just say it more simply what happens to your marriage if this doesn't change what happens to your marriage if you don't go through counseling together concern toone okay so why look at doing therapy now I mean why not push it down the road like a lot of couples do who end up getting divorced well the reason why we have to do it now is and the prospect tells you why they're doing it but more importantly who are they telling themselves that builds massive urgency for them to want to change and
do that with you are you with me on what that does okay all right let me show you another one here let's see what we got here all right let's say if you sold General Life Insurance here biggest in I think it's the first or second largest industry we train in the world now so I mean what if you don't do anything about this Dan and you I don't know you end up passing away years before you thought you would cuz none of us know when I mean how would Cindy end up paying for the
house house and all the expenses at that point without your income that causes Dan to internalize oh crap how is she going to pay let's say that that uh you know Dan is a corporate executive and Cindy wanted to be a teacher because she wanted to have her Summers off and be with their kids so her income is less than the corporate executive and that example I mean do you want her to have to go through all that if you if you didn't have to let me give you a different example let's say if you
sold mortgage protection okay I'll just kind of show you how this roleplay could go so so Dan if we lost your income of the 9,000 a month how many months would Cindy be able to pay for the mortgage without your income now what if Dan come back and says well I'm not really sure what are you g to do oh okay and go to the next question no you got to find out well if you really thought about that how many months could she even pay it well if you really thought about that how many
months that's when any Prospect says I'm not really sure you say Well if you really thought about it and that automatically makes the prospect do what think about the question you just asked are you with me on that okay now let's say if they come back oh I don't know probably four or five months so I mean what what happens to her and the kids at that point though concern to now the prospect thinks what oh crap that's not good they're going to be on their own after four or five months because I don't have
the right insurance policy to pay for that I don't know I guess they'd have to sell the house and move let's say if they said I don't know I guess they'd have to sell the house to move well I mean what happens if they can't sell it that quickly because of the high interest rates that are going on now now I get him to think like oh crap maybe they can't sell the home in two or three months and it's going to go into foreclosure and they lose all that Equity well I guess they just
have to accept a lower offer well I mean do you want them to have to move and go through all that if you I mean if you didn't have to concern to well no not at all right Well you certainly now here's the way I'm going to push them away I'm going to push them away to get them to pull me back in well I mean you certainly sound motivated but for you why look at doing this now I mean why not push it down the road like a lot of guys do who end up
leaving all their burden and stress on their spouse that they leave behind for you why look at do I mean you certainly sound motivated but for you why look at doing this now though see the key word here is now see I'm building urgency why look at doing this now why not see I'm going to pause there why look at doing this now why not push it down the road like a lot of people do who end up leaving all that burden and stress on their spouse's shoulders well the reason why I need to doal
good doing this now is because of and they start telling themselves why they're doing it which is the highest form of persuasion you see what we're doing there okay let me show you another example I'm just warming up here for you guys let's say if you sold Home Improvement Home Improvement gosh I want to say maybe the fourth or fifth largest industry we train now now it's a big one okay let's say if you sold pools and let's say that you found out that uh the grandparents want to put a pig nice pool in their
backyard because their grandkids are driving down to the MC YMCA and they're missing out on all those memories that they want to make in the Summers with their grandkids grandkids don't want to come over because they don't have a pool and it's hot so you live in Florida so what happens if you don't end up putting a pool in and the grandkids keep having to go all the way down to the YMCA and you guys miss out on all those memories of the grandkids growing up okay and I'm going to repeat back this in this
example I'm repeating back a negative consequence of the problem oh I don't know I well do you want to have to I mean I don't want to say this but do you want to have to miss out on all those memories with them if you I mean if you didn't have to well no if I didn't have to so how now I could ask a qualifying so how important is it for you to change your situation put the pullback in and actually have those memories with the grandkids you're going to remember forever okay I could
ask that if I wanted to that's an npq qualifying question let's say if I sold software I mean I literally could show you this for every single industry we already train well we train there's 163 Industries on the planet according to Forbes Magazine there's subcategories of each we on all of those we train 161 of 163 including yours uh watching me in this video okay but on the flip side what happens if you don't do anything about this your reps keep using those spreadsheets and you you keep losing that on 12 plus deals every month
and that just keeps going on month after month I mean what is your what is your boss going to do to you at that point if they said they're losing deals because they don't have a CRM they're just manually keeping track of sales and leads okay I I mean you certainly s well no I need to do something for sure you certainly sound motivated but what are the ramifications for you personally if this doesn't get fixed oh gosh I might lose my job do you want to have to lose your job though if you didn't
have to see what I'm doing there okay nice and simple stuff here let's say if you sold Fitness it's a big industry for us let's say you work at a gym you're a personal trainer you do weight loss it doesn't matter what happens if you don't start losing this 125 pounds now let's say that they felt like they're 125 lbs overweight so what happens if you don't start losing this 125 lb Prospect oh I don't know I I guess I die early or maybe they say well I don't know I I just I don't know
what would what would well if you really thought about what what's going to happen with all that weight being pushed on your organs every day yeah I want to have a heart attack well are you willing to let that happen to your daughter so let's say their their concern was that they weren't going to live long enough to walk their daughter down the aisle because they're 125 pounds overweight and with that weight as you know it's crushing your organs every day all that weight on your heart and your your uh your you know your whatever's
in here all the stuff right uh are you willing to let that happen to her though I have to ask that in a concerned tone because if I well are you willing to let that happen to your daughter well no you you know they're going to get defensive are you willing to let that happen though okay well no no way I mean you certainly sound motivated I mean for you why look at doing this now though why not keep pushing down the road like a lot of dads do who end up just dying years before
they thought before they should well the reason why I have to do this now is okay see what we're doing there hope that video helped you today now if you want more videos like this go a and click the Subscribe button let me give you a word of advice so like I said earlier don't share this training video or this Channel with your competitor so if you got a friend that sells the same thing you do probably don't share the Channel with them because you're competing with them you don't want them to know the stuff
that I share with you on this channel right so only share it with your friends or people in sales who are outside of your industry or if you're like a sales manager and you want to share it with people you're training of course share it with them hope that helped you today
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