Energy Cleanse for Radiant Energy (Guided Meditation)

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This is an Original 10 minute guided morning meditation to boost your radiant energy by cleansing yo...
Video Transcript:
for this practice we recommend that you allow your spine to become tall and straight As long as you can feel this lengthening and straightening sensation in your spine that is the goal so hit pause if you need to getting your spine nice and straight and lengthened and then come back when you're ready eyes softly closed awareness pulling in gently tuning in to your breath and the sensations it creates flowing through your body taking in each sip of air with gratitude towards it [Music] and inviting any muscles you do not need to use right now to
release and relax on the exhales now as you continue to breathe at whatever Pace feels best to you breath by breath you begin to observe in your own way the sensation of bright white cleansing light rushing up from the base of your tailbone all the way to the top of your skull on every INB breath and on every out breath you perceive this energy flowing down from the top of your skull down through your spine until the base of your [Music] tailbone trust your own perception of this feeling this cleansing Energy washing back and forth
up and down the spine feeling this energy and cleanse of your own design appreciating any chills or positive Sensations it brings I'll give you a moment to just play with the breath continuing to perceive the white light traveling up from the base of the spine all the way to the top of the skull on every in breath and traveling back down from the top of the skull to the tailbone on every out breath continue enjoying this for a moment the more you do this the more you begin to notice that it feels as though there's
a sensation of white orbs of light forming at the top of your head and at the base of your spine meanwhile the energy that is traveling the path going up and down your spine it begins to become even lighter and brighter you may notice a sensation of feeling Freer and Freer [Music] eventually you notice the orb of light at the top of your head and at the base of your spine begin to become so big that they sort of pinch off and float in front of you now see one ball of light at either side
one on your left and one on your right imagine you're placing your palms out and you feel these orbs of light resting now one in your left palm and one in your right tuning in to any Sensations you notice [Music] here noticing that as you continue to breathe visualizing the white light traveling up on every in breath and down on every out breath you continue to generate even more orbs of light one at the top and one at the bottom meanwhile you feel the sensation of holding the ones that you previously created there in the
palms of your hands when the orbs of light at the top of your head and at the base of your spine appear large enough to you trusting whatever that is for you you again see them pinch off and begin to float this time one directly in front of you and one directly behind you you now see yourself with your arms at your sides left palm holding an orb of light right palm holding an orb of light an orb of light in front of you and an orb of light behind you almost like a compass with
your spine directly in the middle and still as you continue to breathe white light up your spine and down your spine two more orbs begin to form again one at the top of your head and one at the base of your spine you now begin to sense the light in your arms traveling down through your palms and into your heart meanwhile the orbs of light both in front of you and behind you begin to shoot out beams of white light directly into your heart as well on every in breath this light grows brighter and on
every out breath you relax more into it while still observing the flow of light traveling up on every in breath and down on every out breath finally these two arms of light one at the top of your head and one at the base of your spine also pinch off no more will be made now one travels above your head and one travels below your feet you now sense and perceive yourself in the very center of this with your heart glowing so radiantly now it appears to be a giant orb of white light as well in
fact you yourself in the middle are completely lit up with [Music] light and if it feels right to you bring your palms to your heart in prayer pose and feel deep appreciation to yourself for being here imagining all the orbs of light just dissipating around you with you remaining aligned and vibrant exactly where you are [Music] and really take your time to come out of this doing so at your own speed letting your eyes gently float open only when you're ready wonderful job today [Music] for [Music]
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